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The vegetable market is open in the mobile phone, where does the community group buying go?

On December 19, Tianjin, several citizens walked into a community group buying self-pickup points.

A citizen walks past a community group buying poster in Tianjin on December 9.

On December 19, Tianjin, a citizen with a mobile phone walked past the poster of the community group buying in front of the supermarket.

On December 9, Tianjin, a citizen in Heping District reads a poster of community group buying.

  The battle between Internet companies and the food market continues. When Internet Tech Giants began to enter community group buying, ads in community WeChat groups and coupons in mobile apps replaced the familiar shouting and bargaining sounds in the food market. People simply pre-order on their mobile phones, and the goods will arrive at the pick-up point selected by the customer the next day.

  In the first month that some Internet companies started doing community group buying, the number of openings reached 120. At the end of November, an Internet Tech Giants announced that its community group buying has covered 200 cities, and the most one day, it opened stores in 36 cities.

  Here, some people found that the original price of a few dozen yuan barbecue grill can be bought for only two yuan, and some people have bought a penny a catty of hawthorn, a fifty-cent egg, a catty of citrus.

  After the rise of community group buying, some customers have reduced the frequency of going to vegetable markets and supermarkets. However, the low-priced products on the community group buying platform have also aroused the alarm of many people. Weilong, Xiang Piao Piao, Radar Battery and other brands have issued notices prohibiting distributors from supplying to the community group buying platform. Some wholesalers are worried about losing traditional supermarket users and are reluctant to supply hot-selling products to the community group buying platform. Some netizens are also worried that the Internet will attract customers with low-priced products and take away the livelihood of vegetable sellers.

  On December 22, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Ministry of Commerce held an administrative guidance meeting to standardize the order of community group buying. This meeting, attended by six Internet platform companies including Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com, Meituan, Pinduoduo and Didi, requires Internet platform companies to strictly abide by the "nine must not". Including, Internet platforms shall not dump at low prices, abuse their independent pricing power, predatory pricing without justifiable reasons, and shall not use data advantages to "kill", and shall not sell counterfeit and shoddy goods.


  The battle for the entrance to the vegetable market began in the second half of 2020.

  A full-time "head" (community group buying initiator) in Chengdu, who is involved in at least six community group buying platforms, has observed that every time a new platform enters, it always distributes large subsidies, and some even send free fruit, salt, napkins, etc. He studies the coupons issued by various platforms on a regular basis and recommends the most cost-effective platform to customers every day. His highest sales record is more than 500 people placing orders a day.

  After the customer places an order, the Internet platform delivers the goods to his pick-up point. He notifies the customer to pick up the goods in time. The head of the team gets a 10% commission on each order. On the day of the most sales, the full-time head of the team received a commission of 1,500 yuan.

  Since the sharing of bicycles, takeout, and online car-hailing, community group buying has become the battlefield of a new round of "price war". In addition to price, the head of the team who is good at managing interpersonal relationships is the "weapon" that Internet companies must compete for.

  In a residential building in Jinan City, Shandong Province, 10 heads of delegation appeared, and the owner joked that "they can all make group buying according to the floor distinction." In Hongxiajiao Road, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, when customers opened a community group buying app on December 14, they were automatically matched with a self-pickup point. Four days later, 28 self-pickup points appeared on the 1.2-kilometer-long road.

  A local supermarket owner in Baotou, Inner Mongolia province, said he had been greeting four or five rounds of salespeople from different platforms every day to persuade him to become the head of the department. He joined three of the internet platforms only when two rival local supermarkets became pickup points – he was worried that customers would flow to the other two.

  The rural market has also become a battleground for Internet companies. As of December 21, the business coverage of the community group buying platform includes 15 provinces, 175 prefecture-level cities, more than 1,400 county-level cities, more than 5,100 townships and 42,000 villages.

  A villager who has opened a grocery store in Longzhou Community, Miluo City, Yueyang City, Hunan Province for more than 20 years told China Youth Daily that before 2018, she went out every morning at 6 or 7 o’clock, went to the vegetable market to buy food, and brought it back to the grocery store for sale. The vegetable market in the town is a 26-minute walk from Longzhou Community. She recalled that the elderly people in the village who cook at home can’t travel long distances and can’t ride motorcycles. They have to ask relatives and friends to go to the vegetable market once a week to buy food and store it in the refrigerator.

  After her son-in-law taught her to use the community group buying platform, she became the head of the group. During the epidemic, she was able to receive more than 200 orders a day. Now, an elderly person living alone asks her to place an order for fresh fruits and vegetables every day, and she helps the elderly deliver them to their door. She also bought a certain northern fruit on the platform, which has never appeared in the vegetable market in Miluo City.

  An old couple in Shantou City didn’t even know the commission of the head of the group. Meituan’s preferred advertisement was already posted on the door of the grocery store they ran. The son took the initiative to help them apply to become the head of the group. Since then, this "never-doing" grocery store has welcomed more customers.


  When the internet comes, business comes. Traffic blockages in Mayang Miao Autonomous County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province, which is rich in rock candy oranges and yellow peaches, once caused fruit sales to be slow. The head of a local agricultural product sales company said that after the community group buying platform purchased goods from his company, the company’s sales of rock candy oranges tripled. It became a hit on the platform.

  But it’s not just traffic that the internet brings. Changsha, a city in Hunan province, is an important city in the community group buying war. This community group buying city has been developing for a long time and has a high penetration rate. It has attracted multiple Internet platforms to enter and grab customers. At Jinshang Fresh Market in Yuelu District, Changsha City, a vegetable vendor told a reporter from China Youth Daily China Youth Network that the "price war" of multiple Internet platforms has obviously affected her business. In the past month, her daily turnover has been reduced from 2,000 yuan to 300 yuan.

  Previously, there were few community group buying platforms in Changsha, and the platform pricing was high, which had little impact on her business. But now, some customers tell her that they have bought 0.9 yuan a catty of potatoes and 0.68 yuan a catty of carrots on the Internet. But the wholesale price she bought back from the wholesale market was 1.6 yuan per potato and 1.3 yuan per carrot. Due to the decrease in traffic counting, her stall closing time was extended from 5 pm to 9 pm, but sales still did not improve.

  The vendor runs a 6-square-meter stall in the market and has long supplied restaurants with vegetables. Once, a restaurant owner complained that the epidemic had hit the restaurant business. He wanted to cut costs and buy ingredients from the Internet platform. "Wait until you are about the same price as the platform, and I will buy your goods." Previously, she supplied more than a dozen restaurants. After the "price war" of the group buying platform began, only six restaurants continued to cooperate with her.

  The wholesale market she frequented, which used to be stuck in traffic jams, is now smooth. Wholesalers are more enthusiastic than ever when they see her come to stock up, and hope she buys more. But to reduce inventory losses, she starts to choose storage-resistant vegetables such as potatoes and radishes. On her vegetable stand, there used to be nearly 100 items for customers to choose from, but now there are only more than 30.

  While waiting for customers to come to the door, she sat with the vendor next to her and sighed. She did not tell her college-aged son or parents living in her hometown about these situations. In order to continue to support the family of old and young, the woman with a junior high school degree decided that after the Spring Festival next year, her husband will go to deliver food, and she will go to the restaurant to work as a cleaner.

  It is difficult to count how many people’s livelihoods will be affected by Internet companies in this battle. In some areas where community group buying has just developed, there are vendors selling fresh pork who see that the platform only offers frozen pork, and only pork belly and pork belly are available. They think that community group buying will take a long time to develop before it will affect their livelihood. Others insist that customers who buy fruit in their own stores know better quality and do not overlap with Internet users.

  In contrast, supermarket owners are more sensitive to community group buying than vegetable vendors. A community supermarket owner in Baotou believes that the quality, variety and origin of fresh food affect the final price, while the prices of goods sold in supermarkets are more transparent and uniform, and they are more disadvantaged in "price wars".

  The supermarket owner told the China Youth Daily China Youth Network reporter to take a carton of milk from a certain brand as an example. The supermarket’s purchase price is 51 yuan, the supermarket’s lowest promotional price is 53 yuan, but the community group buying platform’s group buying price is 44 yuan. Six months ago, the supermarket could sell almost 10 cartons of this milk a day. Now, it only sells four or five cartons a week.

  Potato chips have a similar experience. A certain brand of potato chips, priced at 5 yuan a barrel, ended up selling for 8 yuan a barrel, and the dealer and the supermarket each earned 1.5 yuan. But on the community group buying platform, this potato chip sells for only 3 yuan. The supermarket owner explained, "If the snack expires, the dealer needs to transfer the goods and recycle the snack from the supermarket, and the group buying platform directly connects with consumers, so there is no need to worry about the risk of expiration."

