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The exposure segment of Fantastic Animals 3 Newt equips Dumbledore’s army.

1905 movie network news J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter series, created a brand-new adventure chapter in the magical world, which is being shown in the whole country! In the "Ready to Go" segment exposed in the film, Newt replaces Dumbledore to distribute special "equipment", wands, ties and books to the members of the adventure team, which will help the members complete the next task.

Newt is equipped to envy the audience, and the adventure team is ready to go.

In the exposed "Ready to Go" segment, the first generation of Dumbledore’s army was formally assembled on the moving train. Newt distributed special "equipment" to members instead of Dumbledore. As the only muggle in the team, Jacob likes to carry a wand, which surprised him even more. He took the wand incredibly, and Newt emphasized that "it will be used in the next place".

On the other hand, the tie that Dumbledore gave to theseus was held tightly by Sniff. After some pulling, Sniff was thrown into Jacob’s hand at a distance and put into the pan. When the tie was picked up by Newt, it was discovered that the original problem of sniffing for money was committed again. Jin Shanshan’s tie sequins made sniffing want to stop. Larry, a professor of magic, got a book from Dumbledore. Larry explained, "Books can take you around the world and back to your original place, just open them."

Facts have proved that this book has played an important role in Lali’s future actions. All three members have harvested their own special equipment. After everything is ready, the adventure team begins to perform their respective tasks, and the legendary World War I in the history of magic is about to officially start!

The magical world returns to the screen and re-fans. The audience calls it really fragrant and wants two brushes.

After a lapse of four years, the wizarding world has returned to the big screen, which makes countless fans and audiences jump for joy and excitement. "As a fan of Harry Potter series, Fantastic Animals series also loves to the bone, and it is worthy of being my favorite magic IP, and the wizarding world will always make people yearn for it." "Whether fans of the wizarding world are excited or not, the visual effect is as good as ever." "It is my best this year.

The exposed footage contains a lot of magical elements, which makes the audience envy it, and the familiar magic scenes, shocking magic visual effects, cute magical animals and other surprise highlights in the film also make the audience scream, "Always shed tears for the magical world, which is an excellent spiritual food", "The core story of the whole film is not complicated but the rhythm is excellent, the plot is reversed and the plot is cool, and several magical scenes are very shocking. The appearance of magical animals is also very interesting and the picture is maintained.

The audience also affirmed the leading actors’ acting skills, thinking that they are the characters who came out of the magical world. "The complex feelings between Dumbledore and Grindelwald have been vividly reflected in this film", "The debut of theseus and Newt’s Scorpion bijuu dance is really a highlight moment" and "Each pair of CP has met everyone’s expectations, intertwined with sweetness and cruelty, and contributed to many famous scenes"! Some viewers enthusiastically recommended: "Be sure to watch it on the big screen, and you will know how shocking the huge waves that little wand can set off!"

"Fantastic Animals: The Mystery of Dumbledore" is directed by, starring, and so on, and the film is in full swing!


Is cherry a large cherry after all?

According to Science and Technology Daily, during the Spring Festival, people like to take some fruits with them when visiting relatives and friends. Cherry with sweet and sour taste is included in many people’s shopping list. Recently, the topic about "Is cherries a large cherry?" triggered a heated discussion among netizens. So, is the cherry a large cherry? How to choose high-quality cherries?   
"Cherry and cherry are brothers of different species. They all belong to the genus Sakura of Rosaceae, but the varieties are different, similar to the relationship between kiwifruit and kiwifruit. " College of biological sciences and biotechnology, Ph.D., and Li Jun, a senior engineer of Beijing Institute of Landscaping Science, said that cherries are generally larger, while cherries are usually smaller.   
"In addition to the size, there are still some differences between cherries and cherries that belong to the cherry’ family’." Li Jun said.   
One is different colors. Cherry peel is dark in color and generally dark red. The skin of domestic cherry is light in color, usually reddish.   
Second, the taste is different. Cherry is dense, sweet and sweeter than cherry. Cherry, on the other hand, tastes hard, sweet and sour, and has obvious fruity acidity.   
Third, the origin is different. Cherry is an imported fruit, mainly produced in Chile and other countries. Long-distance transportation and long-term storage have caused the freshness and quality of cherries to decline to some extent. Cherry is a native fruit in China, with shorter transportation time and distance, which is more secure in freshness.   
There is a view on the Internet that cherries are out-of-season fruits, and eating them is not healthy. "The cherries on the market now are not anti-season fruits." Li Jun explained that cherries are mostly imported from countries in the southern hemisphere such as Chile, and the seasons in the southern hemisphere are just the opposite of those in China. Cherry began to ripen around November, that is, the local summer.   
Li Jun suggested that when consumers buy cherries, they should choose those that are fresh, with intact skin, full and stiff, and with fruit stalks. "Pay special attention to the’ J’ logo on the fruit packaging. This is a commonly used grading unit in the southern hemisphere. The more’ j’, the bigger the cherries are. Before eating, it is recommended to soak cherries in light salt water for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse them with running water. " He said.
Source: Xinmin Weekly

This conference concerning the future of the earth will be held in China "Spring City" this year.

  Xinhua News Agency, Kunming, July 4th Title: Going to the "Covenant of Spring City" — — COP15 will paint a new picture of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature"

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Changshan, Ji Zhepeng, Pang Mingguang and Zhao Peiran

  The 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) will be held in Kunming, Yunnan Province in October, and global representatives will participate in a grand event to draw a new picture of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature on the earth.

  The venue layout is clear and definite, and professional technical support is in place … … At present, the preparations for the conference are being fully promoted, and the concept of green, intelligent, economical and safe hosting will also make "Spring City Huadu" show its unique charm.

