标签归档 上海龙凤419后花园


Passers-by persuaded taxi drivers to fight and became murder suspects [Photos]

Caption: Taxi driver Master Liao said: "If he is sentenced, I will feel very guilty."

Image caption: Huang Weiwen

Image caption: The scene of the incident

  He was 1.7 meters tall, but he only weighed less than 50 kilograms. If nothing else happened, he would spend the rest of his short life in peace and obscurity.

  But the accident still happened. On the night of December 19, 2008, there was a conflict between a passenger and a passenger in Deshan, Changde, Hunan Province. Huang Weiwen, who was passing by, took the initiative to rescue his brother, but in the end he stabbed Hu Hai, a family member of the passenger who was chasing him, to death. Soon, Huang Weiwen was arrested by the public security organs on "suspicion of intentional injury", and the case has been transferred to the procuratorial organs.

  The case of Huang Weiwen has set off a big debate in the local area. In the eyes of some local taxi drivers, Huang has become a "hero" who has acted bravely for justice, while others see him as a "murderer" who deliberately killed people. Whether it is praised or denigrated, the merits and demerits are right or wrong, and the case is still in a thick fog.


  A brother who wears the stars and the moon every day and earns hard-earned money.

  A uremic patient who is uremic and has a straight temper.

  An oil factory worker who leads an ordinary life and is kind to others.

  Liao Hua (pseudonym), Huang Weiwen, and Hu Hai, the original three "parallel lines" that never intersect, were ruthlessly tricked by fate and "crossed" on the night of December 19, 2008.

  "If he was sentenced to prison, I would feel very guilty." Liao Hua, one of the point persons in the incident, later recalled to the Legal Weekly reporter the situation that night. At 7 o’clock that night, he took a passenger to the gate of Deshan Glass Factory in Changde City. After disembarking, a man and a woman on the roadside waved to him. Unexpectedly, after the two stopped Master Liao, they were not in a hurry to get on the car, but leaned against the door and started chatting, and the alcohol was soaring. Master Liao was a little impatient, so he asked them if they wanted to get on the car, and said that the car should be leaned to the side of the road, not in the middle of the road. This aroused the dissatisfaction of the two men and women, and the two dragged him out of the car and began to beat him. Later, another man came, and the three of them punched and kicked him. After the fight, the three of them ordered him to kneel, and Master Liao vowed not to kneel.

  Afterwards, an employee of Hunan Jinjian Vegetable Oil Co., Ltd. introduced that the woman’s name was Li Ping, an old employee of their company. She was usually outspoken and never "blushed" with anyone. She had dinner with friends that night, and it was not ruled out that she drank wine at the table, but because she did not witness the scene with her own eyes, the cause of the conflict could not be presumed.

  However, another anecdotal theory about the outbreak of the conflict is that Liao Hua "scratched the other side" or caused the conflict due to "bargaining" issues. But this claim could not be confirmed by the relevant departments or other witnesses for the time being.

  Liao Hua recalled that at this time, a thin man in the crowd stood up and advised them not to embarrass a taxi driver and told him to hurry up.

  murder occurs

  This person is Huang Weiwen, a retired employee of the Eighth Bureau of Hydropower, and Huang’s girlfriend Li Yaling and others are with him.

  According to Li Yaling, Huang is 40 years old, has four older sisters, and his parents have passed away. He is very upright and belongs to "people who vent their temper if they have a temper, and are not at ease after the fact." Huang is divorced and has a 14-year-old daughter. He served in the armed police force for four years and is a uremic patient. In May 2001, Huang underwent a kidney transplant in a hospital in Changde. Soon after, his unit, the Eighth Bureau of China Water Resources and Hydropower, handled the medical treatment procedures for him. The monthly medical expenses are thousands of yuan, and the care of the unit has been able to support it until now. In the first half of 2008, when Huang was examined at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, the doctor told him that the kidney he transplanted had entered the aging stage and appeared "slow row".

  If the condition is stable, there is still more than a year to live, otherwise there are only a few months of "life".

