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Under the epidemic, cloud supervisor | A "simple" takeaway

  Is it safe to eat? Is it safe to use? Is the logistics of online shopping smooth? So many worries, just go to the front line of production to see. This Spring Festival, hundreds of millions of netizens who stay at home are not idle. They are in front of the computer and mobile phone screens as "cloud supervisors". During the 3.15 period, everyone can also continue to "cloud supervisors" to supervise the resumption of work and production in all walks of life related to everyone’s clothing, food, housing and transportation at home.

  Sky Eye News reporters recorded the first scene of the resumption of work and production under the epidemic.

  "Pfft, pfft." The closed cabinet door was suddenly opened, and a deadly mist came in front of it. The bacteria fled everywhere, but they still couldn’t escape the fate of annihilation.

  "Although we are only delivering and not eating, the disinfection work must be done well." The wall, the corner of the table, the door handle… The sound of water was not stopped, the young girl’s face was full of seriousness, and she was holding the blended disinfectant in her hand.

  Disinfecting the storefront four times a day is just one of the daily procedures of the Weird Van Hunt store. Since the resumption of work, their attention to food safety has far exceeded our expectations.

  "When you come to work, you must take your temperature first, and you can only start work when your temperature is normal. The first thing you do when you enter the store is to wash your hands carefully, and wear your own gloves according to the job. Of course, masks must be worn." Just then, a customer came up to ask if they could dine, and the store manager Chen Dan quickly explained to the customers and instructed them to place an order online through the Mini Program, pack it up and take it away.

  Place an order on your mobile phone, the takeaway brother delivers it, and the delicious food is delivered immediately. Behind such a simple takeaway, there is a lot of care. In addition to the norms and safety guarantees in the store’s stocking, cooking and other links, the Weiru Fan family also hides a lot of care in the packaging. "Health talisman", the customer personally unseals the food; double-layer packaging bag, double security: peace of mind card, visible body temperature, visible peace of mind…

  One vegetable and one leaf are always concerned, and one meal and one drink are in the heart. Behind these many small details, the store makes every effort to ensure food safety, so that customers can eat with peace of mind and confidence.

  Guizhou Daily contemporary media reporter

  Zhou Zili, Hu Lan, Wang Shuai


The vegetable market is open in the mobile phone, where does the community group buying go?

On December 19, Tianjin, several citizens walked into a community group buying self-pickup points.

A citizen walks past a community group buying poster in Tianjin on December 9.

On December 19, Tianjin, a citizen with a mobile phone walked past the poster of the community group buying in front of the supermarket.

On December 9, Tianjin, a citizen in Heping District reads a poster of community group buying.

  The battle between Internet companies and the food market continues. When Internet Tech Giants began to enter community group buying, ads in community WeChat groups and coupons in mobile apps replaced the familiar shouting and bargaining sounds in the food market. People simply pre-order on their mobile phones, and the goods will arrive at the pick-up point selected by the customer the next day.

  In the first month that some Internet companies started doing community group buying, the number of openings reached 120. At the end of November, an Internet Tech Giants announced that its community group buying has covered 200 cities, and the most one day, it opened stores in 36 cities.

  Here, some people found that the original price of a few dozen yuan barbecue grill can be bought for only two yuan, and some people have bought a penny a catty of hawthorn, a fifty-cent egg, a catty of citrus.

  After the rise of community group buying, some customers have reduced the frequency of going to vegetable markets and supermarkets. However, the low-priced products on the community group buying platform have also aroused the alarm of many people. Weilong, Xiang Piao Piao, Radar Battery and other brands have issued notices prohibiting distributors from supplying to the community group buying platform. Some wholesalers are worried about losing traditional supermarket users and are reluctant to supply hot-selling products to the community group buying platform. Some netizens are also worried that the Internet will attract customers with low-priced products and take away the livelihood of vegetable sellers.

  On December 22, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Ministry of Commerce held an administrative guidance meeting to standardize the order of community group buying. This meeting, attended by six Internet platform companies including Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com, Meituan, Pinduoduo and Didi, requires Internet platform companies to strictly abide by the "nine must not". Including, Internet platforms shall not dump at low prices, abuse their independent pricing power, predatory pricing without justifiable reasons, and shall not use data advantages to "kill", and shall not sell counterfeit and shoddy goods.


  The battle for the entrance to the vegetable market began in the second half of 2020.

  A full-time "head" (community group buying initiator) in Chengdu, who is involved in at least six community group buying platforms, has observed that every time a new platform enters, it always distributes large subsidies, and some even send free fruit, salt, napkins, etc. He studies the coupons issued by various platforms on a regular basis and recommends the most cost-effective platform to customers every day. His highest sales record is more than 500 people placing orders a day.

  After the customer places an order, the Internet platform delivers the goods to his pick-up point. He notifies the customer to pick up the goods in time. The head of the team gets a 10% commission on each order. On the day of the most sales, the full-time head of the team received a commission of 1,500 yuan.

  Since the sharing of bicycles, takeout, and online car-hailing, community group buying has become the battlefield of a new round of "price war". In addition to price, the head of the team who is good at managing interpersonal relationships is the "weapon" that Internet companies must compete for.

  In a residential building in Jinan City, Shandong Province, 10 heads of delegation appeared, and the owner joked that "they can all make group buying according to the floor distinction." In Hongxiajiao Road, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, when customers opened a community group buying app on December 14, they were automatically matched with a self-pickup point. Four days later, 28 self-pickup points appeared on the 1.2-kilometer-long road.

  A local supermarket owner in Baotou, Inner Mongolia province, said he had been greeting four or five rounds of salespeople from different platforms every day to persuade him to become the head of the department. He joined three of the internet platforms only when two rival local supermarkets became pickup points – he was worried that customers would flow to the other two.

  The rural market has also become a battleground for Internet companies. As of December 21, the business coverage of the community group buying platform includes 15 provinces, 175 prefecture-level cities, more than 1,400 county-level cities, more than 5,100 townships and 42,000 villages.

  A villager who has opened a grocery store in Longzhou Community, Miluo City, Yueyang City, Hunan Province for more than 20 years told China Youth Daily that before 2018, she went out every morning at 6 or 7 o’clock, went to the vegetable market to buy food, and brought it back to the grocery store for sale. The vegetable market in the town is a 26-minute walk from Longzhou Community. She recalled that the elderly people in the village who cook at home can’t travel long distances and can’t ride motorcycles. They have to ask relatives and friends to go to the vegetable market once a week to buy food and store it in the refrigerator.

  After her son-in-law taught her to use the community group buying platform, she became the head of the group. During the epidemic, she was able to receive more than 200 orders a day. Now, an elderly person living alone asks her to place an order for fresh fruits and vegetables every day, and she helps the elderly deliver them to their door. She also bought a certain northern fruit on the platform, which has never appeared in the vegetable market in Miluo City.

  An old couple in Shantou City didn’t even know the commission of the head of the group. Meituan’s preferred advertisement was already posted on the door of the grocery store they ran. The son took the initiative to help them apply to become the head of the group. Since then, this "never-doing" grocery store has welcomed more customers.


  When the internet comes, business comes. Traffic blockages in Mayang Miao Autonomous County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province, which is rich in rock candy oranges and yellow peaches, once caused fruit sales to be slow. The head of a local agricultural product sales company said that after the community group buying platform purchased goods from his company, the company’s sales of rock candy oranges tripled. It became a hit on the platform.

  But it’s not just traffic that the internet brings. Changsha, a city in Hunan province, is an important city in the community group buying war. This community group buying city has been developing for a long time and has a high penetration rate. It has attracted multiple Internet platforms to enter and grab customers. At Jinshang Fresh Market in Yuelu District, Changsha City, a vegetable vendor told a reporter from China Youth Daily China Youth Network that the "price war" of multiple Internet platforms has obviously affected her business. In the past month, her daily turnover has been reduced from 2,000 yuan to 300 yuan.

  Previously, there were few community group buying platforms in Changsha, and the platform pricing was high, which had little impact on her business. But now, some customers tell her that they have bought 0.9 yuan a catty of potatoes and 0.68 yuan a catty of carrots on the Internet. But the wholesale price she bought back from the wholesale market was 1.6 yuan per potato and 1.3 yuan per carrot. Due to the decrease in traffic counting, her stall closing time was extended from 5 pm to 9 pm, but sales still did not improve.