  "Animal and plant kingdom" welcomes the grand meeting

  Recently, a group of wild Asian elephants, journey to the south, which originally lived in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, entered Kunming, causing widespread concern. Elephants have wandered all the way, and the China government and people have taken good care of them. The elephant protection action has been recognized by the world. The story of Yunnan’s rescue of the endangered Asian elephant also warms the world and arouses people’s concern about the protection of biodiversity. "All the way to the North" has also become a footnote to the answer why COP15, a world-renowned event, was chosen to be held in Yunnan.

  Elephant group (drone photo) taken in Shijie Township, Yimen County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province on June 14th. Xinhua news agency

  According to experts, Yunnan is one of the regions with the richest biodiversity in the northern hemisphere. There are 19,333 species of higher plants, accounting for about 50.3% of the country; There are 2273 species of vertebrates, accounting for 49.5% of the country; 151 species of national key protected wild plants, accounting for 41.0% of the country; There are 242 species of wildlife under special state protection, accounting for 57.1% of the whole country & hellip; … Known as "animal kingdom", "plant kingdom", "world garden" and "species gene bank", Yunnan is rich in biodiversity.

  Waterbirds swim through the Metasequoia glyptostroboides wetland in Dianwei Village, Dianyuan Street, Panlong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Qin Qingshe

  "Yunnan is an important treasure house of biodiversity in China and an ecological security barrier in the southwest, and its status is very important." Yue Xiuhu, director of the Office of the Leading Group for Preparatory Work of COP15 in Yunnan Province and director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said that Yunnan’s land area accounts for 4.1% of the country, but it includes all ecosystem types on the earth except oceans and deserts.

  "Where there is forest, there is water; where there is water, there is field; where there is field, there is food; where there is food, there is people." Living in the south of colorful clouds, the Dai people have sung this proverb from generation to generation, and also conveyed to people the simplest concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. "Not only the Dai people, but also many ethnic groups in Yunnan have excellent traditional cultures closely related to biodiversity protection." Yue Xiuhu said.

  Overlooking Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center from the air (drone photos, data photos). Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  We have implemented more than 120 projects to save and protect the minimal population, established 166 nature reserves, promulgated the local regulations on biodiversity protection, the Regulations on Biodiversity Protection in Yunnan Province, and issued the provincial biological species list, the red list of biological species, and the white paper on biodiversity … … Zhao Yongping, deputy director of Yunnan Forestry and Grassland Bureau, said that Yunnan strictly protects the most authentic, rare and typical natural ecosystems and rare and endangered wild animals and plants.

  In 2016, the 13th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP13) held in Mexico announced that China was awarded the right to host COP15. At the end of 2018, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized an investigation and research on four candidate cities such as Kunming. In February, 2019, at the meeting of the National Committee for Biodiversity Protection in China, considering the biodiversity, climate and ambient air quality of four candidate cities, it was determined that the venue of the conference was Kunming.

  Elizabeth Murema, Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, said that the reason for holding the meeting in Kunming was to let friends around the world witness the happiness brought by biodiversity to the people of Yunnan, witness the achievements of ecological civilization construction in China, and provide new ideas for global biodiversity protection.

  Build a community of life on earth.

  China was one of the first countries to sign and ratify the Convention on Biological Diversity. As the host country of COP15, China will make joint efforts with the international community to contribute China’s wisdom and China’s strength to the global biodiversity protection.

  The theme of this conference is "Ecological Civilization: Building a Community of Life on Earth". The conference will formulate the "Global Biodiversity Framework after 2020", which is the new 10-year global biodiversity protection action plan after the "Aichi Target".

  The loss of biodiversity is a common challenge facing the whole world. "Reducing the direct damage and impact on nature and making every resident of the global village realize his due actions and efforts in biodiversity protection requires the joint action of every country, every nation and every resident." Duan Changqun, a professor at the School of Ecology and Environment of Yunnan University, said that building a community of life on earth is the initial intention, the starting point and the goal of efforts to protect biodiversity.

  Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao photo

  China attaches great importance to biodiversity protection, systematically deploys it as an important part of ecological civilization construction, and adopts a series of effective measures to promote positive progress in biodiversity protection. The establishment of policies, laws and regulations has been accelerated, the intensity of ecological protection and restoration has been continuously increased, the investigation, monitoring and evaluation of biodiversity have been promoted in an orderly manner, and the social participation and public awareness of biodiversity protection have been continuously improved.

  Yue Xiuhu said that it has become the consensus of the whole society to protect biodiversity. Yunnan has improved the protection system, consolidated the foundation of protecting the rule of law, and jointly built and shared green homes. Biodiversity protection is at the forefront of the country.

  "Yunnan has built the largest wild germplasm resource bank in Asia — — China Southwest Wildlife Germplasm Resource Bank has preserved more than 10,000 kinds of wild plant seeds. " Sun Hang, director of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the conference will show the world the outstanding achievements in biodiversity conservation in China, and at the same time learn from international advanced experience and strengthen and deepen international cooperation.

  Elizabeth Murema said after her preparatory work in Kunming at the beginning of last year that China can provide many experiences for the world in biodiversity protection and ecological civilization construction. "Building an ecological civilization is not only a beautiful vision advocated by China, but also the common aspiration of the whole world and all mankind."

  Yue Xiuhu said that the theme of the conference is of global significance, and it has reached the commanding heights in guiding the future development and the relationship between man and nature, and has become the consensus of all contracting parties, marking the entry of human society into a new era of ecological civilization.

  "Green, wisdom, economy and safety"

  The preparatory work for the COP15 conference is a huge systematic project. Since it was decided as the venue of COP15, Yunnan has always done a good job in the preparatory work despite the uncertainty brought by the epidemic.

  Elizabeth Murema said that Yunnan has done a lot of fruitful work in preparing for COP15. The layout of the venues is clear and clear, and the facilities and equipment are impressive. Sufficient experience, professional technical support and smooth communication and coordination have always run through the whole preparatory work.

