作者归档 admin


13-year-old boy spilled gasoline and burned the teacher’s ward. Confession: I’m sorry.

  Yesterday, Xiaowu, accompanied by his father, came to the ward of Yang Dongling, a female teacher who was burned by his arson, and apologized to her.

  13-year-old Xiao Wu’s letter of apology

  "Dear Miss Yang:

  Sorry, I shouldn’t have hurt you. Besides, you are still a people’s teacher who has never met me and has no holidays. I regret that I hurt you. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do anything illegal, and I wouldn’t hurt you. I’m sorry, Mr. Yang. I wish you a speedy recovery, restore your previous appearance, and go back to your previous education for those students in the mountains, so that they will not follow my example and become pillars of society and talents of the country. Miss Yang, I’m sorry. "

  13-year-old Xiaowu has been kept at home by his father since she burned Yang Dongling, a female teacher, with gasoline. Yesterday morning, Xiaowu followed his father to visit Yang Dongling in Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital from Jinchuan County.

  Yesterday morning, in the face of the excited family members of the injured, Xiaowu walked beside Teacher Yang Dongling, kept silent and took out a pre-written letter to express his apologies and guilt. However, it is a pity that although Yang Dongling said "I want to see him (Xiaowu)", she failed to see Xiaowu clearly in the end.


  Father stayed at home with him for two months.

  This time, I took him to Rong to visit the female teacher.

  On the afternoon of August 13th, Li Dong changed a shirt and left home, ready to go to Chengdu to visit Teacher Yang Dongling who had just finished the first skin grafting operation.

  There is a line in the movie "mr. six": "What you have caused will be rounded up by yourself, and what you can’t round up by yourself will be rounded up by his father". This line, as Xiaowu’s father, has no more empathy than him. After the incident, he visited Yang Dongling in the hospital and spent more than 80,000 yuan on medical expenses. Then, he didn’t go out to work again, and stayed at home with Xiaowu almost all day. If he wants to go out, he will chain Xiaowu’s feet. However, unlike the first time he visited Yang Dongling alone, this time he called his son Xiaowu.

  "I kept him at home for two months. I don’t know what to do, only let him watch junior high school textbooks and the legal program of CCTV Channel 12. "

  Li Dong said, let the children take a look at the burned teacher Yang. First, let them see how much harm he has caused others, "let him face everything in front of him"; The second is to express apology and repentance. "If the family members of the injured are emotional, I can understand even if I can’t stand it."

  After changing his shirt, he asked Xiaowu again, "Do you want to go?" Xiaowu bowed his head and said nothing. Li Dong didn’t force the child. Half an hour later, Xiaowu nodded: "I want to go."

  Before going out, Li Dong’s mother stopped him. "Take the 3000 yuan I saved some time ago." Li Dong replied, "I have already taken it."

  During the nearly 9-hour journey, the father and son didn’t say a word. The little military commander faced the window and his eyes turned up and down with the mountains and rivers. The outside world made him curious.

  The last time he went to Chengdu was last year, when he stole thousands of dollars from his grandmother, went to "rush" with several friends for ten days, and finally came back down and out.


  The juvenile ward took out an apology letter

  Regret not reading it to Mr. Yang’s face.

  When I arrived in Chengdu last night, it was already 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, and my father and son stayed in the hotel. At 8 o’clock yesterday morning, the two came to the burn ward of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital. The more I went to the hospital, the heavier Xiaowu’s expression became. "My relatives told me that many people on the Internet said they would shoot me, and some even said they would take me to prison."

  When he arrived at the hospital, the reporter of Chengdu Business Daily asked him if he would like to meet the teacher Yang Dongling who was hurt by him. He nodded. "I want to go." As soon as she entered the ward, Yang Dongling’s mother recognized Li Dong, who had been to the hospital. When she saw Xiaowu hiding behind Li Dong, she froze, her face turned black, and she cried and said, "Come and have a look for yourself. What have you burned people to? How can you do it? !”

  Xiaowu was at a loss and stood nervously in the corner. Yang Dongling’s sister and aunt excitedly pushed Xiaowu to the bed with their hands, and uncovered the shroud on the bed, so that the teenager could go to the bed and see clearly the "consequences caused by himself". Opening the shroud, Yang Dongling, who had just finished skin grafting, was covered with medicine on her upper body and had no complete skin on her face. Xiaowu stood by Yang Dongling’s side, maintaining his inherent expression since he was locked at home for two months.

  "You go! You go! " In the face of Xiaowu, the emotional Yang family said. Xiaowu remained silent. He took out a letter and put it on the table beside the hospital bed, and then moved out of the ward step by step.

  Li Dong is still standing at the bedside, facing the accusations of the Yang family alone. "I didn’t ask them to forgive me. I just came to see Teacher Yang, indicating that we don’t care about not coming forward."

  Xiaowu wrote in his letter: "Dear Teacher Yang, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have hurt you. Besides, you are still a people’s teacher who has never met me and has no holidays. I regret that I hurt you. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do anything illegal, and I wouldn’t hurt you. I’m sorry, Mr. Yang. I wish you a speedy recovery, restore your previous appearance, and go back to your previous education for those students in the mountains, so that they will not follow my example and become pillars of society and talents of the country. Teacher Yang, I’m sorry. "

  After coming out, Xiaowu said that the letter was written at home before coming. He is a little regretful that he didn’t tell his faith to Mr. Yang’s face.


  "Where is the doll? I want to see him."

  The teacher read the letter of apology and failed to see the teenager.

  "For more than two months, you haven’t been here, and you haven’t got a phone call." Yang Dongling’s aunt pushed Li Dong and accused him of not educating his son well. After the incident, she even evaded her responsibilities and rarely visited him. Li Dong always explained in a low voice that he didn’t discipline his son Xiaowu, and his family was really difficult. He didn’t raise much money, and his son didn’t come until he needed to take care of him after the accident. As he spoke, he took out the 3,000 yuan in cash he brought. "You get it first, and I will continue to find a way after I go back." However, Yang Dongling’s mother, who was unable to restrain her grief, refused to accept the money, and Li Dong half-kneeled the money into her hand.

  "We all understand that he said it was difficult for him to go back and find a way, but if they were sincere, they wouldn’t wait until today." Aunt Yang Dongling said that in recent months, the three of them have been taking care of Yang Dongling, and Yang Dongling always vomits when she can’t eat, which is worrying. Considering Yang Dongling’s illness and family mood, Li Dong didn’t stay for long.

  Yang Dongling in the hospital bed looks very calm. Because Yang’s family was emotional, Xiaowu couldn’t walk close to the bed, and Yang Dongling didn’t see Xiaowu because of the shroud. After Xiaowu and his father left, Yang Dongling suddenly said to her sister Yang Dongxia, "Where is the doll? I want to see him." The Chengdu Business Daily reporter immediately gave her the apology belief left by Xiaowu. A moment later, she struggled to spit out a sentence: "Show me the words." The reporter held the letter of apology in front of her. She read it carefully line by line, more than 100 words, and read it for nearly 1 minute.

  "Call him, I’ll wait for him." When a reporter from Chengdu Business Daily asked why he wanted to see Xiaowu, Yang Dongling was silent for a moment. "I want to hear him read (apology letter)". At her insistence, the family members also agreed that Xiaowu would come back and said that they were no longer excited. But at this time, Li Dong, who had just experienced the excitement of the Yang family and accused him of being on his way home, took care of his son’s safety and didn’t want to take Xiaowu back. At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, Yang Dongling, who had been lying all night, also needed to turn over with the help of her family, so it was not convenient to see Xiaowu.

  "No, I’ll go to see him." Dong-ling Yang whispered.

  Female teacher

  Where’s the doll? I want to see him

  After Xiaowu and his father left, Yang Dongling suddenly said, "Where is the doll? I want to see him."

  The reporter of Chengdu Business Daily immediately put Xiaowu’s letter of apology in front of her. She read it carefully line by line and read more than 100 words for nearly 1 minute.

  "Call him, I’ll wait for him." When the reporter asked why he wanted to see Xiaowu, Yang Dongling was silent. "I want to hear him read (apology letter)." However, at this time, Xiaowu has set foot on his way home with his father.

  "No, I’ll go to see him." Dong-ling Yang whispered.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Yun Wangyi Yu Zunsu photojournalist Liu Haiyun

  A broken family in a remote county leads a astray life.

  Growing fragments of arson teenagers

  Questioning the cause of Xiaowu’s arson, we can see the weakness of a county boy whose temperament changed greatly after his parents divorced, and who was led astray by others because of his weariness of learning and ignorance. Xiaowu claimed to know it was a mistake, but when he was instructed by "Big Brother", he chose to listen.

  At 9 o’clock on the evening of June 14, after hiding in Jinchuan County for 24 hours, he was found by his father, who called the police station: "I found the person and sent it to you." Xiaowu didn’t resist.

  When his family broke up, he became dull.

  On the night of arson and robbery, Xiaowu stayed in a hotel for one night, afraid to go home or tell anyone. He knew that he had made a big mistake.

  Jinchuan County is located in the southwest of Aba. Like many remote counties, teenagers like Xiaowu can be seen everywhere on the street. Xiaowu’s home is in Lewu Township, which belongs to Jinchuan County. Since school, his family has changed, and he has lived with his father and grandmother since then.