  The vendor runs a 6-square-meter stall in the market and has long supplied restaurants with vegetables. Once, a restaurant owner complained that the epidemic had hit the restaurant business. He wanted to cut costs and buy ingredients from the Internet platform. "Wait until you are about the same price as the platform, and I will buy your goods." Previously, she supplied more than a dozen restaurants. After the "price war" of the group buying platform began, only six restaurants continued to cooperate with her.

  The wholesale market she frequented, which used to be stuck in traffic jams, is now smooth. Wholesalers are more enthusiastic than ever when they see her come to stock up, and hope she buys more. But to reduce inventory losses, she starts to choose storage-resistant vegetables such as potatoes and radishes. On her vegetable stand, there used to be nearly 100 items for customers to choose from, but now there are only more than 30.

  While waiting for customers to come to the door, she sat with the vendor next to her and sighed. She did not tell her college-aged son or parents living in her hometown about these situations. In order to continue to support the family of old and young, the woman with a junior high school degree decided that after the Spring Festival next year, her husband will go to deliver food, and she will go to the restaurant to work as a cleaner.

  It is difficult to count how many people’s livelihoods will be affected by Internet companies in this battle. In some areas where community group buying has just developed, there are vendors selling fresh pork who see that the platform only offers frozen pork, and only pork belly and pork belly are available. They think that community group buying will take a long time to develop before it will affect their livelihood. Others insist that customers who buy fruit in their own stores know better quality and do not overlap with Internet users.

  In contrast, supermarket owners are more sensitive to community group buying than vegetable vendors. A community supermarket owner in Baotou believes that the quality, variety and origin of fresh food affect the final price, while the prices of goods sold in supermarkets are more transparent and uniform, and they are more disadvantaged in "price wars".

  The supermarket owner told the China Youth Daily China Youth Network reporter to take a carton of milk from a certain brand as an example. The supermarket’s purchase price is 51 yuan, the supermarket’s lowest promotional price is 53 yuan, but the community group buying platform’s group buying price is 44 yuan. Six months ago, the supermarket could sell almost 10 cartons of this milk a day. Now, it only sells four or five cartons a week.

  Potato chips have a similar experience. A certain brand of potato chips, priced at 5 yuan a barrel, ended up selling for 8 yuan a barrel, and the dealer and the supermarket each earned 1.5 yuan. But on the community group buying platform, this potato chip sells for only 3 yuan. The supermarket owner explained, "If the snack expires, the dealer needs to transfer the goods and recycle the snack from the supermarket, and the group buying platform directly connects with consumers, so there is no need to worry about the risk of expiration."

  This mom-and-pop community supermarket has had six consecutive months of customer growth, new customer growth, and declining operating income. The boss chose to remove non-staple food and fruit from the shelves.


  More and more people are realizing that unusually low prices can bring new problems.

  A manufacturer of seasonings forbids distributors from supplying to community group buying platforms. The person in charge told China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that in the past six months, the factory has received complaints from partners all over the country, saying that the price of seasonings sold by community group buying platforms is too low, which disrupts the original market and leads to confusion in supply.

  A snack wholesaler in Baotou City, when meeting his peers, the topic of community group buying is always unavoidable. He believes that every wholesaler who supplies to the platform can make money, but this way of making money is not sustainable. After the platform grows, it will directly bypass the wholesaler and pick up the goods from the production factory.

  He supplies six small supermarkets near a school in Baotou. These six small supermarkets are going to boycott the community group buying platform and refuse to be the head of the group. The reason is that although the head of the group can get a 10% commission on sales, it affects the normal sales of the supermarket. If customers buy goods in the supermarket, the supermarket can earn 15%, which is more than the head of the group. Wholesalers persuade supermarkets to follow the crowd. He worries that if the stationery store and washing shop near the supermarket become self-pickup points, it will divide the flow of people in the supermarket.

  Due to the different development of community group buying in different places, the quality of low-priced goods on the platform varies. In rural Hunan, users can buy fresh fish in vacuum packaging, while in Baotou, where community group buying is developing slowly, some users have purchased fruits and vegetables that are not heavy enough.

  A customer in Baotou once spent 5.68 yuan to buy three Xinjiang Aksu rock candy apples that were claimed to be "sweeter than first love" and crispy, sweet and juicy. But the apples he actually got were only the size of ordinary lemons, and the user asked for a refund. The head of the group felt that it was a pity to throw it away. After eating a few bites, he found that it was not the rock candy heart apple advertised by the platform.

  Almost all participants are aware that the subsidy war for community group buying will not last for a long time. In mid-December, several heads of state in Chengdu received a price adjustment notice issued by Didi’s community group buying platform, Chengxin Preferred, saying that commodity prices would be adjusted to ensure the healthy development of the community group buying industry.

  Nearly 70 Chengdu heads of state analyze the latest policies and trends of each Internet platform in the WeChat group. The heads of state are most concerned about "de-delegation". Some heads of state analyze that if the community group buying platform starts arranging riders to deliver goods in the future, or opens brick and mortar stores, the usefulness of the heads of state will become less and less.

  He has a deep sense of urgency: "We don’t have the initiative, everything is in the hands of the platform." The way out of his plan is to retrieve high-quality fresh food from major platforms and put it on the shelves of the group buying platform he formed.

  However, community group buying has not slowed down due to doubts and criticism. On the contrary, more companies are interested in testing the waters in this track. A senior head of Chengdu said that two new Internet Tech Giants are ready to start community group buying business, and their salespeople recently invited him to join the platform.

  Community group buying first appeared in 2015. In 2019, many community group buying platforms encountered an operational crisis. Some platforms withdrew their stations and laid off staff in many places, and some platforms chose to merge. The consensus in the industry is that the epidemic has boosted the development of community group buying. According to media reports, during the epidemic, Xingsheng’s orders in Wuhan increased dozens of times; some platforms covered thousands of communities in Wuhan, with more than 350,000 active users. To this end, the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Commerce also coordinated buses and postal vehicles for transporting goods from community group buying.

  A company that is developing community group buying said that the epidemic in 2020 prompted the company to make up its mind to develop community e-commerce. The company found the potential of community group buying model from multiple dimensions: unsalable agricultural products, farmers can’t buy cheap good things; some urban residents’ unmet shopping needs; it is difficult to travel in extreme weather, and the vegetable market is far from the residential area.

  In the summer of 2020, multiple Internet platforms entered the community group buying. In June, the Orange Heart Preferred Mini Program was officially launched. In July, Meituan launched Meituan Preferred, focusing on the lower-tier market. In August, Pinduoduo’s Duoduo Shopping Mini Program was put into trial operation.

  Predictably, this silent wet market will continue to hustle and bustle. With the encouragement of salespeople, groups of stay-at-home mothers have joined the ranks of the leaders. New users are experimenting with placing orders on the Internet. New cities appear on the map of community group buying.

  At the same time, the relevant rules are also being introduced one after another. On the 22nd, the community group buying "nine must not" new regulations were introduced. Before that, on November 10th, the State Regulation for Market Regulation announced the "Anti-Monopoly Guidelines on the Platform Economy (exposure draft) ", which mentioned that platform operators through subsidies, discounts, discounts, discounts, traffic resource support and other incentive methods may have a certain positive effect on the interests of platform operators, consumers and the overall welfare of society. However, if there is a significant exclusion and restriction of market competition, it may be determined to constitute a restricted transaction behavior.

  According to media reports, on December 9, the Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau took the lead in the country to issue the "E-commerce" vegetable community group buying "compliance management notice", requiring the head of the vegetable community group buying to handle the corresponding market subject registration as appropriate, and platform operators shall not implement low-price dumping at a price lower than cost, crowding out competitors to monopolize the market and disrupting the normal business order.

  In an interview with China Youth Daily, a staff member of the community group buying platform also believes that the development of community group buying should be gradual, which will not seriously affect the livelihood of small traders and hawkers, but also create many jobs at the same time. The ongoing price war has disrupted the balance of the ecological chain. He cannot predict when the price war will end, "the short term is half a year, the medium term is one year, and the long term may be three years".