  This is Kunming Dianchi Lake (photo of drone) taken on October 21, 2019. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  The Baofeng Peninsula Wetland in Kunming is one of the outdoor exhibitions of biodiversity in COP15. Lu Chunxia, executive vice president of Southwest Branch of SINOMACH International Engineering Design and Research Institute, who is in charge of the project construction, introduced that the construction of wetland in Baofeng Peninsula includes the construction of local plant communities in Yunnan, the rehabilitation of indigenous endemic fish, the attraction of local poultry, etc., and the "aquatic-wet-terrestrial" composite ecological belt is formed through ecological restoration, achieving the overall goal of restoring and protecting the biodiversity of Dianchi Lake and building a biological species bank.

  Recently, the reporter saw in the bird-watching gallery of Baofeng Peninsula Wetland that egrets flew to the wetland pond for food from time to time, and birds, wetlands and distant lakes formed a beautiful and quiet natural picture. Niu Yonggang, head of the Hubin Wetland Management Center of the Water Affairs Bureau of Guandu District, Kunming, said that the wetland has planted local fruit and wood varieties such as big fruit dates and wild persimmons, and also put in indigenous fish species such as golden thread.

  A scene of Dianchi wetland (photo of drone) taken on July 1. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  "Planting fruit trees and putting in small fish and shrimp can attract birds to come to feed." Niu Yonggang said that after the completion of the project, it will create a magnificent scene of Dianchi Lake, which is described in the Changlian of Kunming Daguanlou, with "fragrant rice all around, clear sand all over the sky, hibiscus in September and willow in March".

  "Green, wisdom, economy and safety are our purposes in preparing for the conference." Cui Zhitao, executive deputy director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Preparatory Work of COP15 in Yunnan Province, said that the green hosting meeting will be a highlight in particular, and a carbon-neutral plan for the conference has been studied and formulated.

  Black-necked cranes play in the Dahaizi Wetland in Dashanbao, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province (photo taken on February 24). Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  "The conference will not provide disposable articles such as paper cups. Each participant will have a glass with his name written on it, and the conference materials will be as paperless as possible, and delegates should also travel green." Cui Zhitao said that after the conference, international third-party organizations will be invited to evaluate the carbon emissions of the conference and strive to achieve carbon neutrality.

  According to reports, the venue area of the conference has achieved full coverage of 5G signals, and the conference has been served by intelligent means such as big data and informationization. Yue Xiuhu said that careful arrangements have also been made to prevent and control the epidemic to ensure safety.

  Elephant group (photo of drone) taken in Shijie Township, Yimen County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province on June 13th. Xinhua news agency

  This is the Hani Terrace in the south of Ailao Mountain in Yunnan Province, which was taken on the morning of January 6th. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Guansen photo

  Citizens watch red-billed gulls at Caohai Dam in Kunming (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao photo

  This is the Yunnan Golden Monkey in Shangri-La Yunnan Golden Monkey National Park (file photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Changshan photo


These latest technological achievements make it no longer difficult to store fresh fruits and vegetables.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  The project team carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technical achievements developed effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment.

  With the increasing variety of food ingredients and the changes of climate and environment, traditional preservation methods can no longer meet the deeper preservation needs.

  On May 8th, the reporter of Science and Technology Daily learned from Jiangnan University that the research team of Yao Weirong, a professor at the School of Food Science, tackled the problem of perishable storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, and successively developed cleaning and disinfection technologies (ultrasonic technology, natural plant-derived cleaning disinfectant), new cold sterilization technologies (low-temperature plasma technology, irradiation technology), as well as preservative and active packaging film, which have been fully applied in domestic fruit and vegetable bases and storage and transportation industries.

  According to Chen Wei, academician of China Academy of Engineering and president of Jiangnan University, people’s food needs are increasingly diversified. Applying modern technology to solve the storage problem of fresh fruits and vegetables will play an important role in ensuring market supply and promoting rural revitalization.

  Yao Weirong introduced that leafy vegetables are easy to rot, mainly due to high water content, vigorous physiological activities after picking, high pollution of original microorganisms and high requirements for storage conditions. Therefore, relevant preservation measures must be taken in order to adjust the storage conditions such as temperature, air humidity and gas atmosphere.

  In order to prevent fresh vegetables from rotting, most of them are stored in cold storage. In recent years, although there are more and more quick-frozen vegetables, this method usually requires blanching pretreatment first, which is easy to cause the loss of minerals and vitamins.

  Chen Wei introduced that the food consumption structure of urban and rural residents in China was dominated by coarse grain consumption at first, and now it is rapidly transforming into a diet structure in which vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, eggs and other livestock products, aquatic products and processed foods coexist. This change makes people eat more safely, healthily and with balanced nutrition.

  At present, the most effective ways to store vegetables in the world are mainly modified atmosphere preservation and irradiation preservation, which can inhibit the growth of microorganisms or vegetable tissues by improving the composition of environmental gases and using irradiation respectively, and have the effect of killing insects and sterilizing.

  "Our team has carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technological achievements have effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment." Yao Weirong said.

  The reporter learned that in January this year, the "magnetic field preservation technology" jointly developed by Jiangnan University and TCL passed the project technical appraisal meeting organized and hosted by China National Light Industry Federation. This indicates that China has broken the foreign monopoly of molecular preservation technology, and has stepped into technology leadership from technology catch-up.

  According to relevant experts, the molecular preservation technology is to use magnetic field induction to realize unlimited micro-vector preservation, so that the ingredients can achieve the 6-day preservation effect of moistening, nourishing, beautifying, cleaning, living and fresh. This is because water molecules, organic compounds and biological macromolecules all belong to diamagnetic materials, so they will induce external magnetic fields.

  At present, this latest technological achievement of integration of production and education, which has multiple functions of water locking, antioxidation and bacteriostasis, has been applied in China.

  In Yao Weirong’s view, these technologies can basically solve the problem of fresh fruit storage. However, technology alone can’t do without paying attention to application and storage methods.