  After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, cracks appeared in Kotakeya’s house, and my father and grandmother later built a new house together. But the new home didn’t live for a long time, and Xiaowu’s parents’ feelings broke down. Xiaowu became dull, and his parents didn’t want to communicate with him more. Since the third grade of primary school, Xiaowu has learned to skip classes. "I ran out after school, and my home was full of streets." Xiaowu’s grandmother, Li Yunshu, said that once she went to the street to look for her grandson, a neighbor pointed out of the city and said, "Your grandson goes to that temple every day." She rushed to the temple and saw Xiaowu kneeling in front of the Buddha statue. "He asked the Bodhisattva to bless him. Mom and Dad should not divorce." For a long time, as soon as school was over in the afternoon, he and a classmate ran to the temple. Now that his parents have been divorced for almost six years, he is used to living without his mother. For the harm caused by divorce to his son, Xiaowu’s father, Li Dong, only explained it simply by "not getting along with his wife". Speaking of the disaster of Xiao Wuchuang, the 36-year-old man kept sighing.

  Began to be obsessed with online games and learned to skip class and not go home.

  Xiaowu, who had no parents around for a long time and was only taken care of by his grandmother, began to be fascinated by the online game of crossing the line of fire.

  Grandma Li Yunshu gave him two yuan to buy breakfast every day. At night, she found her grandson in the Internet cafe. For her, the way to discipline her grandson is too limited, and there is no other way but to tell her a few words. In her eyes, the introverted grandson also has a grumpy side. Considering that Xiaowu’s parents are divorced, his relatives are particularly concerned about him. Before he graduated from elementary school, he used his smartphone. "On one occasion, he felt that his mobile phone was slow to respond, so he picked it up and threw it on the ground. In the past few years, I have broken several mobile phones. " In order to prevent his son from surfing the Internet in Internet cafes, Li Dong bought a computer for Xiaowu to play at home. However, the computer was damaged by Xiaowu less than a year after it was bought. Xiaowu’s uncle was going to buy him another one, but Li Dong refused.

  Hanging out with unemployed young people was arrested for stealing.

  Li Dong believes that his son’s troubles have long been buried in his wandering life.

  In Li Dong’s view, he and his son have lived in this remote ravine since they were born. He said that he had always known that his son had been mixed with some unemployed young people in society since he entered junior high school. A neighbor often sees Xiaowu and a group of young people wandering around the square and teahouse in the county. What impressed Li Yunshu the most was that she went to school in the afternoon to send a schoolbag to her grandson. The students had already entered the school gate, and there were two young people with yellow hair at the school gate. "What’s the use of studying? Now I can earn 1800 a month by working." She didn’t expect that Xiaowu, who arrived late, went to the front of two young people and talked for a few words, then left together. She gave a cry and Xiaowu started to run.

  Last year, Xiaowu, who had just entered junior high school, began to steal. He is with his companions. When he runs out of money, he tries to steal. He likes to steal cash and mobile phones. First, it is easy to steal. Second, mobile phones sell well. Li Dong said that once, Xiaowu was caught by the police and brought back for investigation. Wherever he went, it was like parading in the street.

  After setting fire to the female teacher, Xiaowu wrote in a fact sheet that the other party asked him to pay off the debts that everyone usually owed in the restaurant. Because he had no money, the other party asked him to rob him. Except for two of his friends who were apprentices in barbershops, all of them had no proper jobs and lived on credit and theft in the county town.

  After the incident, I left home and wanted to go out to work with my companions.

  Since junior high school, Xiaowu likes to drink beer in a bar in the county with some young people four or five years older than him. The excitement brought by alcohol made him experience the joy of adult life, and it was from this time that he began to understand the outside world.

  Last year, Xiaowu stole several thousand yuan from his grandmother and took a bus with several companions to Longquan, Chengdu, in order to "go to work". As a result, after spending all their money in Chengdu Zoo and Happy Valley, the group took the shuttle bus back to their hometown. In his view, I really want to go to Chengdu to work, but I didn’t find a suitable job. I wanted to "work early to earn money and stop being wronged."

  One afternoon after the incident, Xiaowu left home and trotted along the hillside, trying to find a companion to work in Chengdu and escape from the place where he made a mistake. On the same day, Li Dong arrested him. After that, whenever Li Dong went out or cooked in the kitchen, he chained his son in the house.

  Now, Xiaowu’s family has given up watching TV for entertainment, but only transferred to CCTV Channel 12 every night to let Xiaowu "watch legal programs and study law."

  On the evening of August 13, a suspect in a detention center was broadcast on TV. Xiaowu watched it for a while, looked away from the TV screen and was silent for a long time.

  Dialogue teenager

  When I saw Mr. Yang in the ward, he left an apology letter and never spoke.

  "It’s no use saying sorry when you’re scared."

  "I still want to come." Although he went to the hospital to visit Teacher Yang Dongling and was accused and taught by his relatives, Xiaowu told the Chengdu Business Daily reporter afterwards. On the way home, Xiaowu had a simple exchange with Chengdu Business Daily reporter.

  Chengdu Business Daily: Are you worried that visiting Teacher Yang in the hospital will affect her and her family’s mood?

  Xiaowu: (Nodding)

  Chengdu Business Daily: Why did you promise to come? Do you regret it?

  Xiaowu: No, I just want to have a look at Mr. Yang’s injury and know that I have made a big mistake.

  Chengdu Business Daily: Aren’t you afraid that they will beat and scold you?

  Xiaowu: (silent for a moment) When I saw the fire burning that night, I didn’t want to live.

  Chengdu Business Daily: What are you afraid of?

  Xiaowu: At that time, I knew something was wrong. When I saw Teacher Yang rolling on the ground, I was afraid to go home. Later, relatives came to my house every day to scold me, saying that many people on the Internet said they would shoot me and put me in prison.

  Chengdu Business Daily: You never spoke in the ward. What was the reason?

  Xiaowu: I’m scared. I feel sorry is useless.

  Chengdu Business Daily: How do you feel after seeing Teacher Yang?

  Xiaowu: I have a bad fever. After seeing Teacher Yang personally, I feel that I can feel better for a few days.

  Chengdu Business Daily: What do you want to say to Teacher Yang now?

  Xiaowu: Sorry, I hope she will recover soon. I wrote a letter to her, hoping that she would read it.

  (Father and son are pseudonyms in the text)


  Teenage gasoline burns female teachers.

  Grab his Apple phone.

  At 9: 00 pm on June 13th, in a residential courtyard in Jinchuan County, a 13-year-old boy Xiaowu (a pseudonym) threw a bottle of gasoline at Yang Dongling, a 23-year-old female teacher on her way home, and then took out a lighter. The fire instantly wrapped Yang Dongling. In pain and cry for help, Yang Dongling fainted at the scene, Xiaowu took the opportunity to grab her Apple mobile phone, and the residents of the community then dialed 120… …

  According to the doctor of the provincial hospital, Yang Dongling’s burn reached the third degree standard and was diagnosed as extremely severe burn. At present, she has completed some skin grafting operations, and the wounds on her face and head have gradually healed. However, the deep burns on her chest, back, thighs and neck can only be recovered after continuous removal of dead meat and skin grafting, and most of her fingers may be amputated due to necrosis.

  Xiaowu is a junior one student in a local middle school. He said that he thought of robbery because his playmate asked him to give some money. Two days after the incident, Jinchuan county police blocked Xiaowu. Because the 13-year-old boy did not reach the age of criminal responsibility, Xiaowu was brought home by his father the next day. At present, Xiaowu’s father has paid Yang Dongling more than 80,000 yuan for treatment. Xiaowu’s father said that his son Xiaowu followed him after he divorced his wife five years ago. After the incident, the father and son were basically at home every day. "I stayed at home with him every day."


The sale of "WeChat group bombs" on the Internet can cause users’ mobile phones to crash.

  The online "fried group" code is generally one in 10 yuan.

  Recently, some netizens said that their WeChat was used well and was suddenly pulled into a group. Then, the mobile phone crashed, and nothing could be opened, and they could not exit the chat box, and even flashed back. Many netizens have encountered the same situation when using WeChat, and it can’t be solved whether it is restarted or disconnected.

  It is understood that this situation in WeChat group chat is likely to be "bombed". The so-called "WeChat group bomb" is to send some character codes, a large number of animations or expressions in WeChat group chat, which takes up a lot of mobile phone space, causing all users who receive messages to be overwhelmed.

  Recently, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily found that it only takes a few tens of dollars to buy a WeChat "bombing group" code that can cause other people’s mobile phones to crash. There are even people who specialize in the business of "bombing on behalf of" and "defusing".

  Personal WeChat was "bombed" to paralysis

  A few days ago, Xiaobin, who is doing business in Wechat business, sent a message in the WeChat circle of friends. "From yesterday afternoon to today, WeChat was hacked by unscrupulous people, and it was always embarrassing. The group wanted to return it and could not return it." Xiaobin told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that on the 21st, she didn’t know who was dragged into a group, and then a lot of group chat information poured in, trying to open it to see what it was, but the phone crashed at the moment of entering the group chat. "Group chat and WeChat can’t be retired, and they are stuck in the interface, so they can only turn off the phone and restart it."

