

UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute deepen exchanges and seek common cooperation and win-win future.

  Ruixue paved the carpet to welcome the distinguished guests and talked about the wisdom of the new future. On December 18th, Mr. Ding Yougang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, visited UFIDA Industrial Park, visited UFIDA Digital Intelligence Enterprise Experience Hall with great interest, and got an in-depth understanding of UFIDA’s innovative achievements and advanced technologies in the field of digital intelligence. We also conducted full and friendly communication on executive training and experiential teaching, and jointly discussed how to integrate the cutting-edge concept of digital intelligence into academic research and practical application of teaching.

  Wan Qiong, Deputy Director of the First Division of Educational Administration of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, Zhou Fang, Deputy Director of Finance and State-owned Assets Management Department of Jinan University, Du Yu, Senior Vice President, Huang Zhenfa, General Manager of Intelligent Accounting Division of UFIDA’s Large Enterprise Customer Group, Jia Daming, Vice President of Xindao Technology, Assistant President Qian Zhaoqiang, and Chen Tonglei, Deputy General Manager of UFIDA’s Government Education Promotion Division, participated in the exchange.

  Du Yu, Senior Vice President of UFIDA Network, warmly welcomed Dean Ding and his party to discuss cooperation opportunities in the era of digital intelligence. He said that in the new historical period, UFIDA is looking forward to deepening cooperation with Xiamen National Accounting Institute, making full use of professional resources, deeply promoting the industry changes brought by new digital and intelligent technologies, and providing more professional and cutting-edge training and support for financial personnel to help them better serve their enterprises and promote the process of digital transformation in the new era.

  Ding Yougang, vice president of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, pointed out that with a pragmatic attitude, UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute quickly landed the first training course for high-end managers of industrial and financial integration after the strategic signing. This training course has obtained highly satisfactory evaluation from the participants, laid a solid foundation for the follow-up cooperation between the two sides, and is regarded as a very successful start. It is hoped that both sides will continue to deepen their research and devote themselves to developing higher-end, comprehensive and in-depth training courses, so as to cultivate talents with more practical ability for financial management and inject more innovation into enterprise development.

  He emphasized that UFIDA and Xiamen Congress have joined hands to form a strong cooperation model of "famous enterprises+prestigious schools". In the era of digital intelligence, we will carry out in-depth research in areas of common interest and devote ourselves to doing something forward-looking, insightful and leading. Ding Yougang said that the goal of cooperation between the two parties is to create an ecological circle, which aims to benefit high-end financial talents, enterprises and society, and jointly promote the development of the accounting industry, which has far-reaching significance.

  Since the initial establishment of cooperative relationship in 2017, UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute have been adhering to the common concept of cultivating high-level financial talents and working together. In the fields of professional courses, professional exchanges and joint major activities, the two sides have continuously expanded cooperation, integrated the essence of production and research, and reflected practical knowledge from professional theory. The deep cooperation between the two sides not only resonated in concept, but also achieved remarkable results in practical actions. Up to now, the two sides have achieved some phased positive results in many aspects. Among them, on October 30th, 2023, UFIDA signed a new round of strategic cooperation agreement with Xiamen National Accounting Institute, aiming at jointly promoting education, research, practice and personnel training in the field of corporate accounting management in China. The signing of this strategic cooperation has laid a more solid foundation for the future in-depth cooperation between the two sides. On December 1, 2023, the two sides successfully held the first training course for high-end managers focusing on the integration of industry and finance. The training was held in the picturesque campus of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, attracting more than 100 managers from large enterprises. The training content includes not only cutting-edge theoretical study, but also leading practical study tour experience, providing students with a high-end academic feast. In the future, the two sides will continue to work closely together to launch more high-quality courses, jointly create a new chapter in the training of high-level financial talents, and contribute more to the development of accounting management in China enterprises.

  The two sides ended the exchange in a warm and friendly atmosphere and once again expressed their confidence in future cooperation: continue to give full play to their respective resource advantages, strengthen the training of high-end talents through multi-dimensional thematic training, create a joint venture between industry and learning, provide more experiential learning scenarios and training opportunities for accounting talents, and jointly promote the continuous advancement of financial management. This is not only an exchange between enterprises and academic circles, but also an active and effective exploration for both sides to actively respond to the development needs of the times and strive to build a blueprint for the future of financial intelligence. We look forward to achieving more remarkable results in future cooperation and jointly leading the new wave of digital intelligence finance.


[China’s answer to the world’s problems] Suining Town, Ningxia-19 years of immigration to move out of a new life

[VR video click to enter]

[VR video click to enter]

The picture shows the corner of Yuanlong Village in Suining Town.

The picture shows the corner of Yuanlong Village in Suining Town.

  Cctv news(Reporter Gao Yuting) One day in July 1997, the sun was shining brightly, and a desert in Ningxia at the foot of Helan Mountain was particularly hot under the scorching sun.

  Xie Xingchang, the branch secretary of Hongtai Village, Wangmin Township, Xiji County, came here after a big circle in Hongsibao, wuzhong, Ningxia, Dawukou, Shizuishan City and Beibao, Yinchuan Town.

  The natural conditions in Xiji’s hometown are harsh, relying on the weather to eat and suffering from drought for ten years. After a good year of business, the income of the whole family is only nearly 10 thousand yuan. Xie Xingchang decided to look around and move his family out of the poor living environment in the southern mountainous area.




[Click to enter the VR panorama]

[Click to enter the VR panorama]





  "At that time, there were no birds in the air, grass didn’t grow underground, and the wind blew sand. There are no people in the desert beach, no houses, no trees, and no one to transform them. The wind blows all day, only one wind blows every year, from west to east. " Xie Xingchang told the general secretary.

