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Ren Xianqi: Every time I sing "My Heart is Too Soft", it will be the last time in my life

  At the celebration banquet of "The Extinct Man" in 2003, Du Qifeng, who was slightly drunk, looked at Ren Xianqi with wide eyes, and suddenly said in silence, "I see an evil spirit in your eyes. When people like you become fierce, they will make everyone more afraid."

  Ren Xianqi was very surprised. Why did Du Qifeng say this? In the eyes of others, how could Ren Xianqi, who had no "public harm", be associated with "evil"?

  In 2004, Ren Xianqi took over the filming of Qifeng To’s "Big Event" and played a gangster in the film. Since then, it seems that Ren Xianqi has embarked on a "villain’s road of no return". In 2016’s "The Tree Attracts the Wind", Ren Xianqi played Ye Guohuan, one of the "three kings of thieves" in Hong Kong. Because of Ye Guohuan’s role, Ren Xianqi was finally recognized by the film industry. And it was this simple "affirmation" that Ren Xianqi took 12 years.

  Ren Xianqi hopes to share this difficult journey with everyone. He chose to use his old business – singing, and use a concert called "Miracle" to relive the footsteps we have walked together. "There will be a concert at the provincial gymnasium on July 6. Because for so many years, many people have grown up listening to my songs, and their youth has my singing in it. So this concert has a little more sharing and a little more gratitude we want to express." In an exclusive interview with Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News, Ren Xianqi said with emotion.

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter, Ren Hongwei, intern, Yi Qinyuan, photojournalist, Wang Xiao

  Gain weight for acting

  "Eating" is torture

  After the interview, Ren Xianqi invited reporters to have dinner together. He invited his agent Ke Shangmin to pack vegetables, eel noodles, and hoof soup in advance and eat them in the ultra-luxurious presidential suite. "It’s still lively to eat with more people. Well, this side tastes really good." As Ren Xianqi enjoyed the delicious food from the Chengdu Fly Restaurant, he scooped a large spoonful of scallions from the plastic bag in the hands of the agent and put them into the noodle bowl.

  For a long time, "eating" was not a pleasure for Ren Xianqi, but more of a torture. When filming the movie "War Horse" last year, Ren Xianqi spent a lot of time eating fat. The final conclusion is that "eating fat is not so happy," because when eating more than one’s load and needs, it is a kind of torture. "I have to eat six meals a day, and when I don’t have enough calories, I have to eat chocolate, nutritional supplements, and training to increase muscle mass and make it look fat when it is covered in fat. When I need to lose weight quickly, my body can’t handle the weight training and aerobic training that I need next, and it is very painful every day." However, Ren Xianqi, who finally lost weight, has to gain back to 100 kilograms. Because he may have to take over the follow-up filming of the movie "Horse Running".

  Singer in movie

  Let everyone forget my identity as a singer

  Putting aside the greasy big fat man in "War Horse", the gangster Santa in "Silent Witness", the thief king Ye Guohuan in "The Tree Attracts the Wind" before, and even the earlier "Death Gold", "Exile", "The Big Event", you will find that Ren Xianqi actually plays all kinds of villains, all kinds of villains. "Now the invitations are basically villains," Ke Shangmin added.

  Ren Xianqi and Ke Shangmin both admitted that playing the villain was because of a sentence by Du Qifeng. After thinking about it, they agreed with each other from the bottom of their hearts. "When a singer goes to act in a movie, the first thing to do is to make everyone forget my identity as a singer. I can’t have any concerns about baggage or appearance. At the beginning, when being a singer was popular, I was invited to participate in film and television performances. Usually, the image was very close to the singer, or even the true character of the performance. But when I gradually came into contact with the professional field of actors, I felt that the actor should act like what, so when I received a role, I should analyze how to act like him."

  However, on the road of movie acting, only transformation can take you further. To Qifeng once said, "If an actor is not good at acting, he should be responsible for it himself." After so many years of experience, Ren Xianqi has also found a way to truly belong to his own actor.

  "Together" Concert

  Share more

  For veteran fans, "Qi Qi" is no stranger. Ren Xianqi’s first concert since his debut in 1998 was called this name. This time, "Qi Qi" is a little more sharing and a little more gratitude that Ren Xianqi wants to express.