  Xiaobin said that this is the first time that she has encountered this situation. Such a thing has affected her business. "When I open WeChat, I get stuck, and the information sent by customers and businesses can’t be seen at all." After the incident, Xiaobin tried to quit the group several times, but every time he didn’t enter the group chat page, his mobile phone got stuck. "There is no way to quit. The information of the group chat has been brushed and the mobile phone has been ringing." Xiaobin’s friend told her that she had met a "bombing group" and that someone might come to her for money to "eliminate the disaster" later. Xiaobin feels that he may have been "persecuted" by his peers because his business is too good.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily found that there are not a few netizens who have encountered WeChat’s "bombing group". Xiaotian, a netizen, said that a group of friends had used a "group bomb" in the group before. As long as they clicked into the group, the mobile phone crashed.

  It is understood that this so-called "group bomb" is actually sending some codes in the group chat of WeChat. After the WeChat group is attacked, it will cause all users who receive messages on WeChat to chat and get stuck, and may even flash back and get stuck.

  "Generation bombing" 5 hours charge 150 yuan

  So where does this "bomb" that requires certain technology come from? According to a survey conducted by the reporter of Beiqing Daily, on the Internet, the "bombing group" and "WeChat group bomb" can be bought for tens of dollars on Taobao, and some people even started the business of "bombing on behalf of others".

  Some sellers said that the WeChat bombing group is very simple, just send the code to the group.

  Some merchants also claim that if they feel that it is troublesome to "bomb", they can provide "bombing" service. A seller told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that "bombing on behalf of others" means that you pull him into the group and he will help you "bomb the group" and 150 yuan for five hours. Regarding whether the group can be "bombed" until it is dissolved, the seller said, "Just pay the money, and don’t worry about the rest."

  At the same time, the reporter of Beiqing Daily also found that these merchants selling "WeChat group bombs" can also provide bombing services while selling the "WeChat group bombs" service. When sellers promote "WeChat group bombs", they often tell buyers, "If necessary, they can help ‘ Decompose ’ , ranging from 20 to 60 at a time, depending on what it is ‘ Bomb ’ 。”

  Some buyers "vent their anger" or ask for red envelopes.

  Subsequently, the reporter of Beiqing Daily randomly purchased a "WeChat group bomb", and after paying 20 yuan, the seller sent a "bomb" code. After getting the code, the reporter of Beiqing Daily sent the code to a temporary group of friends. After sending it, the speed of opening the group obviously slowed down. After about 5 minutes of uninterrupted sending the code to the temporary group, the WeChat of the group members was stuck and could not be started.

  Ms. Liang, who once operated the "WeChat group bomb" business, revealed to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that there are many people doing the "bombing group" business, and some have formed a special "bombing group studio". Some people buy the "bombing group" service to spoof, but this is relatively rare. The main purchases are people who lost money while gambling, and people who have disputes and contradictions with others. Many people use it to vent their anger or feel avenged. There are also some people with ulterior motives who "bomb" themselves in groups, and when they "bomb", they ask the people in the group for red envelopes to "explode".

  Tencent: Those who "bomb the group" will be given titles.

  Regarding the frequent occurrence of "bombing" by WeChat users, the reporter of Beiqing Daily learned from the public relations department of Tencent that on July 6, Tencent had issued relevant announcements on this matter, saying that the so-called "bombing" of WeChat was not a vulnerability or hacking of WeChat system, and it had nothing to do with viruses or Trojans. Its principle is to make use of the system characteristics of special characters, artificially overlapping many times, resulting in a large amount of system performance being consumed in a short time when clicking this content, thus causing screen jamming or software collapse. Simply put, your mobile phone CPU is occupied by a large area in an instant.

  For behaviors that affect other users’ normal use of WeChat or mobile phones or even blackmail others through the so-called "group bombing" behavior, according to Tencent WeChat Software License and Service Agreement, relevant users who violate the rules will be punished according to the specific degree of violation and the principle of step-by-step punishment, including but not limited to restricting functions and closing accounts.

  Once the user encounters a "bombing group", he can temporarily disconnect the network, restart WeChat, long press the group name or left stroke in the WeChat message list, and select "Delete this chat", and the historical group messages (including bombing group information) will be cleared. You can also log on to the WeChat computer version to delete or unsubscribe the new burst message, and notify the WeChat group owner to remove the person who posted the burst message in time to avoid other users being affected by the burst message.

  At the same time, Tencent said that users can complain about such behaviors through the complaint system.

  Lawyer: "bombing the group" infringes on the interests of others.

  Regarding the fact that someone used the code to "bomb the group", Han Xiao, a lawyer of Beijing Kangda Law Firm, said that, first of all, the behavior of "bombing the group" would have a certain impact on the lives of others and infringe on their rights and interests.

  Secondly, some people "bombed the group" in order to ask for a "red envelope", so this kind of direct intention has the purpose of illegally extorting other people’s property. If the behavior of asking others to send a red envelope to solve the bombing after "bombing the group" reaches the level of threat and blackmail, then according to the "Regulations of the Supreme People’s Court on the Determination Standard of the Amount of Extortion Crime" implemented on April 28, 2000, extortion of public and private property is "a large amount" If the WeChat bombing group is repeated or the amount reaches 1,000 to 3,000 yuan, it can constitute the crime of extortion.

  Text/reporter Wang Tianqi Intern reporter Luo Chongwei

  Lead/Mr. Wang


The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds: be careful about the frequent fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

  China Network August 25 th According to the official WeChat message of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the official WeChat of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security issued an urgent reminder. Be careful when receiving calls from these 170 and 171 numbers. Many people have been cheated!

  Sections 170 and 171 were originally special sections for virtual operator, but they can be purchased without real-name registration because the regulatory measures are not in place, which has become a hotbed of fraudulent phone calls and text messages, which makes people turn pale.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

  Mention your name directly in the text message and try not to open it! The most serious consequence is that your mobile phone will be infected with Trojan virus, and valuable information in your mobile phone will be stolen.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

  The above is a scam message.

  Real case 1: "You are suspected of money laundering"

  On March 10, 2016, Ms. Zhu reported to the police that she received a phone call claiming to be a police officer of a city public security bureau that she was suspected of money laundering, and the police were about to freeze her bank account involved, and asked her to immediately transfer all the money in her account to the "safe account" provided by the police. After the investigation is clear, if there is no criminal suspicion, she will return the funds in full. Ms. Zhu transferred 7,000 yuan according to her request and found that she was cheated. The case is under further investigation.

  Real Case 2: "Your credit card is overdrawn"

  On April 24, 2016, Ms. Chen received a phone call claiming to be a courier, saying that Ms. Chen had a credit card in it, and this credit card had been overdrawn. Then the other party transferred the phone to a city public security bureau, and a man claiming to be a certain police officer claimed that this credit card was indeed Ms. Chen’s. If she didn’t pay back the money, she would be criminally liable and demanded to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan. After doing so, Ms. Chen found that she had been cheated.

  Coincidentally. On March 26th, Mr. Huang said that his mobile phone received a short message to increase the credit card limit that day. After he entered the link on the information (wap.zgpqe.com) and filled in the relevant information, he received a call to increase the credit card limit by 1718714XXXX, asking him to tell the other party the verification code. After Mr. Huang told the other party the verification code, he found that his credit card had been transferred by more than RMB 10,000.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

  Real case 3: "Your mobile phone number was stolen"

  On June 12, 2016, Ms. Ke reported that she received a phone call on the same day. The other party said that a mobile phone number she handled in a business hall owed 4,000 yuan, and now she transferred the call to the Public Security Bureau. A man who claimed to be a policeman said that someone had impersonated her ID card information. Now the mobile phone number has been suspected of illegal fund-raising, otherwise he will be punished for half a year. Then the man claimed to investigate his bank account. Ms. Ke followed the other party’s operation and transferred more than 50,000 yuan to the so-called "safe account", and found that she was cheated.

  Real case 4: "If there is something wrong with your online shopping, you can get a refund."

  On January 1, 2016, Ms. Ye received a phone call at 1708133xxxx. The other party said that there was something wrong with what Ms. Ye bought online, and now she could get a refund, and sent her a short message with a link through this number. After Ms. Ye entered the bank card number and verification code on the website page where the link jumped, she found that her bank card had been transferred away by more than 5,000 yuan.

  Since the beginning of this year, 17 telecom fraud "prologue"

  The following is the "prologue" of the call fraud at the beginning of the number 17 this year. Please be vigilant.

  1. This is Taobao customer service XX. Due to system problems, there is something wrong with what you just bought online (clothes/game prepaid cards). Now I can give you a refund … …

  2. Hello, I am a staff member of a certain bank. In view of your recent good credit of XX Bank, I can help you to apply for increasing the credit card limit of this bank … …

  3. I am the leader of your friend XX, and I need to borrow some money from you because of something urgent. Please remit the money to the bank account of XXXX, with the account name XX… …

  4. Hello, I’m a staff member of the dating website you just registered. If you want to make friends on our website, you have to pay a deposit first, 1000 yuan, and the deposit can be paid to the company’s designated account XXXX. …

  5. I am a staff member of the Finance Bureau. I now inform you that you will go to the ATM of your nearby bank this morning to receive the car purchase subsidy (newborn subsidy, second child subsidy, house purchase subsidy) according to the prompts, and the contact number is 170XXX… …

  6. I am a teacher of a certain university. According to the application for tuition subsidy submitted by you, it has been studied by the school. Now I inform you to go to the cash machine of your nearby bank and follow the prompts to receive the relevant subsidy … …

  7. I am your daughter’s teacher. Your daughter is doing very well in school. Now the school wants her to participate in the XX competition, but now she needs to pay a training fee of 9800 yuan, which can be transferred to the XX account. Contact: Teacher XX, tel: 170XXX… …

  8. Hello, I am a staff member of an airport. The ticket you just bought was not issued successfully due to system problems. Now I can give you a refund. Please provide your bank account and call the staff at 170XXX… …

  The police once again reminded that when you receive a phone call or text message with the number beginning with 170 and 171, please identify the authenticity of the content in detail, try not to click on the link, and please check with the relevant departments in time to avoid cheating.


