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A shares weakened in the afternoon and closed down slightly. The Internet, media and entertainment sectors were relatively active.

  The three major stock indexes of A-shares fluctuated slightly in the morning, and the decline was slightly enlarged in the afternoon. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index reported 3,043 points, down 0.40%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index reported 9,604 points, down 0.27%, and the Growth Enterprise Market Index reported 1,895 points, down 0.579%. The turnover of the two cities broke through another trillion yuan.

  In terms of sectors: Internet, media and entertainment, software services, automobiles, Sora concepts are relatively better, while non-ferrous metals, electricity, components, petroleum and other sectors closed up;

  On the decline list, insurance, real estate, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, brokerage and building materials were among the top losers.

  Capital flow: As of the closing of A-shares, statistics show that northbound capital has bought a total of 1.567 billion yuan, of which Shanghai Stock Connect bought 649 million yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 918 million yuan. The turnover of northbound funds was 135.776 billion yuan, accounting for 12.87% of the total turnover of A shares, and the trading activity decreased by 13.03%, of which Shanghai Stock Connect bought 31.544 billion yuan and sold 30.895 billion yuan, while Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 37.128 billion yuan and sold 36.210 billion yuan. Northbound funds kept net purchases for four consecutive days, with net purchases of 6.001 billion yuan, 10.260 billion yuan, 4.244 billion yuan and 1.567 billion yuan respectively, with a total net purchase of 22.072 billion yuan.

  Regarding the trend of A-shares, Guosheng Securities believes that as the "combination boxing" of stabilizing the capital market continues to land, economic data will be released in March or will exceed expectations, which will significantly boost risk appetite and investor confidence and drive the market risk appetite to rebound. The rebound is not over yet. If there is a shock adjustment in the short term or a benign adjustment on the way up. In the medium term, with the intensive introduction of steady growth policies, the process of economic recovery is expected to accelerate, and incremental funds may return to the rebound stage, and the amount of attention can be simultaneously enlarged. At the same time, after the registration system is fully implemented, its survival of the fittest mechanism will help the market style tend to be "blue-chip", and the intermediate market of the Shanghai Composite Index will not be absent but will only deepen. At present, it is suggested to maintain a balanced allocation with value slightly greater than growth.

  Huajin Securities pointed out that blue-chip stocks are dominant and balanced. (1) Style: In the second quarter, it shifted from micro-stocks to super-large stocks and small and medium-sized stocks; The simultaneous strengthening of dividends and technology may continue in the short term, and the short-term growth and value are balanced; In the medium term, it may be biased towards technology and growth. (2) Based on the macro-environment orientation, profit and prosperity expectation orientation, PB-ROE orientation and PEG orientation, it is suggested to pay attention in the second quarter: First, TMT, Electric Power, Machinery, Automobile, etc. with upward profit and prosperity and high valuation cost performance; Second, buildings, banks, transportation and consumption that benefit from policy and economic restoration.


American technological hegemony harms human rights and hinders development.

  The double standards and hegemonic acts of the United States in the field of human rights are well known. In recent years, the United States has extended hegemonism to the field of science and technology, under the banner of so-called democracy, human rights, freedom and security, and achieved the goal of putting its own interests above those of other countries by such despicable means as unwarranted accusations, "long-arm jurisdiction", suppression of sanctions and targeted technical blockade of other countries. The hegemonism of science and technology pursued by the United States is a typical manifestation of its consistent concept of "American priority". Its hegemonic behavior of politicizing, weaponizing and ideologizing scientific and technological issues not only seriously damages the "digital human rights" of other countries, but also hinders global technical cooperation and progress.

  Engage in "small circles" on the grounds of so-called "network security" to create division and confrontation.

  Influenced by the deep-rooted zero-sum thinking and the Cold War thinking, the United States has always handled international relations in a split and confrontational way, constantly creating "small circles" of science and technology such as "chip alliance" and "clean network" on the pretext of so-called "network security", labeling high technology as democracy and human rights, and looking for excuses to impose technological blockade on other countries.

  In the name of democracy, the United States maintains the hegemony of science and technology, and launches various technical alliances with democracy as the ideological link and network security as the goal, such as Prague Proposal and 5G Clean Path. In April 2022, the United States and 60 global partners issued the Declaration on the Future Internet, with the real intention of delineating a "net in the net" or a "digital alliance" led by the United States in the global Internet. The United States has also pushed the private sector to strengthen technology blockade and build technology fences, trying to contain competitors by means of sanctions and bans, which has seriously hindered exchanges and cooperation, development and progress in the global scientific and technological field.

  Using the so-called "public safety" as an excuse to wantonly monitor and infringe on privacy.

  The United States has always been the world’s number one telecom thief, and its monitoring targets include not only so-called "sensitive people" but also ordinary people in the country; There are not only so-called opponents, but also their allies, even the leaders of the allies.

  In the first half of 2022, the US military and government network departments remotely stole more than 97 billion global Internet data and 124 billion telephone records in nearly 30 days, involving the personal privacy of a large number of citizens around the world. According to the annual report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on April 29th, 2022, the FBI conducted as many as 3.4 million searches on the electronic data of the American people in one year without a search warrant.

  In fact, since the middle of the 20th century, the United States has a record of monitoring other countries. In the information age, the United States has gone to great lengths to implement a number of eavesdropping and stealing projects, such as Prism Gate, Dirty Box, Nujiao Plan and Telescreen Action. Various eavesdropping and stealing methods have emerged one after another, including using analog cell phone base station signals to access mobile phones to steal data, manipulating mobile phone applications, invading cloud servers, and stealing secrets through submarine optical cables.