  (The pictures in this article are all provided by Visual China, China Youth Daily · China Youth Network trainee reporter, Wei Xi)


The price of Xingyue L Zhiqing in Suqian area has been greatly reduced, with a reserve price of 152,700! just this once

Welcome to pay attention to the preferential promotion channel in Suqian, car home, to bring you the latest automobile market dynamics. At present, the high-profile Geely series is launching a high-profile car purchase discount. In Suqian area, Xingyue L Zhiqing model is giving back to consumers with the highest cash profit of 0.7 million yuan, which means that consumers have the opportunity to start with a lower starting price, and the lowest starting price has dropped to 152,700 yuan. This is a rare opportunity to buy a car. For those who want to know more details and get the best price, don’t miss it. Click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form and seize this opportunity!


The exterior design of the car system Xingyue L Zhiqing shows a unique sense of modernity and strength. The front face adopts exquisite family design, and the large-area air intake grille is decorated with chrome, which is matched with the LED headlight group to form a highly recognizable visual impact. The overall body lines are smooth and the proportion of the body is coordinated, creating a stable and dynamic appearance style, showing the perfect integration of advanced business and sportiness.


Xingyue L Zhiqing shows its unique charm with its exquisite craftsmanship and elegant body design. The body size is 4795mm*1895mm*1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845mm, creating a spacious interior space. Streamlined car side lines outline strength and movement. The 19-inch rim with 235/50 R19 tires not only enhances the visual impact, but also ensures the stability and handling performance of the vehicle.


The interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is full of luxury and technology. The exquisite leather steering wheel provides manual up and down+front and rear adjustment function, which gives the driver a comfortable grip. The 12.3-inch central control screen stands in the center of the dashboard, integrating multimedia system, navigation and voice recognition functions, which is convenient to operate and informative. The seat is made of imitation leather, and the front and rear, backrest and height can be adjusted in many directions. The driver’s seat also has heating and ventilation functions, and the driver’s seat is additionally equipped with electric memory function. The second row of seats also supports backrest adjustment to meet the comfort needs of different passengers. In addition, the car is also equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, as well as the wireless charging function of the mobile phone, which fully meets the connection needs of users.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a torque output of 255nm, which is matched with a 3-speed DHT transmission, providing abundant power performance and high performance for the vehicle.

Summarizing the owner’s evaluation of Xingyue L Zhiqing, he spoke highly of its exterior design, especially the atmospheric feeling of handlebars and the collocation of 20-inch wheels, which made him satisfied. Although he hopes that the front face can learn from Volvo’s design to enhance the sense of class, on the whole, the owner agrees with the size and luxury of his vehicle. With its atmospheric appearance and excellent configuration, Xingyue L Zhiqing has undoubtedly won the heart of this car owner.


The movie channel will hold a charity gala where Jackie Chan kisses the donated patients

Jackie Chan embraces Xiao Yonghua

Jackie Chan kisses Little Yonghua’s face

Jackie Chan presented the love schoolbag to Xiao Yonghua

  Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Yang Yaru) "Believe in Love – 2012 New Year’s Charity Gala", co-organized by Movie Channel, China Social Assistance Foundation and Beijing Jackie Chan Charity Foundation, and organized by Movie Network (www.1905.com), will be grandly held in Beijing on December 17. The donations from this charity gala will be invested in two charity projects: "Treatment Project for Poor and Seriously Sick Children" and "Education Assistance Action for Poor Students" to help poor families regain hope. At that time, Jackie Chan, Huang Xiaoming and other 100 movie stars and many entrepreneurs will be present to do good deeds. A few days ago, Yang Yonghua, a donated child, arrived in Beijing for free treatment. Jackie Chan also offered a kiss. [Movie Network] The video directly touched the whole process.

  On the afternoon of December 8, Xiao Yonghua from a poor family in Hualong Hui Autonomous County, Qinghai Province, accompanied by the staff of the movie channel "Premiere", flew from Hualong to Beijing, and two members of the New Seven Xiaofu personally went to the capital airport to pick up the plane. Xiao Yonghua, who had never left her hometown, seemed very nervous. She was silent along the way. New Seven Xiaofu sang children’s songs, provided snacks, and kept introducing Beijing attractions to her, doing her best to eliminate Yonghua’s defensive psychology. After a while, the car drove to Huairou China Film Base, where Jackie Chan, who was filming the movie "Zodiac", personally welcomed Xiao Yonghua’s arrival.

Jackie Chan is directing the filming on the spot, and Xiao Yonghua is sitting behind Jackie Chan and watching it carefully

Jackie Chan touched Xiao Yonghua’s head and seriously asked about her condition

Xiao Yonghua walked out of the passenger exit accompanied by his grandfather. This is also the first time Xiao Yonghua has come to the capital Beijing

Two members of New Seven Xiaofu came to welcome Xiao Yonghua

The two dragged Xiao Yonghua to the parking lot

  When filming, he still looked stern. After seeing Yonghua, Jackie Chan suddenly became gentle, immediately carried her to the chair, and asked her softly whether she was cold or thirsty. Jackie Chan moved the electric heater to Yonghua more intimately, for fear that she would be frozen. Jackie Chan directed the play while insisting on taking care of the children. The day was just in time for the filming of a major explosion in "Zodiac", Jackie Chan personally checked the explosion point. Although he was highly nervous, he did not forget to tell the staff to help cover Xiao Yonghua’s ears so as not to scare her.

Xiao Yonghua arrived at the Armed Police General Hospital, and Xiao Yonghua’s attending physician and head nurse came to greet him

The children in the same ward also came to help Xiao Yonghua change his hospital clothes

The attending doctor helped Xiao Yonghua do a simple examination

  Little Yonghua’s grandfather told Jackie Chan that Yonghua is 6 years old and suffers from congenital heart disease. She often can’t catch her breath and can’t run like other children. This disease also affects Yonghua’s development. She is much shorter than children of the same age. Jackie Chan held the little girl with pity and offered kisses, telling Yonghua not to be afraid, and that she will be cured soon. Jackie Chan showed his fatherly side that day and gave Yonghua schoolbags and clothes. Jackie Chan also appealed at the scene, "There are still many children in China who are seriously ill like Yang Yonghua. I hope all Chinese people, especially filmmakers, will take action to help them!"

  That night, Xiao Yonghua was sent to the Armed Police General Hospital, where she will undergo heart surgery. This time, Xiao Yonghua’s visit to Beijing and the treatment costs are all borne by the Movie Channel and the Jackie Chan Charity Foundation. Xiao Yonghua’s grandfather said excitedly, "I am very grateful to the kind people who helped Yonghua!"

  On December 17, the "Believe in Love – 2012 Movie Channel’s" Premiere "New Year’s Charity Gala" held by Movie Channel will strive to build a film industry public welfare platform, through the appeal and influence of Chinese filmmakers, to inspire and unite the whole society’s attention to charity and public welfare undertakings. The cost of the event is fully funded by the organizer Movie Channel and [Movie Network], so 100% of the proceeds raised from the auction that night will be used for charity projects. At that time, more children in need will be rescued like Yang Yonghua.

More exciting content on the next page


The first Geely Galaxy L7 rolled off the production line at Geely Baoji factory

On April 24, the first mass-produced Geely Galaxy L7 was officially rolled off the production line at Geely Automobile’s Baoji factory. Baoji Mayor Wang Yong, Baoji Vice Mayor Ding Shengren, Geely Holding Group Senior Vice President Mao Yong and other government and enterprise representatives, as well as user guests, witnessed this historic moment. The launch of Geely Galaxy L7 off the production line marked a new step for Geely’s brand "comprehensive renewal", and at the same time opened a new chapter in Baoji’s new energy automobile industry.

In 2013, Geely Automobile Baoji Intelligent Factory officially landed in Baoji National High-tech Development Zone, with a total construction area of 400,000 square meters. It has four main process rooms including stamping, welding, painting and final assembly. It has a production scale of 200,000 vehicles per year in double shifts. Since the fourth quarter of 2016, the Baoji factory of Geely Automobile has delivered 840,000 vehicles to users. With highly automated equipment technology, strict technical Quality Standards, advanced AI intelligent testing methods and the whole process competitiveness quality management system, it has become the benchmark for product quality management of Geely Automobile Group.

