月度归档 2023年12月13日


Five turning points of historical gods: having culture will not live long.

Text/Cang Hai Ming Yue Sheng

The so-called history is just a repetition of the past. Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall.

However, there are some things that you can guess at the beginning but not at the end.

However, they are recorded in ancient books. Although they seem absurd, they are horribly true …


In the Spring and Autumn Period, Ji Nou, Duke of Jin Dynasty, put down Chidick Chu to dominate the country, which was regarded as the leader of a generation.

No matter how long you live, you can’t resist the erosion of time. When Jin Jinggong was old, he was sick and often had nightmares.

One day, he was awakened by a nightmare, and quickly called the wizard to ask. After some calculations, the wizard said, "Your Majesty is old. I am afraid that I will not be able to eat this year’s new wheat! "

Duke Jing of Jin suddenly felt unhappy. After the wizard left, he sent someone to Qin to find a famous doctor for treatment. Before the famous doctor arrived, he had another dream: two children quarreled, and one child said, "The man he invited is a famous doctor, so I’m afraid he will hurt me. I think we’d better run away!"

Another child shrugged. "We are above the ointment. What can he do to us?"

After the famous doctor arrived, he made a consultation and bluntly said that Duke Jing of Jin was terminally ill and had no medicine to cure.

Jin Jinggong stills

By the way, this is where the idiom "terminally ill" comes from.

However, since then, Jin Jinggong’s condition has suddenly improved and his bones have become more and more tough.

In a blink of an eye, it was early summer. After he had the newly harvested wheat cooked, he called the wizard who had interpreted the dream to him to see if he could still eat this year’s new wheat.

Just then, he felt cramps in his stomach, so he got up and went to the toilet. Maybe he squatted for a long time, got up and lost his footing, fell into the toilet and drowned.

Zuo Zhuan: "Witch talk is like a dream. Gong said, "What? Say: "Don’t eat new things." Public illness, seek medical treatment in Qin. Qin Bo made the doctor slow down. Before he arrived, Gong Meng’s illness became two vertical pillars, saying, "He is a good doctor.
Afraid of hurting me, how can you escape? "One said," What if I live above the paste? " When the doctor arrived, he said, "The disease cannot be done. On the top, under the cream, you can’t attack it, you can’t reach it, you can’t do it, you can’t do it. " Gong said, "Good doctor." Thick for the ceremony and return.
In the afternoon of June, the marquis of Jin wanted wheat, so that Dianren offered wheat and gave it to others. Call the Sangtian witch and kill him as a sign. Will eat, open, go to the toilet, trapped and died. "


After Ying Zheng, king of Qin, unified the six countries, he claimed to be the first emperor. He was infatuated with Immortal Technique, the immortal, and sent the alchemist Lu Sheng to find the elixir for him.

This thing is a bluff. Where can I find it? Lu Sheng made a happy trip to China, and when he was tired of playing, he brought back a book for Qin Shihuang, claiming that the panacea had not been found, but this book seems to have a mystery.

Qin Shihuang took a look and found a prophecy in the book: "Those who die in Qin will be Hu Ye".

When the northern conference semifinals made an insurrection, they often invaded the Central Plains from the south. When Qin Shihuang saw this prophecy, he was furious, and immediately ordered the general Meng Tian to lead an army of 300,000, and build the Great Wall in the north to resist the conference semifinals, so that the conference semifinals dared not go south to herd horses.

Qin Shihuang stills

A few years later, Qin Shihuang died suddenly in a sand dune during his east tour, and his youngest son, Hu Hai, became king.

Three years later, the world was bitter in Ku Jin, and people from all walks of life rose up in succession, and Hu Hai was forced to commit suicide.

Qin Shihuang’s Biography: "Lu Sheng, a Yan man, sent him back to the sea to do things with ghosts and gods. Because he recorded books, he said," If Qin died, Hu also died. ". The first emperor ordered General Meng Tian to send 300,000 troops to attack Hu in the north. "


During the Chu-Han struggle, Wei Bao, the son of the former Wei royal family, followed Liu Bang, and was named King of the Western Wei Dynasty for his meritorious service in breaking the Qin Dynasty.

Wei Bao has a concubine named Bo Ji, who is gorgeous, and the physiognomist Xu Fu is good at physiognomy. She said that Bo Ji has a noble appearance, and she will be the son of heaven in the future.

Wei Bao was overjoyed when he learned that, in his view, the son is the son of heaven, and I am the son of heaven’s father. What kind of bird is that under Liu Bang?

Bo Ji stills

So, he rose up and rebelled, and said to the messenger sent by Liu Bang: "Life is like a blink of an eye. Today, Hanwang (Liu Bang) insults people and scolds princes and ministers like slaves. I can’t bear to see them again. "

The implication is that Liu Bang scolded me like a grandson, and Grandpa quit!

While contacting Xiang Yu for support, Wei Bao sent troops to the ancient city of Selin Jinguan and stuck to Anyi City.

In order to eliminate this threat, Liu Bang took Han Xin as the general to unite hundreds of troops, and surrounded Anyi City in lightning speed, and the whole family was captured in Kaesong, Wei Bao.

Liu Bang pitied Wei Bao’s bravery, and treated him well at first. Two years later, he got rid of him. His beloved concubine, Bo Ji, was naturally accepted by Liu Bang.

Later, due to an accidental misfortune, Bo Ji gave birth to Liu Heng, the generation king, who really became the Emperor of Chinese.

Historical Records: Family of consorts: Xu Wei’s negative phase, Bo Ji’s phase, cloud when the son of heaven.


During the Western Han Dynasty, there was a man named Qin Niuque, who was good at reading and often had amazing words.

One day, when he was out, he was suddenly robbed by a group of robbers. The robbers searched for a long time and found no property, so they stripped him of his clothes.

To say that this group of thieves is also quite wonderful. After walking less than two miles, they suddenly became interested and wanted to see how miserable the goods that had just been stripped were now, so several people turned back.

I didn’t expect the scene in front of me to disappoint the gang. Qin Niuque was not only depressed, but also somewhat happy. The robbers wondered: "We robbed you, shouldn’t you feel sad?" Why are you still happy? "

Qin Niuque replied, "Money for horses and chariots is just a thing outside the body. A saint will not harm his body and mind for things outside the body."

After listening to it, the thief was surprised: "This product has an extraordinary export realm. It seems that it is not an ordinary person. If the court knows about it, it will definitely reuse him, and then we will be in trouble!"

Then the robber hacked him to death.

"Huai Nan Zi Ren Jian": The thief smiled at each other and said, "A husband is a saint in the world who does not want to hurt his life or benefit his body. To see the king in this way, you must take me as your business. " And kill it.


At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao, the prime minister, held the emperor as a vassal, ranking among the officials.

Cao Cao was suspicious by nature. One day, he had a dream: three horses were grazing in the same manger.

After waking up, Cao Cao was frightened, thinking that Marten, Ma Chao and Ma Dai, the father and son of Xiliang, would replace Cao Shi in the future, and his heart was extremely scared.

So Cao Cao tricked Ma Teng into being an official in the DPRK, and later found an opportunity to put him to death to break the ominous sign in his dream.

Cao Cao stills

After Cao Cao’s death, his son, Cao Pi, succeeded to the throne as Wei Wendi, and he made great use of Sima Yi, a senior minister, and appointed Sima Yi as the assistant minister before his death.

More than ten years later, Sima Yi, Sima Shi and Si Mazhao replaced Cao Shi.

"The Book of Jin Xuandi Ji": "It’s very evil to dream that Sanma eats the same food."

Sometimes, history is so strange, and the turning point of God comes too fast, which makes people unprepared!


Lu ‘an: A New Trend of Decoding Fashion

At the badminton fair, a down jacket was displayed.

Xu Fanting, Director of Trend Training in China District of Paris Nali Luodi Trend Office, interprets fashion trends.

  On the afternoon of December 10th, the Paris Nellie Lodi 2024-2025 International Down Fashion Trend Conference was unveiled at this badminton fair. At the press conference, Xu Fanting, director of trend training in China District of Paris Nali Luoluo Trend Office, gave participants an in-depth interpretation of the fashion trends in the new season in view of the development of down products. (Reporter Wang Juan/Wen Wangli/Figure)


Why did China’s football get worse and worse?

Personally, I didn’t like football until I was about 15 or 16 years old. Actually, I didn’t like it much. I just liked it a little bit, but I didn’t devote myself to it. At that time, the atmosphere was not the same as it is now. At that time, there were no female guns and male stars, and the mainstream was iron-blooded men. Being a man would be tough and hard. Anyone who dared to stretch out his blue finger and casually freestyle would be killed by the people in the street.

The best way to be tough is sports. Therefore, among male students, if you don’t know much about sports, you will look like a soft egg in the eyes of your classmates. If you don’t watch the five major leagues, the Champions League and World Cup NBA, you will definitely develop abnormally. The more you devote yourself to watching football matches, the more you will look like a man. The more excited you are, the more eloquent you will be. It shows that you are professional and exuberant in male hormones. Boys think that with so much performance, girls will look at him more because of his exuberant hormones.

Everything in the world is related to sex, except sex itself.

I didn’t say this, but Wilde, the boring man. You have to settle accounts with him.