  This mom-and-pop community supermarket has had six consecutive months of customer growth, new customer growth, and declining operating income. The boss chose to remove non-staple food and fruit from the shelves.


  More and more people are realizing that unusually low prices can bring new problems.

  A manufacturer of seasonings forbids distributors from supplying to community group buying platforms. The person in charge told China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that in the past six months, the factory has received complaints from partners all over the country, saying that the price of seasonings sold by community group buying platforms is too low, which disrupts the original market and leads to confusion in supply.

  A snack wholesaler in Baotou City, when meeting his peers, the topic of community group buying is always unavoidable. He believes that every wholesaler who supplies to the platform can make money, but this way of making money is not sustainable. After the platform grows, it will directly bypass the wholesaler and pick up the goods from the production factory.

  He supplies six small supermarkets near a school in Baotou. These six small supermarkets are going to boycott the community group buying platform and refuse to be the head of the group. The reason is that although the head of the group can get a 10% commission on sales, it affects the normal sales of the supermarket. If customers buy goods in the supermarket, the supermarket can earn 15%, which is more than the head of the group. Wholesalers persuade supermarkets to follow the crowd. He worries that if the stationery store and washing shop near the supermarket become self-pickup points, it will divide the flow of people in the supermarket.

  Due to the different development of community group buying in different places, the quality of low-priced goods on the platform varies. In rural Hunan, users can buy fresh fish in vacuum packaging, while in Baotou, where community group buying is developing slowly, some users have purchased fruits and vegetables that are not heavy enough.

  A customer in Baotou once spent 5.68 yuan to buy three Xinjiang Aksu rock candy apples that were claimed to be "sweeter than first love" and crispy, sweet and juicy. But the apples he actually got were only the size of ordinary lemons, and the user asked for a refund. The head of the group felt that it was a pity to throw it away. After eating a few bites, he found that it was not the rock candy heart apple advertised by the platform.

  Almost all participants are aware that the subsidy war for community group buying will not last for a long time. In mid-December, several heads of state in Chengdu received a price adjustment notice issued by Didi’s community group buying platform, Chengxin Preferred, saying that commodity prices would be adjusted to ensure the healthy development of the community group buying industry.

  Nearly 70 Chengdu heads of state analyze the latest policies and trends of each Internet platform in the WeChat group. The heads of state are most concerned about "de-delegation". Some heads of state analyze that if the community group buying platform starts arranging riders to deliver goods in the future, or opens brick and mortar stores, the usefulness of the heads of state will become less and less.

  He has a deep sense of urgency: "We don’t have the initiative, everything is in the hands of the platform." The way out of his plan is to retrieve high-quality fresh food from major platforms and put it on the shelves of the group buying platform he formed.

  However, community group buying has not slowed down due to doubts and criticism. On the contrary, more companies are interested in testing the waters in this track. A senior head of Chengdu said that two new Internet Tech Giants are ready to start community group buying business, and their salespeople recently invited him to join the platform.

  Community group buying first appeared in 2015. In 2019, many community group buying platforms encountered an operational crisis. Some platforms withdrew their stations and laid off staff in many places, and some platforms chose to merge. The consensus in the industry is that the epidemic has boosted the development of community group buying. According to media reports, during the epidemic, Xingsheng’s orders in Wuhan increased dozens of times; some platforms covered thousands of communities in Wuhan, with more than 350,000 active users. To this end, the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Commerce also coordinated buses and postal vehicles for transporting goods from community group buying.

  A company that is developing community group buying said that the epidemic in 2020 prompted the company to make up its mind to develop community e-commerce. The company found the potential of community group buying model from multiple dimensions: unsalable agricultural products, farmers can’t buy cheap good things; some urban residents’ unmet shopping needs; it is difficult to travel in extreme weather, and the vegetable market is far from the residential area.

  In the summer of 2020, multiple Internet platforms entered the community group buying. In June, the Orange Heart Preferred Mini Program was officially launched. In July, Meituan launched Meituan Preferred, focusing on the lower-tier market. In August, Pinduoduo’s Duoduo Shopping Mini Program was put into trial operation.

  Predictably, this silent wet market will continue to hustle and bustle. With the encouragement of salespeople, groups of stay-at-home mothers have joined the ranks of the leaders. New users are experimenting with placing orders on the Internet. New cities appear on the map of community group buying.

  At the same time, the relevant rules are also being introduced one after another. On the 22nd, the community group buying "nine must not" new regulations were introduced. Before that, on November 10th, the State Regulation for Market Regulation announced the "Anti-Monopoly Guidelines on the Platform Economy (exposure draft) ", which mentioned that platform operators through subsidies, discounts, discounts, discounts, traffic resource support and other incentive methods may have a certain positive effect on the interests of platform operators, consumers and the overall welfare of society. However, if there is a significant exclusion and restriction of market competition, it may be determined to constitute a restricted transaction behavior.

  According to media reports, on December 9, the Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau took the lead in the country to issue the "E-commerce" vegetable community group buying "compliance management notice", requiring the head of the vegetable community group buying to handle the corresponding market subject registration as appropriate, and platform operators shall not implement low-price dumping at a price lower than cost, crowding out competitors to monopolize the market and disrupting the normal business order.

  In an interview with China Youth Daily, a staff member of the community group buying platform also believes that the development of community group buying should be gradual, which will not seriously affect the livelihood of small traders and hawkers, but also create many jobs at the same time. The ongoing price war has disrupted the balance of the ecological chain. He cannot predict when the price war will end, "the short term is half a year, the medium term is one year, and the long term may be three years".

  (The pictures in this article are all provided by Visual China, China Youth Daily · China Youth Network trainee reporter, Wei Xi)


The price of Xingyue L Zhiqing in Suqian area has been greatly reduced, with a reserve price of 152,700! just this once

Welcome to pay attention to the preferential promotion channel in Suqian, car home, to bring you the latest automobile market dynamics. At present, the high-profile Geely series is launching a high-profile car purchase discount. In Suqian area, Xingyue L Zhiqing model is giving back to consumers with the highest cash profit of 0.7 million yuan, which means that consumers have the opportunity to start with a lower starting price, and the lowest starting price has dropped to 152,700 yuan. This is a rare opportunity to buy a car. For those who want to know more details and get the best price, don’t miss it. Click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form and seize this opportunity!


The exterior design of the car system Xingyue L Zhiqing shows a unique sense of modernity and strength. The front face adopts exquisite family design, and the large-area air intake grille is decorated with chrome, which is matched with the LED headlight group to form a highly recognizable visual impact. The overall body lines are smooth and the proportion of the body is coordinated, creating a stable and dynamic appearance style, showing the perfect integration of advanced business and sportiness.


Xingyue L Zhiqing shows its unique charm with its exquisite craftsmanship and elegant body design. The body size is 4795mm*1895mm*1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845mm, creating a spacious interior space. Streamlined car side lines outline strength and movement. The 19-inch rim with 235/50 R19 tires not only enhances the visual impact, but also ensures the stability and handling performance of the vehicle.


The interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is full of luxury and technology. The exquisite leather steering wheel provides manual up and down+front and rear adjustment function, which gives the driver a comfortable grip. The 12.3-inch central control screen stands in the center of the dashboard, integrating multimedia system, navigation and voice recognition functions, which is convenient to operate and informative. The seat is made of imitation leather, and the front and rear, backrest and height can be adjusted in many directions. The driver’s seat also has heating and ventilation functions, and the driver’s seat is additionally equipped with electric memory function. The second row of seats also supports backrest adjustment to meet the comfort needs of different passengers. In addition, the car is also equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, as well as the wireless charging function of the mobile phone, which fully meets the connection needs of users.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a torque output of 255nm, which is matched with a 3-speed DHT transmission, providing abundant power performance and high performance for the vehicle.

Summarizing the owner’s evaluation of Xingyue L Zhiqing, he spoke highly of its exterior design, especially the atmospheric feeling of handlebars and the collocation of 20-inch wheels, which made him satisfied. Although he hopes that the front face can learn from Volvo’s design to enhance the sense of class, on the whole, the owner agrees with the size and luxury of his vehicle. With its atmospheric appearance and excellent configuration, Xingyue L Zhiqing has undoubtedly won the heart of this car owner.


60-Year-old Stephen Chow, happy birthday

Time Editorial Department | Hidden Drink

Heal life with movies.