Baoji is the birthplace of Zhou and Qin civilizations and the hometown of Chinese bronzes. It has a profound historical and cultural heritage and the genes of craftsmen in a big country. A complete industrial foundation, a systematic team of skilled workers, and a craftsman manufacturing spirit from ancient times to the present have made high-quality "Baoji Manufacturing" products famous at home and abroad, and the development of the automobile industry has unique advantages. Under the guidance of the "double carbon" goal, Shaanxi Province has thoroughly implemented the new development concept. Baoji Municipal Party Committee and relevant departments of the Municipal Government seized the opportunity to cooperate with Geely Automobile to jointly promote the transformation of the automobile industry to green, low-carbon, and intelligent manufacturing. Especially since 2022, with the strong support of the municipal party committee and municipal government, Baoji Smart Factory has undergone innovation and upgrading, and built a 4.0 factory with "technology intelligent manufacturing, process leadership" full-cycle AI intelligent control, to fully escort the excellent quality of Geely Galaxy L7 with ingenuity. Next, Geely Automobile and Baoji will continue to cooperate in depth on the new energy and intelligent track, and work together to promote the "Silk Road Car City" to continue to lead the new era of dual carbon.

It is reported that since the successful landing of the Geely Baoji Smart Factory project in 2013, it has attracted more than 40 automobile core parts supporting enterprises to gather. The annual output value of the factory has exceeded 70 billion yuan, and the radiation has created an industrial effect of nearly 100 billion yuan. It has become a well-deserved "leader" of Baoji’s automobile and parts industry. It has not only effectively promoted the development of Baoji and even the western region’s automobile industry, but also become a powerful engine for the economic growth of Baoji’s industry. The offline production of "Geely Galaxy L7" in Baoji Smart Factory will further open a new era of Baoji’s new energy automobile industry. At the same time, it will also help Geely Galaxy to accelerate its entry into the mainstream new energy market and open up a new situation for the Geely brand.

Mao Yong, senior vice president of Geely Holding Group, said that over the past ten years, Geely Automobile and Baoji have weathered trials and tribulations, weathered each other in the same boat, and written a turbulent chapter in the development of the national automobile industry with one high-quality product. Embracing the new era of the automobile industry, Geely will continue to continue and inherit the spiritual root and dream of "Chinese craftsman", continuously lay the foundation, practice internal skills, adhere to positive research and development, enhance technological innovation capabilities, and join hands with the government to create a better future with scientific and technological intelligence, and continue to promote the continuous upward and new development of national automobiles.

Ding Shengren, deputy mayor of Baoji City, said that the launch of Geely Galaxy L7 fully reflects Geely Automobile Group’s emphasis on Baoji Smart Factory and confidence in Baoji’s automobile industry. It will drive the development of Baoji’s automobile industry to a new height. I believe that with the blessing of Baoji’s "Silk Road Car City" business card, Geely Galaxy L7 will live up to expectations and lead the future. The two sides will also take this as a starting point to further deepen cooperation and contribute to the development of the automobile industry in the province and even the whole country.

Geely Galaxy L7, as an A-class intelligent electric hybrid SUV, is positioned within 200,000 yuan, and is expected to deliver a new car in the second quarter of this year. Geely Galaxy L7 is based on the e-CMA architecture and has opened reservations last month. The first 10,000 users can enjoy a deposit of 599 to 5999 yuan and priority pickup and other benefits. The Galaxy L7 reservation channel was closed on April 22, with blind orders exceeding 10,000 vehicles.

Geely Galaxy L7 is equipped with a series of Geely Automobile self-developed technologies such as the new generation of Raytheon electric hybrid technology, the new operating system Galaxy N OS and the Aegis battery safety system. It has five core advantages: "inductance modeling, power saving mixing, second understanding of the car and machine, pet co-pilot, and native safety". It has the fastest 6.9s 100-kilometer acceleration in the same level, and the lowest 5.23L/100km power loss fuel consumption in the WLTC level (NEDC 4.4L/100km). CLTC has a comprehensive battery life of 1370km. The length, width and height of Geely Galaxy L7 are 4700mm, 1905mm, and 1685mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2785mm. Geely Galaxy L7 uses a 1.2mm thick ultra-high-strength steel lower shield for bottom protection, with a tensile strength of 1200MPA. The front end of the frame also adds a battery scratch-proof beam. This design is also unique in the industry. The purpose of this is to avoid damage to the battery due to bottom scratches. After the new car is launched, it may compete with the BYD Song PLUS DM-i.


The 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week closes, and the top ten action films are released

1905 movie network feature "Hello, Datong friends. Hello! I’m home! I miss you!" This is Jackie Chan, the founder of Jackie Chan International Action Film Week and a filmmaker, giving a warm greeting at the closing ceremony on the evening of October 16.

After the wind and rain, the heroes gather again. After a two-year absence, Datong is very different. This is the third time that action filmmakers have come together in Datong. Unlike the previous 5 film weeks, which focused on new and good films in the world, the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week reviewed classic action movies and selected the "Top Ten Chinese Classic Action Movies" that represent the development history of Chinese action movies, paying tribute to the classics and looking forward to the future.

At the closing ceremony of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, sponsored by the Movie Channel Program Center, the Datong Municipal People’s Government, and Jackie Chan International Group, 、、、、、、、、 and other filmmakers were also invited to release "Top Ten Classic Chinese Action Movies".

The entrance ceremony was held under the city walls and in the city gates, and the ancient ceremonial troops and modern locomotives formed a very impactful collision. Relying on the ancient city of Datong, the closing ceremony projected light and shadow on the walls of the thousand-year-old city. The flying sky and the stunt warriors who flew over the eaves added more flavor to the closing ceremony and were full of historical and cultural texture.

The national treasure of the twelve animal heads of the Old Summer Palace also came to Datong to show the glory of national rejuvenation to the live audience and the audience watching the live broadcast. As a world-renowned action filmmaker, Jackie Chan and the Chinese kung fu movies he represents have long been China’s dazzling cultural business cards to the world, making Jackie Chan International Action Film Week a platform for international exchanges.

The host of the closing ceremony integrated the characteristics of action movies. In addition to the host of the movie channel, action filmmakers and filmmakers were also invited to co-host.

"National Treasure Cow Head" is now Datong

"Hand in Hand" Love Relay

One of the biggest highlights of the night of the closing ceremony was the appearance of the oxen head of the twelve animal heads in Haiyan Hall of Yuanmingyuan in Datong. This year is the Year of the Ox, and this oxen head was carefully cared for by the national treasure escort team all the way from Beijing to Datong and appeared directly at the closing ceremony. This is the first time the oxen head has been sent to Datong for display, and the audience at the scene also got a rare opportunity to face the national treasure and witness a piece of history with their own eyes.

 The filmmaker Jackie Chan, who made a movie about animal heads many years ago, also invited skilled craftsmen to replicate 12 sets of animal heads and send them to museums around the world. Seeing one of the real animal heads this time, as a filmmaker and a public welfare person who cares about overseas cultural relics, Jackie Chan lamented that only by standing in front of the lost and recovered national treasures can he truly feel the sense of national pride. He also expressed the hope that through his films, he can appeal to more people to care about overseas cultural relics and let more national treasures come home. 

Whether it is to speak out for the protection of national treasures and cultural relics, or to participate in various public welfare undertakings, Jackie Chan and many filmmakers have practiced their social responsibility and responsibility. The "We Join Hands Together" public welfare live broadcast activity jointly launched by Movie Channel, Datong Municipal People’s Government and Taobao Live was launched on the 15th and 16th, starting from Datong and facing Shanxi Province. Whether it is "Datong Good Grain" agricultural products, or caring products from Jinzhong, Lvliang, Yuncheng, Changzhi and other areas in Shanxi that have recently suffered floods, they all gather in the live broadcast room, which can connect every public welfare force that cares about Shanxi through the cloud platform.

Jackie Chan has also endorsed the public welfare of Datong’s characteristic yellow flower industry since 2018, making small yellow flower a big industry that leads Datong people to poverty reduction and wealth. In two years, the output value target of Datong’s yellow flower industry chain will exceed 5 billion yuan, which is 7 times that of 2018. Jackie Chan said: "I have all kinds of special products in Datong. They are the signs and proof that the lives of our Datong people are getting better and better! Seeing these products harvest and sell well, my heart and the’Starlight team ‘are warm."

At the closing ceremony, three Datong fellow villagers, Bai Gaoshan, Yang Zelin and Pang Nadong, as representatives of the yellow flower industry, also presented Jackie Chan with a plaque with the words "Flowers Bloom and Forget Worries". With this simple gift, Jackie Chan and the filmmakers have done everything for Datong. Jackie Chan said: "This is not for me alone, but to thank all the people who have dedicated themselves to public welfare and helped poverty reduction."

