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Naming insects after Hu Ge and Gu Tianle is an attempt

Text | Zhang Tiankan

Recently, an academic paper entitled "A new species of Pseudomonas from Sichuan Province, China" has attracted attention both inside and outside the industry. The paper on the new insect species was published in the journal World Ecology. According to the article, the new insect species was collected in Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The author named the insect "Hu Guzha" because, "The species is named in tribute to the famous actors Mr. Hu Ge and Mr. Gu Tianle, to thank them for their contributions to environmental protection and basic education in the mountainous areas of western China."

Naming insects by human names is not an innovation, but this time using the names of celebrities in the entertainment industry has caused a huge controversy. Some professionals believe that there are many things wrong with this academic paper: first, the writing style is weird, and publishing a classification paper in the academic journal "World Ecology" is even more bizarre; secondly, this paper is not like a traditional paper, but more like a scientific essay, which is "showing off literary talent", and there is no need to express emotion in the paper.

It is true that the paper has a fixed writing standard, including format, vocabulary, terminology, etc. However, the writing standard is only a less important one in the evaluation criteria. The essence of the problem is whether the paper follows the academic standard of animal naming, whether it writes (explains) clearly the content, method, process and conclusions of a study, and a rational discussion of the conclusions.


Measured by these two standards, this scientific prose-style paper follows both the standards and does not violate the harmony. The latest edition (4th edition) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, published in 2020, stipulates the principles, grammar, and etiquette norms that zoologists need to abide by in naming species and discussing the naming process of species. According to Article 31.1.2 in this regulation, the author named this insect "Hu Ge" in pinyin of Hu Ge’s name, "Koo Tin-lok" in pinyin of Gu Tianle’s name, and "-orum" in the Latin suffix. Moreover, the paper also explained the entire discovery and research process and results clearly, and discussed the results, which are generally in line with the norms of scientific papers.

Furthermore, both animals and plants can be named by the discoverers according to the taxonomic criteria. These criteria are derived from the biological classification system established by Carl Linnaeus’s "Natural Systems". According to the biological classification standard, the naming of new species must use a unified Latin word and consist of three words.

Huguchan distribution area

The first word is the genus name, which must be named according to scientific classification and cannot be changed casually; the second word is the species name, which can be named after all things; the third word is the surname of the namer. Therefore, it is extremely common to name insects by human names. For example, the British Navy named a bird-wing butterfly in the Pacific Ocean "Queen Victoria’s Winged Butterfly". Moreover, scholars in the United States have discovered more than 200 kinds of insects, named after their relatives and friends.

Why is this generally standard paper so controversial? The reason is that some researchers want to accelerate the integration of science and culture, while others believe that academia is academic, and should not be mixed with cultural, social and other factors. This conflict between science and humanities was proposed by the British writer Charles Percy Snow in his May 7, 1959 Red Lecture on "Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution" at the University of Cambridge. After decades of discussion and reflection, in 1995, John Brockman’s "The Third Culture" proposed that there is another culture besides the humanities and sciences, which is the third culture where the two are integrated. The core of this culture is that cutting-edge scientists and thinkers should express their ideas and research findings in accessible language, breaking down the cultural divide between pure humanities and sciences, and making their findings accessible to ordinary people.

In other words, researchers should explain and explain their research results through easy-to-understand language and methods, and carry out scientific communication, so that more people can understand and understand the content, principles, and laws of science, so as to benefit the whole society. Separate lines are like mountains, obviously, this is a relatively difficult task. Therefore, there is a huge controversy over the research of "Hugucha" insects.

However, the author of the article expressed the idea of understanding and practicing the third culture. He pointed out that it is not necessary to explain so much research background in the usual entomology papers. The reason why he deliberately wrote in too much detail is that "the main reason is to take into account the readers of the society and avoid public misunderstandings in advance. Instead, it has caused some professionals to misunderstand from another angle."

The factor that allows more people to understand their papers and intentionally introduce culture is the way some researchers currently use. In addition to using literary language, they also intentionally use literary methods to illustrate science, so as to achieve the goal of science and art breaking up at the foot of the mountain and meeting teachers at the top of the mountain. Of course, it can also make more people understand science.

As one of the leading scientific journals in the world, the British journal "Nature" launched a "Future" column on November 4, 1999 (the magazine’s 130th birthday), dedicated to publishing "fun" short science fiction stories. This is a very unusual out-of-the-loop approach, which is far from reality, reason and law. Of course, this approach of Nature magazine is also seen as an attempt to combine science and culture in a third culture.

Scientific papers naming insects and animals after people, as well as expressing scientific content and results in literary and artistic ways, are all worth trying, but there are also areas for discussion, such as how to do it and to what extent it will be more balanced.

The original title: "Naming insects after Hu Ge and Gu Tianle is an attempt"

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Meituan takes a number of measures in response to the "2023 China Farmers’ Harvest Festival" to help agricultural products "leave the village and enter the city"

  On the occasion of the sixth Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival, rich and diverse celebrations around the theme of "Celebrating Harvest, Promoting Harmony and Beauty" have also continued across the country. Since September 18, millions of merchants on the Meituan linkage platform have built online consumption promotion special pages through Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market, Meituan Flash Sale and other retail businesses, and invested tens of millions of subsidies to make high-quality and characteristic agricultural products from all over the country popular across the country through online platforms.

  From now on, search for "Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival" on the Meituan App to go directly to the main venue of the event, of which Meituan prefers to start the "Mid-Autumn Festival Super Sale Eating · Yuexiang Moon" online promotion activity from September 18th to September 23rd, explosive products over 29 minus 4 yuan, and focus on the exposure of advantageous resources, providing online sales channels for a variety of seasonal agricultural products such as sunshine rose grapes and soft seed pomegranates, and combining consumers’ demand for seasonal agricultural products during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, launching moon cake gift boxes, wine gift boxes and other related product promotions; from September 18th to September 24th, Meituan market opened the "Mid-Autumn Festival Gift" harvest festival special promotion activities, not only "local top goods" represented by Pinggu Peach It also covers hundreds of agricultural products such as new rice and seasonal fruits.

▲ From now on, search for "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival" on the Meituan App to go directly to the main venue of the event.

  The 2023 Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival Golden Autumn Consumption Season was launched in Beijing on September 8. Meituan brought its Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market, Fast Donkey Purchase and other businesses to participate in offline exhibitions, showcasing high-quality agricultural products from all over the world achieved through the Meituan platform, and Meituan’s specific measures in helping rural employment and training e-commerce leaders.

  "Under the guidance of government departments at all levels, Meituan has taken concrete actions to participate in the process of helping the country’s rural revitalization, helping high-quality agricultural products to rise, and helping farmers increase employment and income." Meituan’s relevant person in charge said that in the future, it will continue to use technology to help agricultural products rise, drive farmers to increase income and become rich, and contribute to precise production and marketing docking, e-commerce talent training and other aspects. 