  At present, it is still difficult for some agricultural production bases and storage and transportation enterprises to package and store all kinds of vegetables in a targeted way. In order to reduce costs, transportation and storage often enter the transportation and storage process by extensive and simple dressing, and there is no independent packaging at all, resulting in vegetables not being well protected.

  Especially for all kinds of vegetables transported in large quantities, vegetables will squeeze each other, causing artificial mechanical damage, which accelerates the decay and deterioration of fruits and vegetables and causes serious waste.

  Chen Wei believes that there are still some problems to be solved in promoting the high-quality and differentiated development of agricultural products and food industries in China. Among them, how to ensure the effective market supply of various foods such as meat, vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, etc., it is urgent to make efforts from the technical end and the supply end to open up the "last mile" from farmland to the dining table, so that the latest scientific and technological achievements can be widely used to further meet the needs of consumers for food diversification, refinement, nutrition and ecology.


Source, quality control, and cold chain transportation, more and more imported fruits have achieved "localization" and domestic fruits have been upgraded: from high-end to "people-friendly"

  Reading tips

  In recent years, with the continuous expansion of domestic planting scale, domestic fruits have been upgraded and their quality is getting better and better. With the upgrading of consumption, the pattern of production and sales is also quietly changing. Consumers bought domestic imported fruits with good quality and low price, and also intuitively experienced the improvement of the quality of domestic fruits.

  In supermarkets and farmers’ markets in major cities in China, products originally belonging to imported fruit areas, such as Sunshine Rose Green Extract, Soft Seed Pomegranate, Autumn Pear and Wild Persimmon, have now appeared in domestic fruit areas.

  "It used to cost more than 100 yuan to buy a string of sunshine roses. Now, in the chain fruit shop at my door, the B-grade sunshine roses are only 29.9 yuan per kilogram." Ma Chunying, a resident of Ganhe Home in Urumqi, Xinjiang, said.

  In recent years, with the continuous expansion of domestic planting scale, more and more imported fruits have been "localized". According to the data of Tianyancha, there are currently over 6 million fruit-related enterprises in China. With the consumption upgrading, the production and sales pattern of domestic fruits is also quietly changing.

  The source of fruit tends to be domestic.

  In the modern agricultural science and technology industrial park in Shaya County, Xinjiang, the huge cherries ushered in the first batch of ripe fruits this year in May. With a bite, the flesh was full, the stone was small, and the juice was moderately sweet and sour, which was booked by many tourists. Looking at the clusters of red and full fruits hanging on the trees, some tourists can’t help feeling: "We have also realized the freedom of fresh cherries."

  Looking back on the fruit market in the past 10 years, at the beginning, people’s demand for high-quality fruits such as cherries was mainly met by imports. "Chilean cherries, Japanese sunshine roses, Thai golden pillow durian, etc., in the early days when imported fruits entered the market, we rarely purchased them, fearing that they could not be sold." Looking at the dazzling array of fruits in front of me, Xu Weiwei, the wholesale market owner of the New Beiyuan Spring Agricultural Products Center in Urumqi, said. In 2019, following his father’s footsteps, he placed his No.2 fruit shop in the "New North Garden Spring" market, and the Xu family witnessed the changes in fruit consumption for two generations.

  From high-quality fruits in season to out-of-season fruits, more and more imported fruits have flooded into China market, filling the gap of high-end products in China fruit market. While imported fruits occupy the market in China, they also quietly affect the fruit industry in China.

  In order to ensure the freshness of fruits, imported fruits are often picked under immature conditions. After a long transportation, the taste and quality are greatly reduced. How to overcome this shortcoming? China counterparts turned the origin of fruit to China.

  "In the past, citrus in Australia occupied the market. After 2010, the market purchased more citrus from Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi and other places in China, which was delicious and cheap." Xu Weiwei said.

  Not only citrus, but more than 80% of pitaya came from Vietnam when it first entered the China market. After the successful cultivation and promotion of pitaya in China, it replaced 60% of Vietnam’s imports.

  Nowadays, pitaya has not only taken root in the south of China, but also been introduced to the western part of the motherland. "Most of the pitaya on the market are shipped from the south, and now we can also eat the local red pitaya." Jin Hongjun, a dragon fruit grower in the 11th regiment of the 1st Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, said.

  Grow high-quality fruits

  Imported fruits take root in China and bring economic benefits to local growers. However, the good times did not last long, and the traditional concept of "selling by heaps" made farmers only pay attention to output, but ignored quality. Therefore, when it comes to high-quality fruits, consumers still prefer "import".

  "There are more than ten yuan of cherries and imported cherries (that is, cherries) from outside vendors. No matter the size or color, you can see the difference at a glance, let alone the taste." Xu Weiwei said.

  Consumers’ demand for quality makes farmers pay more attention to the grading pricing of fruits. However, the transformation of planting concept, input cost and technology can not be separated from the support of science and technology.

  The first time I tasted the "dinosaur egg" was in Cao Xiaofei’s forest fruit nursery. At that time, he was conducting investigation and research with the forest fruit seedling experts hired. Cao Xiaofei is the head of Xinjiang Aksu Desert True Fruit Industry Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in the seedling cultivation of Xinjiang characteristic forest fruit seedlings.

  According to him, "dinosaur egg" is an imported American fruit plum, which is very crisp in taste and can be stored for a long time. "In recent years, ‘ Dinosaur egg ’ Our seedlings sell well. "

  In 2010, Xinjiang Academy of Forestry introduced a number of apricot and plum varieties for trial planting in Aksu, among which the successfully planted varieties were "dinosaur egg", thick flavor, delicious emperor and delicious queen.

  In 2018, in Suzhong Farm, Qiemo County, Xinjiang, Liu Huashan, the person in charge, moved the experimental field to the field. In his view, the southern part of Xinjiang has a large temperature difference, long sunshine time and little rain, and planting American apricot and plum trees has unique advantages. In order to grow high-quality apricots and plums, he started with agricultural materials and seedlings according to the market acquisition standards, realized unified standard procurement, improved the local saline-alkali soil and tested it regularly, and formulated a set of standardized operation procedures.