  According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, from 2003 to 2013, the Office of Specific Invasion Operations under the US National Security Agency invaded 258 targets in 89 countries and regions. Over the years, the office has also carried out tens of thousands of malicious attacks on network targets in China. For example, in the cyber theft attack on Northwestern Polytechnical University, 54 springboard machines and proxy servers in 17 countries were used successively, with more than 1,100 attack links and as many as 41 kinds of special cyber attack weapons and equipment of the National Security Agency of the United States. The eavesdropping behavior of the United States has already caused public outrage in the international community.

  Technical blockade under the pretext of so-called "technical security" damages the right to development.

  For some time, the United States has spared no effort to put different political labels on the R&D, use and governance of emerging technologies and the supply chain of scientific and technological products. By dividing the so-called "safety trust level", publishing a series of lists and building a technological ecosystem under the so-called "credible" standards, the United States has abused scientific and technological hegemony to suppress competitors, which has seriously damaged the development rights of other countries.

  In November 2018, since the implementation of the so-called "China Action Plan" in the United States, Chinese scientists have been harassed, monitored and attacked by the American government for no reason, and various bad and absurd acts of law enforcement departments have been exposed by the media. Although the plan was stopped in 2022 in the voice of doubt and opposition, the hegemonic behavior of the United States "only allowing itself to develop and not allowing others to progress" has not ended. The United States promulgated the Chip and Science Act and a series of new export control regulations for China in an attempt to restrict China’s ability to acquire advanced computing chips, develop and maintain supercomputers and manufacture advanced semiconductors.

  Ignoring or denying the scientific and technological sovereignty, people’s interests and development demands of other countries and regions, the United States attempts to take its lead in the allocation of network resources, hardware equipment and software applications as a hegemonic strategic tool by refusing competition, grabbing wealth, exporting ideology and squeezing the space for scientific and technological development in other countries around the world, which not only seriously hinders other countries from using new technologies, but also further widens the trust gap in global digital space security, undermines the global industrial chain layout and scientific and technological order, and violates the laws of global scientific and technological development.

  The French philosopher Saint-Simon once said: "For all mankind, there is only one common interest, and that is the progress of science." Scientific and technological innovation is an important engine for the development of human society, and scientific and technological achievements should benefit all mankind. Hegemonism in science and technology poses a new threat to world peace and development. The international community should recognize the hypocritical nature of American technological hegemonism, jointly resist American arrogance, prejudice and hegemonic behavior of technological hegemony, jointly respond to all kinds of cyber attacks, and maintain a peaceful, safe, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace.

  (The author is a researcher at the Human Rights Research Center of Central South University)


Only 2 yuan! Natural mineral water takes turns to "force the palace" Nongfu Spring Wahaha

Image source: Ipoh "Benyou"

The price of new mineral water products continues to drop, and the bottled water market may usher in a new pattern.

Ipoh has recently made new moves in the field of mineral water. Ipoh official Weibo shows that Ipoh recently launched a brand-new mineral water brand "Benyou", which includes two specifications of 350 ml and 555 ml. At present, it has been officially listed and priced in the most mainstream 2 yuan range of bottled water.

According to reports, the positioning of "Benyou" is a simple and fashionable drinking natural mineral water that satisfies consumers’ daily thirst quenching and has a sense of closeness. On the consumer side, not all consumers can know the difference between mineral water and pure water. However, Ipoh dropped the price of mineral water to 2 yuan market after Master Kong, which means that the price boundary between mineral water, natural water and purified water is blurring.
Image source: Ipoh Guanwei

As early as 2018, the retail price of Master Kong’s packaged drinking water terminal increased from 1 yuan to 2 yuan. At this point, the water age of bottled water in 1 yuan has completely ended, and the mainstream price of domestic bottled water has entered the 2 yuan range, but within this range, mineral water products are rare. For natural aquatic products, enterprises are required to lay out water sources in advance, and natural mineral water is required to obtain mineral water mining licenses at the same time, and mineral water categories have higher requirements for water sources and mineral water mining licenses.

However, in March this year, in March this year, Master Kong introduced a new bottled water product called "Drinking Mineral Springs", which was priced at a bottle of 2 yuan. It can be seen that the mineral water brand "Benyou" recently launched by Ipoh is also breaking through the 2 yuan water track. This means that mineral water products, which were originally priced higher than pure water, are exploring the market price boundary.

Ipoh and Master Kong have successively launched 2 yuan mineral water. In the price belt market in 2 yuan, the competition for drinking water will be more intense.

With the debut of pure water, Ipoh’s bottled water business has always been mainly based on pure water. Since last year, Ipoh has launched the high-end mineral water "Ipoh Dew" for the first time at a price of one bottle in 15 yuan, which can be said to be a luxury in drinking water. The mineral water brand "Benyou" launched this time is priced in 2 yuan and has the characteristics of "being close to the people".

Specifically, this time, "Benyou" launched different specifications of PET plastic bottles, including 555 ml and 350 ml, which were priced in 2 yuan and 1.5 yuan respectively. Among them, the 350 ml mini bottle is mainly portable when going out to meet the female group with a small amount of disposable drinking.

In the direction of supply chain, Ipoh has also increased its efforts. It is understood that in February this year, the commissioning ceremony of China Resources Ipoh East China Production Base was held in Yixing, Jiangsu Province. After all the production, it will become the first all-product factory of China Resources Ipoh, covering 8 mainstream drinks such as packaged water, near-water drinks, sports drinks, milk tea, coffee, fruit juice, tea drinks and lactic acid bacteria drinks, with an annual production capacity of nearly 200 million cases.

From pure water to mineral water, Ipoh launched "Benyou" in 2 yuan, which continued to open the price war in the mineral water market.