  "Local top goods" help agricultural products "go out of the village and into the city" to expand new consumption scenarios

  During the Farmers’ Harvest Festival, in the live stream of Meituan market, consumers can place orders while watching, and staff can pick and pack fresh fruits from the field to the table, which can be delivered in as little as 30 minutes.

  It is reported that Meituan market launched the "local top goods" plan in 2022. At present, there are more than 300 kinds of "local top goods" such as Beijing Panggezhuang watermelon, Shanghai Nanhui peach, Guangzhou Zengcheng lychee, etc., which are supported by traffic support, bulk procurement, and direct source mining. These regional agricultural products not only achieve mature picking, but also complete the full link of production and sales within one day, so that users and farmers can benefit at the same time. The new instant retail system built by live streaming, 30-minute distribution, and full cold chain capabilities is opening up a convenient channel for more local characteristic agricultural products to "leave the village and enter the city", opening up a new path for the innovative development of local specialties.

  The story of farmers getting rich is also hidden behind the batches of regional characteristic agricultural products that go to all parts of the country. "I belong to the’second generation of melon farmers’. In addition to inheriting the melon planting technology of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I want to find a good market and let the melon farmers get rich." Chen Binwen, head of Shanghai Li’s Vegetable and Fruit Professional Cooperative, calculated such an account. After the Meituan market’s "local top goods" source direct mining base was launched, local farmers took over 20 acres of land from the cooperative. Each year, only from January to August, during the watermelon planting and listing season, you can get about 400,000 yuan.

  "At present, there are more than 450 direct procurement suppliers in Meituan market alone, nearly 400 direct connection bases, and more than 100 digital ecological origins." The relevant person in charge of Meituan market said that in the future, by increasing the direct procurement of high-quality agricultural products from the source, it will help improve the quality of agricultural products and standardize production. At the same time, it will use its own system of agricultural product supply chain efficiency to improve, speed up distribution, shorten the chain of agricultural products from origin to table, and allow more "local top goods" to connect to the big market, so that citizens’ vegetable baskets are richer and farmers’ money bags are more weighty.

  "Tomorrow’s Supermarket" will speed up again to promote the organic connection between "small farmers" and "big markets"

  On August 25, Yingjie Village, Xiaochangshan Island Town, Changhai County, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, was listed on the list of "China’s Beautiful Leisure Village in 2023". Yingjie Village Kelilai Store owner is the manager of Meituan Preferred Store. His "new rural convenience store" has a wide range of fresh groceries. Yunnan flowers, Shaanxi Dali winter jujube, etc. can be transported to the island through Meituan Preferred. Villagers and tourists can "place an order on demand and pick it up by themselves before noon the next day".

  It is understood that in the first half of this year, Meituan preferred to increase procurement efforts nationwide to improve the efficiency of the online circulation chain of agricultural products. In terms of improving consumer experience, through localized collection and distribution, shortening logistics links, etc., to meet the needs of urban and rural consumers for "convenience". By the middle of the year, Meituan preferred more than 900 kinds of fresh daily miscellaneous goods, an increase of more than 40% year-on-year. At the same time, Meituan preferred "Mingda Supermarket" to speed up again, reaching noon in the afternoon. More agricultural products can go out of the origin and quickly reach the tables of consumers in 2,000 cities and counties.

  In addition, during the Farmers’ Harvest Festival, Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market and other retail businesses were launched in many places across the country to assist farmers in training, production and marketing docking and other activities. With the support of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Management Cadre College of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the China Agricultural Products Market Association jointly organized the training of suppliers of high-quality agricultural products from the origin. Many farmers’ cooperatives, rural collective economic organizations, trade and circulation enterprises, agricultural enterprises, e-commerce enterprises and the main body of the construction project of refrigeration and preservation facilities in the origin of agricultural products in Shandong Province will participate in the training, taking the training as a breakthrough point to promote the organic connection between "small farmers" and "big markets".


Live interaction meets "Love Science Fiction" and triggers a chain reaction. Can the legend of "Finished" be replicated?

6 female protagonists in "Finished". Picture/Steam platform screenshot

"When she looked at the male protagonist, her eyes were too bright, and then I realized that the big eyes were really beautiful." The male player Wood described his favorite character "Shen Comet". Shen Comet is one of the six female protagonists in "Finished! I’m Surrounded by Beautiful Women!" (hereinafter referred to as "Finished").

After "Invisible Guardian" opened up the first year of live-action interactive film games, "Finished" has become another "out of the circle" new work on this track.

From October 30th to November 9th, the WeChat official account of Hippo Games has released 3 interactive film tour project news in cooperation with the "Finished" team, including the production of the female version of "Finished". On November 22nd, the shell financial reporter verified with the relevant staff of Guangzhou Xiaoyou Content Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Xiaoyou Interactive Entertainment), the producer of "Finished". He said that the female version of the interactive love game project reached with Hippo Games is fake news, "This project is actually an IP (intellectual property rights) of the INTINY studio of Xiaoyou Interactive Entertainment announced on November 9th, and an interactive imaging product jointly created with Hippo Games and Qishu Youyu." He also revealed that the "Finished" DLC (game downloadable content) is currently ready for launch.

"Finished" was launched on the Steam platform on October 18, and once hit the hot-selling list. However, the Steam platform did not directly disclose the sales data of game products. As of November 23, when the shell financial reporter entered the "Finished" Steam mall, the page showed the number of reviews was 25,185. According to industry habits, the reporter took the median value of 37.5 times 20 to 55, and estimated that the total sales of "Finished" was about 944,000 copies. (Regression analysis based on 100 game data in 2021 by Video Game Insights shows that the relationship between sales and reviews of games released on the Steam platform after 2020 is likely to be 20-55 times.) According to the latest estimates of the Steam Spy platform, the number of users of "Finished" is between 1 million and 2 million. If 1 million sales are calculated, according to the 42 yuan mall pricing and the "37 share" convention, the current revenue of "Finished" is roughly 29.40 million yuan.

Chen Yurong, the producer and general manager of Xiaoyou Interactive Entertainment, revealed in an interview with the "Daily Economic News" that the total investment of "Finished" is about 5 million yuan.

Such a live-action interactive movie game has the possibility of nearly 6 times the cost of income, why is the "sci-fi sense" of "Finished" addictive, and whether its success can be replicated or continued? Shell Financial reporters interviewed game practitioners, analysts, and "Finished" players on the above issues.

More than 90% of users are male, and the "tap water" promotion triggers a herd effect

Chen Yurong has publicly stated that male users of "Finished" currently account for more than 90%.