  "Our positioning is high-end fruit. The initial investment in standardized orchards is relatively high. If the fruits planted do not meet the market standards, there will be little benefit in bearing more fruits." Liu Huashan said.

  In Shaanxi, Fujian, Shandong, Yunnan and other places where "imported fruits" were planted earlier than Xinjiang, the efforts of new farmers are not only manifested in planting techniques and refined orchard management, but also like product managers to inspect the market, analyze advantages and disadvantages, and analyze competitors, so as to adjust planting varieties. Yan Hu, president of Yunnan Binchuan Farmers’ Pomegranate Research Association, expects that the new pomegranate varieties "Angel Red" and "Huaguang" with China’s own intellectual property rights will replace the soft-seeded pomegranate market in Tunisia in the future.

  Cold chain technology allows fruits to shuttle north and south.

  In August this year, a train loaded with 32 cold chain containers and 640 tons of Xinjiang Jiashi Ximei departed from Kashgar Station, arrived at Shaanxi Weicheng Station in three days, and was sold all over the country after transit.

  The person in charge of China Railway Urumqi Bureau Group Co., Ltd. told the Workers Daily that the transportation of Ximei is a technologically advanced railway cold chain logistics vehicle. The box is powered on 24 hours a day, and the whole operation process is monitored remotely. The data indicators in the box are updated every 5 minutes. The mobile intelligent cold storage can guarantee the freshness of Ximei to the maximum extent.

  As a typical "imported fruit", prunes introduced from France have taken root in the northwest of China. Jiashi County, Xinjiang, occupies 40% of the country’s prune planting area and 60% of the country’s output, and has become the largest production, processing and export base of high-quality prunes in China.

  As early as 2020, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched the construction project of cold storage and preservation facilities for agricultural products producing areas, speeding up the completion of the shortcomings of the "last mile" cold chain logistics facilities in producing areas, and minimizing the post-harvest losses of fruits.

  Nowadays, domestic "imported fruit" has formed a new circulation path while moving towards people’s dining tables, subverting the traditional fruit industry.

  From the source, quality control to cold chain transportation, qualified fruits enter the retail channel according to different grades. For consumers, they can not only buy domestic imported fruits with good quality and low price, but also greatly reduce the probability of buying "rotten fruits" and "inferior products", and intuitively experience the improvement of domestic fruit quality.


After the Lantern Festival, the fruit market "cooled down" and the price of strawberries "dived" sharply.

After the Lantern Festival, the fruit market cooled down, and the topic of "strawberry price diving" rushed to the hot search in Weibo, with more than 300 million readings, and the price of cherries also dropped.

At 10 am, the reporter saw in a fruit shop in Qingpu that hongxia strawberries were placed in a conspicuous place in the store, and brightly colored strawberries were neatly packed into boxes and placed on the shelves, and the price was 25 yuan per catty. Full-bodied cherries were placed at the checkout counter by merchants, and the retail price was 58 yuan per catty. Compared with before the festival, the price of cherries also dropped.

Xiang Guorui, a staff member of the fruit shop, said: "The price of strawberries before the festival is 35 yuan per catty, and the current price is only 25 yuan per catty, which is cheaper than 10 yuan per catty. At the same time as the price dropped, the sales volume also declined. Because I visited relatives and friends years ago, I bought more fruits at home and had sufficient inventory. It is estimated that the purchase volume will be delayed for half a month before going up. "

In the fruit area of Yonghui Supermarket in Qingpu, bulk strawberries, boxed Dandong strawberries and blueberries are placed on the shelves. The price of Dandong strawberries is 450 grams and 45.8 yuan, and the price of bulk strawberries is 36.8 yuan per catty. The price difference between bulk strawberries and Dandong strawberries is close to that of 10 yuan, and cherries are already sold out because of their affordable prices. The reporter found that while the price of conventional varieties of strawberries was reduced, the quality strawberries aimed at consumers’ psychology of early adopters and selection of excellent ones, and the price was still high.

It is understood that the price of fruit before the festival is high due to the rising price of labor, logistics, supply and other cost factors. However, with the end of the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival holidays, the market consumption demand declined, and the fruit supply was sufficient, which led to the price reduction. At the same time, as the temperature rises, the costs of planting and logistics also begin to decline, the output and arrival will continue to increase, and the price of strawberries will further decline.

Reporter: So Chol.

Photography: So Chol

Editor: Li Can

Editor in Charge: Wei Fulong (Chief)

Please indicate the official WeChat from "Green Qingpu"

ShangguanNo. Author: Green Qingpu


Family education

It is good that children born in the forties and fifties can live, that children in the sixties and seventies can eat and wear warm clothes, and that children in the eighties and nineties can go to school. Now, if you just stay in the previous concept of parenting, it is a bit out. About reading, the most terrible thing is that teachers who don’t study are teaching hard and parents who don’t study ask their children to read good books, which is like driving without a license in spirit.

Then, when preparing to become parents, we should study our children hard. What problems should we pay attention to in the process of getting along with our children?

First, children have no concept of time. What we have to do is to teach children patience with enough patience.

Once I had dinner at my parents’ house, I happened to meet my sister-in-law’s family. Two children were arguing about watching TV. My sister in elementary school thought of a way and agreed with her brother: "Brother, you watch an episode, and I watch an episode. An episode is 20 minutes, okay?" At that time, my brother promised to be frank and said, "OK!" However, 20 minutes passed and an episode was finished. My brother said, "I haven’t finished watching it yet, so I won’t give it." My sister muttered, and my mouth was very unhappy. I thought my brother didn’t keep his word and couldn’t beat him, so I had to compromise and say, "It’s time to show you an episode at most, so I’m going to watch it." The younger brother replied unconcerned, "Hmm!" Later, as everyone expected, even when the time came, he still didn’t fulfill his promise. The frustrated sister couldn’t bear her brother who didn’t keep his word, so she grabbed the remote control with her brother and started watching her own program. Unexpectedly, her brother didn’t let it go, and they were once caught in a "war" …

If parents don’t understand the development of their children, they must think that this younger brother is importunate and will be given a lecture when he comes up, or parents who are partial to the boy directly blame his sister for not being tolerant. In fact, for an eager child, he thinks that 20 minutes and 20 minutes of adults are not a unit at all, and his 20 minutes may be eternity. So it’s not entirely my brother’s cheating, he just has no concept of time.