In fact, mineral water prices in 2 yuan are rare.

First of all, the 2 yuan price band is the main product price range of Ipoh Pure Water. However, in bottled water, the price range of brand products represented by ice dew, Wahaha and Master Kong pure water is usually within 1.5 yuan, and natural water is in 1.5 yuan, while the price of natural mineral water is usually higher than that of 2 yuan.

At present, among the domestic mineral water brands, Jinmailang’s Jinmao, Yuanqi Forest’s Mined, Changbaixue, Tongyi Aikua and Baisui Mountain are all above 3 yuan and 3 yuan, while 2 yuan’s mineral water brands are few.

At the same time, the market size of mineral water market is larger than that of pure water. Packaging drinking water is divided into natural water, natural mineral water, drinking pure water and other drinking water according to the different water sources. Because there is no restriction on the source of drinking pure water, according to Jost Sullivan’s report, drinking pure water is the largest market at present, which is 119.1 billion yuan in 2019, accounting for 60.4%.

According to Jost Sullivan’s data, from 2014 to 2019, the compound annual growth rates of natural water and natural mineral water were 24.8% and 18.4% respectively, and the CAGR of retail sales was 29.1% and 19.0% respectively. It is estimated that the compound annual growth rates of natural water and natural mineral water will be 15.4% and 14.2% respectively from 2019 to 2024.

The sales growth rate of natural water and mineral water is expected to be faster than that of pure water. According to the Annual Report on Mineral Water Consumption Trends in 2022, the sales growth rates of mineral water, drinking natural water and purified water were 43%, 35% and 31% respectively, and the growth rate of purified water was the lowest.

Judging from the domestic bottled water market share, the head brand has a high market share and market concentration. The market share is the highest, followed by China Resources Ipoh. The bottled water market share of the top six enterprises has exceeded 80% of all domestic markets.

Since the beginning of this year, in the bottled water market, most brands have not made large-scale new moves for mineral water tracks, but the new products and brand upgrades for this are very lively.

Zong Qinghou once said that the beverage industry is out of date and will always be a sunrise industry. Bottled water companies also want to use mineral water to make a "turnaround" of water.

From the price point of view, the average price of natural mineral water is above 4.5 yuan /500ml because it is rich in natural substances, while the average price of drinking pure water is around 1.5 yuan /500ml, and the prices of mineral water products promoted by major brands this year are mostly above 3 yuan.

It was Master Kong who started the price war and launched "Drinking Mineral Springs" in March 2023. The Tmall platform shows that Master Kong’s "drinking mineral spring" that has been sold at present includes four kinds of packages, the specification is 550ml, and the price is 23.9 yuan /12 bottles, about 2 yuan/bottle;

In April, Yuehuo, a high-end drinking water brand owned by COFCO, announced the launch of "Yuehuo Changbai Mountain" natural mineral water, which is another mineral water that takes water from local water sources after "Yuehuo Emei Mountain" natural mineral water, and will focus on home life scenes. The packaging is 500ml specifications, and the terminal will implement the price of 3-4 yuan in different regions;

In mid-May, Evian also launched a brand-new aerated natural mineral water with 330ml and 750ml specifications. At present, the reference price is 300 yuan /12 bottles *750ml, which is about 25 yuan/bottle;

In early June, Yuanqi Forest also launched a new evaluation activity. However, unlike the mineral water with the price of 3 yuan, this evaluation object is the newly-launched pure water of Yuanqi Forest, with the specification of 520ml. At present, the test link has been launched in Yuanqi Forest Member Center, and 0 yuan has experienced 9.9 yuan /3 bottles.

In mid-June, Wahaha launched a brand-new upgraded drinking natural mineral water, highlighting the water source of Wulongquan in Changbai Mountain, and the price is 3 yuan/bottle. Zong Qinghou, the founder of Wahaha, mentioned at the 2023 national distributor conference that the status of water market should be "restored" in 2023, especially focusing on 3 yuan water market. Last year, Wahaha began to develop natural mineral water.

In July, the Arctic Ocean also launched a new product "natural mineral water with gas" with a specification of 330mL, which is aimed at middle and high-end consumers. JD.COM shows that the price of 330ml*12 FCL is 139 yuan, about 11.5 yuan/bottle. According to reports, the gas-bearing natural mineral water in the Arctic Ocean is obtained from natural water sources, which is rich in natural gas of carbon dioxide and various minerals such as metasilicic acid and strontium, which are beneficial to human health.

In fact, when Evergrande Ice Spring first came out, it once priced mineral water at five yuan. In the following years, its price dropped to 2 yuan /500ml. A year and a half ago, Jiaduobao’s high-end mineral water "Kunlun Mountain" took the initiative to lower its profile. The retail price of Jiaduobao Kunlun Mountain mineral water products has dropped from the previous range of 5~6 yuan to 4 yuan, and Evian has also lowered its products to the price belt of 5 yuan.

It can be seen that in recent years, the underwater exploration price of natural mineral springs has become the general trend, but whether the price reduction to the level of 2 yuan can be sustained or not is worth further observation.

In addition, it is understood that in 2021, Ipoh signed contracts with four major drinking water production bases, namely Changbai Mountain in the northeast, Wuxi in east China, Wuyishan and Heyuan in south China. Jin Mailang’s "drinking mineral spring" has two water sources: Qinglongquan in Changbai Mountain and Bishanquan in Huangshan Mountain.

Comparatively speaking, there are about 12 water sources mainly engaged in natural water and mineral water, and Baisui Mountain, which also focuses on mineral water, has 7 water sources.

For enterprises that want to play low-priced mineral water, such as Ipoh, whether they can get more water sources will also be the key to their future development.

