标签归档 杭州西湖阁


Dark blue G318 hardcore off-road vehicle official map released, expected pricing 300,000 yuan level

[ITBEAR Technology Information] On January 11th, Deep Blue Auto recently announced the official picture of a new hard-core off-road vehicle model, officially named G318. This new car has attracted widespread attention due to its unique design and powerful off-road performance.

As can be seen from the official pictures, the dark blue G318 adopts a tough and powerful styling design. Its headlights show a unique clip or rock gesture-like form, which not only increases the recognition of the front of the car, but also gives the whole car more technology. This unique design element makes the dark blue G318 stand out among off-road models, showing its unique personality and fashion sense.

The side and tail lines of the car body are also dominated by straight lines, with square contours, giving a stable and solid visual effect. The rear part of the car is even more unique. The external spare tire adopts the side open tailgate design, which is not only convenient and practical, but also further highlights the off-road style of the whole car.

According to ITBEAR technical information, the dark blue G318 is also expected to bring surprises in the power system. The new car is expected to adopt a dual-motor four-wheel drive form to meet a wider range of off-road needs. In addition, it can be seen from the energy supply ports on both sides of the body that the new car will continue to provide extended range versions to meet the battery life needs of different users.

In addition to a powerful powertrain, the Deep Blue G318 also has excellent off-road performance. The new car supports the "in-place U-turn" function, which can achieve a very small turning radius through rear wheel reversal, which will greatly improve the vehicle’s passability and flexibility in off-road scenarios. This function is similar to the "Leopard U-turn" of the BYD Equation Leopard 5, but the Deep Blue G318 may vary in details and performance.

Regarding the pricing of the new car, according to previous revelations, the price of the dark blue G318 will be higher than that of the SL03 and S7 models, and it is expected to reach 300,000 yuan. This will undoubtedly make the dark blue G318 a high-end off-road model under the brand, further enriching and improving the product line of the dark blue car.

Overall, the launch of the Deep Blue G318 will further meet consumers’ needs and expectations for hardcore off-road vehicles. Its unique design, powerful powertrain, and excellent off-road performance all make it a highly anticipated new car. In the future, we expect the Deep Blue G318 to perform well in the market and bring more driving pleasure and off-road experience to consumers.

Source: http://www.itbear.com.cn/html/2024-01/480054.html


From the backstage to the front line, Zong Fuli became the head of the Wahaha brand public relations department

  On the banks of the Qianjiang River in winter, the lights were bright. On January 18, at the award ceremony of Fengyun Zhejiang businesspeople, known as the "Oscar" in Zhejiang economic circles, Zong Fuli, dressed in a light blue suit, appeared under the spotlight of the red carpet, becoming a warm color in the cold weather.

  At the scene, Zong Fuli responded to rumors from the outside world that in addition to the president of Hongsheng Beverage Group, Zong Fuli had a new identity in 2018: the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group.

  Many people suddenly realized that during this time, Wahaha has been making frequent moves, first launching Wahaha AD calcium milk-flavored moon cakes, and then rebranding the Nutrition Express that has not been packaged for 10 years, launching limited colorful versions of packaging and makeup plates. Not long ago, Wahaha also announced that it will focus on first- and second-tier cities in 2019. It turns out that Zong Fuli is the one behind the scenes, and Wahaha is becoming more and more capable of playing.

  Fathers are like eight-treasure porridge

  Zong Fuli and Zong Qinghou confessed

  The annual Fengyun Zhejiang Merchants Selection event is guided by the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, and co-organized by Zhejiang Jingshi, Qianjiang Evening News, and Zhejiang Merchants Magazine. This year is already the 16th.

  Zong Qinghou, chairperson of Wahaha Group, is an old friend of Fengyun Zhejiang businesspeople and comes to the award ceremony almost every year. In the first annual Fengyun Zhejiang businessperson selection in 2003, Zong Qinghou won the Senior Zhejiang businessperson award. In 2009, Zong Qinghou was re-elected as the annual Fengyun Zhejiang businessperson.