Then what we have to do is patiently help him to establish the concept of time. We can adjust the alarm clock and use the hourglass to stop when the time comes, so that he can know how long 20 minutes is after repeated perception.

Second, don’t label children who are exploring development as "bad behavior".

"Baby, don’t touch the hot kettle, be careful to burn your hands." "Baby, don’t touch the vase, it’s easy to break." … Do you often tell your baby this, but it’s not as good as you want? And the more you don’t let him do it, the more he wants to try it. When you’re not paying attention, he may have got into the kitchen locker and grabbed white rice and spilled it all over the floor. Things like this are telling you: he is thinking of a thousand ways to drive you crazy, but is this his real intention?

No, he just acts according to his age. He wants to know what it feels like to have a hot kettle. He wants to know what the sound of broken vases is. It turns out that the white rice in the kitchen feels like this. This is his process of actively exploring the world and seeking development. Not only can we not stop him. Also try to provide him with safe conditions, such as eggs, water, mud …

Third, children need security, love and a sense of belonging.

Undoubtedly, safety is the first thing we should ensure as parents or caregivers. Secondly, talk, interact, play and play games with your child, give feedback to any reaction of your child at any time, accompany your child with leisurely high quality, establish a healthy emotional connection, and gradually let your child have a sense of love and belonging. We also call it "safe attachment". The trust you built before the age of three will affect your child’s life development. For example, he will form healthier interpersonal relationships, become more independent and more confident.

Original title: "Family Education | Three Points to Pay Special Attention to in Raising Children"


Magnolia Hotel invites you to start a wonderful journey to meet the sea.

The Spring Festival holiday has started. Are you already on your way out? If you think Erbin is too cold, then go to Hainan and meet the sunny beach.

Looking at the sea in winter, many people prefer Sanya. Sanya is located at the southernmost tip of Hainan Island, facing the South Pacific Ocean, with beautiful coastline and many famous tourist attractions. In fact, the sunny beaches in Hainan Province are not only Sanya, but Qionghai, located in the east of Hainan Island, also has charming bays.

Yudai beach, located in Boao, Qionghai, is a naturally formed beach peninsula with a long and narrow terrain. The smoke waves in the South China Sea are endless on the outside, and the lakes and mountains in Wanquan River and Shamei Inland Sea on the inside reflect each other inside and outside, forming a strange landscape. In addition to yudai beach, in Qionghai, you can also climb Baishiling to overlook the scenery of Qionghai, and see the red stone beach &hellip, which brings together the wonders of nature; … In Jiaji Old Street, the well-preserved stone roads and old houses on both sides, as well as the Nanyang arcade-style buildings adjacent to Xinmin Commercial Street, have a unique view.

Wanquan River, which originated in Wuzhishan, is the third largest river in Hainan. The typical tropical rain forest landscape and fantastic landforms along the banks of the river are breathtaking and are known as the "Amazon River" of China. Wanquan River, like a colorful ribbon, floated down from wu-chih mountains, rolled eastward to Boao Town, qionghai city, and plunged into the embrace of the sea. The beautiful scenery full of tropical customs on both sides of the strait is even more fascinating.

Moreover, the permanent meeting place of Boao Forum for Asia, namely Boao Forum for Asia International Conference Center, is located on the beautiful Dongyu Island. The magnificent modern architecture, the charming scenery of rivers and seas, and the ancient and moving beautiful legends in the scenic spot demonstrate the harmony between man and nature.

Traveling in Qionghai and staying at Magnolia Hotel (Aihua Road, Wanquanhe, Qionghai) is the first choice for many tourists. Magnolia Hotel (Aihua Road, Wanquanhe, Qionghai) takes the service concept of "Better for you with your heart" and the brand core of "Smart space, optimal comfort, health and fashion, sincerity and ingenuity" to convey a light and fashionable quality of life and make guests feel better staying experience.

Located at No.176, Aihua East Road, Jiaji Town, qionghai city, Magnolia Hotel (Aihua Road Store, Wanquanhe, Qionghai) is also surrounded by a bustling scene: a fair food street close to local characteristics, a snack culture street, a south gate market, a pedestrian street, a red women soldiers statue, etc., with everything to eat, drink and have fun. Moreover, the hotel’s transportation is very convenient, only 2 kilometers away from Qionghai Railway Station, 8 kilometers away from Red women soldiers Memorial Park, 13 kilometers away from Qionghai Baishiling Scenic Area and 15 kilometers away from Boao Forum for Asia, which can be described as extending in all directions.

To see the sea in winter, you must choose Hainan. And coming to Qionghai to start a wonderful trip to meet the sea is a Chinese New Year gift for myself.

Disclaimer: The market is risky, so you should be careful when choosing! This article is for reference only, not as a basis for trading.

Article complaint hotline: 182 3641 3660 complaint email: 7983347 16@qq.com.


Spring outing is just the time, and this kind of people need to be vigilant!

In the spring of March, spring blossoms, and it is the right time to enjoy the spring. However, in this good time to enjoy the scenery, people with allergies have such a trouble: they often have itchy eyes, tears, sneezing, stuffy nose and runny nose. In fact, this is mostly hay fever.

Since beginning of spring this year, due to the relatively warm climate, the spring pollen season in Chengdu, Sichuan and other places is one month earlier and lasts longer than that in the northern region. A beautiful spring will be a disaster for pollen allergy patients.

