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"Galaxy Tutorial School" "Start Lessons" for Parents

  "You are the smartest child on this earth" "Tsinghua Peking University is just a process, not a goal" "Life is like archery, dreams are like archery targets, if you can’t even find the archery targets, what’s the point of pulling the bow every day?"… This is the line in the movie "Galaxy Tutoring School", and it is also the "education scripture" that Deng Chao and Yu Baimei want to share with the audience the most. Starting from their own growth experience and parenting experience, they began to pay attention to the most anxious education topic for Chinese parents. The movie cannot answer every audience’s questions, let alone give a standard answer to family education, but as the original intention of the two directors, "We hope to inspire others and provide a way of thinking, so that the audience can think about it after watching the movie."

  The most important thing is to talk about Chinese people’s own emotions

  Reporter: "Galaxy Cram School" did a lot of roadshows before its release. How did it feel to communicate directly with the audience?

  Deng Chao: The roadshow did harvest a lot of tears this month. When I took the movie roadshow, I really didn’t expect so many audience members to share their tears with us, even including their own secrets that have been hidden for many years, so I was very relieved. One audience member said that she was the "Director Yan" in the play, working as a teacher in a boarding school and bringing out many good students. She told her daughter at the scene that no matter what you choose in the future, my mother will be gentle to you. Then she kissed her daughter’s forehead, turned her face and said to her mother, I know how hard you have worked for me, and I understand you more and hug my mother. Such sharing is everywhere.

  Yu Baimei: The roadshow is approaching 30 cities, and Deng Chao and I both have a particularly profound feeling. We made a movie, hoping that the movie could move the audience, but we didn’t expect that the audience would always give us emotional baptism during the roadshow. So many audience members stood up one after another and shared their emotional stories in tears. This process has benefited Deng Chao and I a lot, and it has also made us understand why we should make movies and how we should make movies in the future. It turns out that telling our own stories is not so important, but telling Chinese people’s own emotions is probably the most important thing.

  Reporter: Who first came up with the idea of making a film about education?

  Yu Baimei: About seven or eight years ago, we wanted to make a film about education, but on the topic of education, we started longer. Because we are friends who have been together for 20 years, we often talk about each other’s growth, and we have some similarities. We were not top students when we were young. My father and his mother asked us a question, which was almost exactly the same. We said that we were children of ordinary families, and no one in the family engaged in art. Why did you do this and finally exceeded the expectations of parents? We were also confused.

  Later, when we summed up, we found that it may have something to do with our family education. We are lucky to live in a family that other students envy, and our parents support us to follow our dreams. In addition, our fathers are more independent thinkers. So the "always thinking, always thinking" in the movie, not admitting defeat, and pursuing dreams are all things that benefit us all our lives. At the same time, when we start to be fathers, we want to turn ourselves into connectors and pass on the educational feelings we received from our parents.

  There were many times when we talked about writing about our growing up feelings, such as the counterattack of a scumbag. When I was a child, my grades were okay, but I didn’t reach the level of a scumbag. This part of the material should be attributed to Deng Chao. In the movie, Ma Fei was about to be expelled from school, and his family begged for mercy. This is his story.

  The original intention of filming originated from the fact that I started being a father

  Reporter: How do you understand happiness education?

  Yu Baimei: First of all, neither Deng Chao nor I are education experts. This movie is just a father who has many views on education. For us, any education method has advantages and disadvantages, but instead emphasizes whether children’s brains are constantly changing during the learning process. Whether it is exam-oriented education or quality-oriented education, if it is only one-sided implementation, and parents do not understand the true meaning of education, there will be problems. What is the true meaning of education? The movie attempts to give our opinion, for example, we believe that life must know its own goals, to be better requires some focus, need to pay for the dream, pure happiness may be a bit one-sided, so we believe that always let children have the ability to think and believe in children, is the most important in family education, and this is also some of the shortcomings that often occur among our parents.

  Deng Chao: Our original intention for making a movie originated from being a father seven or eight years ago. From our parents’ education to us, including when we saw our wife discussing what school their children went to in various groups, her anxiety was the same as everyone else’s. During the roadshow, we found that the topic of education was like opening the gate, and parents had a lot to say and were very confused.

  Yu Baimei: A parent watched the movie and felt very touched, "Ma Fei became an astronaut because he has talent, but my son has no talent." I said you didn’t understand, Ma Fei is missing a string, if his father didn’t believe him, who would have talent? Deng Chao and I have an idea that we are both people of average intelligence, and it is our parents who believe that we can do things well and encourage us to work hard for our dreams.

  Reporter: When it comes to the topic of education, many parents feel very anxious. How to relieve this anxiety?

  Yu Baimei: If it is only for the college entrance examination, it may be very anxious. But what we are most anxious about is whether he has a good mind and dreams. We both have an immature opinion. We think that the competition in this era is not very fierce. Why do we say that? Because in our life experience, many people in the industry we have encountered do not like this industry so much, so what is the intense competition for those who really like this industry? As long as the child likes this, he can easily PK other players.

  Reporter: Nowadays, many parents will sign up their children for many classes. Director Deng Chao, will you give etc., Xiaohua classes in your life?

  Deng Chao: Turn cram school into an interest, this is what we have been talking about. No matter how energetic a school teacher is, it is impossible to do everything for every child. But parents can do it, because it is the final tenderness. You only face your child, and what he likes is very important. In fact, many parents have not thought about it. They are just waiting and seeing, and they are also very anxious and confused. They sign up for classes, and the children are full for a week. So it is very important for couples to talk about what their children like and find the target.

  Reporter: Do you talk to your children?

  Deng Chao: I’ve been talking about it. Children are very fickle. He likes this one now, and he likes another one in half a year. It doesn’t matter if he changes, as long as he is interested. Wait, he likes to play basketball, and he plays basketball by himself when he sees it. There is no need for parents to say it at all. He found that happiness and kept improving.

  Reporter: "Galaxy Tutoring School" and your first two works have undergone a major change in style. Some people say that Deng Chao has become more profound. Do you agree?

  Deng Chao: In fact, different themes will be handled differently, or they will become assembly lines. "The Breakup Master" and "The Villain Angel" are our two most important piers. Without these two piers, there would be no "Galaxy Tutoring School" now.

  In order to express the original intention, keep the film length 147 minutes

  Reporter: In this movie, there are many links between small characters and major events, such as the Asian Games torch, the 1998 catastrophic flood, and even the space flight. Why is this handled?

  Yu Baimei: Although we thought about this movie for seven or eight years, we never made it because we felt that our previous ability was not enough to control it. Our first movie was released on the same day as "Transformers 4", and at that time we felt the power of industry. So in the second movie, we consciously improved our industrial level, but in the improvement, we may have imitated too much, resulting in a certain degree of acclimatization. By the time of the third movie, we wanted to improve better and summed up the previous experience and lessons.

  I have also participated in the study in the United States organized by the Film Bureau, and I have seen firsthand how Hollywood makes movies. This time we have also formed an international team to approach Hollywood or catch up with Hollywood. For example, if we want to shoot the Asian Games, we have to make the Chinese audience feel that it is the Asian Games. Thanks to our art teacher, there are more than 1,000 people and more than a dozen teams in the Torch Relay scene. The clothes of each team are historically real, including the kindergarten team, the old man’s suona team, the dragon and lion dance team, the tax and public security departments, as well as the run-up team and the garland team. These details enhance the enjoyment of the audience watching the movie. Including the Xinhua Bookstore and the post office in the background, they only appear in the camera for 0.05 seconds, regardless of the cost, just to be invulnerable.