Today is Xingchi Zhou’s 60th birthday. I wish Xingye a happy birthday!

Born in the slums, "walk-on" entered the industry, from "I am an actor" to retreating into the background to become a director.

From Xingzai to Xingye, more than 30 years of film, and more than 50 films starring or directing, Stephen Chow has brought many classic works to fans, as well as countless touching and laughing.

Regarding the screen image of Lord Xing, it has been reviewed too many times.

Today, Time Lord wants to change his perspective and tell 15 short stories about him.

Perhaps there is something in it that you don’t know.


"Fa Xiao" Leung Chaowei

Stephen Chow and Tony Leung, the two superstars of Hong Kong’s film industry, are actually "young children".

Their birthdays were only five days apart, and they first met because Tony Leung’s classmate was dating Stephen Chow’s sister, and they both went to work as light bulbs.

In 1982, they went to the Hong Kong TVB artiste training class together. As a result, Tony Leung, who accompanied him, was selected, but Stephen Chow fell into the sun. Thanks to Qi Meizhen’s support, he was admitted to the night class.

As a classmate, Wu Zhenyu once said that the teacher most often praised Tony Leung in class.

But every time they stood in line, Stephen Chow and Tony Leung refused to stand in the first row because the person in front was the shortest.

Unexpectedly, they achieved the highest level of success later.


Watch the fight

If the essence of comedy is tragedy, then Stephen Chow, who is the best at comedy, has long realized this truth.

In his childhood, his parents often quarreled and even fought over some trivial matters.

Childhood Stephen Chow with his mother and sisters

The other children stayed far away, but Zhou Xingchi was the opposite. He regarded the noise of his parents as a funny little theater.

Every time his parents quarreled, he watched with relish.

When his parents divorced at the age of 7, he became more and more taciturn, and began to like to lie on the window and watch the people coming and going in the streets downstairs, observing the neighborhoods and the city.

He could even lie on the window for a day without speaking.

Loneliness and bystanders have since become the base color of Zhou Xingchi’s life.



When the students in the artist training class had started filming one after another, Stephen Chow was still working as a children’s program host on the radio station.

The poignant story of the perennial walk-on was written into many of his later films.

In the 1983 edition of "The Legend of the Condor Hero", Zhou Xingchi’s role is "Song Bingyi" and a prisoner. There is a scene where he is going to be caught to practice Jiuyin White Bone Claw for Mei Chaofeng.

He also asked at the time: "Assistant director, can I block it with my hands and then die?" The assistant director’s reaction can be referenced from "King of Comedy".

For Zhou Xingchi, he still can’t forget the feeling of walking around: "Wait, wait, wait endlessly, wait year after year, wait one second a day."

This feeling of hope in times of despair is hidden in the back of Yin Tianchou shouting "hard work" at the sea.


A dog?

In 1988, Li ******* invited Zhou Xingchi to star in "Pioneer of Thunder", which won the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor for Xingye, his true film debut.

Li ******* is his Bole, but the two are not angry.

There is a scene in "Ji Gong" where the words "Li Xiuyuan, I want ****" are painted on the wall.

Ji Gong’s real name is Li Xiuyuan, but it was extended to some people to understand that this is Zhou Xingchi using the movie to mock Li *******.

Zhou Xingchi pursues perfection, and keeps reshooting if he is not satisfied with a shot.

This made Li *******, who had long been used to efficient shooting, disdain him, and even scold him, "Acting is not hard work, why are you working hard like a dog?"

Sound familiar? Isn’t this the classic line of the ending of "Journey to the West": "He looks like a dog".


Nonsensical bud

When it comes to Zhou Xingchi’s movies, the key word that cannot be avoided must be "nonsense".

Back then, Zhou Xingchi went to play tricks when he had time. During this period, he met Li Lichi, the director who later cooperated the most.

An actor who loves to come up with ideas meets a director who loves to change the script on the spot, and the two hit it off immediately.

Because they lived not far away, they often met at the tea restaurant to discuss the script, feeling like they were "in love".

Wu Mengda, Luo Huijuan and Lan Jieying in "Hero of the World" have all passed away

In 1989’s "Heroes of the World", Wu Mengda, Zhou Xingchi and Li Lichi became the "Iron Triangle".

It is often three people who come up with a new joke on the spot and suddenly burst into laughter, causing the staff next to them to look puzzled.

They have already consciously added jokes during the filming process.

There was only one joke in the original script, but after a live rehearsal, they would turn one joke into two, three or even four – with the polish of the live screenwriters, this is the germ of "nonsense".


add play

Zhou Xingchi loves to add drama. When he understands the director’s meaning, he will immediately perform the director’s idea better.

When filming "Su Qier, the champion of martial arts," there was a scene to show the scene where Su Chaharcan, played by Stephen Chow, was raided.

Director Chen Jiashang once said, "I told Ah Xing that he needed a lonely shot, so he stood in front of the camera and looked at it, then walked over and sat on a big smoking bed. Without thinking about it, he started singing Nanyin."

The director was stunned at the time, "It turns out that the most lonely thing is not beating his heart and lungs, not crying, but his singing, his voice is a little mournful."

"As he sang, I watched through the camera, and I thought I saw a genius actor. He was really the best, and I still think he is the best."


From Xingzai to Xingye

In 1992, Zhou Xingchi was only 30 years old, but no one in the Hong Kong film industry was called "Xingzai", renamed "Xingye".

That year, Stephen Chow made a total of seven films, and he starred in all the top five films in the Hong Kong box office that year. It was unprecedented and had not been seen since. This year was known as the "Year of Stephen Chow".

In fact, in 1990, in the movie "Gambling Saints" that made Zhou Xingchi shine, Wu Junru’s A Ping had been renamed "Lord Xing" in the movie, which could be said to be a prophecy of God.

From then on, the Hong Kong film industry began to have the saying of "double Monday", and the three of them became the golden signs of the box office.


Smoke and mustard

When Stephen Chow was filming "King of Comedy", he asked Cecilia Cheung to audition.

Seeing that she was only eighteen, Lord Xing gave her a pen and pretended to be a cigarette to see how she felt about smoking.

Cecilia Cheung said, "Why should I take a fake pen, just take a real cigarette! I already smoke!"

It was this detail that moved Zhou Xingchi and made him feel that Liu Piaopiao was the role of Cecilia Cheung.

But when it was time to shoot, Lord Xing was not so polite.

After the scene of eating mustard and crying bitterly, Cecilia Cheung went to the bathroom and vomited eight times.

In 1998, the "King of Comedy" and "Glass Bottle" crew happened to rent the same place in Hong Kong to film.

The actors of the two film crews often eat and drink together.

Everyone proposed that the two leading actors, Stephen Chow and Jackie Chan, make cameos in each other’s plays.

Therefore, there are these two classic shots that are difficult to reproduce.


Eight beer bottles.

Huang Yifei played the senior brother in "Shaolin Football", filming the scene of Tietou Gong. In order to pursue the effect, Zhou Xingchi exploded eight glass bottles on his head.

It was said to be a prop bottle, but his head was already hematoma.

Zhou Xingchi has been dissatisfied and asked if there are still beer bottles. Even the prop master couldn’t bear it and lied that there were no beer bottles.

Afterwards, the prop master quietly told Huang Yifei that there were actually four more bottles.

This story also became some kind of evidence that Zhou Xingchi was a "tyrant on the set".

I still remember the two singing "Shaolin Kung Fu is good" on the stage, and Lord Xing couldn’t hold back halfway through and laughed three times. Originally, he didn’t plan to use this set of shots, but later because it was too funny, he put it in after making up the editing.


Idol Bruce Lee

When his mother took him to the cinema to watch "Tangshan Big Brother", Zhou Xingchi, who was less than 10 years old, was completely obsessed with Bruce Lee.

He loved his childhood idol for decades, and even changed the direction of his life.

In "Gambling Saint", Zhou Xingchi used two toilet stoppers to make a nunchaku, and in "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier", the remnant weapons were combined into a nunchaku.

The rehearsals in "King of Comedy" are modeled after Bruce Lee’s "Jingwu Gate," and "Kung Fu" also has a plot to pay tribute to Bruce Lee.

The greatest tribute is, of course, the 2001 Shaolin Football.

When Stephen Chow won the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Director for this film, the first person to express his gratitude was Bruce Lee.


Iron sand palm

When he was young, Zhou Xingchi not only liked to lie down at the window and watch people, but also liked to go to the bookstore to read some martial arts books and practice kung fu in his spare time.