I liked football at first, just like joining a pyramid scheme gang. I was dragged in by my head. My roommate talked to me about football all day, walking, eating, sleeping and taking a shit in the bathroom. I was afraid that if I didn’t respond to him, he would be gay with me, so I was forced to learn football knowledge to show that I was normal. I was very man, and I was full of male hormones. Dude, you’d better not mess around, but I have never been very interested.

Really, just like my feelings for Kitahara, I really couldn’t find a better one in those days, so I’ll just try to like it.

If we put it aside now, right, then so-and-so, so-and-so, we will catch a lot of high-quality ones, although I can’t even remember the names.

My age of football enlightenment was Li Jinyu, Zhang Yuning and Li Tie, that is, the Li Tie who had just been fired as the head coach of the national team. He used to maintain the style of F4 in the early 2000s for many years, which was particularly recognizable. After being a head coach, his face was a lot rounder and his hair was a little shorter, but it was still much longer than that of ordinary boys. This shows how much psychological influence adolescence has on a person’s life. I can’t forget Toko Kitahara and Li Tie can’t forget F4’s long hair.

Because the players of that session were highly valued, playing against the weak team was just like playing for fun. Every time Li Jinyu scored a goal, he would learn from Guo Jing’s bow and arrow shooting. POSE was particularly handsome and very rhythmic. Although he lost to South Korea in the first game, he played against South Korea as a whole, and the momentum was fierce. The Korean media all thought that we were mental derangements, and we despised them even after losing, which was different from China people who always liked self-examination at ordinary times.

Because everyone has high expectations for that generation, sometimes when watching the game in the classroom, male students gather around the TV and score a goal, and the students are just like taking drugs. Some smash their desks, some howl like wolves, and some will grab the collars of the students next to them and shake others while screaming, making them twitch as if they were touched by electricity.

There were no entertainment activities in those days, and life and entertainment depended on the ambiguous eyes of female students and sports competitions.

In the 2000s, because a Yao Ming suddenly appeared in basketball, I only watched the NBA. After Yao Ming retired, I didn’t even watch sports events, so I concentrated on earning money to support my family.

Earning money to support the family is actually much more technical and practical than sports competitions. I don’t even want to come out here.

Occasionally, I saw the news of football in China, which basically showed a bloody collapse trend. The more I kicked, the more I collapsed. At the beginning, there were still several people studying abroad in Europe. Later, there were fewer and fewer people studying abroad. Now there is only one Lei Wu left. Now the national team seems to be reduced to the top eight in Asia, and it is often beaten on the face by Syria and Thailand. In the end, the China men’s football team has simply become a domestic emotional trash can and has become the object of collective banter. Since 2002,

Strangely, however, the Super League was extremely hot in previous years, and it was once known as the "sixth largest league in the world". Guangzhou Evergrande even won the AFC Champions League twice. In 2019, the average salary of Super League players reached about 6.5 million RMB. The average annual salary of the most expensive players in Guangzhou Evergrande and Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai was about 12 million RMB, and the worst player in Beijing and Shanghai also reached 2 million RMB.

This phenomenon that the league is hot and the national team is weak happens at the same time, which makes China football look very strange.

So what is the reason that led to this phenomenon?

Out of curiosity about the origin of all things, I chose to visit many domestic footballers who have been running around the world for 20 or 30 years and ask them why China’s football has been playing more and more in the past 20 years. Interestingly, everyone’s answers are surprisingly consistent, and there is a relaxed attitude of "You guys have seen through the world of mortals for a long time, so what should you do?".

After synthesizing everyone’s opinions, I gradually figured out the root logic of China’s failure in football.

Before writing this reason, I would like to remind you that, unlike our industrial party, which always feels confident that there is a sea of stars in front of us, most people in the sports and entertainment circles are still a little sad. At least three people in the football circle have used the phrase "China football is the epitome of China society" with me.

But as far as I know, this sentence is wrong.

China football and China entertainment circle are not all the epitome of China. Accurately speaking, they are only the epitome of China’s negative energy. China football circle and entertainment circle are relatively deformed, and they are also deeply related to finance, real estate and other industries. Because the starting industry of money itself is not normal in China, it is not normal to reflect on them. If you want to compare China industrial circle with China entertainment circle, it will be another world.

Back to the main question, why did China’s football (mainly referring to the men’s national team) play so badly?

It’s just that the players who play football are not good.

Then why are the players not good at football?

To put it simply, the fastest growth time of football players’ personal level is in the period of teenagers, but the level of football teenagers in China is not good.

We all know that no matter what line of work, the best person must be a combination of "high talent and diligence", and both of them are indispensable. Moreover, whether it is sports or literature and art, high talent can be seen in adolescence, whether it is Go, piano, writing, running, singing, dancing, basketball, or even physics and mathematics, it is clear at a glance when you are a teenager.

There is a saying in the world of Go, "If you are not a national player at the age of 20, you will be hopeless all your life", which is the truth.

Yao Ming in his teens, James in his teens, and Lang Lang in his teens all showed super-high talent in their teens, and became an industry elite in their adulthood. No one did not show his talent and did not undergo cruel training after the age of 20, and then he suddenly became extremely awesome in a certain field.

Even Tik Tok online celebrity, who was hit by the Universiade, became popular because of one sentence and one thing, and often passed away quickly, because there was no talent to continue exporting.

Including myself, I have 20 years of writing experience to write articles, and I don’t suddenly write things. I started writing novels when I was in junior high school. Every morning, the whole class is waiting for my novel to be updated, and I will circulate it to each other every morning, and the cover of my notebook will end up like oil residue.

If the highest score of football players is 100 points, let’s assume that Pele, Diego Maradona, Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi have a total score of 95 points (fans don’t come to wrangle, thank you), then they should reach the level of about 80 points before they reach adulthood. The league will improve their level, but the space is not as big as expected. The league mainly plays a role in maintaining a high level.

The Super League is very prosperous, but it doesn’t improve the level of China men’s soccer team that much, because they were locked at the level of 50-60 points in adolescence, and the league will make them rise to 65-70 points, but the upper limit is too low.

The Super League is helpful, and we can also pull a group of people out of the league to bully the fishing club, but the Super League is not the core reason that determines the level of the national team.

When you look at the time when international football stars became famous and began to make achievements, they usually started around the age of 18. For example, Messi became famous at the 2005 World Youth Championship, when he was just 18 years old. The next year, Diego Maradona called him his successor. Cristiano Ronaldo also became famous at the age of 18. In 2003, he moved from Sporting Lisbon to Manchester United for 12.24 million pounds, because at this time their total score was very high and they began to dump our players in the same period.

Of course, we have some high-level and good prospects. Don’t believe any strange theories of race and culture. I said that it is hooliganism to talk about problems with culture. We can have talents from all walks of life. How can 1.4 billion people not have a football genius?

In fact, India also has all kinds of talents, but it is buried and there is no platform to play.

However, when our players are teenagers, they encounter two big problems, which make their level stuck in the low level range. One is the lack of excellent youth football teachers, and the other is the lack of a lot of opportunities for practice.

As mentioned earlier, a master must be a combination of "high talent+diligence". High talent needs guidance, or it will be ruined. For example, Yao Ming is a basketball family. This is no problem. Lang Lang studied with Professor Zhao Pingguo at the age of 9 and has always been supported by experts. If he was born in a bad environment, his road to fame would be a hundred times more difficult.

Many children in Beijing can get the top resources in the country after they are born. Being famous in Beijing means being famous all over the country. Therefore, a large number of writers and singers are likely to emerge in Beijing, while a child from Sichuan, Hunan and Shanxi is ten million times more difficult and has to work ten million times harder to reach the same height. Because he has no resources and platform, he can only bite his teeth and die.

Do you say that children in Beijing are born with better talents than those in Shanxi? I don’t believe it.

There has never been any real fairness in this world. We were born to overcome all kinds of unfairness.

By the same token, compared with foreign countries, our football players were led astray in their youth, because we were short of excellent youth football coaches.

Ali Shaw, a Dutch coach who worked in our national team, once said an argument:

"The success rate of youth football training is high, and 70% depends on the level of young football coaches."

The highest level a player can reach as a teenager is not far from his final destination.

Our coaching level from children to teenagers is very low.

Maurines, a Spanish coach, came to Shanghai Shenhua Youth Training Department to work. In an interview with diariosur, a Spanish media, he said that our youth training coach can only play strength and run, and he is very weak in training technical and tactical abilities.

About 20-30 years behind Europe.

Some of our coaches with C-level coaches or D-level coaches’ certificates can’t do a good job of passing the low flat ball with their arches. They can only teach their children to run and shoot, and Spanish children of the same age can already open the space to send a straight ball.

Our youth football coaches are not only of low quality, but also lack of talents.

Like Spain, with a total population of less than 47 million, there are as many as 15,000 coaches with UEFA A-level certificates, 84,300 in Japan, a leading Asian country, and 600 in Iceland, a country with a population of only 360,000, 400 of whom have UEFA B-level certificates.

In China, a country with a population of 1.4 billion, in 2018, there were only over 40,000 coaches registered with the Football Association, only half of that in Japan. There were 11,855 C-level coaches, 2,298 B-level coaches, 985 A-level coaches and 158 professional coaches who could teach children a little.