Young people’s first AI mobile phone: one plus Ace 3V leads the popularization of mid-range mobile phone AI era.

On March 19th, Yijia Mobile announced that Zhou Hongyi, the founder and chairman of 360 Group, would appear at the conference of Yijia Ace 3V to witness the release of "Young People’s First AI Mobile Phone" and bring an AI-themed open class. One plus Ace 3V, as an AI popularizer, realizes full AI empowerment from the bottom of the system to the scene application, and improves daily performance, games and endurance experience in all aspects. In addition, one plus Ace 3V also fully popularized the flagship core AI capabilities, and launched a number of new AI functions in the world, realizing the leap of one plus Ace series from the popularization of flagship functions to leading the popularization of AI mobile phones.

Li Jie, president of Yijia China District, said: "AI is not exclusive to high-end mobile phones, but can popularize Pratt & Whitney. Everyone should enjoy the innovation and efficiency brought by AI equally. One plus Ace 3V not only fully popularized a series of flagship core AI capabilities for the first time, but also launched a number of new AI functions, bringing the most cutting-edge AI technology to everyone and bringing the AI experience of mid-range mobile phones into a new era. "

Fully popularize the AI capabilities of mobile phones, and strong performance is an indispensable foundation. One plus Ace 3V is the world’s first third-generation Snapdragon 7+ mobile platform, which not only inherits the core advantages of the third-generation Snapdragon 8 in terms of performance specifications, but also matches the third-generation Snapdragon 8 in terms of experience. Based on the flagship performance of the third generation Snapdragon 7+ mobile platform, One Plus Ace 3V is also equipped with an exclusive self-developed "Tidal Architecture" for the first time, which further drains the chip’s potential, achieves a balance between high performance and low power consumption, and achieves unprecedented performance in the mid-end market.

AI has further broken through the hardware shackles and achieved a longer battery life breakthrough with the same battery capacity. One plus Ace 3V has three key endurance weapons: the same benchmark 5500 mAh battery, which solves the endurance anxiety at the source; The ultra-low power consumption of the third generation Snapdragon 7+ mobile platform gives consideration to performance and battery life; The first introduction of AI battery life management technology combined with SUPERVOOC S power management chip makes global intelligent allocation of power resources. With the blessing of three sharp weapons, one plus Ace 3V can achieve a lasting use time of more than 1.86 days. One plus Ace 3V also has a smarter and faster blood-returning ability. On the basis of experiencing the best 100-watt flash charging scheme in the same gear, one plus Ace 3V can intelligently choose the most suitable charging strategy with the help of AI smart charging engine, while charging. It can also maintain efficient and fast charging. One plus Ace 3V completely solved the industry problem of flagship performance and long battery life, and challenged the mid-range battery life champion.

As the first AI mobile phone for young people, AI not only fully empowers performance, but also brings a number of scene experiences with Ace 3V, making Ace 3V the most reliable mentor and friend. Based on the AndesGPT, one plus Ace 3V is the first AI creativity artifact: the small cloth interviewer, which helps the younger generation to become a veteran of workplace interviews from Xiaobai; Xiaobu English teacher, real-life simulated foreign teacher, one-on-one oral sparring; Xiaobu paper assistant, comprehensively check and correct the paper, and fully stimulate your academic creation inspiration.

In addition, Ace 3V also popularized a number of flagship AI experiences to the mid-end market: the AI ? ? elimination function can easily complete the identification, elimination and natural filling of unnecessary elements in the picture; "Xiao Bu Q&A" turns into "Zhi Duo Xing" according to different life scenes, and AI generates social platform copywriting, travel planning and so on; Xiaobu comments, easily generate rich comments with one click, and instantly turn you into an Internet generalist.

One plus Ace 3V will be officially unveiled on March 21st. Based on the ultimate hardware performance and global AI capability, one plus Ace 3V not only challenges the "eight crowns" of mid-range mobile phones, but also popularizes AI, bringing unprecedented flagship product experience.


Lovely China: Showing Do not forget your initiative mind’s Faith Power.

  "Lovely China" seminar site. Information picture

  editorial comment/note

  Recently, the TV series "Lovely China", which reflects the revolutionary deeds of the martyr Fang Zhimin, was broadcast in a prime-time program of CCTV, which triggered a warm response from all walks of life. On July 30th, a seminar on the TV series "Lovely China" sponsored by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Municipal Bureau of Literature and Art and the TV drama department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television was held in Beijing. The experts, scholars and ordinary audience at the meeting agreed that "The Lovely China is a work with heart, hard work and emotion, and a play with rich historical value and distinctive theme of the times". The play is highly compatible with the ongoing education of "Do not forget your initiative mind, Remember Mission" by the whole party, and is highly praised for its profound thoughts, exquisite art and excellent production.

  This newspaper abstracts the speeches of experts and scholars, creative teams, media representatives and audience attending the seminar for readers.

  Belief supports spiritual height

  Li Zhun (Honorary Chairman of Chinese Literary Critics Association)

  Fang Zhimin is a pure the Communist Party of China (CPC) man, and his devotion to lofty beliefs left us an example and peak that we should always look up to. Lovely China is a new discovery of the spiritual quality of Fang Zhimin and Fang Zhimin, which has made a new breakthrough in the pursuit of new spiritual height, cultural connotation and artistic value. The play puts Fang Zhimin’s life in the context of the Chinese nation’s exploration of the revolutionary road, highlights his main activities, and proves the importance of the great choice of "encircling the city from the countryside". In addition, the play strongly presents the concept of organization and overall situation, and has strong historical penetration and practical enlightenment. Fang Zhimin is a truly pure communist party native. He has always been dedicated to the organization and the Central Committee, and strictly enforced organizational discipline. In the process of portraying Fang Zhimin’s characters, the play emphasizes the power of revolutionary belief, and especially devotes itself to showing his unique personality charm and spiritual appeal because of his firm and lofty belief.

  "Lovely China" was breathtaking and played the role of Bacon’s soul-building. Fang Zhimin’s belief runs through the whole play from beginning to end, which is very real. In the face of any difficult crisis, Fang Zhimin always has a strategically advantageous position and calmly smiles at everything with great confidence in the road ahead, which is an inspiration, an infection and a guide for the audience. Fang Zhimin’s belief strength and personality charm strongly support the spiritual height of this film, and also support the spiritual height of film and television creation.

  "Do not forget your initiative mind, remember the mission." Fang Zhimin is a mirror, and The Lovely China is also a mirror. Everyone in communist party should take it as a mirror and draw strength from it.

  A new breakthrough in the theme of revolutionary history

  Chengxiang Zhong (librarian in central research institute of culture and history, chairman of Chinese Literary Critics Association)

  Whether a work can meet the requirements of the development of literature and art in the new era depends on whether it has a spiritual height, whether it embodies the most advanced ideas of mankind, and whether it has explored the profundity and richness of the human world. Considering from these aspects, The Lovely China can be said to be a new achievement and breakthrough in the creation of major revolutionary historical themes in the history of China’s TV drama development, and it can be called a fine work of art for the current education on the theme of "Do not forget your initiative mind, keep in mind the mission".

  Lovely China artistically reproduces Fang Zhimin’s core spiritual world. Fang Zhimin devoted himself to the revolution with the initial intention of national rejuvenation, which is in line with the initial intention of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the other hand, Fang Zhimin has no personal interests except his dedication to the motherland and the people. This work embodies this advanced idea, which makes the audience’s spirit baptized and soul shocked. What’s more, this drama typically adheres to the creative concept of creating fine works, and it is first-class in today’s TV drama creation, whether it is the creation of its historical atmosphere, the characterization of characters or the presentation of details.

  On the occasion of welcoming the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, this work is a sincere gift. I call on the TV industry to produce more such fine works, and TV stations should broadcast more such works to help literary and artistic creation create a new situation in the new era.

  An ode to patriotism

  Zhao Tong (Director, Theoretical Research Division, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Television Art Center)

  The TV series "Lovely China" takes us, following Fang Zhimin’s footsteps, looking back at the stormy years, appreciating the original heart of China’s pure child, inheriting the power of ideals and beliefs, and drawing a blueprint for national rejuvenation.

  This drama is a work of heart, hard work and emotion. It is a drama with rich historical value and distinctive theme of the times, which clearly and thoroughly presents the experience of the Chinese nation and the historical responsibility shouldered by the Communist Party of China (CPC) people. The innovation of the play shows the value of the creator’s intention. In the past, the works describing the agrarian revolutionary war focused on the layout of the battle, the shaping of the style of the generals and the rendering of the war scenes. While writing this aspect thoroughly, this drama also describes the economic construction of the base area at a considerable length, and the full exploration of the red economy has become the uniqueness of this drama. In the play, the value of historical stories lies not only in remembrance and encouragement, but also in warning and warning. By contrast, the creator tried hard to link history with reality, highlighting the power of ideals and beliefs. Fame and wealth and ideal belief are sharp opposites in the play, which brings deep thinking to the audience.

