标签归档 上海后花园2021


Deng Chao comforted Baober to quit "Running Man": I believe we will meet again

Deng Chao Weibo

Bao Bell Weibo

??1905 movie network news Recently, Bao Bell admitted to quitting. He posted on Weibo saying "Goodbye, Running Man!", indicating that he withdrew due to scheduling issues. The new member of the Running Man Group to replace Bao Bell is Lu Han.

??In the Weibo video, Bao Bell had tears in his eyes and choked up several times, explaining that he could not participate in the third season of Running Man due to schedule reasons. He also thanked the program staff and Deng Chao, Li Chen, Chen He, Wang Zulan, Angelababy, and Zheng Kai one by one in the video.

    "Hello everyone, I’m Bao Bell, the bag of the schoolbag, the precious Bei, from Harbin, can you recognize me? I may not participate in the next season of Running Man because of the schedule. I would like to thank Zhejiang Satellite TV and the staff of" Running Brothers "for taking care of me and choosing me who is not so good. The second thank you is to the audience who like me. You have given me a lot of encouragement and support, which has given me the confidence to record these 12 episodes of Running Man and let me play like a child. Finally, thank you" Six ", we are family."

    "Thank you Chao, when I feel the hardest, you help me tell me how to be a good person. Thank you baby, when someone attacks me, you are the first to stand up for me. Thank you Li Chen, you let me know what strength is and what perseverance is. Thank you Chen He, every time I have something to do, you are the first to come out and stand by my side. Thank you Zu Lan, your heart is like an angel. You will make everyone happy. Thank you Zheng Kai, although we are all from" To Youth ", I am a little jealous every time I see you, because you are so excellent, so handsome, so happy, so good." In the end, Baobert choked up: "So people who hate me won’t see me on Running Man, and people who like me will see me in more film and television works."

??In this regard, Deng Chao, a member of "Running Man", took the lead in posting a message on Weibo to comfort "Xiao Bao, don’t cry, I will feel distressed to see you cry", and also said that we will meet again in the future. Deng Chao is rarely serious, and his words are sincere and affectionate. Users have praised: "You two are real brothers" and "It seems that you have said the most emotional words".

Deng Chao Weibo Original:

??Xiao Bao, don’t cry, I will feel distressed to see you cry. At this time, you remind me of the time when you painted the wall, you and I fought side by side for dozens of days and still parted ways. Life may be like this. Since fate soon arranged for us to meet in Running Man, we have reason to believe that we will meet again soon. When you are outside logging, there must be times when you are tired, don’t forget to go back to logging.


Taxi New Deal: Operating royalties are cancelled, and molecular money is expected to be reduced

  China News Service, Beijing, July 29 (Zhang Ni) Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry", and the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments jointly promulgated the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services".

  The release of two long-awaited blockbuster documents not only clarified the legal status of online car-hailing, but also ushered in an important turning point in the development of the traditional taxi industry. In the future, new taxi operating rights will no longer be paid, and the controversial high "portion money" is also expected to be reduced.

  All new taxi operation rights are used free of charge

  – Forcing the "portion money" down?


  All new rental car operating rights shall be subject to term restrictions, and indefinite restrictions shall no longer be implemented. The specific period shall be determined by the city people’s government according to the actual local situation. All new rental car operating rights shall be used free of charge, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing rental car operating rights need to be changed within the term, they shall be changed in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and shall not be speculated or transferred without authorization. For existing rental car operating rights that do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for a fee, the city people’s government shall comprehensively consider all factors, scientifically formulate a transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, and gradually cancel the paid use fee.


  As part of the "molecular money", the paid royalties for operating rights are directly related to the cost of taxi enterprises and the income of taxi drivers, so the reform of operating rights is also regarded as the "bull’s nose" of the reform of traditional cruise vehicles.

  Wang Hao, deputy director of the Highway Traffic Development Research Center of the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, analyzed the China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter that in the past, the paid royalties charged by the government to companies or individuals for operating rights used to be an important source of funds for urban transportation construction. But now the operating rights are not just a service license, but have become an investment and speculation indicator of "rare goods to live in", increasing the operating costs of taxi companies or individuals, forcing enterprises to enter a vicious circle of "multi-pull fast running" while resisting quantity adjustment. Expert analysis said that the cancellation of the operating rights fee also makes "molecular money" have room for downward adjustment.

