13-year-old boy spilled gasoline and burned the teacher’s ward. Confession: I’m sorry.


13-year-old boy spilled gasoline and burned the teacher’s ward. Confession: I’m sorry.

  Yesterday, Xiaowu, accompanied by his father, came to the ward of Yang Dongling, a female teacher who was burned by his arson, and apologized to her.

  13-year-old Xiao Wu’s letter of apology

  "Dear Miss Yang:

  Sorry, I shouldn’t have hurt you. Besides, you are still a people’s teacher who has never met me and has no holidays. I regret that I hurt you. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do anything illegal, and I wouldn’t hurt you. I’m sorry, Mr. Yang. I wish you a speedy recovery, restore your previous appearance, and go back to your previous education for those students in the mountains, so that they will not follow my example and become pillars of society and talents of the country. Miss Yang, I’m sorry. "

  13-year-old Xiaowu has been kept at home by his father since she burned Yang Dongling, a female teacher, with gasoline. Yesterday morning, Xiaowu followed his father to visit Yang Dongling in Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital from Jinchuan County.

  Yesterday morning, in the face of the excited family members of the injured, Xiaowu walked beside Teacher Yang Dongling, kept silent and took out a pre-written letter to express his apologies and guilt. However, it is a pity that although Yang Dongling said "I want to see him (Xiaowu)", she failed to see Xiaowu clearly in the end.


  Father stayed at home with him for two months.

  This time, I took him to Rong to visit the female teacher.

  On the afternoon of August 13th, Li Dong changed a shirt and left home, ready to go to Chengdu to visit Teacher Yang Dongling who had just finished the first skin grafting operation.

  There is a line in the movie "mr. six": "What you have caused will be rounded up by yourself, and what you can’t round up by yourself will be rounded up by his father". This line, as Xiaowu’s father, has no more empathy than him. After the incident, he visited Yang Dongling in the hospital and spent more than 80,000 yuan on medical expenses. Then, he didn’t go out to work again, and stayed at home with Xiaowu almost all day. If he wants to go out, he will chain Xiaowu’s feet. However, unlike the first time he visited Yang Dongling alone, this time he called his son Xiaowu.

  "I kept him at home for two months. I don’t know what to do, only let him watch junior high school textbooks and the legal program of CCTV Channel 12. "

  Li Dong said, let the children take a look at the burned teacher Yang. First, let them see how much harm he has caused others, "let him face everything in front of him"; The second is to express apology and repentance. "If the family members of the injured are emotional, I can understand even if I can’t stand it."

  After changing his shirt, he asked Xiaowu again, "Do you want to go?" Xiaowu bowed his head and said nothing. Li Dong didn’t force the child. Half an hour later, Xiaowu nodded: "I want to go."

  Before going out, Li Dong’s mother stopped him. "Take the 3000 yuan I saved some time ago." Li Dong replied, "I have already taken it."

  During the nearly 9-hour journey, the father and son didn’t say a word. The little military commander faced the window and his eyes turned up and down with the mountains and rivers. The outside world made him curious.

  The last time he went to Chengdu was last year, when he stole thousands of dollars from his grandmother, went to "rush" with several friends for ten days, and finally came back down and out.


  The juvenile ward took out an apology letter

  Regret not reading it to Mr. Yang’s face.

  When I arrived in Chengdu last night, it was already 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, and my father and son stayed in the hotel. At 8 o’clock yesterday morning, the two came to the burn ward of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital. The more I went to the hospital, the heavier Xiaowu’s expression became. "My relatives told me that many people on the Internet said they would shoot me, and some even said they would take me to prison."

  When he arrived at the hospital, the reporter of Chengdu Business Daily asked him if he would like to meet the teacher Yang Dongling who was hurt by him. He nodded. "I want to go." As soon as she entered the ward, Yang Dongling’s mother recognized Li Dong, who had been to the hospital. When she saw Xiaowu hiding behind Li Dong, she froze, her face turned black, and she cried and said, "Come and have a look for yourself. What have you burned people to? How can you do it? !”

  Xiaowu was at a loss and stood nervously in the corner. Yang Dongling’s sister and aunt excitedly pushed Xiaowu to the bed with their hands, and uncovered the shroud on the bed, so that the teenager could go to the bed and see clearly the "consequences caused by himself". Opening the shroud, Yang Dongling, who had just finished skin grafting, was covered with medicine on her upper body and had no complete skin on her face. Xiaowu stood by Yang Dongling’s side, maintaining his inherent expression since he was locked at home for two months.

