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Avita 12 delivery process continues to accelerate, empowering Avita’s overall delivery record

  According to the official news of Avita Technology, in December 2023, Avita delivered 6,106 units, setting a record high in delivery and achieving outstanding results. Among them, Avita 12, which has just started national delivery, has made outstanding contributions, delivering 2004 units in only 20 days, ranking in the forefront of pure electric cars above 300,000. It can be said that Avita 12 uses an efficient delivery attitude to enable the majority of car owners to accelerate the appreciation of its "smart beauty top stream" charm.

  It is reported that in the first month of its listing on November 10, 2023, the order of Avita 12 exceeded 20,000 units, and it was unanimously favored by many car owners. Counting the charm of this future intelligent luxury model born out of the industry-leading intelligent electric vehicle technology platform CHN, its three characteristics of "top intelligence, top design, and top luxury space" are really eye-catching, which can be called Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Era to redefine the new standard of luxury in the era of smart cars. In addition, the price range of three configuration models under Avita 12 is 300,800 yuan to 400,800 yuan respectively. Combined with its overall configuration, it can be said that the cost-effective advantage is obvious.

  With the support of Huawei’s high-end intelligent driving system HUAWEI ADS 2.0, Avita 12 shows the industry’s leading intelligent driving strength. In addition, all its models are equipped with 3 lidar as standard, which can provide a horizontal field of view of more than 300 °, powerful lateral 3D spatial perception and high-resolution and high-confidence level detection capabilities. Thanks to these software and hardware configurations, Avita 12 can easily cope with intelligent driving needs in various road conditions without relying on high-precision maps, helping users to achieve worry-free travel.

  It is worth emphasizing that the intelligent driving strength of Avita 12 is not only leading at the moment, in the next 3-5 years, through the OTA upgrade of the software system, it can still bring first-class intelligent experience to the majority of users. According to the statistics released by Avita, at present, Avita’s intelligent driving function has been fully trusted and used by users. The accumulated mileage of intelligent driving is 35 million kilometers, accounting for 23% of the total mileage, which is the first in the industry. Intelligent parking assistance has been called 3.70 million times to help many users solve parking troubles.

  Coupled with the latest good news from Avita Technology, it has become one of the first companies to be approved for a high-speed road conditional autonomous driving (L3) test license. Level 3 autonomous driving is a watershed between "assisted driving" and "autonomous driving", meaning that the driver can "let go", "take off" and "take off the eyes" under certain conditions, and the vehicle can also fully accelerate, steer and brake automatically under certain conditions. This means that Avita 12 users can look forward to one day in the future, can experience the thrill of autonomous driving with Avita 12.

  Today, the national delivery process of Avita 12 is ongoing, constantly meeting the expectations of more users to pick up the car, so that they can feel the pleasure of intelligent travel. In addition, Avita is currently steadily advancing the "going to sea" strategy, so that Avita 12 can continue to release the "wisdom and beauty top" charm on the world stage.


From the backstage to the front line, Zong Fuli became the head of the Wahaha brand public relations department

  On the banks of the Qianjiang River in winter, the lights were bright. On January 18, at the award ceremony of Fengyun Zhejiang businesspeople, known as the "Oscar" in Zhejiang economic circles, Zong Fuli, dressed in a light blue suit, appeared under the spotlight of the red carpet, becoming a warm color in the cold weather.

  At the scene, Zong Fuli responded to rumors from the outside world that in addition to the president of Hongsheng Beverage Group, Zong Fuli had a new identity in 2018: the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group.

  Many people suddenly realized that during this time, Wahaha has been making frequent moves, first launching Wahaha AD calcium milk-flavored moon cakes, and then rebranding the Nutrition Express that has not been packaged for 10 years, launching limited colorful versions of packaging and makeup plates. Not long ago, Wahaha also announced that it will focus on first- and second-tier cities in 2019. It turns out that Zong Fuli is the one behind the scenes, and Wahaha is becoming more and more capable of playing.

  Fathers are like eight-treasure porridge

  Zong Fuli and Zong Qinghou confessed

  The annual Fengyun Zhejiang Merchants Selection event is guided by the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, and co-organized by Zhejiang Jingshi, Qianjiang Evening News, and Zhejiang Merchants Magazine. This year is already the 16th.

  Zong Qinghou, chairperson of Wahaha Group, is an old friend of Fengyun Zhejiang businesspeople and comes to the award ceremony almost every year. In the first annual Fengyun Zhejiang businessperson selection in 2003, Zong Qinghou won the Senior Zhejiang businessperson award. In 2009, Zong Qinghou was re-elected as the annual Fengyun Zhejiang businessperson.

  When Zong Qinghou won the first "Fengyun Zhejiang Business", Zong Fuli was still a student in the ivory tower. In 2012, Zong Fuli became the first "post-80s" entrepreneur to win the honor of Fengyun Zhejiang Business. In this father and daughter, "Fengyun Zhejiang Business" completed a beautiful connection and inheritance. At the award ceremony that year, the host asked the elected Zong Fuli, is your father your idol? Zong Fuli replied: "Yes, and no, my father has many things to learn, but more than him."

  At this year’s Fengyun Zhejiang Business Awards, a highlight was that Zong Qinghou and Zong Fuli shared the same stage, and the father and daughter chose to walk the red carpet this time.

  Not only was Zong Fuli the only post-80s woman on the red carpet, as the daughter of Zong Qinghou, the chairman of Wahaha Group, her every move was always closely watched. When taking over the host’s microphone, Zong Fuli responded that she had become the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group.

  If you use a Wahaha product to describe your parents’ Zhejiang merchants, Zong Fuli thinks it is: eight-treasure porridge.

  Why is it eight-treasure porridge? Zong Fuli didn’t explain much at the scene. However, the reporter noticed that the night before the award ceremony, Wahaha’s official WeChat account posted a heartwarming video titled "I actually miss you a lot", which tells about the common problem of young people today: being cared for syndrome. They are accustomed to the meticulous care of their parents, and even feel a little bored. When they really left their parents’ shelter and were hungry, a jar of eight-treasure porridge in the refrigerator made them suddenly realize that the precious things they had missed were homesick.

  Is this confessing to his father with eight-treasure porridge?

  Zong Fuli smiled and said, "I worked so hard to help him make money, he should confess to me."

  32-Year-old Wahaha

  To build emotional bonds with young people

  This heart-to-heart video of Wahaha Eight Treasures Porridge may express Zong Fuli’s own heart.

  After graduating from junior high school, Zong Fuli went to the United States to study. In 2004, Zong Fuli returned to China after completing her studies. In 2007, she left alone under the blessing of her father and began to take charge of Hongsheng Beverage Group. Zong Fuli, who is very independent, did not "touch" the traditional beverage business of Wahaha, but expanded into new fields.

  Zong Fuli has made a major effort to integrate resources and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries in Hongsheng, a company that used to be just a processing business. Four emerging enterprises, including Songyuan Machinery Manufacturing, Songyu Printing and Packaging, and Hengfeng Food Technology, have been established successively, turning Hongsheng Group into a beverage production enterprise with a full industrial chain.

  At the 2012 Fengyun Zhejiang Business Awards Ceremony, Zong Fuli was elected as a dark horse and became the first female Zhejiang businessman born in the 1980s since the event was held. This may be a footnote to Zong Fuli’s years of hard work.

  Zong Fuli had really "worked hard" along the way. Now, in addition to the president of Hongsheng Beverage Group, Zong Fuli was also responsible for the packaging and brand promotion of Wahaha products. "In Hongsheng in the morning, in Wahaha in the afternoon" became her new normal job.

  On Weibo, Zong Fuli referred to Wahaha as her little sister. Indeed, as a post-80s generation, the reporter noticed that since then, under her control, Wahaha, which is already good at channels and end points, has begun to give more inner power to the brand.

  Last June Day, Wahaha let adults take a holiday with their children, paying attention to the power of companionship, and being a "caring" beverage company; to the Mid-Autumn Festival, cross-border launched AD calcium grandma heart moon cakes to pick up forgotten happiness; then, the limited edition of Nutrition Express was born, cross-border makeup plates escorted, excellent self… Wahaha focuses on how to build emotional bonds with young people again and find resonance.

  At a reading party in October last year, when Zong Fuli read "Shepherd Youth Fantasy Journey" in English, the post-90s and post-00s college students in the audience gave "English 666" praise. There were more than a dozen applause at the scene, and the students were completely fans of Zong Fuli. They felt that Zong Fuli was very frank, even anti-routine, breaking the stereotype of entrepreneurs.