  Contract fee standard can be negotiated

  – Will "portion money" go down?


  Encourage, support and guide taxi companies, industry associations to negotiate on an equal footing with taxi drivers and trade unions, and rationally determine and dynamically adjust taxi contract fee standards or quota tasks according to factors such as operating costs and freight rate changes. Existing contract fee standards or quota tasks that are too high should be reduced. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and build a harmonious labor relationship. Taxi companies are strictly prohibited from charging drivers high collateral, and existing collateral that is too high should be reduced.


  The so-called taxi "part money" generally includes vehicle depreciation, insurance, maintenance fees, driver’s basic salary, social insurance, business management costs, taxes, profits, and the sharing of operating rights and royalties. High "part money" has also been controversial.

  Wang Hao believes that with the entry of online car-hailing into the rental industry, taxi drivers have more employment options. Market regulation has increased the bargaining chips between drivers and enterprises over "part money", and the participation of trade unions and industry associations has made the negotiation more organized. In the future, the government will regulate that companies cannot charge drivers high risk deposits, etc., because high deposits limit drivers’ employment options.

  Dynamic adjustment of taxi capacity scale

  – Quantity control is no longer "monolithic"?


  It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of large, medium and small cities, the diverse travel needs of the public and the development orientation of taxis, comprehensively consider factors such as population size, economic development level, urban traffic congestion, and taxi mileage utilization rate, and rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and the share ratio in the urban comprehensive transportation system. Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually realize market regulation. New and updated taxis, priority is given to the use of new energy vehicles.


  In many parts of China, the number of taxis has not been adjusted for more than ten or even twenty years. For example, since 1994, the total number of taxis in Beijing has been controlled at the standard of more than 60,000. Does the dynamic adjustment mechanism mean that the total number of taxis will be liberalized?

  Wang Hao analyzed that the biggest problem with the control of the number of taxis in the past was that there was no dynamic adjustment mechanism. The number of taxis in some areas remained unchanged for many years, and the original market formed a solidification of interests. But in the future, with the automatic adjustment of the market, this situation is expected to be broken, and some industry participants will also anticipate the market to avoid blind entry and disorderly competition. But he stressed that due to the characteristics of the taxi operation model, dynamic adjustment does not mean liberalizing the control of the number of taxis, especially in big cities like Beijing.

  Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for freight rates

  – Will taxis bid farewell to the "low price era"?


  Taking into account factors such as taxi operating costs, income levels of residents and drivers, traffic conditions, service quality, etc., scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight rates. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight rates, improve pricing rules, and improve the linkage between freight rates and fuel prices. Give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in adjusting the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.


  Wang Hao pointed out that taxis in China are generally operated at low prices and are even used as public transportation to and from get off work, making the supply far less than the demand. Dynamic adjustment means that the future taxi fare will be able to return to a reasonable level. But he also stressed that such adjustment needs to be dynamically evaluated, because excessive freight rates will lead to a significant reduction in market demand and affect the "rice bowl" of taxi drivers.

  The integrated development of cruise cars and online car-hailing

  – Either one or the other?


  Encourage cruise car operators and online taxi booking operators (hereinafter referred to as online ride-hailing platform companies) to implement corporatized management in accordance with the modern enterprise system through mergers, reorganizations, and absorption of shares, so as to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models.


  The legalization of online taxi-hailing means that traditional taxis will face the fate of being eliminated? In this regard, Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming commented that it is still uncertain who will replace the online taxi-hailing car and the cruise car. The two have their own strengths, and more of the two formats promote each other. It is up to the market and passengers to make the final choice.

  In Wang Hao’s opinion, the market demand for traditional cruise cars is still there, and the taxi mode of raising hands and beckoning cars makes the cruise cars operate more efficiently in the core areas of the city. In addition, passengers who have privacy requirements for the ride route or elderly passengers still have demand for traditional cruise cars, and cruise cars can also get orders through online platforms in their spare time. The integrated development of the two will provide people with a variety of choices.


The white paper "Green Development in China in the New Era" was released today to explain the core concept of green development in China.

Today (19th), the State Council held a press conference to introduce the white paper "Green Development in China in the New Era".