  "You go! You go! " In the face of Xiaowu, the emotional Yang family said. Xiaowu remained silent. He took out a letter and put it on the table beside the hospital bed, and then moved out of the ward step by step.

  Li Dong is still standing at the bedside, facing the accusations of the Yang family alone. "I didn’t ask them to forgive me. I just came to see Teacher Yang, indicating that we don’t care about not coming forward."

  Xiaowu wrote in his letter: "Dear Teacher Yang, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have hurt you. Besides, you are still a people’s teacher who has never met me and has no holidays. I regret that I hurt you. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do anything illegal, and I wouldn’t hurt you. I’m sorry, Mr. Yang. I wish you a speedy recovery, restore your previous appearance, and go back to your previous education for those students in the mountains, so that they will not follow my example and become pillars of society and talents of the country. Teacher Yang, I’m sorry. "

  After coming out, Xiaowu said that the letter was written at home before coming. He is a little regretful that he didn’t tell his faith to Mr. Yang’s face.


  "Where is the doll? I want to see him."

  The teacher read the letter of apology and failed to see the teenager.

  "For more than two months, you haven’t been here, and you haven’t got a phone call." Yang Dongling’s aunt pushed Li Dong and accused him of not educating his son well. After the incident, she even evaded her responsibilities and rarely visited him. Li Dong always explained in a low voice that he didn’t discipline his son Xiaowu, and his family was really difficult. He didn’t raise much money, and his son didn’t come until he needed to take care of him after the accident. As he spoke, he took out the 3,000 yuan in cash he brought. "You get it first, and I will continue to find a way after I go back." However, Yang Dongling’s mother, who was unable to restrain her grief, refused to accept the money, and Li Dong half-kneeled the money into her hand.

  "We all understand that he said it was difficult for him to go back and find a way, but if they were sincere, they wouldn’t wait until today." Aunt Yang Dongling said that in recent months, the three of them have been taking care of Yang Dongling, and Yang Dongling always vomits when she can’t eat, which is worrying. Considering Yang Dongling’s illness and family mood, Li Dong didn’t stay for long.

  Yang Dongling in the hospital bed looks very calm. Because Yang’s family was emotional, Xiaowu couldn’t walk close to the bed, and Yang Dongling didn’t see Xiaowu because of the shroud. After Xiaowu and his father left, Yang Dongling suddenly said to her sister Yang Dongxia, "Where is the doll? I want to see him." The Chengdu Business Daily reporter immediately gave her the apology belief left by Xiaowu. A moment later, she struggled to spit out a sentence: "Show me the words." The reporter held the letter of apology in front of her. She read it carefully line by line, more than 100 words, and read it for nearly 1 minute.

  "Call him, I’ll wait for him." When a reporter from Chengdu Business Daily asked why he wanted to see Xiaowu, Yang Dongling was silent for a moment. "I want to hear him read (apology letter)". At her insistence, the family members also agreed that Xiaowu would come back and said that they were no longer excited. But at this time, Li Dong, who had just experienced the excitement of the Yang family and accused him of being on his way home, took care of his son’s safety and didn’t want to take Xiaowu back. At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, Yang Dongling, who had been lying all night, also needed to turn over with the help of her family, so it was not convenient to see Xiaowu.

  "No, I’ll go to see him." Dong-ling Yang whispered.

  Female teacher

  Where’s the doll? I want to see him

  After Xiaowu and his father left, Yang Dongling suddenly said, "Where is the doll? I want to see him."

  The reporter of Chengdu Business Daily immediately put Xiaowu’s letter of apology in front of her. She read it carefully line by line and read more than 100 words for nearly 1 minute.

  "Call him, I’ll wait for him." When the reporter asked why he wanted to see Xiaowu, Yang Dongling was silent. "I want to hear him read (apology letter)." However, at this time, Xiaowu has set foot on his way home with his father.

  "No, I’ll go to see him." Dong-ling Yang whispered.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Yun Wangyi Yu Zunsu photojournalist Liu Haiyun

  A broken family in a remote county leads a astray life.

