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Deng Chao Sun Li is waiting to celebrate his birthday, netizens tease: the same fate as Xiaohua

1905 movie network news On November 12, Deng Chao posted a photo through Weibo to celebrate his 7th birthday, with the caption: "Stinky son, happy birthday!" In the photo, Deng Chao and Sun Li stood on both sides, kissing the faces of the wait, and the wait in the middle, even if the face is reluctant, it is impossible to escape the fate of being kissed and deformed. The picture is very funny, especially Deng Chao’s expression. Even he himself realized the penetrating power of his eyes. He commented that "looking at the eyes of the old father, you will know how much I love you", and he did not lose his love for his son. Later, Deng Chao also said in the comment area: "I wanted to send it at zero, but I couldn’t resist falling asleep."

Sun Li also posted a similar photo of the three on Weibo, but the caption was more literary and warm than Deng Chao: "Wait, I’m 7 years old, I’ve changed 4 teeth, and I’ve been growing up." The style of the two photos reminded netizens of Xiaohua, who had the same experience. Some netizens joked: "It’s still a familiar formula", and at the same time they also wished: "Wait, happy birthday brother!" "The family will always be happy!"


[Network Media Defense Line] Awesome! Exploring the "black technology" on the frontier defense line

Cctv news(Reporter Wang Xiaoying) After soaring to an altitude of 1,000 meters, the Horgos River and Karajok Mountain appeared in sequence, and the snow on the top of the mountain in the distance gradually became clear.

Border guard Allard Ritu is manipulating drones (Du Jing/photo)

Allard Ritu, a border guard, has looked down at this land from the air many times. This is Alamali Border Company of Yili Military Division of Xinjiang Military Region, guarding the border line of more than 60 kilometers between China and Kazakhstan.

The distance seems not long, but the place where the border line of more than 60 kilometers is located used to be patrolled by border guards on foot and horseback.

This is the place where they patrol daily (photo by Li Lei)

The road under your feet may have gone through many times, but from this perspective, it is very rare.

According to Allard Ritu, this UAV is a six-rotor UAV, which uses a high-definition wireless image transmission system to support manual precise control and autonomous flight.

In 2017, the company was equipped with this drone, and the technology that Allard Ritu trained and learned three years ago came in handy and became the pilot.

Border guard Allard Ritu (left) is preparing to patrol with drones with his comrades.

However, the climatic conditions in Alamali are quite different, with mountains and strong winds. Can this drone adapt? "Its flying height can reach 1,000 meters, it can work below 5,000 meters above sea level, it can resist the seven-level wind and has a long battery life, and it can work in the environment of-30℃ ~ 40℃," said Allard Ritu. Because of this, it can work in other environments except fog, heavy rain, heavy snow and lightning.

For this reason, this "black technology" is quite popular with border guards and soldiers because it saves time and effort! In the past, border patrols were all on foot or on horseback, which took three or four hours, and it took half an hour to patrol with drones. For areas near the camp, you can even patrol remotely in the company.

In addition to drones, there are many "black technologies" used in border patrol, such as digital monitoring system, border anti-crossing alarm system and low-light-level night vision device.

It is understood that Xinjiang’s border defense line is more than 6,800 kilometers long, and many pastures are close to the border. In the past, because border control mainly depended on regular patrols by people, it was difficult to avoid herds crossing the border and easily caused foreign-related disputes on the border.

In the peak season of herd activities every year, officers and men have to send more special services and set up temporary stations, which is very stressful. 

Below the mountain is the Sino-Kazakhstan border river, and cattle and sheep can easily cross the border (photo by Li Lei)

In recent years, many frontier troops have stepped up the construction of scientific and technological border control. In many places, digital monitoring systems and border anti-crossing alarm systems, low-light night vision devices, mobile searchlights, audio-visual detectors, thermal imagers, sensors and other equipment, as well as multifunctional duty systems have been installed. In some key areas, helicopter patrols have been gradually strengthened, which has greatly improved the border control ability and quality of defense areas. 