  The play is an ode to patriotism. It eulogized Fang Zhimin, the son of the Chinese nation and a loyal soldier of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In the struggle of "two hundred years", Fang Zhimin wrote "Lovely China" and the TV series "Lovely China" which described Fang Zhimin’s deeds, both of which are deeply engraved on the initial heart of history and are powerful responses to the call of duty.

  Artistic innovation sublimates classics.

  Wang Shoude (former director of the General Political and Art Bureau)

  The TV series "Lovely China" tells us, through a character like Fang Zhimin, where New China came from, how New China came from, where China is going today and how to get there.

  The combination of the vertical linear narrative and the horizontal local development of the play is natural and smooth, which shows that great efforts have been made from the screenwriter to the director. In addition, the main story of the protagonist and the profile description are also in place. The whole revolutionary history of Fang Zhimin is fully displayed, which gives the audience a deep understanding of the characters. At the same time, the drama does not confine its vision to Fang Zhimin alone, but enlarges this perspective and affirms Fang Zhimin’s contribution through others’ narration, which makes the story more real and helps the audience understand Fang Zhimin’s role in the China Revolution. The reason why the play can achieve the broadcast effect of "moistening things quietly" is that it has not followed the map in the existing materials, but has realized the combination of historical reproduction and classic sublimation. By watching The Lovely China, the audience not only learned about the revolutionary history at that time, but also learned about Fang Zhimin’s actions, and felt his emotions and spirit. Fang Zhimin’s firm quality is expressed in a soft way, which is touching. The whole drama has brought incisive aesthetic enjoyment and profound ideological implication. The theme of revolutionary history is not a simple educational material, but a work of art itself, which can strengthen the audience’s ideological and artistic beliefs. Lovely China combines its education and artistry very skillfully, and many revolutionary thoughts and spirits of Fang Zhimin are expressed in the play, which is thought-provoking.

  For an unforgettable memory.

  Wu Ziniu (director of the TV series "Lovely China")

  Today, we filmed the TV series "Lovely China" to relive the bravery and heroism of Fang Zhimin martyrs who died fighting for lofty beliefs. The whole shooting process is a process of learning from and paying tribute to heroes, which is solemn and moving. As a director or an ordinary audience, I deeply feel that it is with Qian Qian’s revolutionary martyrs like Fang Zhimin that China is today.

  "The enemy can only cut off our heads, but they can’t shake our faith." Fang Zhimin, a believer’s swan song 84 years ago, penetrated the historical time and space, and is still inspiring. On August 6th, 1935, when Fang Zhimin’s tall body fell heavily in Xiashawo, his great spirit stood permanently on the land of China. His writings in prison, including "Lovely China", "Poor" and other immortal masterpieces, show the height of a believer’s spiritual world and set an example for today’s young people in China.

  "If we lose the memory of history, our hearts will be lost in the dark." "Forgetting the past means betrayal!" These famous aphorisms should be engraved in the hearts of all China people. We should always remember and cherish the memory of great men, and learn from them personally, so as to contribute to the construction of a lovely China.

  The great man’s spirit shines forever.

  Wen Yanxia (one of the writers of the TV series "Lovely China")

  The TV series "Lovely China" ended successfully, and achieved a double harvest of ratings and word of mouth. As a member of the screenwriter team, my heart is full of gratitude and glory. Well-made film and television plays must be the perfect presentation of team wisdom, and the birth of the TV series "Lovely China" fully proves this point.

  "Lovely China" held many screenplay demonstration meetings, invited experts to take the pulse of the screenplay, and firmly grasped the front end of the screenplay creation. During the filming and production, the top directors, excellent actors and powerful post-production company were invited, thus ensuring the excellent quality of the play. During the creation, the screenwriter team designed various schemes based on in-depth interviews and extensive reading, and combed the life stories of Fang Zhimin martyrs. Finally, it decided to start from Fang Zhimin’s revolutionary stories in the four periods of national revolution, Soviet construction, anti-Japanese war in the north, and prison struggle, and on the basis of respecting major historical facts, use fictional little people to thread the needle and turn the originally loose historical events into "pushers" for plot development. In addition, through the plot line of revolutionary friendship between Mao Zedong and Fang Zhimin, we fully show the spiritual connection of interdependence and mutual growth between the revolutionary base areas in northeast Jiangxi and the Central Soviet Area, so that Fang Zhimin’s spiritual quality and the spirits of communist party people such as Jinggangshan spirit, Soviet area spirit and Long March spirit can shine each other and shine forever.

  Let the heroic spirit observe the present.

  Jungle (the actor of Fang Zhimin in the TV series "Lovely China")

  I am honored to participate in the TV series "Lovely China" and play the important role of Fang Zhimin. For an actor, it may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a revolutionary hero who is admired by countless people. I am really lucky.

  I was deeply impressed by two scenes that reflected Fang Zhimin’s inner world. One scene is a scene in which Fang Zhimin is arrested in the mountains. At that time, it was winter in Hengdian. I was lying barefoot on the ground, soaked to the skin, and the cold invaded my bones, and my willpower reached its limit. There is also a scene of the public trial meeting of Yuzhang Park. Fang Zhimin got off the prison car and walked to the public platform. I put my feet, which weighed ten pounds, in chains on my feet, and I was already sweating with pain after a few steps. Unlike me, Fang Zhimin only wore the shackles for a few hours. He did wear them for several months, and he had a serious lung disease. These two scenes made me realize how strong Fang Zhimin’s will is, and let me see what is the real communist party people and what is the power of faith.

  The appearance of "Lovely China" coincided with the time when we should learn about Fang Zhimin, that era and how many martyrs like Fang Zhimin shed their blood for the future of our motherland. Only in this way can we observe the present, inherit Fang Zhimin’s spirit of "patriotism, dedication, poverty and creativity" and live a meaningful life.

  Knock on the echo in the heart

  Yuan Xinwen (Director of Literature and Art Department of People’s Daily)

  The TV series "Lovely China" does not simply repeat the characterization techniques and historical biographical narrative methods of major revolutionary historical themes in the past, but uses new ideas, new contents and new forms to impress the audience and make people feel shocked from the depths of their hearts in spirit. Specifically, I think it has three characteristics: one is to reflect the glory of faith, the other is to explore the spiritual world, and the third is to show the charm of personality.

  The play closely revolves around the course of Fang Zhimin’s 16-year revolutionary career, pushing his firm ideals and beliefs, his belief in communism and his understanding of the cause of communism to a new height. Through the in-depth exploration of Fang Zhimin’s spiritual world, the play has found new discoveries and new presentations. Fang Zhimin is not only a pure communist party person, but also a person whose personality charm can impress, conquer and influence people. By highlighting the image of Fang Zhimin, I think we have grasped the "key" and the core of character construction. Directors and actors used a lot of details to describe the process of Fang Zhimin’s growth from an ordinary farmer to an important leader of our party’s revolution. His development and progress were described in detail, which is also an important foundation and premise for the characters to stand up.

  Lovely China is not only a vivid teaching material, but also a valuable artistic masterpiece. We have the responsibility and obligation to publicize such works well, so that more people can be infected by fine works of art, so that more young people can fall in love with our heroes, truly worship heroes and establish correct values and outlook on life by watching this play.

  Made a vivid interpretation of the "four self-confidences"

  Deng Kai (Executive Director of Literature and Art Department of Guangming Daily)

  The drama "Lovely China" makes the audience touch and feel a real, warm, comprehensive and clear Fang Zhimin, and from Fang Zhimin, we can see the perfect personality of communist party people beyond the traditional intellectuals in China. The traditional intellectuals in China, "if you are rich, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be immune to it", while Fang Zhimin, as a prisoner, is in a dangerous situation and still has a heart for the sky; Still not frustrated, work for the party in a special way in a special environment. With his qualifications, knowledge and ability, he could be an exquisite egoist, but he didn’t, but chose a narrow path that surprised ordinary people. Bernard Shaw said: "A rational person should change himself to adapt to the environment. Only those who are irrational will want to change the environment to adapt themselves. But history is created by the latter. " Fang Zhimin is such a person — — A man of firm faith, a sentient and righteous man with tears in his eyes.

  The beauty of this drama lies in the organic combination of grand narrative and individual description. Road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence and cultural self-confidence, how to understand these theoretical issues? This play gives a vivid interpretation through Fang Zhimin’s choice of revolutionary road and the reappearance of his fate.

  The value of this drama lies in its strong response to the phenomena of "historical nihilism", discrediting heroes and deconstructing sublimity with sincere expression based on real history, achieving "profound thinking, exquisite art and excellent production" and opening up a new realm of film and television creation with revolutionary historical themes.

  There is always a force that keeps us going.

  Xu Yi (2018 graduate student of Zhejiang University)

  In the TV series "Lovely China", we can see the struggle track of a generation of communist party people from Fang Zhimin’s magnificent life, their unyielding national integrity and firm revolutionary ideals, and the youth they have forged with their lives, their bloody initial heart and friendship.

  For the young people at that time, it was their initial intention and mission to seek the road of national rejuvenation, national independence and people’s happiness when the country was struggling.

  I often think about this question: From "two and a half rifles" to revolutionary armed forces of ten thousand people, what did Fang Zhimin rely on? After watching the whole TV series, I found the answer I wanted: relying on his lofty revolutionary belief and personality charm, relying on his strong sense of responsibility and patriotic feelings, and relying on the firm support of the broad masses of workers and peasants. The so-called faith is the determination to restore China’s awakening in the midst of gunfire and study for the rise of China. It is also the sincerity when writing "No one has died in life since ancient times, leaving a heart to shine." As young people in the new era, while revisiting history, we should bear in mind the entrustment and expectation of revolutionary martyrs to our generation.