  Growing fragments of arson teenagers

  Questioning the cause of Xiaowu’s arson, we can see the weakness of a county boy whose temperament changed greatly after his parents divorced, and who was led astray by others because of his weariness of learning and ignorance. Xiaowu claimed to know it was a mistake, but when he was instructed by "Big Brother", he chose to listen.

  At 9 o’clock on the evening of June 14, after hiding in Jinchuan County for 24 hours, he was found by his father, who called the police station: "I found the person and sent it to you." Xiaowu didn’t resist.

  When his family broke up, he became dull.

  On the night of arson and robbery, Xiaowu stayed in a hotel for one night, afraid to go home or tell anyone. He knew that he had made a big mistake.

  Jinchuan County is located in the southwest of Aba. Like many remote counties, teenagers like Xiaowu can be seen everywhere on the street. Xiaowu’s home is in Lewu Township, which belongs to Jinchuan County. Since school, his family has changed, and he has lived with his father and grandmother since then.

  After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, cracks appeared in Kotakeya’s house, and my father and grandmother later built a new house together. But the new home didn’t live for a long time, and Xiaowu’s parents’ feelings broke down. Xiaowu became dull, and his parents didn’t want to communicate with him more. Since the third grade of primary school, Xiaowu has learned to skip classes. "I ran out after school, and my home was full of streets." Xiaowu’s grandmother, Li Yunshu, said that once she went to the street to look for her grandson, a neighbor pointed out of the city and said, "Your grandson goes to that temple every day." She rushed to the temple and saw Xiaowu kneeling in front of the Buddha statue. "He asked the Bodhisattva to bless him. Mom and Dad should not divorce." For a long time, as soon as school was over in the afternoon, he and a classmate ran to the temple. Now that his parents have been divorced for almost six years, he is used to living without his mother. For the harm caused by divorce to his son, Xiaowu’s father, Li Dong, only explained it simply by "not getting along with his wife". Speaking of the disaster of Xiao Wuchuang, the 36-year-old man kept sighing.

  Began to be obsessed with online games and learned to skip class and not go home.

  Xiaowu, who had no parents around for a long time and was only taken care of by his grandmother, began to be fascinated by the online game of crossing the line of fire.

  Grandma Li Yunshu gave him two yuan to buy breakfast every day. At night, she found her grandson in the Internet cafe. For her, the way to discipline her grandson is too limited, and there is no other way but to tell her a few words. In her eyes, the introverted grandson also has a grumpy side. Considering that Xiaowu’s parents are divorced, his relatives are particularly concerned about him. Before he graduated from elementary school, he used his smartphone. "On one occasion, he felt that his mobile phone was slow to respond, so he picked it up and threw it on the ground. In the past few years, I have broken several mobile phones. " In order to prevent his son from surfing the Internet in Internet cafes, Li Dong bought a computer for Xiaowu to play at home. However, the computer was damaged by Xiaowu less than a year after it was bought. Xiaowu’s uncle was going to buy him another one, but Li Dong refused.

  Hanging out with unemployed young people was arrested for stealing.

  Li Dong believes that his son’s troubles have long been buried in his wandering life.

  In Li Dong’s view, he and his son have lived in this remote ravine since they were born. He said that he had always known that his son had been mixed with some unemployed young people in society since he entered junior high school. A neighbor often sees Xiaowu and a group of young people wandering around the square and teahouse in the county. What impressed Li Yunshu the most was that she went to school in the afternoon to send a schoolbag to her grandson. The students had already entered the school gate, and there were two young people with yellow hair at the school gate. "What’s the use of studying? Now I can earn 1800 a month by working." She didn’t expect that Xiaowu, who arrived late, went to the front of two young people and talked for a few words, then left together. She gave a cry and Xiaowu started to run.

  Last year, Xiaowu, who had just entered junior high school, began to steal. He is with his companions. When he runs out of money, he tries to steal. He likes to steal cash and mobile phones. First, it is easy to steal. Second, mobile phones sell well. Li Dong said that once, Xiaowu was caught by the police and brought back for investigation. Wherever he went, it was like parading in the street.

  After setting fire to the female teacher, Xiaowu wrote in a fact sheet that the other party asked him to pay off the debts that everyone usually owed in the restaurant. Because he had no money, the other party asked him to rob him. Except for two of his friends who were apprentices in barbershops, all of them had no proper jobs and lived on credit and theft in the county town.

  After the incident, I left home and wanted to go out to work with my companions.