Will the mineral water market start a comprehensive price reduction war in the future? On the one hand, lowering prices means that enterprises have to deal with the risk of product profits being compressed. On the other hand, whether consumers can form a more stable consumption mentality is also the key to whether the mineral water market can break through. This bottled water war has just begun.

(This article is the first titanium media APP, written by Liu Dafang, edited by Fang Yu)


For the first time, female generals were arranged to be read in the trekking team. Cai Zhijun responded to the number of senior commanders.

       CCTV News:The press center celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC) held the first special group interview in the press room on the second floor of the Media Center. Major General Cai Zhijun, deputy director of the Military Parade Leading Group Office and deputy director of the Operations Bureau of the Joint Staff of the Central Military Commission, Major General Tan Min, executive deputy director of the Military Parade Joint Command Office and deputy chief of staff of the Central Theater of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, and Senior Colonel Wu Qian, director of the Information Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense and spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, were invited to introduce the arrangements for the military parade and answer questions from reporters.

       Central TV reporter:As mentioned just now, the number of senior commanders who have been read in this military parade arrangement exceeds that in previous military parades. My question is, what is the consideration for this arrangement and design? Thank you.


       Cai Zhijun:Thank you for your question. No matter in wartime or peacetime, senior commanders of the army are always the key to rallying troops, directing troops’ actions and leading troops’ construction, and are always the backbone that our party attaches great importance to training experience and entrusts with heavy responsibilities. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially after the Gutian Army Political Work Conference, the people’s army has regrouped and started again, and its overall appearance has taken on a new look. The ability, quality and style image of senior commanders have been greatly improved, which has played a very important role in implementing the goal of strengthening the army and promoting preparations for war.

       The senior commanders who arranged more military parades were read, and they focused on establishing a clear orientation of leading troops to fight and striving for victory, showing a good image of taking the lead and being above the rate, and declaring a high degree of consciousness of absolutely listening to the party’s command and courageously taking responsibility. As Major General Tan Min said just now, senior generals in their 60s are trained and read together with young officers and men. It is worth mentioning that the female soldier team arranged for two female generals to be the team leaders and appeared in the parade ground in a cool and heroic manner. This is also the first time that all previous military parades have arranged for female generals to be read in the trekking team. Thank you.


Li Hui, the representative of the 19th National Congress: Protecting Green Water and Castle Peak with Iron Fist Pollution Control

Li Hui, deputy of the 19th National Congress and secretary of Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, was interviewed by CCTV reporters.

Li Hui, deputy of the 19th National Congress and secretary of Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, was interviewed by CCTV reporters.

  Cctv news(Reporter Tang Shiying, Liu Chunyu, Li Wenxue) "Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our urban and rural landscape has undergone gratifying changes. For ordinary people, the sense of gain is getting stronger and stronger, and there have been great changes in eating and living, and the smiles of ordinary people are brighter!" Li Hui, deputy of the 19th National Congress and secretary of the Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, said that it is the duty of a local responsible comrade to study the report of the 19th National Congress carefully. "After I go back, I will pass the voice of the party to every party member at the first time."

  Yongzhou City is located at the source of Xiangjiang River. In recent years, Yongzhou City has actively integrated into the development mode of "green development and green life". The excellent air quality rate has reached more than 90% all the year round. From January to September this year, the excellent air quality rate ranked first in the province; The city’s forest coverage rate reached 64.7%, with 8 national forest parks, 8 national wetland parks and 4 national nature reserves; The city’s surface water environmental function zones, drinking water sources and urban centralized drinking water sources have reached the standard rate of 100%. Up to now, the water quality of the Xiangjiang River has maintained the Class II water standard for 64 consecutive months, realizing the "Xiangjiang River going north and flooding the river". Ecological advantages and green advantages are accelerating into development advantages.

  Deputy Li Hui said that the changes and development of Yongzhou in recent years are due to the "four persistences" and the insistence on green development as the top priority. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the city deployed 83 key ecological and environmental protection projects with a total investment of 104.2 billion yuan; Adhere to the ecological red line as the bottom line of politics. In recent years, Yongzhou City vetoed 72 projects to be stationed, with a planned total investment of more than 10 billion yuan; Insist on industrial transformation as a fundamental solution. Since 2015, Xiangjiang Paper, which has a history of nearly 60 years, has been shut down and transferred with an annual output value of nearly 1 billion yuan and a tax revenue of more than 100 million yuan. Adhere to the ecological accountability as a sharp weapon, strictly fulfill the "one post and two responsibilities", take the construction of ecological civilization and ecological priority development as the key contents of the "potential performance" assessment, and include them in the performance assessment of leading bodies and the assessment of leading cadres’ execution, so as to lead the green development with the assessment of "baton".

Li Hui, secretary of Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV reporters.

Li Hui, secretary of Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV reporters.

  It is such a series of measures that make Yongzhou’s ecological management and protection come to the forefront of the whole province and even the whole country.

  The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a new plan of "accelerating the reform of ecological civilization system and building a beautiful China". Deputy Li Hui said that the concept of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" should be firmly established, and ecological protection and economic and social development should be planned and deployed together.

  Yongzhou will conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, insist on guarding the green mountains with an iron fist, promote green upgrading with industrial upgrading, write a green answer sheet with reform and innovation, and cultivate green development with green culture to ensure that Yongzhou has bluer sky, clearer water and greener mountains.