  When Zong Qinghou won the first "Fengyun Zhejiang Business", Zong Fuli was still a student in the ivory tower. In 2012, Zong Fuli became the first "post-80s" entrepreneur to win the honor of Fengyun Zhejiang Business. In this father and daughter, "Fengyun Zhejiang Business" completed a beautiful connection and inheritance. At the award ceremony that year, the host asked the elected Zong Fuli, is your father your idol? Zong Fuli replied: "Yes, and no, my father has many things to learn, but more than him."

  At this year’s Fengyun Zhejiang Business Awards, a highlight was that Zong Qinghou and Zong Fuli shared the same stage, and the father and daughter chose to walk the red carpet this time.

  Not only was Zong Fuli the only post-80s woman on the red carpet, as the daughter of Zong Qinghou, the chairman of Wahaha Group, her every move was always closely watched. When taking over the host’s microphone, Zong Fuli responded that she had become the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group.

  If you use a Wahaha product to describe your parents’ Zhejiang merchants, Zong Fuli thinks it is: eight-treasure porridge.

  Why is it eight-treasure porridge? Zong Fuli didn’t explain much at the scene. However, the reporter noticed that the night before the award ceremony, Wahaha’s official WeChat account posted a heartwarming video titled "I actually miss you a lot", which tells about the common problem of young people today: being cared for syndrome. They are accustomed to the meticulous care of their parents, and even feel a little bored. When they really left their parents’ shelter and were hungry, a jar of eight-treasure porridge in the refrigerator made them suddenly realize that the precious things they had missed were homesick.

  Is this confessing to his father with eight-treasure porridge?

  Zong Fuli smiled and said, "I worked so hard to help him make money, he should confess to me."

  32-Year-old Wahaha

  To build emotional bonds with young people

  This heart-to-heart video of Wahaha Eight Treasures Porridge may express Zong Fuli’s own heart.

  After graduating from junior high school, Zong Fuli went to the United States to study. In 2004, Zong Fuli returned to China after completing her studies. In 2007, she left alone under the blessing of her father and began to take charge of Hongsheng Beverage Group. Zong Fuli, who is very independent, did not "touch" the traditional beverage business of Wahaha, but expanded into new fields.

  Zong Fuli has made a major effort to integrate resources and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries in Hongsheng, a company that used to be just a processing business. Four emerging enterprises, including Songyuan Machinery Manufacturing, Songyu Printing and Packaging, and Hengfeng Food Technology, have been established successively, turning Hongsheng Group into a beverage production enterprise with a full industrial chain.

  At the 2012 Fengyun Zhejiang Business Awards Ceremony, Zong Fuli was elected as a dark horse and became the first female Zhejiang businessman born in the 1980s since the event was held. This may be a footnote to Zong Fuli’s years of hard work.

  Zong Fuli had really "worked hard" along the way. Now, in addition to the president of Hongsheng Beverage Group, Zong Fuli was also responsible for the packaging and brand promotion of Wahaha products. "In Hongsheng in the morning, in Wahaha in the afternoon" became her new normal job.

  On Weibo, Zong Fuli referred to Wahaha as her little sister. Indeed, as a post-80s generation, the reporter noticed that since then, under her control, Wahaha, which is already good at channels and end points, has begun to give more inner power to the brand.

  Last June Day, Wahaha let adults take a holiday with their children, paying attention to the power of companionship, and being a "caring" beverage company; to the Mid-Autumn Festival, cross-border launched AD calcium grandma heart moon cakes to pick up forgotten happiness; then, the limited edition of Nutrition Express was born, cross-border makeup plates escorted, excellent self… Wahaha focuses on how to build emotional bonds with young people again and find resonance.

  At a reading party in October last year, when Zong Fuli read "Shepherd Youth Fantasy Journey" in English, the post-90s and post-00s college students in the audience gave "English 666" praise. There were more than a dozen applause at the scene, and the students were completely fans of Zong Fuli. They felt that Zong Fuli was very frank, even anti-routine, breaking the stereotype of entrepreneurs.

  Growth resumed in 2018

  The more "new" Wahaha in 2019 is here

  Not long ago, at Wahaha’s new product launch this year, Zong Qinghou revealed that in 2018, with the efforts of all dealers and sales staff, Wahaha has resumed growth. Although the industrial restructuring has had a certain impact on economic development, for Wahaha, the opportunities outweigh the challenges.