  The general secretary asked with a smile, the conditions were really hard at that time, so why did you dare to come?

  Xie Xingchang said that after attending the groundbreaking ceremony, he returned to Xiji’s hometown with corn and sorghum from Yuquanying Farm. After rubbing the grain, it was weighed, with 0.9 kg of sorghum rice and 0.8 kg of corn. Xie Xingchang told the people in the village, you see people’s corn is also high, and sorghum is useless and so fierce. People are investing in Fujian. As long as the Yellow River water comes up, it is also a good place. After listening to Xie Xingchang’s mobilization, ten villagers in Hongtai Village followed him to Suining Village.

  The general secretary praised Xie Xingchang: "This method is good, it can attract the people, and it is also instructive."

  At the end of 1997, Xie Xingchang moved to Suining Village with the whole family pulling the tent. Because the conditions at home were good in my hometown at that time, I couldn’t enjoy the preferential immigration policy, but as long as I had the willingness to move, I could settle in Suining Village.

  More immigrants from Xiji County, seeing the harsh environment of the yellow sand in Suining Village, have returned to their hometown. There are also more immigrants who bought land from the government for 2,000 yuan in Minning Village, and sold it at the prices of 4,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan and 6,000 yuan.

  Xie Xingchang and ten villagers who have no immigration indicators have gradually settled down by buying these lands from immigrants who don’t want to stay. "Building a house is the most bitter. As soon as the tent was set up, the sandstorm started, and the tent was uncovered at once, leaving only people and no food. " Xie Xingchang recalled that at that time, the water had not come up, and he slowly built the house by driving a tricycle and pulling water back outside every day.

  My wife is going back to her hometown. Xie Xingchang said that she can’t go back. Let’s come up and reform. Not only did Xie Xingchang’s wife not understand at that time, but Xie Xingchang’s brother Zhao Wenqing did not understand at that time. Brother said, at least you are a cadre in your hometown. What are you doing here? However, in the end, Zhao Wenqing did not resist the "temptation" of reality and moved to Suining Town in 2008.

  Facts have proved that Xie Xingchang’s vision is excellent. With the help of the government, the infrastructure such as water, electricity and roads in Suining Village has gradually kept up. The most important thing is that the village is close to the south of Yinchuan city, with convenient transportation. Planting and raising something is not only easy to survive, but also sells well.

  In 1998, in the first year of moving out, the corn planted by Xie Xingchang in the sandy land transformed by Suining Village could produce 800 kg and 900 kg. "It has turned over several times than my hometown. My hometown sometimes cultivates land, with the widest (more) acre of land, harvesting 300 kilograms and 400 kilograms. If the water is not good, you can collect a seed, and the full (seed) will be changed." Xie Xingchang said.

  That year, more than 300 villagers moved to Suining Village, and he took the lead in planting Lycium barbarum in the village.

  Finally, there was a live meeting in our house. I said that this is really a good place. After reading it, the output of Chinese wolfberry is higher than that of grain. Xie Xingchang said that in the end, he led 50 villagers to plant Lycium barbarum.

  In that year, Fujian Province also sent experts and professors to Minning Village to teach immigrants to grow mushrooms and other technologies. From shed-building, fungus-making, to door-to-door teaching, the experts didn’t leave until they sold mushrooms. According to Xie Xingchang’s memory, there were 300 mushroom sheds in the village that year, and the income in the worst year was 7,000 yuan and 8,000 yuan.

  "I summed up a sentence. Moving to Suining Village is definitely a good place as long as you are diligent, don’t be lazy and do a good job. It is definitely a place to feed people." Xie Xingchang said.

  Previously, in Xiji’s hometown, a lively village party secretary like Xie Xingchang made a good living for a year, and the gross income of the whole family just passed 10,000 yuan. In 1998, in the first year of Suining Village, the net income of Xie Xingchang’s family had already exceeded 10,000 yuan. As the days went by, many immigrants hesitated, going in and out several times, but all the ten villagers who moved up with Xie Xingchang settled down, and no one left.

Xie Xingchang, the first immigrant from Suining Village, introduced the Lycium barbarum seedlings he planted in 1998 to reporters.

Xie Xingchang, the first immigrant from Suining Village, introduced the Lycium barbarum seedlings he planted in 1998 to reporters.

  In the past 19 years, Xie Xingchang has changed adobe houses into brick houses, brick houses into board houses, and board houses into small two-story buildings. The houses have been changed four times, and life has changed dramatically. Now the yard where Xie Xingchang lives is spacious and tidy, and the peach trees and jujube trees in the yard are growing well. Two years ago, someone paid 650,000 yuan to buy his yard, but Xie Xingchang didn’t sell it.

  After listening to Xie Xingchang’s story, the general secretary said to him: "You came here in 1997. You are the guide for the relocation of immigrants in Suining Town, the leader of the relocation of Suining Town to get rid of poverty and the witness of the development and construction of Suining Town."

  Looking through the relevant reports of the General Secretary’s recent visit to Ningxia, we can find such information. At the home of Hai Fugui, a villager in Yuanlong Village of this town, the General Secretary recalled the past: "I came here in 1997 and was shocked by the local poverty scene. I made up my mind to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and promote Fujian and Ningxia to carry out counterpart assistance. At that time, ‘ Immigrant Diaozhuang ’ The project moved the people living in the deep mountain valley with extremely inconvenient transportation, draught and medical treatment to a place suitable for production and life, and built Minning Village. In the past 20 years, Min Ning Village has developed into Min Ning Town. I am very pleased to see that you have lived a good life and your faces are full of happiness. Suining Town has explored a broad road, and we want to promote this valuable experience to the whole country. "

[HD Atlas]

[HD Atlas]


UEFA has cooperated with the parent company of French football, and will jointly hold the Golden Globe Award from 2024.