  Deputy Li Hui said that in the next step, Yongzhou will also vigorously implement the strategy of "innovation leading the rise of openness", focus on building "a new highland of innovation and opening up, a new Yongzhou with quality and vitality", highlight the "six major battles" and strive to achieve "four upgrades". Strive to reach the forefront of the province’s second phalanx in comprehensive economic strength by 2022, with an average annual growth rate of 9%, reaching about 350 billion yuan and a per capita GDP of 10,000 US dollars; The total fiscal revenue increased by 15% annually, and the total amount doubled compared with 2017, exceeding 35 billion yuan; The per capita disposable income of urban residents is close to 50 thousand yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers exceeds 15 thousand yuan; It will be built into an inter-provincial regional central city of Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi, a national civilized city, a national garden city, a national global tourism demonstration city and a world shoemaking capital.


Follow the subway to Shanghai

Take the subway to visit Shanghai, "never leave Shanghai" for the National Day! Rail Transit Line 10 is a famous tourist line in Shanghai Railway. Shanghai Zoo, Wu Kang Road, Xintiandi, Chenghuang Temple and Nanjing East Road are all popular punch points, and the specialty shops and food in each place should not be missed ~

-Shanghai Zoo-

Shanghai Zoo is adjacent to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. Founded in 1954, it was originally named Xijiao Park. There are more than 400 kinds of animals on display in the park, which is one of the top ten zoos in China.

There are world-famous giant pandas known as "national treasures" and "living fossils", rare wild animals such as golden monkey, South China tiger and alligator in China, and representative animals from all over the world such as gorillas, African lions, giraffes, kangaroos and tapirs in South America.

Travel tips ↓↓↓

Address of scenic spots: No.2381 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai.

Opening hours: March 1st-October 31st: 08: 00-17: 00; 1 November-28 February: 08:00-16:30

Ticket price: Ordinary ticket: 40 yuan/person; Student ticket: 20 yuan/person; Old age ticket: 36 yuan/person

Transportation: Exit 4 of Shanghai Zoo Station on Metro Line 10.

-Huang Jincheng Road Pedestrian Street-

Gubei Huang Jincheng Road Pedestrian Street is located in the core area of Gubei, Changning, and is a municipal characteristic block. Surrounding foreign communities gather, and personalized restaurants, entertainment and living shops that are open 24 hours a day show exotic customs everywhere, providing the public with a unique open space and a safe haven away from the noise.

Ding Wang Wu Lao Guo

677 Huang Jincheng Road (near Yinzhu Road)

In Taiwan Province, Ding Wang, recommended by stars like Xiao S, Jolin Tsai and hebe, has no old pot! Super popular queuing hot pot, the whole ginseng is added to the soup base, the spicy soup base is combined with collagen beauty soup base, which is really fresh but not dry, and the ice cream tofu learned by the owner from Japan is definitely a wonderful hot pot experience.

the terrace

693 Huang Jincheng Road (near Yinzhu Road)

The terrace is a small Italian restaurant with a neighborhood style. The romantic 200-square-meter terrace restaurant and the simple cuisine produced under the guidance of the famous Italian Michelin restaurant la gallina will continue to bring surprises to diners. The newly set private box is very suitable for small parties! Especially the pizza baked with pure fruit trees is crispy outside and crisp inside, and the attractive aroma goes straight into the nasal cavity. No matter you are a herbivore or a carnivore, you can definitely get the wonderful experience of Italian family dinner here ~

Huang Jincheng Road has different beautiful scenery in different seasons. In late autumn, when ginkgo is fragrant, it has become a good place for many tourists to stop and take photos and punch in.

Address: Huang Jincheng Road, Shanghai.

Opening hours: all day

Transportation: Exit/entrance 3 of Yili Road Station of Metro Line 10.

-Shanghai Gaodaowu Department Store-

Shanghai Gaodaowu Department Store is an all-round high-end department store that covers international high-end brands, clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, household items, food and other department stores. There are many online celebrity food shops in the shopping mall, among which Qimin Market, pony Boni Workshop and Crab Pavilion are deeply loved by tourists.

Address: No.1438 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai

Opening hours: 10: 00-22: 00.

Transportation: Exit/entrance 3 of Yili Road Station of Metro Line 10.

-Cheng Shifa Art Museum-

Cheng Shifa Art Museum, which was prepared and constructed by Shanghai China Painting Academy, took nearly three years to complete, covering exhibition places, public cultural service places and multi-functional lecture halls. The art museum has six functions: collection and preservation, academic research, exhibition of works, education and promotion, cultural exchange and public service. It is not only a research and exhibition space for famous Shanghai-style artists, but also a cultural responsibility for the inheritance and development of Shanghai-style art.

Address: No.1398 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai (intersection of Hongqiao Road and Yili Road)

Opening hours: 10: 00-18: 00 (admission is closed at 17: 00). The museum is closed on Mondays and normally opens on holidays.

Transportation: Exit/entrance 3 of Yili Road Station of Metro Line 10.

-Wu Kang Road-

Wu Kang Road, located in Xuhui District, Shanghai, was originally named John Calvin Ferguson Road, named after American missionary John John Calvin Ferguson, and was built in 1907 (Guangxu thirty-three years). Wu Kang Road is known as "Celebrity Road", which condenses the modern history of Shanghai for a hundred years. There are 14 outstanding historical buildings along the road, and 37 historical buildings are preserved.

Wukang building

Bajin former residence

Hengfu style house

Cape Town Apartment

How can Wu Kang Road, which is full of European customs, be short of western food?

Pistacchio restaurant bar

1/F, No.378 Wu Kang Road

Pistacchio means pistachio, and the environment will remind people of many beautiful restaurants in Europe and America.

The restaurant focuses on northern Italian cuisine, while incorporating the cooking styles of Provence and the Mediterranean, and many creative meals are presented in an unprecedented way.

The most important thing to miss in this store is Shu Fulei. It can be said that the store must order. Order one while it is hot, with a cup of coffee, which is sweet, soft and not greasy.