He even cooked the beans and stuck his hands in them to practice "iron sand palm".

But he still considered it carefully, and usually only practiced with his left hand. He was afraid of any accidents, and he could use his right hand.

The "Iron Sand Palm" scene was added to "Lord of Destruction." Wu Mengda said that "it was refined in three days, and it cost 600." He also claimed that he and Bruce Lee were brothers.

In fact, in order to learn kung fu, Zhou Xingchi really worshipped Bruce Lee’s senior brother Huang Chunliang as his teacher, so Bruce Lee was Zhou Xingchi’s senior uncle, and the two were considered the same family.

Yuan Bin, one of the "Seven Xiaofu", once teased at the wine table, "If you really talk about martial arts, Donnie Yen can’t beat Zhou Xingchi."


Canned abalone

In those years, Zhou Xingchi was dazzling, and Wu Mengda was the most appropriate "golden right foot" by his side.

In the 1990s, they often bought a box of canned abalone to eat after filming, which cost more than 100 Hong Kong dollars and contained only two pieces.

Wu Mengda always gave the big one to Zhou Xingchi.

The last movie they worked on was "Shaolin Football", and since then, "will you work with Xingye again" has been one of the topics that Uncle Da has been asked repeatedly.

Every time, Wu Mengda always answered with certainty.

"As long as I don’t die and he hasn’t retired, we will still cooperate."

Now that Uncle Da has passed away, he can only sigh.


Peking University Lecture

Twenty years ago, Zhou Xingchi was invited to give a speech at Peking University, and a student asked him to recreate the classic line of "Love You 10,000 Years" in "Journey to the West".

The shy Zhou Xingchi was a little reluctant, "Now? Here?"

The students kept heckling, but Lord Xing had no choice but to speak, "There was a sincere love that was placed in front of me, but I didn’t cherish it…"

But only halfway through, he lowered his head and smiled. Maybe he forgot the words, but the moment he stopped, the students in the audience connected the second half of the lines in unison, memorizing them backwards.

After the release of "Journey to the West", it was criticized a lot, and the box office was dismal. After being promoted by campus and netizens, it was regarded as a classic.

Interestingly, many years later, "Journey to the West" was re-screened twice in the mainland. Everyone said that "I went to the theater to give Xingye a movie ticket", but Xingye didn’t get a penny when it was rescreened.

The film was jointly produced by the Hong Kong Color Star Company and the Xi’an Film Studio, and the Color Star Company was co-produced by Stephen Chow and Yang Guohui.

After Caixing went bankrupt in 1996, it sold the copyright to Star Media, and has had no relationship with Stephen Chow ever since.


A toothpick

It has been rumored in the industry that when Stephen Chow was a director, he even had to worry about dropping a toothpick on the ground.

Chai Jing asked Zhou Xingchi for verification, and Lord Xing subconsciously denied it, "Is there? Who said this? Nonsense!"

Chai Jing quickly smoothed the scene, "He was going to praise you."

He instantly revealed a childlike smile, "That’s good! Yes, I’m that serious!"

In fact, in this famous interview, Xing Ye’s state is not very good.

After the interview, he always felt a little guilty, and even took the initiative to contact Chai Jing 20 days later, hoping to harvest again.

Hence the classic "I’m out of luck, 10,000 years is indeed too long."



In 2013, "Journey to the West to Conquer Demons" sold well at the box office, and the Shanghai Film Festival Organizing Committee issued an invitation to Zhou Xingchi, hoping that he would appear at the film festival. Unsurprisingly, he refused.

The organizing committee said that even if they did not participate, they would also like to provide a personal introduction.

At that time, three versions of the introduction were prepared for him: one focused on the actor’s career, one focused on the director’s performance, and one focused on the box office results, waiting for Zhou Xingchi to decide.

At that time, he didn’t reply for a long time, and everyone waited very anxiously until he finally called and said to use "filmmaker".

These five words, which were weightless, accurately summed up his understanding of himself.

Compared with the past, the Chow films of the past ten years have undergone tremendous changes.

He stopped acting, audiences thought he was "not as funny as before," and critics said he was "frying cold rice."

No one owes Star a movie ticket anymore.

After all, even he himself said: "No one owes me movie tickets, I owe the audience."

60-Year-old Stephen Chow has gray hair and may not be young anymore, but his love for movies has not changed.


What is the experience of learning drift in AMG "Driving School"?

Text |AutoR Zhijia zhangxin

On the first day of the "A Performance Course", it just rained all day and the road was slippery.

A group of our students are driving different A models on the slippery road, raising bursts of rain and smoke.

It is a rare experience to learn and experience the driving skills on slippery roads.

"A Driving Academy" is a driving training platform specially built for high-performance car enthusiasts. This station is the fourth of the five sub-stations of "2016 A Driving Academy". 

In the course of A Driving College Station, students can experience three traditional courses-A performance course, A advanced course and A professional course.

In order to run a driving school well, a driving school can be said to have tried its best.

Many home-made models are provided for the students, including four-wheel drive models such as A A 45 A, A CLA 45, A GLE 63 and A GLE 63, as well as A C 63 sedan, A C 63 and other rear-wheel drive vehicles.

Participants in the course can experience the different characteristics of different vehicles, so as to further learn how to control them.

"A Performance Course" is a primary training, which includes straight-line racing and pile winding, emergency and lane change, Auto X track challenge, and track following.

The purpose of these courses is to let students experience the routine training of racing drivers.

Although it is only elementary training, these courses are challenging and interesting for students because there are many differences between track driving and daily driving.

These training courses are not just for the sake of a track dream. In fact, many skills will be used at any time in future daily driving, which is of great benefit to driving safety.

For example, in the emergency training course, students can practice to master the resolute and gravity emergency way in actual driving control. In case of emergency in the future, you can respond quickly and correctly, and use the most professional method to control it, so as to ensure safety to the maximum extent.

In the "A Advanced Course", professional coaches will explain the basic driving theory knowledge to the students and teach them practical driving skills such as cornering, ideal route and point selection.

Compared with the primary "A performance course", the "A advanced course" has improved its professionalism and the learning content has also been concentrated on the track.

After completing this course, the students have basically mastered the driving skills of the track, which is a step closer to realizing the dream of racing. "A Professional Course" is an advanced training course of A Driving College. Students can fully exert their previously learned driving skills on the professional track and further improve their driving skills through data recording and analysis.

At this stage, students will have the opportunity to practice free driving on the whole track. This means that students can enjoy themselves with professional racing driving methods and truly experience the driving passion of racing drivers.

Starting from this year, all students who successfully pass the three traditional courses of performance, advanced and professional courses of Driving School A and complete the theoretical course of racing license will be awarded the racing license by the China Motorcycle Sports Federation, and officially won the title of "professional racing driver".

In addition, A Driving School has also set up an "A course" for C 63 cars, and taught students skills through high-performance rear-drive vehicles.

Owners who purchase a specific A model can also attend the "Power & Passion Course" for free, and also receive professional driving skills training. These diversified and professional course combinations not only show the fans of high-performance cars the charm of the models, but also teach professional driving skills, which is a measure to kill two birds with one stone.

Regarding the holding of "2016 A Driving Academy", Mercedes-Sales & Service Co., Ltd. A and Ms. smart, the executive deputy of sales and operation, said: "It is a high-performance racing car with a glorious racing history, which perfectly combines the surging passion of the track with outstanding daily practicality. In order to let customers further experience the charm of model A, we have created a series of experience activities closer to customers. Among them,A driving school has become the best platform for high-performance enthusiasts to exchange racing experiences, improve their driving skills, enjoy A driving pleasure and experience racing culture.”。


Since entering China in 2007, brand A has been in China market for nine years. Nowadays, China has become the most important market for brand A, with 16 high-performance models sold in China.

In the domestic high-performance market segment, brand A has the widest product line in the same level market, covering compact cars, medium-sized cars, large cars, cars, cars, cars and many other market segments.

With a rich selection of products, it is necessary to set up the course of "A Driving School" and provide targeted professional driving training for consumers.

On its significance, it not only provides an additional service in addition to selling products, but also is of great benefit to brand A to broaden its influence and further enhance its sales volume in the future.

Today, the enthusiasm of consumers in China is not only a means of transportation, but also its entertainment and competitiveness are attracting the enthusiasm of a new generation.

However, there is a lack of professional guidance on driving skills in China market, and the emergence of "A Driving Academy" can be said to be in demand.