"Top 10 Classic Chinese Action Movies" Released 

The Chinese spirit is passed down from generation to generation

The 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Monday changed the past practice of paying attention to new and excellent films around the world, and chose to review the classics this year, inheriting the spirit of Chinese filmmakers of previous dynasties, and specially set up the "Top Ten Classic Chinese Action Movies" selection activity.


After more than 10,000 internet users voted, the preliminary evaluation of 100 expert judges, and the weighting of big data from 1905 Movie Network, Baidu, Douban, and Weibo, 20 classic action movies were shortlisted for the final evaluation. Finally, the final evaluation committee composed of 10 judges selected the "Top Ten Classic Chinese Action Movies" representing the development history of Chinese action movies.

"I am very grateful to be able to use the filmmaker’s way to remember the martyrs and inherit the revolutionary spirit. And here today, we also inherit the spirit of action filmmakers, which makes me feel very meaningful!" Filmmaker Wu Jing’s words made the audience in the cold weather warm-blooded. Entrusted by the organizing committee, he and Wang Baoqiang, Yao Chen, Tian Niu, Chen Hu, Wu Gang, Wen Bixia, Huang Bo, Yin Li and other filmmakers released the "Top Ten Classic Action Movies in Chinese". And 10 films were selected as the "Top Ten Classic Action Movies in Chinese". And received special recommendation from the organizing committee.

"Chivalrous Girl" has influenced a series of Chinese action movies; "Shaolin Temple" has brought a group of actors with real kung fu to the screen; "New Longmen Inn" is a desert wilderness, happy for enmity and hatred; "Huang Feihong No. 2: Men Be Self-improvement" has infected countless audiences; "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has become an oriental legend in the history of film in the bamboo forest desert with the technique of landscape freehand. These films have become classics that will live on the screen forever. As a new starting point for the first year of Chinese commercial films, "Hero" reflects the thinking of Eastern philosophy; "The Grandmaster" gazes at the times with action and composes an epic of the martial arts world; "Master" explores through inheritance; "The True Color of Heroes" shoots the pinnacle of gunfight action films; and "Wolf Warrior 2" ignites the audience’s heroic complex and patriotic passion. These films are surprisingly innovative and create immortal legends.

From "Drunken Fist" emerged an international kung fu superstar, opening up a unique genre of action movies that coexist with humor and thrills; "Police Story" has no special effects blessing, and the real-life thrilling action can be called the pinnacle of "ready-made action movies"; "Dragon Crossing the River" leaves a good story about the real competition between Chinese kung fu and karate; "Changjin Lake" is the real history depicted by filmmakers with awe. These four films show the spirit of the Chinese people and the pride of Chinese action movies from China to the world.

At the closing ceremony, singers such as,,, and also brought classic songs, which added more excitement to the closing ceremony; Jackie Chan sang "China Power" with "The country is strong for me,The closing ceremony of the evening was opened with the ambition of "I am strong for the country". Many domestic and foreign filmmakers who have worked with Jackie Chan also sent their best wishes and shared the joy of gathering. After six sessions, Jackie Chan International Action Film Week has long become an industry event for international action movies, and a platform for the exchange and development of global action movies and the integration of Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges.

Remembering the glorious years of the past, heroes compete for deer, and the screen knife and pen leave their names. Show the ambition of the future, build dreams and shadows, and create classics again. The 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week is a reunion after a long absence, and a restart before the expedition. In the future, action movies will be rejuvenated, and Chinese movies will continue to shine on the international stage.


Takeaway becomes standard on National Day, and holiday travel drives the sharing economy

  The National Day Golden Week has come to an end, and the seven-day holiday has released a lot of consumer demand in terms of catering, travel, accommodation, etc. The new retail and sharing economy promote the continuous optimization and upgrading of the consumption structure. Consumers can not only "happy fat house", but also "travel the world". No matter what kind of vacation method, new consumption, new markets and new business formats bring new holiday experiences.

  Home and travel need to order takeout

  23-Year-old Chen Tong (pseudonym) is a first-year graduate student at Shanghai Lixin School of Accounting and Finance. In order to prepare for the exam, she did not go out to play during the National Day this year, but chose to study in the library and choose takeout for three meals a day.

  "There is no specific meal, just order when you are hungry, and ordering takeout has become a part of my life." Chen Tong told China Business News that in addition to the main meal, milk tea, dim sum and medicine will also choose takeout, which can save a lot of time. According to Ele.me data, from October 1st to 3rd, a total of 60,000 orders were delivered to libraries across the country.

  In addition to the students in the library, tourists who go out to travel will also choose takeout. According to Ele.me big data, in the three days before the National Day, more than one million tourists ordered takeout in the core scenic spots across the country. In Shanghai, more than 11,780 tourists ate raw fried takeout in Xujiahui. Orders for takeout medicine in hotels increased by more than 34 times year-on-year.

  In addition to Shanghai, takeaway has become standard in the country. Ele.me data shows that from October 1st to 3rd, among key cities in the country, Lanzhou, Nanchang, Chengdu, Guiyang, and Qingdao ranked among the top five in the country in terms of year-on-year growth rate of hotel takeaway orders, of which Lanzhou’s hotel takeaway orders rose by 86.7% year-on-year.

  According to the data provided by the First Financial Reporter, the number of breakfast orders in the small store CBD store increased by 38% month-on-month. The sales of cooked food takeaway increased by 51% month-on-month, and the orders for fast food such as one-person small hot pot and instant noodles increased by 137% and 93% month-on-month respectively. Online orders for fast food goods accounted for more than 60%.

  It is worth noting that non-dinner takeaway orders performed very well. Ele.me data shows that medical and health orders sent to Harbin hotels increased by more than 9627% year-on-year, and flower orders sent to Chengdu hotels increased by more than 1450% year-on-year.

  This year’s 11th Golden Week, online consumption is showing a trend of refinement, efficiency and intelligence, and going out to travel is still the mainstream way of vacation. Overall, both consumption and tourism have a trend of returning from overseas to domestic, and first- and second-tier cities are sinking to lower-tier cities.

  As of 17:08 on October 1, the daily active users (DAU) of Autonavi map exceeded 100 million. According to Flying Pig data, the 4-hour flying circle in South East Asia is still popular, but the number of people booking domestic tours has increased by 42% year-on-year, and the growth rate is faster than that of outbound tours. More first-tier city users go to third-tier and lower cities to play and consume with "flying".

  With the sinking of tourists, the frequency of consumption is also increasing. Alipay data shows that with the popularity of mobile payment, the frequency of consumption in cities below the third tier has increased by more than 50%, and the frequency of consumption in counties has soared by nearly 90%. From the 1st to the 3rd, the frequency of per capita offline consumption across the country increased by nearly 50%, and the transaction amount of goods sold through smart sales such as face swiping and unmanned retail has soared by 90%.

  Going out to drive the sharing economy

  In addition to eating, drinking, and ordering takeout, the sharing economy, which penetrates into travel accommodation, transportation, entertainment, and other scenarios, saw significant growth in business during the Golden Week.

  Airbnb’s Golden Week booking data as of September 15 shows that Chinese tourists who booked Airbnb listings during the National Day increased by 200% compared with the same period last year. More than 60% of Chinese guests who booked Airbnb were post-80s and post-90s, making them the main force in booking Airbnb listings during the Golden Week, with family and friends traveling accounting for more than 53%.

  After 90, Wang Jie booked a Norwegian wooden house on Airbnb a month before the National Day. In addition to the mountain-side wooden house experience, the Xbox game console, projection and other supporting facilities in the hotel were also important reasons.

  Unlike the traditional tourist attractions clocked in by their parents’ generation, millennials, represented by Wang Jie, are more attracted to quality and individuality, unique niche attractions and travel methods. They will break the "dimensional wall" for their feelings, travel to film and television or animation shooting locations, and pay for cultural experiences such as "tea farmers" in Hangzhou, "idol trainees" in Korea, and "chainsaw carving" in Oregon.