On November 3rd, UEFA and media company Groupe Amaury (the owner of French football magazine and team newspaper) announced today that they will jointly organize the famous Golden Globe Award from 2024. The common goal of UEFA and Amauri Group is to enhance the status and global influence of the award, and at the same time cultivate the sense of unity and cooperation in football.

Since 1956, the Golden Globe Award has been awarded by the French football magazine every year, which is the most prestigious honor that a football player can get in recognition of the outstanding achievements and extraordinary talents of the award-winning players. As part of the agreement, Amauri Group remains the owner of the Golden Globe brand and will continue to supervise the voting system, which will remain unchanged and independent. UEFA will contribute its football expertise, market global commercial rights and organize the annual awards evening.

In addition, the plan will add two new awards, the Men’s Football Team and the Women’s Football Team Coach of the Year Award, which will recognize the valuable contribution of coaches. The current trophy lineup will keep the same names as before, namely, Golden Ball Award for Men’s Football Team, Golden Ball Award for Women’s Football Team, Copa Award (U21 Best Player), Yaxin Award (Best Goalkeeper), Gade-Mueller Award (Top Shooter last season), Club Award for Men’s Football Team, Club Award for Women’s Football Team and Socrates Award (Humanitarian Contribution).

UEFA President Cheferin said: "In the past 70 years, the Golden Globe Award has been the most prestigious personal honor in football, a proof of the extraordinary skills, dedication and influence of football legends, and an immortal mark left by them in the history of football. The competitions between UEFA clubs and national teams, such as the Champions League and the European Cup, are considered to be the highest stage for elite players in the world, and usually play a key role in the candidates for major honors and their position in the football temple. UEFA and Golden Globe are synonymous with sports Excellence, so our cooperation will be a natural integration of Excellence and synergy, which will be unparalleled. "

Jean-étienne Amaury, CEO of Amauri Group: "The Golden Globe Award is the dream award of the greatest players in the world. We hope that the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony will become a global event to showcase and highlight the individual and collective performances of top football players, inspire all football talents, and aim to gather the passion and enthusiasm of fans from all over the world. "

This cooperative relationship has further consolidated the relationship and historical ties between UEFA and Amauri Group, which can be traced back to more than half a century ago, when Team Newspaper contributed to the idea of creating the European Champions Cup, which has become the world’s top club competition, that is, the current European Champions League.



FISU Football World Cup

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, November 1st (Reporter Li Haoze, Xiao Shiyao) The 2023 FISU Football World Cup ended in Jinjiang, Fujian on October 31st. The men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the women’s team of Beijing Normal University won the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

The men’s and women’s finals were held on October 31st. In the first women’s final, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University played against the women’s team of paulista University in Brazil. After the two sides scored twice in the regular time, they made no achievements, and the game entered a penalty shootout. In the end, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University scored five penalty kicks, defeating their opponents with a total score of 7:6 and winning the championship.

On October 31st, the starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

In the men’s final, a penalty shootout was staged again, and the men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the Ukrainian National University of Economics and Business competed fiercely. The two sides drew 1:1 at regular time, and drew a blank in overtime. Finally, the men’s team of paulista University of Brazil won the men’s team championship with a total score of 7:6 after a penalty shootout.

In the third-place battle held on the same day, the men’s team of the University of Uruguay and the women’s team of Bordeaux University of France beat their respective opponents and won the third place in the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

Another China team, Hohai University Men’s Team, finished eighth in the men’s team, up five places from the last competition.

The FISU Football World Cup is held every two years, and this year is the second. The first four events were held in Jinjiang.


Fashionistas must watch, and young women’s wearing skills and fashion elements become "fashionable essence"

Below, let’s reveal the dressing skills and trend elements of young women, so that you can become a fashionista and shine with youth and vitality. Whether you like sports style or literary atmosphere, here are some inspiration and matching suggestions for you. Follow our steps, break away from the ordinary and become the brightest focus.

The trend of fashion changes like the change of four seasons, and each season will have different popular elements. Young women might as well pay more attention to the clothes of some fashion bloggers and stars, and get inspiration from them.

A simple blue-and-white casual style can make you feel energetic and confident in this spring, and a fresh and pink printed dress can also make people feel better instantly.

In this spring’s fashion trend, lace, bubble sleeves, strapless and other elements have attracted much attention. You can try to add these elements to your own clothes to show a unique fashion attitude.

The bubble sleeve shirt in the same color style above uses a square neckline, which can well reveal the clavicle line and is very temperament.

I suggest that when you choose the bottoms, you should emphasize the position of the waistline as much as possible, and it is a good choice to wear short skirts or high-waisted pants.

For young women who want to become fashion icon, basic items are indispensable. White T-shirts, jeans, black high heels, etc. are all essential items to build a basic wear.

The floral dress with a pure white suit is simple and fresh, and it is also suitable for workplace modeling. Another set of shirts is matched with the shape of cowboy overskirt, which is formal, capable and slim.

Basic items are not only classic and versatile, but also can be used as the basis for creating trends and showing personal style through different collocation methods.

Overskirt, with a tall waist and a straight tube, is too friendly for a small girl with a thin figure. She suddenly raises her waistline and looks invincible in proportion.