  It can be said that Wahaha has not only stood firm in the face of difficult economic conditions, but also created contrarian growth. This provides huge confidence to both entrepreneurs and corporate employees. For a mature company founded for many years, confidence is more important than anything else.

  30 is not confused, and the old private enterprise Wahaha hopes to prove to the outside world that they have found the next direction to move forward.

  The reporter noticed that in the new product strategy of Wahaha in 2019, the first milk category is still Wahaha’s right-hand man. The first milk category camp is not unknown. According to the 2017~ 2018 our country dairy sales and yogurt market size analysis, the size of the room temperature market has reached 3 times that of low-temperature yogurt, breaking through the scale of 30 billion yuan.

  Water products have always been the focus of Wahaha, and soda water is undoubtedly a sub-category full of opportunities. According to Nielsen data, from 2017 to 2018, the overall soda market sales increased by 36.9%, much higher than the 3.1% of beverages as a whole. According to reports, Wahaha launched its first soda product in 2010, and after years of market cultivation, it has entered the top three in the soda market. Next, Wahaha will also launch an upgraded version of soda water, which is very in line with the "light health" needs of modern people. In addition, Wahaha has reserved the third camp of new product launches in 2019 for ready-to-drink tea, and has taken the lead in laying out the pure tea category.

  In general, Wahaha’s products released this year have their own characteristics, especially the packaging has been improved a lot compared with before, and it is full of fresh vitality. Whether Wahaha can turn these "new" into sales and brand reputation, let’s wait and see. (Qianjiang Evening News reporter, Chen Jie)


[Network Media Defense Line] Awesome! Exploring the "black technology" on the frontier defense line

Cctv news(Reporter Wang Xiaoying) After soaring to an altitude of 1,000 meters, the Horgos River and Karajok Mountain appeared in sequence, and the snow on the top of the mountain in the distance gradually became clear.

Border guard Allard Ritu is manipulating drones (Du Jing/photo)

Allard Ritu, a border guard, has looked down at this land from the air many times. This is Alamali Border Company of Yili Military Division of Xinjiang Military Region, guarding the border line of more than 60 kilometers between China and Kazakhstan.

The distance seems not long, but the place where the border line of more than 60 kilometers is located used to be patrolled by border guards on foot and horseback.

This is the place where they patrol daily (photo by Li Lei)

The road under your feet may have gone through many times, but from this perspective, it is very rare.

According to Allard Ritu, this UAV is a six-rotor UAV, which uses a high-definition wireless image transmission system to support manual precise control and autonomous flight.

In 2017, the company was equipped with this drone, and the technology that Allard Ritu trained and learned three years ago came in handy and became the pilot.

Border guard Allard Ritu (left) is preparing to patrol with drones with his comrades.

However, the climatic conditions in Alamali are quite different, with mountains and strong winds. Can this drone adapt? "Its flying height can reach 1,000 meters, it can work below 5,000 meters above sea level, it can resist the seven-level wind and has a long battery life, and it can work in the environment of-30℃ ~ 40℃," said Allard Ritu. Because of this, it can work in other environments except fog, heavy rain, heavy snow and lightning.

For this reason, this "black technology" is quite popular with border guards and soldiers because it saves time and effort! In the past, border patrols were all on foot or on horseback, which took three or four hours, and it took half an hour to patrol with drones. For areas near the camp, you can even patrol remotely in the company.

In addition to drones, there are many "black technologies" used in border patrol, such as digital monitoring system, border anti-crossing alarm system and low-light-level night vision device.

It is understood that Xinjiang’s border defense line is more than 6,800 kilometers long, and many pastures are close to the border. In the past, because border control mainly depended on regular patrols by people, it was difficult to avoid herds crossing the border and easily caused foreign-related disputes on the border.

In the peak season of herd activities every year, officers and men have to send more special services and set up temporary stations, which is very stressful. 