According to reports, the white paper "Green Development in China in the New Era" systematically summarizes the measures and achievements of China’s green development in the past ten years, and expounds the core ideas and practical experience of China’s green development. It is rich in content and focused. The main contents of the white paper include:

First, the core concept of green development in China in the new era.

First, adhere to the people-centered development thinking. Regard a good ecological environment as the most inclusive welfare of people’s livelihood, vigorously promote green production and lifestyle, continuously improve the quality of ecological environment, and let people have more sense of gain, happiness and security.

The second is to focus on the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Firmly establish the concept of Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon development, and achieve simultaneous improvement of economic, ecological and social benefits.

The third is to adhere to the system concept and make overall plans. Pay attention to deal with a series of relations such as development and protection, overall and local, current and long-term, coordinate industrial structure adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, respond to climate change, and jointly promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, greening and growth.

The fourth is to seek common global sustainable development. Adhering to the concept of community of human destiny, we will always be an important participant, contributor and leader in global ecological civilization construction, and contribute China wisdom and China’s strength to global sustainable development.

Second, the practice and effect of green development in China in the new era.

First, the quality of the ecological environment continued to improve steadily. In the past ten years, China has completed 960 million mu of afforestation, 278 million mu of sand prevention and control, 600 million mu of grass improvement, and more than 12 million mu of wetlands have been added and repaired. The area of forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers and lakes has been continuously increased, and the trend of land desertification has been effectively reversed. The environmental quality has improved significantly. In 2021, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in cities at or above the prefecture level in China dropped from 46 μ g/m3 in 2015 to 30 μ g/m3, with the proportion of days with excellent air quality reaching 87.5% and the proportion of sections with excellent surface water quality reaching 84.9%.

Second, the gold content and green content of economic development have increased significantly. Strategic emerging industries have become an important engine of economic development. In 2021, high-tech manufacturing accounted for 15.1% of the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size, an increase of 5.7 percentage points over 2012. The green industry is booming, and the production scale of clean energy equipment ranks first in the world. In 2021, the output value of energy-saving and environmental protection industries will exceed 8 trillion yuan.

The third is to widely promote green production methods. The greening level of industry, agriculture and service industry has been improved in an all-round way, the energy structure has been continuously optimized, transportation has become greener and low-carbon, and resource utilization efficiency has been greatly improved. Since 2012, the proportion of clean energy consumption in China has increased from 14.5% to 25.5% in 2021, and the proportion of coal consumption has decreased from 68.5% to 56.0%, which has supported an average annual economic growth of 6.6% with an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 3%, and the energy consumption per unit GDP has decreased by 26.4%, making it one of the countries with the fastest energy consumption intensity reduction in the world.

Fourth, actively advocate a green lifestyle. Promote the whole people to raise their awareness of conservation, environmental protection and ecology, consciously practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle, and form a good social atmosphere for promoting green development.

Fifth, the system and mechanism have been further improved. By strengthening the rule of law, strengthening supervision and management, and improving the market-oriented mechanism, we will provide a solid guarantee for green development.

Most of the data in the white paper reflects the situation until the end of 2021, and the relevant data has made new progress in 2022.

Third, China will join hands with the world to build a beautiful earth home.

The earth is the only home for all mankind to live on, and building beautiful homeland is the common dream of mankind. China participated in the agenda of global climate negotiations with a positive and constructive attitude, and made a historic contribution to the conclusion and implementation of the Paris Agreement. Actively carry out South-South cooperation on climate change, promote the joint construction of the Green Belt and Road, and carry out extensive and pragmatic green international cooperation to jointly promote global sustainable development.

The relevant person in charge said that China will unswervingly follow the road of green development, build a harmonious and symbiotic modernization between man and nature, and unite and cooperate with all countries in the world to jointly build a cleaner and more beautiful world.


Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is a defensive strategy because both Huawei and Xiaomi are building cars.

Fast Science and Technology reported on March 19th that a few days ago, Li Bin, chairman of Weilai, revealed a lot of the latest information of Weilai at the car owners’ party in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

Among them, Li Bin mentioned that Weilai’s second-generation mobile phone has been developed and entered the manufacturing stage, but there is still a period of time before its release, and Weilai will launch a Weilai mobile phone every year instead of several models.

