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"Chinese table tennis Jedi counterattack" exposed behind- the-scene Deng Chao challenges left-hand practice

1905 movie network news On January 12, the Spring Festival film starring Deng Chao, director, Deng Chao 、、、、、、、, etc., released Deng Chao’s practice behind- the-scene, focusing on Deng Chao’s role as Cai Xinhua, under the guidance of a group of top coaches, from zero basic training to being able to play with his left hand, and harvesting Cai Zhenhua’s own affirmation process. The film is based on a true story and will be released nationwide on the first day of the new year in 2023, waiting for the whole family to cheer!

National coach personally instructs "Ping Pong Xiaobai" Deng Chao to open the road to advancement in left-handed playing

On January 12, the Spring Festival movie "Chinese Table Tennis: The Jedi Strike Back" released Deng Chao’s practice behind- the-scene. As a "Ping Pong Xiaobai" who is about to play the former national player, Deng Chao sincerely invited Shi Zhihao, the former head coach of the Chinese table tennis team’s women’s team, and Li Nan, the champion of the Asian Championships women’s team, women’s doubles, and mixed doubles, to guide him personally, and the road to practice was opened. And Deng Chao’s ultimate goal is to train himself into a "left-handed general", maintaining the same playing style as Cai Zhenhua when he was a player. This goal can be called a "fantasy" for Deng Chao, who can’t even hold a right-hand horizontal racket at the beginning. What to do? Just practice!

To play table tennis well, the first thing is to develop a sense of touch. To this end, Deng Chao followed the coach’s advice after completing a period of basic training, playing with his right hand to find the ball feeling, and imitating Cai Zhenhua’s movements with his left hand. To activate the flexibility of his left hand, Deng Chao also set a "dead rule" for himself. During the filming of the film, he had to use his left hand to eat and write, and he had to get used to Cai Zhenhua’s signature move – turning the racket. During this period, multiple table tennis coaches took turns to guide Deng Chao, helping him quickly improve his "ball skills". When Cai Zhenhua led a group of prototypes to visit the class, Deng Chao also ushered in a "big test" – a direct "fight" with Cai Guiding himself. Cai Guiding’s sentence "Look how good this is!" Finally affirmed Deng Chao’s training results.

In addition to exercising ball skills, there must also be "inner play" interpretation. World-class coaches need to start with "spirit"

To interpret Cai Zhenhua well is no easy task. To create a meritorious coach, "ball skills" is only one aspect of it. If you can’t understand Cai Zhenhua’s spiritual world, the character will fall into the shackles of the visible and godless. In order to present a vivid and multi-faceted Cai Xinhua to the audience, Deng Chao went towards Cai Zhenhua’s "inner world" after contemplating and shaping the beginning of the character.

After an in-depth study of Cai Zhenhua, Deng Chao said with emotion: "The spiritual power I feel in Coach Cai is how people should face and solve seemingly insurmountable obstacles. When you see his way of working, you will reflect on your own way of working. Can we do our work so finely that we can be like a general leading an army to fight a war? Can you also predict all the problems you may see like a world champion coach? Everything is fully justified from the best result and the worst result. In a game, are you mentally prepared to face all difficulties? When you know him better, you can understand why he can become a world-class coach."

The movie "Chinese Ping Pong Jedi Counterattack" sits on the national-level national football IP, presenting a passionate story suitable for all ages, recreating the surging years of Chinese men’s ping pong returning from the trough to the peak. In the Spring Festival of 2023, the people watched the national ping pong, and the whole family cheered.


Dark blue G318 hardcore off-road vehicle official map released, expected pricing 300,000 yuan level

[ITBEAR Technology Information] On January 11th, Deep Blue Auto recently announced the official picture of a new hard-core off-road vehicle model, officially named G318. This new car has attracted widespread attention due to its unique design and powerful off-road performance.

As can be seen from the official pictures, the dark blue G318 adopts a tough and powerful styling design. Its headlights show a unique clip or rock gesture-like form, which not only increases the recognition of the front of the car, but also gives the whole car more technology. This unique design element makes the dark blue G318 stand out among off-road models, showing its unique personality and fashion sense.

The side and tail lines of the car body are also dominated by straight lines, with square contours, giving a stable and solid visual effect. The rear part of the car is even more unique. The external spare tire adopts the side open tailgate design, which is not only convenient and practical, but also further highlights the off-road style of the whole car.