Below the mountain is the Sino-Kazakhstan border river, and cattle and sheep can easily cross the border (photo by Li Lei)

In recent years, many frontier troops have stepped up the construction of scientific and technological border control. In many places, digital monitoring systems and border anti-crossing alarm systems, low-light night vision devices, mobile searchlights, audio-visual detectors, thermal imagers, sensors and other equipment, as well as multifunctional duty systems have been installed. In some key areas, helicopter patrols have been gradually strengthened, which has greatly improved the border control ability and quality of defense areas. 

It is understood that with the addition of these "black technologies", there have been fewer and fewer incidents of cattle and sheep crossing the border in some places in the past, because when the herds are close to the border, the automatic monitoring equipment can feed back the situation to the nearby border defense companies in time, and the soldiers immediately inform the herdsmen to close the herds to prevent them from crossing the border. 

Today, in the Alamali border defense company, this drone has to "be on duty" two or three times a week, and each patrol range is about 20 kilometers. Allard Ritu said that he can "get it done" by himself, but the time is a little slow. If two people are partners, it is the best.

In fact, "black technology" such as drones is gradually becoming a good partner for border guards and soldiers to patrol.


American technological hegemony harms human rights and hinders development.

  The double standards and hegemonic acts of the United States in the field of human rights are well known. In recent years, the United States has extended hegemonism to the field of science and technology, under the banner of so-called democracy, human rights, freedom and security, and achieved the goal of putting its own interests above those of other countries by such despicable means as unwarranted accusations, "long-arm jurisdiction", suppression of sanctions and targeted technical blockade of other countries. The hegemonism of science and technology pursued by the United States is a typical manifestation of its consistent concept of "American priority". Its hegemonic behavior of politicizing, weaponizing and ideologizing scientific and technological issues not only seriously damages the "digital human rights" of other countries, but also hinders global technical cooperation and progress.

  Engage in "small circles" on the grounds of so-called "network security" to create division and confrontation.

  Influenced by the deep-rooted zero-sum thinking and the Cold War thinking, the United States has always handled international relations in a split and confrontational way, constantly creating "small circles" of science and technology such as "chip alliance" and "clean network" on the pretext of so-called "network security", labeling high technology as democracy and human rights, and looking for excuses to impose technological blockade on other countries.

  In the name of democracy, the United States maintains the hegemony of science and technology, and launches various technical alliances with democracy as the ideological link and network security as the goal, such as Prague Proposal and 5G Clean Path. In April 2022, the United States and 60 global partners issued the Declaration on the Future Internet, with the real intention of delineating a "net in the net" or a "digital alliance" led by the United States in the global Internet. The United States has also pushed the private sector to strengthen technology blockade and build technology fences, trying to contain competitors by means of sanctions and bans, which has seriously hindered exchanges and cooperation, development and progress in the global scientific and technological field.

  Using the so-called "public safety" as an excuse to wantonly monitor and infringe on privacy.

  The United States has always been the world’s number one telecom thief, and its monitoring targets include not only so-called "sensitive people" but also ordinary people in the country; There are not only so-called opponents, but also their allies, even the leaders of the allies.

  In the first half of 2022, the US military and government network departments remotely stole more than 97 billion global Internet data and 124 billion telephone records in nearly 30 days, involving the personal privacy of a large number of citizens around the world. According to the annual report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on April 29th, 2022, the FBI conducted as many as 3.4 million searches on the electronic data of the American people in one year without a search warrant.

  In fact, since the middle of the 20th century, the United States has a record of monitoring other countries. In the information age, the United States has gone to great lengths to implement a number of eavesdropping and stealing projects, such as Prism Gate, Dirty Box, Nujiao Plan and Telescreen Action. Various eavesdropping and stealing methods have emerged one after another, including using analog cell phone base station signals to access mobile phones to steal data, manipulating mobile phone applications, invading cloud servers, and stealing secrets through submarine optical cables.

  According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, from 2003 to 2013, the Office of Specific Invasion Operations under the US National Security Agency invaded 258 targets in 89 countries and regions. Over the years, the office has also carried out tens of thousands of malicious attacks on network targets in China. For example, in the cyber theft attack on Northwestern Polytechnical University, 54 springboard machines and proxy servers in 17 countries were used successively, with more than 1,100 attack links and as many as 41 kinds of special cyber attack weapons and equipment of the National Security Agency of the United States. The eavesdropping behavior of the United States has already caused public outrage in the international community.