  Li Yaling told reporters that in the end, under the persuasion of Huang Weiwen, the "peacemaker", Master Liao took the opportunity to get into a taxi and drove away from the scene. But what she did not expect was that Liao’s departure caused her boyfriend to get into trouble.

  Ms. Li recalled that the trio placed the blame for the taxi driver’s "escape" on Huang Weiwen, and then threatened Huang. One of the men got into the car of Huang Weiwen’s friends and refused to let them go. At this point, Li Ping called his husband Hu Hai, who was in the same unit. After hearing the news, Hu Hai rushed to the scene immediately.

  According to Li Yaling, after Hu Hai arrived, he punched Huang Weiwen. Seeing that there were many people, Huang Weiwen had to pull his leg and run, but his right leg was injured and he could not run at all. "After running for more than ten meters, three men and one woman all chased after him." During the escape, Huang took out a folding fruit knife from his right pocket, Li recalled, according to Huang Weiwen’s later description. At that time, Huang opened the folded fruit knife, shook it in front of the other party, and gave a warning.

  But for this "cautionary" detail that could affect the characterization of the entire case, because she was too busy calling the police and missed the moment of witness, when she looked back, Hu Hai was already clutching her stomach and holding a bloody knife. Then, Hu fell. After the 120 ambulance arrived, Hu Hai died before he could be taken to the hospital.

  But for that crucial detail, Xiao Shibiao, the lawyer representing the dead man, Hu Hai, said that he had learned from "public security reports," family members and witnesses that Huang stabbed Hu in the chest in an instant, and did not "warn" before. Exactly how this detail is will play a crucial role in the determination of the case.

  The reporter was unable to learn the case from the public security department, and there was no way to verify the existence of the "warning" details.

  Had a "criminal record"?

  More than an hour later, Liao Hua, who left, heard from a radio program that a murder had occurred in Deshan, and the criminal police were looking for the driver who was beaten before the murder. Only then did he know that the man who persuaded him to kill him just now.

  It is reported that after the killing, Huang Weiwen called the relevant personnel of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Deshan Public Security Bureau and surrendered himself. After the police investigated, Huang Zhi and Yang Hongbing, who attacked the person, were criminally detained.

  After 10 days of criminal detention, Huang Weiwen was released on bail pending trial due to a "serious illness" and received treatment in the hospital. On January 14 this year, the prosecutor’s office requested and carried out an arrest for the crime of "intentional injury (death)."

  Originally just a "peacemaker", he became an alleged offender in a blink of an eye.

  Lawyer Xiao said that when Hu Hai and others pursued Huang Weiwen with their bare hands, Huang’s personal safety was not threatened. Huang carried a controlled knife with him, and the weapon used, the location chosen, and the strength of the force used in the retaliation against Hu Hai all led to a fatal knife. Huang Weiwen completed this act when he clearly knew that it would cause serious consequences, which is a kind of intentional homicide.

  "He was unconscious at that moment, not intentional." But Huang’s girlfriend and a local lawyer took a different view of this claim. They believe it is self-defense.

  Afterwards, some employees of the deceased’s unit introduced that Huang Weiwen had a bad reputation in the local area and had a "criminal record", but this was only their "hearsay".

  A fellow journalist in Changde told reporters that he went to Huang’s local police department specifically for this matter, but found no evidence of a "criminal record." In addition, Huang Weiwen’s tendons in his hands and feet were cut a few months ago, reportedly due to a dispute with a competitor while dealing with waste from his original unit. After surgery from the hospital, his injuries have not yet healed.

  As the case was still under investigation, the reporter could not verify whether Huang had a "criminal record".

  Awaiting a fair ruling

  The leaders of Hu’s unit expressed regret when talking about Hu Hai’s death, and repeatedly claimed that Hu Hai was a kind and dutiful person who never had the experience of competing with others.

  After Hu’s death, colleagues in his unit have consistently elected him as the outstanding employee of 2008 to show their recognition of his work and personality during his lifetime.

  But on the other hand, Master Liao, a taxi driver who got out of the "whirlpool", issued an initiative to the Changde Taxi Industry Association and all drivers, calling for support for Huang Weiwen’s "daring to uphold justice" behavior.