According to ITBEAR technical information, the dark blue G318 is also expected to bring surprises in the power system. The new car is expected to adopt a dual-motor four-wheel drive form to meet a wider range of off-road needs. In addition, it can be seen from the energy supply ports on both sides of the body that the new car will continue to provide extended range versions to meet the battery life needs of different users.

In addition to a powerful powertrain, the Deep Blue G318 also has excellent off-road performance. The new car supports the "in-place U-turn" function, which can achieve a very small turning radius through rear wheel reversal, which will greatly improve the vehicle’s passability and flexibility in off-road scenarios. This function is similar to the "Leopard U-turn" of the BYD Equation Leopard 5, but the Deep Blue G318 may vary in details and performance.

Regarding the pricing of the new car, according to previous revelations, the price of the dark blue G318 will be higher than that of the SL03 and S7 models, and it is expected to reach 300,000 yuan. This will undoubtedly make the dark blue G318 a high-end off-road model under the brand, further enriching and improving the product line of the dark blue car.

Overall, the launch of the Deep Blue G318 will further meet consumers’ needs and expectations for hardcore off-road vehicles. Its unique design, powerful powertrain, and excellent off-road performance all make it a highly anticipated new car. In the future, we expect the Deep Blue G318 to perform well in the market and bring more driving pleasure and off-road experience to consumers.

Source: http://www.itbear.com.cn/html/2024-01/480054.html


Andy Lau’s new film has been completed, which is as absolute as "The Journey Home"!

1905 movie network feature In the movie, the evacuation team took 326,713 steps to complete the difficult journey home; outside the big screen, some netizens sighed after watching the movie in the theater: just a front-row movie ticket will take you to experience the war of "Numia" immersively.

From the riddled city streets, the dilapidated refugee camp tents, to the endless desert, the jagged valley border station… How does the fictional North African war-torn country under the director’s lens realize the true landing on Chinese territory through setting the scene?

Not only "Return of Thousand Miles", but also the films that have just been completed, can they also successfully complete the "airborne" in an exotic country?


From an entire embassy to a single foreign currency

20,000 square meter studio landscaping is difficult

A large part of the distant "North African countries" in "A Thousand Miles of Return" were born in the Oriental Movie Metropolis of Qingdao.The crowded market that Zong Dawei and Cheng Lang walked through, the checkpoint where they encountered the explosion, and of course the most important building in the movie, the Chinese Embassy, were all built in temporary locations in the park.

Making sure to film a realistic story about overseas evacuations in China became the most difficult challenge to overcome. The art team spent months collecting thousands of footage to build a prototype skeleton for this fictional Arab country.

No matter whether it is the capital Leptis or the small town of Sebrata, which has the most intense battlefield, unlike ordinary films, which only have relatively clear requirements for the setting of the exterior facade, "Return of Thousand Miles" not only needs to realize the series of multiple key scenes, but also sets clear standards for every detail of the interior and exterior.

The staff of the film and television service department of Oriental Movie Metropolis who participated in the setting of "The Way Home" introduced that the entire African town was built on the tarmac of the airport runway left by other films.

The entire building has more than 70 buildings and covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters. In order to pursue realism and restoration, the setting of the scene has put forward extremely high requirements on the shape of the entire environment. Thousands of real-life photos of Arab countries are one of the key reference materials. From the inside of the scene to the facade of the building, to every prop, from details to texture and texture, it needs to be completely consistent with the style of overseas countries.

The first impression of the overall vision is important, but there are countless details that are easily overlooked to support the "exotic feeling" of "Wanli Homecoming". During the four-month construction period, there is only one month left for the art props to perfect the details.

"Walking into the interior of Zhijing and carefully looking at every flyer on the wall, including graffiti and spray painting, they are not printed out and pasted directly, but the staff really painted it one by one according to the pictures and design drafts [provided by the art team]." Not only that, the crew also purchased various local living items from various overseas channels, even all the plastic bags, waste paper and fine food packaging scattered on the ground. The props that Zong Dawei and Cheng Lang often need to take out in the movie are also the top priority in the restoration process, and they must "make people see the sense of use at a glance" to pass the test.

Beyond that, vegetation is the key to making the city truly "alive."

It was not difficult for the crew to find coconut trees and palm trees, but it was the biggest test to keep the plants growing in tropical and subtropical broad-leaved forests evergreen in the temperate deciduous forest climate during the months of filming. But when more than 70 big trees really stood up on both sides of the street, "The Way Home" finally came one step closer to the real Arab country.