  Technical blockade under the pretext of so-called "technical security" damages the right to development.

  For some time, the United States has spared no effort to put different political labels on the R&D, use and governance of emerging technologies and the supply chain of scientific and technological products. By dividing the so-called "safety trust level", publishing a series of lists and building a technological ecosystem under the so-called "credible" standards, the United States has abused scientific and technological hegemony to suppress competitors, which has seriously damaged the development rights of other countries.

  In November 2018, since the implementation of the so-called "China Action Plan" in the United States, Chinese scientists have been harassed, monitored and attacked by the American government for no reason, and various bad and absurd acts of law enforcement departments have been exposed by the media. Although the plan was stopped in 2022 in the voice of doubt and opposition, the hegemonic behavior of the United States "only allowing itself to develop and not allowing others to progress" has not ended. The United States promulgated the Chip and Science Act and a series of new export control regulations for China in an attempt to restrict China’s ability to acquire advanced computing chips, develop and maintain supercomputers and manufacture advanced semiconductors.

  Ignoring or denying the scientific and technological sovereignty, people’s interests and development demands of other countries and regions, the United States attempts to take its lead in the allocation of network resources, hardware equipment and software applications as a hegemonic strategic tool by refusing competition, grabbing wealth, exporting ideology and squeezing the space for scientific and technological development in other countries around the world, which not only seriously hinders other countries from using new technologies, but also further widens the trust gap in global digital space security, undermines the global industrial chain layout and scientific and technological order, and violates the laws of global scientific and technological development.

  The French philosopher Saint-Simon once said: "For all mankind, there is only one common interest, and that is the progress of science." Scientific and technological innovation is an important engine for the development of human society, and scientific and technological achievements should benefit all mankind. Hegemonism in science and technology poses a new threat to world peace and development. The international community should recognize the hypocritical nature of American technological hegemonism, jointly resist American arrogance, prejudice and hegemonic behavior of technological hegemony, jointly respond to all kinds of cyber attacks, and maintain a peaceful, safe, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace.

  (The author is a researcher at the Human Rights Research Center of Central South University)


Beijing’s real estate market sales are still sluggish, and house prices have loosened.

Information picture

  BEIJING, Nov. 19 (Xinhua)-The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics announced on its official website today the operation of Beijing’s real estate market from January to October. In October, Beijing’s real estate development activities resumed, but under the background of overall economic slowdown and strong wait-and-see mood of buying houses, the main indicators of the real estate market are still running at a low level.

  First, development investment has rebounded, but the overall trend is still downward.

  From January to October, the city’s investment in real estate development was 131.53 billion yuan, a decrease of 7.3% compared with the same period of last year, and the decrease was 0.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, the construction in August and September was restricted, and the investment in development was 6.87 billion yuan and 11.16 billion yuan respectively, down by 56.8% and 36.7% year-on-year; The investment in development completed in October rebounded to 17.84 billion yuan, down 1.8% from the same month last year.

  The progress of the project construction has not been significantly accelerated.In October, the progress of project construction was not accelerated on a large scale, and the number of projects with construction activities has not recovered to the level before the Olympic Games. The investment in Jian ‘an project was small: only 5.66 billion yuan was completed in October, down 36% from last October. From January to October, the investment in Jian ‘an project was 61.76 billion yuan, down 17.9% year-on-year, and the decline was 2.5 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters.

  Second, the pace of market supply slowed down, and the completed residential area fell by over 30%.

  The construction area and new construction area continue to decline.Since July, with the limited construction and the slowdown of land acquisition by enterprises, the growth rate of development area has dropped significantly. In October, affected by subjective and objective factors, the construction and new construction area continued to show a downward trend. At the end of October, the construction area of commercial housing in the city was 90.159 million square meters, down 5.7% from the same period of last year, and the decline was 3.4 percentage points higher than that at the end of September. Among them, the residential construction area was 49.829 million square meters, down by 7.9%. From January to October, the newly started area of commercial housing in the city was 17.087 million square meters, down 8%, and the decline was 6.5 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, the newly started residential area was 11.398 million square meters, down 3.9%.