  At present, many taxi drivers have signed their names on the proposal. Master Liao hopes that through his own efforts, Huang will be exempted from "punishment".

  Lawyer Xiao told reporters that Huang has turned himself in, but it will not affect the characterization of the case, but will only let the court consider his sentencing. In addition, they will file a criminal incidental civil lawsuit with the court in this case. He hopes that public opinion will not affect the fair ruling of the law, and the parties will be fair.

  "We think it is also appropriate to compensate the family of the deceased, but Huang Weiwen’s money has been used for medical treatment." Li Yaling, who has known Huang for five years, said she has hired a lawyer to defend him and strive for the best possible sentence. In addition, financial compensation will be a big issue because Huang has little savings.

  Ms. Li told reporters that while Ms. Huang was being treated at the hospital and "escorted" by specialized personnel from the public security department, she sent medicine and food to the hospital every day, but that her health was not as good as it used to be. She said her "boyfriend" was temporarily unavailable for interviews because of concerns about "repercussions."

  A person from the Wuling District Procuratorate of Changde City revealed that the case was returned to the public security organ for supplementary investigation on February 12 and relevant evidence was organized.

  "Both sides are unfortunate, and I hope the law will give a fair judgment." Changde’s brother, Master Li, sighed meaningfully.

Editor in charge: Wang Xin


State Council: Accelerate the resumption of international flights in key aviation hubs such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai.

According to the Chinese government website, a few days ago, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Action Plan for Firmly Promoting High-level Opening-up and Attracting and Utilizing Foreign Capital", which proposed to facilitate the exchange of international business people. It is convenient for foreign businessmen to apply for visas to China. For managers and technicians of foreign-invested enterprises and their accompanying spouses and minor children, the validity period of visas is relaxed to two years. Accelerate the recovery of the number of international flights in key aviation hubs such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

A quick glance at the main points

● Reasonably reduce the negative list of foreign investment access. Completely cancel the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector.

● Piloting the relaxation of foreign investment access in the field of scientific and technological innovation.

● For eligible reinvested enterprise projects, imported self-use equipment shall be exempted from customs duties.

● Support qualified foreign-invested enterprises to issue RMB bonds for financing in China.

● Ensure the reasonable energy demand of foreign-funded projects without discrimination.

● Expand the industrial catalogue and list of foreign-funded projects to encourage foreign investment.

● Facilitate the introduction of foreign talents to work, stop living and stay permanently in China.

expand market access

Reasonably reduce the negative list of foreign investment access

We will improve the national treatment plus negative list management system before foreign investment access, completely abolish the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, and continue to promote the expansion and opening up of telecommunications, medical care and other fields.

Piloting the relaxation of foreign investment access in the field of scientific and technological innovation

● Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other free trade pilot zones are allowed to select a number of qualified foreign-invested enterprises to conduct pilot projects in the development and application of gene diagnosis and treatment technologies.

● Support the opening-up measures in areas such as information services (limited to application stores) to achieve better results in the free trade pilot zone.

Expand the access of foreign financial institutions in the field of banking and insurance.

● Under the premise of ensuring safety, efficiency and stability, support qualified foreign-funded institutions to carry out bank card clearing business according to law.

● Deepen the opening of commercial pension insurance, health insurance and other industries, and support qualified overseas professional insurance institutions to invest and set up or participate in insurance institutions in China.

Expand the business scope of foreign financial institutions participating in the domestic bond market.

● Optimize relevant procedures for foreign financial institutions to participate in the domestic capital market, and further facilitate foreign financial institutions to participate in the China bond market.

● Support qualified foreign-funded financial institutions to participate in domestic bond underwriting as required.

● Study and steadily promote more qualified foreign banks to participate in the pilot trading of treasury bonds futures.

In-depth implementation of the domestic investment pilot of qualified overseas limited partners

● Expand the pilot scope of qualified overseas limited partners, standardize the requirements of qualified overseas limited partners to manage enterprises and funds in terms of registered capital and shareholders, and broaden the scope that funds can invest.

● Improve the management measures for private equity fund services, encourage foreign investors to set up private equity funds and carry out various investment activities according to law.