  Growth resumed in 2018

  The more "new" Wahaha in 2019 is here

  Not long ago, at Wahaha’s new product launch this year, Zong Qinghou revealed that in 2018, with the efforts of all dealers and sales staff, Wahaha has resumed growth. Although the industrial restructuring has had a certain impact on economic development, for Wahaha, the opportunities outweigh the challenges.

  It can be said that Wahaha has not only stood firm in the face of difficult economic conditions, but also created contrarian growth. This provides huge confidence to both entrepreneurs and corporate employees. For a mature company founded for many years, confidence is more important than anything else.

  30 is not confused, and the old private enterprise Wahaha hopes to prove to the outside world that they have found the next direction to move forward.

  The reporter noticed that in the new product strategy of Wahaha in 2019, the first milk category is still Wahaha’s right-hand man. The first milk category camp is not unknown. According to the 2017~ 2018 our country dairy sales and yogurt market size analysis, the size of the room temperature market has reached 3 times that of low-temperature yogurt, breaking through the scale of 30 billion yuan.

  Water products have always been the focus of Wahaha, and soda water is undoubtedly a sub-category full of opportunities. According to Nielsen data, from 2017 to 2018, the overall soda market sales increased by 36.9%, much higher than the 3.1% of beverages as a whole. According to reports, Wahaha launched its first soda product in 2010, and after years of market cultivation, it has entered the top three in the soda market. Next, Wahaha will also launch an upgraded version of soda water, which is very in line with the "light health" needs of modern people. In addition, Wahaha has reserved the third camp of new product launches in 2019 for ready-to-drink tea, and has taken the lead in laying out the pure tea category.

  In general, Wahaha’s products released this year have their own characteristics, especially the packaging has been improved a lot compared with before, and it is full of fresh vitality. Whether Wahaha can turn these "new" into sales and brand reputation, let’s wait and see. (Qianjiang Evening News reporter, Chen Jie)


China Xinke Chen Shanzhi: Five thoughts on 5G empowering the digitalization of the industry

[Communication Industry Network News] (Reporter
(Party Bowen) On July 28, the 2022 Global Digital Economy Conference – 5G Innovation Summit was held in Beijing. Chen Shanzhi, deputy general manager of China Information Technology, director of the Expert Committee, and director of the State Key Laboratory of Wireless Mobile Communications, pointed out in his speech that industrial digitalization, as an important part of the digital economy, is an active choice for various vertical industries to create new momentum for the digital economy. 5G will further promote the digital transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

Under the tortuous and changeable environment of the global economy, promoting the development of the digital economy is an important driving force for the economic and social transformation of our country during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. It is expected that by 2025, the digital economy of our country will exceed 60 trillion yuan. However, at present, the overall application of 5G industry in our country is still in the early stage of development. It is driven by policies. Although industries such as industrial Internet, smart mines, smart power, intelligent transportation and intelligent networked vehicles have entered the growth stage, they have not yet formed large-scale commercial use.


In this regard, Chen Shanzhi stressed that the deep integration of 5G and vertical industries, empowering digital transformation, is the main way to stimulate the new momentum of the industry, is driven by the general trend but not easy, and put forward five thoughts on this.

Pending breakthroughs in technology

Digitalization and intelligence have become the key driving forces for economic and social development, leading a new round of industrial transformation. And from connecting people to connecting things, from connecting life scenes to connecting production scenes, connection is the premise and foundation of the intelligent world, and the ability of 5G also determines the development of 5G applications.

In terms of technical capabilities, the current 5G network with eMBB as its main construction goal is based on 3GPP
The high bandwidth and some low latency capabilities of the R15 version can solve the needs of network access and service bearers in most vertical industries, but it is difficult to meet the higher needs of some industry applications. There are some technical shortcomings in the early 5G applications, such as bottlenecks in the upstream bandwidth capabilities required by some industry applications, and the randomness and communication reliability of wireless coverage cannot compare to traditional industrial buses.

"To solve these problems, we need to rely on R16 and subsequent higher versions of the standard to support, and enhance uplink performance, latency, mobility and robustness." Chen Shanzhi pointed out that from R15’s eMBB, to R16’s ultra-reliable low-latency communication, to the just-completed R17 to achieve massive machine-type communication, the technical architecture of 5G for vertical industries has basically been built, and uplink large bandwidth, low latency, high reliability, high-precision positioning, Redcap and other technologies have become the cornerstone technologies for 5G to support innovative applications in various industries. However, the introduction of these new technologies requires a process of standard formulation, Product Research & Development to converged applications, which cannot be achieved overnight. It is expected that they will be implemented in products and networks one after another in the next 2 to 3 years.

In terms of network resilience, deploying 5G private networks for various vertical industries is the first step in 5G-empowered digital transformation. But 5G to C networks are not all suitable for 5G to
The industrial application scenarios of B are still far from meeting the needs of effective and efficient industrial applications.

For example, some industries require the core network to sink to the customer side for deployment due to the requirements of cyber security isolation and functional customization; in some special scenarios, base station equipment needs to meet the needs of anti-explosion and high temperature protection, and core network equipment needs to simplify some functions to meet the needs of industry customers.

Overall, the lack of flexibility of the 5G industry’s private network is mainly reflected in three aspects.

First, the cost of network customization in the 5G industry is high, and the network deployment mode should be determined according to the actual application scenario, whether it is a wide area virtual private network or a local area virtual private network or a private network with exclusive frequency bands. In addition, this also depends on end-to-end network slicing, 5G
The ability of LAN and edge computing technologies to support network customization.

Second, public network products have a low degree of adaptation to the industry, such as the unique deployment scenarios in mines, which require high reliability, high security, and low cost. Customized products such as lightweight core networks, intrinsically safe equipment, and cloud network integration products need to be provided to meet industry environmental and cost requirements.

Third, the operation of 5G private networks poses a great challenge to enterprises, and they should be selected according to their own capabilities. For enterprises with strong capabilities, they can achieve self-service, self-operation and maintenance, and self-development. For enterprises with weak capabilities, they can consider negotiating with operators for division of labor and joint management.

Chen Shanzhi believes that the need to optimize and customize 5G networks, equipment and services according to the needs and characteristics of the industry, promote differentiated solutions, and find a balance between "performance" and "cost" is the key to solving the lack of 5G network elasticity.

Deep integration under application

At present, 5G applications based on video, image and other auxiliary links have been widely used, such as machine vision inspection, unmanned inspection/maintenance, high-resolution video monitoring, and converged communication. However, the core control business of most enterprises is still carried by traditional networks, and 5G applications such as unmanned mining and precise remote control have just started. It can be seen that the value of 5G in most current scenarios has been initially reflected, but the depth of the digital transformation of the industry still needs to be empowered.

Chen Shanzhi stressed that it is far from enough to rely on 5G connectivity alone. To promote the deep integration of 5G with various industries, it is necessary to focus on whether it can help enterprises improve product quality, reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, improve production safety and other core demands. Tap the "hard requirements" under the 5G network, from "cutting in" to "integrating" the core links to help enterprises with digital transformation.

Enhance the value of 5G applications to achieve "three transformations". One is to upgrade the system to meet the requirements of communication transmission systems, production control systems and service management systems for communication capabilities; the second is to integrate technology, the use of perception fusion, ubiquitous connection, artificial intelligence and other technologies will change the model of traditional business; the third is to integrate changes, from auxiliary links to core links, effectively promote the digitalization of research and development, production intelligence, operation centralization, management refinement and operation and maintenance networking, and help enterprises digital transformation.

In terms of industry promotion, at present, the application of 5G industry in our country has achieved a breakthrough from "0" to "1", but there is still a gap from the scale application of "N".

Chen Shanzhi said that different industries have different development stages, different levels of digitalization, and different needs for 5G. There is no unified standard or unified paradigm. It is not an easy task to seek commonalities among differences. In order to solve the difficult problem of 5G industry promotion, the first consideration is to summarize the typical application scenarios of 5G in key industries, extract common business capabilities, and achieve "scale standardization"; the second consideration is to sort out the 5G application scenarios of general industries, form a common technology portfolio, and "scale" it. Only by quickly replicating 5G applications in more industries and enterprises can costs be reduced and scale effects be formed. This is the greatest success of the 5G empowering industry.

Finally, in terms of ecological construction, from network, platform, end point, application, data to security, the 5G industry chain is gradually improving, but at present, the interaction between all levels is weak, and there are great challenges in the cooperation between ecosystems. In the past, industry customers generally had difficulty finding partners. The 5G era will become a watershed. Telecom operators, Internet companies and communication equipment manufacturers are relying on their own advantages in cloud, network and other aspects to enter, and continue to grow the industrial ecosystem.