Zheng Ziyan, one of the 6 female leads of "Finished". Picture/Screenshot of Steam platform

According to the plot setting of "Finished", players will start a love journey with six female protagonists with different personalities and appearances from the first-person perspective of the male protagonist "Gu Yi": Zheng Ziyan, the Midnight Elf, Li Yunsi, the Flower of Gaoling, and Xiao Lu, the deer in the forest, as well as Shen Comet, the proud lady, Lin Yueqing, the goddess of slashing men, and Zhong Zhen, the overbearing female president. "These 6 girls are all around you, and the actors’ small expressions are vivid and natural," the aforementioned male player Wood commented. If the player is too "scumbag", it will trigger the two BE (Bad Ending) endings of "Male Girlfriend" and "Lonely Family".

Most of the gamers surveyed said it all started with the day they were "pushed" by a video or social media platform. They also had some expectations about the quality of the game’s content before playing the game through video footage or comments: the cover is very page game, the plot is unbelievable, the sci-fi game…

The fun person option in "Finished". Figure/Steam platform screenshot

"There are a lot of’fun people ‘options in the short video, such as you can choose to fight the landlord or the big brother in the same ward. These options are not like normal choices that people make in social interactions, and there is a simple humor in them, so I wanted to go and see it," said Li Hua, a male player. "The producers also accept everyone’s evaluation of its’sci-fi game’, and I think it is very low-profile," Li Hua added.

"Some of its plots are particularly embarrassing. Usually, bullet comments are swiping’heaven defying ‘at this time, which makes people laugh, so I went to see where this game came from with an entertaining attitude." Wood was attracted by the name when he watched Bilibili UP’s "Pen Bar Evaluation Room" use "Finished" to test the performance of the computer game, and then "entered the pit" vertically.

Chen Yurong, general manager of Xiaoyou Interactive Entertainment, admitted in an interview that the original target user group of "Finished" was men, providing them with emotional value.

Men are less demanding on aesthetics, one woman told a veteran gaming practitioner. "It doesn’t have to be more than 9 points, 8 points is OK, and 7 points is not OK, but it may be more diverse." From a psychological point of view, real-life interaction meets men’s visual satisfaction needs and helps them establish a sense of sight or real experience in the game. "Men need to see real people to have an immersive feeling."

And female players who are not part of the target audience mostly mention the word "curious" when telling Shell Finance about the opportunity to play the game.

Cai Jing, a female player, said that many of Douyin’s couple accounts are playing "Finished", and "the video and comment areas will quarrel over the game, so I wonder why they quarrel over this."

As Zhihu blogger’s Wang Jia, I see the name of "Finished" on Zhihu’s hot list every day. "Because they all say’this is a man’s paradise, ‘I also want to experience for myself what kind of game men are after," Wang Jia said.

"At first, it was my boyfriend who said the game was very popular and wanted to play it. After seeing some negative comments, I thought’why don’t I play it first ‘." After playing, Shi Qi, a female player, thought it was "okay", and she sometimes distracted herself from what actresses wore.

Wang Jialun, founder of Game Teahouse, explained to Shell Finance that the videos could be interpreted as "tap water". He speculated that most of the buyout games on the Steam platform will not be too invested in publicity. "The gameplay is somewhat creative, and it is more suitable for live broadcast, so it will naturally become popular. There may be some help later, but it should not cost a lot of money," he said.

In the eyes of women, "paper people are perfect", and women have little chance of success in "Done"

"It’s so weird to have a Qi Sili around, the paper man is perfect!" Molly, a player of B Games, a love simulation game developed for women, stressed.

The above-mentioned woman told game practitioners that compared with the female market, the live-action interactive model is more likely to succeed in the male market. He analyzed that this is due to the difference in the mental mechanism of women and men to trigger imagination. Women can have imagination and happiness through words, but men usually have difficulty generating such brain supplements. "They rely on visual satisfaction, at least in the field of love games, they are more realistic."

Based on his own market observation experience, the practitioner concluded that women are extremely interested in the beauty of game characters, "they have fantasies about game art, characters, and even the game itself". He stressed that real-life play may destroy the perfection that women desire, while two-dimensional art is easier to meet women’s perfection requirements. To this end, the shell financial reporter asked the interviewed female players for their inner hopes of the real-life interactive B game male lead portrait, and received answers including very handsome, non-greasy, emotionally stable and the actor cannot collapse.

"If you choose a real person, girls may choose to chase stars directly," Shi Qi said. Female players interviewed by Shell Finance said they do not necessarily need to use love games to satisfy emotional needs and intimate relationships.

Cars, guns, and balls are the mainstream of the game market, and the sustainability of real-life interactive movie game products needs to be verified

"Love games are niche games. Even if’Finished ‘sells hundreds of thousands of copies now, it just seems to be popular," said the male player Li Hua. He introduced to Shell Financial reporters with years of gaming experience that the traditional "car, gun, and ball games" in Europe and the United States are the mainstream of the market. "Car" refers to fixed-speed games, "gun" refers to shooting games, and "ball" represents sports games. "Then it came to Japanese role-playing." The male player Wood also said that he prefers open-world, police and bandit racing games and other games, and "is not very interested in love games."

At present, the number of online players of "Done" has declined. According to the monthly player statistics of the little black box, as of November 22, the average online number of "Done" in October was 39,342, and the number in November was 22,028. The average online number has dropped by 44% in one month.

Wang Jialun, founder of Game Teahouse, believes that the live-action interactive movie game is a fixed track with a fixed player group, but "the scale is not certain". He also believes that "Finished" is a short-term product, and it can only be a series or IP-based if it is to be sustained, "but this is not something that ordinary companies can do". Women interviewed by Shell Finance also believe that the cost-effectiveness of IP-based games of this kind is not high, "because the cost of games is very high now".

Huatai Securities Research Report shows that the continuity of the follow-up products of this live interactive movie game needs to be verified.

"The combination of text and short video forms appeared early," the woman told game practitioners. In March 2019, Tencent launched the "1001" mobile end platform, which offered interactive narrative products including visual novels, anime and live-action dramas, but it was officially discontinued on February 8 this year. According to statistics, "Invisible Guardian" sold 1.40 million copies in 2019, but its production studio New One Studio has not yet launched a new product.

The practitioner believes that short video games such as "Finished" can be understood as FMCG, "it is similar to online articles and short dramas, and it is also a stimulating practice. After users watch it, they forget it, and then repeatedly stimulate users’ points of interest." Chen Yurong also said in an interview with "South Wind Window" that the team has borrowed the production method of short dramas, and they are more willing to position "Finished" as an "interactive imaging product" rather than a "game". He also said that he will promote exchanges with domestic platforms such as Douyin and WeChat Mini Program.