The number of A-level coaches in our population of 1.4 billion is only 6.6% of Spain’s population of 47 million. There is only one A-level coach for every 1.54 million people in Spain, and one A-level coach for every 3,133 people in Spain.

There are only six A-level coaches in a big city with a population of 10 million, while there is one A-level coach in a community in Spain.

How can you beat Spain?

If you want to beat them, the Spanish coaches should not be collectively angry.

Moreover, the salary of most grass-roots football coaches in China is 5000-8000 yuan per month, which makes people have no motivation to stay for a long time in first-and second-tier cities.

What makes China football change fundamentally is not how hot the league is held, but the emergence of a large number of excellent coaches covering the grass roots, so that these coaches can earn income to support their families and have room for promotion. Then, under the guidance of these coaches, talented children can become world superstars.

Only with Bole can a swift horse be selected and trained. Without Bole, China football would be completely blind.

Then why is China so good at table tennis, badminton, diving and weightlifting, but China football can’t copy their methods?

Because football is the most competitive sport in the world.On the whole earth, the competition of table tennis, badminton, diving and weightlifting is far less than that of football. The competition of football starts with dolls and is basically stereotyped by teenagers. It is necessary not only to be talented and let people pick it out, but also to practice with a large number of people.

Pay attention to this word, it must be "a large wave of people often play", not a small number of people who train hard like table tennis and badminton.

This involves the second problem of diligence in "high talent+diligence". This diligence is not an individual’s diligence, but a group’s diligence based on a large number of grass-roots clubs.

A large number of excellent grass-roots coaches ensure the selection and training of highly gifted children, and a large number of grass-roots clubs ensure the growth of children.

Let’s take Ronaldo as an example.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s father is equipment manager of Andorinha, an amateur football club (that is, a handyman), so Cristiano Ronaldo trained in this club at the age of 7. Because of his good foundation, he was signed by the best local national club at the age of 10. When he signed it, he only spent 22 footballs and two sets of jerseys. After three years of careful training, Cristiano Ronaldo won half of the team’s goals here and was later attracted by Sporting Lisbon. At the age of 13, Cristiano Ronaldo moved to Sporting Lisbon for 1,500 pounds and played at the age of 18.

Messi’s experience is similar. At the age of 5, he started playing football in amateur grass-roots clubs. His father was the coach and taught him personally. From then on, he was promoted to the old boys Club in Newell. At the age of 11, he needed treatment because of dwarfism. Newell dared not spend the money. At the age of 13, Messi was taken to the youth training camp in La Masia, Barcelona, Spain by coach KUKA, and he also got treatment opportunities. Since then, he has become famous in Barcelona.

In fact, Japan is learning from the model of "a large number of excellent coaches+grassroots amateur clubs" in Europe and South America, which makes Japanese football play stronger and stronger in Asia.

Reporter Miao Yuan once interviewed Japanese youth training coach Chiba Taishin, who used to be a professional player and worked as a youth training coach for 20 years after retiring. According to his reaction, many football teachers in Japan are volunteers, playing with their children when they were young. In junior high school, children can train three times a week and play once. In middle school, Japanese football will form a three-legged team, a social team and a professional echelon, with a large number of campus and social players. The level of the top 32 social teams in China is close to professional.

In the 12-15-year-old echelon of professional teams, only 1% of the outstanding talents are selected from these teams. Because there are a large number of grassroots units, excellent seedlings come up.

Chiba Taishen also said a very important point: children should master basic football skills at the age of 10-12, and improve their understanding of football after the age of 12, and combine skills with football understanding.

I doubt very much how our scarce football coaches, and most ordinary coaches, can make our children in China master basic football skills at the age of 10-12.

With grass-roots clubs and enough students, we have to let them fight at this time.

An interesting point is that the vast majority of football powers in the world are actually not vast countries, and the football level of countries with large areas is actually not outstanding, like that of China, the United States and India.

Why is it easy for a small country to practice strong football? It is because regional confrontation can often be organized without making the young players so tired.

Even in countries like England and Italy, which we don’t think are so big, teenagers and Italian C try their best to compete in different districts. When amateur clubs compete, the driving distance is guaranteed to be within one or two hours, so as to try to go and return on the same day without wasting everyone’s time and energy on the bus.

An hour or two’s drive is too extravagant for China. In the past, it would have been enough for Shaoyang to drive to Loudi to compete. Even if there is a high-speed train now, we have to change trains when we get off high-speed railway station. Our Shaoyang team wants to pick Changsha, and it will take four or five hours to change trains, so the little players will be exhausted.

Therefore, it is best to divide a province into several small areas, so that young people in small areas can confront each other more, and let them experience the beatings in the world and the pressure and happiness of growing up from an early age.

Then some people may object to this view and say Brazil? People are as big as Brazil, and a state is quite a country in Europe. How can people do so well?

Brother, Brazilians are actually suffering. It took them nearly 50 years to complete the national league, and it was only in the 21st century that they made their living mainly in coastal states, relying on state leagues. Small-scale regional confrontation is the basis for their talents to flourish.

We look at how the world’s football powers have risen, and soon know where the main vein of football development lies.

After the World War II in Germany, Herbega, the coach director of the Football Association, planned to "train 100 excellent coaches first, teach 100 people for every one, and train 10,000 coaches."

Ten years later, the Federal Republic of Germany won the World Cup in Switzerland in 1954.

Up to now, Germany has turned the German Football Association into the largest single sports association in the world, with 24,481 clubs, 145,000 teams and 7.17 million registered players.

But among the 7.17 million registered players, only 1,500 people finally make a living in this line. These 1,500 people are really one in a million.

So how can China beat the Germans?

If you want to beat them, German coaches should not be collectively angry.

By the way, the salary of German youth coaches is five to ten times that of ordinary people. Think about the salary of China youth coaches of 5,000 to 8,000 yuan, which is really invisible. That’s why youth coaches try to ask for bribes from players.

Let’s take a country with small boobs as an example to see how Icelandic football has become strong. The case of this country is more representative.

Iceland has a population of 330,000, so it’s normal that people can’t beat others. All of them have to go to work, and the weather is cold. There are few football fields in China, so it’s difficult to get a team out. Everyone understands, but the Icelandic Football Association has made great efforts to strengthen itself. In 2000, it began to build nine large indoor football stadiums all over the country, and every school and village also built football fields. By 2015, a total of 179 standard football fields and 128 football fields were built.

Moreover, since 2000, Iceland has trained 600 professional football coaches like crazy, 400 of whom have the UEFA B-level coaching certificate, which is equivalent to one professional coach for every 100 young men of the right age. In addition, due to the small space, they can often be pulled together to engage in confrontation, and the level has risen steadily.

By the European Cup in 2016, the Icelandic team began to make achievements, with two draws and one win in the group stage, killing England in the quarter-finals and successfully reaching the quarter-finals.

Think about what it would be like if China could reach the quarterfinals of the European Cup.

But it took Icelandic people only 16 years.

So you see, as long as we start from the roots in a down-to-earth manner, we can start football.

Therefore, everyone should understand a truth. In the most competitive sports subdivision industry in the world, football must start with dolls, and there must be a large number of amateur bottom clubs+youth leagues+fierce confrontation in small areas+a large number of excellent grassroots coaches, and then an excellent adult top league and an excellent national team can be established.

The result of the national team is the final result, and the national team is not the cause of the matter.

Then why is the foundation so poor? The Super League has been quite lively in the past few years, and even won the AFC Champions League?

This question is relatively simple.

The Super League looked prosperous in the past few years because of its interests.

Many companies go to the Super League, and their purpose is not football at all, because all football clubs in China are losing money. The poor income of Chinese football clubs is simply not enough to plug their teeth, but how can they do business at a loss?

This is the same as opening a five-star hotel. I usually love to explore the business model and find that most five-star hotels in China are unprofitable. Hotels that invest 10 billion yuan can earn up to 100 million yuan a year, and the input-output ratio is too low, and most of them are still losing money. Five-star hotels in Shaoyang are extremely well built and the cost is so high, and there are few guests at all. I don’t know how they maintain it. It is a bad business here.

It was not until later that I learned that a five-star hotel is actually a part of the infrastructure. If you build a five-star hotel, the local government will try to make it up for you in the land or other places, so that you can earn money from other places.

Chinese football clubs also mean the same thing. Bosses vote for football mainly to earn money from local governments, finance and other places, but they are not interested in football.

So you asked him to spend ten years building a youth training system. How could he have this idea? I don’t even know where it is five years later. I’m crazy. Why did I invest so much money to build a youth training system?

If the boss insists that I build an echelon, then I’ll just build an inspection to cope with it. Anyway, we can’t do a ten-year talent training plan that consumes money and energy.

Therefore, in the first year when Lippi coached the national football team, he reflected that China professional clubs didn’t even have a complete echelon construction. How many years have it been?

A senior person in the sports field told me that when Jiangsu Suning scored well, Jiangsu Sports School directly gave the echelon to Suning, and then Suning directly dissolved it.

You can pay attention to one thing. Chinese football clubs especially like to smash foreign aid with deep pockets, but they don’t train local young players. First, because it is easy to make achievements, they can quickly smash an AFC Champions League with money and get recognition from the top. Second, buying directly in the peripheral market, large transactions can generate huge amounts of money flow, and everyone in this link, from the general manager, translators, brokers and coaches, is eager to get kickbacks.