"From the perspective of the communications industry, it is impossible for us to understand the industry better than industry experts. To do a good job in the digital transformation of the 5G industry, a large number of industry experts will inevitably be needed. At the same time, these experts also need to understand 5G and understand communication network products. 5G allows more and more domestic players to shoulder the heavy responsibility of promoting industrial development, to explore, integrate, practice, collaborate and create in the industry."
Chen Shanzhi pointed out that cross-border cooperation will become a new normal, and solution providers who understand both 5G and industry applications will be "favored" by industry customers in the future. At the same time, cross-border running-in will take a certain amount of time, and there is still a long way to go. However, once realized, the level of industry competition and production efficiency will be raised to a higher order of magnitude.

5G empowers industry digital transformation

It is a systematic project to give full play to the advantages of 5G, accelerate and empower the digital transformation of the industry, and make 5G truly become an important support for the digital economy and an important driving force for high-quality development.

For the thinking of 5G empowering digital transformation, how to quickly promote the upgrade of 5G network from "usable" to "easy to use", Chen Shanzhi put forward three suggestions for integrated innovation and development.

First, technological evolution and performance enhancement, 5G continues to evolve to 5G-A, enhancing performance such as uplink, positioning, and perception.

The second is flexible customization and integration of applications, providing ubiquitous connectivity, flexible products, and elastic networks, launching differentiated solutions that adapt to business, realizing intelligent and simple operation and maintenance, ensuring safety and control, and promoting energy conservation and emission reduction in the industry.

The third is to cooperate and create value together, engage in in-depth and benign interaction with the industry, and cooperate with the division of labor to jointly explore business applications, so as to promote 5G applications on a large scale, and jointly build a new ecosystem for the 5G industry, so that 5G can release greater value.

At present, China Xinke has been working in key industries such as energy, transportation, and industry for many years, starting from the needs of industry customers, focusing on the core scenarios of the industry, and creating 5G + industry solutions suitable for large-scale application and promotion through solution design, Product Research & Development, and business application promotion.

Facing the future digital economy and society, market demand is the fundamental driving force for the development of each generation of communication technology. Chen Shanzhi said that from 5G’s "scene connection and scene adaptation" to 6G’s "global coverage and scene intelligence connection", 6G has greatly improved its coverage, network performance and application range compared with 5G, which will further stimulate new momentum in the industry and generate greater social and economic value.


National Day Mid-Autumn Festival Travel Guide Released The number of domestic tourists is estimated at 710 million.

  BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua)-The website of the National Tourism Administration released the 2017 National Day Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday Travel Guide on the 19th. The guide mentioned that it is estimated that the number of domestic tourists will reach 710 million from October 1 to October 8, and the domestic tourism revenue will reach 590 billion yuan. It is estimated that the number of domestic tourists and tourism revenue will increase by 10% and 12.2% respectively from October 1 to October 7 compared with the same period of last year.

  The main contents of the guide are as follows:

  First, the holiday tourism market forecast

  National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are happy to meet each other, and the superposition of holidays constitutes a "super holiday" of up to 8 days. According to the survey of residents’ willingness to travel in the data center of National Tourism Administration, residents’ willingness to travel in the fourth quarter was 82.6%, of which 64.8% chose to travel during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival until the end of October. It is estimated that the number of domestic tourists will reach 710 million from October 1 to October 8, and the domestic tourism revenue will reach 590 billion yuan. It is estimated that the number of domestic tourists and tourism revenue will increase by 10% and 12.2% respectively from October 1 to October 7 compared with the same period of last year. The holiday tourism market will present the following trends:

  1. Two-section superimposed heating long-distance tourism

  "Super Holiday" makes residents go out, especially for long-distance travel in China. According to the survey, 48.9% of the respondents traveled for 4 to 7 days during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, and 17.6% traveled for 7 to 30 days. Affected by the BRICS meeting, traveling to Xiamen is very popular. According to Ctrip. com’s travel booking data, Sanya, Beijing, Kunming, Lanzhou, Xiamen, Urumqi, Guilin, Lijiang, Xi ‘an, Shanghai and other destinations are popular, and the heat in the northwest and southwest is not diminished.

  2. Consumption upgrading promotes outbound tourism

  Affected by the continuous upgrading of mass tourism consumption, the relatively stable international situation and the high exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar, outbound travel will usher in a small peak. According to the survey, 16.4% of the respondents chose to travel abroad during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, and 20.9% chose to travel to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. According to the travel booking data of Tuniu. com, Xinmatai, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia and Viet Nam are the most popular short-term destinations, while the United States, Canada, Australia, France and Egypt are the most concerned about the long-term destinations, and the routes to Eastern Europe and africa tour have become the new highlights of outbound tourism.

  3. Free travel leads the surrounding tourism

  In the era of mass tourism, with the upgrading of tourism consumption, tourists pay more attention to the quality of tourism. According to the survey, 54.3% of the respondents chose to organize their own trips during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays. From the perspective of product demand, natural scenery, historical sites and theme parks are the most interesting destinations for free travellers. From the perspective of travel distance, free travellers mainly drive by car in short and medium distances, and leisure and holiday tours in rural areas around the city are more popular.

  4. Different needs promote theme tourism

  Different groups of people present diversified tourism needs. According to the booking data of flying pig travel and the tourists’ comments collected by public opinion monitoring Room Tourism Big Data Center of People’s Daily Online, among the outbound tourists during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, the proportion of consumers aged 23 to 34 reached 50.9%, and most of them were free or semi-free. Domestic tours are mainly family trips, and cities with large theme parks are the most popular destinations for autumn tours, such as grasslands and ecology. Museums of history and humanities, ocean parks, zoos, theme parks and cruise tours are the first choices for family tourists.

  5. Cultural tourism activities sing folk tourism.

  October 4th coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival. For people who want to have a family reunion and travel abroad, celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying the moon during their travel has become a new highlight of holiday travel. Featured tourism products such as moon viewing, tide watching and seafood tasting built around "tourism+culture", "tourism+folk customs" and "tourism+food" are deeply loved by the public, and leisure experience activities with local characteristics such as autumn viewing in the west, climbing mountains in autumn, skiing in the ancient capital of Beijing, and seaside beaches are the most popular.

  Second, the holiday destination selection strategy

  In the face of the dazzling array of tourist routes and foreseeable peak passenger flow in the holiday tourism market, how to choose to maximize the sense of tourism experience and satisfaction is suggested to adopt the following four principles:

  1. Enjoy the fun of rational travel

  Rationality makes tourism return to the origin of happiness. In the era of mass tourism, the demand for tourism has increased rapidly, and it broke out again during holidays, forming a tidal wave of passenger flow. Visitors should have a clear understanding of the impact of peak passenger flow on personal experience and be rational when participating in holiday travel. Before traveling, we should put an end to the mentality of comparison, enjoyment and perfection, and choose reasonable routes and products. During the journey, we should be rational and optimistic, not blindly pursue the maximization of personal travel, and reserve reasonable experience space for others. When encountering unintentional bumps, crowded queues, taking pictures and grabbing pictures, we should maintain courtesy and restraint. When you feel irritable and angry during the journey, you can focus on the distant scenery and let your mind calm down.

  2. Don’t worry about going out at the wrong peak

  Traveling at the wrong peak will effectively improve the travel experience. First, the peak time is wrong. Most domestic popular tourist destinations show a trend of "high in the middle and low at both ends". Arranging a short trip two days before or the last day of the holiday will alleviate the travel congestion. For example, if you go to an expected popular area, you can arrange a trip the day before the holiday. The second is the peak traffic. Near the holiday, local traffic departments will issue road network tips to predict and monitor road congestion, so that the majority of self-driving tourists can pay attention to it and choose driving routes scientifically. For long-distance travel, the railway and civil aviation routes to large cities a few days before the holiday and to small and medium-sized cities in the next few days are relatively loose, which can avoid the peak passenger traffic.

  3. Get cold and avoid heat to enjoy the beautiful scenery

  Some emerging tourist routes and destinations have not received much attention, and some popular tourist routes and destinations have entered the relatively off-season. Choosing to go during holidays will greatly improve the quality of tourism and enrich the connotation of travel. For the convenience of tourists, some provincial (city, district) tourism authorities have compiled a list of unpopular tourist routes and destination keywords for reference according to the holiday tourism situation in the same period over the years.

  4. It’s more leisurely to travel long distances.

  Take a vacation to a distant place and enjoy a unique holiday. On-the-job staff tourists who usually have insufficient discretionary time can negotiate with their units, combine paid annual leave with National Day holiday, Mid-Autumn Festival holiday and weekend holiday to form a long holiday, and choose a longer and farther travel destination or a unique in-depth travel route to avoid peak passenger flow and enhance the travel experience.