At present, the pace of content expansion in the micro-drama market is accelerating. According to the "2023-2024 China Micro-drama Market Research Report" released by iiMedia Consulting on November 22, the circulation of China’s online micro-dramas reached 150 in the third quarter of this year, nearly twice the total of last year.

On the other hand, the content ecology of micro-short dramas is uneven. Regarding the controversy caused by "Finished", Patrick Jagoda, director of the Department of Media Arts and Design at the University of Chicago, professor of the Department of Film and Media Studies and the Department of English Language and Literature, also said in an interview with Shell Finance that the issue of content ethics exists not only in the field of video games, but also in the media field in a broad sense such as movies and TV series.

The "tight hoop" of supervision on micro-short dramas has also been gradually tightened. On November 15, the China Network Audiovisual Program Service Association released an article saying that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television will increase and refine the management of micro-short dramas in terms of formulating the "Detailed Rules for the Creation, Production and Content Review of Online Micro-Short Dramas", establishing the Mini Program "blacklist" mechanism and the online micro-short drama push statistics mechanism. (At the request of the interviewees, the interviewees except Wang Jialun are all pseudonyms)

Beijing News Shell Finance Trainee Reporter, Wei Yingzi, Reporter, Bai Jinlei, Qin Che

Editor, Yue Cai Zhou

Proofreading, Yang Xuli


Jackie Chan’s "Zodiac" is injured and in a wheelchair, really fighting Hollywood

  After filming for so many years, Jackie Chan has suffered countless injuries. According to Zhang Lanxin, he went to the hospital on crutches after filming, but his eldest brother went to the hospital in a wheelchair. Jackie Chan admitted that he couldn’t remember how many injuries he had suffered, but he was really helpless, "I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, and I have also asked myself if I need to work so hard to make movies, but if I don’t work so hard, what can we do to compete with Hollywood? We do have a big gap with them in the stunts of science fiction movies, so we have to make this kind of real kung fu movie, fighting Hollywood with fists and meat. It is this environment that forces me to work hard." Regarding "Zodiac," he said, the play returned to "mediocrity", allowing people to see the previous Jackie Chan movies. "Some flying movies are unreasonable, and action movies have entered a dangerous period. I prefer to be like the original."

Next page: Jackie Chan is not looking for a successor, Li Zongsheng made a cameo and was rectified 


Interview with Jackie Chan: Daring to try science fiction themes, collecting landmarks from various countries

Video screenshot: Jackie Chan interviewed by China Film Report 


1905 movie network feature The movie box office starring Jackie Chan has broken through 300 million, unlike previous film themes, this time Jackie Chan not only tried to play a science fiction theme, but also to the top of the Sydney Opera House to show his fists. It is said that Jackie Chan, who is over 60 years old, has been breaking through in roles in recent years. From to, to and other films, Jackie Chan let the audience see that he has the strength to become an acting actor in addition to being a kung fu actor.

Support new directors and boldly try science fiction

The movie "Blood of the Machine" is Jackie Chan’s next film this year after "British Showdown". To the surprise of many people, this time he is working with a new director without any representative works.


Jackie Chan: Because you see that people haven’t done anything for five years, just to make a script, and now we have to cooperate for a few years. There was originally a script, and we kept talking about it, but it died, but the director kept looking for a second theme, a second script. Then I say try it, because I have never tried that kind of science fiction.


Jackie Chan and director Zhang Lijia


It is not the first time Jackie Chan has boldly hired a new director. When he worked with director Ding Sheng, Ding Sheng only had one director’s work.


Jackie Chan: A rookie director, he has that kind of passion, he will have a lot of ideas. Some directors, come to the scene one, two, three, four, just like this, he may deliver the goods, he will deliver the goods to you, and they will think about the script of the next play. It seems that many martial arts instructors use this style of play in the morning, and the same style of play in the afternoon has become patterned. How do you want to make the middle of the pattern more different, this is the most important.


Play all over the world and unlock the new Sydney Opera House landmark

Jackie Chan: He only approved me, he never approved anyone to play on it.


Talking about the filming of "Blood of the Machine" on the top floor of the Sydney Opera House, Jackie Chan is full of joy. North America, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, Iceland, Jackie Chan has played Chinese kung fu all over the world.


Jackie Chan filming on the top floor of the Sydney Opera House

Jackie Chan: Cool, every landmark of mine, you see, I’m in Rotterdam with that big glass roof, glass building, (filming movies) at that Eiffel Tower (filming movies), it’s fun. And now the Australian Opera House, because it’s the same in terms of punches and feet, nothing, you can only use the same action to fight on different buildings, it’s better (cool).


"Rush Hour 3" work photo

However, going to the top floor of the architecturally ingenious Sydney Opera House to film is no easy task.


Jackie Chan: It’s quite dangerous. First, there can’t be many people going up, only six people. We used to film here, dance here, fight here, there were family classes, or some security guards over there, + you can only take care of yourself on top + That actress can’t fight, she can blind my eyes in that minute with that stick.


Jackie Chan: It’s too difficult to shoot, and they are also cultural relics and protected buildings. And he has a special person on it to watch, we can’t touch this, we can’t touch that, every brick, every tile is difficult.


Use your life to fight movies, from "capable of martial arts" to "both civil and military"

Looking back on these years of Jackie Chan movies, even if he has achieved success, he has always fought with his life.


Jackie Chan: Speaking for himself, he was on the verge of life and death several times, and he really broke his foot. + The photographer also said, look your ankle, don’t worry, I said don’t ask me if you have caught this shot. He said yes, I said yes, you can catch it. This is the most important thing. I will turn my foot over again. I am here. After I rolled down the stairs, I took a look. My finger is here. After playing, I will pull it back. + This is how we are filmmakers.

"Plan A" stills

From the initial fame as a "kung fu actor", Jackie Chan has continued to seek breakthroughs in recent years, perfectly completing the transformation from a "capable martial artist" to a "both civil and military" acting actor.


Jackie Chan: In fact, in the past ten years, you will see that I have been changing, I have changed to the audience, to the audience to see that I am an actor, I am no longer an action actor, I can’t shoot 12345678 every year, I am not interesting, now you see, I have been changing.


Huawei Yu Chengdong personally celebrated the sales record and asked the world for new M7 orders and deliveries.

   Recently, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG, and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, affirmed the sales volume of Wenjie. He said: "Huawei and Celes have achieved the fastest production of 100,000 new energy vehicles, creating a" speed of asking for boundaries ",and the new M7 has also created its own milestone."