  There are many good songs to be sung in the concert, "Too Soft Heart" and "Pacific Heartbreak" are indispensable. If you have to make a choice, I would like to know which of these two songs has a greater influence on Ren Xianqi. "" Too Soft Heart ", after all, it is this song that everyone knows me and accepts me, and it is like a key to open the door to my music hall." From fame to now, "Too Soft Heart" should have been sung tens of thousands of times. Won’t Ren Xianqi be numb? "No, because every time I sing it, I treat it as the last time I sing it in my life. If I don’t sing it well, I won’t have a chance." Some people may also listen to Ren Xianqi sing this song for the first time. How can I sing the most sincere touching and sincere feelings to everyone? Ren Xianqi said, "Before every time I sing, I will have a precipitation and spiritual arm, because if you don’t hear the emotion, this song will invisibly reduce the position in your heart."

  Very content

  I am a happy singer

  Along with the "miracle", there were also many skeptical voices, thinking that Ren Xianqi had only sung a few representative works for so many years. In this regard, Ren Xianqi smiled and said nothing.

  "A lot of people dream of having a masterpiece, and I am very satisfied. I have many masterpieces, and they are different in various genres, so I am a happy singer, and I am very satisfied." The real challenge is how to continue to develop masterpieces, not just Ren Xianqi, but also many Tianwang-level singers. "Everyone has high expectations for us, and we also have a certain style, and then everyone will encounter some bottlenecks after the golden age. We have a place in the hearts of fans and listeners, and it is not suitable to write the same kind of songs as we grow older. It is really not so easy to create surprises and brilliance. Now the vein of the music industry is that there are talents from all over the country, and each leader is coquettish for hundreds of years."

  Long distance running artist

  It doesn’t have to outperform everyone.

  A few days ago, before Hunan Satellite TV’s "Singer" finals, there was an article on the Internet with the title "He’s going to be Qi Yu’s guest, it turns out that Xiao Qi has become a third-tier singer". Ke Shangmin was helpless: "There are so many people helping to sing, so we picked Xiao Qi to write, and we can’t help it. In fact, we didn’t receive an invitation, and these remarks are inexplicable."

  But it is undeniable that "The Singer" does provide a good stage for many singers. Did Ren Xianqi not think of participating in similar shows to let everyone know themselves again? Ren Xianqi said: "In fact, there are many invitations. I am not a competitive contestant. Every singer has his own style. There is no first or second. I don’t think I am suitable."

  "Some media use the term’long-distance runner ‘to describe me, and I think it’s quite appropriate. I think life is like a marathon, you have to adjust your rhythm and pace, and understand your own conditions. The same is true of performing arts, which should be competing for a thousand years rather than competing for one. You may be lucky and have a boost, and suddenly run smoothly. But if you don’t adjust your mentality, you will start to encounter some physical exhaustion like running a marathon. All the physical information is telling you to give up. If you really give up, you won’t be able to run to the finish line." Ren Xianqi said that you need to have a strong willpower, fighting spirit and endurance to match the rhythm of your body. "You don’t have to beat everyone, but you have to run to the finish line, even if you win. So I want to face my life with the spirit of a sportsman. I will not be discouraged if I win or lose, and I will not retreat if I am beaten to death. "


The TV series Fox Hunt is a hit, but the economic investigation cases in reality are actually more exciting than this.

  Recently, the TV series "Fox Hunt" was broadcasted, which mainly told the story of transnational arrest of economic suspects at large.

  This TV series was created in the background of "Fox Hunting Action" of the Ministry of Public Security.

  "Fox Hunting Action" is a special action launched by the Ministry of Public Security in 2014 to arrest economic suspects who are at large abroad.

  The protagonist in the play has gone through many difficulties and dangers to launch a transnational pursuit, but the economic investigation case in reality is actually more exciting than this.

  The play spent eight years chasing fugitives.

  In reality, someone has been absconding for 18 years.

  On January 20, 2015, a seemingly ordinary middle-aged man entered the border checkpoint of Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

  Passport information shows that he is an Australian Chinese and his name is "Zhang Jianping".

  The man calmly handed his passport to the border inspector, and there seemed nothing unusual.

  However, this entry information has attracted the attention of Shanghai border inspection.

  In the process of immigration investigation, the Shanghai border inspection found that the facial features and whereabouts of this man were consistent with those of Xie Renliang, a wanted man in the sensational financial fraud case in Shanghai in 1997, and provided the information to the Economic Investigation Corps of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau.

  After checking and comparing with the information in the pursuit database, the Economic Investigation Corps of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau found that the entry man was very similar to Xie Renliang.

  18 years ago, Xie Renliang came to into thin air with money from fraud.

  At that time, how on earth did he cheat away more than 90 million yuan?