  Reporter: Deng Chao played the father in the film this time, and the age span is particularly large. The actors who played your son have changed three, but you did it alone. Can you talk about it from the perspective of characterization?

  Deng Chao: First of all, the look, from his most youthful look in the Asian Games Torch Relay to his old makeup, his hair is thinning, and the changes in the middle should be trustworthy, without any sense of inconsistency. This character has magic, and I have been experiencing other characters for a short time, but this time I feel that Ma Haowen is in front of me every day, and not just on the set. He comes from our parents, from our children, and from our combined 84-year-old life experience and the feelings poured into the preparation process over the past seven or eight years.

  Yu Baimei: As soon as Deng Chaoyi put on makeup, I said, he looks too much like my dad, and it’s like the moment I first thought my dad was old. When he finished his look, I cried. I’m sure this is the right look. He is the father image in the eyes of most Chinese people. His physical movements are also very good. There is an encouraging movement in the film. Ma Haowen frowned, bent his arm, and patted his son’s shoulder hard. This is the most intimate movement of a Chinese father and son.

  Reporter: This movie is 147 minutes long. Why is it so long?

  Yu Baimei: Our editor is the editor of "Wrestling! Dad". After he cut it, the publicity team suggested that it be compressed by 20 minutes, because there will be more films and the box office will be better. He asked us what the original intention of making this film was. If it was for the box office, he was completely sure to cut 20 minutes; but if it was to express our opinion, it would not be able to cut it. Because if this film is cut by 20 minutes, the story is not lost, but the loss is the expression. So what else can we say? Just 147 minutes.

  Our reporter, Li Li


Ren Xianqi: Every time I sing "My Heart is Too Soft", it will be the last time in my life

  At the celebration banquet of "The Extinct Man" in 2003, Du Qifeng, who was slightly drunk, looked at Ren Xianqi with wide eyes, and suddenly said in silence, "I see an evil spirit in your eyes. When people like you become fierce, they will make everyone more afraid."

  Ren Xianqi was very surprised. Why did Du Qifeng say this? In the eyes of others, how could Ren Xianqi, who had no "public harm", be associated with "evil"?

  In 2004, Ren Xianqi took over the filming of Qifeng To’s "Big Event" and played a gangster in the film. Since then, it seems that Ren Xianqi has embarked on a "villain’s road of no return". In 2016’s "The Tree Attracts the Wind", Ren Xianqi played Ye Guohuan, one of the "three kings of thieves" in Hong Kong. Because of Ye Guohuan’s role, Ren Xianqi was finally recognized by the film industry. And it was this simple "affirmation" that Ren Xianqi took 12 years.

  Ren Xianqi hopes to share this difficult journey with everyone. He chose to use his old business – singing, and use a concert called "Miracle" to relive the footsteps we have walked together. "There will be a concert at the provincial gymnasium on July 6. Because for so many years, many people have grown up listening to my songs, and their youth has my singing in it. So this concert has a little more sharing and a little more gratitude we want to express." In an exclusive interview with Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News, Ren Xianqi said with emotion.

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter, Ren Hongwei, intern, Yi Qinyuan, photojournalist, Wang Xiao

  Gain weight for acting

  "Eating" is torture

  After the interview, Ren Xianqi invited reporters to have dinner together. He invited his agent Ke Shangmin to pack vegetables, eel noodles, and hoof soup in advance and eat them in the ultra-luxurious presidential suite. "It’s still lively to eat with more people. Well, this side tastes really good." As Ren Xianqi enjoyed the delicious food from the Chengdu Fly Restaurant, he scooped a large spoonful of scallions from the plastic bag in the hands of the agent and put them into the noodle bowl.

  For a long time, "eating" was not a pleasure for Ren Xianqi, but more of a torture. When filming the movie "War Horse" last year, Ren Xianqi spent a lot of time eating fat. The final conclusion is that "eating fat is not so happy," because when eating more than one’s load and needs, it is a kind of torture. "I have to eat six meals a day, and when I don’t have enough calories, I have to eat chocolate, nutritional supplements, and training to increase muscle mass and make it look fat when it is covered in fat. When I need to lose weight quickly, my body can’t handle the weight training and aerobic training that I need next, and it is very painful every day." However, Ren Xianqi, who finally lost weight, has to gain back to 100 kilograms. Because he may have to take over the follow-up filming of the movie "Horse Running".

  Singer in movie

  Let everyone forget my identity as a singer

  Putting aside the greasy big fat man in "War Horse", the gangster Santa in "Silent Witness", the thief king Ye Guohuan in "The Tree Attracts the Wind" before, and even the earlier "Death Gold", "Exile", "The Big Event", you will find that Ren Xianqi actually plays all kinds of villains, all kinds of villains. "Now the invitations are basically villains," Ke Shangmin added.

  Ren Xianqi and Ke Shangmin both admitted that playing the villain was because of a sentence by Du Qifeng. After thinking about it, they agreed with each other from the bottom of their hearts. "When a singer goes to act in a movie, the first thing to do is to make everyone forget my identity as a singer. I can’t have any concerns about baggage or appearance. At the beginning, when being a singer was popular, I was invited to participate in film and television performances. Usually, the image was very close to the singer, or even the true character of the performance. But when I gradually came into contact with the professional field of actors, I felt that the actor should act like what, so when I received a role, I should analyze how to act like him."

  However, on the road of movie acting, only transformation can take you further. To Qifeng once said, "If an actor is not good at acting, he should be responsible for it himself." After so many years of experience, Ren Xianqi has also found a way to truly belong to his own actor.

  "Together" Concert

  Share more

  For veteran fans, "Qi Qi" is no stranger. Ren Xianqi’s first concert since his debut in 1998 was called this name. This time, "Qi Qi" is a little more sharing and a little more gratitude that Ren Xianqi wants to express.

  There are many good songs to be sung in the concert, "Too Soft Heart" and "Pacific Heartbreak" are indispensable. If you have to make a choice, I would like to know which of these two songs has a greater influence on Ren Xianqi. "" Too Soft Heart ", after all, it is this song that everyone knows me and accepts me, and it is like a key to open the door to my music hall." From fame to now, "Too Soft Heart" should have been sung tens of thousands of times. Won’t Ren Xianqi be numb? "No, because every time I sing it, I treat it as the last time I sing it in my life. If I don’t sing it well, I won’t have a chance." Some people may also listen to Ren Xianqi sing this song for the first time. How can I sing the most sincere touching and sincere feelings to everyone? Ren Xianqi said, "Before every time I sing, I will have a precipitation and spiritual arm, because if you don’t hear the emotion, this song will invisibly reduce the position in your heart."

  Very content

  I am a happy singer

  Along with the "miracle", there were also many skeptical voices, thinking that Ren Xianqi had only sung a few representative works for so many years. In this regard, Ren Xianqi smiled and said nothing.