  According to the data, all the brands in Wenjie delivered 18,827 vehicles in November, among which the new M7 in Wenjie successfully delivered 15,242 vehicles and delivered more than 10,000 vehicles for two consecutive months. At the same time, the number of new M7 vehicles in the world has exceeded 100,000, and both orders and deliveries have blossomed, all of which reflect the super power of Huawei.

  Being able to achieve such results not only reflects the recognition of brands and products in the market, but also confirms the fact that brands in the world have a high content of Chinese products.

  Nowadays, the hot new M7 has been labeled as "smart ceiling" by users.

  The new M7 is equipped with HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 and HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which provides exclusive "Huawei" advanced enjoyment in interactive experience and intelligent driving. Relying on Huawei’s advantages in the field of electronic products, the new M7 in Wenjie is equipped with HUAWEI MagLink Huawei car smart screen system, so users can not only enjoy the big screen treatment, but also have more space scenes and new gameplay. In the smart cockpit, Huawei MatePAD flat panel can realize immediate connection and multi-device linkage. It can directly hang three color TVs that family users like, and can be disassembled and taken away. Movies that are not finished at home can be directly hung on the car with the flat panel to continue watching, and the three flat panels can be linked with each other. People in the car can play games, karaoke and even control the car at any time.

  In the current hot intelligent driving, the new M7 with Huawei endorsement has more say. With HUAWEI ADS 2.0 not relying on high-precision maps, the new M7 can take you "away" anytime and anywhere, and it is expected that by the end of the year, it will be the first to realize an intelligent driving experience that can be opened all over the country. The "end of the year" deadline is approaching. At present, the new M7 version of Zhijia has been upgraded by OTA, and has successfully realized the functions of high-speed NCA and urban LCC. Many users have taken a real "smart driving" after picking up their cars. Driving the new M7 on high-speed and elevated vehicles follows the navigation to their destinations, consciously recognizes the traffic lights, and assists in controlling the normal driving, intelligent lane change, intelligent speed limit, etc. Car owners all feel that driving is not as "tired" as before. In addition, the new M7 can also show its talents in urban roads, such as cruising at a fixed speed, cruising with the car, crossing corners, etc., and can also realize automatic avoidance in and out of the driveway, greatly improving driving safety and happiness. Of course, the automatic parking capacity with the narrowest car width of 0.4M makes more novices become "old drivers" in minutes.

  HarmonyOS Zhixing is the most comprehensive, close and in-depth mode of cooperation between Huawei and car companies, with the most advanced innovative technology of Huawei smart cars and the best intelligent experience. Yu Chengdong used "the earliest and deepest car-enterprise partner" to affirm the relationship with Cyrus, which is also the recognition of the brand in the world. Because of this different relationship with other brands, the new M7 in the world strives for the ultimate in terms of users’ interests, both in terms of intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving, and puts users’ interests first in terms of products and sales services.

  When the order and delivery of the new M7 are all red, it will provide users with more choices. Huawei’s deeply empowered new M7 will push two rear-drive intelligent driving models. Among them, the official guide price of the new M7 MAX five-seat rear-drive intelligent driving version is 289,800 yuan; The official guide price of the new M7 MAX six-seat rear-drive intelligent driving version is 309,800 yuan. At the same time, the brand also updated the car care plan, so that all models can enjoy the protection of compensation for delayed delivery and eliminate the worries of users.

  The double lead in order volume and delivery results has deepened the information point of "Huawei’s deep empowerment". Backed by Huawei, the product strength and delivery ability of the new M7 in the world are trustworthy, and the small partners who need to buy a car at the end of the year can rest assured!


Hu Ge joined the most beautiful performance for the second time: the actor is most afraid of the state

Hu Ge

Interview with Hu Ge

       "The Most Beautiful Performance" meets Hu Ge again, four years later.

  In 2015, several major dramas such as "The Pretender", "Langya Bang" and "Good Times" put him in the spotlight. That year, Hu Ge played a boxer in the "Best Performance" short film "Intermission", and went through a month-long fitness preparation for filming.

  In 2019, the 37-year-old Hu Ge switched to the film industry, starring in the film "The Wild Goose Lake", which was shortlisted for the main competition of this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

  Many people believe that acting in costume idol dramas in their 20s attracts countless fans; after the age of 35, they become movie actors, and their first films can be shortlisted for Cannes. Hu Ge’s transformation has been very successful.

  And Hu Ge himself said that whether it succeeds or not remains to be tested by the audience after the release of "The Wild Goose Lake", but at least he has taken that step.

  This year, he joined the most beautiful performance again. Hu Ge collaborated with director Diao Yinan for the second time to stage the extra part of "The Wild Goose Lake", and one person played the triangle.

  The short film went through 8 hours of pre-scheduling preparation. According to director Diao Yinan, because it was a one-shot shooting, no mistakes could be made in all aspects. All the staff were nervous, and Hu Ge was the most relaxed one on the set.

  This kind of ease and comfort is also the feeling Hu Ge gave us. Today, he is open to the transformation of male artists, fan fundraising, film and television winter and other topics, and has also contributed a lot of golden sentences.

  Chat with Diao Yinan in the background of Double 11 about the script

  Sina Entertainment: This time, one person plays the triangle. Which role are you most looking forward to?

  Hu Ge: I treat all the roles I will play and have played equally, with no favorite or least favorite.

  Sina Entertainment: Did you have any particular urge to act when you saw the script?

  Hu Ge: Of course, because first of all it still has some relevance to our movie "The Wild Goose Lake". Then two new people were added, which didn’t seem to have much to do with the movie.

  Sina Entertainment: So the character of the fugitive is Zhou Zenong, right?

  Hu Ge: Yeah.

  Sina Entertainment: This time I played a fugitive again, and I worked with director Diao Yinan again. Did it remind you of the filming of "The Wild Goose Lake" at that time?

  Hu Ge: I don’t have to imagine it. When I got to that scene later, I thought I would go back. Because it was a big night again, we basically had more than 70% to 80% of the scenes were night scenes.

  Sina Entertainment: How does it feel to work with director Diao Yinan?

  Hu Ge: He is a very pure artistic film director. Working with him, my biggest feeling is that I can forget everything and let it go. Although I have been working with him for more than half a year, although there has been a lot of suffering and pressure, looking back now, I feel that every minute and every second is very memorable for me.

  Sina Entertainment: Did you have any discussions and preparations with him in advance about this script?

  Hu Ge: Yes, we had some discussions on the details of the script characters’ creation in the background of Double 11, including styling. When we set our makeup two days ago, we re-determined the tone of today’s performances of different characters.

  Sina Entertainment: What’s your understanding of this script?

  Hu Ge: I think it is equivalent to showing a certain scene in our movie, a condensed version of a bridge, on the most beautiful performance of Sina. Of course, on the basis of the original, some new content has also been filled, expanded and imagined.

