The magical dance of "Subject III" caused a heated discussion. Many people were jumping, and the doctor reminded them: be careful of spraining your ankle.


The magical dance of "Subject III" caused a heated discussion. Many people were jumping, and the doctor reminded them: be careful of spraining your ankle.

  The magical dance of "Subject III" caused a heated discussion. Many people were jumping, and the doctor reminded them: be careful of spraining your ankle.

  □ Jinling Evening News/Purple Mountain News reporter Wang Guojun

  "Subject three, at first I thought we were talking about the topic of driving test. Later, when my little brother came on stage, I found out that it was a magical dance." Guo Shilan, a citizen, was a little surprised. "This dance called’ Subject Three’ is really too hot."

  The dance of "Subject III" suddenly burst into flames in the streets, and many people in Nanjing also learned to dance "Subject III". Why did the dance of "Subject III" suddenly explode? What should we pay attention to when jumping "subject three"? The reporter conducted an interview a few days ago.

  Many people in Nanjing jumped up to "subject three"

  On November 28th, Guo Shilan ate in a restaurant in Qinhuai District. Shortly after sitting down, she heard a cheerful scream "Want to see, want to see" not far away. She turned her head and found that a customer had a birthday at a table not far away, wishing to see "Subject 3", and loudly solicited the opinions of consumers in nearby seats. Everyone said "Want to see".

  Soon, the younger brother, a waiter in the restaurant, danced the "subject three" dance in public, waving his hands and playing happy music in small steps. In a blink of an eye, men, women and children took out their mobile phones to take pictures. "The young man said that he had just learned and was not particularly familiar with it, but he danced very seriously and was very happy." Ms. Guo thinks it’s interesting to watch such a dance while eating hot pot.

  According to reports, "Subject III", as the full name of dance, is called "Guangxi Subject III", which originated from the scene of many people singing and dancing at a wedding scene in Guangxi. Since then, it has begun to spread among the people. "Guangxi people will experience three exams in their lives. The subject is singing folk songs, the subject is rice noodles, and the subject is dancing." It is the hot pot restaurant that really brings the fire dance. It is reported that a waiter in a hot pot restaurant in Shandong accidentally tried to dance this dance, which set off a craze for the hot pot restaurant to dance "subject three". In a famous brand hot pot store, as long as you say "I want to see subject three", a waiter will give you a magical "subject three" dance.

  As a dance, "Subject 3" has been popular all over the streets recently, and even related topics have been searched many times. On the social platform, some people have gained 200,000 yuan for jumping this two days, and "Subject III" has also traveled all the way across the ocean and spread overseas. In Nanjing, there are also many people who learn to jump up to subject three.

  Wang Haidong, a native of Nanjing, once performed on CCTV, is the local break dance king in Gaochun and the head of the dance champion street dance club. He has been busy these days. "Many students and parents told me to learn the dance of’ subject three’, which has been popular recently." He told reporters that from his point of view, this dance has a variety of jumping methods, which are easy and lively, easy to learn for people with a little dance foundation, and easy to learn even without dance foundation. "Because many people want to learn, after this dance became a hit, I learned it and then taught everyone to jump." Wang Haidong said.

  On the social platform, from the pictures and videos uploaded by netizens, there are "Subject III" dance performances in many hot pot restaurants and commercial districts in Nanjing, and many people are learning to dance "Subject III".

  Warm up before jumping and pay attention to sports safety.

  However, while "Subject III" became popular, there were also many voices of spit. A mother in Hangzhou took her baby to dinner, and it was uncomfortable to see the waiter jump "subject three". It was really uncomfortable to take the child to see the waiter wriggle around.

  Shake your hands, twist your waist, swing your hips, and have half-twisted feet, with the music with distinct rhythm … Some people feel very happy and have a sense of atmosphere, while others feel "spicy eyes", "too vulgar" and "very rustic". Experts believe that although it looks "earthy", the popularity of "subject three" reflects the rise of Internet consumer culture. "Earthy taste" has become a traffic password and has been recognized by young people. Offline, it has indeed improved the consumption atmosphere of hot pot restaurants, bringing a unique experience of consumption, but it also brings confusion to other consumers.

  In any case, the explosion of "subject three" has its objective demand, but dancing this dance may also bring some sports safety hazards because of its large body swing. Recently, a post-00 boy from Zhejiang went to the hospital because of unbearable knee pain after jumping "Subject III", and found that the tibial plateau bone contusion. The doctor reminded that the dance requires higher knee and ankle joints, and the movements are difficult. In severe cases, fractures may occur. Therefore, warm up before exercise. Once you sprain your ankle while dancing, stop dancing immediately. If your ankle is swollen badly, you should seek medical advice in time.


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