  "A lot of people dream of having a masterpiece, and I am very satisfied. I have many masterpieces, and they are different in various genres, so I am a happy singer, and I am very satisfied." The real challenge is how to continue to develop masterpieces, not just Ren Xianqi, but also many Tianwang-level singers. "Everyone has high expectations for us, and we also have a certain style, and then everyone will encounter some bottlenecks after the golden age. We have a place in the hearts of fans and listeners, and it is not suitable to write the same kind of songs as we grow older. It is really not so easy to create surprises and brilliance. Now the vein of the music industry is that there are talents from all over the country, and each leader is coquettish for hundreds of years."

  Long distance running artist

  It doesn’t have to outperform everyone.

  A few days ago, before Hunan Satellite TV’s "Singer" finals, there was an article on the Internet with the title "He’s going to be Qi Yu’s guest, it turns out that Xiao Qi has become a third-tier singer". Ke Shangmin was helpless: "There are so many people helping to sing, so we picked Xiao Qi to write, and we can’t help it. In fact, we didn’t receive an invitation, and these remarks are inexplicable."

  But it is undeniable that "The Singer" does provide a good stage for many singers. Did Ren Xianqi not think of participating in similar shows to let everyone know themselves again? Ren Xianqi said: "In fact, there are many invitations. I am not a competitive contestant. Every singer has his own style. There is no first or second. I don’t think I am suitable."

  "Some media use the term’long-distance runner ‘to describe me, and I think it’s quite appropriate. I think life is like a marathon, you have to adjust your rhythm and pace, and understand your own conditions. The same is true of performing arts, which should be competing for a thousand years rather than competing for one. You may be lucky and have a boost, and suddenly run smoothly. But if you don’t adjust your mentality, you will start to encounter some physical exhaustion like running a marathon. All the physical information is telling you to give up. If you really give up, you won’t be able to run to the finish line." Ren Xianqi said that you need to have a strong willpower, fighting spirit and endurance to match the rhythm of your body. "You don’t have to beat everyone, but you have to run to the finish line, even if you win. So I want to face my life with the spirit of a sportsman. I will not be discouraged if I win or lose, and I will not retreat if I am beaten to death. "


Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport on Maintaining Fair Competition Market Order and Accelerating the Promotion of Online Car-hailing Compliance

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and transportation departments (bureaus and committees) of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

  Recently, some online ride-hailing platform companies have recruited or induced unlicensed drivers and vehicles to "bring cars to join" and carried out illegal operations, which seriously disrupted the market order of fair competition, affected the safety and stability of the industry, and damaged the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers. On August 30, 2021, the 21st meeting of the Central Commission for Comprehensive Deepening Reform clearly requested to promote the formation of a fair competition market environment and better protect the rights and interests of consumers. In order to implement the spirit of the 21st meeting of the Central Commission for Comprehensive Deepening Reform, maintain fair competition market order, accelerate the process of online ride-hailing compliance, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the online ride-hailing industry, with the consent of the Ministry of Transport, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  I. Further enhance ideological awareness

  Legal compliance operation is a prerequisite for ensuring the safety of online car-hailing operations, and is a basic requirement for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers and maintaining a fair competition market environment. Local transportation authorities should proceed from the strategic height of building a new development pattern of services, promoting high-quality development, and promoting common prosperity, further improve their political position, enhance their sense of responsibility and mission, and fully understand the importance of online car-hailing compliance to maintaining a fair competition market environment. It is necessary to press and compact the main responsibility of enterprises for legal compliance operation, actively promote the diversification of market entities, create broad development space for various market entities, and better serve the people’s safe and convenient travel needs.

  Accelerate the process of online car-hailing compliance

  Local transportation authorities should urge online ride-hailing platform companies to operate in accordance with laws and regulations. From now on, no new access to non-compliant vehicles and drivers will be allowed, and non-compliant drivers and vehicles will be cleared faster. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and law enforcement, strictly standardize law enforcement behavior, and comprehensively use various means such as online and offline to increase the crackdown on illegal operation of online ride-hailing, and continue to maintain a high-pressure situation. Online ride-hailing platform companies that are still new access to non-compliant vehicles and drivers shall be investigated and punished in accordance with laws and regulations, and the relevant situation shall be reported to the Ministry. The Ministry will make it public to the public and serve as an important basis for taking supervision measures during and after the incident.

  Local transportation authorities should formulate a work plan for online car-hailing compliance, clarify goals, refine measures, and effectively promote compliance. It is necessary to adhere to both regulatory norms and promote development, optimize the approval process, strengthen services, and resolutely get rid of the "glass door" and "revolving door" for license processing, so as to provide convenience for online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers who meet the access conditions to apply for licenses. From September 2021, the Ministry will announce the compliance rate of online car-hailing in 36 central cities every month. For cities where eligible vehicles and drivers fail to comply due to license processing delays and other issues, the Ministry will disclose the list of cities to the public.

  III. Maintaining fair competition and market order

  Local transportation authorities should urge enterprises to implement their main responsibilities, strengthen their awareness of fair competition, and guide the formation of a market environment that advocates, protects, and promotes fair competition. It is necessary to work with relevant departments to accelerate the establishment of an all-round, multi-level, and three-dimensional supervision system, and strengthen the supervision of online ride-hailing platform companies in the whole chain and all fields before, during and after the event, so as to improve the supervision efficiency. It is necessary to cooperate with relevant departments to increase the intensity of double random inspection work, and strictly investigate and punish low-price dumping, big data killing, and inducing fraud and other violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law. Promote the formation of a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system, and effectively maintain the market order

  IV. Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers

  Local transportation authorities should conscientiously implement the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other eight departments "Guiding Opinions on Safeguarding the Labor Security Rights and Interests of Laborers in New Employment Forms" and other relevant document requirements, actively work with relevant departments to guide and urge online ride-hailing platform companies to comply with the law on employment, scientifically formulate platform order dispatch rules, standardize pricing behavior, improve the benefit distribution mechanism, reduce the excessive draw ratio, and ensure that drivers receive reasonable labor remuneration and rest time. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the 12328 transportation service supervision telephone, deal with complaints from drivers and passengers about the operation behavior of the platform in a timely manner, and must not be perfunctory, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers.

  V. Maintain the safety and stability of the industry

  Under the unified leadership of the local party committee and government, local transportation authorities should work with relevant departments to strengthen dynamic monitoring of market operation, share relevant information in a timely manner, strengthen evaluation and judgment, and promptly investigate and resolve various contradictions and disputes and hidden risks to ensure industry stability. It is necessary to urge online car-hailing platform enterprises to strengthen safety education for online car-hailing drivers, and comprehensively use civil air defense, technical defense, and physical defense to improve the safety level of industry operations.

General Office of the Ministry of Transport    

September 7, 2021  

  (This article is published publicly.)

  CC: Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Ministry of Transport.


Jackie Chan’s "Zodiac" is injured and in a wheelchair, really fighting Hollywood

  After filming for so many years, Jackie Chan has suffered countless injuries. According to Zhang Lanxin, he went to the hospital on crutches after filming, but his eldest brother went to the hospital in a wheelchair. Jackie Chan admitted that he couldn’t remember how many injuries he had suffered, but he was really helpless, "I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, and I have also asked myself if I need to work so hard to make movies, but if I don’t work so hard, what can we do to compete with Hollywood? We do have a big gap with them in the stunts of science fiction movies, so we have to make this kind of real kung fu movie, fighting Hollywood with fists and meat. It is this environment that forces me to work hard." Regarding "Zodiac," he said, the play returned to "mediocrity", allowing people to see the previous Jackie Chan movies. "Some flying movies are unreasonable, and action movies have entered a dangerous period. I prefer to be like the original."