It is understood that with the addition of these "black technologies", there have been fewer and fewer incidents of cattle and sheep crossing the border in some places in the past, because when the herds are close to the border, the automatic monitoring equipment can feed back the situation to the nearby border defense companies in time, and the soldiers immediately inform the herdsmen to close the herds to prevent them from crossing the border. 

Today, in the Alamali border defense company, this drone has to "be on duty" two or three times a week, and each patrol range is about 20 kilometers. Allard Ritu said that he can "get it done" by himself, but the time is a little slow. If two people are partners, it is the best.

In fact, "black technology" such as drones is gradually becoming a good partner for border guards and soldiers to patrol.


The TV series Fox Hunt is a hit, but the economic investigation cases in reality are actually more exciting than this.

  Recently, the TV series "Fox Hunt" was broadcasted, which mainly told the story of transnational arrest of economic suspects at large.

  This TV series was created in the background of "Fox Hunting Action" of the Ministry of Public Security.

  "Fox Hunting Action" is a special action launched by the Ministry of Public Security in 2014 to arrest economic suspects who are at large abroad.

  The protagonist in the play has gone through many difficulties and dangers to launch a transnational pursuit, but the economic investigation case in reality is actually more exciting than this.

  The play spent eight years chasing fugitives.

  In reality, someone has been absconding for 18 years.

  On January 20, 2015, a seemingly ordinary middle-aged man entered the border checkpoint of Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

  Passport information shows that he is an Australian Chinese and his name is "Zhang Jianping".

  The man calmly handed his passport to the border inspector, and there seemed nothing unusual.

  However, this entry information has attracted the attention of Shanghai border inspection.

  In the process of immigration investigation, the Shanghai border inspection found that the facial features and whereabouts of this man were consistent with those of Xie Renliang, a wanted man in the sensational financial fraud case in Shanghai in 1997, and provided the information to the Economic Investigation Corps of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau.

  After checking and comparing with the information in the pursuit database, the Economic Investigation Corps of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau found that the entry man was very similar to Xie Renliang.

  18 years ago, Xie Renliang came to into thin air with money from fraud.

  At that time, how on earth did he cheat away more than 90 million yuan?

  Xie Renliang was the chairman of a company in Ningbo at that time. Since April 1996, he has been engaged in margin financing and securities lending business with a securities company in Shanghai.

  After defrauding the trust of the manager of the securities company, Xie Renliang privately carved the official seal of a securities business department in Ningbo, and repeatedly issued certificates of custody of Chinese bonds with yin and yang denominations.

  He defrauded 46 million yuan of funds and 45.5 million yuan of treasury bonds from securities companies in Shanghai by signing contracts such as bond trading agreement and treasury bond integration agreement.

Bond transaction agreement and treasury bond integration agreement

  Xie Renliang used all the money he cheated to invest in futures and stocks, but these investments suffered serious losses. He lost more than 30 million yuan only by investing in futures.

  On March 2, 1997, Xie Renliang left a letter to the manager of a securities company in Shanghai and fled with the balance.

Xie Renliang wrote in his letter, "I am sorry for you in this life."

  If you leave like this, it will be 18 years.

  In the past 18 years, the police in charge of handling cases have changed several times, but they have never given up their pursuit of him.

  It was not until Zhang Jianping, who returned from Australia in January 2015, that the police saw the hope of solving the case.

  To solve the case, the first thing is to determine whether this "Zhang Jianping" is Xie Renliang.

  During the investigation, the police found that "Zhang Jianping" had a domestic household registration in susong county, Anhui Province before obtaining Australian citizenship.

  The Shanghai police went to Susong, Anhui Province to investigate and found that there were indeed doubts.

  The local police station told the Shanghai police that Zhang Jianping was from susong county, Anhui Province, but he had been lost for some time before returning to registered permanent residence in Susong.