North Africa, Europe, South East Asia…

The film industry grasps the sense of exotic atmosphere

It’s not just "The Way Home".byAndy LauThe starring role of "Moscow Action" has just been completed, and this movie has also completed an important railway scene shooting in the movie capital through setting the scene.

Before that, the leading comedy "Super Family" also moved the European-style mansion snow scene into the studio with the help of the setting work.

Nowadays, the setting industry’s ability to "combine the virtual and the real" is more mature. The interior details of the scene, special furnishings, and architectural "destructive" scenes that cannot be really shot on the outside are partially realized in the studio. At other times, the setting can also cooperate with the different customs of the shooting location, and realize the instant "airdrop" of different foreign lands such as North Africa, Europe, and South East Asia.

Rao Xiaozhi found Shizui Mountain in Yinchuan, Ningxia for the second half of the evacuation scene in "The Journey Home". The Gobi, the wind food sleeping in the desert, and the refugee camps and border checkpoints built in the Grand Canyon at the end of the film all restore the perils and dangers of the evacuation battlefield 1:1.

These seemingly disorderly settings integrated in the natural environment were actually more difficult than the standardized set. The producer of "Return from Miles" once revealed a detail: the filming of the camp scene required 2,000 tents. Compared with buying them, how to make them withstand the weather was the most challenging problem for the props group.

Nowadays, the industrialization of Chinese films in terms of setting has been very mature.

The staff of the film and television service department of the Oriental Movie Metropolis said that although it is the director’s choice to shoot overseas or domestically, in his opinion, considering the investment, time cost, personnel safety, communication, supporting facilities and other issues of outbound shooting, domestic setting is a better choice. With the development of the industry for many years, whether it is construction, art or some higher technical operations, with the later stage of the film, it is completely possible to achieve 1:1 restoration of any required scene in the shooting.

In this regard, in addition to Yinchuan, Ningxia, which is listed above, "Moscow Action" was transferred to Harbin after filming in the Qingdao shed; "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" chose to restore the scene of our country’s peacekeeping troops carrying out armed evacuation missions in Africa near Yintan, Beihai, Guangxi; and "Anti-Drug 3: Big Heaven and Big Earth" directly "moved" Thailand’s Golden Triangle villages over 50,000 square meters to Lau Fau Shan in Hong Kong. In addition, border cities such as Xishuangbanna, Yunnan have also become important filming cities for Chinese films to create a "sense of atmosphere" in South East Asia.

When talking about the experience of setting the scene, Wang Hongwei once lamented that China is one of the few countries that has the financial strength and production ability to shoot movies in a way that completely builds real scenes. In this sense, the market feedback on the visual effects of "The Way Home", as well as many films shot and presented in similar ways in the future, will become a new witness to the road of Chinese film industrialization.


The national standard of Lantern Festival is still being worked out, and the shape of "perfect circle" is not stipulated.

    CCTV.com News (Reporter Shi Jia reports from Beijing): On the 20th, some media reported that China’s first standard for Lantern Festival would be issued, and the appearance stipulated that it should be a proper garden with thin skin and thick stuffing. Confirmed by the person in charge of the Standards Division of the Industry Development Department of China Business Federation, the national standard of Lantern Festival is still being worked out. As for whether it is "perfect circle", "there is no strict regulation".

News data map

     [Time] Will the first industry standard for Yuanxiao products be issued before the end of the year?

    The person in charge of the Standards Division of the Industry Development Department of China Business Federation said that there is indeed a matter of formulating the standards for Lantern Festival, and the first national standard for Lantern Festival has been included in the work plan of China Business Federation in 2008. At present, the draft regulations and the draft for comments have been completed, and then it will be reported to the relevant departments for approval. After the validation meeting is held in June and July this year, the contents of the regulations will be gradually determined. However, it is clear that the draft will be submitted to the National Standards Committee for approval this year, and it is planned to introduce the national standard for Lantern Festival at the end of the year.

     [Appearance] Does the state stipulate that the Lantern Festival must be "perfect"?

    According to insiders, in the new regulations, some sensory requirements are put forward for Yuanxiao, including uniform thickness of cortex, no stuffing, no cracks and so on, but there is no mention of the term "perfect circle", "as long as it is round", Mr. Cao said.

     [Specification] At least 20% of Yuanxiao fillings?

    It is understood that the new regulations clearly stipulate that the proportion of Yuanxiao stuffing shall not be less than 20%. The main purpose is to standardize the production of Yuanxiao products, to prevent the merchants from cutting corners, so that ordinary people can eat the stuffed Yuanxiao.