Regarding the fact that Weilai Automobile still invested resources to develop mobile phones despite losses, Li Bin said that this is not worth worrying about.

Li Bin pointed out that,Weilai mobile phone is Weilai’s defense strategy, because both Huawei and Xiaomi are building cars.

"If a potential customer asks a salesperson in a store: Huawei’s car can be connected to a mobile phone, can your car be? How do you think our salesman should answer? In the long-term game, you need to have a bottom line defense. " Li Bin said.

Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is a defensive strategy because both Huawei and Xiaomi are building cars.

At the same time, Li Bin also stressed that now Weilai automobile can be connected with other mobile phones, and Weilai mobile phone can provide the best connection experience.

Previously, Li Bin once said that we hope to provide Weilai car owners with a mobile phone to help them improve or further enhance their car experience.It can be understood simply, even if the car keys are particularly super easy to use, it is worth doing, and it is not that complicated.

It is reported that in September last year, Weilai officially launched the first mobile phone NIO Phone, offering three versions, starting at 6,499 yuan and topping at 7,499 yuan.

Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is a defensive strategy because both Huawei and Xiaomi are building cars.


The Ministry of Education issued the early warning information of the 2023 college entrance examination to remind the majority of candidates to beware of being cheated in the integrity examination.

Cctv newsAccording to the Ministry of Education, the college entrance examination is a big test in the life of college students, which is related to the vital interests of candidates and has attracted much attention from the society. The college entrance examination in 2023 is approaching, and the majority of candidates are actively adjusting their status and preparing for the exam calmly and orderly. However, some lawless elements are driven by economic interests to spread false information about the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even commit fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, which seriously disrupts the enrollment order of the exam. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, combined with some typical cases in recent years, solemnly reminded the majority of candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and do the integrity test.

  First, organizing cheating in the college entrance examination can’t escape the recovery of the French Open.

  [Case] Before the college entrance examination in 2020, the candidate Zhu Moumou and Wen Mou (handled separately) negotiated to organize cheating in the exam. Zhu Moumou provided the test questions, and Wen Mou was responsible for finding the "gunner" and jointly paid the "gunner" for the test questions. During the examination, Zhu Moumou brought his mobile phone into the examination room, photographed the examination paper and handed it to the "gunner". After the "gunner" answered, he sent the answer to the candidates for plagiarism. Participants and organizers were quickly captured. Candidate Zhu Moumou committed the crime of cheating in organizing exams, was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years, and fined RMB 6,000.

  【 Regulations 】 The Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that it is illegal to "organize cheating" and "provide examination questions and answers to candidates" in the national examinations prescribed by law. The Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases, such as Organizing Cheating in Examinations, clarifies that those who organize cheating in national education examinations, such as college entrance examinations and graduate examinations, will be directly identified as "serious" acts, and will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and fined.

  [Reminder] In recent years, local public security organs, together with the education departments, have continued to maintain a high-pressure and severe crackdown on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities involving exams. Remind the majority of candidates that they must enhance their legal awareness, know the law and abide by it, and don’t be confused for a while and regret it for life.

  Second, "Gui Li" will eventually become "likui jy", and it is not feasible to challenge the law.

  [Case] In the unified entrance examination of art and design major in colleges and universities in a province in 2020, two fraudsters found a college student to take the test for a candidate and were arrested by the police. Two cheaters were sentenced to three years and eight months in prison and three years and two months in prison respectively. Taking the test for college students was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention and suspended for one year.

  【 Regulations 】 The Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that it is illegal to "organize cheating" or "substitute others or let others take the exam instead of themselves" in the national examination prescribed by law.

  [Reminder] In recent years, some new technical means have been gradually used in the management of national education examinations to prevent fraud such as taking exams. Although the exam is valuable and the price of honesty is higher, don’t believe in the temptation of criminals, so as not to be deceived, and don’t be lucky enough to take the exam for others or let others take their place. Trying the law will eventually "eat the consequences".

  Third, avoid the security check and bring your mobile phone, and cheating in the exam will ruin your future.

  [Case] During the college entrance examination in 2022, a candidate avoided the entrance security check and illegally brought his mobile phone into the examination room. After the exam, he took a test paper and sent it to the QQ group for an answer. According to relevant regulations, candidates who violate the rules are dealt with seriously.