  Car rental and self-driving has also become a new way for young people to travel. < unk > National Day big data shows that from October 1st to 7th, Baojun new energy car rental experience package orders increased by 60% month-on-month, and the number of buyers in Nanjing exceeded 3,000. The post-90s crowd became the main force, and Nanjing University Town leasing was hot. In the seven days of Golden Week, the number of two-day experience packages increased by 120% month-on-month.

  In order to avoid the travel congestion of the holiday, the transportation represented by shared bicycles has also become a new choice for travel. Hello "Eleven Golden Week Travel Forecast Report" shows that the average daily riding volume of the National Eleven Golden Week two-wheel travel is expected to increase by more than 20% compared with weekdays, and the total riding distance may exceed 300 million kilometers.

  During the 11th Golden Week, there was a boom in demand for shared cycling in small and medium-sized cities such as Jiaxing, Hainan Sanya, Zhejiang Zhoushan, Jiangxi Gao’an, Luoyang, Henan, and Kaifeng, Henan. In addition, ride-hailing has also become a mainstream choice for holiday return transportation. Nationwide, the Golden Week cross-city order growth is expected to reach 268%.

  "People are more and more willing to pay in the field of leisure, entertainment and cultural consumption, and more and more willing to spend money on service consumption that can meet the spiritual consumption needs, and this is also an excellent manifestation of the pace of people’s consumption upgrading." Fu Yifu, assistant director and senior researcher of the Consumer Finance Research Center of the Suning Institute of Finance, said.


Shared power bank: Market competition is not a zero-sum game – Interview with Liu Tongxin, inventor of shared charging technology

  Recently, a "love sharing station" has been unveiled in major subway stations in Qingdao one after another. It not only provides passengers with a number of convenient services such as shared power banks, shared umbrellas, paper towel sales, and subway morning newspapers, but also provides emergency medical supplies such as medical kits and defibrillators. Once the machine was launched, it was well received by many passengers and praised it one after another.

  The inventor of this project is Liu Tongxin, who is known as the innovation expert. Before that, he had invented and incubated more than a dozen innovative products such as hotel gathering multimedia systems, flexible screen laptops, and mural TVs. In recent years, what has made him famous is undoubtedly his original shared power bank technology solution and business model. "In 2014, I laid out more than 20 shared power bank patents. This is the earliest batch of patents in the field of shared power banks, and three of them are core patents." Liu Tongxin said that due to his original innovation and patent layout in the field of shared power banks, he is known as the "father of shared power banks".

  Creativity comes from a trip to the United States

  Liu Tongxin’s idea for the shared power bank project originated from a visit to the United States. In June 2014, Liu Tongxin followed a delegation to the United States to investigate innovation and entrepreneurship projects. One night, while he was out, his mobile phone and power bank were dead, which inspired him to invent a shared charging model.

  "I thought at that time, if there is a box, I can put the power bank that is dead and replace it with a power bank with electricity, which can solve the charging needs of many users." Liu Tongxin believes that mobile phone users have a rigid demand for battery power in public places, and with the increasing number of smartphone users, the number of users sharing power banks will show a rapid growth trend.

  With the idea of "shared charging", Liu Tongxin began to implement it. On the plane back to China, he designed a complete set of technical solutions for shared power banks. After returning to China, he immediately organized the technicians in the laboratory to set up a research and development team to start developing this technical solution.

  At the same time as the technology development, he carried out patent layout. "For this project, we have submitted more than 20 patent applications and have been authorized successively. Among them, three patents are the core technologies in the field of shared charging, and their names are’An identifiable mobile phone rechargeable battery and its identification method ‘ (patent number: ZL201410666867.0),’ A mobile phone battery charging replacement system and charging method ‘ (patent number: ZL201410667099.0),’ A mobile phone battery charging case ‘ (patent number: ZL201410667122.6). This is the first batch of shared power bank patents, which is a real process from 0 to 1, and most of them are invention patents." Liu Tongxin said.

  Product landing encounters confusion

  In November 2014, Liu Tongxin began planning how to turn the drawings into real objects. Since there were no companies in Qingdao that produced power banks, he decided to send the R & D team to Shenzhen to seek partners for power banks.

  In Shenzhen, the R & D team has reached a cooperation intention with a number of power bank manufacturers. When the two sides communicated the technical details, the engineers of the R & D team informed the other party of the technical solution, and later, they also showed them the patent application documents.

  Liu Tongxin said: "At the end of 2015, I found shared power bank cabinets produced and launched by a Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd. in several shopping malls in Shenzhen one after another. This was exactly the same as the technical solution of the shared power bank I designed. This surprised me very much. I realized that the technical solution may have been leaked. After I conducted a patent search, I found that this company submitted a large number of utility model patent applications after I submitted the patent application, and this company was raising money everywhere. It kept claiming to investors that they invented the shared power bank. This made me very angry. At that time, I especially wanted to take up legal weapons to protect my legal rights and interests. Later, this company launched several lawsuits against other shared power bank companies."

  Look for partners cautiously

  With the advent of the sharing economy boom, the business model of shared charging has gradually been recognized by the market, and the number of entrants has increased rapidly. As the inventor of shared power banks and the holder of core patents, Liu Tongxin is also known to more and more people. Many companies have come to seek cooperation, hoping that he can transfer the patent of shared charging to them. He told reporters: "The technical solutions used in the entire power bank industry are inseparable from my three core patents."

  In this regard, Liu Tongxin had his own considerations. He hoped that his partners would be companies with big ideas, and he did not want patents to become a tool for corporate competition. After repeated consideration, he finally chose to cooperate with Shenzhen Street Electric Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Street Electric).

  Liu Tongxin believes that the market size and scale of Street Power and its strong financial strength can better translate his patented technology into products. "I hope to promote the development of this industry together with leading enterprises," Liu Tongxin said.

  Businesses should promote innovation together

  Standing in the trend of the sharing economy, shared power bank enterprises have been able to develop rapidly, but at the same time, the market competition in this field has become increasingly fierce, and patent disputes have also arisen. It is understood that, taking Street Electric as an example, there have been dozens of cases of patent infringement sued by Shenzhen Caller Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Caller).

  Since March 2017, Caller has initiated more than 30 patent infringement lawsuits against Jiedian in Shenzhen, Beijing, Guangzhou and other places, with a total amount of tens of millions of yuan. In addition, Caller also filed an injunction application with the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court, asking the court to order Jiedian and others to stop the alleged infringement first.

  In response to the lawsuit of the caller, Street Electric filed a request for patent invalidation on 7 patents of the caller, and the original Patent Reexamination Board made a review decision after the trial, of which 5 patents were claims of infringement that were declared invalid, 1 patent was claims of infringement that were declared partially invalid, and the other 1 patent was found not to be creative by the court in the administrative litigation of invalidation, and the original Patent Reexamination Board was ordered to make a new review decision.

  In addition, Jiedian believes that Caller has filed 30 patent infringement lawsuits with the Beijing Intellectual Property Court and the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court) on the basis of the same 6 patents. These 30 cases have the same parties; and the rights basis on which these 30 lawsuits are based are all the same 6 patents. In particular, the alleged infringing products involved in the 24 cases filed in the Shenzhen Intermediate Court are all the same type of cabinet products of Jiedian, which belong to the same litigation object. Jiedian believes that this is a typical duplicate lawsuit. Caller believes that it is not a duplicate lawsuit. At the same time, Jiedian believes that Caller is also suspected of spreading misinformation and misleading information, which is an act of unfair competition.

  After the trial, the Shenzhen Intermediate Court ruled that Street Electricity’s lawsuit was established, requiring the caller to immediately stop the unfair competition, publicly apologize to Street Electricity on its official website, WeChat official account and more than ten media for the unfair competition, eliminate the negative impact, and compensate Street Electricity for economic losses and reasonable expenses of 5 million yuan. At present, the case is in the process of 2nd-round Moderation.

  Regarding these patent disputes, Liu Tongxin believes: "The purpose of enterprises to carry out patent layout should be to build their own protective’armor ‘, rather than maliciously attack others."

  "The market competition in the shared power bank industry should not be a zero-sum game, and the relationship between enterprises should be mutual promotion and common progress." Liu Tongxin said that at present, there is still a lot of room for innovation in the shared power bank industry in our country, and the shared power bank enterprises should focus on technological innovation, provide users with better services and create higher value. Only in this way can the entire industry develop better. (Intellectual Property News, Andy)


Ren Xianqi: Every time I sing "My Heart is Too Soft", it will be the last time in my life

  At the celebration banquet of "The Extinct Man" in 2003, Du Qifeng, who was slightly drunk, looked at Ren Xianqi with wide eyes, and suddenly said in silence, "I see an evil spirit in your eyes. When people like you become fierce, they will make everyone more afraid."