  The Tourism Bureau issued holiday travel tips to remind tourists of the following precautions:

  1. Have a pleasant journey and don’t forget safety.Pay attention to the weather changes at the destination, and make preparations for wind, lightning and rain. Pay attention to traffic safety, check vehicles in advance to avoid failure on the way. Pay attention to food safety, eat fresh food and stay away from unusual ingredients. Pay attention to property safety, separate property and put your backpack in front of you. Pay attention to personal safety and don’t blindly participate in high-risk tourism projects. Before traveling, buy a travel accident insurance for yourself and your family.

  2. Travel all the way with civilization.When traveling, everyone should be a follower, supervisor and advocate of civilized tourism. Abide by the laws and regulations, public order and social morality of tourist destinations. Respect local customs, cultural traditions and religious beliefs. Cherish the natural environment, do not litter, and do not harm vegetation. Protect cultural relics, don’t graffiti on buildings, and don’t carve words in scenic spots. Pay attention to being polite, respectful and helpful. Advocate healthy entertainment and resist feudal superstitions.

  3. Beware of infringement and reasonable rights protection.Tourists should establish a sense of rights and reasonably safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Choose a regular travel agent and pay attention to check whether the travel agent has business qualifications. Sign a standardized tourism contract uniformly printed by local tourism authorities, and carefully check the terms. Remember that you have the right to know and choose about the arrangement of shopping and other paid activities, and refuse to force consumption or bundle consumption. When spending, you should ask for an invoice. No matter whether you participate in shopping, accommodation, sightseeing, entertainment and other activities, the invoice is the only proof of payment. When infringement is suspected, we should rely on all kinds of appeal channels to defend our rights reasonably and legally, and should never assert our rights and interests without restrictions or take excessive rights protection actions.

  4.12301 Intimate guardian waiting to talk.12301 is a national tourism service hotline, which provides tourism services for tourists and enhances their travel experience through all-media interaction. You can call 12301 for help when you need to consult on tourism matters, complain about tourism rights protection, and need rescue in case of tourism emergency. If it is inconvenient to defend rights during the trip, you can keep relevant evidence and seek a solution after returning.


Observation of Zhejiang New College Entrance Examination: Most candidates choose "two-entry examination room"

  CCTV News:Zhejiang and Shanghai are the first pilot areas of the new college entrance examination determined by the state, and the 2017 college entrance examination will adopt a new model of 3+3 for examination and admission. Different from the fact that candidates in most parts of the country are still preparing for the exam, for senior three students in Zhejiang and Shanghai, the outpost war of the new college entrance examination has started ahead of schedule. Not long ago, Zhejiang Province just completed the third round of selected subjects. The reporter recently walked into several middle schools in Hangzhou to observe the changes brought by the new college entrance examination.

  This is a third grade meeting in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School, Zhejiang Province. The teacher is giving guidance to the students who just know their grades, because they are facing a very important choice — — Whether to end the study of the tested subjects or prepare to take the test again.

  What do you mean? Let’s take a brief look at the new college entrance examination reform plan in Zhejiang.

  The examination subject was changed to "3+3"

  Different from the well-known college entrance examination, the examination subjects of the new college entrance examination reform plan in Zhejiang Province have been changed to "3+3". The former "3" refers to three compulsory subjects except languages, and the latter "3" means that candidates can choose three subjects from the seven fields of physics, chemistry, biology, politics, history, geography and technology, which is referred to as elective subjects for short.

  Two chances are no longer a lifetime.

  In addition, another significant change in the new college entrance examination is that it has changed the time and frequency of exams, that is, it is no longer a lifelong exam. In addition to Chinese and mathematics, other subjects included in the college entrance examination results have had two exam opportunities. The examination time of the selected subjects is in April and October of each year. After taking an exam, candidates can take it again if they are not satisfied with the results. By October this year, all senior three candidates in Zhejiang had completed at least one exam.

  When interviewed randomly in several schools, the reporter found that the students did not hesitate too much about the second exam opportunity, and most students chose to take the exam again.

  journalist: I got another result in the study exam and the selected exam. How about you? Do you want to take the exam again?

  Senior three students in Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School: "There is a little gap from the idea. I feel that I want to take the exam again in April."

  Zhu Jingxuan, a senior three student in Xia Yan Middle School.I’m going to take another test on chemistry and biology that I didn’t do well this time next year, and then I’ll have a chance in English next year and I can take another test in June.

  Reporter: "After all, how many exams are you going to take next year?"

  Lv Chengwei, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "Six college entrance examinations next year, except Chinese mathematics, will be taken for the second time next year."

  Not only do students who are not doing well want to retake the exam, but surprisingly, many candidates who have achieved quite good results have joined the ranks of retake the exam.

  journalist: "How many courses have you taken now?"

  Zheng Gang, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "Three doors, just one door, a little nervous."

  journalist: "What do you mean, you passed 1 door?"

  Zheng Gang, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "After passing one door, it is 100 points, with a perfect score of one. Others are almost worse, but almost 3 points, and you will feel very unwilling. You still have to take the exam again."

  Scoring system: 3 points worse than the college entrance examination.

  What needs to be explained is that in order to compare students in different subjects horizontally when they are admitted, the selected subjects are graded, and each subject is divided into 21 grades. Take the physics subject as an example. In one exam, the top 1% students have a grade of 1, which corresponds to a perfect score of 100 in the college entrance examination score. The next top 2% students have a grade of 2, which is 97 in the college entrance examination score, and so on. That is to say, if you rise one level, you will be able to get 3 more points in the total score of the college entrance examination.

  Zheng Gang, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "Now basically no one says that 97 points is enough. I feel that I have to get 100 points and 3 points back. That’s it."

  Is the pressure of one subject and two exams increasing or decreasing?

  According to the statistics of the 2016 college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province, in the science examination, the total score is one point, and the ranking may even be 5 or 600, so it is human nature for students to choose the second exam in order to improve even one point, but the reporter found in the interview that the teachers’ advice is to choose carefully for this second opportunity.

  The number of days involved in the college entrance examination has increased from 3 days to 8 days.

  Chen Jun, Vice President of Hangzhou No.2 Middle School: "The initial idea of taking the exam twice is to hope that students will have one more chance, but in the three years of high school, the proportion of examination time will be greater than before. Let me give you an example. In the past, the college entrance examination lasted for three days, but now there are at least eight days related to the college entrance examination in a year, two exams, three days, that is, six days. On June 7 th, I took a Chinese math exam, one day, and then the second English exam, which was half a day, involving eight days. "

  From 3 days to 8 days, but only 5 days more, but for students, every exam is a college entrance examination, and you need to sprint with all your strength.

  Feng Dingying, Vice President of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School"As long as there is an exam, as long as it is very important for his future, there will be pressure and burden. If one exam is a pressure, I will put pressure on it many times."

  The frequency of big exams increases, and the pressure and opportunities increase simultaneously.

  The teacher’s worries were confirmed in our interviews with students.

  Zheng Gang, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School."Every exam should be fully prepared, and every time there is a feeling of tension. If there are too many times of tension, people will have pressure in their hearts, and then the final state will not be very good."

  Chen Jince, a senior three student in Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School.: "In the past, it was once, just like many students said, no matter whether you did well or not, this time you passed the exam like a knife, and your head was stretched and shrunk. But now the situation is that many people have to prepare for the second time after the first test, which will test their psychological quality. "

  Qian Qipeng, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "Because I have to take an exam, I always have to sign up for some extracurricular classes or something in the summer vacation."

  Chen Jun, Vice President of Hangzhou No.2 Middle School: "At the time node, our Zhejiang Province is in October and April, which involves the question of whether to take the mid-term exam. If you take the exam again, it will add another burden. It is also a place that needs to be improved. "

  The weight of the academic examination shows that candidates dare not take it lightly.

  Not only is the frequency of the big exam increased, but also the pre-test of the selected subjects. On the one hand, it relieves the pressure of one-time centralized examination in senior three, on the other hand, it also brings pressure pre-position, which even runs through the whole senior three years.

  In addition to choosing exams, the new college entrance examination is equivalent to the traditional senior high school entrance examination, and there are at least two exam opportunities. The results are finally divided into five grades of ABCDE5, and the top 15% students are A. Because it may be linked to the admission requirements of some schools or certain majors, many students dare not take it lightly. Some even choose the second exam in order to get an A in all subjects.

  Shen Mingyuan, a student of Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.There will be a trinity enrollment in the back, and your grades in the academic exam will be counted in your total score. The academic exam may account for 10%, the college entrance examination may account for 50-60%, and the exams organized by colleges and universities may account for 30%-40%. If you don’t get an A in the academic exam, your score may be discounted within 10%. If you want to get an A in the exam, you have to study very hard from the first year of high school, so you will be really stressed when you are in the first and second year of high school. "

  Choosing the second exam requires rational judgment.