Since in China, the club can’t build a youth training echelon for his special motivation, why can’t we learn from South America, Europe and Japan, and build a large number of amateur clubs at the bottom? Let China players raise their level to 75-80 points when they are young, and then keep a high level in the league. How many stars with 85-90 points are there?

This problem is much more complicated, and it involves more economic chains.

If we compare Japan and Germany, we lack a large number of well-trained excellent coaches, and we can’t keep these people struggling in their posts for decades, and a football market has not formed.

If we compare South American countries, we lack a large number of volunteers. Many parents in South America are free volunteers in amateur clubs. They have fun by themselves, and they also take their children to play together. They can often play all night on the court.

These two points are difficult to achieve in China.

Training a large number of excellent football coaches requires a long-term 10-year plan, which requires administrative power. After the training, these people have to be prevented from changing careers easily, and there is a shortage of volunteers. In fact, parents in China are very busy, and they are not on the same level as Europeans, Japanese and South Americans.

China is now the fastest-growing economy in the world. Everyone needs to keep up with the big forces economically and make a determined effort to earn money. Because if the class leap cannot be achieved now, it will be several times more difficult for the later generations to achieve it. Everyone is working hard to earn money. Where can they spare time to volunteer at the football field?

Therefore, we can make a comparison. Either developed countries have perfect wages and benefits, or South American countries, whose economies are flat and often harvested by the United States, have perfect amateur clubs at the bottom, and such clubs are not for profit. China is now in a special historical stage. Many people have just become urban citizens from rural areas, and a large number of high-quality young people are still seizing emerging jobs such as the Internet and finance. They are all buying the first car and the first suite in their lives and have no time to participate in football grassroots projects in person.

Everyone has the opportunity to change their destiny, and it is not football’s turn to grab time for the time being.

I think that if China’s economy stagnates one day or becomes a developed country, football will be much better than it is now.

You may be tempted to ask, then why did China’s football and basketball, which were good in the past, fall into this state now?

Because it used to be a national system, this system has been scolded for decades in my impression, and it has produced many drawbacks, saying that it is a waste of people and money, which is the wrong way of socialism in the past, but in fact, the national system also has its excellent side. In the past, good players were actually selected from sports schools at different levels and then practiced hard behind closed doors. In 2002, that wave of players was actually the last performance of players trained by the national system.

After that wave, the level of players became worse and worse, because the old system was overturned, but the new system was not established, and the bottom-up basic population such as South America and Europe was not established, so they played worse and worse in the past 20 years.

It is not anyone’s fault that a new system has not been established, but it is decided by the stage of China’s times.

We have seen that some small countries, such as Qatar and Viet Nam, can often abuse the men’s soccer team in China. In fact, they have just set up a team with a little meager funds, and the government has stepped forward to set up a youth training center, which has achieved results in a long time.

The children in China, without government organization, received expensive and wrong guidance in their teens, but after the technology was formed, they couldn’t play with the small professional guidance.

It’s a bit like people are using the national system that we don’t use to attack the unhealthy market system that we haven’t formed.

Of course, because this country also lacks the bottom operating system in South America, it can only bully China at most, and it is very difficult to go any further.

"Usually our poor youth football population is just making up the numbers." A big shot in the circle sighed and said this to me.

In fact, in all areas of deep competition, the sports circles in China have encountered the same problems as football.

For example, in basketball and volleyball in China, the results are getting worse and worse. Only the middle of the women’s volleyball team was saved by Lang Ping. That’s because the competition of women’s volleyball in the world was not so fierce. Lang Ping saved a group of teenage girls in time and caught up with them through a lot of hard training.

If nothing unexpected happens, the three major events in China, regardless of men’s and women’s events, are all due to the fact that the new system was not established when the old system was transferred to the new system, which is an inevitable historical trend.

The former China Women’s Football Team, the 2002 China Men’s Football Team, and the former Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and Li Na were actually trained from the old system. They were the beneficiaries of the old system. Now the new system has not been built, and China’s special historical stage has made the three goals worse and worse.

Those leagues that look like red fire can’t hide the failure of our construction at the bottom of this fierce global competition.

Finally, give some advice to China football:

1. Learn from Germany and Iceland, establish a football coach training system, and strive to have thousands of professional coaches in each key city.

2. Through market-oriented operation, these coaches are guaranteed to survive and stay, and there is still room for salary increase. (This is the hardest)

3. Without thinking about doing a good job in football all over the country, we should set aside one or two key provinces, decentralize coaches in these provinces, divide these provinces into different small regions, and launch fierce youth leagues in each small region. If possible, it is best to set up three teams, such as youth training centers, youth training points of football associations and cooperative schools of clubs, like Germany, to select outstanding talents from them.

4. Choose a leader with a long term for about ten years, and be patient to do it.

If it really doesn’t work, it’s ok to engage in the previous youth training system.

Of course, in fact, football is a sport and entertainment, and it is not so important in essence. As I said before, "earning money to support the family is actually much more technical and more practical than sports competitions." Now our country focuses on aerospace, the belt and road initiative and the prosperity of the whole people. Compared with football, football is really insignificant. No matter how well you play it, there is no chance to raise your head and speak in the face of the powerful economic and technological gap.

If football scores can be exchanged for the improvement of the living standards of the whole people, I believe that people in Brazil’s slums must raise their hands in favor.

We have a wider sea of stars and dust, and we can take it slowly in the back.

According to the present situation, football in China may still linger for a while, but it doesn’t matter. The best chance to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best chance is now.


# (Sports) Football

On the same day, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

On October 31st, Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competed with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, the starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, the players of Beijing Normal University celebrated the championship. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)


The two giants in the Premier League compete for it! 27-year-old star wants to go: 68 games with 32 goals, priced at 80 million.

The 27-year-old Ivan Toni is once again caught in a transfer rumor. On November 1st, the British Evening Standard revealed that Chelsea and Arsenal, the two giants in the Premier League, are competing and hope to sign Tony in January next year. Brentford offered Tony a price of 80 million pounds, and the players sought to leave the team and play for a better club.

There is no doubt about Ivan Tony’s ability. In the Premier League in 2022-23, Tony scored 20 goals, ranking third in the top scorer list, only behind Harland (36 goals) and Kane (28 goals). During his Premier League career, Tony scored 32 goals in 68 games, and his efficiency was not bad. However, Tony got into big trouble: he bet on a football match, was banned by the FA for eight months, and will be released on January 17th next year.

The Evening Standard pointed out that brentford was willing to sell Ivan Toni for 80 million pounds. Objectively speaking, this price tag is somewhat inflated: Tony’s contract is only one and a half years, the player’s valuation in Germany is 30 million pounds, and he has not played a formal game for half a year.

There is no room for a big bodhisattva in a small temple. For his future, Ivan Tony is very clear: he wants to leave brentford and go to an "elite club". To this end, Ivan Toni also changed his agent and let Banert (who used to be Bell’s agent) handle his own transfer.

According to the analysis of the Evening Standard, both Arsenal and Chelsea intend to make moves in January next year:

Arsenal’s goal is still to compete for the Premier League title. If a scorer with 10 goals in the middle of the game is introduced in January, it will be of great help to the championship. Although Arsenal have Jesus and Nketiya, they are not prolific centers. Arsenal manager Artta appreciates Ivan Toni’s scoring ability. This summer, Arsenal spent 200 million pounds to bring in Tony in the winter window. The Gunners need to sell players to raise funds first.

Chelsea, with deep pockets, also intends to supplement the front line. Chelsea spent 1 billion pounds, completely overthrown and rebuilt, and there was not much improvement. This season, the Premier League only scored 12 points in 10 games and scored only 1.3 goals per game. In January next year, Jackson will play in the African Cup of Nations. Chelsea, which was originally weak in attack, needs Tony’s help.

Tony, who returned from the ban in January, hopes to complete the transfer in the winter window, seize the opportunity of half a year, strive for more goals, win the trust of English coach southgate and be selected for the European Cup 2024. As an excellent striker in the Premier League, Tony has only played for England once, which is not in line with his strength.


Where is the way out for domestic beauty products that are difficult to sell at high prices?

Image source @ vision china

After eight days, Hua Xizi finally spoke.

However, the statement did not respond to the high-priced controversy, but reiterated its brand vision as a domestic beauty brand "promoting the beauty of the East and casting a century-old national makeup".

Whether this statement can satisfy consumers who have previously felt "backstab" or not. It is almost a consensus that it is not so easy for "all girls" to buy it.

More and more rational, they are using actions to announce the failure of their price and sentiment cards to the brand.Since the price dispute, they have been saying, "Who is not a domestic product? Who will feel sorry for me?" Take off the emotional binding, while comparing the domestic make-up with the gold price, and measure the cost performance with the accurate price comparison method.

At the same time, it is obvious that Li Jiaqi has had a hard time recently.

Being questioned and apologizing twice failed to quell dissatisfaction. It seems that this matter can’t pass if the powder continues to fall, the topic is constantly derived, and the heat persists for a long time.

Image source @ Little Red Book Davidkwok

Looking back from the time corridor, on the one hand, Li Jiaqi, who has grown into the "first brother" by virtue of his low price advantage and high emotional value, and on the other hand, the light of domestic products, which embodies consumers’ feelings and high cost performance expectations.The rise and fall of the two are so similar and intertwined.