  Ren Xianqi was very surprised. Why did Du Qifeng say this? In the eyes of others, how could Ren Xianqi, who had no "public harm", be associated with "evil"?

  In 2004, Ren Xianqi took over the filming of Qifeng To’s "Big Event" and played a gangster in the film. Since then, it seems that Ren Xianqi has embarked on a "villain’s road of no return". In 2016’s "The Tree Attracts the Wind", Ren Xianqi played Ye Guohuan, one of the "three kings of thieves" in Hong Kong. Because of Ye Guohuan’s role, Ren Xianqi was finally recognized by the film industry. And it was this simple "affirmation" that Ren Xianqi took 12 years.

  Ren Xianqi hopes to share this difficult journey with everyone. He chose to use his old business – singing, and use a concert called "Miracle" to relive the footsteps we have walked together. "There will be a concert at the provincial gymnasium on July 6. Because for so many years, many people have grown up listening to my songs, and their youth has my singing in it. So this concert has a little more sharing and a little more gratitude we want to express." In an exclusive interview with Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News, Ren Xianqi said with emotion.

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter, Ren Hongwei, intern, Yi Qinyuan, photojournalist, Wang Xiao

  Gain weight for acting

  "Eating" is torture

  After the interview, Ren Xianqi invited reporters to have dinner together. He invited his agent Ke Shangmin to pack vegetables, eel noodles, and hoof soup in advance and eat them in the ultra-luxurious presidential suite. "It’s still lively to eat with more people. Well, this side tastes really good." As Ren Xianqi enjoyed the delicious food from the Chengdu Fly Restaurant, he scooped a large spoonful of scallions from the plastic bag in the hands of the agent and put them into the noodle bowl.

  For a long time, "eating" was not a pleasure for Ren Xianqi, but more of a torture. When filming the movie "War Horse" last year, Ren Xianqi spent a lot of time eating fat. The final conclusion is that "eating fat is not so happy," because when eating more than one’s load and needs, it is a kind of torture. "I have to eat six meals a day, and when I don’t have enough calories, I have to eat chocolate, nutritional supplements, and training to increase muscle mass and make it look fat when it is covered in fat. When I need to lose weight quickly, my body can’t handle the weight training and aerobic training that I need next, and it is very painful every day." However, Ren Xianqi, who finally lost weight, has to gain back to 100 kilograms. Because he may have to take over the follow-up filming of the movie "Horse Running".

  Singer in movie

  Let everyone forget my identity as a singer

  Putting aside the greasy big fat man in "War Horse", the gangster Santa in "Silent Witness", the thief king Ye Guohuan in "The Tree Attracts the Wind" before, and even the earlier "Death Gold", "Exile", "The Big Event", you will find that Ren Xianqi actually plays all kinds of villains, all kinds of villains. "Now the invitations are basically villains," Ke Shangmin added.

  Ren Xianqi and Ke Shangmin both admitted that playing the villain was because of a sentence by Du Qifeng. After thinking about it, they agreed with each other from the bottom of their hearts. "When a singer goes to act in a movie, the first thing to do is to make everyone forget my identity as a singer. I can’t have any concerns about baggage or appearance. At the beginning, when being a singer was popular, I was invited to participate in film and television performances. Usually, the image was very close to the singer, or even the true character of the performance. But when I gradually came into contact with the professional field of actors, I felt that the actor should act like what, so when I received a role, I should analyze how to act like him."

  However, on the road of movie acting, only transformation can take you further. To Qifeng once said, "If an actor is not good at acting, he should be responsible for it himself." After so many years of experience, Ren Xianqi has also found a way to truly belong to his own actor.

  "Together" Concert

  Share more

  For veteran fans, "Qi Qi" is no stranger. Ren Xianqi’s first concert since his debut in 1998 was called this name. This time, "Qi Qi" is a little more sharing and a little more gratitude that Ren Xianqi wants to express.

  There are many good songs to be sung in the concert, "Too Soft Heart" and "Pacific Heartbreak" are indispensable. If you have to make a choice, I would like to know which of these two songs has a greater influence on Ren Xianqi. "" Too Soft Heart ", after all, it is this song that everyone knows me and accepts me, and it is like a key to open the door to my music hall." From fame to now, "Too Soft Heart" should have been sung tens of thousands of times. Won’t Ren Xianqi be numb? "No, because every time I sing it, I treat it as the last time I sing it in my life. If I don’t sing it well, I won’t have a chance." Some people may also listen to Ren Xianqi sing this song for the first time. How can I sing the most sincere touching and sincere feelings to everyone? Ren Xianqi said, "Before every time I sing, I will have a precipitation and spiritual arm, because if you don’t hear the emotion, this song will invisibly reduce the position in your heart."

  Very content

  I am a happy singer

  Along with the "miracle", there were also many skeptical voices, thinking that Ren Xianqi had only sung a few representative works for so many years. In this regard, Ren Xianqi smiled and said nothing.

  "A lot of people dream of having a masterpiece, and I am very satisfied. I have many masterpieces, and they are different in various genres, so I am a happy singer, and I am very satisfied." The real challenge is how to continue to develop masterpieces, not just Ren Xianqi, but also many Tianwang-level singers. "Everyone has high expectations for us, and we also have a certain style, and then everyone will encounter some bottlenecks after the golden age. We have a place in the hearts of fans and listeners, and it is not suitable to write the same kind of songs as we grow older. It is really not so easy to create surprises and brilliance. Now the vein of the music industry is that there are talents from all over the country, and each leader is coquettish for hundreds of years."

  Long distance running artist

  It doesn’t have to outperform everyone.

  A few days ago, before Hunan Satellite TV’s "Singer" finals, there was an article on the Internet with the title "He’s going to be Qi Yu’s guest, it turns out that Xiao Qi has become a third-tier singer". Ke Shangmin was helpless: "There are so many people helping to sing, so we picked Xiao Qi to write, and we can’t help it. In fact, we didn’t receive an invitation, and these remarks are inexplicable."

  But it is undeniable that "The Singer" does provide a good stage for many singers. Did Ren Xianqi not think of participating in similar shows to let everyone know themselves again? Ren Xianqi said: "In fact, there are many invitations. I am not a competitive contestant. Every singer has his own style. There is no first or second. I don’t think I am suitable."

  "Some media use the term’long-distance runner ‘to describe me, and I think it’s quite appropriate. I think life is like a marathon, you have to adjust your rhythm and pace, and understand your own conditions. The same is true of performing arts, which should be competing for a thousand years rather than competing for one. You may be lucky and have a boost, and suddenly run smoothly. But if you don’t adjust your mentality, you will start to encounter some physical exhaustion like running a marathon. All the physical information is telling you to give up. If you really give up, you won’t be able to run to the finish line." Ren Xianqi said that you need to have a strong willpower, fighting spirit and endurance to match the rhythm of your body. "You don’t have to beat everyone, but you have to run to the finish line, even if you win. So I want to face my life with the spirit of a sportsman. I will not be discouraged if I win or lose, and I will not retreat if I am beaten to death. "


Passers-by persuaded taxi drivers to fight and became murder suspects [Photos]

Caption: Taxi driver Master Liao said: "If he is sentenced, I will feel very guilty."

Image caption: Huang Weiwen

Image caption: The scene of the incident

  He was 1.7 meters tall, but he only weighed less than 50 kilograms. If nothing else happened, he would spend the rest of his short life in peace and obscurity.

  But the accident still happened. On the night of December 19, 2008, there was a conflict between a passenger and a passenger in Deshan, Changde, Hunan Province. Huang Weiwen, who was passing by, took the initiative to rescue his brother, but in the end he stabbed Hu Hai, a family member of the passenger who was chasing him, to death. Soon, Huang Weiwen was arrested by the public security organs on "suspicion of intentional injury", and the case has been transferred to the procuratorial organs.

  The case of Huang Weiwen has set off a big debate in the local area. In the eyes of some local taxi drivers, Huang has become a "hero" who has acted bravely for justice, while others see him as a "murderer" who deliberately killed people. Whether it is praised or denigrated, the merits and demerits are right or wrong, and the case is still in a thick fog.