When high-quality products are combined with professional training, the effect of "1+1 > 2" will be obtained, which will not only benefit manufacturers and consumers, but also play a positive role in the accumulation and development of China culture.

 Scientific and technological perspective, geek spirit

AutoR Smart Driving is born for the new!

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Concerned about the smart driving network in the era of smart driving (//www.autor.com.cn)

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E-sports tickets for the Hangzhou Asian Games are super hot. "It’s harder than grabbing tickets for concerts!

■ China Hangzhou E-sports Center.

Archery is only 80 ~ 100 yuan, diving is 200 ~ 800 yuan, and the highest unit price of e-sports is 1000 yuan! However-

Has the era of e-sports really arrived?

On September 23rd, the Hangzhou Asian Games officially opened. On September 24th, the e-sports project of Hangzhou Asian Games will start soon. More than a month before the opening of the Asian Games, tickets related to the games have been sold. Among them, the item with the best ticket sales is e-sports, an intellectual item that just entered the competition in the last Asian Games.

It is reported that e-sports is the only event in the Asian Games in Hangzhou that requires lottery to determine the qualification of ticket purchase, and the ticket price is also very expensive, with the highest unit price as high as 1000 yuan. It is hard to find a ticket for e-sports projects, which many people can’t understand. In the eyes of many people, e-sports can’t even be regarded as sports. It’s unexpected to be able to enter the Asian Games. It’s even more puzzling that the tickets for the competition are so hot. Some netizens shouted: "It’s harder than grabbing tickets for concerts!"

■ Written by: New Express reporter Wang Enemy

■ Photo: Xinhua News Agency

Last time it was a performance project.

Nowadays, it is hard to get a ticket for e-sports competitions.

The Asian Games has set up intellectual events since 2006 (Doha Asian Games). The existence of intellectual events is one of the differences between the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. According to the regulations, at the beginning of "entering Asia" or "entering the Olympics", any project must start with the performance project. Only when it is widely recognized can the project be "turned positive".

As an intellectual project, many people think that this year is the first time that e-sports has entered the Asian Games. In fact, at the Asian Games in Jakarta in 2018, e-sports has already appeared in the Asian Games as a performance project. The e-sports events in the Asian Games in Jakarta are League of Legends, the glory of the king, clash royale, StarCraft II, Hearthstone and PES2018. China won two championships and a runner-up. Perhaps because of the performance project, there was no broadcast of the e-sports competition in that year, and there were very few related reports in China.

The success of the "performance" at the Asian Games in Jakarta enabled e-sports to be established as the official event of the Asian Games in Hangzhou. At the Asian Games in Hangzhou, there were seven sub-items of intellectual events-China Chess, Chess, Go, Bridge and E-sports. Among them, e-sports has seven events, namely League of Legends, the glory of the king, Peace Elite, DOTA2, Dream of Three Kingdoms 2, Street Fighter 5 and FIFA Online 4. Team China will participate in all events except Street Fighter 5.

In mid-August this year, the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee announced the opening of the sales of e-sports tickets. According to the official blog of Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee, there are at least 5 million users who apply for tickets for e-sports events, but the maximum number of visitors per event is no more than 4,000, so the winning rate of users who apply for tickets is very low.

In addition to lottery purchase, the price of e-sports tickets is also ridiculously high. According to official website, a ticket seller for the Hangzhou Asian Games, there are seven events in the Asian Games. The starting price of League of Legends and the glory of the king is 200 yuan/piece, while the starting price of the other five events is 400 yuan/piece, and the highest ticket price of all events is 1000 yuan/piece. In terms of horizontal comparison, regardless of the starting price or the highest price, the fare of e-sports is higher than other projects. Take China’s popular gold medal events as an example: the ticket price range of table tennis is 100 ~ 800 yuan, diving is 200 ~ 800 yuan, and swimming is 100 ~ 1000 yuan. In terms of unpopular projects, the ticket price of equestrian is 100 ~ 500 yuan-only half that of e-sports; The ticket price of archery is only 80 ~ 100 yuan.

Wang Xiaodong, dean of the School of Leisure Sports and Management of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education and doctoral supervisor, told the New Express reporter that e-sports suddenly became the top stream of the Asian Games for two important reasons: First, it was a novelty. After all, it was the first time that e-sports appeared as a formal project at the Asian Games. From the perspective of events, it was a novelty; Second, the base is large. The e-sports events of the Asian Games have a very broad mass base in China, and many people will play it. Wang Xiaodong said: "It is these two reasons that make many people rush to the e-sports competition, especially in the eyes of young people. E-sports already has a high degree of attention and recognition."

Starting from this year, e-sports is likely to become a regular event of the Asian Games. In July this year, it was announced at the Olympic Council of Asia held in Bangkok that e-sports has been confirmed as the official event of the Nagoya Asian Games to be held in 2026.

■ The final scene of the glory of the king Asian Games edition of "Charm Hangzhou" e-sports national invitational tournament filmed at Hangzhou E-sports Center.

Is e-sports just playing games?

Yes, but it also requires very strict training.

Like many sports, the origin of e-sports is also the game. In essence, e-sports is really playing games. However, there is still a big difference between games and e-sports. Some games are purely entertaining, even with stronger social attributes, and have not risen to the level of sports competition. This type of video game can’t be regarded as e-sports.

E-sports is an intellectual and physical competition between people with electronic equipment as sports equipment. Similar to other sports events, e-sports fully demonstrates the players’ thinking ability, reaction ability, limb coordination ability, willpower and team spirit, which is not as simple as playing games.

E-sports has two basic characteristics, namely, electronics and competition. The former is the way and means, which refers to all kinds of software and hardware with the help of information technology as the core and the environment created by it, which is realized by information technology, and is also the difference between e-sports and traditional sports; The latter is the essential feature of sports, namely confrontation.

Will e-sports lead to addiction? It depends on how you look at it. CK (Cen Yuqi), a former Guangzhou R&F e-sports team, told the New Express reporter that he had been playing FO(FIFA Online) for 15 years. Before he became a professional, he just groped for it by himself. Although he gradually climbed to the top of the pyramid, he began to carry out very professional training after entering the professional e-sports team.

Yan Yuxi revealed that there are also coaches and technical analysts in the e-sports team. They will carry out targeted training according to the players’ own shortcomings, and will also carry out targeted deployment according to their opponents’ weaknesses. Cen Yuqi said: "During training, the coach sometimes asks me to keep the ball in the whole half, and I can’t attack. If I am intercepted or steals, I will start again until I finish the 45-minute pass training."

Cen Yuqi said frankly that sometimes they will be kept practicing shooting at a 15-degree angle in the restricted area. "From the point of view of playing games, this is a very boring behavior, but we have to do this kind of training every day." Yan Yuxi said.

For many gamers, this kind of training has no game pleasure, and professional players do it almost every day. Cen Yuqi revealed that they usually start training on the computer at 2 pm and train for 8 to 12 hours every day. As a profession, e-sports players need long and hard training and teamwork, and they also need a strong sense of responsibility and self-discipline.

Liang Tiexin, director of the Guangzhou Museum of Electronic Games, said that e-sports is a part of electronic games, but the difference between e-sports and electronic games is like the difference between national fitness and professional athletes. "Our average person’s exercise may be to keep fit or get physical and mental pleasure, to make ourselves happy first, and then to exercise," Liang Tiexin told the New Express reporter. "If they are professional athletes, they will pursue faster, higher and stronger, and so will e-sports players, so I think there is really a big difference between e-sports and games."

■ Except Street Fighter 5, the China team will compete in the other six games. According to industry analysts, the glory of the king, Peace Elite, Dream of Three Kingdoms 2 and other projects will be the potential gold medals for China.

E-sports industry has broad prospects.

Scholar: Digital sports may evolve in the future.

At the same time, Huo Qigang, president of the Asian Electronic Sports Federation, also announced at the Global E-sports Leaders Summit that the Asian E-sports Cup will be held next year. It can be predicted that e-sports will not only enter the intercontinental comprehensive sports meeting, but also hold the intercontinental comprehensive e-sports event with the country as the participating unit in the future.

The e-sports events have become more and more perfect, which has also made the e-sports industry more mature. At present, the domestic e-sports industry is developing rapidly. Foshan prism culture indicates that e-sports has developed very rapidly in recent years. "In recent years, the company’s annual growth rate has been 20% ~ 30%, which has been very stable, and this is also the general development of the whole industry. It is estimated that the e-sports industry will develop better after the Asian Games."