  There is always a kind of power, which gradually deepens in the historical rings and inspires us to keep moving forward. In times of peace, as a new force to realize the Chinese dream, we should closely link our personal ideal pursuit with the country’s future and destiny, actively shoulder the historical mission of promoting the development of the motherland, national rejuvenation and social progress, and release the youthful dream and realize the Chinese dream in the practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  Inherit the legacy of Fang Zhimin martyrs.

  Zheng Pulong (First Secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Team in Mashan Village, Caoxi Town, yiyang county, Jiangxi Province)

  The TV series "Lovely China" triggered a watching craze in yiyang county, Fang Zhimin’s hometown. The local cadres and masses are familiar with Fang Zhimin’s revolutionary deeds, and when these deeds are put on the screen, they feel very cordial and excited. For me, as the story unfolds, my vivid memories and deep nostalgia for this revolutionary elder in my hometown are also involuntarily rippling in my mind — — Fang Zhimin devoted himself to the revolution and devoted his whole life to the cause of people’s liberation in China. His love for the motherland and affection for the people, his noble character and revolutionary demeanor once again deeply touched me. In the war years, revolutionary martyrs wrote loyalty with sacrifice and demonstrated their responsibility with dedication. Now, in a peaceful era, although there is no test of life and death, I still have to always remember my mission, be down-to-earth and strive for progress.

  As the first secretary of poverty alleviation in Fang Zhimin’s hometown, I want to follow the example of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the legacy of Fang Zhimin martyrs, remember the people’s yearning for a better life, and dedicate my fiery youth to the Party’s poverty alleviation cause. I want to keep in mind the warmth and coldness of the people in difficulty, help them solve problems sincerely, lead the people in my hometown to get rid of poverty and become rich wholeheartedly, and contribute to winning the battle against poverty. Those who walk a hundred miles are half-ninety, and the poverty alleviation work has entered the sprint stage of gnawing hard bones, attacking hard and pulling out villages, facing very arduous and arduous tasks. I will certainly spur myself with Fang Zhimin’s courageous spirit, and actively participate in the "last mile" of poverty alleviation with a never-ending mental state and indomitable fighting posture, so as to achieve the goal of getting rid of poverty and running towards a well-off society in the whole village as scheduled.


I knew a week ago: China will cancel the roaming fee for long-distance mobile phones from September 1.

I knew a week ago: China will cancel the roaming fee for long-distance mobile phones from September 1.

  * August 28th *

  The 29 th meeting of the 12 th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) was held

  The 29th session of the 12th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) was held in Beijing from August 28th to September 1st.

  * 29 August *

  In 2007, the Ministry of Finance paid the first phase of 600 billion yuan special treasury bonds at maturity.

  Determination of the maturity renewal method of special national debt in 2007, which is concerned by the market. On August 22, the website of the Ministry of Finance announced that the first phase of the 2007 600 billion yuan special national debt will be paid on August 29, 2017. The Ministry of Finance will issue 600 billion yuan of special treasury bonds to relevant banks in a rolling way. In this regard, Xu Zhong, director of the Research Bureau of the People’s Bank of China, said that the rolling issuance of special government bonds will basically be compared with the practice in 2007, and will not have an impact on the financial market and liquidity in the banking system.

  Chongqing Jiangbei Airport Terminal T3A put into use.

  The T3A terminal and the third runway of Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport will be officially put into use on August 29th. By then, Jiangbei Airport will become the fourth airport in China with three runways running simultaneously after Beijing Capital Airport, Shanghai Pudong Airport and Guangzhou Baiyun Airport.

  *31 August *

  Xiamen city’s single and even numbers are restricted to non-Fujian D-number cars.

  From 0: 00 on August 31 to 24: 00 on September 6, Xiamen vehicles were restricted in single and even numbers, non-Fujian D-brand cars were restricted in traffic, and large trucks were restricted in traffic. The traffic police department reminded that this temporary traffic management measure was aimed at Xiamen, including all districts outside the island.

  * 1 September *

  Mobile phone long-distance charges roaming charges canceled

  From September 1st, there will be no long-distance charges and roaming charges for mobile phones in China, which is expected to affect hundreds of millions of mobile phone users. At present, 4G users generally have no long-distance and roaming charges, and this new policy will have a greater impact on non-4G package users. It remains to be seen whether and how much the actual telephone bill can be reduced.

  The national primary school students’ science classes are unified in advance to the first grade.

  For the primary school freshmen who entered school in September this year, besides adapting to the study and life of primary school students as soon as possible, they will also face a new challenge: taking science classes. Because the Ministry of Education issued the newly revised "Compulsory Education Primary School Science Curriculum Standards", it clearly adjusted the starting grade of primary school science curriculum to grade one, and it was implemented this fall.

  Implementation of takeaway industry standards

  The Service Specification for Takeaway Delivery will be officially implemented on September 1st, which specifies the service process and service quality, including that merchants should confirm orders within 10 minutes, take-away delivery personnel should not enter consumers’ homes, and tipping is prohibited.

  The first ticket of Beijing online shopping subway ticket is free

  Internet ticketing platform for one-way ticket of Beijing rail transit — — Yitongxing APP was officially launched a few days ago and took the lead in pilot operation on the airport line. From next month, this convenience measure will be extended to 20 large passenger flow stations. At that time, passengers can enjoy the first free and random reward when purchasing tickets through APP online, including the one-way ticket price of 25 yuan Airport Line.

  Total prohibition of alcohol in official activities in Guizhou

  From September 1st, official activities in Guizhou Province were completely banned from alcohol. According to the regulations, all official activities in Guizhou Province will be forbidden to provide any alcohol, and no alcohol provided by any unit or individual, including private alcohol, will be allowed.

  *3 September *

  The ninth meeting of BRICS leaders was held.

  China will host the ninth meeting of BRICS leaders in Xiamen, Fujian from September 3 to 5 this year. As another grand event of China’s home diplomacy in 2017, this meeting attracted the attention of the whole world.

  The 13th National Student Games opened.

  The 13th National Student Games will be held at the Huanglong Sports Center in Hangzhou on September 3rd, and the closing ceremony will be held at Zhejiang University on September 16th. In order to embody the concept of openness and sharing, and meet the needs of teachers and students to watch the games, this year’s Games will choose games that meet the opening conditions and open to the public.


Five conjectures about the application of digital RMB, which one do you care most about?

  Zhongxin Jingwei Client August 20th (Wei Wei) Imagine this scenario. Each of us has a digital currency wallet on his mobile phone. Even if the mobile phone is disconnected, you can transfer your digital currency to another person by touching two mobile phones. This scene may be getting closer and closer to us.

  In fact, the People’s Bank of China set up a special research group to study the statutory digital currency as early as 2014, and it has been six years since then. Recently, the Ministry of Commerce issued a document saying that a pilot project of digital RMB will be launched, which also rekindled the reverie of digital currency.

  What is digital RMB?

  Digital currency, the central bank, is not complicated in concept. Dong Ximiao, chief researcher of Xinwang Bank, told Zhongxin Jingwei client that digital currency refers to the digital currency issued by the central bank in parallel with cash, which is the digital form of legal tender. Digital currency (DC/EP), China’s central bank, is simply an electronic version of RMB, which is digital RMB cash.

  Insiders revealed that in recent days, the four major banks of workers, peasants and China Construction Co., Ltd. simultaneously tested the "digital RMB" e-wallet. Considering the system load and other reasons, it is still in the internal testing stage.

Agricultural Bank of China Digital RMB Wallet Source: Zhongxin Jingwei Wei Wei Photo

  On April 17th this year, the digital currency Research Institute of the Central Bank said that the digital RMB would be tested in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiong ‘an, Chengdu and the future Winter Olympics in order to continuously optimize and improve its functions.

  In July, Didi Chuxing said that it had reached a strategic cooperation with the digital currency Research Institute of the Central Bank to jointly study and explore the scene innovation and application of digital RMB in the field of smart travel. On August 17th, the Zhongxin Jingwei client asked Didi Chuxing about the exploration of scene application, and its reply said that there was no news to disclose for the time being, and further news would be released.

  On August 14th, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Overall Plan for Comprehensively Deepening the Innovation and Development of Service Trade", which announced the pilot areas of digital RMB, and some people understood it as the pilot of digital RMB may be expanded. However, in fact, the current pilot scope of digital RMB is still Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou, xiong’an new area and the future Winter Olympics, and it has not changed.

  However, the news came out that the digital currency plate in the capital market is still sought after by investors. According to Wind data, the digital currency index rose by 2.81% on August 14th, rose by 3.35% again on August 17th, and continued to rise by 1.07% on August 18th, which has been rising for three consecutive days, which shows that the market is enthusiastic about digital currency concept.

  How to apply five conjectures in the future

  The application of digital RMB has also caused many conjectures. Where can I exchange it? How to apply it in the future? The Zhongxin Jingwei client interviewed a number of insiders to answer questions.

  Conjecture 1: Is the carrier an APP?

  Usually, residents can exchange paper money in commercial banks, so where can they exchange digital RMB?

  According to the internal measurement maps of ICBC, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank and China Bank’s digital currency wallets circulated on the Internet earlier, the four major banks are all testing the application of digital wallets.