  In addition, the police also found that the trajectory of "Zhang Jianping" and Xie Renliang’s ex-wife living in Australia also overlapped.

  Xie Renliang’s ex-wife divorced Xie Renliang around 1996, married an Australian Chinese and obtained Australian citizenship.

  After the police tracked down the Chinese, they learned that Xie Renliang’s ex-wife had divorced him.

  According to him, Xie Renliang should live in Australia.

  After discovering all kinds of doubts about "Zhang Jianping", the police locked him in a hotel in Hangzhou.

  The police found that "Zhang Jianping" has been living in this hotel in Hangzhou since he entered Shanghai Pudong Airport on January 20, 2015.

  Even during the Lunar New Year, he didn’t return to his so-called original domicile — — Susong county, Anhui.

  This undoubtedly aggravated the police’s suspicion.

  After many comparisons, verifications and external investigations, the police are more and more convinced that "Zhang Jianping" is Xie Renliang who has fled for 18 years.

  On March 3, 2015, after careful deployment, the police handling the case decided to arrest "Zhang Jianping" who was in the Hangzhou hotel.

  According to the police investigating the case, when they found "Zhang Jianping", they suddenly asked him.

  "Are you Xie Renliang?"

  "Zhang Jianping" immediately stood there, his eyes were very scared, and he sat motionless on the couch.

  The police found that "Zhang Jianping" carried three mobile phones with him. Through some news on these three mobile phones, the police realized that "Zhang Jianping" mainly wanted to see his mother for the last time through related people.

  In this way, the police handling the case further clarified that he is Xie Renliang.

  But at this time, in the face of the inquiry of the police handling the case, "Zhang Jianping" was either silent or lied that he could not remember the past.

  All kinds of evidence show that "Zhang Jianping" is Xie Renliang who has been pursued by the police for 18 years, but the case handlers have encountered new problems.

  The man insisted that he was "Zhang Jianping", and he denied all the evidence that he was Xie Renliang, trying to get away with it.

  What is even more ironic is that "Zhang Jianping" has repeatedly claimed that he has lost his memory.

  In the face of his lies, on the one hand, the police found Xie Renliang’s relatives and the parties to the case to identify him.

  On the other hand, in order to make the whole chain of evidence more closed and solid, the police used DNA comparison technology to extract the DNA of Xie Renliang’s son and mother and compare it with him.

Biometrics cannot be changed.

  The test results show that "Zhang Jianping" is Xie Renliang who has fled overseas for 18 years.

  At this point, Xie Renliang, the suspect involved in the case of 90 million yuan, was completely restored by the Shanghai police.

  On May 13, 2016, the Shanghai Higher People’s Court made a final judgment. Xie Renliang was convicted of fraud, sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscated all his personal property.

  In the play, Wang Kai Angel pretends to be a couple.

  There are actually prototypes in reality.

  In the preview of the TV series Fox Hunt, Wang Kai and Angel have the same style, and some netizens think that this is "pretending to be lovers" to catch fugitives.

  In fact, there are archetypal figures in the "Fox Hunt".

  In 2013, Zhou fled to the Philippines after defrauding five cable companies in Yixing City, Jiangsu Province of 9.6 million yuan of cable products.

  Through technical investigation, the police found that although Zhou had a wife and son in Yixing, he married a local young woman after he arrived in the Philippines.

  The police judged that it is very unlikely that Zhou will voluntarily return to China and surrender himself. If he does not arrest, he is likely to go unpunished.

  According to the police investigating the case, due to the differences of judicial systems in different countries, the China police have no law enforcement power when they arrive in the Philippines, and all actions can only be carried out by relying on the local national police and the National Immigration Bureau.

  According to police investigation, Zhou lives in a high-end residential area in the Philippines, which is full of single-family villas. The community covers a large area, with a total of six entrances and exits. Each entrance and exit has three or four security guards, and the security guards are armed with live ammunition. Generally, it is difficult for outsiders to enter without the permission of the owner.