  In order to get even more points in the total score of the college entrance examination, and to have more advantages when choosing colleges or majors, students and parents are very entangled in whether to take the second exam or not.

  Parents of senior three students: "I didn’t do well in the exam once, and how much I might improve the second time. It’s time to study in school alone or to strengthen tutoring after class. This is still worrying in my heart. During the period from October to April, there are both mental pressures and study pressures. In case they haven’t done well in the exam, both students and parents still feel a little uncomfortable. "

  In this regard, the teacher suggested that you should not try easily because you have two chances, but be fully prepared.

  Feng Dingying, Vice President of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School: "It is also the case that some students sum up and put forward this slogan after they have problems of one kind or another: be careful in taking the first exam and strive to win the first exam."

  It is difficult for teachers to adapt to the change of curriculum rhythm.


  The new college entrance examination has brought opportunities and increased pressure to students. At the same time, it has brought a big impact on the traditional teaching rhythm, with the dynamic adjustment of teachers’ teaching and the tidal change of teachers’ ratio.

  Teaching dynamic adjustment to normal state

  This is Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School. In the interview, the reporter learned that during the two weeks from the end of the exam in October to the result, the senior three students were almost studying by themselves except for the number of languages. For a time, the teachers who chose the subjects relaxed, and Xiao Zhongrong, a chemistry teacher, was one of them.

  Xiao Zhongrong, Senior Three Chemistry Teacher of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School.These two weeks have been relatively easy. We are mainly evaluating the students’ test results, and then according to the feedback of the students’ test results, we have to reorganize the class, prepare a new curriculum and formulate new teaching content.

  Teacher Xiao told us that these two weeks seem relaxed, but in fact they also hide the pressure, because now every time they go through a big exam, students’ schedules and teaching contents are faced with readjustment. Take this exam as an example. After the results come out, some students will be satisfied and give up the second exam, so they can stop taking chemistry classes. For other students who want to retake the exam, the teacher needs to arrange classes for them again and make study plans according to their different situations.

  Xiao Zhongrong, Senior Three Chemistry Teacher of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School.Our original review should say that it has an overall arrangement and a more classic model. What about now? Our review or our teaching progress has been cut into several pieces. How to deal with such an exam in a relatively short time should be said that the change in time and some improvement in teaching requirements have undoubtedly deepened some of us. It should be said that teaching anxiety and even some pressure exist. "

  Tidal change of teacher ratio has great management pressure. 

  The change of the new college entrance examination has brought an impact on the original teaching rhythm. With the advancement of learning and selecting exams, the curriculum arrangement will change accordingly, and the workload of teachers will increase sharply, and there will be a shortage of manpower. However, once the exam is over, teachers will be idle again, and the ratio of teachers and workload will have to be dynamically adjusted.

  Feng Dingying, Vice President of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School: "After April next year, all the selected subjects have been tested, and there are three courses outside the language number. How many classes are there outside the language number? How many classes can be held? How many classes can the teacher and students tolerate? In addition, there are a large number of teachers who don’t have any classes. How do you remember the workload of the teacher and how do you calculate the class allowance for him? I haven’t considered it clearly. "

  (CCTV reporter Pan Hongxu)


The real estate industry still has huge room for development.

Chen sheng
Recently, there have been many favorable policies and news in the real estate field, and there are also many discussions about the future development of real estate. This industry has indeed experienced some difficulties in a certain period of time, but it is largely staged and short-term. From the perspective and law of real estate history, the future of China real estate has great room for development.
At present, real estate accounts for about 7% of GDP, and the construction industry is only about 14%, which is lower than that of many countries. This means that there is still a lot of room for the development of the real estate service industry, which is the opportunity in the future. All kinds of real estate service industries, including financial leasing, real estate for subdivided tracks, space derivative services, stock renewal and leasing, brokerage, asset management, etc., still have great room for development, and even some tracks are in a state of short supply. The discussion on China real estate should not be limited to the balance between supply and demand, but also take into account the development space and opportunities of each track.
We can firmly believe in the growth of real estate and various derivative services, because the future of real estate will not stick to the current development model, but will be transformed into a new development model. So what is the new development model? The extensive development model of high scale, high leverage, high turnover and high debt in the past will develop into a new real estate model with product quality as the center, customer service as the core and people as the center. The new model requires us to return to the real estate products themselves. First-class housing enterprises that can lead the trend in the new era must have excellent quality, outstanding brand, modern governance and leading innovation.
The development of the real estate industry will never end. At present, it still maintains a trading demand of 10 trillion yuan, which is already a very large market. In addition, people’s pursuit for a better life and a green living environment is endless. The progress of science and technology, the improvement of aesthetics and the change of population structure can bring new opportunities to the development of real estate.
There may still be some difficulties to be solved now, but this is phased and cyclical. In 2022, the urbanization rate of China was 65.22%. According to the law of world development, before the urbanization rate reached 75%, almost no country had a sustained and irreversible bubble collapse in real estate. China’s urbanization development is expected to maintain an average annual growth range of 0.5% to 0.8%. Coupled with factors such as population migration between cities and economic recovery to drive residents’ housing consumption, the overall demand for medium and long-term rigid housing is sufficient. At the same time, there is a mismatch between the real estate inventory and the current demand in location, apartment type and quality, and the imbalance between supply and demand of high-quality housing and the structural shortage are prominent, which will also give birth to sustained incremental demand.
The demand for quality improvement will stimulate the new vitality of the market. Before 2000, there were 219,000 old urban residential areas in China, which were small in area, low in quality, poor in supporting facilities and inadequate in property management. Nearly 35% of families still lived in such a housing environment. The need to improve the living environment is still urgent. In addition, the peak circulation rate of stock houses in some countries is 5% to 6%, while in China it is only 1% to 2% at present. This means that we still have a huge room for improvement in this respect, and it is estimated that the average annual demand for improvement will exceed 8 million sets.
Relevant research shows that people have higher expectations and requirements for real estate products and services than before. The demand for healthy homes in the post-epidemic era and the evolution of new family structure mean that the industry has more possibilities for value-added. The birth of new demands and new functions, as well as the iteration of new technologies and new materials, will also bring continuous innovation vitality and development momentum to upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry, which is our confidence in the future.
At the same time, our real estate also contains strong structural growth potential. In the product-centered era, structural development opportunities mean that housing enterprises should make corresponding changes in time. The current development situation also confirms this point. Although some housing enterprises have experienced development difficulties, there are also a number of enterprises that insist on product quality to maintain steady development, and even some enterprises known for their projects have ushered in hot sales. It is undeniable that some old enterprises still face great pressure under the old model. On the one hand, we need to cut with the old model; On the other hand, it is necessary to build a new development track.
Housing enterprises should abandon the mentality of treating consumers as bill payers in the past, but take consumers as partners with common interests and adhere to people-oriented and customer-centered; We should return from the thinking of emphasizing finance and development to the thinking of specialty and customer-orientation, actively change the logic of enterprise management and real estate business development, build a product service system that starts with customer research and ends with customer experience, build a three-good system of good products, good services and good life, and run better service quality through the whole cycle of sales delivery. Only in this way can we always maintain a positive interaction with consumers and feed back the development momentum of enterprises with brand potential energy.
There are many possibilities for the future development of real estate by cutting the wrong model of the past and building a new development model. The key to the future development of housing enterprises is to adhere to the long-term goal, stabilize confidence, adhere to the people-oriented, product-oriented and service-oriented development model, and strive to create a good product, good community and good service. (The author is Dean of China Real Estate Data Research Institute) ▲
# Hundreds of New Earnings #

Selected as a non-legacy, 44 China "tea culture" impressed the world.

  [Global Times reporter Chen Qianzhong Yuhua] Editor’s Note: On the evening of November 29th, Beijing time, at the 17th regular session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, China’s declared "China’s traditional tea-making skills and related customs" passed the evaluation and was included in the UNESCO representative list of human intangible cultural heritage. Human beings need harmonious coexistence and elegant and poetic habitation. China tea culture pays attention to "tea and the world", and its concept of "quietness and elegance" meets the needs of today’s world.

  Non-legacy projects mainly come from four major tea areas.