Now, the other side of Li Jiaqi being questioned is the dilemma of domestic beauty cosmetics.

More and more consumers are beginning to feel that domestic products are becoming more and more expensive. They show their feelings and seek resonance by taking screenshots of their past orders on social media.

Image source @ Xiaohongshu Xiao Lv’s embarrassing life

Is this really the case?

Take shanghai jahwa, which owns well-known brands such as Liushen, Meijiajing, herborist, Qichu and Yuze, as an example. According to the announcement of its main business data, the average price of skin care products in the first half of this year and the second quarter of this year increased by 50.42% and 20.16% respectively compared with the same period of last year, which helped its skin care products achieve positive revenue growth.

Image source @ shanghai jahwa’s main business data announcement in the first quarter of 2023

Image source @ shanghai jahwa main business data announcement in the second quarter of 2023

Look at Polaiya, the parent company of Polaiya, Yuefushan and Caitang. In the first quarter of 2023, the skin care products and beauty cosmetics products of Polaiya increased by 21.69% and 23.28% respectively.

Image source @ Proya’s main business data announcement in the first quarter of 2023

In addition, in the first and second quarters of 2023, the average selling price of Marubi skin care products increased by 39.76% and 14.83% respectively, and the average selling price of beauty products increased by 27.22% and 15.90%. In the first half of 2023, the price of skin care products increased by 5.6% and the price of cosmetics increased by 4.9%.

Image source @ Betani 2023 semi-annual report

It can be seen that the price increase that consumers feel is not groundless.

From the main cost performance to "more and more expensive", the rising price of raw materials may be the reason that cannot be ignored.

At present, the key raw materials used by domestic skin care and beauty enterprises mainly rely on imports from the United States, Germany, Japan, South Korea and other countries, such as surfactants for cosmetics, thickeners, high-performance oils and fats, and high-safety preservatives. Therefore, the fluctuation of the supply price of upstream raw materials will indeed greatly affect the beauty and skin care brands.

Since the epidemic, the price increase of some basic raw materials, such as glycerol, has been particularly obvious.

Recently, many giants such as Dow Chemical, Japan PE Co., Ltd., Japan PP Co., Ltd., Sanyo Chemical, Longbai Group, etc. also announced price increases ranging from 5% to 23%, involving cosmetic raw materials such as silicone, surfactant, PMMA, PP, PE and titanium dioxide used as a physical sunscreen, and the price per ton directly exceeded 1,700 yuan.

Polaiya also said in the announcement that the prices of its main products, ruby and active substances with strong efficacy, have increased significantly-the average unit price in the first quarter of 2023 increased by 305.85/kg, an increase of 116.05%.

With the rising cost of raw materials, it is not only domestic brands that raise prices. However, the price increase of international big brands is much milder.

For example, the financial report of consumer goods giant Unilever shows that the price of beauty and health care products rose by 7.5% in fiscal year 2022.

Estee Lauder Group has also raised the price of its products twice in 2023, involving many of its star products, but the increase is relatively limited except Clinique Little Daisy Blush.

Data Source @ Official Flagship Store, Cartography @ Titanium Media APP

In this way,The rising cost caused by the rising price of raw materials is not enough to explain why domestic brands have changed from "flat replacement" to "expensive replacement".

The huge marketing expenses, including the commission of the anchor with goods, are another main reason.

According to the financial report data released by various companies, the sales expenses of various beauty products accounted for about 45% of the revenue in the first half of this year, and the parent company of Perfect Diary, Yixian E-commerce, had the highest proportion, accounting for 61.69%.

Image source @ 么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么

Comparing the marketing expense rate of international brands such as Estee Lauder, Shiseido and L ‘Oreal, which is around 30%, we can see that domestic beauty brands are highly dependent on marketing.

This is actually related to the growth experience of domestic beauty brands.

A few years before the flood of new domestic brands emerged, the grass planting economy was just emerging and the online traffic cost was still relatively low. At that time, most of the new beauty brands were established in a short time, with small capital scale, and their ability to lay offline sales channels was limited. Therefore,In the early days of its establishment, online became the main position for the marketing and sales of domestic beauty brands.

At that time, an unwritten explosive formula was popular in the industry: "5,000 little red books+2,000 Zhihu questions and answers+head anchor with goods = a new brand".Seize the user’s mind and achieve explosive growth through marketing, which has almost become the standard of new brands of domestic beauty.

Take Huaxi Zi in this storm as an example. Founded in 2017, it is experiencing a channel dilemma when it comes into contact with the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi in 2018. At that time, Li Jiaqi had just defeated Ma Yun in the Double Eleven PK selling lipstick, and began to emerge in the field of e-commerce live broadcast.

Looking back on the five years when Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi were deeply bound, many sales miracles occurred at this time: in 2019, "double 11" sold 700,000 boxes of loose powder of Hua Xizi; In 2020, "618" Hua Xizi became the first in the turnover list of domestic beauty products with GMV of 235 million yuan, and its revenue jumped from 10 million to several billion. According to the quality statistics, from January to February, 2020, 40% of the sales of Huaxizi flagship store came from the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi.

Hua Xizi’s growth experience is only a typical representative of domestic beauty, and there are also perfect diaries, orange blossoms, Yuze and so on.

Over-reliance on online marketing has made many domestic beauty products form a revenue-driven growth model.

Take Yixian E-commerce, the parent company of Perfect Diary, which was listed on the US stock market only three years after its birth, as an example. According to its announcement data, from 2018 to 2020, Yixian E-commerce spent 309 million yuan, 1.251 billion yuan and 3.412 billion yuan on sales and marketing respectively, with the highest proportion accounting for 65.2% of the total revenue. With the rising marketing expenses, its scale has also been rapidly expanded.

However, with the contraction of marketing expenses by Perfect Diary, its operating income is also affected simultaneously: in the first quarter and the second quarter of this year, the proportion of marketing expenses of Yixian e-commerce decreased by 7.9% and 2.5% respectively compared with the same period of last year, and the total net income decreased by 14.1% and 9.8% respectively.

More seriously, with the surge in online traffic costs,Many domestic beauty brands are caught in the "strange circle" cycle of exchanging marketing for revenue.That is to say, if marketing is reduced, revenue may decline, but if marketing is maintained, high traffic cost will cause losses, and even it may fall into a negative cycle of more money burning and more losses.

In this way, the price increase has become a natural choice in the dilemma of domestic beauty.

At the same time of rising prices,A large number of domestic beauty brands are disappearing in invisible places.

According to incomplete statistics, from June 2022 to now, there are about 12 cutting-edge makeup brands that have declared bankruptcy/clearance/suspension. Among them, there are some brands that have exploded, such as floating Fomomy and Kale said Colorpedia, which shows that the market competition is fierce.

Cartography: titanium media APP

Consumers’ enthusiasm for buying domestic beauty brands has also begun to cool down.

In this year’s TOP20 of Tmall’s 618 beauty industry, only four domestic brands entered the list, namely Polaiya, Winona, Fumei and Shuguang, and the corresponding rankings were TOP4, TOP9, TOP13 and TOP19.

Image source @ tmall beauty cosmetics

Looking back at the development of domestic beauty brands in the past ten years, the market share has increased from 15% in 2012 to 28.8% in 2021.

However, while we are excited about this, we should also see the fragility of relying on short-term marketing strategies and transferring costs through price increases.

Cosmetics, as a complex mixture of various raw materials, as the core active ingredient and the production technology such as fermentation and synthesis technology, are the key to build its core competitiveness.

In the process of the rise of international beauty products, many brands rely on core ingredients and production process barriers to build a protective city. Take L ‘Oré al’s self-developed Bose factor as an example. Since the successful research in 2000, helena rubinstein, Lancome, Xiuliko, YSL and Yuxi have all participated in Bose factor, occupying the forefront of the anti-aging category. The unique fermentation process of the core ingredient Pitera in the immortal water also helped SK-II build its core competitiveness.

However, R&D capability and core production capability are the disadvantages of domestic brands.

According to the statistics of Dongxing Securities, as of 15th, 2022, the number of patents of Procter & Gamble and Unilever reached 177,154 and 86,074 respectively, and mainly concentrated on inventions with higher gold content and longer patent protection period.

Image source @ Dongxing Securities

According to the data of Tianyancha, the number of patents of shanghai jahwa, Betani, Marubi, Huaxi Bio and Yixian E-commerce are 1650, 244, 396, 646 and 174 respectively, and among the patents in shanghai jahwa, the design category with relatively low gold content accounts for 80.24%; By 2022, Yixian e-commerce has 174 patents worldwide, of which 43 are invention patents.

Image source @ Tianyancha

Image source @ Tianyancha

In addition, domestic beauty products mostly adopt OEM OEM mode, lacking the ability and technology of self-built factory production.

Under this model, the upstream foundry masters the core production technologies such as raw material extraction and preparation, synthetic biotechnology, etc., while the brand side is often caught in homogenization competition, making it difficult to build a brand moat.

Take the category of freeze-dried mask. As a rapidly growing sub-category in recent years, there have been many explosive products. For example, in 2020, the SKU of Yuze freeze-dried mask will reach 2 billion; In 2021, Winona’s double eleven pre-sale freeze-dried mask products were pre-sold in three seconds.