With the popularity of e-sports, some corresponding jobs are also emerging. In 2020, the China Employment Training Technical Guidance Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and DingTalk jointly released the "Report on the Development of New Vocational Online Learning Platform", which showed that by 2025, the demand for new professional talents was huge, including nearly 2 million e-sports players and 1.5 million e-sports operators.

Young people who love e-sports need not only a certain talent, but also a systematic study if they want to do this skill as a career. By the end of 2018, 48 colleges and universities across the country had set up the major of "e-sports and management", and several undergraduate colleges also set up the major of e-sports or the major direction of e-sports, among which the subdivision areas include game design, programming, e-sports management, e-sports hosting, rehabilitation and so on.

Since last autumn, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education has also enrolled the first batch of students majoring in e-sports. In view of the fact that many parents have a very rigid impression of video games, and think that this is a sign of playfulness, parents’ attitude towards e-sports is usually relatively cold. There are only 31 students majoring in e-sports in 2022 in Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, and there are only 40 freshmen majoring in e-sports this year.

"When it comes to e-sports, do you think it is to teach students to play games? Actually, this is not the case. " Wang Xiaodong said that the e-sports major is not aimed at cultivating e-sports players, but mainly at cultivating e-sports professional managers. "Learning e-sports major doesn’t mean learning how to play games, and it doesn’t mean letting students play games as they please. We want to develop real e-sports by running e-sports major." Wang Xiaodong said.

Wang Xiaodong said that although e-sports was approved as the 99th sports event by the State Sports General Administration in 2003, even though e-sports has entered the Asian Games, e-sports is still a new industry. Wang Xiaodong believes that with the continuous development of science, e-sports will gradually become popular and become a part of life. Wang Xiaodong said: "In the future, there is a high probability that digital sports will appear in human society-for example, e-sports games such as simulated racing cars. When this form of competition becomes more and more, it will inevitably bring many new employment opportunities and economic value."

Don’t say you don’t know.

The road to e-sports is not easy.

At present, I am sad to be admitted to Tsinghua Peking University.

There are many people who play games, but those who can become e-sports players are one in a million. According to the "2023 Global E-sports Industry Development Report" released by Penguin Tune, the number of game users in China is as high as 478 million, but the number of people who really become e-sports players is 50,000, which is lower than that of being admitted to Tsinghua Peking University. Moreover, most of these 50,000 people only work behind the scenes. Only 1,000 or 2,000 people can really play the game, 300 or 400 people can enter the top leagues at most, and about 50 people can finally become stars. The return on investment is extremely low, much lower than the national admission rate of Tsinghua Peking University (0.7‰).

Many children may have no idea what they want, neither what their dreams are nor what they are suitable for. It happened that there was such a hobby as games, and then he caught up with a brand-new professional category like e-sports, and suddenly he had the idea of playing a career, but to put it bluntly, it was probably just an excuse for him to play games aboveboard.

In fact, the average professional player needs to click the mouse and keyboard more than 300 times per minute, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. It’s as simple as that in essence, because the games played by ordinary people and the real e-sports may be completely different, just like the basketball played by the students in the middle school next door and Curry of the Warriors is as big as the difference-it can’t be compared at all. Is there a chance for the middle school next door to get out of the NBA? Theoretically, there is, but this probability is equivalent to spending 2 yuan money to win a grand prize of 5 million yuan.

So, how to judge whether a person has the strength to play e-sports? Here is a professional standard: "League of Legends"-"Ionia" master 400 points or more; "the glory of the king"-more than 100 stars in a single row; FO4-Won the top 3 in the city competition … To be honest, 99.9% of people have been directly filtered out by this step. If you can get through here smoothly, you can try the youth training departments of major clubs.

News extension

Simulate and experience the vocational training environment, and the Internet addiction teenager is true!

A place to quit Internet addiction;

E-sports persuasion organization

Nowadays, there are professional e-sports persuasion institutions on the market. In fact, the original intention of the construction of such institutions is just an ordinary e-sports experience camp. However, the vast majority of teenagers have not been here for a month, and it has gradually become a place to "quit Internet addiction". Here, by simulating and experiencing the vocational training environment, Internet addiction teenagers can suddenly realize that playing games and playing a career are completely two different dimensions-boring basic training day after day, general daily management of military training, and practice competitions that are often abused and cried by professional players. For many teenage middle school students, the dream of e-sports is easily shattered by the continuous blow of dimensionality reduction. The problem is that if you can’t pass this level, you can’t become an e-sports player at all.

On the other hand, most people have no lofty ideas about video games, and their enthusiasm for games may just stop at entertainment and social attributes. However, I still want to advise teenagers with internet addiction here: no matter how much they like playing games, they can’t take playing e-sports as an escape from reality.

E-sports tickets

Not only is it difficult to buy, but it is also expensive.

Asian Games esports

The highest price is unified as 1000 yuan.

In terms of starting price, League of Legends and the glory of the king Asian Games are in 200 yuan.

The other five events are all 400 yuan.

Hot items

Table tennis: 100 ~ 800 yuan

Diving: 200 ~ 800 yuan

Swimming: 100 ~ 1000 yuan

Unpopular project

Equestrian: 100 ~ 500 yuan

Archery: 80 ~ 100 yuan

(Source: Hangzhou Asian Games Ticket official website)


Is it dangerous to drive behind in rainy days?

It is not dangerous to drive with a rear-wheel drive in rainy days, but you need to pay attention to the correct driving style.

If riders drive on slippery roads after driving, they must be careful not to drive too fast, and don’t suddenly slam on the accelerator, otherwise there may be tail flick, which is more dangerous.

In addition, the rear-wheel drive is prone to over-steering while the front-wheel drive is prone to under-steering. This is because most of the front-wheel drive engines and weights are concentrated in the front part, which leads to unreasonable driving mode and weight distribution.

The driving mode and weight distribution of rear-wheel drive are reasonable. The rear wheel is responsible for driving the car forward and the front wheel is responsible for steering. This driving mode and weight distribution can balance the front and rear counterweights of the car and make the car more stable.

Therefore, the correct driving mode can ensure the safety and reliability of rear-wheel drive in rainy days.


luquan area

The temperature is getting warmer and the sun is overflowing.

It is to seize the farming season and carry out sowing.

Favorable season

In dongpi village in front of licun town.

Potato planting site

A busy scene


Workers of Wofeng Farmers’ Professional Cooperative in Qiandongpi Village, Licun Town are busy cutting and dressing potato seeds, and loading the mixed potato seeds into the ground. The rotary tiller is ploughing the land, and the potato sowing machine shuttles back and forth, ditching, sowing, fertilizing, covering the soil and covering the film. The workers are in full swing, showing a picture of busy farming in the spring.



"The cooperative has invested more than 200 mu of land this year, 100 mu of land is planted with potatoes, and the remaining 100 mu of land is planted with salvia miltiorrhiza. In order to finish planting potatoes in the best sowing time, we used 12 workers and a machine to try to finish the task within 6 days. I hope that the potatoes planted this year will have a good harvest and good income. " Hou Jianying, administrator of Wofeng Farmers’ Professional Cooperative in Luquan District, said.


The land in Qiandongpi Village of Licun Town belongs to sandy land, and the loose sandy soil is very suitable for planting cash crops such as potatoes. The potatoes planted have good taste, high yield and high economic value. Under the recommendation of Zhang Shuqing, a potato expert from the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the cooperative chose to plant well-managed and profitable early-maturing potatoes in June, such as Holland XV, fertile soil, Shishu No.3 and Shishu No.4. It is estimated that the yield per mu can reach seven or eight thousand kilograms, which can bring good economic benefits to the members of the cooperative.


In recent years, Wofeng Farmers’ Professional Cooperative in Qiandongpi Village of Licun Town has continuously strengthened its management and expanded its scale. At present, it has invested a total of 2,600 mu of land and planted crops such as wheat, corn, soybean, sorghum, salvia miltiorrhiza and potatoes. It has played a positive role in promoting agricultural and rural economic development and increasing farmers’ income, and achieved obvious economic and social benefits. (Source: Jiyun Luquan)

Editor: Zhang Chunyan

Editor: Zhou Xin


This conference concerning the future of the earth will be held in China "Spring City" this year.

  Xinhua News Agency, Kunming, July 4th Title: Going to the "Covenant of Spring City" — — COP15 will paint a new picture of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature"

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Changshan, Ji Zhepeng, Pang Mingguang and Zhao Peiran

  The 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) will be held in Kunming, Yunnan Province in October, and global representatives will participate in a grand event to draw a new picture of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature on the earth.