The top is short and the bottom is long, so it’s easy to wear. Whether it’s a denim jacket or a sleeveless sweater with a high waist and a long overskirt, it’s as refreshing and elegant.

In wearing, sometimes too many elements will make the whole collocation look chaotic. Therefore, less is more, and simple wearing is also a very fashionable choice.

For example, wear a plain coat with a pair of pants or skirts with a sense of design, and use the sense of design and lines of the single product itself to create a layered and tasteful collocation.

When wearing a loose collocation, try not to wear exaggerated accessories, so that it will look messy, and the casual low-ball hairstyle will look simple and gentle.

The combination of the upper width and the lower width is easy to appear fat visually, so the neckline design is still the key. Using the small V-neck design, it has the function of showing a small face without showing hypertrophy.

In the season near summer, it is very comfortable to wear such a loose dress, and shopping is a good choice.

In wearing, feminine elements are very attractive, such as lace, satin, bow and so on. These elements can show the femininity and charm of women without losing the sense of fashion.

This brown vintage printed shirt, satin fabric is very textured, revealing a delicate and noble temperament, using a thin belt to slim down, refreshing and capable.

Taro purple is a color that can highlight women’s charm. This taro purple knitted vest has a good texture, and it is gentle and fresh with a high waist overskirt.

When matching, try to add some feminine elements to your own clothes to make the whole match more charming and full of vitality.

Light pink silk scarves and fungus lace shirts can bring a touch of femininity to the simple and casual style. This short vest with the shape of high waist overskirt is formal, capable and elegant.

Need to be reminded that when you choose a little feminine dress, try to avoid tacky and old-fashioned collocation, otherwise it will only be boring.

Conclusion: This time, the content shared for you is over. I hope that the dressing skills and trend elements shared in this article can provide some inspiration and help for everyone’s fashion path, so that everyone can show their charm and elegance in dressing.

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # For mature women #


@ History

China’s ancient history, the historical dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty.

Hello, everyone, today we are going to talk about the emergence, development and elimination of the Yuan Dynasty. Yuan Dynasty is an important dynasty in the history of China, which arose from the division of Mongolian Empire and a series of subsequent wars and political changes. The Yuan Dynasty covered most of China and became one of the most powerful dynasties in the history of China. The emergence and development of the Yuan Dynasty was closely related to the rise and expansion of the Mongolian Empire.

Mongolian Empire is a nomadic empire with horse riding and archery as its main military skills, and its rise began with Genghis Khan’s unified war. With the passage of time, the Mongolian Empire has gradually become one of the most powerful empires in the world, and its territory includes many parts of Eurasia. The establishment of the Yuan Dynasty marked the end of the rule of the Mongolian Empire and the beginning of the rule of the feudal dynasty in China.

The emperors of the Yuan Dynasty adopted a series of measures to strengthen centralization, stabilize the political situation and develop the economy. They carried out a series of political, cultural and social reforms, including the unification of currency, writing and weights and measures. These reforms have had a far-reaching impact on the history of China.

However, the rule of the Yuan Dynasty was not smooth sailing. With the passage of time, the scope of the rule of the Yuan Dynasty gradually narrowed and the internal contradictions gradually intensified. In particular, the late Yuan Dynasty was finally destroyed by the Ming Dynasty due to political corruption, corruption, bribery and serious military failure. The demise of the Yuan Dynasty marked the end of China’s feudal dynasty and the birth of a modern country. The demise of the Yuan Dynasty also marked the end of China’s traditional culture and social system, which brought new opportunities and challenges to the development of China’s history.


Not boring, not preaching, taking you to understand the interesting Chinese history!


It is very important for us to read and understand history, which largely determines a person’s ideological depth and thinking level. However, the historical materials are boring, the knowledge system is extremely complicated, and it is like a textbook. After reading it, you will still feel far away from yourself and gain little.

02 /

Knowing the present should learn from the past, and nothing can be done without the past.Reading history makes people wise, and reading poetry makes people witty.

Indeed, the more people who know history, the wider their knowledge, the deeper their understanding of the world, and the more rational they will look at problems.

The world is changing too fast, and our pursuit and application of technology has reached an amazing and worrying level.

"Husband, with copper as a mirror, can be dressed; Taking history as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall. "

-Emperor Taizong

There is a saying that "every present you are dissatisfied with has a past that you didn’t work hard enough." Then, similarly, it is precisely because of the mistakes of the past, the ones that were not well done in the past, and the others that were well done, that today is woven.

03 /

In order to get in touch with the real history, some people choose to take their children to those scenic spots with strong cultural atmosphere.

But when the tour guide seriously talked about the area of the scenic spot, the year when it was built, the length, width and height of the house, and the date of birth and death of the residents,weBut I lost interest, because those stories were too cold and those names were too difficult to understand. ……

After all, these histories are a little far away for us who live in modern society.

Reading history books?

However, the historical materials are boring and the knowledge system is extremely complicated.As thick as "Twenty-four History" and 40 million words of "learning from mountains and learning from the sea", it is difficult to learn nutrition from it.

Twenty-Four Books of History [official history of China up to the end of the Ming Dynasty authorized by Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty]

Until an accidental opportunity …

I saw the truth of history alive and kicking in front of my eyes.

My children and I became friends with them, and I became friends with history.

They have become a part of our family.

And I hope they can be your friends.

This setHistory turned out to be very interesting

This will be a set of history books that the whole family will be interested in reading. This set of books is like opening a window and having fun like going out for a trip.

Get this setHistory turned out to be very interestingI read dozens of pages in one breath, which is very natural, that is, I can’t stop reading, yes, it’s as simple as that!