     [Question] At present, there is a national standard for dumplings, but there is no national standard for Yuanxiao?

    Although there are certain industry standards for glutinous rice balls in the market at present, including the production requirements, hygiene and safety, etc., accurately speaking, the standards for glutinous rice balls have not yet risen to the national standard, but this time the standards for Yuanxiao can be called the national standard, which clarifies the requirements for the production, packaging and transportation of Yuanxiao products, and both enterprises and individual merchants should abide by the regulations.

Background information:

 -the definition of yuanxiao

   The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is called Shangyuan Festival. This day? It’s called Yuanxiao. Also known asnight of the 15th of the first lunar month"?Yuanxi". Since the Tang dynasty, there has been a custom of watching lanterns, so it is also calledLantern Festival". Yuanxiao is also another name for glutinous rice balls. It is old custom to eat dumplings on Lantern Festival, so it is called Yuanxiao.——Chinese online dictionary


 -the origin of the Lantern Festival


    According to legend, there was a maid-in-waiting named "Yuanxiao" in the palace when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty lived in seclusion for many years, missing her parents and spending all her days in Lacrimosa. Dong Fangshuo, the minister, was determined to help her, so she lied to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty that Vulcan was ordered by the Jade Emperor to burn Chang ‘an on the 15th day of the first month, and the only way to escape the trouble was to let the "Lantern Festival Girl" make many dumplings that Vulcan loved on the 15th day of the first month. [detailed]

 -The difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan.

    One of the differences: different production methods.

    Yuanxiao, made in the north, is made on the basis of stuffing, which is generally mechanical.The dumplings in the south are completely different.But no rolling pin.It’s a bit like Bao jiaozi. [detailed]

    The second difference: different water content.

    The water content of dumpling stuffing is more than that of Yuanxiao.Wet glutinous rice flour is extremely sticky, and the surface of the well-made dumplings is smooth and shiny, and some of them still have a tip like a peach. The skin of the dumpling contains enough water, which is sticky and difficult to preserve. It is better to cook it now and eat it now. Now with the quick-freezing technology, dumplings appear in shops. [detailed]

    The third difference:Different processing techniques

    Good glutinous rice balls are difficult to produce industrially.There is also a saying in the processing technology that it is necessary to useWater mill powder". [detailed]

Related links:

 —— National standard of Lantern Festival

    China’s first national industry standard for Yuanxiao products will be officially promulgated before the end of this year. The standard will clearly require the stuffing, total sugar and moisture content of Yuanxiao products, and it is proposed that the stuffing content of Yuanxiao products should not be less than20%. [detailed]

 ——steamed breadGB standard

    The national standard of "Wheat Flour Steamed Bread" is jointly issued by the National Standards Committee and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and implemented by the State Grain Bureau. It is only a recommended standard, not a mandatory standard, and does not require enforcement.

    The standard not only regulates the production of steamed bread from the aspects of raw material formula, quality control index and detection method, but also describes the appearance, interior, taste, taste and smell in detail.Sensory quality requirements"The range of health indicators such as heavy metal content and microbial content was also determined. [detailed]

Related news reports:

People’s Daily Comment: What does the "Shantou Incident" suggest?

News analysis: Why did you suddenly get a "national standard" after eating steamed bread all your life?

Steamed buns are round? Steamed bread? Detonate netizens’ "slobber"

During the Lantern Festival, watching the Lantern Festival queue for dozens of meters is extremely hot.

The first Lantern Festival industry standard must be white and basically round before the end of the year.

China’s first national standard for Lantern Festival will be issued before the end of this year.

China’s first lantern festival standard will be issued, which must be thin-skinned, thick and even.

Editor: Tian Shijia


What are the styles of the luxury houses of the stars? It turns out that it is not only a trench but also very particular.

  Original title: Star Mansion Award

  Author: yang

  Like the rich, stars buy luxury houses not only for ostentation and extravagance, but also for preserving the value of assets. However, when stars who create roles in the play buy luxury houses outside the play, their roles and past will be dramatically projected on the selected luxury houses.

  "Ruyi" and her quadrangle

  From the famous work Suzhou Creek, in the next 20 years, Zhou Xun was a princess staring blankly at the mask of Kunlun slaves outside Daming Palace, a Lin Huiyin who was boating on Cambridge, a Xiaowei who was looking for love in the painted skin, a Li Mi who kept asking questions on the overpass, and a Jiu-Er who was wearing a red Chinese-style chest covering in a green gauze tent. Eventually, she became the queen of Yi Kun Palace and turned the Forbidden City into a besieged city.