  Sina Entertainment: After reading the script, do you think the biggest challenge is the presentation of long shots?

  Hu Ge: Indeed, the biggest difficulty for this part of me today lies in the operation of the long-shot technology, including the fact that I have to play three roles on this occasion, which is also very difficult.

  Sina Entertainment: Have you had such relevant experience before?

  Hu Ge: No. But there may be more forms of this in stage plays. For example, in stage plays, I play the role one minute, and then I quickly step down and change clothes, and then I come on stage to play another role. It is often seen on stage. But it is very rare in film and television dramas.

  Sina Entertainment: So in the short film, you also need to change clothes very quickly.

  Hu Ge: Yes, so when we set makeup, we actually have a lot of early design in technology, how can we go from clothing to makeup to styling in the fastest time?

  A good actor can go to the sky as well as the earth

  Sina Entertainment: In fact, this is also the second time that Mr. Hu Ge has participated in our most beautiful performance. The last time was in 2015. Do you remember the situation at that time? What’s new this time?

  Hu Ge: I understand that the most beautiful performance of Sina is a stage for breakthroughs and challenges. The last role I played was also very far away from me, and for that performance, I also prepared for more than a month. At that time, I had to meet the director’s requirements to play a boxer. In more than a month, I built muscle and increased circumference. Although the time is short, I think whether it is a second or an hour, it should be remembered by the audience.

  After 4 years, has your understanding of the words most beautiful performance changed?

  Hu Ge: Last time, I also wrote down my understanding of the most beautiful performance on paper very carefully. This time, of course, I am also very serious. I am not lazy, but I did not write a word. I think it is difficult to define the performance in words, especially the most beautiful performance.

  Sina Entertainment: So which play or moment brought you this change in thinking?

  Hu Ge: It may be a feeling brought to me by so many years or so many characters and works. I feel that there is no standard for performance itself, and there is no standard for good or bad.

  Sina Entertainment: What do you think is your most beautiful performance moment so far?

  Hu Ge: When I’m not acting in life, I think it should be the most beautiful. You see, I just said that I can’t define it in words, I’ll define it casually now.

  Sina Entertainment: Looking back on your long experience in the industry, what stages do you think your performance has gone through?

  Hu Ge: It’s hard for me to summarize myself. Generally speaking, I used to be desperately learning tricks and routines, but now I’m desperately trying to hide these tricks and routines.

  Sina Entertainment: What do you think is the key to being a good actor?

  Hu Ge: If you can go to the sky, you can also go to the earth. Just when you are in the sky, don’t forget that you still have two legs. You can still come back and walk. Don’t forget that you have legs when you are in the sky.

  Fans’ love should not be measured by the amount of funds raised

  What do you think was the most beautiful moment in "The Wild Goose Lake"?

  Hu Ge: After the movie is released, I will tell everyone that there are no spoilers, and the mystery must be kept until December 6th.

  Sina Entertainment: What are your current expectations for this drama?

  Hu Ge: I hope its performance can be worthy of everyone’s efforts, I mean the performance of the market.

  Sina Entertainment: But you said some time ago that you don’t need fans to raise funds to support the box office.

  Hu Ge: You may have some misunderstandings about my last comment. I’m not saying that you can’t buy tickets to support it. In fact, it’s impossible. I agree with everyone buying tickets to watch my movie or booking a group to watch the movie.

  I don’t always agree with measuring or judging whether he is a senior fan or whether he is an excellent fan by the amount of fan funding. I think this is a completely wrong standard, so I don’t really want to see these things happen. Sina Entertainment: During your growth process, how did the relationship between fans and you change?

  Hu Ge: I just celebrated the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the official website some time ago, and they have always been my motivation. I know their intentions are for my own good, so I am also very grateful. I used to say that I and my fans are like friends who don’t meet each other, and we have each other in our hearts. But maybe we met on the road, but we don’t know each other. It’s such a relationship.

  I should play a role in guiding them correctly.

  Sina Entertainment: In fact, it has become an industry phenomenon for fans to raise funds to support movies or buy endorsements. Do you think this way of fans helping idols help their careers is advisable?

  Hu Ge: I am not qualified to comment on the fans of other artists. Everyone’s intentions are good, and they are all for the better development of their favorite artists in their careers. But at the level of execution and operation, everyone may have different ideas. According to my understanding and standards, I don’t want my fans to do such things.

  I found the motivation to continue in the movie

  Sina Entertainment: In the past two years, you have also participated in the shooting of some films and cooperated with some excellent directors. What do you think is your greatest achievement in these two years?

  Hu Ge: Let me find the motivation to continue acting and the courage to return to life completely. In fact, what I think I am most afraid of is a state of being unable to rise. It is like a fallen leaf that is red, but it also falls. It floats in the wind, but it has no vitality.

  Sina Entertainment: What does this mean? Does it mean that actors must transition at the age of 30 and 35?

  Hu Ge: I mean creativity and artistic vitality. For example, if a leaf is red, it will fall off. For most people, they will be afraid and anxious. They always don’t want it to fall off, but you have to think about it falling and withering, it will rot in the soil again, and it can have new life.

  Sina Entertainment: When did you lose your creative drive?

  Hu Ge: There are often such things. Not just after the age of 30 or 35, but actually when I was in my 20s, I was thinking about this issue. Because once you are characterized as a certain type of actor, or when you are imprisoned in a certain type of film and television work, it is difficult to get out of this situation.

  Sina Entertainment: Do you think your current transformation has been successful?

  Hu Ge: At least I made it out. It can’t be said to be unsuccessful. It still needs to be tested by the audience and the market, but at least I made it out.

  Sina Entertainment: Everyone knows that acting is a relatively passive chosen profession, so is it difficult to take this step? Hu Ge: Your mileage may vary, sometimes it is forced, sometimes it is active.

  Sina Entertainment: Many people think that male actors between the ages of 30 and 35 have to transform. Do you think transformation is necessary?

  Hu Ge: Not necessarily. Because if you can be an idol for a lifetime and have traffic and popularity for a lifetime, that is also a benefit. The key is how you see yourself.

  If I become an idol for a lifetime, I will only enjoy the halo of an idol, maybe not myself; but if you become an idol for a lifetime, you can continuously bring positive energy to those who like you, which is a good thing.

  Of course, some people prefer to immerse themselves in performance, and he prefers to be accomplished in art or creation, which is another way.

  But I don’t think there is a comparison, because it’s probably easier to take the first path before you’re 30. And after the age of 30, the first path may become more and more accurate.

  Sina Entertainment: As an actor, have you ever experienced the so-called midlife crisis?