The history books we need are like this: when children get the books, they should keep their eyes open, keep silent when they start reading, and discuss them endlessly after reading ~ this is the fun of learning history!

This set of books is telling you interesting historical stories.

Unlike orthodox history books, this set of books is just a simple and objective narrative.

Added some unofficial history, novels, deductive brushwork.

Everything serves the plot.

Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period+Qin History+Hanshi+Three Kingdoms and Two Jin Dynasties+Tang Shi+Song history+Ming history+Qing history,

A set of eight volumes, each of which is full of fun.

Book club strongly recommends:

History turned out to be very interestingHardcover collector’s edition

History turns out to be very interestingHardcover collector’s edition (8 volumes

Original price: 472Yuan/set

Fan feedback price:299 yuan/set

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You can’t wipe the tears of history.

(Kangxi’s biological mother, empress Xiao Kangzhang, Tong Jiashi)

When Emperor Kangxi was a child, life was very bad.

When his mother Tong Jiashi gave birth to him, she was just an ordinary princess, and her status was quite low. Even if her status was low, she was not very popular at ordinary times.

Kangxi’s father is Shunzhi.

As the whole world knows, brother Shunzhi was a favorite of Dong Hubei Princess, and later Dong Hubei Princess died. That Shunzhi was uncomfortable, and it was not fragrant to eat or sweet to sleep. He was in a trance all day, Lacrimosa.

Moreover, we know that during these years when Shunzhi became emperor, his uncle Dourgen was in charge for the first half of the time, and then Dourgen died in a traffic accident. In the second half, he was bound by his mother, Empress Xiao Zhuang. The emperor was depressed politically in his career, and finally he was accompanied by such a confidante as Dong E Fei. As a result, Dong E Fei also died. Shunzhi really couldn’t stand it, and once wanted to.

To sum up, we can draw a conclusion that the emperor shunzhi has been in a huge psychological crisis during his short imperial career.

He can’t even control himself, and he can’t take good care of himself, let alone how much care he has for a son born to an ordinary princess.

Moreover, the child suffered from smallpox shortly after birth.

Smallpox is a severe infectious disease, which is very old. It appeared about 4,000 years ago. It has a rapid onset and strong symptoms, and it is contagious, and the mortality rate is even higher.

According to some data, smallpox was rampant in Asia, Europe, Africa, America and other places. In Europe in the 18th century, 400,000 people died of smallpox every year. In the past 1000 years, the number of people who died of smallpox in the world accounted for one tenth of the world’s total population.

In 1980, the World Health Organization announced that smallpox virus had been eliminated, but the problem is that although smallpox virus has disappeared, people have not yet found a specific drug for this disease.

Therefore, smallpox is still an incurable disease for human beings, and it can only be prevented by vaccination.

(The wax figure of Emperor Shunzhi in the Summer Resort)

Modern medicine has not completely conquered this virus, not to mention ancient times, and even the emperor shunzhi later died of smallpox virus.

Adults can’t resist smallpox, not to mention Kangxi, who was still in infancy.

Generally speaking, when the prince is suffering from such a serious disease, the father must be in a hurry, and more importantly, he must be concerned and cared for. But in fact, as soon as Kangxi was diagnosed, he was immediately taken out of the Forbidden City with arms and legs and sent to the palace for raising.

To put it mildly is to raise, but to put it mildly is to abandon Kangxi’s children.

Since you have smallpox, it is tantamount to a critically ill notice, so don’t worry about whether you are a prince or a prince, you can only live and die, and you are rich in the sky.

Between life and death, it is so cruel.

People will cheer for the birth of Kangxi, but people will not make more efforts for Kangxi infected with smallpox.

Generally speaking, such a small child must have died of smallpox, but it seems to be God’s help. Apart from leaving some spots on his face, Kangxi did not have any serious problems and miraculously recovered.

Everything is often lost in the east corner, and everything is harvested. After Kangxi recovered from smallpox, he gained permanent immunity to this terrible virus, and this factor became a key point for Kangxi to become an emperor in the future.

Shunzhi did not have a crown prince before his death, because he was only twenty-four years old when he died. No one thought that the first emperor after the Qing army entered the customs should die so young.

On his deathbed, Shunzhi consulted a missionary named Tang Ruowang on the question of who to pass the throne to.

(Tang Ruowang)

This Tang Ruowang, a German, came to China when he was in the Ming Dynasty. After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, he has been serving in the imperial court, and his relationship with Shunzhi is quite good. They are both teachers and friends, and they have deep feelings. In Tang Ruowang’s view, smallpox is rampant, and there is a danger for everyone. In this case, the first factor to inherit the throne is no longer whether Chu Jun is wise or not, but whether he has fresh vitality.

Shunzhi is about to die of smallpox, so the new owner of this empire in the future must not die of this terrible disease, so Kangxi was pushed out.

When Kangxi ascended the throne, he was only eight years old. At the age of eight, he lost his father. At the age of ten, he lost his mother.

When he was a child, he was kept outside the palace when he was able to enjoy himself. Now he is a little older and wants to find a father and mother, but his parents have already driven the crane to the west.

He didn’t feel much when his father died in Shunzhi, but when his mother Tong Jiashi was seriously ill, Kangxi was quite sad.

When he waited on his mother, he accompanied him before bed in the morning and evening, personally gave medicine, and stayed in his mother’s palace for several days, without even changing his clothes. For several days and nights, he was out of his eyes.

When Kangxi was ill, there were only a few little eunuchs waiting on him outside the palace. He didn’t get the care of his relatives even for a day. However, at this moment, he just wanted to give his mother unlimited care, just to keep her by his side.