  "digital currency is still in the testing stage. What is certain is that digital currency does not launch an APP. Maybe each bank will launch a separate APP, or it will be integrated into the apps of various cooperative banks." Bi Tong, co-founder of financial technology consulting firm PANONY, told Zhongxin Jingwei client.

  "Launching an APP separately has higher user education costs and usage costs, and pilot commercial banks may embed services in existing apps." Yang Wang, Dean of Hande Institute of Financial Technology and Senior Research Fellow of China Renmin University, told Zhongxin Jingwei client.

  Guess 2: Do I need to go to the bank to exchange money? Can I redeem it in the APP?

  From the functional point of view, the functions of digital RMB wallets in various banks are basically the same. For example, China Construction Bank includes "Sweep", "Collection", "Payment Code" and "Transfer", and users can exchange money into digital RMB through bank accounts. Bank of China includes "recharge", "withdrawal", "transfer" and "bank card". The page of Agricultural Bank includes "scan code payment", "remittance", "receipt and payment" and "touch".

  "From the circulated internal test pictures, the main functions displayed are basically similar to the daily functions of bank electronic accounts." Dong Ximiao said.

  In Yang Wang’s vision, it takes three steps to use digital RMB. The first step is to download a corresponding mobile APP;; The second step is to register, enter personal name, ID number, mobile phone number and other information, and the relevant personal credit inquiry authorization will be displayed on the APP, which requires the user to choose to agree or reject; The third step is to bind the bank account, and then the user can exchange the bank deposit for digital RMB 1:1.

  Ceng Gang, deputy director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, predicts that there will be two accounts in the future, one is a digital RMB account, and the other is an account derived from the deposit in a bank account, and the two are in a mutual conversion relationship. Depositors can pay directly from the digital wallet, but it may involve transferring money from the bank account to the digital RMB account before making payment.

  In terms of experience, Yang Wang believes that the digital RMB wallet is similar to the third-party payment with high public acceptance, and can also support QR code payment, fingerprint payment and face payment. However, the above payment methods may not be all online at once. Considering technical problems, QR code payment may be online first, and then other payment methods will be online gradually.

  Guess 3: Can two mobile phones "touch" money to transfer money successfully?

  "As long as you and I have a DC/EP digital wallet on our mobile phones, we don’t even need a network. As long as the mobile phones have electricity and two mobile phones touch each other, we can transfer digital currency in one person’s digital wallet to another person," Mu Changchun, director of the digital currency Institute of China People’s Bank, once said in an online open class.

  Yang Wang said that a major feature of digital currency, the central bank, is dual offline payment, that is, mutual transfer can be realized without network signals.

  "Of course, it’s not that the money is transferred when touched," Yang Wang explained. This function is similar to confidential payment. Users need to sign an agreement with the bank before they can use this function. Every time they enter the transfer scene, there will be a button to confirm the payment, and they can only transfer the money after clicking agree. At the same time, this function may stipulate an upper limit, and once a certain threshold is triggered, they will not be able to transfer money, so as to ensure the security of the user account.

  In terms of security, Bi Tongtong said that some insiders also pointed out that the patents disclosed at present have not explained how to solve the "double flower problem" in the case of double offline (note: a sum of money is spent twice), which requires more technical patent disclosure. However, this problem can also be prevented by legal means, and the payment can be made after it happens.

  Guess 4: Which scenarios can be paid in digital RMB?

  Users are more concerned about the scenarios in which they can use digital RMB. Yang Wang introduced that in addition to recharging and withdrawing cash, digital RMB can also be used for transfer between users and consumption.

  According to Yang Wang, the application scenarios currently supported in the pilot stage include retail, catering, transportation card recharge, etc. With the maturity of pilot applications in the future, the application scenarios will be expanded in a wider scope.

  Recently, the media reported that Julu County, Hebei Province has applied to digital currency, the central bank, for subsidies such as environmental protection. The relevant person in charge of Lezhi Technology Co., Ltd. introduced that the company jointly developed the "Falling in Love with Julu County, Hebei Province" APP, and the poverty alleviation subsidies of local residents in the future will be distributed in the form of digital RMB, and residents can realize fund withdrawal, transfer and consumption in the APP wallet, such as paying party fees, buying train tickets, charging telephone bills and other convenient services can be settled in digital RMB.

  The company is also cooperating with commercial banks. In the future, residents can pay the digital RMB to the bank and convert it into an equal amount of RMB cash, which can be converted into electronic accounts of commercial banks or converted into paper RMB at bank outlets. It is understood that the APP will be launched in the near future, but the digital RMB function will not be open for the time being, and will be launched separately after subsequent debugging.

  Guess 5: Will Alipay and WeChat transfer money to each other in the future?

  At present, for most residents, they are used to using third-party payment such as Alipay and WeChat. Will digital RMB shake the status of third-party payment in the future?

  Bi Tongtong believes that the biggest difference between the central bank’s digital RMB and Alipay and WeChat payment lies in the difference in legal rights. The central bank’s digital currency is endorsed by the state, which is equivalent to legal tender. However, the assets of ordinary people in third-party payment are actually a bookkeeping, which is based on commercial bank settlement. Whether digital currency, the central bank, will attack the market position of WeChat and Alipay is a process determined by the market, which depends on the convenience of use, commercial value and economic scale.

  With the introduction of digital RMB, can mutual transfer between Alipay and WeChat be realized in the future? Yang Wang believes that this matter mainly considers two aspects: willingness and ability. Digital RMB is the legal digital currency issued by the People’s Bank of China based on national credit, which means that any transaction scenario must be unconditionally accepted, and the transfer function should be supported between commercial banks and third-party payment. In terms of willingness, the problem of digital RMB transfer between commercial banks is not big, but there are business barriers in third-party payment. Different platforms may be protecting their own business ecology and will not realize mutual transfer for the time being, nor does it rule out that this function will be realized in the future. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)


A shares weakened in the afternoon and closed down slightly. The Internet, media and entertainment sectors were relatively active.

  The three major stock indexes of A-shares fluctuated slightly in the morning, and the decline was slightly enlarged in the afternoon. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index reported 3,043 points, down 0.40%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index reported 9,604 points, down 0.27%, and the Growth Enterprise Market Index reported 1,895 points, down 0.579%. The turnover of the two cities broke through another trillion yuan.

  In terms of sectors: Internet, media and entertainment, software services, automobiles, Sora concepts are relatively better, while non-ferrous metals, electricity, components, petroleum and other sectors closed up;

  On the decline list, insurance, real estate, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, brokerage and building materials were among the top losers.

  Capital flow: As of the closing of A-shares, statistics show that northbound capital has bought a total of 1.567 billion yuan, of which Shanghai Stock Connect bought 649 million yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 918 million yuan. The turnover of northbound funds was 135.776 billion yuan, accounting for 12.87% of the total turnover of A shares, and the trading activity decreased by 13.03%, of which Shanghai Stock Connect bought 31.544 billion yuan and sold 30.895 billion yuan, while Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 37.128 billion yuan and sold 36.210 billion yuan. Northbound funds kept net purchases for four consecutive days, with net purchases of 6.001 billion yuan, 10.260 billion yuan, 4.244 billion yuan and 1.567 billion yuan respectively, with a total net purchase of 22.072 billion yuan.

  Regarding the trend of A-shares, Guosheng Securities believes that as the "combination boxing" of stabilizing the capital market continues to land, economic data will be released in March or will exceed expectations, which will significantly boost risk appetite and investor confidence and drive the market risk appetite to rebound. The rebound is not over yet. If there is a shock adjustment in the short term or a benign adjustment on the way up. In the medium term, with the intensive introduction of steady growth policies, the process of economic recovery is expected to accelerate, and incremental funds may return to the rebound stage, and the amount of attention can be simultaneously enlarged. At the same time, after the registration system is fully implemented, its survival of the fittest mechanism will help the market style tend to be "blue-chip", and the intermediate market of the Shanghai Composite Index will not be absent but will only deepen. At present, it is suggested to maintain a balanced allocation with value slightly greater than growth.

  Huajin Securities pointed out that blue-chip stocks are dominant and balanced. (1) Style: In the second quarter, it shifted from micro-stocks to super-large stocks and small and medium-sized stocks; The simultaneous strengthening of dividends and technology may continue in the short term, and the short-term growth and value are balanced; In the medium term, it may be biased towards technology and growth. (2) Based on the macro-environment orientation, profit and prosperity expectation orientation, PB-ROE orientation and PEG orientation, it is suggested to pay attention in the second quarter: First, TMT, Electric Power, Machinery, Automobile, etc. with upward profit and prosperity and high valuation cost performance; Second, buildings, banks, transportation and consumption that benefit from policy and economic restoration.