  "Traditional tea-making skills and related customs in China" refers to the knowledge, skills and practices related to tea garden management, tea picking, hand-made tea and tea drinking and sharing. Wang Fuzhou, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Art and director of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, told the Global Times reporter that the project included 44 small projects from 15 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) across the country. This declaration covers traditional tea-making techniques such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, black tea, yellow tea, reprocessed tea, etc., and also includes related customs such as jingshan tea banquet and tea-driving field, which can be called the "largest volume" in all previous human heritage declaration projects in China. According to the local conditions, tea makers have developed more than 2,000 kinds of tea products with different colors, smells, tastes and shapes, using tools such as frying pan, bamboo plaque and baking cage, and using core techniques such as deactivating enzymes, suffocating yellow, piling, withering, fermenting and scenting.

  The tea maker is withering the Fuding white tea.

  Wang Fuzhou said that traditional tea-making techniques are closely related to geographical location and natural environment, mainly concentrated in the four major tea-making areas of Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Southwest and South China, south of the Huaihe River in Qinling Mountains of China and east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, including Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui, Hubei, Henan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces (cities, autonomous regions); Related customs are widely spread all over the country and shared by many ethnic groups.

  A document submitted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to UNESCO states that tea is ubiquitous in the daily life of China people. People drink tea in homes, workplaces, teahouses, restaurants and temples by soaking and boiling. Tea is an important part of social activities and ceremonies such as weddings, apprentices and sacrifices.

  As a member of this application project, Wang Fuzhou said that the selection of "China traditional tea-making skills and related customs" as this application project is due to the fact that tea has traditional skills, its geographical distribution is wide, its heritage types are rich, and it has the historical significance of East-West exchanges such as the ancient Silk Road and the ancient tea-horse road.

  Yu Jinlong, a cultural scholar, told the Global Times reporter that the western lifestyle that consumes a lot and pays attention to material things is no longer suitable for human development. Humans need a richer spiritual life. The excellent Chinese traditional culture just meets human needs, and tea culture is an outstanding representative.

  China tea is connected to the whole world.

  Zou Jiaju, president of Yunnan Tea Industry Association, told Global Times that China was the first country in the world to grow and make tea. Tea has been associated with China people for thousands of years, which has been verified in many historical materials, including Shennong Herbal Classic, China’s first drug monograph, Tea Classic written by Lu Yu in Tang Dynasty, and Su Shi, a great poet in Song Dynasty’s discussion on drinking tea in his poems. Tea has a long history in China, which is not only deeply integrated into people’s daily life, but also becomes an important carrier for inheriting Chinese culture.

  Jiang Song, a cultural scholar, told reporters that the earliest tea was basically drunk by some nobles and elites. Subsequently, the development and popularization of tea drinking culture was related to religion. It can be found from some literature records that Taoism and Buddhism were very popular in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Taoists and monks all followed a way of clearing up after noon and drinking tea to refresh their minds. In the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism spread widely, and ordinary people began to drink tea, forming a mass tea drinking culture, which reached its peak in the Song Dynasty. From Zhang Zeduan’s "The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival", we can see many teahouses. In the Northern Song Dynasty, drinking tea in teahouses has become an important social way. In the Song Dynasty, there was an elegant way of fighting tea, in which the tea-fighters took their own good tea, cooked it in turn, and evaluated each other to compete. Tea fighting includes tea fighting products, tea fighting orders and tea games. One of the links of tea fighting is to crush the tea cake, then fry it, and then use boiling water to break the tea with special tools. The longer the foam lasts, the better the tea is.

  Zheng Changling, deputy director and secretary-general of China Folk Culture Innovation and Development Center, told the Global Times reporter that people in China discovered tea very early and widely produced and served their lives, leaving behind the ancient tea-horse road, which is talked about by people today.

  As a famous commercial road, such as Silk Road, Maritime Silk Road and Wanli Tea Ceremony, the ancient tea-horse road is a link between different regions, different nationalities and different cultures, a historical witness to the prosperity of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization.

  The Yunnan-Tibet line and Sichuan-Tibet line of the original Tea-Horse Road crossed the Hengduan Mountain and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for the first time in the form of an expedition road, extended to the western regions, and joined the Silk Road. The phenomenon of multicultural interaction and exchange formed on the Tea-Horse Road, which became one of the powerful arteries connecting ancient and modern China with the outside world. More than 20 ethnic groups, including Han, Tibetan, Dai, Yi and Naxi, inhabit the area radiated by the Tea-Horse Ancient Road, which is a collection of Central Plains culture, Tibetan traditional culture, Baye culture, fire culture, Dongba culture and other cultural forms, and Tibetan Buddhism and Zen have also left different degrees of influence.

  Yu Jinlong, a cultural scholar, told the Global Times reporter that as the origin of tea trees and the birthplace of tea culture, China’s tea, tea trees and tea culture spread all over the world with the development of cultural exchanges and commercial trade. It was introduced to Japan, Korea, South Asia, Southeast Asia and other regions in the Tang Dynasty, and spread to European countries, the American continent, the Middle East, Russia and other regions in the 16th century. Under the direct influence of China’s tea culture, Britain, Japan, South Korea, Russia and Morocco have also formed their own tea culture. Among them, Japanese tea ceremony and Korean tea ceremony are most influenced by Chinese tea culture.

  Jiang Song said that in the Tang Dynasty, when Jian Zhen traveled eastward, Buddhism brought tea to Japan, which changed the Japanese way of life. Among the western countries, tea has had the most influence on Britain since the 17th century, which in turn has affected the whole of Europe. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the whole national economy of Britain was affected by the tea trade. According to statistics, 10% of British national income was used to buy tea, which became an important luxury. Some elites thought that the British people were too extravagant in tea consumption, so they suggested that they reduce drinking tea. However, drinking tea has become a way of life, not only because the British diet with more meat needs tea to improve digestion, but also because drinking afternoon tea has become a social way, and then a large number of teahouses have appeared. At that time, a housewife was not a qualified housewife if she could not cook tea for her guests.

  By the 19th century, Britain’s national economy was closely related to two kinds of plants, one was to spend silver to buy China tea, the other was to control the huge trade deficit, and began to grow poppies in India to make opium, and later even launched two opium wars.

  In order to narrow the huge trade deficit, Britain decided to steal tea seeds. In the late Qing Dynasty, Robert Fujun, a British plant hunter, smuggled China tea trees to India. At present, tea is grown in at least 50 countries around the world, and more than 120 countries import tea from China. The number of people who like tea in the world has exceeded 5 billion. It can be said that tea and tea culture originated in China have spread all over the world.

  The closed-door policy was adopted in the late Qing Dynasty, and China’s tea-making techniques and other related tea cultures began to lag behind Japan in commercial marketing and communication. However, the tea-growing techniques and tea-making techniques inherited by China people for thousands of years are profound and profound, and they are still second to none today.

  Non-genetic inheritor: Successful application for World Heritage is only the starting point.

  Fan Shenghua, a provincial representative inheritor of the picking and production skills of the national intangible cultural heritage project "West Lake Longjing Tea", participated in this application. He told the Global Times reporter that the success of the application means heavier responsibility and better inheritance. After 48 years of frying tea, in order to pass on the "frying tea skills left by ancestors from generation to generation", Fan Shenghua began to go to surrounding schools and vocational skills training units to train the production skills of West Lake Longjing tea in 2015. "It takes patience to stir-fry tea, which is what I often emphasize with young people." Yang Feng, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Zhenghe white tea making skills, once participated in the production of Bai Mudan, the national gift of the G20 Hangzhou Summit in 2016. He told the Global Times reporter that the success of this application is enough to prove the value of China tea and tea making skills, which is an important example of Chinese culture’s self-confidence.

  Successful application for the World Heritage is conducive to promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the global tea industry, deepening the integration and mutual learning of tea culture, and letting more people know and love tea, enjoy the fragrance of tea and share a better life. At the same time, tea culture will have a far-reaching impact on moral cultivation and personality shaping. Promoting the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations through the Silk Road will play an important role in the sustainable development of human society.

  At present, Yang Feng’s tea factory cooperates with international organizations to provide a study tour mode of "labor for accommodation". Over the past few years, hundreds of volunteers from more than 10 countries have been attracted to live in tea factories and experience life with the workers. These volunteers have also brought their understanding and good memories of Zhenghe white tea to all corners of the country.

  Yang Feng told the Global Times reporter, "The application for the World Heritage is only the starting point. We should focus on the quality of tea and cherish the value of the brand. With the country ‘ The belt and road initiative ’ The implementation of the initiative responds to the call for China culture to go abroad. I hope that international friends who love tea can walk into Chashan to learn about China’s tea culture and bring our tea, century-old tea taste and our customs to all parts of the world. " Zheng Changling told the Global Times reporter that through this application, we can not only see the profound tea culture in China, but also need to see the ideas, wisdom, experience, emotion and spirit of understanding nature and pursuing harmony with the natural society, promote the inheritance and spread of cultural heritage, promote the public’s Chinese cultural consciousness, and further establish cultural self-confidence with more concrete substantive connotations.


