UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute deepen exchanges and seek common cooperation and win-win future.


UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute deepen exchanges and seek common cooperation and win-win future.

  Ruixue paved the carpet to welcome the distinguished guests and talked about the wisdom of the new future. On December 18th, Mr. Ding Yougang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, visited UFIDA Industrial Park, visited UFIDA Digital Intelligence Enterprise Experience Hall with great interest, and got an in-depth understanding of UFIDA’s innovative achievements and advanced technologies in the field of digital intelligence. We also conducted full and friendly communication on executive training and experiential teaching, and jointly discussed how to integrate the cutting-edge concept of digital intelligence into academic research and practical application of teaching.

  Wan Qiong, Deputy Director of the First Division of Educational Administration of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, Zhou Fang, Deputy Director of Finance and State-owned Assets Management Department of Jinan University, Du Yu, Senior Vice President, Huang Zhenfa, General Manager of Intelligent Accounting Division of UFIDA’s Large Enterprise Customer Group, Jia Daming, Vice President of Xindao Technology, Assistant President Qian Zhaoqiang, and Chen Tonglei, Deputy General Manager of UFIDA’s Government Education Promotion Division, participated in the exchange.

  Du Yu, Senior Vice President of UFIDA Network, warmly welcomed Dean Ding and his party to discuss cooperation opportunities in the era of digital intelligence. He said that in the new historical period, UFIDA is looking forward to deepening cooperation with Xiamen National Accounting Institute, making full use of professional resources, deeply promoting the industry changes brought by new digital and intelligent technologies, and providing more professional and cutting-edge training and support for financial personnel to help them better serve their enterprises and promote the process of digital transformation in the new era.

  Ding Yougang, vice president of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, pointed out that with a pragmatic attitude, UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute quickly landed the first training course for high-end managers of industrial and financial integration after the strategic signing. This training course has obtained highly satisfactory evaluation from the participants, laid a solid foundation for the follow-up cooperation between the two sides, and is regarded as a very successful start. It is hoped that both sides will continue to deepen their research and devote themselves to developing higher-end, comprehensive and in-depth training courses, so as to cultivate talents with more practical ability for financial management and inject more innovation into enterprise development.

  He emphasized that UFIDA and Xiamen Congress have joined hands to form a strong cooperation model of "famous enterprises+prestigious schools". In the era of digital intelligence, we will carry out in-depth research in areas of common interest and devote ourselves to doing something forward-looking, insightful and leading. Ding Yougang said that the goal of cooperation between the two parties is to create an ecological circle, which aims to benefit high-end financial talents, enterprises and society, and jointly promote the development of the accounting industry, which has far-reaching significance.

  Since the initial establishment of cooperative relationship in 2017, UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute have been adhering to the common concept of cultivating high-level financial talents and working together. In the fields of professional courses, professional exchanges and joint major activities, the two sides have continuously expanded cooperation, integrated the essence of production and research, and reflected practical knowledge from professional theory. The deep cooperation between the two sides not only resonated in concept, but also achieved remarkable results in practical actions. Up to now, the two sides have achieved some phased positive results in many aspects. Among them, on October 30th, 2023, UFIDA signed a new round of strategic cooperation agreement with Xiamen National Accounting Institute, aiming at jointly promoting education, research, practice and personnel training in the field of corporate accounting management in China. The signing of this strategic cooperation has laid a more solid foundation for the future in-depth cooperation between the two sides. On December 1, 2023, the two sides successfully held the first training course for high-end managers focusing on the integration of industry and finance. The training was held in the picturesque campus of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, attracting more than 100 managers from large enterprises. The training content includes not only cutting-edge theoretical study, but also leading practical study tour experience, providing students with a high-end academic feast. In the future, the two sides will continue to work closely together to launch more high-quality courses, jointly create a new chapter in the training of high-level financial talents, and contribute more to the development of accounting management in China enterprises.

  The two sides ended the exchange in a warm and friendly atmosphere and once again expressed their confidence in future cooperation: continue to give full play to their respective resource advantages, strengthen the training of high-end talents through multi-dimensional thematic training, create a joint venture between industry and learning, provide more experiential learning scenarios and training opportunities for accounting talents, and jointly promote the continuous advancement of financial management. This is not only an exchange between enterprises and academic circles, but also an active and effective exploration for both sides to actively respond to the development needs of the times and strive to build a blueprint for the future of financial intelligence. We look forward to achieving more remarkable results in future cooperation and jointly leading the new wave of digital intelligence finance.


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