  However, if you want to determine Zhou’s daily life, you must enter the community where he lives for investigation.

  To this end, the task force arranged for Cassie Wang, a policeman fluent in spoken English, and Qian Gan, another policeman, to dress up as husband and wife. Since the Philippines needed to rent a house for business, it contacted an owner and made an appointment to go into the community to look at the house.

After entering the community, the police took the opportunity to observe Zhou’s house.

  In this way, after secret investigation, the police further grasped Zhou’s daily life trajectory.

  However, considering the inconvenient entry and exit of the community and too many exports, the police decided not to arrest Zhou in the community for fear of alarming him.

  Later, through technical investigation, the police found that Zhou posted a house rental information on the Internet.

  The police believe that this is an excellent opportunity to lure the snake out of the hole.

  The police continued to arrange for the previous two policemen to pretend to be husband and wife to ask Zhou out.

  In the coffee shop, the police and the staff of the Philippine Immigration Bureau disguised as customers and ambushed around.

  However, at the appointed time, Zhou did not show up. The police are very anxious.

  After waiting for more than an hour, Zhou finally appeared at the door of the coffee shop.

  The first sentence after Zhou came in was to say politely, "I’m sorry I’m late."

  The policeman posing as her husband replied: "It’s not too late, just come."

  In fact, this is also the voice of the entire working group.

"It’s not too late, just come."

  In this way, Zhou was arrested on the spot and taken to the Philippine Immigration Bureau, and was later arrested and returned to China by Wuxi police.

  The French open is long and sparse, but it does not leak.

  According to the Legal Daily, as of the first half of 2019, Fox Hunting has captured more than 4,900 fugitives from more than 120 countries and regions, and pursued more than 17 billion yuan.

  Is life on the run really so good? Not necessarily.

  In 2014, Chen Mou, who opened an underground bank privately and bought $300 million in foreign exchange for tax fraud, was successfully persuaded to return after fleeing Dubai.

  This is how he describes his life on the run.

  In 2015, Du Mou, who fled to Sri Lanka after illegally raising more than 20 million yuan, and then sneaked back to China and was arrested, said this about his escape life.

  In the past cases, some people turned themselves in because they were displaced abroad, some people were persuaded to return home, and some people turned themselves in because their relatives returned home. ……

  Mills of God grind slowly but sure.

  Just like the ending song of Fox Hunt, which netizens jokingly called "turning yourself in" on the screen, "go home.


The international community continues to oppose Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea (international perspective)

  Recently, people from all walks of life in Japan have continued to hold rallies in Tokyo and other places, resolutely opposing the plan of the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (hereinafter referred to as "TEPCO") to discharge Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea during the spring and summer of this year. International public opinion has also urged the Japanese government to face up to the legitimate concerns of all parties, earnestly fulfill its international obligations and accept strict international supervision. Before full consultation and agreement are reached with stakeholders such as neighboring countries and relevant international institutions, Japan shall not start the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea without authorization.

  "The plan to expel the sea has caused concern from all parties at home and abroad in Japan and should be handled with caution."

  On March 21st, nearly 5,000 people from all over Japan held a rally in Tokyo to protest against the plan of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea and oppose the Japanese government’s nuclear energy policy. Kazuhiro Sato from Fukushima Prefecture is "Don’t pollute the ocean again! One of the representatives of the citizens’ meeting. He said that the public opinion survey in Fukushima Prefecture showed that about 70% of the respondents opposed the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea. The nuclear polluted water in the storage tank contains a variety of radioactive substances, and once it starts to be discharged, it will continue to be discharged for at least 30 years.

  March 11th is the 12th anniversary of the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Many Japanese people held a protest rally in front of the headquarters of TEPCO and the official residence of the Japanese Prime Minister. Slogans such as "Don’t let nuclear pollution pollute the sea", "The sea is not a trash can" and "Protect the sea, protect children and protect the future" express people’s strong demands against nuclear pollution water discharging into the sea.