Address: Wu Kang Road, Shanghai.

Opening hours: all day

Transportation: Exit 3 of Shanghai Library Station on Rail Transit Line 10.


Strolling through a new world is like going back in time, like being in Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s, but stepping into every building in one step is very modern and fashionable. K11, Hong Kong Plaza, Xintiandi Plaza, Zhonghai Huanyuhui, Fuxing soho…… … these well-known trend landmarks have attracted numerous famous brands at home and abroad.

For foodies, Xintiandi is also a good place to punch in! Japanese food, western food, hot pot, dessert … This is a "gathering place for food from all over the world"!

·shake shack·

No.10, Xintiandi Beili, Lane 181, Taicang Road

God-class hamburger restaurant from new york! Almost every time I go, I have to queue up! The signature beef burger that must be ordered, the beef patties are thick and tender, which have completely exploded many hamburger shops.

·green & safe·

Floor 1, No.22, Xintiandi Beili, Lane 181, Taicang Road

Super popular organic restaurant! The popularity is not lost, shake shack!

The store is full of fruits and vegetables, as well as meat from YEATION all over the world, just like visiting a huge market! Many cooking ingredients also come from their own organic farms, giving people the comfort of returning to nature!

Tao Taoju

F1 Floor, Xintiandi Beili, Lane 181, Taicang Road

Guangdong’s famous old Cantonese cuisine, Taotaoju, which started in 1880 and has a history of 139 years, is the first stop for many people to eat delicious food in Guangzhou! Now, I have saved the air ticket money and sent the century-old Cantonese cuisine directly to your mouth!

·letao Xiao Zun Yang Guo Zi Pu

Unit 103, No.159 Madang Road

This shop can be described as a "dessert myth" in Japan! According to incomplete statistics, his family’s signboard is sold every 10 seconds on average in the world! The signature double cheesecake is the originator of double cheesecake and has an unshakable hegemony in the hearts of foodies.

Address: Lane 181, Taicang Road, Shanghai

Opening hours: all day

Fare: None.

Transportation: Xintiandi Station of Rail Transit Line 10

-Chenghuang Temple-

Chenghuang Temple is one of the famous tourist attractions in Shanghai. The pavilions and pavilions in the old city, Qingshiban Road, Jiuqu Bridge, Nanxiang Steamed Bun Shop, and our restaurant, the Green Wave Gallery, are the deepest memories in the hearts of tourists. In addition to Yu Garden, Jiuqu Bridge, Huxin Pavilion and other must-see attractions, Chenghuang Temple must definitely try the delicious snacks here.

Mushroom vegetable bag

Spring breeze Songyuelou Chenghuangmiao Old School Road Bailing Road intersection

The vegetarian food package in Songyuelou is very popular. If you bite it, the fragrance of green vegetables and mushrooms will come to your nose ~

Osmanthus cake

Spring breeze Songyuelou Chenghuangmiao Old School Road Bailing Road intersection

Sweet and soft osmanthus cake, in addition to the faint taste of osmanthus, also has a faint smell of wine, as always delicious. The Green Wave Gallery is an old name of the Chenghuang Temple, and many people also come here.

Begonia cake

No.10 Wenchang Road, Hefenglou

As a traditional dessert and pastry snack in Shanghai, the method of Begonia Cake is very simple ~ sweet bean paste is filled with soft flour, and some winter melon candy is wrapped in the outer layer, and sesame seeds, pine nuts and melon seeds are scattered on the surface. When it is almost out of the oven, sprinkle with sugar and bake it again. Before taking it out, the smell of Begonia Cake has spread, which is a very warm snack.

Nanxiang Steamed

2/F, No.69, Jiujiaochang Road

How can you come to the Chenghuang Temple without eating Nanxiang steamed buns? The stuffing of Nanxiang steamed buns can also change with the seasons. Add shrimps in early summer and crab meat, crab roe and crab oil in autumn.

Ningbo Tangtuan

Ningbo Tangtuan Branch No.110 Yuyuan Road

Soft glutinous dumplings are served after careful cooking. They are round and moist and look super cute. The black sesame stuffing is sweet but not greasy!

Address: Fangbang Middle Road, Shanghai

Opening hours: 08:00-21:00

Ticket price: free of charge

Transportation: Exit 3 of Yuyuan Station of Rail Transit Line 10.

-Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street-

Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street is the earliest commercial street established after the opening of Shanghai. In 1999, Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street was officially opened after renovation, enjoying the reputation of "the first commercial street in China". The high-profile Dongtuo section of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street also officially lights up to "open the street". The Dongtuo section starts from Henan Middle Road in the west and Zhongshan Dongyi Road in the east, with a total length of 495 meters, connecting the People’s Square business circle and the Bund business circle. As a result, citizens can go directly to the Bund through Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street.

Visitors will pass through popular landmarks such as New World City, Shanghai Shimao Plaza, New World Maruko Department Store, Nanjing Building and Peace Hotel along the way.

Nowadays, several key projects in Dongtuo block of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street will appear one after another, with old shops upgraded and rejuvenated, and the first and trendy shops settled, which has become a new landscape of Shanghai’s business.

New World Daiwan Department Store

In addition to a number of first-time stores and trendy stores, the face of many old brands in Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street is also quite eye-catching. Taikang Food, which has a history of one hundred years, took the lead in opening a new concept optimization shop in the pedestrian street, and introduced a series of online celebrity snacks, including Liangpin Shop, Qifen Sweet, Liaoji Bang Bang Chicken, White Rabbit and Zhong Xue Gao, which injected new vitality into the neighborhood.

Address: Nanjing East Road, Shanghai

Opening hours: all day

Transportation: Nanjing East Road Station of Rail Transit Line 10.