But in fact, these explosions, such as Yuze Centella asiatica reassuring repair mask, Winona soothing repair freeze-dried mask, and Appropriate Herbal Gentian reassuring repair freeze-dried mask, were all made by the same foundry that mastered the core freeze-dried mask technology-Weibo Haitai.

According to the information, Weibo Haitai has cooperated with many brands to list dozens of masks and essence products of herborist, Yuze, L ‘Oreal, Ke Beili, Yiyibucao, Winona, Royal Nifang and Liangliang.

Under such fierce competition of homogeneous products, it is difficult to impress today’s consumers only by fighting for low prices and "selling badly"It has become an industry consensus to improve R&D capability, increase investment in innovation and improve product quality.

In the first half of this year, the proportion of research and development expenses of domestic beauty cosmetics has increased to varying degrees. Huaxi Bio invested 187 million yuan in research and development in the first half of 2023, accounting for more than 6%; Betani’s R&D investment accounted for more than 4%, up 33.58% year-on-year; The R&D expenses of Giant Bio increased year-on-year, reaching 80.75%.

Image source @ 么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么么

In addition to research and development, domestic beauty brands are also making up for shortcomings.

For example, in August this year, the first factory of Yixian E-commerce was put into operation, integrating R&D, manufacturing and quality control, trying to build a moat through self-built factories; Winona gradually diversified her own sales channels, vigorously added more offline, and tried to get rid of single dependence.

Some domestic beauty products have gone abroad and started to show their strength on the international stage.

According to public data, Hua Xizi has been sold to Japan, the United States, Europe and other countries and regions; And relying on "girl’s heart" to win Lolita’s favorite flower knowledge has also caused repercussions in the Japanese market.

The process of the rising of domestic beauty products is doomed to be not smooth sailing. Only by reducing the low cost and increasing the consumption of feelings, a stable and far-reaching brand is bound to fail.

With the continuous evolution of these brands, more possibilities will be created in the future. May a hundred flowers blossom and domestic products become stronger.(This article is the first titanium media APP, written by Yuan Ning, edited by Zhao Hongyu)


  1. Q2 Skin Care Products’ Restorative Growth, Focus on Performance Repair and Omni-channel Development of Key Brands in the Future-china galaxy Securities Research Institute

Sudirman Cup | Badminton is not popular in Europe and America? The answer is somewhat unexpected.

Xinhua News Agency, Suzhou, May 16 (Reporter Ji Ye, Ding Wenxian, Wang Hengzhi, Xu Shihao) Although badminton originated in Europe, the competitive arena has been "ruled" by Asian players for many years. At the Sudirman Cup World Badminton Mixed Team Championship in Suzhou in 2023, except for Denmark, which has the men’s singles Olympic champion Arceloró, other European and American teams still find it hard to win in the face of Asian powers.

On May 14th, Denmark’s Ansailong returned the ball in the game. He defeated Singapore’s Luo Jianyou 2-1. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Lei photo

Although there are occasional successes, most European and American players can only play a supporting role in badminton. Is this sport still popular in Europe and America? When the reporter threw this question to the European and American players participating in this competition, he got some unexpected answers.

"I feel that badminton is the first sport in France." The French women’s singles player Hugh’s answer surprised the reporter. The world’s No.55 player lost 0-2 to Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi in the women’s singles match in the group match on the 15th, and the French team also lost two games in a row in the group match, leaving early.

Although the national team has a poor record, Hugh said: "Many people in our country are playing badminton. Although the level is not high, the sport is widely carried out at the club level." She explained that due to media reports, commercial investment and other reasons, football is undoubtedly the largest sports industry in their country, but in terms of participation, badminton is the first sport in France.

England’s men’s doubles team Ryan/Wendy defeated South Korea in the 15th match, but England still lost to South Korea with a total score of 1:4, and they also lost two games in a row in Group D with France.

Ryan/Wendy and Hutt feel the same way. They said that in England, the public participation of badminton can rank second in all events. "More than 1 million people in Britain play badminton more than once a week, because it is easy to play badminton, as long as there is an open space."

Data Map: On January 11, 2023, Ryan (right)/Wendy played in the first round of men’s doubles at the Malaysian Badminton Open. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Zhang Wen)

However, they also said that according to the scale of the industry, badminton can only rank tenth in sports in England. Badminton is not regarded as a competitive sport in England, and people play badminton with an entertaining attitude. Moreover, badminton can’t make professional players make a lot of money, and most young people will still choose sports with mature industries such as football. Badminton events are not highly exposed here, and football matches are shown on TV every week.

On the competitive level, Danish badminton has the strongest overall strength in Europe, with the emergence of the current president of the World Badminton Federation and Olympic champion Larsson, Gade, one of the "four kings" of badminton, and Ansailong, a gold medalist in the Olympic and World Championships. In 2016, the Danish team also won the Thomas Cup, which represents the highest honor of the world badminton men’s team for the first time. This is the first time that the Thomas Cup has been won by a team outside Asia.

With the approach of the Paris Olympic Games, France has begun to "have ideas" in sports. Rivas, the coach who trained Marin, the women’s singles champion of Rio Olympic Games, was invited to be the coach of the French team. France has also set up a support institution named "National Institute of Sports, Profession and Performance" for the national team, and is equipped with experts in psychology, nutrition and medicine. The coaching team can analyze according to all kinds of data and information to help athletes train individually.

In Rivas’ view, the French team will gradually become a strong force in European badminton, and will launch an impact on the Danish team in the future. To become a world power, it needs long-term planning and perseverance. "The goal of French badminton in the future is to become the top five or seven in the world."

Compared with the above countries and regions, the popularity of badminton in Germany is not very high. Fabian, a German men’s singles player who participated in this competition, told reporters that badminton is a minority sport in Germany. Few people play badminton in schools, and the media attention is relatively low. In Australia, Canada and other places, the development of badminton still depends on the efforts of Chinese players.

Source: Xinhua News Agency


There is a new outlet in the make-up track: "pure beauty" with high unit price

Interface journalist | Zhou Fangying

Interface News Editor | Lou Qinqin

According to the investment community, the pure makeup brand "RED CHAMBER Zhu Zhan" has recently completed tens of millions of yuan of financing, led by Xinyi Capital, followed by Shuiyang shares, and the old shareholder Pullman Venture Capital continued to chase after the investment. Sky-Eye Survey shows that in September, 2021, the brand received angel round investment from Pullman Venture Capital, and the specific amount was not disclosed.

This round of financing is alleged to be used to accelerate the research and development of pure formulas, stabilize the supply chain, and continue to drive brand building and promotion.

The parent company of RED CHAMBER was founded in 2020, but the brand was officially unveiled in 2021. The first tweet of RED CHAMBER’s official micro-signal shows that the brand will focus on natural and pure characteristics.

According to its tweet, RED CHAMBER eliminated 2,800 risky and controversial ingredients, such as talcum powder, alcohol, essence, and cyclic silicon, according to the China Cosmetic Safety Technical Specification (2015 edition) and the EU EC(2020 edition) list of prohibited substances in cosmetics, and then screened out less than 600 pure ingredients from more than 10,000 cosmetic ingredients that were allowed to be added, so as to ensure that the risks of product sensitization and pore blockage were reduced.

As RED CHAMBER said in its introduction, due to the limitation of available raw materials, the research and development time and cost of pure beauty cosmetics are several times higher than those of ordinary products, and the research and development process is tantamount to "dancing with shackles".

This has led to a corresponding rise in product prices. The price of a single-color blush eye shadow multi-purpose cream in RED CHAMBER is 119 yuan, and the price of 15ml liquid foundation is 218 yuan, which is equivalent to that of Estee Lauder liquid foundation. In addition, RED CHAMBER also has makeup items such as powder cake, loose powder, high-gloss repair, makeup brush, makeup remover and so on.

Different from the idea that general beauty brands choose lipstick, eye shadow and other low acceptance thresholds to open the market, RED CHAMBER’s first product is "liquid foundation for small bottles". The brand has said that it hopes to take the products with good makeup foundation as the origin and then present the possibility of other makeup effects. Its first product series also includes loose powder, powder cake, air cushion and other makeup products.

But perhaps beyond RED CHAMBER’s expectation, the series of makeup products it invested heavily in did not become an explosion, but a multi-purpose cream for lip and cheek eye shadow to make the brand remembered. Searching for RED CHAMBER in Xiaohongshu will find that many users are sharing how to apply a full-face makeup with a multi-purpose cream to simplify the makeup process and achieve a more natural makeup effect.

The monthly sales volume of RED CHAMBER Tmall Ship Store also shows that its sales volume of multi-purpose cream ranks first, with the purchase data exceeding 10,000, while the number of pre-makeup gel cream buyers ranked second is only over 800.

Although pure beauty is still a new concept in China, it has gradually gained capital attention in recent two years. Local beauty brands such as Yiyi, Lanlan, MOJA and YOKIA all received financing.

However, compared with the grand occasion of frequent financing news of beauty track in the previous two years, it is not easy for RED CHAMBER to refinance this time as the beauty market as a whole is recovering from weakness.