  [Regulations] The college entrance examination is a national education examination prescribed by law. The Measures for Handling Violation of National Education Examination clearly stipulates that anyone who uses communication equipment during the examination shall be deemed as cheating in the examination, and his scores in all subjects registered for the examination at that time shall be invalid. The Education Law of the People’s Republic of China clearly stipulates that candidates who carry or use cheating equipment and materials in national education examinations, if the circumstances are serious, shall be ordered by the education administrative department to stop taking the relevant national education examinations for more than one year and less than three years; If it constitutes a violation of public security administration, it shall be punished by the public security organ according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

  [Reminder] In recent years, the Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, has deployed a special treatment for mobile phone cheating in the college entrance examination, so that mobile phones can’t be brought in, used or sent out. During the college entrance examination, students from all over the country will fight for their dreams under the standardized examination room and full video surveillance. After the examination, the video and video of the examination room will also be played back in a centralized way to determine whether each candidate has violated the rules and regulations. Candidates should consciously abide by the requirements of the rules of the examination room, obey the management of the examiners, refuse to carry illegal and prohibited items such as mobile phones, and abide by the examination discipline. Losing an exam is not important, but losing your life is really not worth the loss.

  Fourth, false propaganda is not credible, and there is no "pie" with "trap"

  Exam proposition experts teach, strengthen the package, and so-and-so students are admitted to a famous school … … Such propaganda copy and enrollment advertisements often appear in the enrollment propaganda of various examination and training institutions, which makes many parents believe it. Judging from the typical cases of false propaganda and advertising violations in public education and training institutions, there are problems of diversification, popularization and price fraud in different degrees. Fictitious education teachers’ ability and level, excessive exaggeration and propaganda on the effect of education and training, and false propaganda in the name of students and beneficiaries have become the usual tricks for training institutions to implement fraud.

  【 Regulations 】 The Advertising Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that advertisements for education and training shall not contain the following contents: (1) Make an express or implied guarantee commitment to entering a higher school, passing an examination, obtaining a degree or a certificate of qualification, or to the effect of education and training; (two) express or implied that the relevant examination institutions or their staff and examination proposition personnel participate in education and training; (3) Using the names or images of scientific research institutions, academic institutions, educational institutions, trade associations, professionals and beneficiaries for recommendation and certification.

  [Reminder] The college entrance examination questions belong to the national top secret materials, and their storage and transportation have extremely strict management measures. It is impossible for all kinds of training institutions to ensure that candidates "package", nor can they provide "real questions", let alone spend money on diplomas. Candidates should not listen to false propaganda and be deceived, causing property losses and delaying valuable review time.

  Five, "Zhankeng Post" is a gimmick, and the "prank" involved in the test cannot be touched.

  [Case] After the math subject test of the college entrance examination in 2022, some netizens posted some pictures of the test papers and were suspected of leaking the test questions. After investigation by the public security organs, it was found that it was a malicious editor who "occupied the post". Before the exam, it posted irrelevant posts on the relevant platforms, and then replaced the original content with the content of the test paper after the exam. The post time was still displayed before the exam, which caused the illusion that it was suspected that the questions were leaked before the exam. In addition, some candidates posted on the Internet claiming to be "taking the test questions before the exam", which also belonged to the "occupation posts" maliciously edited after the exam.

  [Reminder] Lawyers and experts remind that if candidates maliciously publish such information, they will be suspected of breaking the law in addition to violating the examination discipline, and if the circumstances are serious, it will constitute a crime. If a training institution or other personnel, for the purpose of illegal possession, fictitiously obtains the information of test questions or "real questions" before the exam by publishing "posts occupying pits" to defraud a large amount of public and private property, it is suspected of fraud. Candidates should not "fool" themselves in order to entertain others.


You can’t wipe the tears of history.

(Kangxi’s biological mother, empress Xiao Kangzhang, Tong Jiashi)

When Emperor Kangxi was a child, life was very bad.

When his mother Tong Jiashi gave birth to him, she was just an ordinary princess, and her status was quite low. Even if her status was low, she was not very popular at ordinary times.

Kangxi’s father is Shunzhi.

As the whole world knows, brother Shunzhi was a favorite of Dong Hubei Princess, and later Dong Hubei Princess died. That Shunzhi was uncomfortable, and it was not fragrant to eat or sweet to sleep. He was in a trance all day, Lacrimosa.