Strengthen the policy.

Expand the catalogue of industries and the list of foreign-funded projects that encourage foreign investment.

● The catalogue of industries in which foreign investment is encouraged throughout the country will increase its support for advanced manufacturing, high-tech, energy conservation and environmental protection, and the catalogue of industries with foreign investment advantages in the central and western regions will increase its support for basic manufacturing, applicable technologies and people’s livelihood consumption.

● Actively support foreign-funded projects in the fields of integrated circuits, biomedicine and high-end equipment to be included in the list of major and key foreign-funded projects, and allow them to enjoy corresponding support policies.

Implement tax support policies

● Foreign-invested enterprises can enjoy the tariff exemption policy for imported equipment for their own use if the projects invested by reinvested enterprises in China meet the requirements of encouraging foreign investment industries.

● Implement relevant preferential tax policies for foreign investors to invest in financial markets such as China bond market.

Increase financial support.

● Encourage financial institutions to provide high-quality financial services and financing support for qualified foreign-funded projects in accordance with the principle of marketization.

● Support qualified foreign-invested enterprises to issue RMB bonds for financing in China and use them for domestic investment projects.

● Promote the implementation of foreign exchange management facilitation policies for cross-border trade and investment, and continuously improve the convenience of foreign exchange business of foreign-invested enterprises.

Strengthen energy use guarantee

● Improve the regulation of total energy consumption and intensity, focus on controlling fossil energy consumption, implement policies such as excluding raw material energy consumption and non-fossil energy consumption from total energy consumption and intensity control, and ensure the reasonable energy demand of foreign-funded projects without discrimination.

● Accelerate the promotion of green certificate transactions and inter-provincial green electricity transactions to better meet the green electricity demand of foreign-invested enterprises.

Support the central, western and northeastern regions to undertake industrial transfer.

● Encourage the central, western and northeastern regions to give full play to local comparative advantages, and formulate policies and measures to reduce the costs of land, energy, labor and logistics for manufacturing enterprises according to local conditions.

● Plan and integrate key development zones in the central, western and northeastern regions, carry out industrial transfer cooperation with foreign investment in pairs with the eastern region, and establish and improve the mechanism and implementation rules for project promotion, cadre exchange and revenue sharing.

Optimize the level playing field

Clean up acts and policies and measures that violate fair competition

● Deal with the discriminatory behaviors of foreign-invested enterprises in government procurement, bidding, qualification licensing, standard setting and subsidies reflected by business entities in a timely manner, and notify the responsible entities and make rectification within a time limit.

● Accelerate the formulation and promulgation of standards for government procurement of domestic products, and treat products that meet the standards produced by domestic and foreign-funded enterprises equally and equally in government procurement activities. Comprehensively clean up policies and measures that hinder unified market and fair competition.

Improve the bidding system

● Accelerate the revision of the bidding law.

● Organize special treatment of outstanding problems in the field of bidding and tendering, focus on correcting problems that are strongly reflected by a number of business entities, and break unreasonable restrictions that restrict enterprises of all ownership to participate in bidding and tendering on an equal footing.

● Formulate fair competition review rules in the field of bidding, strengthen the rigid constraints of fair competition review, and avoid issuing policy documents that exclude and restrict fair competition.

Fair participation in standard formulation and revision

● Support foreign-invested enterprises to participate in advanced manufacturing, engineering materials, information and communication standardization technical committees or related standardization organizations under the same conditions, and participate in the formulation and revision of standards on an equal footing according to law.

● Publicize national standard information in a timely manner to improve the transparency and openness of standardization work.

Improve the scientific level of administrative law enforcement

Strictly implement the publicity system of administrative law enforcement, strictly implement the list of administrative inspection items, resolutely avoid repeated inspections, promptly correct irregular administrative law enforcement behaviors, and gradually implement off-site supervision characterized by remote supervision, early warning and prevention.

Continue to build the brand of "Investing in China"

● Relying on important exhibition platforms, we will carry out key investment promotion activities of "Investing in China" to show overseas investors China’s high-quality business environment and investment opportunities in all directions.