  Members of the Activity Committee of the Workers’ Welfare Club in Japan Valley said that radioactive elements in nuclear polluted water will return to human body through food chains such as seaweed and fish, which will harm people’s health again. It is unconvincing, hypocritical and irresponsible for TEPCO to discharge nuclear polluted water on the grounds that it has no storage place, which violates the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Substances.

  Liu Tianzhen, the head of the Japanese citizen group Dandelion House, said that it is a safe and feasible scheme to use more than 10 large-scale water storage tanks with a capacity of 100,000 tons to preserve nuclear polluted water on land for a long time, but the government and TEPCO ignored it, which is regrettable. Keiko Muse, who made a special trip from Kawasaki City to Tokyo to attend the rally, told this reporter: "Without the consent of other Asian neighbors, the Japanese side will discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea without authorization, which is absolutely not allowed."

  On March 10th, Japanese people held a rally in front of the gate of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to protest against the plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. Former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan and the leader of the Social Democratic Party, Mizuho Fukushima, attended the speech. Mizuho Fukushima said that today, 12 years later, the impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident is still continuing, and the relevant emergency declaration has not been lifted. Therefore, nuclear polluted water must never be discharged into the sea, and radioactive materials must be preserved in a centralized manner. Naoto Kan participated in the handling of the Fukushima nuclear accident as the Japanese Prime Minister 12 years ago. After his speech, he told reporters: "The plan to expel the sea has caused concern among all parties at home and abroad in Japan and should be handled with caution."

  Japanese domestic media commented that the Japanese government chose a "shortcut" with the supremacy of economic interests in the case of imperfect scientific professional discussion and insufficient communication with the public. Non-governmental organizations such as the National Federation of Fishery Associations of Japan strongly criticized the Japanese government for breaking its promises and ignoring the interests of fishermen’s groups. Instead of actively seeking people’s understanding, it hastily restarted nuclear power and accelerated the construction of sea discharge. Simple and rude practices further aggravated people’s fears and panic.

  "This is a complete deception, and this practice of fooling the people continues."

  According to domestic polls in Japan, 43% of the people oppose the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea, and more than 90% believe that discharging water into the sea will have a negative impact.

  At the international seminar held by the environmental protection organization "Friends of the Earth in Japan" a few days ago, Wu Teng Leizi, a resident of Fukushima Prefecture and the head of the liaison meeting of Fukushima nuclear accident victims, said in his speech that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and TEPCO have been organizing people to visit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and sending people to various schools to hold lectures in order to publicize the safety of the so-called nuclear polluted water. TEPCO even took an instrument that can only measure gamma rays to measure the nuclear polluted water that only emits beta rays after treatment, so that people could see that the pointer was motionless and cheat visitors of their trust in the safety of nuclear polluted water. "This is a complete deception, and this practice of fooling the people continues."

  Wu Teng said that once it started to discharge into the ocean, it would continue to do so for decades to come. Where the nuclear pollution water flows, there are people who live on the sea and creatures who make the sea their home. The discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is an infringement on life.

  Kenichi Oshima, a professor at the Department of Policy at Ryoku University in Japan, believes that the Japanese government only announces the progress made in the aftermath of nuclear power plants, but rarely mentions various problems and difficulties. In fact, radioactive substances are different from ordinary dangerous chemicals, and it is difficult to remove them by chemical treatment. At the same time, little is known about the long-term effects of radioactive substances on marine ecosystems. Therefore, it is most important that radioactive substances should be treated in a controlled state and should not be released into the environment.