  The venue layout is clear and definite, and professional technical support is in place … … At present, the preparations for the conference are being fully promoted, and the concept of green, intelligent, economical and safe hosting will also make "Spring City Huadu" show its unique charm.

  "Animal and plant kingdom" welcomes the grand meeting

  Recently, a group of wild Asian elephants, journey to the south, which originally lived in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, entered Kunming, causing widespread concern. Elephants have wandered all the way, and the China government and people have taken good care of them. The elephant protection action has been recognized by the world. The story of Yunnan’s rescue of the endangered Asian elephant also warms the world and arouses people’s concern about the protection of biodiversity. "All the way to the North" has also become a footnote to the answer why COP15, a world-renowned event, was chosen to be held in Yunnan.

  Elephant group (drone photo) taken in Shijie Township, Yimen County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province on June 14th. Xinhua news agency

  According to experts, Yunnan is one of the regions with the richest biodiversity in the northern hemisphere. There are 19,333 species of higher plants, accounting for about 50.3% of the country; There are 2273 species of vertebrates, accounting for 49.5% of the country; 151 species of national key protected wild plants, accounting for 41.0% of the country; There are 242 species of wildlife under special state protection, accounting for 57.1% of the whole country & hellip; … Known as "animal kingdom", "plant kingdom", "world garden" and "species gene bank", Yunnan is rich in biodiversity.

  Waterbirds swim through the Metasequoia glyptostroboides wetland in Dianwei Village, Dianyuan Street, Panlong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Qin Qingshe

  "Yunnan is an important treasure house of biodiversity in China and an ecological security barrier in the southwest, and its status is very important." Yue Xiuhu, director of the Office of the Leading Group for Preparatory Work of COP15 in Yunnan Province and director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said that Yunnan’s land area accounts for 4.1% of the country, but it includes all ecosystem types on the earth except oceans and deserts.

  "Where there is forest, there is water; where there is water, there is field; where there is field, there is food; where there is food, there is people." Living in the south of colorful clouds, the Dai people have sung this proverb from generation to generation, and also conveyed to people the simplest concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. "Not only the Dai people, but also many ethnic groups in Yunnan have excellent traditional cultures closely related to biodiversity protection." Yue Xiuhu said.

  Overlooking Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center from the air (drone photos, data photos). Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  We have implemented more than 120 projects to save and protect the minimal population, established 166 nature reserves, promulgated the local regulations on biodiversity protection, the Regulations on Biodiversity Protection in Yunnan Province, and issued the provincial biological species list, the red list of biological species, and the white paper on biodiversity … … Zhao Yongping, deputy director of Yunnan Forestry and Grassland Bureau, said that Yunnan strictly protects the most authentic, rare and typical natural ecosystems and rare and endangered wild animals and plants.

  In 2016, the 13th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP13) held in Mexico announced that China was awarded the right to host COP15. At the end of 2018, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized an investigation and research on four candidate cities such as Kunming. In February, 2019, at the meeting of the National Committee for Biodiversity Protection in China, considering the biodiversity, climate and ambient air quality of four candidate cities, it was determined that the venue of the conference was Kunming.

  Elizabeth Murema, Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, said that the reason for holding the meeting in Kunming was to let friends around the world witness the happiness brought by biodiversity to the people of Yunnan, witness the achievements of ecological civilization construction in China, and provide new ideas for global biodiversity protection.

  Build a community of life on earth.

  China was one of the first countries to sign and ratify the Convention on Biological Diversity. As the host country of COP15, China will make joint efforts with the international community to contribute China’s wisdom and China’s strength to the global biodiversity protection.

  The theme of this conference is "Ecological Civilization: Building a Community of Life on Earth". The conference will formulate the "Global Biodiversity Framework after 2020", which is the new 10-year global biodiversity protection action plan after the "Aichi Target".

  The loss of biodiversity is a common challenge facing the whole world. "Reducing the direct damage and impact on nature and making every resident of the global village realize his due actions and efforts in biodiversity protection requires the joint action of every country, every nation and every resident." Duan Changqun, a professor at the School of Ecology and Environment of Yunnan University, said that building a community of life on earth is the initial intention, the starting point and the goal of efforts to protect biodiversity.

  Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao photo

  China attaches great importance to biodiversity protection, systematically deploys it as an important part of ecological civilization construction, and adopts a series of effective measures to promote positive progress in biodiversity protection. The establishment of policies, laws and regulations has been accelerated, the intensity of ecological protection and restoration has been continuously increased, the investigation, monitoring and evaluation of biodiversity have been promoted in an orderly manner, and the social participation and public awareness of biodiversity protection have been continuously improved.

  Yue Xiuhu said that it has become the consensus of the whole society to protect biodiversity. Yunnan has improved the protection system, consolidated the foundation of protecting the rule of law, and jointly built and shared green homes. Biodiversity protection is at the forefront of the country.

  "Yunnan has built the largest wild germplasm resource bank in Asia — — China Southwest Wildlife Germplasm Resource Bank has preserved more than 10,000 kinds of wild plant seeds. " Sun Hang, director of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the conference will show the world the outstanding achievements in biodiversity conservation in China, and at the same time learn from international advanced experience and strengthen and deepen international cooperation.

  Elizabeth Murema said after her preparatory work in Kunming at the beginning of last year that China can provide many experiences for the world in biodiversity protection and ecological civilization construction. "Building an ecological civilization is not only a beautiful vision advocated by China, but also the common aspiration of the whole world and all mankind."

  Yue Xiuhu said that the theme of the conference is of global significance, and it has reached the commanding heights in guiding the future development and the relationship between man and nature, and has become the consensus of all contracting parties, marking the entry of human society into a new era of ecological civilization.

  "Green, wisdom, economy and safety"

  The preparatory work for the COP15 conference is a huge systematic project. Since it was decided as the venue of COP15, Yunnan has always done a good job in the preparatory work despite the uncertainty brought by the epidemic.

  Elizabeth Murema said that Yunnan has done a lot of fruitful work in preparing for COP15. The layout of the venues is clear and clear, and the facilities and equipment are impressive. Sufficient experience, professional technical support and smooth communication and coordination have always run through the whole preparatory work.

  This is Kunming Dianchi Lake (photo of drone) taken on October 21, 2019. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  The Baofeng Peninsula Wetland in Kunming is one of the outdoor exhibitions of biodiversity in COP15. Lu Chunxia, executive vice president of Southwest Branch of SINOMACH International Engineering Design and Research Institute, who is in charge of the project construction, introduced that the construction of wetland in Baofeng Peninsula includes the construction of local plant communities in Yunnan, the rehabilitation of indigenous endemic fish, the attraction of local poultry, etc., and the "aquatic-wet-terrestrial" composite ecological belt is formed through ecological restoration, achieving the overall goal of restoring and protecting the biodiversity of Dianchi Lake and building a biological species bank.

  Recently, the reporter saw in the bird-watching gallery of Baofeng Peninsula Wetland that egrets flew to the wetland pond for food from time to time, and birds, wetlands and distant lakes formed a beautiful and quiet natural picture. Niu Yonggang, head of the Hubin Wetland Management Center of the Water Affairs Bureau of Guandu District, Kunming, said that the wetland has planted local fruit and wood varieties such as big fruit dates and wild persimmons, and also put in indigenous fish species such as golden thread.

  A scene of Dianchi wetland (photo of drone) taken on July 1. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  "Planting fruit trees and putting in small fish and shrimp can attract birds to come to feed." Niu Yonggang said that after the completion of the project, it will create a magnificent scene of Dianchi Lake, which is described in the Changlian of Kunming Daguanlou, with "fragrant rice all around, clear sand all over the sky, hibiscus in September and willow in March".

  "Green, wisdom, economy and safety are our purposes in preparing for the conference." Cui Zhitao, executive deputy director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Preparatory Work of COP15 in Yunnan Province, said that the green hosting meeting will be a highlight in particular, and a carbon-neutral plan for the conference has been studied and formulated.

  Black-necked cranes play in the Dahaizi Wetland in Dashanbao, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province (photo taken on February 24). Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  "The conference will not provide disposable articles such as paper cups. Each participant will have a glass with his name written on it, and the conference materials will be as paperless as possible, and delegates should also travel green." Cui Zhitao said that after the conference, international third-party organizations will be invited to evaluate the carbon emissions of the conference and strive to achieve carbon neutrality.

  According to reports, the venue area of the conference has achieved full coverage of 5G signals, and the conference has been served by intelligent means such as big data and informationization. Yue Xiuhu said that careful arrangements have also been made to prevent and control the epidemic to ensure safety.