  Since junior high school, Xiaowu likes to drink beer in a bar in the county with some young people four or five years older than him. The excitement brought by alcohol made him experience the joy of adult life, and it was from this time that he began to understand the outside world.

  Last year, Xiaowu stole several thousand yuan from his grandmother and took a bus with several companions to Longquan, Chengdu, in order to "go to work". As a result, after spending all their money in Chengdu Zoo and Happy Valley, the group took the shuttle bus back to their hometown. In his view, I really want to go to Chengdu to work, but I didn’t find a suitable job. I wanted to "work early to earn money and stop being wronged."

  One afternoon after the incident, Xiaowu left home and trotted along the hillside, trying to find a companion to work in Chengdu and escape from the place where he made a mistake. On the same day, Li Dong arrested him. After that, whenever Li Dong went out or cooked in the kitchen, he chained his son in the house.

  Now, Xiaowu’s family has given up watching TV for entertainment, but only transferred to CCTV Channel 12 every night to let Xiaowu "watch legal programs and study law."

  On the evening of August 13, a suspect in a detention center was broadcast on TV. Xiaowu watched it for a while, looked away from the TV screen and was silent for a long time.

  Dialogue teenager

  When I saw Mr. Yang in the ward, he left an apology letter and never spoke.

  "It’s no use saying sorry when you’re scared."

  "I still want to come." Although he went to the hospital to visit Teacher Yang Dongling and was accused and taught by his relatives, Xiaowu told the Chengdu Business Daily reporter afterwards. On the way home, Xiaowu had a simple exchange with Chengdu Business Daily reporter.

  Chengdu Business Daily: Are you worried that visiting Teacher Yang in the hospital will affect her and her family’s mood?

  Xiaowu: (Nodding)

  Chengdu Business Daily: Why did you promise to come? Do you regret it?

  Xiaowu: No, I just want to have a look at Mr. Yang’s injury and know that I have made a big mistake.

  Chengdu Business Daily: Aren’t you afraid that they will beat and scold you?

  Xiaowu: (silent for a moment) When I saw the fire burning that night, I didn’t want to live.

  Chengdu Business Daily: What are you afraid of?

  Xiaowu: At that time, I knew something was wrong. When I saw Teacher Yang rolling on the ground, I was afraid to go home. Later, relatives came to my house every day to scold me, saying that many people on the Internet said they would shoot me and put me in prison.

  Chengdu Business Daily: You never spoke in the ward. What was the reason?

  Xiaowu: I’m scared. I feel sorry is useless.

  Chengdu Business Daily: How do you feel after seeing Teacher Yang?

  Xiaowu: I have a bad fever. After seeing Teacher Yang personally, I feel that I can feel better for a few days.

  Chengdu Business Daily: What do you want to say to Teacher Yang now?

  Xiaowu: Sorry, I hope she will recover soon. I wrote a letter to her, hoping that she would read it.

  (Father and son are pseudonyms in the text)


  Teenage gasoline burns female teachers.

  Grab his Apple phone.

  At 9: 00 pm on June 13th, in a residential courtyard in Jinchuan County, a 13-year-old boy Xiaowu (a pseudonym) threw a bottle of gasoline at Yang Dongling, a 23-year-old female teacher on her way home, and then took out a lighter. The fire instantly wrapped Yang Dongling. In pain and cry for help, Yang Dongling fainted at the scene, Xiaowu took the opportunity to grab her Apple mobile phone, and the residents of the community then dialed 120… …

  According to the doctor of the provincial hospital, Yang Dongling’s burn reached the third degree standard and was diagnosed as extremely severe burn. At present, she has completed some skin grafting operations, and the wounds on her face and head have gradually healed. However, the deep burns on her chest, back, thighs and neck can only be recovered after continuous removal of dead meat and skin grafting, and most of her fingers may be amputated due to necrosis.

  Xiaowu is a junior one student in a local middle school. He said that he thought of robbery because his playmate asked him to give some money. Two days after the incident, Jinchuan county police blocked Xiaowu. Because the 13-year-old boy did not reach the age of criminal responsibility, Xiaowu was brought home by his father the next day. At present, Xiaowu’s father has paid Yang Dongling more than 80,000 yuan for treatment. Xiaowu’s father said that his son Xiaowu followed him after he divorced his wife five years ago. After the incident, the father and son were basically at home every day. "I stayed at home with him every day."


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