  Hu Ge: Not yet. Because now I feel that I may not have really reached the stage of middle age. Of course, when I choose roles, I will deliberately avoid some roles such as my father. Maybe after I reach a certain age, only characters like my father will come to me, and when no other young characters come to me, I may have a crisis because I have no life experience. I have not become a father in my own life, so it may be a difficult thing for me to play a father, or to have a family in the play.

  Sina Entertainment: Now is the industry’s film and television winter, and many good actors will not be able to receive plays for a long time, including fewer and fewer better projects on the market. As a member of the industry, do you have any personal experience?

  Hu Ge: When winter comes, there are still many things to do. I think if filming is not to solve the problem of food and clothing, it doesn’t mean that if I don’t film, I will have no food to eat, and I will not be able to pay the rent. If there are no worries and concerns in this regard, I think when the cold winter comes, it is also a good time to maintain health, right?

  We can take the opportunity to let the original impulsive heart settle down. You can use this time to absorb and learn something new.

  Sina Entertainment: But some people may worry that if they don’t come out to film for a long time, they will be forgotten by the industry and the market.

  Hu Ge: Back to the topic just mentioned, which path do you choose? If you prefer the first path, there is indeed such a cruel reality. If you don’t appear in front of the public for a long time, your traffic popularity may drop significantly. But if you choose the second path, I don’t think it will have much impact.


Hong Jinbao made his debut at Cannes, and the black Mao suit is full of elegance and elegance

Hong Jinbao and Hong Tianming appear on the red carpet at the opening ceremony

At 19:00 on May 17, French local time and 1:00 on May 18, Beijing time, the 70th Cannes International Film Festival officially opened. Mr. Sun Baohai, Vice President of Tianjin Northern Film Group, and Mr. Wu Jian, CEO of Tianjin Tianying Film and Culture Media Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Tianying Media"), joined hands with Hung Jinbao and Hung Tianming on the red carpet of the opening ceremony.

This is also the first time that the father and son of Hung Jinbao have made a joint appearance at the Cannes Film Festival. On the opening red carpet, Hung Jinbao wore his trademark black Mao suit, which showed the elegance of a "kung fu master"; Hung Tianming wore a gold print suit, which was mature and chic and energetic. In an interview with the live media, Mr. Hung said that this time at Cannes, he will cooperate with Tianying to announce new film plans.


Google re-launches specially customized maps in China, with navigation provided by Autonavi (updated)

Update [January 16, 2018 10:03:56]:Autonavi Maps said that according to relevant government policies, Autonavi Maps has no plans to further cooperate with Google Maps.

On Monday, according to Nikkei (Japan Economic News), Google will re-launch its map service in the Chinese mainland, eight years after Google Maps was last available in the Chinese mainland.

Google will launch a customized Google Maps service for the Chinese mainland, including a web version and a mobile app version.

When users try to use the navigation function in the Chinese version of Google Maps, they will automatically jump to the AutoNavi Maps app. Autonavi is a map service company owned by Alibaba Group. This means that the Chinese version of Google Maps will not support in-app navigation services, but will be provided by Autonavi navigation. This also opens a new era of cooperation between Google and local Chinese companies, and will cooperate in more areas in the future, such as artificial intelligence.

The re-launch of Google Maps in China by partnering with domestic companies also shows that Google’s China strategy is changing. At present, due to the Chinese government’s vigorous development of artificial intelligence technology, Google has done a good job in this area, such as driverless car technology. So, leaving aside the return of services such as search and video to China, Google and the Chinese government have begun to cooperate on the development of artificial intelligence.

Cooperation with the Chinese government in artificial intelligence will help Google attract a large number of Chinese AI talents, and it will also enable it to obtain a large amount of user data in cooperation with the government to develop its artificial intelligence technology, such as autonomous driving technology. At the end of last year, Google announced that it would establish a Google China AI center in Beijing to study artificial intelligence technology. According to Chinese media reports, the research and development center will be able to accommodate more than 300 people.

Earlier this month, Google invested in a Chinese mobile game streaming platform called Tentacle, which has 90 million registered users, three years after it last invested in a Chinese internet company. It is also the latest step in the search giant’s gradual return to China, although its search service is still not directly accessible in mainland China.

Google has been absent from China, the world’s largest smartphone market, since 2010, when it pulled most of its services out of the Chinese mainland after refusing to accept self-censorship of its search results. However, in March 2017, Google reintroduced its translation service in the Chinese mainland. The launch of the map service, one of Google’s best-known services, is believed to attract more Chinese users.


Geely Automobile Group CEO Gan Jiayue: Geely Automobile is fully transforming into the intelligent era

  Geely Automobile Group recently released the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy and the "Nine Dragon Bay Action" to fully promote the "Smart Geely 2025". Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said that a number of new measures will promote electrification and intelligence through technological progress, create a smart travel experience that exceeds expectations for users, and create sustainable win-win value for partners.

  From "Blue Geely" to "Smart Geely"

  Full stack self-research to build core competitiveness

  Geely’s new strategy places the development of smart cars in a prominent position, and regards cars as an important carrier of the Internet of Everything to meet users’ future intelligent and networked demands and create the ultimate driving experience.

  Gan Jiayue announced at the new strategy conference that Geely will rely on the advantages of globalization system and resource coordination to build a "one network three systems" to promote the efficient implementation of the "Intelligent Geely 2025" strategy, and achieve the strategic mission and goal of "creating an intelligent travel experience that exceeds users’ expectations, building a technology-led global automobile enterprise, and becoming the most competitive and respected Chinese automobile brand".

  According to the introduction, "One Network" is the "Intelligent Geely Technology Ecological Network". It is a "new infrastructure" based on intelligent architecture, building an end-to-end self-research system and ecological alliance around chips, software operating systems, data and satellite networks, driving users’ experience in intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit. As the only auto company in the world with satellite communication and positioning, high-precision mapping and navigation, and full-stack self-research from automotive chips to hardware and software, Geely will build the core competitiveness of future smart cars based on intelligent architecture, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

  "To form the Internet of Everything, the car is a very important mobile end point and carrier. We have long thought that the future car must be intelligent, so our future action strategy and intelligence must always be considered. Smart cars are the hard core to meet the ultimate travel experience of users."

  Referring to the two blue Geely action plans released by Geely at the beginning of this year and the release of this strategy, both point to intelligence, Gan Jiayue said: "The first blue action plan is to focus on intelligent energy-saving and new energy vehicles, and the second is to focus on intelligent high-end pure electric vehicles. Therefore, the nine major actions announced today focus on the development of intelligence as the primary goal."