However, mother still left.

For Kangxi, this was a great blow. He arranged a grand mourning hall for his mother, and he stayed awake all night, crying and wailing, and couldn’t get in all day.

(Portrait of Emperor Kangxi in his later years)

Later, when Kangxi recalled these years in his later years, he couldn’t help but leave such a sigh:

Parents’ knees, not a day trying.

However, Kangxi didn’t know that he would experience such pain again in the future.

When Kangxi was a child, his only impression of his relatives was his grandmother, Empress Xiao Zhuang.

As the wife of Emperor Taizong of Qing Dynasty, the mother of Emperor Shunzhi of Qing Dynasty and the grandmother of Emperor Kangxi, Xiao Zhuang’s life is legendary.

Because, Xiao Zhuang took two generations of kings, he began to reign as a child, so in the early years of Shunzhi, Xiao Zhuang had to pick up the outline to assist Shunzhi, and when Kangxi began to reign, she had to play the role of listening to politics.

Just like Lv Wu, just like Liu Chu, just like Feng Taihou in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Xiao Zhuang’s life was closely blended with the Qing Dynasty, and also projected with her son Shunzhi and grandson Kangxi.

To support the emperor, it will inevitably be contaminated with power. However, Empress Xiao Zhuang is not in power, especially for Kangxi, who has always shown a kind of broad-minded, loving and peaceful emotion.

At that time, she assisted Emperor Taizong to achieve great achievements, and even there was a story about her surrender to Hong Chengchou. However, at the last step of great achievements, Huang Taiji fell in front of Shanhaiguan.

Later, she raised her toddler son Shunzhi, but who expected that a white-haired man would end up sending a black-haired man.

Now, Xiao Zhuang devoted all his life’s efforts to his grandson Kangxi.

For Xiao Zhuang, Kangxi is a summary of her life memories, and for Kangxi, his grandfather Xiao Zhuang is one of the few close relatives in this world.

(Xiao Zhuang’s casual portrait in his later years)

Xiao Zhuang, who is full of political mind, pays attention to the cultivation of Emperor Kangxi since she was a child. She often holds Kangxi in her arms and tells him about the hardships of Emperor Taizong’s starting a business and keeping his job, and constantly urges Kangxi’s studies, royal laws and etiquette rules … It can be said that Xiao Zhuang directly or indirectly taught Kangxi how to be an emperor, how to develop his own personal habits and even his usual hobbies. The emperor will be influenced by Empress Xiao Zhuang.

Under such an experience, this pair of grandparents and grandchildren formed an extraordinary friendship.

When Kangxi was in his prime, he went out to fight. Every time he went to a place, he would write to the Empress Dowager to greet him. When he met the delicious local seasonal fruits and vegetables, he would immediately send them back to the palace to ask the Empress Dowager to taste them, so as to learn about the local customs and the emperor’s own experiences. He would even tell them in a letter and present them to the palace from time to time.

Emperor Kangxi once said: Without the grandmother, the Empress Dowager, it would never have been established today.

If there were no Empress Dowager (referring to Xiao Zhuang), there would be no me today, let alone the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty.

However, after three dynasties, the strange queen mother couldn’t survive the prime of Kangxi, and soon she died suddenly.

Everyone in this world is actually like this. Everyone you meet can only accompany you for a period of time, whether parents, brothers, lovers or friends. They can only accompany you for a while, and sooner or later they will be separated.

Kangxi likes reading history books and understanding culture. He understands a lot of truth, and standing in this position of the emperor, he can feel many feelings that ordinary people can’t taste.

However, philosophy is, after all, a superstructure. When you have nothing to do, reading it can be beneficial to your body and mind and exercise your brain. However, when illness comes, all knowledge seems to be useless to Kangxi.

After Xiao Zhuang’s death, Emperor Kangxi set up a spiritual shed outside the Queen Mother’s bedroom, and for many years, he stayed awake, forgot to sit on his shoes, and lay down without a seat, only to be persuaded by ministers to come out.

Since Xiao Zhuang’s death, the emperor can’t mention the deeds of the Empress Dowager, but whenever he does, he always bursts into tears. This yearning has affected the emperor’s body, making him dizzy all day and his health abnormal to some extent.

(Statue of Emperor Kangxi)

After a lifetime of chaos, his father, mother and grandmother finally left, and he finally became a real loner.

The yearning for my grandmother was so painful that it accompanied the emperor’s life.

It was recorded in A Record of Emperor Sheng Zuren of Qing Dynasty:

In the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi, Ding You’s birthday was celebrated in December … That is, it has been thirty years since the Empress Dowager visited the sky, and the emperor spoke to the courtiers the day before yesterday, crying like rain, and his grief was overwhelming.

The 56-year-old Kangxi experienced many vicissitudes. His face was haggard and his figure was rickety, but he still often dreamed that his grandmother, Empress Xiao Zhuang, was holding his hand in his dream, pacing slowly in the ancient and magnificent Imperial Palace Forbidden City, one step, two steps and three steps, just walking slowly, as if the road would never end.

Kangxi was born in the capital and grew up in the capital. He never went outside Shanhaiguan to feed horses or catch fish, but he knew that his grandmother had left a dashing posture on the Horqin grassland.

The moon sets and the stars are sparse and the sky is unclear, and the solitary lamp shines alone.

It’s hard to get together in a dream, but when I wake up, I’m full of tears.

That beautiful past has been a snap of fingers for thirty years.


Bird bird column: I have the freedom of fashion and the freedom of unfashionability.

The higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

Bird bird

Although I don’t intend to be a hipster myself, I hope there will be more and more hipsters around me, and I hope they will become more and more fashionable. I have a narrow point of view, that is, the higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

When telling the editor the theme of this column, she joked that it would be possible not to "damage" fashion, after all, this is a fashion magazine. I said yes, I will write about the benefits of fashion in this issue.

I think besides always asking people to spend money, fashion sometimes highlights the glamorous side too much, but it also has some advantages, that is, it can introduce itself to others as quickly as possible.What clothes a person wears often reflects what he wants others to think of him, just as psychology says: you can’t recognize him without taking off his mask, and sometimes we can know him by what mask he wears.In any case, people can’t avoid fashion or this set of social symbols.

Bird bird

Personally, I prefer being a fashion bystander to being a fashion practitioner. I like people who appreciate beauty to make some wonderful attempts. There are some fashionable people in the talk show actors, such as "Carnivore" Da Mu and Dang Dang. Once I met Yao Yao, who tied many colorful flowers on his beard. At that time, I asked him a lot of questions, because it was really beyond my cognition.The beard is a symbol with extremely masculine characteristics, and the colorful flowers are very cute. When he combines the two elements, I think this idea is really very special.

Ying Ning also has a good dressing style (although I can’t wear it myself, I can also tell who can wear it better). She often wears casual clothes with a little sports style and a little Japanese style, which makes her feel handsome and sunny. Because she also likes sports and is full of energy, it makes people feel particularly appropriate.

Mancai combines carnivore and talk show actor Ning.

Fashion is not only to look good, but also to show one’s inner character. Moreover, it is not necessary to take the pursuit of big names as a goal, but to do daily dressing as an aesthetic practice. Those daunting prices may not be the original intention of fashion.I think the pursuit of fashion will eventually fall on the self, and we can’t just follow the fashion trend to complete the purchase.

To be fashionable, the most important thing is to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. When I was in middle school, I always secretly put the mirror in my pencil case, and I also had to take a sneak look at it in class. When I got a pimple on my face, I always had to knife it immediately. After that stage, I feel that looking in the mirror is an inefficient thing.

Bird bird

In addition, I always feel that winter is a difficult fashion season, there are fewer clothes to match, and buying clothes is always more functional than aesthetics. Every winter, my mother will knit me a new sweater, and there are two old picture books in the bookcase that teach crochet. Wool is produced in Inner Mongolia, and there is a wool mill in Hohhot. My mother bought some new balls of wool, which are always fluffy and soft, with the smell of camphor balls on them. Then my mother unpacked the wool and asked me to put my arms up and wind the wool again, so that I could put the wool on my arm when crocheting.

My mother’s desire to knit a sweater is mainly influenced by my aunt. My aunt knits one for my cousin every year. My cousin wears it too small, so she will wear it for me the next year. Although the sweater is knitted by myself, it is very aesthetically ingenious. One year, my cousin gave me a sweater with a lion on it. The main body of the lion is a pattern drawn by a needle hook, and only the tail is made of a small handful of yellow wool, which is very real. I often want to stroke it in class. The sweater my mother knitted for me is generally not so complicated, it is pure pink with a little hemp pattern; My mother often calls me to the living room when I am doing my homework, and asks me to try it on my head. I carefully thread my arms and face through some sweater needles, and my mother will say some knitting strategies that I don’t understand.

In order to let me wear the sweater for a few more years, my mother knitted it so long that I had to use a school uniform coat to cover the hem. Later, my mother was more Buddhist, and she took me out to buy sweaters in winter. But the sweaters you buy are often cotton knits. This kind of sweater is heavy and not warm enough. Unlike wool, although it ties your neck, it keeps you warm wonderfully, which makes you sleepy in class.

I think the reason why I am far from fashion is partly because I live in Inner Mongolia. The climate there is rather cold, with sandstorms in spring, large temperature difference between day and night in autumn and biting cold wind in winter. Only a short summer is suitable for pursuing beauty. Fashion people have either migrated to the south, or they can only shoot at home. They want to shoot in the street, not to mention that they can’t find fashion people, and there are not even such dedicated photographers. This is why you always see Shanghai Street Shooting and Shenzhen Street Shooting on the Internet, but rarely see Hohhot Street Shooting. Looking at the street shooting in Shanghai, we often see a kind of leisure. There are few street cafes in Hohhot, and cyclists often have a hard time making a living, so it is difficult to relax.

Recently, I have paid attention to some minimalist bloggers. They have a fashion idea called capsule wardrobe. In fact, the logic is very simple, that is, they all use black, white, gray and camel-colored items to match each other. I look at my wardrobe. There is a big logo on my clothes, no black pants, no white pants, only five pairs of jeans. I can’t help feeling that a truly fashionable person doesn’t even hinder her fashion, but my dressing style is still chaotic and monotonous.

Birds in life

The pursuit of fashion is often different in degree. Everyone has a relatively inherent perspective, that is, people who are not as fashionable as themselves are old-fashioned, and those who are more fashionable than themselves will cause hipster phobia.In fact, hipsters don’t hinder anyone. They just dress themselves up according to their own aesthetics. Just because they are different from our inherent cognition, some people feel uncomfortable. But the most important quality of a civilized person is to respect the existence of others.. I saw a discussion on whether people should wear yoga pants outside on the Internet. One of the hot comments said that freedom of dressing means wearing the right clothes in the right place, which was praised by many people. But I believe that among all the people who like it, what they think is "appropriate" cannot be exactly the same.