  The opacity of information has also caused concern among Japanese fishery groups. Representatives of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Life Cooperative Association and Miyagi Fishery Association submitted a joint signature of about 42,000 people to TEPCO and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, opposing the nuclear pollution water discharge scheme. Imano Zhiguang, president of the Xiangma Shuangye Fishery Association, which belongs to fishermen in Songchuanpu Fishing Port, expressed firm opposition to the practice of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea. He said: "The most important agreement between the government and TEPCO is not to discharge or dispose of nuclear polluted water before we understand it. So far, a lot of information has been concealed by TEPCO. "

  "The Pacific Ocean is related to the livelihood of many people, and the ecological environment is very important to many countries."

  There are more than 1.3 million tons of nuclear polluted water to be discharged from Fukushima, containing more than 60 kinds of radionuclides. Once it is discharged into the ocean, it will spread to the global waters in the next few decades, which will have an incalculable impact on the global marine environment and human health.

  Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea has aroused widespread concern and opposition from neighboring countries and stakeholders. At the informal meeting of special leaders of the Pacific Island Forum held recently, the issue of Japan’s nuclear polluted water discharging into the sea became a key topic. Leaders reiterated that Japan should guide the political decision of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea in a scientific way. Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea is not a simple domestic matter, but will affect important world events including the South Pacific island countries. In view of the unsatisfactory independence and verifiability of data provided by relevant parties in Japan, the Pacific Island Forum has repeatedly called on Japan to postpone the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  Fiji’s Acting Prime Minister Kamikaga said recently that Fiji was on high alert because of the plan to discharge nuclear polluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. Kamikaga said: "The Pacific Ocean is related to the livelihood of many people, and the ecological environment is very important to many countries. If you pass through ‘ Multi-nuclide removal equipment ’ The treated nuclear polluted water is so safe, why doesn’t Japan reuse it or use it in its own manufacturing and agriculture? "

  Carly Birch, a sociologist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, believes that it is the basic right of people in the Pacific region to enjoy a clean, healthy and sustainable development environment. The Japanese government’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea is a direct disregard for the sovereignty and self-determination of Pacific countries.

  South Korean citizens’ groups recently held large-scale gatherings in Seoul, Busan and other places, expressing strong opposition to Japan’s nuclear pollution water discharge plan. Xu Junlie, honorary professor of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Seoul National University, believes that the Japanese government must disclose the radioactive detection data of all nuclides. Xu Junlie said: "The Pacific Ocean is the common property of the whole world. Japan ignores the better plan and insists on discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, which is tantamount to a terrorist attack on the ocean, and the Pacific Ocean will no longer be peaceful. If nuclear polluted water flows into the Pacific Ocean, various radioactive substances will cause a fatal blow to the marine ecosystem. "

  Robert Richmond, a professor at the Varro Marine Laboratory at the University of Hawaii in the United States, said: "Our task is to protect the ocean and people who depend on it. It is a bad idea to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. Japan should consider other options."

  (Tokyo, Seoul, Washington, March 23rd)


Is it dangerous to drive behind in rainy days?

It is not dangerous to drive with a rear-wheel drive in rainy days, but you need to pay attention to the correct driving style.

If riders drive on slippery roads after driving, they must be careful not to drive too fast, and don’t suddenly slam on the accelerator, otherwise there may be tail flick, which is more dangerous.

In addition, the rear-wheel drive is prone to over-steering while the front-wheel drive is prone to under-steering. This is because most of the front-wheel drive engines and weights are concentrated in the front part, which leads to unreasonable driving mode and weight distribution.

The driving mode and weight distribution of rear-wheel drive are reasonable. The rear wheel is responsible for driving the car forward and the front wheel is responsible for steering. This driving mode and weight distribution can balance the front and rear counterweights of the car and make the car more stable.

Therefore, the correct driving mode can ensure the safety and reliability of rear-wheel drive in rainy days.


These latest technological achievements make it no longer difficult to store fresh fruits and vegetables.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  The project team carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technical achievements developed effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment.

  With the increasing variety of food ingredients and the changes of climate and environment, traditional preservation methods can no longer meet the deeper preservation needs.