● Establish and improve the working mechanism, give full play to the role of foreign embassies and consulates as business organizations, support the combination of "going out" and "please come in" in local areas, and carry out investment promotion in a normal way.

● Organize international industrial investment cooperation and docking activities to promote more project negotiation and signing.

Strengthen the service of foreign-invested enterprises

● Make good use of platforms such as round tables of foreign-funded enterprises, deepen normalized exchanges with foreign-funded enterprises, foreign chambers of commerce associations and international organizations, respond to the concerns of all parties in a timely manner, and provide targeted service guarantees.

● Improve the inter-departmental coordination mechanism for complaints of foreign-invested enterprises at all levels, improve the direct contact system of foreign-invested enterprises, smooth communication channels, and timely understand and promote the resolution of problems and reasonable demands reflected by foreign-invested enterprises.

● Implement the information reporting system for foreign investment and continuously promote departmental data sharing. Foreign-invested enterprises shall not be required to submit the information that can be obtained through departmental information sharing.

Smooth the flow of innovation factors

Support foreign-invested enterprises and headquarters data flow

● Standardize data cross-border security management, organize data exit security assessment, standardize personal information exit standard contract filing and other related work, and promote the safe and orderly cross-border flow of data such as R&D, production and sales of foreign-invested enterprises.

● Formulate standards for cross-border data transfer in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, establish a cross-border data flow mechanism for enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao based on major cooperation platforms such as Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, explore the establishment of a "white list" system for cross-border data flow, and steadily promote the convenient data flow in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Facilitate the exchange of international business personnel

● It is convenient for foreign businessmen to apply for visas to China. For managers and technicians of foreign-invested enterprises, their accompanying spouses and minor children, the validity period of visas is relaxed to two years.

● Accelerate the recovery of the number of international flights in key aviation hubs such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Optimize the management of foreigners’ work and residence permits in China.

● Optimize the procedures for foreigners’ work permits and work-related residence permits in China, and adopt the method of "one-stop acceptance and parallel approval" to form a faster and more efficient approval mechanism.

● Strengthen departmental coordination to facilitate the introduction of foreign talents to work, stop residence and stay permanently in China.

Support domestic and foreign institutions to cooperate and innovate.

We will further implement the international scientific and technological cooperation plan under the new situation, and support foreign-invested enterprises, foreign-funded R&D institutions and multinational companies established in China to participate in national key R&D plans, major national science and technology projects and other national science and technology projects on an equal footing.

Improve domestic regulations

Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights

● Dock international high-standard intellectual property rules, improve intellectual property protection regulations, speed up the construction of a national intellectual property protection information platform, strengthen the construction of a trade secret protection system, and thoroughly implement the work plan for administrative protection of intellectual property rights.

● Focus on key areas and key links, and increase the protection of intellectual property rights of foreign-invested enterprises.

● Intensify the investigation and punishment of IPR infringement cases, and resolutely crack down on and punish IPR infringement of foreign-invested enterprises.

Improve the rules of cross-border data flow.

● Scientifically define the scope of important data.

● Fully and deeply participate in the e-commerce negotiations of the World Trade Organization, and accelerate the construction of global digital trade rules.

● Explore the pilot project of cross-border data flow with the members of the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, accelerate the establishment of cooperation mechanisms for cross-border data flow with major economic and trade partner countries and regions, and promote the construction of a multi-level global digital partnership network.

Actively promote the negotiation and implementation of high-standard economic and trade agreements

● Actively promote China’s accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, take the initiative to promote domestic reforms in related fields in accordance with relevant rules, regulations, management and standards, and promote the inclusion of some high-standard economic and trade rules in the arrangement of establishing closer economic and trade relations between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.

● Promote the negotiation and signing of free trade agreements with more countries and regions, and expand the global network of high-standard free trade zones.

Intensify the pilot project of docking international high-standard economic and trade rules

● Give full play to the leading role of the national service industry in expanding and opening up the comprehensive demonstration zone, accurately meet the needs of industrial development, take the lead in building an open service system that is in line with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and timely connect with the comprehensive pilot zone for expanding and opening up the service industry.