According to the monitoring of the Allergy Response Center of West China Hospital, the amount of airborne pollen in recent years is 19 times that of 30 years ago, and some of them are 80 times that of 30 years ago, so the number of people with pollen allergy is increasing.

Every spring from February to May, especially in March, the pollen quantity reaches its peak.

What is hay fever?

Pollinosis is caused by patients’ allergy to plant pollen, which mainly involves eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. In spring, poplar, willow, sycamore and other trees are the main pollen, and a few patients may be caused by fungi, dust mites or other inhalants or foods with obvious seasonality. The types of allergens are complex, and many people are allergic to them repeatedly, which may be because they are repeatedly exposed to allergens without knowing it.

The clinical manifestations of pollinosis include symptoms and signs of different parts such as eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. Pollen allergic rhinitis can be characterized by itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose and poor breathing. Pollen allergic asthma is characterized by paroxysmal cough, dyspnea, white foam-like mucus, sudden asthma attack and gradual aggravation, which is no different from normal people after remission; Pollen allergic conjunctivitis can be characterized by itchy eyes and swollen eyelids, often accompanied by watery or purulent mucus secretions; Allergic dermatitis can be manifested as systemic or local erythema, papules, small scales, itching or burning sensation.

Cold knowledge

What makes most people allergic is not flowers, but trees!

Which of the following four ABCD plants do you think is the most likely to cause pollen allergy?

Do you think that the above two kinds of flowers with high face value and bright colors are the "killers" who cause everyone to cough and snot Qi Fei? Wrong, in fact, it is more likely to cause allergies. It is the pollen of the following two seemingly ordinary and harmless trees (C: cypress) and weeds (D: humulus)! Tree pollen is the main cause of allergy in spring, while weed pollen is the main cause of allergy in autumn.

In nature, plants are divided into wind-borne flowers and insect-borne flowers according to the different modes of pollen transmission.

anemophilous flower

"Wind-borne flowers" are flowers that use wind as a pollination medium. These flowers are generally small in size, not bright in color, and even many of them are in a degraded state, with no fragrance and nectaries, so that you can’t see or smell like flowers.

However, wind-blown flowers produce a lot of pollen, with smooth surface and light dry texture. When the wind blows, they can fly to very high and far places, such as the height of 2 or 30 floors.

Representatives of this kind of flowers are: poplar, elm, cypress, birch, ginkgo, phoenix tree and so on.

entomophilous flower

"Insect-pollinated flowers" are flowers that are pollinated by insects such as butterflies and bees. Most of these flowers are bright and beautiful, with fragrance or other smells. The pollen grains are usually relatively large and the yield is relatively small. In addition, they are often stuck together, which is not easy to be blown away by the wind, and it is even more impossible to blow high!

Therefore, in comparison, trees and weeds that are odorless, colorless, tasteless and even do not look like flowering plants are the main culprits of human allergies because of their large pollen yield+easy to be blown high and far by the wind.

Understanding of hay fever in traditional Chinese medicine

There is no name of hay fever in TCM, which can be classified into sneezing, coughing, wheezing, wet sore, addiction rash and other categories according to different clinical symptoms of hay fever.

aetiological agent

Hay fever is essentially an immediate allergic reaction. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hay fever is due to deficiency of the essence and excess of the essence, and the qi of the lung, spleen and kidney is insufficient, and the exterior of the body is unstable. Once exogenous pathogenic factors such as wind-cold or wind-heat are induced, the lung loses its function, the spleen loses its transport and the kidney loses its function, then the stagnation of qi and water stops phlegm, and pathological products accumulate, either in the eyes, nose, skin or respiratory system.

Pollen, as an allergen, can be regarded as the inducement of diseases after human body feels exogenous diseases, so pollinosis can be classified into the category of exogenous diseases and treated according to syndrome differentiation.

Chinese traditional treatment

The treatment principle of hay fever is to treat the symptoms when it is urgent and the root cause when it is slow. In the acute attack period, expelling wind and evil spirits are the main factors, supplemented by strengthening the body resistance; In the remission stage, strengthening the body resistance and consolidating the exterior are the main methods, supplemented by exorcism. The specific treatment prescription varies according to the disease.

When allergic reaction occurs, in addition to oral decoction, some traditional Chinese medicine methods can be used for treatment, such as acupoint injection, acupoint catgut embedding, acupuncture, ear acupuncture, umbilical therapy, bloodletting at the tip of the ear and so on.

For patients with acute allergy and excessive toxic heat, bloodletting therapy at the tip of the ear is suitable to dispel heat and detoxify. The specific method is that after routine disinfection at the ear tip (both sides), puncture the ear tip with a triangular needle and squeeze out 2-3 drops of blood.

Umbilical therapy refers to making medicine into ointment, pill, and powder, then applying it, taking it, smoking it, moxibustion it, steaming it, ironing it on the navel (called Shenque point in Chinese medicine), then fixing it with gauze or adhesive tape, and uncovering it after 2 hours.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that umbilical medication can act on the whole body through the connection of the five zang-fu organs, the twelve meridians and the eight strange meridians, so it has a wide range of effects. Fumigation and washing method is to fumigate and wash with decoction of Folium Artemisiae Argyi, Kochia scoparia and Senecio scandens, or fumigate nose, mouth and eyes with medicinal vapor, which has good effect.

Daily precautions

I would like to remind you that people with allergies are easily troubled by pollen when they go hiking. We should take corresponding measures in time to prevent allergies from happening, and we can start from the following aspects.


Avoid contact with pollen

In the pollen spreading season, you should wear a mask, a windproof eye mask and a nasal filter if necessary, and use a pollen blocking agent.

Reduce outdoor activities, especially going out at noon and afternoon. It is best to go out for a walk after the rain, when the air is fresh and the pollen is the least affected.

In windy weather, it is best to close the doors and windows to prevent pollen from entering the room when opening the window. An air purifier or fresh air equipment with pollen filtering function can be installed indoors.