Moreover, we know that during these years when Shunzhi became emperor, his uncle Dourgen was in charge for the first half of the time, and then Dourgen died in a traffic accident. In the second half, he was bound by his mother, Empress Xiao Zhuang. The emperor was depressed politically in his career, and finally he was accompanied by such a confidante as Dong E Fei. As a result, Dong E Fei also died. Shunzhi really couldn’t stand it, and once wanted to.

To sum up, we can draw a conclusion that the emperor shunzhi has been in a huge psychological crisis during his short imperial career.

He can’t even control himself, and he can’t take good care of himself, let alone how much care he has for a son born to an ordinary princess.

Moreover, the child suffered from smallpox shortly after birth.

Smallpox is a severe infectious disease, which is very old. It appeared about 4,000 years ago. It has a rapid onset and strong symptoms, and it is contagious, and the mortality rate is even higher.

According to some data, smallpox was rampant in Asia, Europe, Africa, America and other places. In Europe in the 18th century, 400,000 people died of smallpox every year. In the past 1000 years, the number of people who died of smallpox in the world accounted for one tenth of the world’s total population.

In 1980, the World Health Organization announced that smallpox virus had been eliminated, but the problem is that although smallpox virus has disappeared, people have not yet found a specific drug for this disease.

Therefore, smallpox is still an incurable disease for human beings, and it can only be prevented by vaccination.

(The wax figure of Emperor Shunzhi in the Summer Resort)

Modern medicine has not completely conquered this virus, not to mention ancient times, and even the emperor shunzhi later died of smallpox virus.

Adults can’t resist smallpox, not to mention Kangxi, who was still in infancy.

Generally speaking, when the prince is suffering from such a serious disease, the father must be in a hurry, and more importantly, he must be concerned and cared for. But in fact, as soon as Kangxi was diagnosed, he was immediately taken out of the Forbidden City with arms and legs and sent to the palace for raising.

To put it mildly is to raise, but to put it mildly is to abandon Kangxi’s children.

Since you have smallpox, it is tantamount to a critically ill notice, so don’t worry about whether you are a prince or a prince, you can only live and die, and you are rich in the sky.

Between life and death, it is so cruel.

People will cheer for the birth of Kangxi, but people will not make more efforts for Kangxi infected with smallpox.

Generally speaking, such a small child must have died of smallpox, but it seems to be God’s help. Apart from leaving some spots on his face, Kangxi did not have any serious problems and miraculously recovered.

Everything is often lost in the east corner, and everything is harvested. After Kangxi recovered from smallpox, he gained permanent immunity to this terrible virus, and this factor became a key point for Kangxi to become an emperor in the future.

Shunzhi did not have a crown prince before his death, because he was only twenty-four years old when he died. No one thought that the first emperor after the Qing army entered the customs should die so young.

On his deathbed, Shunzhi consulted a missionary named Tang Ruowang on the question of who to pass the throne to.

(Tang Ruowang)

This Tang Ruowang, a German, came to China when he was in the Ming Dynasty. After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, he has been serving in the imperial court, and his relationship with Shunzhi is quite good. They are both teachers and friends, and they have deep feelings. In Tang Ruowang’s view, smallpox is rampant, and there is a danger for everyone. In this case, the first factor to inherit the throne is no longer whether Chu Jun is wise or not, but whether he has fresh vitality.

Shunzhi is about to die of smallpox, so the new owner of this empire in the future must not die of this terrible disease, so Kangxi was pushed out.

When Kangxi ascended the throne, he was only eight years old. At the age of eight, he lost his father. At the age of ten, he lost his mother.

When he was a child, he was kept outside the palace when he was able to enjoy himself. Now he is a little older and wants to find a father and mother, but his parents have already driven the crane to the west.

He didn’t feel much when his father died in Shunzhi, but when his mother Tong Jiashi was seriously ill, Kangxi was quite sad.

When he waited on his mother, he accompanied him before bed in the morning and evening, personally gave medicine, and stayed in his mother’s palace for several days, without even changing his clothes. For several days and nights, he was out of his eyes.

When Kangxi was ill, there were only a few little eunuchs waiting on him outside the palace. He didn’t get the care of his relatives even for a day. However, at this moment, he just wanted to give his mother unlimited care, just to keep her by his side.