Next page: Jackie Chan is not looking for a successor, Li Zongsheng made a cameo and was rectified 


China Consumers Association: There are many outstanding problems in online takeaway food delivery services and food delivery quality

CCTV News:The results of today’s online takeaway ordering service experiential survey report by the China Consumers Association show that compared with the online ordering experience, the problems in offline delivery service and delivery quality experience are relatively prominent. The main problems are:

There are foreign objects in the meals of individual orders that do not meet the hygiene and safety requirements.On September 9, the Beijing experience staff encountered serious food hygiene and safety problems such as meat maggots while experiencing "Meituan takeaway"; on September 20, the Hangzhou experience staff found foreign objects such as hair while experiencing the "Ele.me" platform.

The access review of individual platforms is lax, and unqualified merchants register online on the platform and operate without licenses offline.On September 22, Baoji experience staff experienced the online registration information of the "Ele.me" platform as "Potato Chip Roujiamo Shop". The offline is actually a street mobile food stall and does not have the corresponding business qualifications.

The outer packaging of some meals is damaged, the food leaks, and the smell is mixed, etc., and the appearance experience of the meals is relatively poor.On August 20, Luoyang experiencers encountered serious spills on store takeaway food when experiencing "Meituan takeaway", which affected actual consumption; on September 8, Ningbo experiencers encountered that the store takeaway packaging was not sealed when experiencing "word-of-mouth takeaway", resulting in serious food spills; on September 12, Baoji experiencers experienced irregular takeaway packaging and serious food spills when experiencing the "Ele.me" platform.

Some platform merchants were unable to deliver meals in a timely manner, and 17.5% of the experience staff reported that the online takeaway ordering platform did not deliver meals according to the time displayed by the system.On September 13, when the Beijing experience staff experienced "Baidu takeaway", they encountered an online order showing that it had been delivered, but the actual offline takeaway was not delivered; on September 15, the Xi’an experience staff experienced "Baidu takeaway", and the platform showed that the estimated delivery time of the meal was 13:09, and the actual delivery time was 13:23, with a cumulative timeout of 14 minutes.

In addition, there are also some food delivery personnel arranged by the merchants themselves, with weak service awareness and poor service initiative. There are also some platforms that do not have an order cancellation option, with 53.4% of the experience staff reporting that they cannot cancel the order. More than 70% of the experience staff reported that the platform merchants do not take the initiative to provide regular invoices.

In response to the situation that online takeaway ordering services involve many links, the China Consumers Association recommends that relevant government departments should establish a supervision and law enforcement coordination mechanism, strengthen the supervision and management of platforms and merchants in terms of qualification review, service provision, and consumer personal information protection. To prevent unqualified, low-reputation, and poor-service merchants from entering the platform, increase penalties for platform and merchant violations, and urge industry enterprises to be honest and trustworthy and operate in accordance with the law, so that consumers can enjoy safe, assured, and comfortable platform ordering services. The China Consumers Association hopes that platform merchants will improve the standards and quality of meal packaging and distribution facilities, optimize platform operations, strengthen the training and management of distribution personnel, and provide standardized and humanized services to consumers. It is necessary to strengthen the qualification review and training education of employees, enhance the standardization and initiative of services, and meet consumers’ dining needs with standardized services, so that consumers can enjoy safe and hygienic ordering services.

At the same time, the China Consumers Association reminds consumers: to enhance their self-protection awareness, check the relevant qualifications of the platform, pay attention to the credit of the platform and merchants, choose a regular catering unit to order food, and try to conduct multi-party understanding or on-the-spot inspection of the catering unit; to take the initiative to obtain ordering invoices or valid bills, find food leakage, food expiration and deterioration, serious overtime delivery, poor service attitude and other issues, to retain relevant evidence and protect their rights and interests in accordance with the law.


The magical dance of "Subject III" caused a heated discussion. Many people were jumping, and the doctor reminded them: be careful of spraining your ankle.

  The magical dance of "Subject III" caused a heated discussion. Many people were jumping, and the doctor reminded them: be careful of spraining your ankle.

  □ Jinling Evening News/Purple Mountain News reporter Wang Guojun

  "Subject three, at first I thought we were talking about the topic of driving test. Later, when my little brother came on stage, I found out that it was a magical dance." Guo Shilan, a citizen, was a little surprised. "This dance called’ Subject Three’ is really too hot."

  The dance of "Subject III" suddenly burst into flames in the streets, and many people in Nanjing also learned to dance "Subject III". Why did the dance of "Subject III" suddenly explode? What should we pay attention to when jumping "subject three"? The reporter conducted an interview a few days ago.

  Many people in Nanjing jumped up to "subject three"

  On November 28th, Guo Shilan ate in a restaurant in Qinhuai District. Shortly after sitting down, she heard a cheerful scream "Want to see, want to see" not far away. She turned her head and found that a customer had a birthday at a table not far away, wishing to see "Subject 3", and loudly solicited the opinions of consumers in nearby seats. Everyone said "Want to see".

  Soon, the younger brother, a waiter in the restaurant, danced the "subject three" dance in public, waving his hands and playing happy music in small steps. In a blink of an eye, men, women and children took out their mobile phones to take pictures. "The young man said that he had just learned and was not particularly familiar with it, but he danced very seriously and was very happy." Ms. Guo thinks it’s interesting to watch such a dance while eating hot pot.

  According to reports, "Subject III", as the full name of dance, is called "Guangxi Subject III", which originated from the scene of many people singing and dancing at a wedding scene in Guangxi. Since then, it has begun to spread among the people. "Guangxi people will experience three exams in their lives. The subject is singing folk songs, the subject is rice noodles, and the subject is dancing." It is the hot pot restaurant that really brings the fire dance. It is reported that a waiter in a hot pot restaurant in Shandong accidentally tried to dance this dance, which set off a craze for the hot pot restaurant to dance "subject three". In a famous brand hot pot store, as long as you say "I want to see subject three", a waiter will give you a magical "subject three" dance.

  As a dance, "Subject 3" has been popular all over the streets recently, and even related topics have been searched many times. On the social platform, some people have gained 200,000 yuan for jumping this two days, and "Subject III" has also traveled all the way across the ocean and spread overseas. In Nanjing, there are also many people who learn to jump up to subject three.

  Wang Haidong, a native of Nanjing, once performed on CCTV, is the local break dance king in Gaochun and the head of the dance champion street dance club. He has been busy these days. "Many students and parents told me to learn the dance of’ subject three’, which has been popular recently." He told reporters that from his point of view, this dance has a variety of jumping methods, which are easy and lively, easy to learn for people with a little dance foundation, and easy to learn even without dance foundation. "Because many people want to learn, after this dance became a hit, I learned it and then taught everyone to jump." Wang Haidong said.

  On the social platform, from the pictures and videos uploaded by netizens, there are "Subject III" dance performances in many hot pot restaurants and commercial districts in Nanjing, and many people are learning to dance "Subject III".