  On the screen, she plays the role of chasing love. By the way, she became the first "Grand Slam" winner of the Golden Statue, Golden Horse, Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers in the Chinese film industry. Probably, she was too deeply involved in the play. In reality, Zhou Xun has always been a "baby in love". From the age of 19, she came to Beijing to develop. This city allowed her to meet her successive boyfriends until she married Gao Shengyuan. She also left her own mark in this city-she bought more. The three-bedroom and two-bedroom apartment bought in MOMA, Wanguocheng, Dongzhimen, although the unit price of this apartment has exceeded 100,000 yuan per square meter, it is still a bit crude for Zhou Xun, where the annual income has remained above 60 million.

Beijing Wanguocheng/Image Source Network  

  When you are in love in Beijing, you should also have the "most Beijing" residence, and the representative of Beijing residence is the Forbidden City and the quadrangle. There are more than 70 palaces and 9,000 houses in the Forbidden City, which are arranged in a square area in an orderly way, and Zhou Xun’s "Ru Yi" lives in it. The quadrangle with a history of more than 3,000 years up to now is as tight and closed as a besieged city, and it pays attention to entering several courtyards. Although the area and level of the Forbidden City and the quadrangle are far from each other, they are in common in essence and pay attention to symmetry. Some people say that the Forbidden City is the largest quadrangle in Beijing.

  In the play, Ruyi lived in the Yi Kun Palace, and outside the play, Zhou Xun lived in the quadrangle. According to media reports, in 2013, Zhou Xun bought a single-family courtyard house in Nanluoguxiang, not far from the North Gate of the Forbidden City. Covering an area of nearly 600 square meters, it has 13 rooms. The interior of the quadrangle is antique, and the alley in front of the courtyard can accommodate a large RV, with a separate garage on the side. Although there are no high-rise buildings around the Second Ring Road in Beijing to spy on, the quadrangle wall in Zhou Xun is still nearly 4 meters high, which is much higher than that of other residents. The walls around the courtyard are even with neighbors, and the higher part is blocked by glass or iron net, which not only ensures the unity of height, but also ensures the lighting of neighbors. This quadrangle is Zhou Xun’s own "Little Forbidden City".

  It cost nearly 90 million yuan to start this quadrangle, and now it has risen to 200 thousand yuan per square meter, with a total price of 120 million yuan.

  The old villa in the "small age"

  If quadrangles are the most Beijing-style buildings, the representative of Shanghai-style buildings is the old villa in the garden.

  Shanghai has a variety of struggle history, just like this city has a variety of houses. In 2001, Jing M.Guo came to Shanghai from Zigong, a small town, to participate in the New Concept Composition Competition. When he came out of the People’s Square subway station, he saw the whole of Shanghai off guard. He wrote in his book: I want to be here.

  When studying at Shanghai University, Jing M.Guo was careful to eat a bowl of steamed eggs in the canteen and drink a cup of bubble tea. "I can’t drink it every day. If I drink it every day, I won’t have money to buy shoes. Because I only brought two pairs of shoes to Shanghai, and they are all summer shoes. In winter, my feet are cold and painful. " As a film and television art engineering major, he needed to buy a laptop and a DV for making short films, which became the first hurdle he encountered. Jing M.Guo’s mother was a local bank clerk and his father worked in a state-owned chemical plant. Such family conditions were comfortable in a small town, but the expenses in Shanghai taught him a lesson.

  He began to write crazily, trying to change his destiny with the keyboard, and he became a veritable "keyboard man". Since 2007, he has ranked first in the rich list of Chinese writers for three consecutive years, and he finally let himself live a life in Tiny Times.

  In 2011, Jing M.Guo once again ranked first in the rich list of Chinese writers with a copyright income of 24.5 million yuan. Just one day in the early spring of this year, Jing M.Guo drove past an old villa in Wuning Road, Jing ‘an District, Shanghai. This old villa was an old house of Wang Jingwei, which consisted of three townhouses. After ten years, under a plane tree, he seemed to find the shock of the moment when he walked out of the subway station. He immediately asked his assistant to inquire about the condition of the house. After contacting the seller, he bought the old villa with the full amount of 50 million yuan. Jing M.Guo had several luxury houses in Shanghai, all of which were bought in the name of his company, but this villa was bought by him in his private name.