Buy grain (short story)

Text/Sun Changguo
When the neighbor’s chicken crowed for the first time, Geng Changfu got up. In fact, I didn’t sleep much all night. For three days, except for a full belly of boiled water, I didn’t touch my teeth. How can I sleep steadily?
The production team’s warehouse has long been out of food. The eldest brother and the second brother run out to dig wild vegetables every day, and sometimes they can’t dig less than half a basket on the 30-40-mile mountain road. After all, every household’s food is not plentiful. The child’s mother hasn’t had milk since she gave birth to three boys. The child cries with hunger every day. Poor big Ni ‘er is only seven years old, but every day she holds three children in her arms and asks others to find milk to eat. Er Nizi is only five years old, and she sits motionless in the corner like a sick little Yaner every day. That’s hungry …
With the faint light coming through the window, he glanced at the five children lying on the heatable adobe sleeping platform, and his empty heart suddenly became tighter.
At noon yesterday, he heard from the people who came back from Miao Mountain that there was a need for a large number of grass stalks on the construction site where the reservoir was built in Changzhuang, and he was wondering about a handful of grass left at home, which might be sold. Thinking of this, he put on a broken cotton-padded jacket and got up. He went to the kang and said something to the child’s mother, and then he went on his way with a straw.
It’s still a little cold in early spring, and I haven’t eaten for a few days. The 40-50-mile walk from home to Miaoshan feels particularly long. The sun climbed up the mountain and only walked more than ten miles, but the sweat on my face rolled like beans and fell down one by one. The wild vegetables on the roadside, including the tender leaves that are a little green, have long been picked up. At least I saw an elm tree, and Changfu broke off a branch and put it in my mouth to chew, so I felt a little full in my heart.
After barely walking more than ten miles, Changfu only felt that his footsteps were getting more and more stumbling and his head was getting heavier and heavier. He kept telling himself that he couldn’t fall down, and there were still several mouths at home waiting for him to get food back, but a fishy smell came to his throat, and then he didn’t know anything.
When he woke up again, he first saw the face of a People’s Liberation Army, and then fixed his eyes, only to find himself lying in the arms of another People’s Liberation Army. The People’s Liberation Army he saw was looking at him with a kettle.
"Hometown, what’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?" The PLA man with a kettle asked.
"I’m fine, maybe I just walked too much and was tired." Changfu replied.
Oh, take a sip of water and have a rest.
Looking at the kettle handed over by the People’s Liberation Army, Changfu said with a wry smile: "Thank you, Comrade. To tell you the truth, I haven’t eaten for two or three days, and my stomach is full of water. I really don’t want to drink it."
"I haven’t eaten for two or three days, so what are you?" ……
"There is really nothing to eat at home. I heard that there is a need for straw to build a water reservoir in Changzhuang. I want to try it in the past and stutter at home."
The air seemed to condense in an instant, and Changfu clearly saw the tears rolling out of the determined eyes of the two PLA men. They went to the side and muttered for a while. They came to Changfu and said, "Hometown, it’s still a long way to Changzhuang. Besides, people may not be able to collect your straw after going there. Just because the army needs straw, we will collect it and give you 20 Jin of sticks. What do you think?"
Twenty pounds, this load of straw is put aside at ordinary times, but even five pounds of sticks can’t be exchanged. All of a sudden, I gave twenty pounds, and Changfu didn’t believe his ears. At that time, he stammered. Two PLA men threw straw into the Bucket of the truck, and handed half a bag of sticks to Changfu’s hand, accompanied by two raw sweet potatoes: "Hometown, now the country is in trouble, we have to grit our teeth and get through it. These two sweet potatoes were given to you by us, so you should eat a cushion first." They drove away before Changfu could export the words of gratitude.
When it was dark, Changfu saw the crooked-necked tree at the head of the village and two monkey children waiting under it.
"Dad is back …" Seeing him from afar, the second child trotted over and spread out his dirty little hand: "Today, my eldest brother and I went to the Arnebia euchroma to dig vegetables and found a handful of soft dates for dad to eat." Zicaowa, it’s almost the border of the neighboring county. Looking at the soft dates in the children’s hands, Changfu couldn’t help but have a sour nose: "Good boy, go back and call your mother, say that Dad has bought food and come out to push it …"
When the water was boiling and the noodle was ready to be cooked, Changfu handed the child his mother two sweet potatoes, and one of them took a bite. Looking at the tooth marks on the sweet potatoes, the child’s mother didn’t say a word, and the tears in her eyes were scattered in the boiling water with the noodle, which made a beautiful splash.
About the author: Sun Changguo, pen name Damu, a native of Laiwu District, Jinan City, now lives in Boshan District, Zibo City. Vice chairman of Boshan Writers Association, director of Zibo Writers Association, member of Jinan Writers Association and member of Shandong Writing Society.
Yi Dian Hao da mu
News clue reporting channel: download the "Qilu Yidian" APP in the application market, or search for the WeChat applet "Qilu Yidian", and 800 reporters in the province will wait for you to report online!

American technological hegemony harms human rights and hinders development.

  The double standards and hegemonic acts of the United States in the field of human rights are well known. In recent years, the United States has extended hegemonism to the field of science and technology, under the banner of so-called democracy, human rights, freedom and security, and achieved the goal of putting its own interests above those of other countries by such despicable means as unwarranted accusations, "long-arm jurisdiction", suppression of sanctions and targeted technical blockade of other countries. The hegemonism of science and technology pursued by the United States is a typical manifestation of its consistent concept of "American priority". Its hegemonic behavior of politicizing, weaponizing and ideologizing scientific and technological issues not only seriously damages the "digital human rights" of other countries, but also hinders global technical cooperation and progress.

  Engage in "small circles" on the grounds of so-called "network security" to create division and confrontation.

  Influenced by the deep-rooted zero-sum thinking and the Cold War thinking, the United States has always handled international relations in a split and confrontational way, constantly creating "small circles" of science and technology such as "chip alliance" and "clean network" on the pretext of so-called "network security", labeling high technology as democracy and human rights, and looking for excuses to impose technological blockade on other countries.

  In the name of democracy, the United States maintains the hegemony of science and technology, and launches various technical alliances with democracy as the ideological link and network security as the goal, such as Prague Proposal and 5G Clean Path. In April 2022, the United States and 60 global partners issued the Declaration on the Future Internet, with the real intention of delineating a "net in the net" or a "digital alliance" led by the United States in the global Internet. The United States has also pushed the private sector to strengthen technology blockade and build technology fences, trying to contain competitors by means of sanctions and bans, which has seriously hindered exchanges and cooperation, development and progress in the global scientific and technological field.

  Using the so-called "public safety" as an excuse to wantonly monitor and infringe on privacy.

  The United States has always been the world’s number one telecom thief, and its monitoring targets include not only so-called "sensitive people" but also ordinary people in the country; There are not only so-called opponents, but also their allies, even the leaders of the allies.

  In the first half of 2022, the US military and government network departments remotely stole more than 97 billion global Internet data and 124 billion telephone records in nearly 30 days, involving the personal privacy of a large number of citizens around the world. According to the annual report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on April 29th, 2022, the FBI conducted as many as 3.4 million searches on the electronic data of the American people in one year without a search warrant.

  In fact, since the middle of the 20th century, the United States has a record of monitoring other countries. In the information age, the United States has gone to great lengths to implement a number of eavesdropping and stealing projects, such as Prism Gate, Dirty Box, Nujiao Plan and Telescreen Action. Various eavesdropping and stealing methods have emerged one after another, including using analog cell phone base station signals to access mobile phones to steal data, manipulating mobile phone applications, invading cloud servers, and stealing secrets through submarine optical cables.

  According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, from 2003 to 2013, the Office of Specific Invasion Operations under the US National Security Agency invaded 258 targets in 89 countries and regions. Over the years, the office has also carried out tens of thousands of malicious attacks on network targets in China. For example, in the cyber theft attack on Northwestern Polytechnical University, 54 springboard machines and proxy servers in 17 countries were used successively, with more than 1,100 attack links and as many as 41 kinds of special cyber attack weapons and equipment of the National Security Agency of the United States. The eavesdropping behavior of the United States has already caused public outrage in the international community.

  Technical blockade under the pretext of so-called "technical security" damages the right to development.

  For some time, the United States has spared no effort to put different political labels on the R&D, use and governance of emerging technologies and the supply chain of scientific and technological products. By dividing the so-called "safety trust level", publishing a series of lists and building a technological ecosystem under the so-called "credible" standards, the United States has abused scientific and technological hegemony to suppress competitors, which has seriously damaged the development rights of other countries.

  In November 2018, since the implementation of the so-called "China Action Plan" in the United States, Chinese scientists have been harassed, monitored and attacked by the American government for no reason, and various bad and absurd acts of law enforcement departments have been exposed by the media. Although the plan was stopped in 2022 in the voice of doubt and opposition, the hegemonic behavior of the United States "only allowing itself to develop and not allowing others to progress" has not ended. The United States promulgated the Chip and Science Act and a series of new export control regulations for China in an attempt to restrict China’s ability to acquire advanced computing chips, develop and maintain supercomputers and manufacture advanced semiconductors.

  Ignoring or denying the scientific and technological sovereignty, people’s interests and development demands of other countries and regions, the United States attempts to take its lead in the allocation of network resources, hardware equipment and software applications as a hegemonic strategic tool by refusing competition, grabbing wealth, exporting ideology and squeezing the space for scientific and technological development in other countries around the world, which not only seriously hinders other countries from using new technologies, but also further widens the trust gap in global digital space security, undermines the global industrial chain layout and scientific and technological order, and violates the laws of global scientific and technological development.

  The French philosopher Saint-Simon once said: "For all mankind, there is only one common interest, and that is the progress of science." Scientific and technological innovation is an important engine for the development of human society, and scientific and technological achievements should benefit all mankind. Hegemonism in science and technology poses a new threat to world peace and development. The international community should recognize the hypocritical nature of American technological hegemonism, jointly resist American arrogance, prejudice and hegemonic behavior of technological hegemony, jointly respond to all kinds of cyber attacks, and maintain a peaceful, safe, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace.

  (The author is a researcher at the Human Rights Research Center of Central South University)