  Warm up before jumping and pay attention to sports safety.

  However, while "Subject III" became popular, there were also many voices of spit. A mother in Hangzhou took her baby to dinner, and it was uncomfortable to see the waiter jump "subject three". It was really uncomfortable to take the child to see the waiter wriggle around.

  Shake your hands, twist your waist, swing your hips, and have half-twisted feet, with the music with distinct rhythm … Some people feel very happy and have a sense of atmosphere, while others feel "spicy eyes", "too vulgar" and "very rustic". Experts believe that although it looks "earthy", the popularity of "subject three" reflects the rise of Internet consumer culture. "Earthy taste" has become a traffic password and has been recognized by young people. Offline, it has indeed improved the consumption atmosphere of hot pot restaurants, bringing a unique experience of consumption, but it also brings confusion to other consumers.

  In any case, the explosion of "subject three" has its objective demand, but dancing this dance may also bring some sports safety hazards because of its large body swing. Recently, a post-00 boy from Zhejiang went to the hospital because of unbearable knee pain after jumping "Subject III", and found that the tibial plateau bone contusion. The doctor reminded that the dance requires higher knee and ankle joints, and the movements are difficult. In severe cases, fractures may occur. Therefore, warm up before exercise. Once you sprain your ankle while dancing, stop dancing immediately. If your ankle is swollen badly, you should seek medical advice in time.


Can selling scripts live become a "life-saving straw" for screenwriters?

  This article contributes to the author, which is the author’s personal opinion, and the opinion does not represent the position of poisonous eyes.

  Wen | Pu Juan

  In recent months, the wave of goods carried by the whole people has risen.

  First, Luo Yonghao settled in Tik Tok with high profile, and held several live broadcasts to sell goods and pay off debts. Later, Liu Shishi, Yang Yang, Victoria Song and other stars appeared in the live broadcast room to recommend products to fans together with well-known online celebrity such as Li Jiaqi. Later, even CCTV celebrities Zhu Guangquan and Ouyang Xiadan and Gree Chairman Dong Mingzhu also joined the wave.

  In the last month or two, the fire of live broadcast with goods has finally "burned" into the film and television circle, and screenwriters have joined the ranks, but the goods they bring are not lipsticks and food, but scripts.

  In April, the Writers’ Gang held three online "live selling scripts" activities, and organized 15 writers to bring goods online, including Yu Geng, the original author of the recent hot film "I am Yu Huanshui", and Run Nian Dong, the screenwriter of "My heart is blooming" and "Crazy Alien". People who usually bury themselves in writing suddenly turned into anchors with goods, which attracted the attention of many people in the industry and people who eat melons. The number of views of the third phase of the event accumulated about 13,000 times.

  As of May 2, four "live screenplay selling" activities have been held.

  (Screenshot from the screenwriter to help Weibo)

  Selling scripts live is essentially an online venture capital meeting. Each screenwriter first conducts a 10-minute roadshow to explain his creative experience and script outline to the audience. Then there is a 5-minute interactive question-and-answer session, in which the audience directly asks questions and the screenwriter personally answers them. Although it is somewhat different from the common live broadcast, the audience can also reward the screenwriter or brush comments according to their own preferences, and the producer can also contact the screenwriter to learn more about the script by rewarding 168 yuan.

  The writers’ gang publicized the first phase of the event as "The World’s First Live Screenplay Selling Conference", which also attracted well-known screenwriter Song Fangjin and others to open the platform in Weibo. However, from the feedback of the third phase of the event, it seems that writers, producers and other people in the industry did not fully buy it, and the comment area was polarized.

  Song Fangjin sells scripts for live broadcast in Weibo.

  In the author’s opinion, the reason why the live broadcast of scripts will encounter unsatisfactory feedback is that on the one hand, it has just begun to try, and all aspects still need to be improved and improved; On the other hand, it has something to do with China’s "awkward" position in the industry.

  Why is there a live broadcast selling scripts?

  On the surface, the appearance of selling scripts live is because many aspects of the film and television industry have come to a standstill under the epidemic, so film and television people take this opportunity to launch a self-help. But in fact, apart from self-help, the writer’s weak right to speak in China and the lack of appropriate channels for safeguarding rights and assistance are very important internal causes.

  The film and television industry is a huge social system engineering, which is not only a long industrial chain, but also a "cosmic planet"-like existence, radiating and blending with many related industries. From the perspective of modern enterprise operation, production, distribution and projection in the film and television industry chain correspond to the production, promotion and sales of goods respectively.

  Nowadays, the United States, South Korea, Japan and other major film and television countries have formed a mature industrial value chain of "upstream development, midstream expansion and downstream extension". The production, distribution, marketing and screening of film and television works are closely linked, while the film and television industry chain in China is still in the process of gradual improvement.

  The script development link is a relatively immature one. Script is the starting point and the core soul of a film and television work. As the creator of this soul, the importance of screenwriter is beyond doubt. But compared with other countries, China’s screenwriters are marginalized.

  According to "Hollywood 2017 Salary Report", the top film writers in the United States can earn $3 million to $5 million, while gold-medal TV writers often have the opportunity to enjoy the same treatment as executive producers. Ordinary film writers can also get about $500,000, and TV writers can earn $5,000 to $10,000 for a single episode. At the same time, there is also a Writers Guild ofAmerica in the United States, which has the right to speak in the industry, helping writers to protect their rights and providing notarization of their works and some legal basis.

  In South Korea, top screenwriters can get 100 million won for a single episode, and ordinary signed screenwriters are worth 20 million won, which is basically the same as that of big-name stars. Excellent screenwriters are not only well paid, but also have a high status. Directors can’t modify their scripts without authorization. It is also disrespectful for actors to modify their lines. Even TV stations will make decisions according to their status as screenwriters.

  In contrast, China screenwriters seem to have "long lost their names" in the industry.

  According to an industry insider, there are generally about one million top film writers, and it is not bad for newcomers to reach 150,000. The number of online screenwriters is about 100,000-100,000, and the number of TV dramas is 10,000-30,000. Only the top big coffee can reach 6 digits, and the number of online drama writers will be lower. In theory, scriptwriting is the freest, but in fact, I write scripts almost all the time, and I feel guilty even when I go out for dinner.

  Wang Hailin, a well-known screenwriter, once mentioned: "Basically, children from the planning department come to you, and then put out a bunch of data to tell you that the market needs this and that, and even teach you which are popular writing methods." He also pointed out that the excessive voice of capital and stars makes the screenwriter’s control over the script weaker and weaker.

  In addition, screenwriters also face difficulties such as weakening the right of signature, being paid in arrears, the script being stolen, and the difficulty in safeguarding rights. The Report on the Ecological Investigation of Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry from 2019 to 2020 shows that 75% of the interviewed screenwriters have been cheated. However, due to the overlord clause, weak power and other reasons, even with the protection of relevant laws and associations, screenwriters can not safeguard the most basic rights of works.

  Source "2019-2020 Ecological Investigation Report on Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry"

  In the already weak situation, this year’s epidemic situation can be described as making the screenwriter industry worse. At this stage, the film and television industry is in a state of suspension, and many companies have closed down or laid off a large number of employees. Although screenwriters are relatively safe jobs, many people have said that their income will be greatly reduced this year due to the collateral effect. For screenwriters, especially newcomers with meager income, it will undoubtedly bring many uncertainties to their future development.