Source: network comprehensive information

Editor: Zhang Yifan, Gao Qin

The copyright of the pictures in this article belongs to the original author.

ShangguanNo. Author: Shanghai Changning


These latest technological achievements make it no longer difficult to store fresh fruits and vegetables.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  The project team carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technical achievements developed effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment.

  With the increasing variety of food ingredients and the changes of climate and environment, traditional preservation methods can no longer meet the deeper preservation needs.

  On May 8th, the reporter of Science and Technology Daily learned from Jiangnan University that the research team of Yao Weirong, a professor at the School of Food Science, tackled the problem of perishable storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, and successively developed cleaning and disinfection technologies (ultrasonic technology, natural plant-derived cleaning disinfectant), new cold sterilization technologies (low-temperature plasma technology, irradiation technology), as well as preservative and active packaging film, which have been fully applied in domestic fruit and vegetable bases and storage and transportation industries.

  According to Chen Wei, academician of China Academy of Engineering and president of Jiangnan University, people’s food needs are increasingly diversified. Applying modern technology to solve the storage problem of fresh fruits and vegetables will play an important role in ensuring market supply and promoting rural revitalization.

  Yao Weirong introduced that leafy vegetables are easy to rot, mainly due to high water content, vigorous physiological activities after picking, high pollution of original microorganisms and high requirements for storage conditions. Therefore, relevant preservation measures must be taken in order to adjust the storage conditions such as temperature, air humidity and gas atmosphere.

  In order to prevent fresh vegetables from rotting, most of them are stored in cold storage. In recent years, although there are more and more quick-frozen vegetables, this method usually requires blanching pretreatment first, which is easy to cause the loss of minerals and vitamins.

  Chen Wei introduced that the food consumption structure of urban and rural residents in China was dominated by coarse grain consumption at first, and now it is rapidly transforming into a diet structure in which vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, eggs and other livestock products, aquatic products and processed foods coexist. This change makes people eat more safely, healthily and with balanced nutrition.

  At present, the most effective ways to store vegetables in the world are mainly modified atmosphere preservation and irradiation preservation, which can inhibit the growth of microorganisms or vegetable tissues by improving the composition of environmental gases and using irradiation respectively, and have the effect of killing insects and sterilizing.

  "Our team has carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technological achievements have effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment." Yao Weirong said.

  The reporter learned that in January this year, the "magnetic field preservation technology" jointly developed by Jiangnan University and TCL passed the project technical appraisal meeting organized and hosted by China National Light Industry Federation. This indicates that China has broken the foreign monopoly of molecular preservation technology, and has stepped into technology leadership from technology catch-up.

  According to relevant experts, the molecular preservation technology is to use magnetic field induction to realize unlimited micro-vector preservation, so that the ingredients can achieve the 6-day preservation effect of moistening, nourishing, beautifying, cleaning, living and fresh. This is because water molecules, organic compounds and biological macromolecules all belong to diamagnetic materials, so they will induce external magnetic fields.

  At present, this latest technological achievement of integration of production and education, which has multiple functions of water locking, antioxidation and bacteriostasis, has been applied in China.

  In Yao Weirong’s view, these technologies can basically solve the problem of fresh fruit storage. However, technology alone can’t do without paying attention to application and storage methods.

  At present, it is still difficult for some agricultural production bases and storage and transportation enterprises to package and store all kinds of vegetables in a targeted way. In order to reduce costs, transportation and storage often enter the transportation and storage process by extensive and simple dressing, and there is no independent packaging at all, resulting in vegetables not being well protected.

  Especially for all kinds of vegetables transported in large quantities, vegetables will squeeze each other, causing artificial mechanical damage, which accelerates the decay and deterioration of fruits and vegetables and causes serious waste.

  Chen Wei believes that there are still some problems to be solved in promoting the high-quality and differentiated development of agricultural products and food industries in China. Among them, how to ensure the effective market supply of various foods such as meat, vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, etc., it is urgent to make efforts from the technical end and the supply end to open up the "last mile" from farmland to the dining table, so that the latest scientific and technological achievements can be widely used to further meet the needs of consumers for food diversification, refinement, nutrition and ecology.


Family education

It is good that children born in the forties and fifties can live, that children in the sixties and seventies can eat and wear warm clothes, and that children in the eighties and nineties can go to school. Now, if you just stay in the previous concept of parenting, it is a bit out. About reading, the most terrible thing is that teachers who don’t study are teaching hard and parents who don’t study ask their children to read good books, which is like driving without a license in spirit.

Then, when preparing to become parents, we should study our children hard. What problems should we pay attention to in the process of getting along with our children?

First, children have no concept of time. What we have to do is to teach children patience with enough patience.

Once I had dinner at my parents’ house, I happened to meet my sister-in-law’s family. Two children were arguing about watching TV. My sister in elementary school thought of a way and agreed with her brother: "Brother, you watch an episode, and I watch an episode. An episode is 20 minutes, okay?" At that time, my brother promised to be frank and said, "OK!" However, 20 minutes passed and an episode was finished. My brother said, "I haven’t finished watching it yet, so I won’t give it." My sister muttered, and my mouth was very unhappy. I thought my brother didn’t keep his word and couldn’t beat him, so I had to compromise and say, "It’s time to show you an episode at most, so I’m going to watch it." The younger brother replied unconcerned, "Hmm!" Later, as everyone expected, even when the time came, he still didn’t fulfill his promise. The frustrated sister couldn’t bear her brother who didn’t keep his word, so she grabbed the remote control with her brother and started watching her own program. Unexpectedly, her brother didn’t let it go, and they were once caught in a "war" …

If parents don’t understand the development of their children, they must think that this younger brother is importunate and will be given a lecture when he comes up, or parents who are partial to the boy directly blame his sister for not being tolerant. In fact, for an eager child, he thinks that 20 minutes and 20 minutes of adults are not a unit at all, and his 20 minutes may be eternity. So it’s not entirely my brother’s cheating, he just has no concept of time.