  In order to ensure the full implementation of the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy, "Nine Dragon Bay Action", one of the actions proposed to realize the full-stack self-research of autonomous driving and accelerate the vision of "zero accidents and zero casualties" in intelligent travel. Relying on the smart Geely technology ecosystem, Geely wants to realize the full-stack self-research in core technology fields such as intelligent energy, autonomous driving, intelligent networking, and intelligent cockpit, and to create "the best, safest, and most responsible" autonomous car, so as to achieve "delivery is safe". By 2025, achieve the commercialization of L4-level autonomous driving, and fully master L5-level autonomous driving.

  From "Domain Control" to "Super Brain"

  Open and Win-Win Iterative Modular Architecture

  In the trend of software accounting for an increasing proportion of automotive applications, Geely, which has significant advantages in vehicle manufacturing technology, will also form partnerships with an open mind to create a win-win space in the industry while efficiently providing users with excellent and iterative services.

  "Geely will continue to open up in the future. From years of experience, I think the whole industry wastes a lot of resources. In the past, every new car had to be developed for five to seven years, and an architecture had to be developed. If the standards are the best, just like Apple’s ecology, the underlying architecture is done well, and everyone can develop on this underlying architecture, and then differentiate the upper-layer applications," said Mr. Gan. "It is based on this logic that Geely has spent a lot of money to build a modular architecture and open it up to the outside world. Unlike previous architectures, this modular architecture can be further iterated."

  It is reported that intelligent architecture, as a new infrastructure project of science and technology, is the foundation of the science and technology ecological network. Geely’s BMA, CMA, SPA and SEA have four world-class intelligent architectures, which are not only fully compatible with diversified energy sources, but also have leading modular advantages. In the face of global differentiated standards and user requests, it can improve R & D efficiency by 30%. At the same time, Geely empowers world-class intelligent architectures with GEEA 2.0 electronic and electrical architecture, so that Geely’s current intelligent architecture not only has the advantages of comprehensive compatibility with diversified energy sources, leading modular advantages, and high R & D efficiency, but also has smart "brains" and high-speed and developed "neural networks". Geely’s new smart cars built with intelligent architecture will be equipped with GEEA 2.0 electronic and electrical architecture. In the future, Geely’s intelligent architecture will also evolve to the GEEA 3.0 central computing platform architecture, leading the evolution of smart cars from "domain control" to "central super brain".

  It is worth mentioning that Geely Automobile Group recently released the global power technology brand – Raytheon Power and the world-class modular intelligent hybrid platform – Raytheon Zhiqing Hi · X, which can provide leading efficient and intelligent power solutions. According to Geely, as a world-class modular intelligent hybrid platform, Raytheon Zhiqing Hi · X has a global high-end power platform, an expansive hardware space design, an expansive electrified drive platform, and an evolutionary power platform. Five platform advantages such as power, economy, and intelligent leadership are presented on all major platforms. At the same time, it also has six ceiling technologies in the hybrid industry, which is superior to Japanese hybrid in core technology.

  Relying on open technical cooperation, another action released by Geely is clear: launch more than 25 new intelligent new energy products within 5 years, leading the era of intelligent mobile end point. According to reports, Geely brand will launch more than 10 new products one after another, the main car series is fully intelligent and new energy, and launch long-range series-parallel, extended-range, direct-drive, and electric-driven Raytheon Super Hybrid. PHEV pure electric battery life can exceed 200 kilometers. Geometry brand will launch more than 5 star products newly built by pure electric architecture (including vast architecture) from 2022, covering the mainstream pure electric market. Lynk & Co brand will launch more than 5 new intelligent technology products one after another to continuously improve the market layout. In 2023, the first electric SUV product will be launched in Europe first, realizing the globalization and high-end of smart new energy products. The new technology new energy for electric travel brand will launch five smart pure electric products based on the exclusive architecture platform, providing users with efficient and intelligent travel services, and becoming a new force in the electric travel technology ecosystem.

  In addition, Geely is committed to building an "end-to-end" vehicle software user experience, building a full-stack self-research system covering electronic and electrical architecture, vehicle basic software, intelligent cockpit software and autonomous driving software, and establishing a smart car software and hardware system. At the same time, Geely applies the SOA software service structure, opens more than 1,000 API interfaces, provides software tools and platforms to global developers, and creates active scenario services with more than 1,000 digital partners around the world. By 2025, Geely will achieve at least 1 to 2 OTA upgrades for the whole vehicle every quarter, so that smart cars can evolve from "manufacturer definition" to "user software co-creation", and fully enter the era of software-defined vehicles.

  From "migrant worker" to "partner"

  "Talent Forest" Supports Performance Imagination

  Behind the technological innovation, Geely has a solid talent pool strategy and provides endless imagination for future performance.

  Gan Jiayue makes it clear that Geely’s core competitiveness is talent. "The biggest asset of an enterprise is not how much cash it has, nor how much fixed assets it has. Those data are on-balance sheet assets, which will be reflected in financial statements. The biggest asset of an enterprise is off-balance sheet assets, and the most important off-balance sheet assets are talents, and off-balance sheet assets determine on-balance sheet assets. Because everything is created by talent, the core competitiveness is talent. This is a soil that mobilizes all the initiative of Geely Auto people, and this energy will be amazing." At the same time, Gan Jiayue also believes that everyone has the potential to become a talent, and how to unleash the potential of people is Geely’s core competitiveness.

  According to the action goal released by Geely, 350 million shares will be allocated, and the first batch of shares has inspired 10,000 employees. According to reports, this is the "largest" employee Equity Incentive Plan in China’s automotive history, and it is also an important signal for Geely to embrace change and transform into a technology-based enterprise, so that more core employees can become "partners" from "migrant workers". Geely also has a unique "talent forest" system. So far, Geely has established 9 vocational and higher education institutions, cultivating more than 150,000 talents. The perfect talent training system and development channel have enabled the emergence of endogenous talents in the enterprise.

  In addition, Geely also said that it will continue to maintain the first investment in R & D of Chinese auto brands. Within 5 years, it will invest 150 billion yuan in R & D. Relying on Geely’s global "5 R & D + 5 modeling centers" to build a leading international R & D system and fully transform into the intelligent era. By 2025, Geely strives to achieve the highest proportion of software talents and the highest efficiency in software development in the automotive industry. Geely will also deepen research in the field of basic science, build 10 world-class key laboratories, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and continue to maintain Geely’s core technology leadership.

  To achieve value creation through technology leadership, Geely’s performance target is to achieve EBIT (pre-interest and tax profit) of more than 8% in 2025. Geely will increase the scale effect through "comprehensive architecture car building", reduce the cost of model research and development and supply chain, and increase the R & D efficiency by 30%. At the same time, it will achieve full-link digital intelligent manufacturing, global technology output, maximize cost reduction and efficiency, and strive to achieve the goal of tripling the sales volume, ranking first in China in market share, and increasing the average revenue of bicycles by 30% by 2025.