  Being in trouble and encountering a black swan, the live broadcast of the script seems to be an attempt by the screenwriter to save himself. Du Hongjun, the founder of the writers’ guild and deputy secretary-general of the China Film Literature Society, said that he hoped to help writers build a good stage for script trading in the form of live broadcast, and then he would help outstanding writers to promote projects and provide legal aid for writers’ rights and interests.

  High opening and low walking, live broadcast with goods unacceptable?

  Since entering Tik Tok to live broadcast and bring goods, Luo Yonghao has not only satisfied the curiosity of all spectators, but also made all brand sellers addicted to the focus of the crowd. Let’s not comment on the rate of goods, but people really brushed up a wave of popularity. It is understood that after seeing Luo Yonghao’s debut show with goods, the screenwriter Run Nian Dong felt in the circle of friends that he also wanted to sell the script live, which was recognized by many well-known screenwriters.

  In April, the live broadcast of the script really came. In the film and television industry, stars, producers, directors and so on often do roadshows to publicize the films that have been completed in the later stage, and never involve the original script. The venture capital clubs specially for screenwriters are generally offline salons or small forums, and there are few online activities.

  Under the epidemic, many new formats have been born, and selling scripts live is one of them.

  Many screenwriters, producers and people in the industry are curious about the "World’s First Live Screenplay Selling Conference", and some of them are melon-eating people attracted by the "live screenplay with goods". Therefore, on April 3, the first activity of the screenwriter gang won more than 7,000 views. Du Hongjun revealed that most of the audience are insiders, many well-known screenwriters and production companies are among them, and some people also participated in the discussion.

  Screenshot from CCTV6 program China movie report

  During the live broadcast, the writers "do as the Romans do", like online celebrity, came to the screen, used different narrative methods, roadshowed their scripts in turn, and answered questions from the audience. It can be seen that these "literary veterans" are still novices when they become online celebrity. The face is simple, there is no filter, and the speech is still one-sided. However, it is this contrast that has aroused the curiosity of the outside world, and the comment area is very lively.

  These screenwriters have different backgrounds and different working years. They come from professional classes, have changed careers, and have won film festival awards. The types of works they create are also different, involving suspense, science fiction, war and other themes. For such diversity, some producers affirmed: "If there is a lack of projects or screenwriters, I will come here to dig well, and it should be no problem for good screenwriters to reach cooperation."

  However, with the live broadcast, the doubts from the producers became more and more obvious.

  The first is the way to bring goods. Many people I have come into contact with don’t quite buy it: "The script is a matter that requires many parties to participate and communicate many times. It is very difficult to make a deal immediately after watching the live broadcast."

  It is reported that during the live broadcast, if the producer wants to know more about the script, he can be rewarded with 168 yuan, and the screenwriter will help to match and communicate with the screenwriter. If the two sides reach an agreement, the script can be traded. The writers’ gang should set up such delivery rules to shorten the length of the script supply chain and eliminate the risk of second-hand dealers. However, judging from the producer’s attitude, the writer’s road to realizing the goods may still have a long way to go.

  Users can further communicate by rewarding and unlocking (source "Screenwriters")

  The scriptwriter’s explanation is also the hardest hit by the producers. Some screenwriters only talk about the content of the script, so it is difficult for producers to raise interest and judge the quality. Some people jokingly call it "trying to sell but hiding". Some screenwriters have no primary and secondary explanations, which makes people unable to find bright spots. Other screenwriters are immature, perhaps out of self-protection, but basically no one wants to know more about them.

  Producers are more worried about too much creative disclosure. "Now people are too smart to read the whole script at all, just one core idea is enough." A senior person said that a good core idea has been borrowed, and after the film and television company buys this script, there may be risks in copyright and it will also affect the film release.

  Feedback from fellow screenwriters is also mixed. Some people are eager to try and comment on social platforms after watching the live broadcast, saying that this has opened a channel for mutual communication and is also a resource channel. Some people think that the platform needs to establish better processes and copyright protection mechanisms, and continue to wait and see. Some people are not optimistic about this model, and think that public shouting is beneath the dignity of cultural people.

  "Li Jiaqi sells lipsticks and Viya sells rockets, all of which are in kind, just like painters sell paintings and sculptors sell sculptures. Commodities are traceable, and it stimulates your desire for consumption. However, the script is a creative work, which will involve the way of copyright purchase and whether it will be revised subsequently, which is different from a one-time transaction of buying lipstick. " Screenwriter Chen Lu said more directly, "it is better to sell scripts live than to sell screenwriters live."

  In the hot discussion of the main trading objects, the popularity of selling live scripts declined. On the 14th, the second activity was only watched more than 2,000 times, and on the 25th, the third activity was only watched more than 4,000 times. The total cargo volume of the third phase of the event is still unclear, but after the second phase of the event, Du Hongjun mentioned that there are about 10 producers who want to know more about it.

  From much attention to the decline in heat, is it unacceptable for live broadcasts to go so high and low in the screenwriter circle? Not necessarily.

  A painted skin without drawing bones may turn into a paper tiger.

  The screenwriter brings the goods with him. The audience can enjoy 6.66 yuan if they like it, 2.22 yuan if they don’t like it, and 168 yuan if they want to place an order. On the surface, this is the standard of live broadcast, but strictly speaking, selling scripts live is not a real live broadcast.

  The definition of live broadcast with goods is to sell goods by live broadcast, activate and transform users. Under the catalysis of capital, Taobao, Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok have already developed rapidly, forming a "three-legged" pattern in the field of live broadcast. Each platform has a huge user base, a large number of online celebrity anchors, all kinds of commodities, and a perfect supply chain.

  At present, in the mature industrial chain of live broadcast, these factors are indispensable: platform, seller, MCN and user. In the live broadcast of selling scripts, the writers’ gang is the platform, the writers play the dual roles of sellers and online celebrity, and the users are the producers.

  The screenwriter helped the founder Du Hongjun respond to the transaction of the first live broadcast.

  First, from the platform point of view, compared with Taobao, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other pan-entertainment live broadcast platforms, the writers’ gang is more vertical, focusing only on script products. The quality of users of the platform is high, but the volume can’t compete with the big platform at all, and there is no perfect drainage mechanism, so the live broadcast viewing volume is generally low.

  Let’s look at the screenwriter who integrates the seller and online celebrity. The screenwriter is a creative seller, and his written skills outweigh his oral skills, but he may not be able to sell, which is still difficult for some people to accept. "It is a kind of sorrow that the products of wisdom are going to be sold intelligently. The onlookers are just curious, which makes the sales more tragic."

  In this regard, a Buddhist screenwriter said: "The quality of the script is the most important thing. Now I am only worried about whether my writing is good or not, and I don’t care about anything else." However, some screenwriters want to try to sell their own scripts. Although they have not signed up for the event, they have already started to discuss the speech lines with their friends.

  Finally, watching the audience, the screenwriter has been in a weak position in the industrial chain for a long time, with less publicity, weak fan base and poor appeal for bringing goods. At the same time, the marketing skills are not as good as those of online celebrity who came out of the professional system. The live broadcast process is easy to make people bored and can’t afford to buy. As the leader of the upstream link of the industrial chain, producers can decide which screenwriter will write the script, how the screenwriter will write the script, and which director and star will shoot and star in the script, but the overall number is small. The users of the general live broadcast platform are the general public with a large base.