● Support the conditional free trade pilot zone and Hainan Free Trade Port to base themselves on the national conditions, connect with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and take the lead in exploring and implementing the results of negotiations in the fields of domestic regulation of service trade, investment facilitation and digital trade of the World Trade Organization. Continue to slide to see the next touch to read the original text.

The civil aviation resource network slides up to see the next one.

Original title: "State Council: Promoting the Accelerated Resumption of International Flights in Key Aviation Hub such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai"

Read the original text


On New Year’s Eve, why should we keep our birthday?

Why should we keep our birthday today?

Xiaobian first tells you a story.


Said it was a long time ago.

There is a monster named Chong.

It has a dark body.

But the hands are white.

Every spring festival and new year’s eve

"Precious" came to the world.

Touch the forehead of a sleeping child

Any child who has been touched by "special"

You’ll become a demented fool.

In order not to let "Chong" hurt children.

Every new year’s eve.

Everyone lights the oil lamp all night.

Play with children

Keep them from sleeping.

At that time, it was called "guarding the special"

And then?

People think

It’s unlucky to mention the monster "Chong"

And because "old" and "precious" are homophonic.

So I slowly put

"Shou Chong" is called "Shou Sui"

So here comes the question

On New Year’s Eve

I won’t sleep unless you sleep.

Who is the little baby who stays up late?

Xiaobian knows that staying up late is not good for the liver.

But on second thought,

If I stay up late tonight,

So tomorrow

Will netizens call me darling?


Sweetheart, I can’t talk.

Can I call you a big-faced cat?

Xiaobian: We need a turn here.

in fact

On New Year’s Eve

It is not difficult to stay up happily.

We have a lot to do.

for example

Put up a pair of new Spring Festival couplets.

According to the public photo library of WeChat platform

Spring Festival couplets are also called

Door pairs, couplets, pairs and peach symbols

This is a unique literary form in China.

According to research

This custom originated in the Song Dynasty.

It has been popular since the Ming Dynasty.

Couplets are an expression.

Be able to use short words

Express profound meaning

can be compared to

"Never drive after eating, drinking and drinking"

"It’s time to walk, leave the past behind and never look back."

Another example

Have a New Year’s Eve dinner.

Even if you respond positively

Netizens of the "On-site Chinese New Year" policy

Don’t let your stomach down.

Be sure to order hard dishes on the whole.

Reward yourself

According to Guangxi News Network

But believe

No matter where you are

New year’s greetings

Greetings from seven aunts, eight aunts, two uncles and two grandmothers.

It must be indispensable.

"Is there someone?"

"Why don’t you get married?"

"Why don’t you have children?"

"How much do you earn a month?"


The moment I saw these questions.

Do you feel cold in your back?

"evil wind" bursts

don’t worry

Xiaobian has helped you figure out how to answer.

"There are objects,


Ready to have children,

Earn more than you. "

Words here.

Successfully completed the "escape from the Chamber of Secrets"

in fact

On New Year’s Eve

Whether you can be with your family or not.

As long as the heart is together.

You will feel full of happiness.

This spring festival

There are also many people.

Stick to the front line

Pay tribute to everyone

Netizens who are staying together tonight.

Xiaobian has another sentence

I don’t know when to speak improperly.


Don’t melt into different circles.

But tonight,

We all have the same circle.

That’s dark circles.


It’s time for Xiaobian to compose poems again.

Ah ~

Spend one night on New Year’s Eve.

Grab a red envelope for 99 cents.

Pinch your fingers and pay 200.

I see who is so tiger.

Just kidding.

Xiaobian will still bless everyone.

Everything you want is what you want

The road to success is smooth

Everyone meets a good person.

Everything is fun.

It’s good news to hear.

at last

Xiaobian wants to say

The new year is coming.

Everyone sent a lot of messages to bless you.

It basically represents what I mean.

It’s good that you know it.

in addition

Little cute people who want red envelopes during the Spring Festival.

Remember to talk to me privately.

So I can delete you.

Don’t affect my Chinese New Year.

Eat and drink well!

Happy New Year’s Eve!

Original title: "New Year’s Eve, why should we keep the year? 》