What did the 20-year war leave for Afghanistan?

  【 honk 】

  In 2021, it is the 20th anniversary of the "9.11" incident that shocked the world, and it is also the 20th anniversary of the Afghan war launched by the United States. As the longest war in American history, it made the United States pay a heavy material price and casualties, and finally forced the United States to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. On April 14, 2021, the Biden administration of the United States announced that it would withdraw all US troops stationed in Afghanistan by September 11. However, 20 years later, what has this war left for Afghanistan?

  Turbulent, divided and impoverished Afghanistan

  After the "9.11" incident, the United States quickly launched the war in Afghanistan, overthrew the Taliban regime and drove away Al Qaeda. In the following 20 years, the United States continued the war on terrorism in Afghanistan, promoted post-war reconstruction and carried out so-called democratic transformation. As a result, Afghanistan has established a so-called Western-style democratic republic, achieved low-speed economic growth, and established a national security force.

  However, 20 years later, Afghanistan is still a conflict and turbulent country. A strategic goal of the United States in launching the war in Afghanistan is to make Afghanistan no longer a breeding ground for terrorism, but this goal has not been achieved. Because although the Taliban has been overthrown as a regime, it has been reorganized since 2003. So far, it has developed into an anti-American and anti-government political and military organization with more than 80,000 members. In addition to the Taliban, various extremist organizations such as Al Qaeda and the Khorasan branch of the Islamic State are also very active in Afghanistan. According to the annual Global global peace index released in June 2019, Afghanistan has replaced Syria as the most insecure country in the world. In the past 20 years, the conflict has brought a serious humanitarian disaster to Afghanistan. As of 2019, more than 40,000 civilians have died in Afghanistan, more than 60,000 people have been injured, and about 11 million people have become refugees.

  Afghanistan remains a de facto divided country. The United States and the Afghan government it supports cannot effectively govern the whole country, and mainly control the central and western regions and the northern regions, as well as large and medium-sized cities and transportation trunk lines throughout the country. The Afghan government is also inseparable from the military protection of the United States and its western allies. In addition, it also faces difficulties such as low governance efficiency and rampant corruption. On the other hand, the Taliban has controlled many areas such as southeastern and southern Afghanistan, and implemented effective management in a solid jurisdiction. For example, the implementation of Islamic law, providing protection to local people and helping to resolve civil or commercial disputes, actually forms a political separation trend with the Afghan government.

  Afghanistan is also one of the least developed countries in the world. The industrial and agricultural foundation is weak, food is not self-sufficient, the economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid, finance is not self-reliant, and people’s lives are hard. 2019— In fiscal year 2020, Afghanistan’s GDP was about 18.89 billion US dollars, and its per capita GDP was only 586.6 US dollars. Although Afghanistan’s fiscal revenue has increased year by year, it has been unable to make ends meet for many years, and 60% of its budget comes from international aid. The unemployment rate has been rising for many years, reaching 40% in 2019. Some laborers can only earn about $60 a month, making it difficult to support their families.

  American factors that can not be ignored

  The war on terrorism and the failure of reconstruction in Afghanistan are the result of various factors. However, as a promoter and leader, the American factor cannot be ignored. The reason is:

  First, after the end of the Cold War, the United States became the only superpower in the world, and hegemonism and militarism expanded, which led to the "anti-terrorism" front being stretched too long. The war in Afghanistan is the first war fought by the United States since the 21st century. In just over two months, it overthrew the Taliban regime and drove away Al Qaeda. In 2003, the aspiring United States launched the second war, the Iraq war, which quickly overthrew Saddam Hussein’s regime and then began the so-called democratic transformation in Iraq. If the United States attacked Afghanistan, it won the sympathy of the international community, but its attack on Iraq was completely unilateral and did not get the authorization of the United Nations. At the same time, the United States carried out the "anti-terrorism" war and the so-called democratic transformation in two countries, which led to the long front and the shift of strategic center, greatly underestimating the determination and strength of the Taliban to make a comeback. It was after the Iraq war in 2003 that the Taliban began to recruit and organize a large number of new forces and rebuild their intelligence and action networks, thus achieving strategic reorganization.

  Second, in the past 20 years, American troops stationed in Afghanistan have frequently killed and killed innocent civilians, ignored local religious and cultural customs, and the incidents of humiliating corpses and abusing prisoners have been constantly exposed, which has aroused the anti-American sentiment of the Afghan people and prompted more people to join the anti-American anti-government team. For example, from January to April 2012, incidents in which American soldiers insulted the bodies of anti-American militants in Afghanistan were exposed one after another. In February, soldiers stationed in the US military base in Afghanistan burned a large number of religious books including the Koran. In March, an American soldier shot and killed 16 innocent Afghan civilians. This series of incidents has triggered large-scale anti-American protests in Afghanistan and neighboring countries, and the Taliban also took the opportunity to strengthen retaliatory attacks on US troops stationed in Afghanistan. Over the past 20 years, the American media have repeatedly disclosed various incidents of prisoner abuse by the US military and intelligence departments. In 2017, a prosecutor of the International Criminal Court decided to fully investigate possible war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the United States.

  Third, the so-called western-style democracy may not be suitable for Afghanistan’s national conditions. Modern western democratic system can be generally established in European and American countries, which has gone through hundreds of years. During this period, it experienced the enlightenment of the Renaissance and the religious revolution, the direct promotion of the industrial revolution, and the repeated baptism of the bourgeois revolution. However, Afghanistan does not have the corresponding economic, class and ideological and cultural foundation. First of all, Afghanistan is one of the least developed countries in the world, with a low level of productivity. Secondly, since the 20th century, the capitalist economy has developed to a certain extent in Afghanistan, and a constitutional monarchy or a republican regime was established in the 1960s and 1970s. However, on the whole, the polarization between the rich and the poor in Afghanistan is wide, and about 40% of the population still lives below the poverty line. Thirdly, there are many tribes and ethnic groups in Afghanistan, and their identity is higher than that of the state, resulting in serious social and political polarization. Afghanistan is an Islamic country, and most people believe in Islam. It is difficult for many people, especially the middle and lower classes, to accept western democratic values. In such a country, Western-style democracy may aggravate the political and social division in Afghanistan, leading to national instability and ineffective governance.

  It can be seen that the war in Afghanistan, which lasted for nearly 20 years, left a turbulent, divided and poor Afghanistan, and the United States should deeply reflect on its wrong policies.

  (Author: Wang Feng, Unit: China Institute of African Studies, China Academy of Social Sciences)


Japanese beauty cosmetics China is cold: affected by the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, high-end market giants compete for key points

Japanese beauty brands are facing a new crisis in China market.

In the past Double Eleven, Japanese beauty brands collectively "disappeared" in the TOP10 sales list. According to the research report of Guojin Securities, the top ten brands sold by Amoy beauty shops during this year’s Double Eleven period were Polaiya, L ‘Oreal, Lancome, Estee Lauder, Winona, Mystery of Sea Blue, Olay, Xiuliko, helena rubinstein and Guerlain, and none of them were Japanese makeup brands. According to media observation, this is the first time that the Japanese makeup brand SK-Il has fallen out of the top ten since 2016, and it is also the first time that Shiseido, a Japanese makeup brand, has been out of the list since it entered the top ten in 2017. Both of them have occupied the list for many years.

Bai Wen Xi, chief economist of IPG China, told 21st century business herald that the impact of Japanese nuclear sewage discharge on Japanese cosmetics was an important factor, which led to the continuous fermentation of consumers’ resistance to Japanese cosmetics. In addition, domestic beauty brands performed strongly during the Double Eleven period. For example, brands such as Polaiya occupied the leading position in the beauty category for the first time, which may be another factor affecting the sales of Japanese makeup brands.

At present, the days of Japanese beauty brands are not easy. Take Shiseido, a well-known Japanese cosmetics brand, as an example. Last week, Shiseido lowered its annual profit forecast, and then its share price fell sharply. On November 13th, the share price of Shiseido in Japan once fell by 14%, the biggest drop in 36 years. As of 9: 00 am on November 20th, Shiseido’s share price rebounded to 4,329 yen, and its share price has fallen by 40.07% since the beginning of the year. Shiseido said that the demand from consumers in China slowed down due to the Japanese nuclear sewage discharged into the sea, and the sales in China decreased by about 10% in the third quarter. The company believes that the impact of nuclear sewage discharge will last until the first quarter of 2024. As of the first half of this year, the China market was Shiseido’s largest market.

Shiseido’s situation is just a microcosm of the cold reception of Japanese beauty brands. Judging from the performance of the third quarterly report this year, the performance of Japanese cosmetics on behalf of enterprises is lacking. In contrast, domestic cosmetics brands gradually occupy the mainstream in China market.