  Elephant group (photo of drone) taken in Shijie Township, Yimen County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province on June 13th. Xinhua news agency

  This is the Hani Terrace in the south of Ailao Mountain in Yunnan Province, which was taken on the morning of January 6th. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Guansen photo

  Citizens watch red-billed gulls at Caohai Dam in Kunming (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao photo

  This is the Yunnan Golden Monkey in Shangri-La Yunnan Golden Monkey National Park (file photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Changshan photo


On New Year’s Eve, why should we keep our birthday?

Why should we keep our birthday today?

Xiaobian first tells you a story.


Said it was a long time ago.

There is a monster named Chong.

It has a dark body.

But the hands are white.

Every spring festival and new year’s eve

"Precious" came to the world.

Touch the forehead of a sleeping child

Any child who has been touched by "special"

You’ll become a demented fool.

In order not to let "Chong" hurt children.

Every new year’s eve.

Everyone lights the oil lamp all night.

Play with children

Keep them from sleeping.

At that time, it was called "guarding the special"

And then?

People think

It’s unlucky to mention the monster "Chong"

And because "old" and "precious" are homophonic.

So I slowly put

"Shou Chong" is called "Shou Sui"

So here comes the question

On New Year’s Eve

I won’t sleep unless you sleep.

Who is the little baby who stays up late?

Xiaobian knows that staying up late is not good for the liver.

But on second thought,

If I stay up late tonight,

So tomorrow

Will netizens call me darling?


Sweetheart, I can’t talk.

Can I call you a big-faced cat?

Xiaobian: We need a turn here.

in fact

On New Year’s Eve

It is not difficult to stay up happily.

We have a lot to do.

for example

Put up a pair of new Spring Festival couplets.

According to the public photo library of WeChat platform

Spring Festival couplets are also called

Door pairs, couplets, pairs and peach symbols

This is a unique literary form in China.

According to research

This custom originated in the Song Dynasty.

It has been popular since the Ming Dynasty.

Couplets are an expression.

Be able to use short words

Express profound meaning

can be compared to

"Never drive after eating, drinking and drinking"

"It’s time to walk, leave the past behind and never look back."

Another example

Have a New Year’s Eve dinner.

Even if you respond positively

Netizens of the "On-site Chinese New Year" policy

Don’t let your stomach down.

Be sure to order hard dishes on the whole.

Reward yourself

According to Guangxi News Network

But believe

No matter where you are

New year’s greetings

Greetings from seven aunts, eight aunts, two uncles and two grandmothers.

It must be indispensable.

"Is there someone?"

"Why don’t you get married?"

"Why don’t you have children?"

"How much do you earn a month?"


The moment I saw these questions.

Do you feel cold in your back?

"evil wind" bursts

don’t worry

Xiaobian has helped you figure out how to answer.

"There are objects,


Ready to have children,

Earn more than you. "

Words here.

Successfully completed the "escape from the Chamber of Secrets"

in fact

On New Year’s Eve

Whether you can be with your family or not.

As long as the heart is together.

You will feel full of happiness.

This spring festival

There are also many people.

Stick to the front line

Pay tribute to everyone

Netizens who are staying together tonight.

Xiaobian has another sentence

I don’t know when to speak improperly.


Don’t melt into different circles.

But tonight,

We all have the same circle.

That’s dark circles.


It’s time for Xiaobian to compose poems again.

Ah ~

Spend one night on New Year’s Eve.

Grab a red envelope for 99 cents.

Pinch your fingers and pay 200.

I see who is so tiger.

Just kidding.

Xiaobian will still bless everyone.

Everything you want is what you want

The road to success is smooth

Everyone meets a good person.

Everything is fun.

It’s good news to hear.

at last

Xiaobian wants to say

The new year is coming.

Everyone sent a lot of messages to bless you.

It basically represents what I mean.

It’s good that you know it.

in addition

Little cute people who want red envelopes during the Spring Festival.

Remember to talk to me privately.

So I can delete you.

Don’t affect my Chinese New Year.

Eat and drink well!

Happy New Year’s Eve!

Original title: "New Year’s Eve, why should we keep the year? 》


The real estate industry still has huge room for development.

Chen sheng
Recently, there have been many favorable policies and news in the real estate field, and there are also many discussions about the future development of real estate. This industry has indeed experienced some difficulties in a certain period of time, but it is largely staged and short-term. From the perspective and law of real estate history, the future of China real estate has great room for development.
At present, real estate accounts for about 7% of GDP, and the construction industry is only about 14%, which is lower than that of many countries. This means that there is still a lot of room for the development of the real estate service industry, which is the opportunity in the future. All kinds of real estate service industries, including financial leasing, real estate for subdivided tracks, space derivative services, stock renewal and leasing, brokerage, asset management, etc., still have great room for development, and even some tracks are in a state of short supply. The discussion on China real estate should not be limited to the balance between supply and demand, but also take into account the development space and opportunities of each track.
We can firmly believe in the growth of real estate and various derivative services, because the future of real estate will not stick to the current development model, but will be transformed into a new development model. So what is the new development model? The extensive development model of high scale, high leverage, high turnover and high debt in the past will develop into a new real estate model with product quality as the center, customer service as the core and people as the center. The new model requires us to return to the real estate products themselves. First-class housing enterprises that can lead the trend in the new era must have excellent quality, outstanding brand, modern governance and leading innovation.
The development of the real estate industry will never end. At present, it still maintains a trading demand of 10 trillion yuan, which is already a very large market. In addition, people’s pursuit for a better life and a green living environment is endless. The progress of science and technology, the improvement of aesthetics and the change of population structure can bring new opportunities to the development of real estate.
There may still be some difficulties to be solved now, but this is phased and cyclical. In 2022, the urbanization rate of China was 65.22%. According to the law of world development, before the urbanization rate reached 75%, almost no country had a sustained and irreversible bubble collapse in real estate. China’s urbanization development is expected to maintain an average annual growth range of 0.5% to 0.8%. Coupled with factors such as population migration between cities and economic recovery to drive residents’ housing consumption, the overall demand for medium and long-term rigid housing is sufficient. At the same time, there is a mismatch between the real estate inventory and the current demand in location, apartment type and quality, and the imbalance between supply and demand of high-quality housing and the structural shortage are prominent, which will also give birth to sustained incremental demand.
The demand for quality improvement will stimulate the new vitality of the market. Before 2000, there were 219,000 old urban residential areas in China, which were small in area, low in quality, poor in supporting facilities and inadequate in property management. Nearly 35% of families still lived in such a housing environment. The need to improve the living environment is still urgent. In addition, the peak circulation rate of stock houses in some countries is 5% to 6%, while in China it is only 1% to 2% at present. This means that we still have a huge room for improvement in this respect, and it is estimated that the average annual demand for improvement will exceed 8 million sets.
Relevant research shows that people have higher expectations and requirements for real estate products and services than before. The demand for healthy homes in the post-epidemic era and the evolution of new family structure mean that the industry has more possibilities for value-added. The birth of new demands and new functions, as well as the iteration of new technologies and new materials, will also bring continuous innovation vitality and development momentum to upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry, which is our confidence in the future.
At the same time, our real estate also contains strong structural growth potential. In the product-centered era, structural development opportunities mean that housing enterprises should make corresponding changes in time. The current development situation also confirms this point. Although some housing enterprises have experienced development difficulties, there are also a number of enterprises that insist on product quality to maintain steady development, and even some enterprises known for their projects have ushered in hot sales. It is undeniable that some old enterprises still face great pressure under the old model. On the one hand, we need to cut with the old model; On the other hand, it is necessary to build a new development track.
Housing enterprises should abandon the mentality of treating consumers as bill payers in the past, but take consumers as partners with common interests and adhere to people-oriented and customer-centered; We should return from the thinking of emphasizing finance and development to the thinking of specialty and customer-orientation, actively change the logic of enterprise management and real estate business development, build a product service system that starts with customer research and ends with customer experience, build a three-good system of good products, good services and good life, and run better service quality through the whole cycle of sales delivery. Only in this way can we always maintain a positive interaction with consumers and feed back the development momentum of enterprises with brand potential energy.
There are many possibilities for the future development of real estate by cutting the wrong model of the past and building a new development model. The key to the future development of housing enterprises is to adhere to the long-term goal, stabilize confidence, adhere to the people-oriented, product-oriented and service-oriented development model, and strive to create a good product, good community and good service. (The author is Dean of China Real Estate Data Research Institute) ▲
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