Clean Beauty first emerged from European and American markets, and its concept gradually evolved from the safety and non-toxicity of ingredients used to all aspects of the whole industrial chain, such as requiring brands to be animal-friendly, zero cruelty, environmentally friendly and sustainable development.

At first, the dilemma faced by some pure beauty brands in China is that market education is very difficult, because there is no clear definition of the concept and controversial components of pure beauty in the market. But now with the introduction of group standards, more standardized pure beauty brands will usher in spring.

On July 10th, 2022, the General Rules for Pure Beauty of Cosmetics initiated by MCL Huaxi Kou brand was certified by Guangdong Provincial Civil Affairs Department and published by Guangdong Cosmetics Society on the national group standard information platform.

"General Principles of Pure Beauty Cosmetics" officially defines pure beauty cosmetics for the first time: pure beauty cosmetics are cosmetics whose life cycle should be open, transparent and traceable, responsible for human health and safety, environmentally friendly and animal-friendly, and bear social responsibility and humanitarianism. This is also the first standard document for pure beauty in China.

But for pure beauty brands, standardized industry norms are only the first step. What is more difficult is how to make consumers accept the concept of "purity" and the high price that matches it.


The eight games with the highest scores this year are the first two faults. Which ones have you played?

This year is a very happy year for all players. Quite a few excellent games have been launched one after another this year, and their favorite games will be released almost every month. Even the founder of TGA lamented some time ago that this year is the biggest game year in the past 20 years. There are more than 20 games with 90 points or above, and each game can compete for the best level of the year 2 or 3 years ago. However, it is hard to get a nomination this year. The following eight games are the most popular and rated games this year, and the top two are ahead of all opponents. Let’s take a look at what you have played this year.

1. Mind killer 2

Average score of MC: 87.

Alan wake was a classic horror survival game in those days. The story tells that a writer named Allen Wake and his wife came to a town called Liangpu for a holiday, during which they encountered various paranormal, such as the disappearance of his wife, and embarked on a strange adventure to save his wife Allen. The name of the game was also named after the male host, and the excellent brain-burning plot and pictures and novel gameplay were well received at that time.

The production team of the game also produced some impressive works in the following years, such as Quantum Breaking, Control, etc. This year’s "killer 2 of Mind" is even more full of players’ expectations. Facts have proved that the sequel to this classic game 13 years ago did not disappoint the players. The game continues the first generation’s high-level narrative and environmental shaping, and the screen is completely the next generation’s level. After many years, players once again experienced the original satisfaction.

2. spider-man 2, Marvel Comics

Average score of MC: 90.

Insomnia group is a model worker in Sony’s first studio. From the first generation of Marvel Comics Spider-Man in 2018 to later Miles and this year’s Marvel Comics spider-man 2, three works with online quality have been produced in just five years. This efficient mode also makes Spider-Man fans enjoy it.

Compared with the first generation, the main story is excellent, and the branch lines and exploration parts are lacking. This time, Marvel Comics spider-man 2 can be said to have made a great improvement in the weaknesses of previous works. First of all, compared with the first generation’s high repetition and slightly perfunctory side tasks, the second generation’s side tasks are a lot of heart. Many tasks have independent plots and animation performances, which is equivalent to watching a short story after completion. Compared with the first generation, the exploration part has also increased a lot of content, and the patterns of spider silk swinging have also enriched a lot.

As for the main plot, not to mention, the performances of various big scenes bombard the players’ eyes from time to time in the game. Whether it is the plot party or the picture party, there are only two words: enjoyable.

3.street fighter 6

Average score of MC: 92.

Fighting games, as a game type with high difficulty in getting started and high learning cost, have always been relatively small, and many players have been dissuaded by its high threshold. Even the best-selling real-life quick-play series in fighting games, most players go for its plot and animation. As for the number of real people playing against it, it can be said that it is terrible compared with other types of games.

This time, "Street Fighter 6" has attracted many new players to a certain extent. First of all, it has joined the exploration gameplay for the first time. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is an RPG model with nurturing elements. Players can explore all parts of the world to complete tasks and get experience rewards and various equipment to enhance the strength of characters. For light players who are not good at fighting, the exploration mode can also let them better understand the world view and plot of Street Fighter. For the old players of fighting games, they can still enjoy the better pictures and animations of the new generation of street fighters.

4. Super Mario Brothers Surprise

Average score of MC: 92.

Although the Super Mario Odyssey of that year made many players who had never been exposed to Mario series know this 40-year-old IP, to say that the foundation of Nintendo is 2D Mario. Just over ten years after the previous generation of 2D Mario was working, at the end of the NS game console’s career, Super Mario Brothers Surprise came.

Personally, as a platform jumping game, I always stay away from 2D Mario. However, this time, the cancellation of time limit and the reduction of difficulty attracted me to into the pit. My personal feeling after the overall play is quite interesting. Every level seems to tell me how big Nintendo’s brain hole is. The unique surprise flower design is also my biggest motivation, because I just want to see what the next surprise flower can do for me.

Another highlight of the game is asynchronous online. Players can see other players who are playing at the same time while playing the level through online mode. They will not interfere with your actions, but after you die in the process of breaking through the barrier, you can turn into a soul state to find them to resurrect, and you can also look at the action routes of other players when looking for some hidden props. This kind of linkage that keeps a sense of distance can be said to be the most perfect online mode in my mind.

5. Resident Evil 4 remastered version

Average score of MC: 93.

The name of Resident Evil 4 must have been heard by even non-biochemical players. Whether it was the honor won in that year or the number of various versions reset over the years, it became a legend. Players can’t count the strange platforms on which they can play this game, but no matter what kind of reset, it can only be regarded as a small optimization, which can’t achieve the qualitative change effect.

This year’s Resident Evil 4 Remastered Edition is a real re-production of this classic game with modern technology. Excellent pictures, smooth optimization, more silky character movements and plot animation all make players unable to find fault. The plot comparison of the game was originally modified, and new play elements similar to the shooting range design in the remastered version were added. The Ada DLC that was subsequently launched further completed the plot of this work. It can be said that these two Biochemical 4 films of different times are legends of their own times.

6. Prime replica of Mitterrand

Average score of MC: 94.

Many players may be unfamiliar with the game Mitterrand, but I believe many players know it by another Chinese name, which is the Galaxy Warrior in the Galaxy Demon City type.

Galaxy Warrior has always been famous for its superb level design. This replica version not only retains the original excellent level design, but also enhances the image quality, and greatly improves the original clumsy operation feel, making it reach the operational level of truly modern FPS games. It also allows many players who are in contact with this game for the first time to better adapt to the gameplay, so as to experience this classic game that is still amazing even after 20 years.

7. The Gate of Bode 3

Average score of MC: 96.

Although this year’s masterpieces are piled up and all kinds of excellent games are crowded together, only two of them really stand out from this pile of masterpieces, and Bode Gate 3 is one of them. The average score of MC of 96 points also makes him stand in the highest position this year.

Speaking of the Bode Gate series, the last Bode Gate 2 was played by me when I was at school 20 years ago, so the decline of CRPG for many years led to the lack of a sequel to Bode Gate. Even when Larian, who had already produced Original Sin 2, took over the sequel of Bode Gate, many players said they were not optimistic.

However, this year’s full version of Bode Gate 3 gives everyone the best explanation. Excellent pictures and animation performances, massive content, interlocking plots and strategic battles together constitute this perfect fantasy world. It can easily devour hundreds of hours of game time of players unconsciously, and when I found this, I started a new day’s game while complaining that one day was wasted on the game. It can be said that the birth of Bode Gate 3 also shows that it is not that the current players don’t like CRPG, but that the previous ones were not fun enough.

8. Tears of the Kingdom of the legend of zelda

Average score of MC: 96.

Apart from Bode Gate 3, another outstanding game this year is Tears of the Kingdom of the legend of zelda. As a sequel to the Wilderness Breath that swept all the awards that year, many players once thought that the Tears of the Kingdom might not make much breakthrough before the release. After all, the previous work was too excellent. The Tears of the Kingdom tells the players with actual quality that the Zelda series has not stood still, but has gone further.

Compared with the breath of the wilderness, Tears of the Kingdom has added a new construction method, which is not only independent of the construction mode outside the game, but can really interact with all the elements in the whole world. In addition, Wang tears abandoned the four abilities of the previous game and adopted four brand-new abilities, which made the gameplay fundamentally different from the previous game. It can be said that there is no height between the tears of the kingdom and the breath of the wilderness. They are two parallel ways of playing in the same world, but they are both excellent enough.

In fact, this year’s excellent games are far more than the above eight models, and there are many excellent games such as the legacy of Hogwarts, the remake of dead space, Traveler 2, Pinocchio’s lies and so on. In previous years, they all had the qualification to participate in the competition for the best of the year. However, in this year’s situation, they may not even be nominated. This unprecedented game event is also a happy worry for players this year. Even if you try your best to play in your spare time, you will find that most games are too late to play. So, players, how many games have you played this year? Who is your best of the year?


The "face value bubble" is broken, and beauty can only be rolled into scientific research.

People’s requirements for "face" are getting higher and higher, even to the point of harshness. "Yan value anxiety" was once one of the hot topics in the past.

Coupled with the improvement of economic strength, the beauty industry has experienced a period of rapid growth. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the compound growth rate of retail sales of cosmetics above designated size reached 11.4% from 2017 to 2021.