Why do Japanese cosmetics brands gradually regress in China market? At present, Kose Group and other Japanese cosmetics brands are still overweight the China market. What are the future development prospects?

Japanese beauty cosmetics encounter waterloo in China

For many Japanese beauty brands, this year’s Double Eleven may be a stress test. But obviously, the result is not satisfactory.

Judging from the achievements of the Double Eleven, Japanese beauty cosmetics not only failed to rank among the top ten beauty shops in Amoy Department, but also lost the list of the top ten brands of GMV in the category of double eleven beauty and skin care in Tik Tok this year. Poor performance in China market has directly affected the performance of many Japanese beauty companies.

Japan’s Shiseido Group released its financial report for the first three quarters of 2023. The financial report shows that its net sales decreased by 5.3% year-on-year to 722.4 billion yen (about RMB 34.752 billion), and its core operating profit decreased by 53% to 8.8 billion yen. Among them, Shiseido’s sales in China decreased by 9% this quarter, which directly offset the growth in the first half of the year. In the same period, China market also retreated to Shiseido’s second largest market. The same situation also appeared in Kao, Polaroid, Kose and other Japanese cosmetics companies.

Kao Group, the parent company of Kerun and Fulifang Silk, released its third-quarter financial report. The company’s net sales decreased by 0.2% year-on-year to 1.13 trillion yen, and its net profit decreased by 44.2% year-on-year. In the third quarter, which was most affected by the nuclear sewage incident, sales fell by 1.6% to 387.4 billion yen. Kao said in the financial report that the group’s cosmetics business lost 1.6 billion yen mainly due to the sharp decline in sales in China. Coincidentally, POLA Polaroid Group also named in its third-quarter financial report that it had to slow down its store expansion plan in China due to the impact of Japanese nuclear sewage discharge into the sea.

Since August this year, due to the nuclear sewage discharge incident, the sales of Japanese cosmetics in China and South Korea have been greatly hindered, which can be described as the "black swan" incident of Japanese cosmetics.

Chen Li, a researcher at Anbang think tank, told 21st century business herald that Japanese cosmetics suffered a brand crisis after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant announced that it would discharge sewage. Consumers in China thought that Japanese chemical products would be affected by nuclear sewage, labeled them as "unsafe" and turned to other substitutes. Whether the quality of Japanese cosmetics will be affected by this incident or not, the action of discharging nuclear sewage has caused negative feelings of China consumers about "Made in Japan", which is a big blow to the Japanese beauty industry.

In addition, Chen Li also believes that Japanese beauty products are cold in China, largely because consumers are increasingly inclined to choose domestic brands.

Since the news that Japan’s nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea came out, online discussions about the safety of Japanese cosmetics have come and gone, which directly affected the export of Japanese cosmetics. According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, since May this year, China’s cosmetics imported from Japan began to show a significant decline. Among them, the import value in June decreased by 8.4% year-on-year; In July, the import value dropped by 30% year-on-year.

Chen Li said that from the product point of view, although Japanese cosmetics brands have always paid attention to R&D, in recent years, domestic brands have also made major breakthroughs in product R&D, which is more cost-effective, more in line with the habits of consumers in China, and has reduced the attractiveness of Japanese cosmetics to the China market to some extent. From the brand point of view, the international influence of Japanese cosmetics is not as good as that of European and American brands. Domestic brands are also expanding their influence with the trend of "cultural self-confidence" and "national rejuvenation", so the brand power of Japanese cosmetics is squeezed.

According to the report of the Capital Securities Industry, China Customs data show that China’s cosmetics imports mainly come from Japan, South Korea, France, Britain, the United States and other places. From 2015 to 2022, China’s total cosmetics imports from Japan increased from US$ 488 million to US$ 4.987 billion, an increase of over 10 times. However, since the beginning of this year, the total amount of imported cosmetics in China has shown a downward trend. The total amount of imported cosmetics from Japan has continued to decline since March, and the total amount of imported cosmetics from Japan in the first quarter fell by 11.73% year-on-year.

Domestic head brands accelerate to occupy the market.

At present, the domestic cosmetics market has ushered in a new round of reshuffle. The most striking difference is that the phenomenon that foreign cosmetic brands dominate the China market is gone forever.

According to Huajing Industrial Research Institute, the market share of China cosmetics market in 2021 will be 28.8%, 16.2%, 30.1%, 8.3% and 4.3% for China, French, Korean and Japanese brands respectively. At a time when many Japanese cosmetics brands are in decline, the rise of domestic brands has become a bright color. According to the data of beauty industry media, in this year’s Double Eleven list, domestic brand Polaiya won the first place in the list of Tmall and Tik Tok double 11 skin care brands. Among them, in the list of Tmall double 11 skin care brands, Polaiya beat L ‘Oreal with a GMV of 2.219 billion yuan.

Chen Li said, "China’s economy continues to recover, consumers are more rational, pay more attention to the cost performance of products, and pursue products with favorable prices while ensuring quality." In addition, Chen Li believes that consumers show enthusiastic concern about the ingredients of products and whether the ingredients of products are safe or not, while domestic cosmeceutical brands start with "biological ingredients and" herbal raw materials "and achieve a sudden emergence, further squeezing the Japanese cosmeceutical market.

Bai Wenxi also holds a similar view. He told reporters that the reasons for the rise of domestic brands may include the improvement of product quality and the effective marketing strategy.

Some analysts believe that in recent years, domestic skin care brands have paid more attention to the concepts of mild conditioning, natural no addition and no stimulation. Take Polaiya, a domestic brand, as an example. In order to meet the demand of whitening, it relies on the concept of "early C and late A" to force L ‘Oré al, Lancome, Estee Lauder and other big brands in sales. In this regard, Bai Wenxi believes that for beauty products, the focus of consumers’ attention now may include the quality, effect and safety of products, as well as the influence and reputation of brands. In this respect, the performance of Japanese beauty cosmetics lags behind other brands, because the popularity and recognition of its products in China market are relatively low, and its marketing strategy and product positioning may not meet the needs and preferences of China consumers. Chen Li also believes that Japan may not be as agile as domestic brands in capturing and responding to China’s hot trends.

In order to seize the China market, Japanese beauty cosmetics bet on high-end beauty consumption. Take Shiseido as an example. In 2021, Shiseido sold popular brands such as Secret Language of Water and Sibeiqi, and put more resources on high-end brands such as Shiseido, CPB and THE GINZA. At the same time, Shiseido focuses on the China market and increases investment in market production and R&D.. Recently, Shiseido also launched a small program of "Watching the United States and Japan", and cooperated with jnto, Hoshino Group, Japan Airlines and other institutions and companies to introduce Japanese tourism and cultural consultation and promote Japanese tourists’ consumption in.

Chen Li said that Shiseido should concentrate on its core business by reorganizing its business resources and reducing its mass brands. In the case of economic recovery, enterprises will give priority to reducing costs and increasing efficiency. This move is in line with the global beauty market as a whole to the "high-end" direction, and is also in line with the strategic layout direction of Japanese cosmetics brands such as Shiseido in China.

However, some analysts believe that the cold consumption of high-end beauty cosmetics in the past two years has become another factor affecting the performance of Japanese makeup brands. According to the data of Tencent Marketing Insight (TMI) and Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the domestic high-end beauty market has maintained a high growth rate of 20% in the past few years, and the growth rate reached 41.8% in 2021, but there was a slight correction of 2% in 2022.

Nevertheless, the interviewed experts still believe that the fast-growing high-end product track is the key strategy for Japanese beauty brands to increase their market share in China. However, in this field, Japanese makeup brands also encounter great challenges. In March this year, the Japanese cosmetics group POLA announced that it would shut down high-end brands Amplitude and ITRIM, and Shuizhiao H2O Company will also complete liquidation this year. This year, POLA Group will cut off three brands.

According to Euromonitor’s data, since 2017, the sales of high-end beauty cosmetics in the China market have maintained an average annual growth rate of more than 23%, and it is expected that it will completely surpass popular beauty cosmetics by 2025. This means that the competition for high-end market will become the "general battlefield" of the next head beauty enterprises, and it is also the key for enterprises to win the market initiative and voice in the next 10 years.

How can Japanese cosmetics, which have been overtaken step by step, regain the China market? Chen Li believes that "if Japanese beauty companies want to continue to pay attention to the China market, they should pay attention to the competition in the high-end product track, keep up with the demand of the consumer market in China, and create’ efficacy first’ big items according to the skin quality, aesthetics and psychological portraits of China consumers, and constantly expand the matrix of big items."

(21st century business herald)