However, mother still left.

For Kangxi, this was a great blow. He arranged a grand mourning hall for his mother, and he stayed awake all night, crying and wailing, and couldn’t get in all day.

(Portrait of Emperor Kangxi in his later years)

Later, when Kangxi recalled these years in his later years, he couldn’t help but leave such a sigh:

Parents’ knees, not a day trying.

However, Kangxi didn’t know that he would experience such pain again in the future.

When Kangxi was a child, his only impression of his relatives was his grandmother, Empress Xiao Zhuang.

As the wife of Emperor Taizong of Qing Dynasty, the mother of Emperor Shunzhi of Qing Dynasty and the grandmother of Emperor Kangxi, Xiao Zhuang’s life is legendary.

Because, Xiao Zhuang took two generations of kings, he began to reign as a child, so in the early years of Shunzhi, Xiao Zhuang had to pick up the outline to assist Shunzhi, and when Kangxi began to reign, she had to play the role of listening to politics.

Just like Lv Wu, just like Liu Chu, just like Feng Taihou in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Xiao Zhuang’s life was closely blended with the Qing Dynasty, and also projected with her son Shunzhi and grandson Kangxi.

To support the emperor, it will inevitably be contaminated with power. However, Empress Xiao Zhuang is not in power, especially for Kangxi, who has always shown a kind of broad-minded, loving and peaceful emotion.

At that time, she assisted Emperor Taizong to achieve great achievements, and even there was a story about her surrender to Hong Chengchou. However, at the last step of great achievements, Huang Taiji fell in front of Shanhaiguan.

Later, she raised her toddler son Shunzhi, but who expected that a white-haired man would end up sending a black-haired man.

Now, Xiao Zhuang devoted all his life’s efforts to his grandson Kangxi.

For Xiao Zhuang, Kangxi is a summary of her life memories, and for Kangxi, his grandfather Xiao Zhuang is one of the few close relatives in this world.

(Xiao Zhuang’s casual portrait in his later years)

Xiao Zhuang, who is full of political mind, pays attention to the cultivation of Emperor Kangxi since she was a child. She often holds Kangxi in her arms and tells him about the hardships of Emperor Taizong’s starting a business and keeping his job, and constantly urges Kangxi’s studies, royal laws and etiquette rules … It can be said that Xiao Zhuang directly or indirectly taught Kangxi how to be an emperor, how to develop his own personal habits and even his usual hobbies. The emperor will be influenced by Empress Xiao Zhuang.

Under such an experience, this pair of grandparents and grandchildren formed an extraordinary friendship.

When Kangxi was in his prime, he went out to fight. Every time he went to a place, he would write to the Empress Dowager to greet him. When he met the delicious local seasonal fruits and vegetables, he would immediately send them back to the palace to ask the Empress Dowager to taste them, so as to learn about the local customs and the emperor’s own experiences. He would even tell them in a letter and present them to the palace from time to time.

Emperor Kangxi once said: Without the grandmother, the Empress Dowager, it would never have been established today.

If there were no Empress Dowager (referring to Xiao Zhuang), there would be no me today, let alone the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty.

However, after three dynasties, the strange queen mother couldn’t survive the prime of Kangxi, and soon she died suddenly.

Everyone in this world is actually like this. Everyone you meet can only accompany you for a period of time, whether parents, brothers, lovers or friends. They can only accompany you for a while, and sooner or later they will be separated.

Kangxi likes reading history books and understanding culture. He understands a lot of truth, and standing in this position of the emperor, he can feel many feelings that ordinary people can’t taste.

However, philosophy is, after all, a superstructure. When you have nothing to do, reading it can be beneficial to your body and mind and exercise your brain. However, when illness comes, all knowledge seems to be useless to Kangxi.

After Xiao Zhuang’s death, Emperor Kangxi set up a spiritual shed outside the Queen Mother’s bedroom, and for many years, he stayed awake, forgot to sit on his shoes, and lay down without a seat, only to be persuaded by ministers to come out.

Since Xiao Zhuang’s death, the emperor can’t mention the deeds of the Empress Dowager, but whenever he does, he always bursts into tears. This yearning has affected the emperor’s body, making him dizzy all day and his health abnormal to some extent.