  Xie Renliang was the chairman of a company in Ningbo at that time. Since April 1996, he has been engaged in margin financing and securities lending business with a securities company in Shanghai.

  After defrauding the trust of the manager of the securities company, Xie Renliang privately carved the official seal of a securities business department in Ningbo, and repeatedly issued certificates of custody of Chinese bonds with yin and yang denominations.

  He defrauded 46 million yuan of funds and 45.5 million yuan of treasury bonds from securities companies in Shanghai by signing contracts such as bond trading agreement and treasury bond integration agreement.

Bond transaction agreement and treasury bond integration agreement

  Xie Renliang used all the money he cheated to invest in futures and stocks, but these investments suffered serious losses. He lost more than 30 million yuan only by investing in futures.

  On March 2, 1997, Xie Renliang left a letter to the manager of a securities company in Shanghai and fled with the balance.

Xie Renliang wrote in his letter, "I am sorry for you in this life."

  If you leave like this, it will be 18 years.

  In the past 18 years, the police in charge of handling cases have changed several times, but they have never given up their pursuit of him.

  It was not until Zhang Jianping, who returned from Australia in January 2015, that the police saw the hope of solving the case.

  To solve the case, the first thing is to determine whether this "Zhang Jianping" is Xie Renliang.

  During the investigation, the police found that "Zhang Jianping" had a domestic household registration in susong county, Anhui Province before obtaining Australian citizenship.

  The Shanghai police went to Susong, Anhui Province to investigate and found that there were indeed doubts.

  The local police station told the Shanghai police that Zhang Jianping was from susong county, Anhui Province, but he had been lost for some time before returning to registered permanent residence in Susong.

  In addition, the police also found that the trajectory of "Zhang Jianping" and Xie Renliang’s ex-wife living in Australia also overlapped.

  Xie Renliang’s ex-wife divorced Xie Renliang around 1996, married an Australian Chinese and obtained Australian citizenship.

  After the police tracked down the Chinese, they learned that Xie Renliang’s ex-wife had divorced him.

  According to him, Xie Renliang should live in Australia.

  After discovering all kinds of doubts about "Zhang Jianping", the police locked him in a hotel in Hangzhou.

  The police found that "Zhang Jianping" has been living in this hotel in Hangzhou since he entered Shanghai Pudong Airport on January 20, 2015.

  Even during the Lunar New Year, he didn’t return to his so-called original domicile — — Susong county, Anhui.

  This undoubtedly aggravated the police’s suspicion.

  After many comparisons, verifications and external investigations, the police are more and more convinced that "Zhang Jianping" is Xie Renliang who has fled for 18 years.

  On March 3, 2015, after careful deployment, the police handling the case decided to arrest "Zhang Jianping" who was in the Hangzhou hotel.

  According to the police investigating the case, when they found "Zhang Jianping", they suddenly asked him.

  "Are you Xie Renliang?"

  "Zhang Jianping" immediately stood there, his eyes were very scared, and he sat motionless on the couch.

  The police found that "Zhang Jianping" carried three mobile phones with him. Through some news on these three mobile phones, the police realized that "Zhang Jianping" mainly wanted to see his mother for the last time through related people.

  In this way, the police handling the case further clarified that he is Xie Renliang.

  But at this time, in the face of the inquiry of the police handling the case, "Zhang Jianping" was either silent or lied that he could not remember the past.

  All kinds of evidence show that "Zhang Jianping" is Xie Renliang who has been pursued by the police for 18 years, but the case handlers have encountered new problems.

  The man insisted that he was "Zhang Jianping", and he denied all the evidence that he was Xie Renliang, trying to get away with it.

  What is even more ironic is that "Zhang Jianping" has repeatedly claimed that he has lost his memory.

  In the face of his lies, on the one hand, the police found Xie Renliang’s relatives and the parties to the case to identify him.

  On the other hand, in order to make the whole chain of evidence more closed and solid, the police used DNA comparison technology to extract the DNA of Xie Renliang’s son and mother and compare it with him.

Biometrics cannot be changed.

  The test results show that "Zhang Jianping" is Xie Renliang who has fled overseas for 18 years.

  At this point, Xie Renliang, the suspect involved in the case of 90 million yuan, was completely restored by the Shanghai police.

  On May 13, 2016, the Shanghai Higher People’s Court made a final judgment. Xie Renliang was convicted of fraud, sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscated all his personal property.

  In the play, Wang Kai Angel pretends to be a couple.

  There are actually prototypes in reality.

  In the preview of the TV series Fox Hunt, Wang Kai and Angel have the same style, and some netizens think that this is "pretending to be lovers" to catch fugitives.