  The completed area continues to decline.Since December of last year, the completed area has been declining continuously. From January to October, the completed area of the city was 14.237 million square meters, down 8.3% from the same period of last year. Among them, the completed residential area was 7.692 million square meters, down 32.1%.

  Third, the market sales are still sluggish, and the role of affordable housing is obvious.

  The wait-and-see mood in the real estate market is still strong.In late October, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank jointly issued a package of policies to encourage housing consumption. However, under the background of economic slowdown, the price of commercial housing is still beyond the affordability as a demand for self-occupation or improvement, and as an investment demand, the wait-and-see mood in the sales market is still strong when the expected risks outweigh the benefits in the future. From January to October, the sales area of commercial housing in the city was 8.308 million square meters, down 49.6% over the same period of last year, of which the sales area of residential housing was 6.175 million square meters, down 54.2%. In October, the residential area sold was 1.124 million square meters, down 45.7% from the same month last year.

  Policy-oriented housing sales have become the main factors driving market sales, with price-limited housing and affordable housing accounting for about two-thirds of the total number of residential sales in that month.From January to October, the city sold 56,115 sets of commercial housing, of which 13,042 sets were sold in October, which is the month with the largest number of sales since this year. From the perspective of selling houses, it is mainly that a large number of contracts were signed between price-limited houses and affordable houses in October, which boosted the sales volume of houses. The data shows that in October, 8766 sets of price-limited houses and affordable housing were sold, accounting for about two-thirds of the sales in that month. After deducting the above factors, the actual sales of pure commodity houses are still hovering at a low level.

  Four, the real estate sales price has loosened, and the funds in place of enterprises have declined overall.

  The year-on-year growth rate dropped, and the chain price continued to fall.In October, the year-on-year increase in housing sales prices in our city continued to fall, rising by 5.2%, which was 1.7 percentage points lower than that of the previous month; After the decline last month, the chain price continued to decline this month, falling by 0.2%, which was the same as last month. Among them, the price of new residential buildings continued to fall, down 0.1% from the previous month, and the decline slowed down. The sales price of second-hand houses decreased for three consecutive months, and decreased by 0.4 percentage points in October.

  The funds put in place by real estate development enterprises this year have declined in an all-round way.From January to October, the source of funds for real estate development enterprises in our city this year was 237.55 billion yuan, down 23.2% from the same period of last year, and the decline was 8.9 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, financial loans were 70.93 billion yuan, down 17.9%; Self-owned funds were 35.11 billion yuan, down 6.7%; Deposits and advance receipts were 70.48 billion yuan, down 36.1%.

Editor: Li Dan


Why did China’s football get worse and worse?

Personally, I didn’t like football until I was about 15 or 16 years old. Actually, I didn’t like it much. I just liked it a little bit, but I didn’t devote myself to it. At that time, the atmosphere was not the same as it is now. At that time, there were no female guns and male stars, and the mainstream was iron-blooded men. Being a man would be tough and hard. Anyone who dared to stretch out his blue finger and casually freestyle would be killed by the people in the street.

The best way to be tough is sports. Therefore, among male students, if you don’t know much about sports, you will look like a soft egg in the eyes of your classmates. If you don’t watch the five major leagues, the Champions League and World Cup NBA, you will definitely develop abnormally. The more you devote yourself to watching football matches, the more you will look like a man. The more excited you are, the more eloquent you will be. It shows that you are professional and exuberant in male hormones. Boys think that with so much performance, girls will look at him more because of his exuberant hormones.

Everything in the world is related to sex, except sex itself.

I didn’t say this, but Wilde, the boring man. You have to settle accounts with him.

I liked football at first, just like joining a pyramid scheme gang. I was dragged in by my head. My roommate talked to me about football all day, walking, eating, sleeping and taking a shit in the bathroom. I was afraid that if I didn’t respond to him, he would be gay with me, so I was forced to learn football knowledge to show that I was normal. I was very man, and I was full of male hormones. Dude, you’d better not mess around, but I have never been very interested.