  A brother who wears the stars and the moon every day and earns hard-earned money.

  A uremic patient who is uremic and has a straight temper.

  An oil factory worker who leads an ordinary life and is kind to others.

  Liao Hua (pseudonym), Huang Weiwen, and Hu Hai, the original three "parallel lines" that never intersect, were ruthlessly tricked by fate and "crossed" on the night of December 19, 2008.

  "If he was sentenced to prison, I would feel very guilty." Liao Hua, one of the point persons in the incident, later recalled to the Legal Weekly reporter the situation that night. At 7 o’clock that night, he took a passenger to the gate of Deshan Glass Factory in Changde City. After disembarking, a man and a woman on the roadside waved to him. Unexpectedly, after the two stopped Master Liao, they were not in a hurry to get on the car, but leaned against the door and started chatting, and the alcohol was soaring. Master Liao was a little impatient, so he asked them if they wanted to get on the car, and said that the car should be leaned to the side of the road, not in the middle of the road. This aroused the dissatisfaction of the two men and women, and the two dragged him out of the car and began to beat him. Later, another man came, and the three of them punched and kicked him. After the fight, the three of them ordered him to kneel, and Master Liao vowed not to kneel.

  Afterwards, an employee of Hunan Jinjian Vegetable Oil Co., Ltd. introduced that the woman’s name was Li Ping, an old employee of their company. She was usually outspoken and never "blushed" with anyone. She had dinner with friends that night, and it was not ruled out that she drank wine at the table, but because she did not witness the scene with her own eyes, the cause of the conflict could not be presumed.

  However, another anecdotal theory about the outbreak of the conflict is that Liao Hua "scratched the other side" or caused the conflict due to "bargaining" issues. But this claim could not be confirmed by the relevant departments or other witnesses for the time being.

  Liao Hua recalled that at this time, a thin man in the crowd stood up and advised them not to embarrass a taxi driver and told him to hurry up.

  murder occurs

  This person is Huang Weiwen, a retired employee of the Eighth Bureau of Hydropower, and Huang’s girlfriend Li Yaling and others are with him.

  According to Li Yaling, Huang is 40 years old, has four older sisters, and his parents have passed away. He is very upright and belongs to "people who vent their temper if they have a temper, and are not at ease after the fact." Huang is divorced and has a 14-year-old daughter. He served in the armed police force for four years and is a uremic patient. In May 2001, Huang underwent a kidney transplant in a hospital in Changde. Soon after, his unit, the Eighth Bureau of China Water Resources and Hydropower, handled the medical treatment procedures for him. The monthly medical expenses are thousands of yuan, and the care of the unit has been able to support it until now. In the first half of 2008, when Huang was examined at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, the doctor told him that the kidney he transplanted had entered the aging stage and appeared "slow row".

  If the condition is stable, there is still more than a year to live, otherwise there are only a few months of "life".

  Li Yaling told reporters that in the end, under the persuasion of Huang Weiwen, the "peacemaker", Master Liao took the opportunity to get into a taxi and drove away from the scene. But what she did not expect was that Liao’s departure caused her boyfriend to get into trouble.

  Ms. Li recalled that the trio placed the blame for the taxi driver’s "escape" on Huang Weiwen, and then threatened Huang. One of the men got into the car of Huang Weiwen’s friends and refused to let them go. At this point, Li Ping called his husband Hu Hai, who was in the same unit. After hearing the news, Hu Hai rushed to the scene immediately.

  According to Li Yaling, after Hu Hai arrived, he punched Huang Weiwen. Seeing that there were many people, Huang Weiwen had to pull his leg and run, but his right leg was injured and he could not run at all. "After running for more than ten meters, three men and one woman all chased after him." During the escape, Huang took out a folding fruit knife from his right pocket, Li recalled, according to Huang Weiwen’s later description. At that time, Huang opened the folded fruit knife, shook it in front of the other party, and gave a warning.

  But for this "cautionary" detail that could affect the characterization of the entire case, because she was too busy calling the police and missed the moment of witness, when she looked back, Hu Hai was already clutching her stomach and holding a bloody knife. Then, Hu fell. After the 120 ambulance arrived, Hu Hai died before he could be taken to the hospital.

  But for that crucial detail, Xiao Shibiao, the lawyer representing the dead man, Hu Hai, said that he had learned from "public security reports," family members and witnesses that Huang stabbed Hu in the chest in an instant, and did not "warn" before. Exactly how this detail is will play a crucial role in the determination of the case.

  The reporter was unable to learn the case from the public security department, and there was no way to verify the existence of the "warning" details.

  Had a "criminal record"?

  More than an hour later, Liao Hua, who left, heard from a radio program that a murder had occurred in Deshan, and the criminal police were looking for the driver who was beaten before the murder. Only then did he know that the man who persuaded him to kill him just now.

  It is reported that after the killing, Huang Weiwen called the relevant personnel of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Deshan Public Security Bureau and surrendered himself. After the police investigated, Huang Zhi and Yang Hongbing, who attacked the person, were criminally detained.

  After 10 days of criminal detention, Huang Weiwen was released on bail pending trial due to a "serious illness" and received treatment in the hospital. On January 14 this year, the prosecutor’s office requested and carried out an arrest for the crime of "intentional injury (death)."

  Originally just a "peacemaker", he became an alleged offender in a blink of an eye.

  Lawyer Xiao said that when Hu Hai and others pursued Huang Weiwen with their bare hands, Huang’s personal safety was not threatened. Huang carried a controlled knife with him, and the weapon used, the location chosen, and the strength of the force used in the retaliation against Hu Hai all led to a fatal knife. Huang Weiwen completed this act when he clearly knew that it would cause serious consequences, which is a kind of intentional homicide.

  "He was unconscious at that moment, not intentional." But Huang’s girlfriend and a local lawyer took a different view of this claim. They believe it is self-defense.

  Afterwards, some employees of the deceased’s unit introduced that Huang Weiwen had a bad reputation in the local area and had a "criminal record", but this was only their "hearsay".

  A fellow journalist in Changde told reporters that he went to Huang’s local police department specifically for this matter, but found no evidence of a "criminal record." In addition, Huang Weiwen’s tendons in his hands and feet were cut a few months ago, reportedly due to a dispute with a competitor while dealing with waste from his original unit. After surgery from the hospital, his injuries have not yet healed.

  As the case was still under investigation, the reporter could not verify whether Huang had a "criminal record".

  Awaiting a fair ruling

  The leaders of Hu’s unit expressed regret when talking about Hu Hai’s death, and repeatedly claimed that Hu Hai was a kind and dutiful person who never had the experience of competing with others.

  After Hu’s death, colleagues in his unit have consistently elected him as the outstanding employee of 2008 to show their recognition of his work and personality during his lifetime.

  But on the other hand, Master Liao, a taxi driver who got out of the "whirlpool", issued an initiative to the Changde Taxi Industry Association and all drivers, calling for support for Huang Weiwen’s "daring to uphold justice" behavior.

  At present, many taxi drivers have signed their names on the proposal. Master Liao hopes that through his own efforts, Huang will be exempted from "punishment".

  Lawyer Xiao told reporters that Huang has turned himself in, but it will not affect the characterization of the case, but will only let the court consider his sentencing. In addition, they will file a criminal incidental civil lawsuit with the court in this case. He hopes that public opinion will not affect the fair ruling of the law, and the parties will be fair.

  "We think it is also appropriate to compensate the family of the deceased, but Huang Weiwen’s money has been used for medical treatment." Li Yaling, who has known Huang for five years, said she has hired a lawyer to defend him and strive for the best possible sentence. In addition, financial compensation will be a big issue because Huang has little savings.

  Ms. Li told reporters that while Ms. Huang was being treated at the hospital and "escorted" by specialized personnel from the public security department, she sent medicine and food to the hospital every day, but that her health was not as good as it used to be. She said her "boyfriend" was temporarily unavailable for interviews because of concerns about "repercussions."

  A person from the Wuling District Procuratorate of Changde City revealed that the case was returned to the public security organ for supplementary investigation on February 12 and relevant evidence was organized.

  "Both sides are unfortunate, and I hope the law will give a fair judgment." Changde’s brother, Master Li, sighed meaningfully.

Editor in charge: Wang Xin