  Display in the live broadcast of selling scripts (new Jingwei in the source)

  Therefore, the live broadcast of scripts is a kind of deformation of live broadcast with goods. Du Hongjun proved this point in the opening remarks of the event: "I hope this attempt can give some inspiration to the industry, rather than simply live broadcast e-commerce replication."

  Based on the above reasons, it is reasonable that the popularity of "live selling scripts" is low, the transaction rate is low, and the scope of influence is limited. Du Hongjun also realized the shortcomings of the activities and accepted everyone’s opinions with an open mind. He said that in the future, the form will be improved, and roles such as "venture capital tutor" or "special observer" will be added to the live broadcast, so as to guide the screenwriter to write and tell good stories and be more capable of improving stories.

  Live broadcast with goods, a possible perfect self-help

  The emergence of venture capital tutors, special observers, screenwriters and script brokers has indeed filled the gap in the "MCN plate" of live broadcast selling scripts, shared the sales tasks before scriptwriting, and made live broadcast selling scripts closer to the mature live broadcast delivery mode. If these people are big coffee in the industry, they naturally have weight in the users, that is, the producers, but now most of the film and television industry advocates "capital success", and it is still a question mark whether they can successfully bring goods in the end; And if these people are stars, the platform may have to be prepared to spend money for a long time.

  A screenwriter mentioned that similar platforms have done similar things before, but it basically didn’t work, and finally it can only be abandoned. It can be seen that increasing the number of venture capital tutors and special observers may not necessarily solve the problem of selling scripts live.

  The writers in trouble seem to have reached a dead end again, so is selling scripts live the right solution for writers to save themselves?

  Anxiety of young screenwriters, source of "2019-2020 Ecological Investigation Report of Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry"

  The author believes that the landing of live e-commerce in the film and television industry can break the boundaries of interpersonal relationships, so that new screenwriters can also be exposed to the same resources as mature screenwriters and get more opportunities. Therefore, even if the current experiment is more meaningful, selling scripts live can also be a self-help for writers. If possible, it is still a perfect self-help.

  With regard to improving the live broadcast of scripts, the author tries to find the answer from the live broadcast industry chain, not that this proven business system is a panacea, but that he wants to get some suitable and effective solutions from it.

  After analysis, the author thinks that there may be traces in the following four aspects-

  First, expand the influence of the platform.

  Under normal circumstances, producers will independently develop scripts, but sometimes they will "cast a wide net, collect more fish, and choose the best ones", such as searching for good projects at major film festivals, salvaging IP online to adapt them, holding some solicitation competitions, and obtaining scripts from similar platforms such as writers’ gangs.

  At present, there are some platforms in the industry that are similar to writers’ gangs, such as script supermarket and Yunlaiwu. Expanding the influence of the platform itself and establishing the credibility of the industry are the best ways to attract the attention of producers.

  In addition to providing high-quality script content, reasonable trading mechanism and good after-sales service, the platform can cooperate with authoritative people to discuss and effectively solve some industry problems. At the same time, follow the example of the live broadcast platform, establish a perfect drainage mechanism by using communities and new media, attract more film and television companies to pay attention, create an active communication atmosphere, and thus enhance the influence of the platform.

  Second, improve the strength of screenwriters.

  Live broadcast with goods can’t turn bad stories into good stories, so the strength of screenwriters is very important.

  For mature screenwriters, the platform can provide an attractive cooperation model, and the two sides will benefit each other for a long time; For potential screenwriters, the platform can provide systematic and comprehensive training courses, such as screenwriter colleges launched by some platforms, to help screenwriters grow and improve, and then feed back the platform. Like live delivery, a good content production relationship is the key for the platform to build a high-quality supply chain.

  Tuyuan vision china

  Third, improve the marketing level.

  Song Fangjin commented that selling scripts live is a new creative form in the new era: "scriptwriters are players and their values are visualized. Stories are luxury goods, and the highest price wins them. This is different from Luo Yonghao, Viya and Li Jiaqi. "

  As said, the script is a special creative product, which is different from the main categories of live broadcast goods such as cosmetics and clothing, so the marketing methods will be different. If the screenwriter’s self-marketing ability is insufficient, the platform can be recommended by the script or screenwriter agent, star, industry expert, well-known director and screenwriter.

  In Hollywood, screenwriters basically sell scripts through brokers. "It is difficult to cultivate excellent script brokers in the domestic environment." The writers’ gang once said. But it is hard not to mean impossible, and practice is the best proof.

  Stars bring their own popularity. If they can stand for the works of screenwriters, it should be more likely for producers to consider bringing goods. Well-known directors, screenwriters and big coffees in the industry recommend scripts, which may also increase trading opportunities.

  In addition, the platform can also assist scriptwriters to display scripts through technical means and creative methods, such as script advertisements, real-life interpretation of scripts, VR/AR, applets and so on. 5G is the biggest variable of live broadcast, and it is also a live broadcast to sell scripts. The improvement of video clarity will create a better story experience.

  Fourth, expand the types of users.

  Producers tend to be market-oriented when they control the content of the script. Jing Wong, a well-known Hong Kong director, has publicly stated that the standard of his film is that the audience likes it. Although this statement may not be accurate, it can really inspire the platform.

  At present, "selling scripts by live broadcast" is mainly aimed at producers, but the scope of communication and influence is limited, far less than that of live broadcast platform. The platform can expand the targeted user types to the general public, and in turn change the minds of a few people by influencing the minds of most people. Because the producers know the public’s preferences, they may trade, then make a film and reshape the audience’s preferences.

  Of course, we can’t ignore the scriptwriting. At the beginning of the event, the platform required that the script must be a complete script with copyright, and the TV series should have at least 5 episodes. Although in theory, scriptwriters occupy the advantages of time and public opinion, there are many people who exploit the loopholes, and the legal team of the platform still needs to make emergency plans for the protection of scriptwriters’ rights and interests.

  As screenwriter Yu Fei said, it is a blessing for the industry if the live broadcast of scripts can form a new industrial model and make the best scriptwriters and scripts go to the market from here, but it is very difficult. But even if it is difficult, it is worth trying.


The "Hot Search" roadshow in Xi ‘an was praised by the audience as "the sense of reality hits the soul directly"

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. The film was released for six days, with a cumulative box office of 53.95 million, with 9.2 points for Cat’s Eye Platform and 9.3 points for Taobao Film Platform. Yesterday, "Hot Search" opened the second round of national roadshow of "Sound All the Way" and came to Xi ‘an. Director Xin Yukun and actor Song Yang came to the roadshow to communicate with the audience after the show. The director said that Xi ‘an is the place where his movie dream started, and this time he came back here to have a kind of "feeling of going home with a movie".

"After watching the movie, my heart rate soared to 130", "I was very worried by the weakness of reality" and "I was moved by the power of women’s mutual help" …… After watching the movie, the audience praised the movie and said that it was "a direct stab at people’s hearts". Han Xiaojiu, a media practitioner, shared his experience of receiving malicious comments at the scene and said that he felt "empathy" after watching the movie. There are also audiences who sent their own wooden seals to the main creator, saying that "the film is very good and I want to engrave it in my heart". The director said frankly: "I hope to tell you the complexity behind public opinion through a movie, so that when you return to life and become a part of the network, you can look at these problems more rationally."