Really, just like my feelings for Kitahara, I really couldn’t find a better one in those days, so I’ll just try to like it.

If we put it aside now, right, then so-and-so, so-and-so, we will catch a lot of high-quality ones, although I can’t even remember the names.

My age of football enlightenment was Li Jinyu, Zhang Yuning and Li Tie, that is, the Li Tie who had just been fired as the head coach of the national team. He used to maintain the style of F4 in the early 2000s for many years, which was particularly recognizable. After being a head coach, his face was a lot rounder and his hair was a little shorter, but it was still much longer than that of ordinary boys. This shows how much psychological influence adolescence has on a person’s life. I can’t forget Toko Kitahara and Li Tie can’t forget F4’s long hair.

Because the players of that session were highly valued, playing against the weak team was just like playing for fun. Every time Li Jinyu scored a goal, he would learn from Guo Jing’s bow and arrow shooting. POSE was particularly handsome and very rhythmic. Although he lost to South Korea in the first game, he played against South Korea as a whole, and the momentum was fierce. The Korean media all thought that we were mental derangements, and we despised them even after losing, which was different from China people who always liked self-examination at ordinary times.

Because everyone has high expectations for that generation, sometimes when watching the game in the classroom, male students gather around the TV and score a goal, and the students are just like taking drugs. Some smash their desks, some howl like wolves, and some will grab the collars of the students next to them and shake others while screaming, making them twitch as if they were touched by electricity.

There were no entertainment activities in those days, and life and entertainment depended on the ambiguous eyes of female students and sports competitions.

In the 2000s, because a Yao Ming suddenly appeared in basketball, I only watched the NBA. After Yao Ming retired, I didn’t even watch sports events, so I concentrated on earning money to support my family.

Earning money to support the family is actually much more technical and practical than sports competitions. I don’t even want to come out here.

Occasionally, I saw the news of football in China, which basically showed a bloody collapse trend. The more I kicked, the more I collapsed. At the beginning, there were still several people studying abroad in Europe. Later, there were fewer and fewer people studying abroad. Now there is only one Lei Wu left. Now the national team seems to be reduced to the top eight in Asia, and it is often beaten on the face by Syria and Thailand. In the end, the China men’s football team has simply become a domestic emotional trash can and has become the object of collective banter. Since 2002,

Strangely, however, the Super League was extremely hot in previous years, and it was once known as the "sixth largest league in the world". Guangzhou Evergrande even won the AFC Champions League twice. In 2019, the average salary of Super League players reached about 6.5 million RMB. The average annual salary of the most expensive players in Guangzhou Evergrande and Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai was about 12 million RMB, and the worst player in Beijing and Shanghai also reached 2 million RMB.

This phenomenon that the league is hot and the national team is weak happens at the same time, which makes China football look very strange.

So what is the reason that led to this phenomenon?

Out of curiosity about the origin of all things, I chose to visit many domestic footballers who have been running around the world for 20 or 30 years and ask them why China’s football has been playing more and more in the past 20 years. Interestingly, everyone’s answers are surprisingly consistent, and there is a relaxed attitude of "You guys have seen through the world of mortals for a long time, so what should you do?".

After synthesizing everyone’s opinions, I gradually figured out the root logic of China’s failure in football.

Before writing this reason, I would like to remind you that, unlike our industrial party, which always feels confident that there is a sea of stars in front of us, most people in the sports and entertainment circles are still a little sad. At least three people in the football circle have used the phrase "China football is the epitome of China society" with me.

But as far as I know, this sentence is wrong.

China football and China entertainment circle are not all the epitome of China. Accurately speaking, they are only the epitome of China’s negative energy. China football circle and entertainment circle are relatively deformed, and they are also deeply related to finance, real estate and other industries. Because the starting industry of money itself is not normal in China, it is not normal to reflect on them. If you want to compare China industrial circle with China entertainment circle, it will be another world.

Back to the main question, why did China’s football (mainly referring to the men’s national team) play so badly?

It’s just that the players who play football are not good.

Then why are the players not good at football?