Source: Sina Entertainment  

  As soon as the house was transferred, Jing M.Guo applied to Jing ‘an Bureau of Soil and Resources for the overhaul and reconstruction of the villa. After renovation, the first villa became a private library and audio-visual room in Jing M.Guo, filled with books and movies collected from all over the world in Jing M.Guo. A small carefully carved garden connects the second villa.

Source: Sina Entertainment  

  The first floor is the reception room, the second floor is Jing M.Guo’s office, and the third floor is his bedroom and cloakroom, which has become the most exposed area of this villa. The third villa is the office of Jing M.Guo’s most cosmopolitan culture. Today, the valuation of this villa has exceeded 200 million, and it has become one of the most important labels in Jing M.Guo.

  As written in Jing M.Guo’s novels, his villa was full of luxury goods. The moment he was interviewed in his own villa, the inferiority that the city had brought him was gone forever.

  Villa next to Humble Administrator’s Garden

  Some people cure inferiority through conquest, while others cure inferiority through regression.

  In 1980, 15-year-old Carina Lau left the alley near Suzhou Art Garden with his parents and went to live in Hong Kong. When she first arrived in Hong Kong, she felt like a clown from a circus.

  Carina Lau chose her own way to fight against her instinctive inferiority. At the age of 17, she took the Hong Kong wireless training class entrance examination with her accumulated artistic skills in Suzhou Cultural Palace. Although she failed to pass the exam because Cantonese was not up to standard two years ago, Carina Lau’s stubbornness and persistence moved Fanggang Liu, the president of the wireless training class, and made an exception to let her enter the wireless artist training class. Since then, she has entered the entertainment industry.

  Without the beauty of Michele Monique Reis and Rosamund Kwan, the amorous feelings of Chingmy Yau and Joey Wong, and the excellent acting skills of Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau perfectly explained that persistence is more important than hard work. After six nominations, she finally became the winner, not just the wife of the man who won the most Best Actor.

  Since becoming famous, Carina Lau has tried to invest, and her first choice is to buy a house. Thanks to her Bole Fanggang Liu, "He taught me to save money when I earn money, never speculate, and never buy stocks, just buy a house. In short, save money to pay the first payment, and then force yourself to pay slowly. " Fanggang Liu believes that an actor’s only investment is home ownership, and other businesses can’t compete with others. His views have influenced Carina Lau.

  Carina Lau, once known as the "North Sister" in Hong Kong’s entertainment circle, is also different from other Hong Kong actresses in choosing luxury houses. Her house in Shanghai has unique decoration taste.

  More importantly, she set her eyes on her hometown. Suzhou girl who walked out of Suzhou Garden Art Garden finally chose to return to Suzhou Garden.

Zhuozheng villa 

  In 2007, Carina Lau chose Zhuozheng Villa next to Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Garden, which is said to be the only property in China that needs the approval of the national, provincial and municipal cultural relics bureaus. There are three world cultural heritages within 500 meters of the villa: Humble Administrator’s Garden, Lion Forest and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. There are only 28 villas with an area of 600-4000 square meters. The overall planning refers to the Humble Administrator’s Garden next door, overlooking it from the air, and merging with the Humble Administrator’s Garden next to it. Each villa has its own private garden. The highest price is 500 million yuan. It is said that the villa in Carina Lau is named "Ling Chia Garden".

  Big brother’s Huizhou residents

  Carina Lau is not the only one who likes the characteristic folk houses in his hometown. Jackie Chan, who stood side by side with Carina Lau to protest against the bad media after the East Weekly incident in 2002, also likes his hometown architecture. The movie A Tale of Three Cities tells the love story of Charles and Lee-Lee Chan, an Anhui policeman, and Chen Yuerong, a legendary woman, who spans three cities. The prototype of the hero is Jackie Chan’s parents.

  Twenty-six years ago, in order to let his parents enjoy their old age in the environment of Anhui hometown, Jackie Chan began to gradually start Huizhou architecture. His collection of ten Huizhou wooden buildings, including halls, stages and pavilions, is the essence of China architectural art. Among the 10 ancient buildings, 7 are ancient houses and ancient stage in Ming and Qing Dynasties, with a history of about 200 to 400 years. Most of them are made of rare tree species such as rosewood, which has high artistic value and is worth hundreds of millions.

In 2018, Jackie Chan appeared in Anhui Province to inspect Huizhou ancient dwellings, and conducted on-the-spot investigation before the acquisition, and the ancient buildings were exposed internally.  