(Statue of Emperor Kangxi)

After a lifetime of chaos, his father, mother and grandmother finally left, and he finally became a real loner.

The yearning for my grandmother was so painful that it accompanied the emperor’s life.

It was recorded in A Record of Emperor Sheng Zuren of Qing Dynasty:

In the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi, Ding You’s birthday was celebrated in December … That is, it has been thirty years since the Empress Dowager visited the sky, and the emperor spoke to the courtiers the day before yesterday, crying like rain, and his grief was overwhelming.

The 56-year-old Kangxi experienced many vicissitudes. His face was haggard and his figure was rickety, but he still often dreamed that his grandmother, Empress Xiao Zhuang, was holding his hand in his dream, pacing slowly in the ancient and magnificent Imperial Palace Forbidden City, one step, two steps and three steps, just walking slowly, as if the road would never end.

Kangxi was born in the capital and grew up in the capital. He never went outside Shanhaiguan to feed horses or catch fish, but he knew that his grandmother had left a dashing posture on the Horqin grassland.

The moon sets and the stars are sparse and the sky is unclear, and the solitary lamp shines alone.

It’s hard to get together in a dream, but when I wake up, I’m full of tears.

That beautiful past has been a snap of fingers for thirty years.


Women, look over here! Four factors erode women’s health? Master the "three cornerstones" of health

According to the survey, the average life expectancy of women is 5-10 years longer than that of men, but the life expectancy gap is gradually narrowing. The reason why women will lose their original health advantages is closely related to bad habits in daily life, especially the following four points will erode women’s health.

1. Decreased activity

Now is a society where men and women are equal. Housework is not limited to women. Women spend less time doing housework, and their activities are also reduced. Coupled with a heavy-flavored diet such as high calorie and high fat, it will cause obesity, especially abdominal obesity, thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver.

2. Bad hobbies

Smoking and alcoholism are no longer exclusive to men. Many women will relieve their worries by smoking and drinking. However, harmful toxic substances and alcohol in cigarettes can poison various organs and systems of the body and increase the risk of respiratory system, digestive system and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3, more and more strong

Nowadays, women are stronger and stronger. They are no longer always crying, coquetry or nagging as before. They keep everything in their hearts, carry things on their own, don’t know how to release pressure, and induce mental illness and digestive system diseases for a long time.

4. Too much pressure

Modern women hold up half the sky and bear no less pressure than men. While taking care of the elderly at home and raising children, they also struggle in the workplace. Because of long-term heavy pressure, endocrine disorder, reducing resistance and increasing the chance of illness.

1. Exercise more.

Women should have at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every day, such as brisk walking, jogging, skipping rope, swimming and practicing yoga. The weekly exercise time should not be less than 4-5 days, which can promote the whole body blood circulation, improve the cardiopulmonary function, enhance the resistance, and also help to release stress and enjoy the body and mind. In addition, women must stay away from cigarettes and second-hand smoke and refuse to drink alcoholic beverages.

2. Reasonable supplementation of calcium and iron

Under the premise of ensuring a balanced nutrition, iron and calcium should be properly supplemented. Because women face menstrual blood loss every month, they should eat more iron-containing foods, such as animal viscera, animal blood and various lean meats. In addition, eat more calcium-containing milk, eggs, beans, bean products, green leafy vegetables and shrimp skin, and ensure that you drink 200 ~ 300ml of milk every day, get proper sunshine, promote calcium absorption and delay osteoporosis.

3. Adjust your mood

Arrange work and rest reasonably, and coordinate the relationship between career and family. You can’t overdraw your physical strength and energy, so that you can combine work and rest; Face everything with a positive and optimistic attitude, eliminate bad emotions such as anxiety and fear in time, not pursue perfection in everything, and vent your emotions by talking to others, having a good cry or exercising.


After entering the age of 30, women should have a comprehensive physical examination at least once a year. In addition to regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipid and weight, they should also be screened for HPV and TCT regularly. After the age of 35, do mammography or breast B-ultrasound examination once a year; Regular monitoring of estrogen after the age of 45. In addition, women should adjust their diet structure, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and eat 7-8 minutes full for each meal, not overeating or wolfing down; Keep a regular schedule and quit the bad habit of staying up late.

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