The realistic topic resonates "moved by women’s mutual help"

The audience praised the film: it presented the dilemma and strength of women.

The realistic topic in the film aroused the discussion of the audience. Some viewers said that "as a girl, she has special resonance with the events in the film" and encouraged girls to "bravely say no when encountering sexual harassment and take legal weapons to protect themselves". The director admits that he has paid attention to the injuries suffered by some underage women in recent years, and hopes to tell everyone through movies that "there are many different women’s dilemmas that need to be paid attention to in different classes of our society, and some women’s mutual help needs to be passed on."

At the scene of the road show, female entrepreneurs came to support the film, saying that "the film hits the soul directly". In Chen Miao’s body, "I was very moved to see that women in the new era are not afraid of power, are not instigated by interests, and speak for justice". The director said that Zhou Dongyu tried a "role with a sense of age and strong energy output" this time, and Chen Miao had the power of women. "She was not influenced by family of origin, and she worked hard to achieve her career. When she encountered problems, she had the special strength to help more vulnerable victims."

The public opinion confrontation is shocking, and the role contrast is surprising.

The audience praised the film and woke themselves up "to make a brave voice of justice"

In the movie, Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin launched a fierce public opinion game around the "industrial chain of choosing a concubine on campus" caused by a girl’s jumping off a building. The audience called "the bloody reality is shocking" and "the public opinion confrontation is very enjoyable again and again". Among them, He Yan, played by Song Yang, is hard to distinguish between good and evil in the film, and the audience lamented "being cheated by acting", saying that "it was a special surprise to see the reversal after shaking with anger". When it comes to He Yan’s role design, Song Yang said frankly, "We should put him in the social animal state of middle-aged crisis", and even sometimes the audience will "ignore He Yan’s existence", which is exactly what is needed to shape the role, so as to "hide the last gorgeous turn".

The film not only unveiled the back of public opinion, but also brought more rational thinking to the audience. Some viewers said that the movie woke me up, "let me rethink the current network reality and social phenomenon", and "make a brave voice of justice" when facing similar incidents. The director said frankly: "In this era, the Internet is all around us. In case of any injustice, online public opinion may help everyone." Song Yang also said: "It is not Chen Miao’s team that finally defeated Peng Yue, but countless everyone. Everyone stands together and a single spark can burn out."


Gome notified and punished employees who "fished" at work, and announced videos, music-listening apps and traffic.

"Source of this article: Jiupai News"
On November 16th, a "Notice on Punishment for Violation of Employees’ Code of Conduct" issued by Gome triggered a heated discussion on the Internet, and it was posted on Weibo Hot Search on the same day.
According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, Gome’s response is true at this time.
On November 17th, the topic was ranked first on the Zhihu Hot List, which once again triggered a hot discussion among netizens.
According to the report of national business daily, according to the data, from August 30th to September 3rd, 2021, Gome notified and punished employees who watched videos, listened to music and brushed news during working hours.
The bulletin lists the things that employees in various regions are engaged in in in the office area that have nothing to do with their work, such as computer games, chatting online, listening to music and so on.
This penalty book contains the departments and names of employees, and even the non-work traffic in the background. The situation shows that most employees spend the most time "fishing" on Tencent Video and Tik Tok. The most conspicuous one is the employees of the Planning Audit and Asset Safety Center, who listened to 22.5 G’s on Netease Cloud Music, which is more than the traffic of watching videos on other floors.
According to the relevant provisions in the Code of Conduct for Employees and Management Standards for Office Places, the document stated that 10 non-outsourced employees were given a warning and 2 administrative penalties; For outsourced personnel, clear the field and do not outsource the site for the second time.
Reviews from netizens
Most netizens believe that it is difficult for normal people to achieve long-term high-intensity concentration, and it is normal to relax and adjust appropriately.
"Normal humans will be distracted and absent-minded when they do something. You can’t ask employees not to be people. "
"It is not a false demand to touch the fish at work. Even if it is the screw of the assembly line, it can’t produce high-intensity and uninterrupted work."
"Employees use company equipment to engage in non-work entertainment during working hours, which is definitely a violation of the relevant provisions of the company’s employee manual. The way the company publicly exposes names and traffic violates the procedures of personal information collection, processing and publicity. The handling method of this big-character poster is actually to hit the face of Gome managers. "
Some netizens also believe that fishing at work is a mistake, and it is correct for enterprises to punish according to rules and regulations.
"When did fishing at work become justified?"
"Enterprises hire people to create profits. It is normal to go to work and fish in violation of rules and regulations."
[Source: Jiupai News Synthesis]
Copyright belongs to the original author, paying tribute to originality.

UEFA has cooperated with the parent company of French football, and will jointly hold the Golden Globe Award from 2024.

On November 3rd, UEFA and media company Groupe Amaury (the owner of French football magazine and team newspaper) announced today that they will jointly organize the famous Golden Globe Award from 2024. The common goal of UEFA and Amauri Group is to enhance the status and global influence of the award, and at the same time cultivate the sense of unity and cooperation in football.

Since 1956, the Golden Globe Award has been awarded by the French football magazine every year, which is the most prestigious honor that a football player can get in recognition of the outstanding achievements and extraordinary talents of the award-winning players. As part of the agreement, Amauri Group remains the owner of the Golden Globe brand and will continue to supervise the voting system, which will remain unchanged and independent. UEFA will contribute its football expertise, market global commercial rights and organize the annual awards evening.

In addition, the plan will add two new awards, the Men’s Football Team and the Women’s Football Team Coach of the Year Award, which will recognize the valuable contribution of coaches. The current trophy lineup will keep the same names as before, namely, Golden Ball Award for Men’s Football Team, Golden Ball Award for Women’s Football Team, Copa Award (U21 Best Player), Yaxin Award (Best Goalkeeper), Gade-Mueller Award (Top Shooter last season), Club Award for Men’s Football Team, Club Award for Women’s Football Team and Socrates Award (Humanitarian Contribution).

UEFA President Cheferin said: "In the past 70 years, the Golden Globe Award has been the most prestigious personal honor in football, a proof of the extraordinary skills, dedication and influence of football legends, and an immortal mark left by them in the history of football. The competitions between UEFA clubs and national teams, such as the Champions League and the European Cup, are considered to be the highest stage for elite players in the world, and usually play a key role in the candidates for major honors and their position in the football temple. UEFA and Golden Globe are synonymous with sports Excellence, so our cooperation will be a natural integration of Excellence and synergy, which will be unparalleled. "

Jean-étienne Amaury, CEO of Amauri Group: "The Golden Globe Award is the dream award of the greatest players in the world. We hope that the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony will become a global event to showcase and highlight the individual and collective performances of top football players, inspire all football talents, and aim to gather the passion and enthusiasm of fans from all over the world. "

This cooperative relationship has further consolidated the relationship and historical ties between UEFA and Amauri Group, which can be traced back to more than half a century ago, when Team Newspaper contributed to the idea of creating the European Champions Cup, which has become the world’s top club competition, that is, the current European Champions League.