  If most of the star’s mansion is "dead", then Jackie Chan’s mansion is "alive". The Huizhou architecture in Jackie Chan’s collection was originally a brick-wood structure. The wooden structure on it was transported from Anhui to Hong Kong by the method of assembly and disassembly. The brick part is relatively heavy and can be discarded. After the land is selected, the local bricks can be used to build walls, and this Huizhou architecture will come back to life in other places.

  It’s a pity that the son wanted to raise and didn’t stay with his relatives. His parents died one after another within ten years, so Jackie Chan hoped to donate these houses that were idle in the warehouse to feed termites. In 2003, he wanted to donate these old houses to the Hong Kong government for exhibition purposes, but there was no result because of the land allocation problem. In 2010, he wanted to donate his old house back to the Anhui government, but he didn’t get a clear reply. In desperation, Jackie Chan donated four of the buildings to Singapore University of Science and Technology Design, which responded quickly. Once the news was announced, it caused an uproar.

  Bai Yansong asked him, "Why donate it to Singapore? There are plenty of places on the mainland, Huangshan and Zhejiang, don’t they all wave to you? " Jackie Chan explained: "Now wave to me, not before, I tried before, but I didn’t implement it."

  Jackie Chan’s public appeal aroused the whole society’s attention to ancient buildings. In the end, these four ancient Huizhou buildings returned to Anhui and took root in the place where their parents once lived. Jackie Chan also kept his lines in "Zodiac": "No one can take people’s cultural relics from other countries and put them in their own museums!

  Kung fu emperor’s Shanghai mansion

  When he entered Shichahai Sports School at the age of 8, Jet Li began his career as a martial arts athlete and his journey as a winner in life. Shaolin Temple, the first film starring in 1982, set a box office record of 161 million yuan with an average ticket price of 10 cents. When he came to Hong Kong for development, he earned HK$ 15 million for his works such as Huang Feihong and Fang Shiyu. After he entered the United States in 1998, he started with a salary of US$ 500,000, and once became the first Chinese movie star in Hollywood with a salary of US$ 15 million.

  Rich people and celebrities in Hong Kong prefer to buy land and build buildings in Repulse Bay, Deep Water Bay, Peak and Mid-levels. In mainland China, it is usually impossible to simply copy this model because of policies and other reasons. The luxury houses of mainland stars are mostly finished commercial houses in essence.

  In 1994, Shanghai Pudong was just developed, and the whole Pudong was in full swing. The focus of development was still around Lujiazui. Jet Li, who had been immersed in Hong Kong for many years, talked and laughed with various real estate tycoons. It was like opening a God’s perspective. He got a rectangular plot with an area of more than 400 mu through legal lease in Huamu Road, Pudong, which was still a vegetable field at that time.

Tomson Golf Course  

  Afterwards, it was proved that this investment was quite wise. Soon, Tomson Golf Villa Phase I and Tomson Golf Course began to be built opposite to Jet Li’s "own vegetable field", and the value of Jet Li plot rose. Around 1997, Jet Li sold nine-tenths of the whole plot to Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong who was eager to embrace the mainland at that time. Li Ka-shing’s "Hehuang" real estate developed the Shanghai top villa "Four Seasons Yayuan" on the nine-tenths plot. Jet Li chose to keep one-tenth of the land in the southeast corner with the best location. This plot later became Jet Li’s "home" in Shanghai.

  In 2003, Jet Li sold his luxury house in Los Angeles for $5 million, ready to settle in his wife Nina Li Chi’s hometown of Shanghai. He moved his luxury house in the United States to Shanghai as it was, and in fact, the scale of the final construction even exceeded that of American houses.

  At the northwest corner of the intersection of Huamu Road and luoshan road in Pudong, there are three white villas with a building area of more than 5,000 square meters, including a three-and-a-half-story villa and two two-story villas. The basement is divided into two floors, the first floor is a parking lot for 10 cars, and the second floor is equipped with a cinema, badminton court, fitness room, chess room and sauna. The "Buddhist Temple" in Jet Li is set in a separate building.

  Jet Li’s mansion is dominated by European classical court style, with all the walls made of pure white and light black frosted marble, and the courtyard has both European-style fountains and pavilions and Chinese-style gardens.

  No matter from the construction process and geographical location, this house with a market value of more than 1 billion can be regarded as the first mansion in China, but it’s a pity that Jet Li, who is bent on Buddhism, doesn’t like mansions and loves Buddhist temples, and the first mansion has become a dormitory for security guards and nannies.


UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute deepen exchanges and seek common cooperation and win-win future.

  Ruixue paved the carpet to welcome the distinguished guests and talked about the wisdom of the new future. On December 18th, Mr. Ding Yougang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, visited UFIDA Industrial Park, visited UFIDA Digital Intelligence Enterprise Experience Hall with great interest, and got an in-depth understanding of UFIDA’s innovative achievements and advanced technologies in the field of digital intelligence. We also conducted full and friendly communication on executive training and experiential teaching, and jointly discussed how to integrate the cutting-edge concept of digital intelligence into academic research and practical application of teaching.

  Wan Qiong, Deputy Director of the First Division of Educational Administration of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, Zhou Fang, Deputy Director of Finance and State-owned Assets Management Department of Jinan University, Du Yu, Senior Vice President, Huang Zhenfa, General Manager of Intelligent Accounting Division of UFIDA’s Large Enterprise Customer Group, Jia Daming, Vice President of Xindao Technology, Assistant President Qian Zhaoqiang, and Chen Tonglei, Deputy General Manager of UFIDA’s Government Education Promotion Division, participated in the exchange.

  Du Yu, Senior Vice President of UFIDA Network, warmly welcomed Dean Ding and his party to discuss cooperation opportunities in the era of digital intelligence. He said that in the new historical period, UFIDA is looking forward to deepening cooperation with Xiamen National Accounting Institute, making full use of professional resources, deeply promoting the industry changes brought by new digital and intelligent technologies, and providing more professional and cutting-edge training and support for financial personnel to help them better serve their enterprises and promote the process of digital transformation in the new era.

  Ding Yougang, vice president of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, pointed out that with a pragmatic attitude, UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute quickly landed the first training course for high-end managers of industrial and financial integration after the strategic signing. This training course has obtained highly satisfactory evaluation from the participants, laid a solid foundation for the follow-up cooperation between the two sides, and is regarded as a very successful start. It is hoped that both sides will continue to deepen their research and devote themselves to developing higher-end, comprehensive and in-depth training courses, so as to cultivate talents with more practical ability for financial management and inject more innovation into enterprise development.

  He emphasized that UFIDA and Xiamen Congress have joined hands to form a strong cooperation model of "famous enterprises+prestigious schools". In the era of digital intelligence, we will carry out in-depth research in areas of common interest and devote ourselves to doing something forward-looking, insightful and leading. Ding Yougang said that the goal of cooperation between the two parties is to create an ecological circle, which aims to benefit high-end financial talents, enterprises and society, and jointly promote the development of the accounting industry, which has far-reaching significance.

  Since the initial establishment of cooperative relationship in 2017, UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute have been adhering to the common concept of cultivating high-level financial talents and working together. In the fields of professional courses, professional exchanges and joint major activities, the two sides have continuously expanded cooperation, integrated the essence of production and research, and reflected practical knowledge from professional theory. The deep cooperation between the two sides not only resonated in concept, but also achieved remarkable results in practical actions. Up to now, the two sides have achieved some phased positive results in many aspects. Among them, on October 30th, 2023, UFIDA signed a new round of strategic cooperation agreement with Xiamen National Accounting Institute, aiming at jointly promoting education, research, practice and personnel training in the field of corporate accounting management in China. The signing of this strategic cooperation has laid a more solid foundation for the future in-depth cooperation between the two sides. On December 1, 2023, the two sides successfully held the first training course for high-end managers focusing on the integration of industry and finance. The training was held in the picturesque campus of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, attracting more than 100 managers from large enterprises. The training content includes not only cutting-edge theoretical study, but also leading practical study tour experience, providing students with a high-end academic feast. In the future, the two sides will continue to work closely together to launch more high-quality courses, jointly create a new chapter in the training of high-level financial talents, and contribute more to the development of accounting management in China enterprises.

  The two sides ended the exchange in a warm and friendly atmosphere and once again expressed their confidence in future cooperation: continue to give full play to their respective resource advantages, strengthen the training of high-end talents through multi-dimensional thematic training, create a joint venture between industry and learning, provide more experiential learning scenarios and training opportunities for accounting talents, and jointly promote the continuous advancement of financial management. This is not only an exchange between enterprises and academic circles, but also an active and effective exploration for both sides to actively respond to the development needs of the times and strive to build a blueprint for the future of financial intelligence. We look forward to achieving more remarkable results in future cooperation and jointly leading the new wave of digital intelligence finance.