At the same time, due to the environment, diet, aging and other reasons, most people do have different degrees of skin health problems, and the proportion of skin care products is also increasing. Domestic brands have launched a series of targeted skin care products by virtue of their in-depth understanding of Chinese skin, and their sales have also risen all the way. In 2021, the eight major beauty listed companies all recorded good revenue growth.

However, this scene changed in 2022, especially since the third quarter, many domestic beauty companies found that their products were becoming more and more difficult to sell. In 2022, the retail sales of cosmetics decreased by 4.5% year-on-year, and the situation of letting a hundred flowers blossom was long gone. Half of the companies fell into negative revenue growth.

(see the self-made map of intellectual research)

According to the research of Jianzhi, this should be analyzed from several aspects, and the external factor is the first one. Beauty cosmetics and skin care products are optional consumer goods. When faced with economic pressure or budget constraints, consumers may reduce their spending on non-essential items, so they are greatly affected by macroeconomics.

In addition, in the rapid development period of the past few years, in order to boost sales, e-commerce platforms have increased discounts and encouraged "the more you buy, the more discounts you get"; The traffic explosion of the super anchor also has some irrational consumption; Inventory that is difficult to sell in overseas epidemic situations enters China through cross-border e-commerce to consume inventory. Therefore, consumers’ household inventory is already at a high level, which is why we often hear that "what was bought in double 11 last year at 618 has not been opened".

In addition, the traffic dividends and platform dividends that have been discussed in the market in the past are also fading. This year, beauty companies and e-commerce platforms have become more rational. Like the 38 Goddess Festival in the first quarter of this year, Tmall did not make large-scale pre-sales and full reduction as before, and even the publicity was relatively low-key.

So, low growth will become the industry norm?

Let’s take a look at the performance of companies in the first quarter of this year. Who earns the most? Who has the strongest growth?

Overall, the overall environment of the beauty industry in the first quarter was still under pressure, and revenue only increased by 2.7% year-on-year (12.3% in the same period last year). However, the profit has been restored, and the net profit returned to the mother increased by 33.2% year-on-year (1% in the same period last year).

(Source: Guojin Securities)

Polaiya and shanghai jahwa were the most profitable companies in this quarter, with net profits of 210 million yuan and 230 million yuan respectively.

(see the self-made map of intellectual research)

As an outstanding student all the time, Polaiya continued its previous growth trend in the first quarter. For a detailed analysis, please refer to the previous article "The domestic beauty products are seriously divided, and Polaiya" wins hemp "with exclusive ingredients".

To put it simply, Polaiya’s highlight this year is the upgrade iteration of large items and the layout of new products, including cloud sunscreen and moisturizing series. In particular, the upgraded Shuangkang 3.0 was once again "sold out" and became the Top1 of Tmall’s liquid essence hot-selling list. According to the latest sales data in April, Polaiya’s growth is still steady. The GMV in Tmall flagship store and vibrato platform increased by about 54% year-on-year, so it is necessary to continue to pay attention to the sales of 618.

The performance of shanghai jahwa, another old brand of beauty cosmetics, has been unstable in recent years. Especially last year, due to the epidemic situation and the lack of super-anchor, both revenue and net profit returned to the mother decreased, and the net profit returned to the mother decreased by 27.29% year-on-year.

However, after entering 2023, shanghai jahwa’s income situation has improved (the income of skin care products in 22 /23Q1 was 1.98 billion yuan/410 million yuan, respectively, down by 26.8%/8.6%, and the decline was narrowed). In addition, with the new single product oil-sensitive cream, the sales data in April showed a rising trend. In the Tmall flagship store and Tik Tok, the GMV of Yuze and herborist brands increased by about 81% year-on-year, and the chain has also turned positive significantly (among them, the large single product oil sensitive cream contributed more than 20% in the GMV of Yuze Tmall flagship store; Tai Chi Repair Kit and New Seven Whitening Kit contributed over 35% to GMV in herborist Tmall flagship store).

The fastest growing beauty companies include Shuiyang and Marumi, in addition to Polaiya, which has just been mentioned. The net profit of these companies has increased by more than 20%.

Although Marubi shares have been affected by the external environment and the company’s promotion of online channel transformation in the past few years, the growth rate of net profit returned to the mother has been negative for three consecutive years. However, in the first quarter of this year, Marumi saw the effect of transformation, and the recovery growth continued until April.

In April, the total GMV of Marumi’s main brand in Tmall flagship store and Tik Tok Shanghai increased by 143% year-on-year, and the new recombinant collagen suit successfully ranked among the Top2 products in Tik Tok. At the same time, Love Fire also maintained rapid growth on multiple platforms, with a total growth rate of 180%, and the sales of explosive "invisible liquid foundation" accounted for about 30%.

The sales of Shuiyang shares also improved marginally. In April, the GMV of its brands, Royal Mud Workshop, Big Water Drop and Ifedan, increased by about 56% year-on-year. Among them, Ifidan’s Super Mask was successfully registered in Li Jiaqi Live Room, which promoted the GMV of its Tmall flagship store to increase by 823% year-on-year.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that although listed companies in Hong Kong stocks do not disclose a quarterly report, in the sales station in April, Juzi Bio and Shangmei also achieved good results. The "Fumei" and "Kelijin" of Juzi Bio increased by about 52% in Tmall flagship store and GMV in Tik Tok. The brand "Kanshu" of Shangmei Co., Ltd. is growing even more dramatically, with GMV increasing by about 229% year-on-year, and Tik Tok’s growth is as high as 320%. Its monthly sales rank second in Tik Tok’s beauty brand and first in domestic products.

Generally speaking, after four years of rapid growth from 2017 to 2021, the beauty industry is gradually entering a platform period, that is, the growth rate of the industry is relatively slow, and the differentiation among different brands is more serious. Although the leading company Polaiya still maintains a higher growth rate than the whole industry, the growth rate of Huaxi Bio and Betani, which used to have high growth, has obviously slowed down, and even some companies have fallen behind.

However, we also saw that companies such as Shuiyang and Marumi, which suffered serious losses in 2022, ushered in marginal improvement in the first quarter and April of this year.

So where is the next round of high growth? Which companies can seize the opportunity?

As we all know, in the period of rapid growth of the beauty industry, major brands will invest a lot of marketing expenses and constantly introduce new products in order to seize market share. However, as the market entered the platform period, both the brand and the platform began to be more rational, and the focus returned to the product itself.

Take Huaxi Bio as an example, the sub-brand Quadi used to grow at the rate of doubling every year, but since 2022, the growth rate has slowed down obviously. In the first quarter of this year, Huaxi’s growth was still under pressure from the launch of new products, and there was no obvious upward trend. This year, the company also took the initiative to reduce the revenue growth target to 15%-20%.

What is more important for Huaxi this year is to enhance brand value. In order to make the new anti-aging eye cream quickly occupy consumers’ minds, Quadi even made a detailed interpretation of the market trend, and took the new packaging technology as a selling point, claiming that it could promote the penetration of active ingredients, thus greatly increasing the customer unit price (the new product "Zhen Jin Yun Huo Eye Cream" was 498 yuan /20g, while the old green obsidian eye cream was 238 yuan /18g).

According to Jianzhi research, the purpose of a lot of market research and publicity in Quadi’s early stage is to establish a professional and reliable image and make anti-aging more deeply rooted in people’s hearts. The addition of new technology and the upgrading of efficiency are all important means to increase the unit price of customers. At present, the new eye cream ranks second in Taobao’s new product list, second only to L ‘Oré al 20 Eye Cream, but the actual sales volume and use effect need to be continuously tracked.

Similar to Huaxi’s biological situation is Betani. This year, Bettini focused on upgrading Winona Shu Min Moisturizing Cream and promoting the high-end brand AOXMED. In the future, consumers will make immediate repairs after finishing medical beauty, which may not only use dressings, but also use more essences and creams to enhance their efficacy.

Another great event of Betani is that she clearly put forward the idea of getting into the beauty of military doctors in last year’s annual report.

According to the knowledge of Jianzhi Research, Betani is making efforts to the track of life beauty instrument.

Before, home beauty instruments were on fire in the market for a while, but due to several safety accidents, home beauty instruments were subject to stricter supervision. Among them, pulsed light hair removal products have been classified as Class II medical devices, and RF products with higher risk factors have been included in Class III medical devices for management since last month.

Betani is likely to get the certificate of Class II medical devices first, and then gradually expand to the beauty instrument of Class III medical devices. In fact, the life beauty instrument track has a large room for growth, and specialization and standardization will become an inevitable trend, which may open up new growth points for Betaine in the future. At the same time, the company will definitely introduce skin care products that match the beauty instrument, because the purchase frequency of the beauty instrument is relatively low, and the matching skin care products can be supplemented frequently.

Generally speaking, the beauty industry is stepping into the platform period from the high-speed growth period, which is mainly reflected in the slowdown of the overall industry growth, the performance differentiation among different brands and the difference in development focus.

With the continuous development of dermatology, products will be more refined and provide precise solutions for different skin needs. Future competition will pay more attention to the application of core needs, dermatology and precision technology. Brands need to focus on the mental cultivation of consumers and the layout of new products in order to gain a competitive advantage in the next growth period.

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