  On May 8th, the reporter of Science and Technology Daily learned from Jiangnan University that the research team of Yao Weirong, a professor at the School of Food Science, tackled the problem of perishable storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, and successively developed cleaning and disinfection technologies (ultrasonic technology, natural plant-derived cleaning disinfectant), new cold sterilization technologies (low-temperature plasma technology, irradiation technology), as well as preservative and active packaging film, which have been fully applied in domestic fruit and vegetable bases and storage and transportation industries.

  According to Chen Wei, academician of China Academy of Engineering and president of Jiangnan University, people’s food needs are increasingly diversified. Applying modern technology to solve the storage problem of fresh fruits and vegetables will play an important role in ensuring market supply and promoting rural revitalization.

  Yao Weirong introduced that leafy vegetables are easy to rot, mainly due to high water content, vigorous physiological activities after picking, high pollution of original microorganisms and high requirements for storage conditions. Therefore, relevant preservation measures must be taken in order to adjust the storage conditions such as temperature, air humidity and gas atmosphere.

  In order to prevent fresh vegetables from rotting, most of them are stored in cold storage. In recent years, although there are more and more quick-frozen vegetables, this method usually requires blanching pretreatment first, which is easy to cause the loss of minerals and vitamins.

  Chen Wei introduced that the food consumption structure of urban and rural residents in China was dominated by coarse grain consumption at first, and now it is rapidly transforming into a diet structure in which vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, eggs and other livestock products, aquatic products and processed foods coexist. This change makes people eat more safely, healthily and with balanced nutrition.

  At present, the most effective ways to store vegetables in the world are mainly modified atmosphere preservation and irradiation preservation, which can inhibit the growth of microorganisms or vegetable tissues by improving the composition of environmental gases and using irradiation respectively, and have the effect of killing insects and sterilizing.

  "Our team has carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technological achievements have effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment." Yao Weirong said.

  The reporter learned that in January this year, the "magnetic field preservation technology" jointly developed by Jiangnan University and TCL passed the project technical appraisal meeting organized and hosted by China National Light Industry Federation. This indicates that China has broken the foreign monopoly of molecular preservation technology, and has stepped into technology leadership from technology catch-up.

  According to relevant experts, the molecular preservation technology is to use magnetic field induction to realize unlimited micro-vector preservation, so that the ingredients can achieve the 6-day preservation effect of moistening, nourishing, beautifying, cleaning, living and fresh. This is because water molecules, organic compounds and biological macromolecules all belong to diamagnetic materials, so they will induce external magnetic fields.

  At present, this latest technological achievement of integration of production and education, which has multiple functions of water locking, antioxidation and bacteriostasis, has been applied in China.

  In Yao Weirong’s view, these technologies can basically solve the problem of fresh fruit storage. However, technology alone can’t do without paying attention to application and storage methods.

  At present, it is still difficult for some agricultural production bases and storage and transportation enterprises to package and store all kinds of vegetables in a targeted way. In order to reduce costs, transportation and storage often enter the transportation and storage process by extensive and simple dressing, and there is no independent packaging at all, resulting in vegetables not being well protected.

  Especially for all kinds of vegetables transported in large quantities, vegetables will squeeze each other, causing artificial mechanical damage, which accelerates the decay and deterioration of fruits and vegetables and causes serious waste.

  Chen Wei believes that there are still some problems to be solved in promoting the high-quality and differentiated development of agricultural products and food industries in China. Among them, how to ensure the effective market supply of various foods such as meat, vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, etc., it is urgent to make efforts from the technical end and the supply end to open up the "last mile" from farmland to the dining table, so that the latest scientific and technological achievements can be widely used to further meet the needs of consumers for food diversification, refinement, nutrition and ecology.


# (Sports) Football

On the same day, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

On October 31st, Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competed with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, the starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, the players of Beijing Normal University celebrated the championship. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)