  In fact, there are archetypal figures in the "Fox Hunt".

  In 2013, Zhou fled to the Philippines after defrauding five cable companies in Yixing City, Jiangsu Province of 9.6 million yuan of cable products.

  Through technical investigation, the police found that although Zhou had a wife and son in Yixing, he married a local young woman after he arrived in the Philippines.

  The police judged that it is very unlikely that Zhou will voluntarily return to China and surrender himself. If he does not arrest, he is likely to go unpunished.

  According to the police investigating the case, due to the differences of judicial systems in different countries, the China police have no law enforcement power when they arrive in the Philippines, and all actions can only be carried out by relying on the local national police and the National Immigration Bureau.

  According to police investigation, Zhou lives in a high-end residential area in the Philippines, which is full of single-family villas. The community covers a large area, with a total of six entrances and exits. Each entrance and exit has three or four security guards, and the security guards are armed with live ammunition. Generally, it is difficult for outsiders to enter without the permission of the owner.

  However, if you want to determine Zhou’s daily life, you must enter the community where he lives for investigation.

  To this end, the task force arranged for Cassie Wang, a policeman fluent in spoken English, and Qian Gan, another policeman, to dress up as husband and wife. Since the Philippines needed to rent a house for business, it contacted an owner and made an appointment to go into the community to look at the house.

After entering the community, the police took the opportunity to observe Zhou’s house.

  In this way, after secret investigation, the police further grasped Zhou’s daily life trajectory.

  However, considering the inconvenient entry and exit of the community and too many exports, the police decided not to arrest Zhou in the community for fear of alarming him.

  Later, through technical investigation, the police found that Zhou posted a house rental information on the Internet.

  The police believe that this is an excellent opportunity to lure the snake out of the hole.

  The police continued to arrange for the previous two policemen to pretend to be husband and wife to ask Zhou out.

  In the coffee shop, the police and the staff of the Philippine Immigration Bureau disguised as customers and ambushed around.

  However, at the appointed time, Zhou did not show up. The police are very anxious.

  After waiting for more than an hour, Zhou finally appeared at the door of the coffee shop.

  The first sentence after Zhou came in was to say politely, "I’m sorry I’m late."

  The policeman posing as her husband replied: "It’s not too late, just come."

  In fact, this is also the voice of the entire working group.

"It’s not too late, just come."

  In this way, Zhou was arrested on the spot and taken to the Philippine Immigration Bureau, and was later arrested and returned to China by Wuxi police.

  The French open is long and sparse, but it does not leak.

  According to the Legal Daily, as of the first half of 2019, Fox Hunting has captured more than 4,900 fugitives from more than 120 countries and regions, and pursued more than 17 billion yuan.

  Is life on the run really so good? Not necessarily.

  In 2014, Chen Mou, who opened an underground bank privately and bought $300 million in foreign exchange for tax fraud, was successfully persuaded to return after fleeing Dubai.

  This is how he describes his life on the run.

  In 2015, Du Mou, who fled to Sri Lanka after illegally raising more than 20 million yuan, and then sneaked back to China and was arrested, said this about his escape life.

  In the past cases, some people turned themselves in because they were displaced abroad, some people were persuaded to return home, and some people turned themselves in because their relatives returned home. ……

  Mills of God grind slowly but sure.

  Just like the ending song of Fox Hunt, which netizens jokingly called "turning yourself in" on the screen, "go home.


Funny story

Ok, let me tell you a funny story!

The story happened in a hotel. At that time, a passenger was preparing to sleep when he suddenly heard the noise upstairs. He complained, "The passengers upstairs are too noisy. How can I sleep tonight?"

So the hotel attendant went to the passengers upstairs and told them to keep their voices down. However, it didn’t take long for the passengers upstairs to start noisy again. The passenger was very angry, so he called the waiter and said, "Can you manage the passengers upstairs? I have to sleep tonight! "

The waiter replied, "I’m sorry, sir. I’ve already told the passengers upstairs, but they continue to make noisy noises." I’ll talk to them again. "

After a few minutes, the waiter came back and told the passenger, "Sir, the passengers upstairs said they didn’t mean to, because their room was too hot, so they turned on the air conditioner very loudly." They have turned off the air conditioner now. "

The passenger was satisfied and said, "OK, can I go to bed now?"

The waiter replied, "Sir, you can go to bed. But if you hear any noise upstairs, please don’t call us. We have tried our best. "

This story is so funny! After listening to it, my stomach hurts with laughter! Let’s listen to it!