Then what we have to do is patiently help him to establish the concept of time. We can adjust the alarm clock and use the hourglass to stop when the time comes, so that he can know how long 20 minutes is after repeated perception.

Second, don’t label children who are exploring development as "bad behavior".

"Baby, don’t touch the hot kettle, be careful to burn your hands." "Baby, don’t touch the vase, it’s easy to break." … Do you often tell your baby this, but it’s not as good as you want? And the more you don’t let him do it, the more he wants to try it. When you’re not paying attention, he may have got into the kitchen locker and grabbed white rice and spilled it all over the floor. Things like this are telling you: he is thinking of a thousand ways to drive you crazy, but is this his real intention?

No, he just acts according to his age. He wants to know what it feels like to have a hot kettle. He wants to know what the sound of broken vases is. It turns out that the white rice in the kitchen feels like this. This is his process of actively exploring the world and seeking development. Not only can we not stop him. Also try to provide him with safe conditions, such as eggs, water, mud …

Third, children need security, love and a sense of belonging.

Undoubtedly, safety is the first thing we should ensure as parents or caregivers. Secondly, talk, interact, play and play games with your child, give feedback to any reaction of your child at any time, accompany your child with leisurely high quality, establish a healthy emotional connection, and gradually let your child have a sense of love and belonging. We also call it "safe attachment". The trust you built before the age of three will affect your child’s life development. For example, he will form healthier interpersonal relationships, become more independent and more confident.

Original title: "Family Education | Three Points to Pay Special Attention to in Raising Children"


Gome notified and punished employees who "fished" at work, and announced videos, music-listening apps and traffic.

"Source of this article: Jiupai News"
On November 16th, a "Notice on Punishment for Violation of Employees’ Code of Conduct" issued by Gome triggered a heated discussion on the Internet, and it was posted on Weibo Hot Search on the same day.
According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, Gome’s response is true at this time.
On November 17th, the topic was ranked first on the Zhihu Hot List, which once again triggered a hot discussion among netizens.
According to the report of national business daily, according to the data, from August 30th to September 3rd, 2021, Gome notified and punished employees who watched videos, listened to music and brushed news during working hours.
The bulletin lists the things that employees in various regions are engaged in in in the office area that have nothing to do with their work, such as computer games, chatting online, listening to music and so on.
This penalty book contains the departments and names of employees, and even the non-work traffic in the background. The situation shows that most employees spend the most time "fishing" on Tencent Video and Tik Tok. The most conspicuous one is the employees of the Planning Audit and Asset Safety Center, who listened to 22.5 G’s on Netease Cloud Music, which is more than the traffic of watching videos on other floors.
According to the relevant provisions in the Code of Conduct for Employees and Management Standards for Office Places, the document stated that 10 non-outsourced employees were given a warning and 2 administrative penalties; For outsourced personnel, clear the field and do not outsource the site for the second time.
Reviews from netizens
Most netizens believe that it is difficult for normal people to achieve long-term high-intensity concentration, and it is normal to relax and adjust appropriately.
"Normal humans will be distracted and absent-minded when they do something. You can’t ask employees not to be people. "
"It is not a false demand to touch the fish at work. Even if it is the screw of the assembly line, it can’t produce high-intensity and uninterrupted work."
"Employees use company equipment to engage in non-work entertainment during working hours, which is definitely a violation of the relevant provisions of the company’s employee manual. The way the company publicly exposes names and traffic violates the procedures of personal information collection, processing and publicity. The handling method of this big-character poster is actually to hit the face of Gome managers. "
Some netizens also believe that fishing at work is a mistake, and it is correct for enterprises to punish according to rules and regulations.
"When did fishing at work become justified?"
"Enterprises hire people to create profits. It is normal to go to work and fish in violation of rules and regulations."
[Source: Jiupai News Synthesis]
Copyright belongs to the original author, paying tribute to originality.

Coconut Video | In the fierce battle of volleyball match in Dongge Town, Wenchang, who won the championship tonight?

Original title: Coconut Video | In the fierce battle of volleyball match in Dongge Town, Wenchang, who will win the championship tonight?

Click to view more videos.

On the morning of February 19th, the 2024 Spring Festival "Anti-drug Cup" nine-a-side men’s volleyball match in Dongge Town, Wenchang City was launched.

Xie Zhong, the "King of Hainan Stories", appeared in the stadium to explain the event and brought a brand-new experience to the audience with the familiar local accent.

The reporter learned that the competition was jointly organized by the village neighborhood committees of Dongge Town and the relevant departments and units of the town. There were 17 teams including Dongge Juxizai Rice Team, Liangfeng Shrimp Team, Baofang Village Wenchang Chicken Team, Qunjian Sandworm Team, Fengshan Village Passion Fruit Team, Xiafu Black Goat Team and Tianlun Tilapia Team. These team names are very distinctive, highlighting the famous "specialties" in Dongge Town, Wenchang City.

At present, the 9-a-side volleyball competition has been held many times, and the champion and runner-up will be decided tonight. Subsequently, an award ceremony was held, in which the first prize was 5880 yuan, the second prize was 4880 yuan, the third prize was 4880 yuan, and the third prize was 3880 yuan.

New Hainan Client, reporter of Nanhai Net Text/Shooting: Wu Yuewen Editing: Chen Yuanneng (Wu Yuewen Chen Yuanneng)