It seems that women always fall into such a double dilemma when they wear clothes, either because they have no desire or because they show their sexiness confidently, they are judged inappropriately. When a woman is harassed, there will be two kinds of comments, either belittling the victim as a woman who is not enough to make people want, or saying that since you are dressed so attractively, you must have been prepared for being taken advantage of. This dilemma always makes me feel helpless and confused. How can a woman live in order to be considered attractive and respectable?

Bird Bird talked about the pressure of women’s appearance in the program "Send 100 Girls Home"

Ten years ago, during the Spring Festival, I went to my aunt’s house for the Spring Festival. My cousin had a wound on her face. We asked what happened. My cousin said that she walked at night years ago, because she wore a necklace and earrings, and she also carried a nice purse, so wild one robbed her and took her bag away, dragging people down. Finally, the whole family came to a unanimous conclusion: at the end of the year, people need money, don’t show off their wealth, don’t wear jewelry, and don’t walk at night. Last Spring Festival, my cousin still loved beauty very much. Not only did she dress herself up very well, but my little nephew was also dressed as a hipster by her. I think fashion may have such power:Once you have this aesthetic and creativity, you can’t hide it. Even if it is risky to show your charm, the pursuit of beauty itself is so fascinating..

Compared with food and clothing, freedom of dress is a somewhat melodramatic issue, but I am envious of some people’s desire for beauty and even their willingness to take some risks in pursuit of individuality. It is not easy for people to express themselves and have their own style, so people around them should protect their spirit rather than asking them to cut off branches. After all, this is the meaning of social development, isn’t it? That is, people can not only survive, but also live aesthetically.

Besides, I think the freedom of dressing includes not only positive freedom, that is, people can dress in fashion, youth and show their style as much as they can, but also a negative freedom, that is, they can not make many attempts in fashion.My ideal freedom of dressing is that I have the freedom of fashion and the freedom of unfashionability, so that I can neither be humiliated by sluts because of fashion, nor be criticized as "not enough women" because of unfashionability.

Bird bird also made fun of this photo of hot search on fire in Weibo.

Although I don’t intend to be a hipster myself, I hope there will be more and more hipsters around me, and I hope they will become more and more fashionable. Because only they can wear yoga pants freely, can I wear jeans freely; Only when they can wear big earrings freely can I wear small earrings freely.

You don’t have to fight for the freedom to wear conservative clothes, so you don’t have to sneer at other relatively minority clothes just because you have chosen a safer dress style. I have a narrow point of view, that is, the higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

The original text was published in the February 2023 issue of Bazaar of Fashion.

Editor: Li Jin

Typesetting: miffy

Some pictures are provided: Laughing Fruit Culture, Birds and Birds Weibo, "Send a hundred girls home "program.


Women, look over here! Four factors erode women’s health? Master the "three cornerstones" of health

According to the survey, the average life expectancy of women is 5-10 years longer than that of men, but the life expectancy gap is gradually narrowing. The reason why women will lose their original health advantages is closely related to bad habits in daily life, especially the following four points will erode women’s health.

1. Decreased activity

Now is a society where men and women are equal. Housework is not limited to women. Women spend less time doing housework, and their activities are also reduced. Coupled with a heavy-flavored diet such as high calorie and high fat, it will cause obesity, especially abdominal obesity, thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver.

2. Bad hobbies

Smoking and alcoholism are no longer exclusive to men. Many women will relieve their worries by smoking and drinking. However, harmful toxic substances and alcohol in cigarettes can poison various organs and systems of the body and increase the risk of respiratory system, digestive system and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3, more and more strong

Nowadays, women are stronger and stronger. They are no longer always crying, coquetry or nagging as before. They keep everything in their hearts, carry things on their own, don’t know how to release pressure, and induce mental illness and digestive system diseases for a long time.

4. Too much pressure

Modern women hold up half the sky and bear no less pressure than men. While taking care of the elderly at home and raising children, they also struggle in the workplace. Because of long-term heavy pressure, endocrine disorder, reducing resistance and increasing the chance of illness.

1. Exercise more.

Women should have at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every day, such as brisk walking, jogging, skipping rope, swimming and practicing yoga. The weekly exercise time should not be less than 4-5 days, which can promote the whole body blood circulation, improve the cardiopulmonary function, enhance the resistance, and also help to release stress and enjoy the body and mind. In addition, women must stay away from cigarettes and second-hand smoke and refuse to drink alcoholic beverages.

2. Reasonable supplementation of calcium and iron

Under the premise of ensuring a balanced nutrition, iron and calcium should be properly supplemented. Because women face menstrual blood loss every month, they should eat more iron-containing foods, such as animal viscera, animal blood and various lean meats. In addition, eat more calcium-containing milk, eggs, beans, bean products, green leafy vegetables and shrimp skin, and ensure that you drink 200 ~ 300ml of milk every day, get proper sunshine, promote calcium absorption and delay osteoporosis.

3. Adjust your mood

Arrange work and rest reasonably, and coordinate the relationship between career and family. You can’t overdraw your physical strength and energy, so that you can combine work and rest; Face everything with a positive and optimistic attitude, eliminate bad emotions such as anxiety and fear in time, not pursue perfection in everything, and vent your emotions by talking to others, having a good cry or exercising.


After entering the age of 30, women should have a comprehensive physical examination at least once a year. In addition to regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipid and weight, they should also be screened for HPV and TCT regularly. After the age of 35, do mammography or breast B-ultrasound examination once a year; Regular monitoring of estrogen after the age of 45. In addition, women should adjust their diet structure, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and eat 7-8 minutes full for each meal, not overeating or wolfing down; Keep a regular schedule and quit the bad habit of staying up late.

The online manuscript of family doctor shall not be reproduced without authorization.