Change and clean clothes worn in outdoor activities in time, and dry clothes in a clothes dryer instead of drying clothes outdoors.


Principles of daily diet

Strengthen nutrition, eat more light and vitamin-rich foods, and try to eat less high-protein, high-calorie and spicy foods. Preventive medication

Before the pollen stage comes 1~2 weeks, preventive medication can be taken under the guidance of a doctor, which can prevent the onset of hay fever or relieve discomfort. After the symptoms of pollen allergy such as itchy skin, cough and dyspnea appear, you should go to the hospital for treatment in time.

(Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Comprehensive China Traditional Chinese Medicine, west china hospital)


The national standard of Lantern Festival is still being worked out, and the shape of "perfect circle" is not stipulated.

    CCTV.com News (Reporter Shi Jia reports from Beijing): On the 20th, some media reported that China’s first standard for Lantern Festival would be issued, and the appearance stipulated that it should be a proper garden with thin skin and thick stuffing. Confirmed by the person in charge of the Standards Division of the Industry Development Department of China Business Federation, the national standard of Lantern Festival is still being worked out. As for whether it is "perfect circle", "there is no strict regulation".

News data map

     [Time] Will the first industry standard for Yuanxiao products be issued before the end of the year?

    The person in charge of the Standards Division of the Industry Development Department of China Business Federation said that there is indeed a matter of formulating the standards for Lantern Festival, and the first national standard for Lantern Festival has been included in the work plan of China Business Federation in 2008. At present, the draft regulations and the draft for comments have been completed, and then it will be reported to the relevant departments for approval. After the validation meeting is held in June and July this year, the contents of the regulations will be gradually determined. However, it is clear that the draft will be submitted to the National Standards Committee for approval this year, and it is planned to introduce the national standard for Lantern Festival at the end of the year.

     [Appearance] Does the state stipulate that the Lantern Festival must be "perfect"?

    According to insiders, in the new regulations, some sensory requirements are put forward for Yuanxiao, including uniform thickness of cortex, no stuffing, no cracks and so on, but there is no mention of the term "perfect circle", "as long as it is round", Mr. Cao said.

     [Specification] At least 20% of Yuanxiao fillings?

    It is understood that the new regulations clearly stipulate that the proportion of Yuanxiao stuffing shall not be less than 20%. The main purpose is to standardize the production of Yuanxiao products, to prevent the merchants from cutting corners, so that ordinary people can eat the stuffed Yuanxiao.

     [Question] At present, there is a national standard for dumplings, but there is no national standard for Yuanxiao?

    Although there are certain industry standards for glutinous rice balls in the market at present, including the production requirements, hygiene and safety, etc., accurately speaking, the standards for glutinous rice balls have not yet risen to the national standard, but this time the standards for Yuanxiao can be called the national standard, which clarifies the requirements for the production, packaging and transportation of Yuanxiao products, and both enterprises and individual merchants should abide by the regulations.

Background information:

 -the definition of yuanxiao

   The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is called Shangyuan Festival. This day? It’s called Yuanxiao. Also known asnight of the 15th of the first lunar month"?Yuanxi". Since the Tang dynasty, there has been a custom of watching lanterns, so it is also calledLantern Festival". Yuanxiao is also another name for glutinous rice balls. It is old custom to eat dumplings on Lantern Festival, so it is called Yuanxiao.——Chinese online dictionary


 -the origin of the Lantern Festival


    According to legend, there was a maid-in-waiting named "Yuanxiao" in the palace when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty lived in seclusion for many years, missing her parents and spending all her days in Lacrimosa. Dong Fangshuo, the minister, was determined to help her, so she lied to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty that Vulcan was ordered by the Jade Emperor to burn Chang ‘an on the 15th day of the first month, and the only way to escape the trouble was to let the "Lantern Festival Girl" make many dumplings that Vulcan loved on the 15th day of the first month. [detailed]

 -The difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan.

    One of the differences: different production methods.

    Yuanxiao, made in the north, is made on the basis of stuffing, which is generally mechanical.The dumplings in the south are completely different.But no rolling pin.It’s a bit like Bao jiaozi. [detailed]

    The second difference: different water content.

    The water content of dumpling stuffing is more than that of Yuanxiao.Wet glutinous rice flour is extremely sticky, and the surface of the well-made dumplings is smooth and shiny, and some of them still have a tip like a peach. The skin of the dumpling contains enough water, which is sticky and difficult to preserve. It is better to cook it now and eat it now. Now with the quick-freezing technology, dumplings appear in shops. [detailed]

    The third difference:Different processing techniques

    Good glutinous rice balls are difficult to produce industrially.There is also a saying in the processing technology that it is necessary to useWater mill powder". [detailed]

Related links:

 —— National standard of Lantern Festival

    China’s first national industry standard for Yuanxiao products will be officially promulgated before the end of this year. The standard will clearly require the stuffing, total sugar and moisture content of Yuanxiao products, and it is proposed that the stuffing content of Yuanxiao products should not be less than20%. [detailed]

 ——steamed breadGB standard

    The national standard of "Wheat Flour Steamed Bread" is jointly issued by the National Standards Committee and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and implemented by the State Grain Bureau. It is only a recommended standard, not a mandatory standard, and does not require enforcement.

    The standard not only regulates the production of steamed bread from the aspects of raw material formula, quality control index and detection method, but also describes the appearance, interior, taste, taste and smell in detail.Sensory quality requirements"The range of health indicators such as heavy metal content and microbial content was also determined. [detailed]

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During the Lantern Festival, watching the Lantern Festival queue for dozens of meters is extremely hot.

The first Lantern Festival industry standard must be white and basically round before the end of the year.

China’s first national standard for Lantern Festival will be issued before the end of this year.

China’s first lantern festival standard will be issued, which must be thin-skinned, thick and even.

Editor: Tian Shijia