To put it simply, the fastest growth time of football players’ personal level is in the period of teenagers, but the level of football teenagers in China is not good.

We all know that no matter what line of work, the best person must be a combination of "high talent and diligence", and both of them are indispensable. Moreover, whether it is sports or literature and art, high talent can be seen in adolescence, whether it is Go, piano, writing, running, singing, dancing, basketball, or even physics and mathematics, it is clear at a glance when you are a teenager.

There is a saying in the world of Go, "If you are not a national player at the age of 20, you will be hopeless all your life", which is the truth.

Yao Ming in his teens, James in his teens, and Lang Lang in his teens all showed super-high talent in their teens, and became an industry elite in their adulthood. No one did not show his talent and did not undergo cruel training after the age of 20, and then he suddenly became extremely awesome in a certain field.

Even Tik Tok online celebrity, who was hit by the Universiade, became popular because of one sentence and one thing, and often passed away quickly, because there was no talent to continue exporting.

Including myself, I have 20 years of writing experience to write articles, and I don’t suddenly write things. I started writing novels when I was in junior high school. Every morning, the whole class is waiting for my novel to be updated, and I will circulate it to each other every morning, and the cover of my notebook will end up like oil residue.

If the highest score of football players is 100 points, let’s assume that Pele, Diego Maradona, Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi have a total score of 95 points (fans don’t come to wrangle, thank you), then they should reach the level of about 80 points before they reach adulthood. The league will improve their level, but the space is not as big as expected. The league mainly plays a role in maintaining a high level.

The Super League is very prosperous, but it doesn’t improve the level of China men’s soccer team that much, because they were locked at the level of 50-60 points in adolescence, and the league will make them rise to 65-70 points, but the upper limit is too low.

The Super League is helpful, and we can also pull a group of people out of the league to bully the fishing club, but the Super League is not the core reason that determines the level of the national team.

When you look at the time when international football stars became famous and began to make achievements, they usually started around the age of 18. For example, Messi became famous at the 2005 World Youth Championship, when he was just 18 years old. The next year, Diego Maradona called him his successor. Cristiano Ronaldo also became famous at the age of 18. In 2003, he moved from Sporting Lisbon to Manchester United for 12.24 million pounds, because at this time their total score was very high and they began to dump our players in the same period.

Of course, we have some high-level and good prospects. Don’t believe any strange theories of race and culture. I said that it is hooliganism to talk about problems with culture. We can have talents from all walks of life. How can 1.4 billion people not have a football genius?

In fact, India also has all kinds of talents, but it is buried and there is no platform to play.

However, when our players are teenagers, they encounter two big problems, which make their level stuck in the low level range. One is the lack of excellent youth football teachers, and the other is the lack of a lot of opportunities for practice.

As mentioned earlier, a master must be a combination of "high talent+diligence". High talent needs guidance, or it will be ruined. For example, Yao Ming is a basketball family. This is no problem. Lang Lang studied with Professor Zhao Pingguo at the age of 9 and has always been supported by experts. If he was born in a bad environment, his road to fame would be a hundred times more difficult.

Many children in Beijing can get the top resources in the country after they are born. Being famous in Beijing means being famous all over the country. Therefore, a large number of writers and singers are likely to emerge in Beijing, while a child from Sichuan, Hunan and Shanxi is ten million times more difficult and has to work ten million times harder to reach the same height. Because he has no resources and platform, he can only bite his teeth and die.

Do you say that children in Beijing are born with better talents than those in Shanxi? I don’t believe it.

There has never been any real fairness in this world. We were born to overcome all kinds of unfairness.

By the same token, compared with foreign countries, our football players were led astray in their youth, because we were short of excellent youth football coaches.

Ali Shaw, a Dutch coach who worked in our national team, once said an argument:

"The success rate of youth football training is high, and 70% depends on the level of young football coaches."

The highest level a player can reach as a teenager is not far from his final destination.

Our coaching level from children to teenagers is very low.

Maurines, a Spanish coach, came to Shanghai Shenhua Youth Training Department to work. In an interview with diariosur, a Spanish media, he said that our youth training coach can only play strength and run, and he is very weak in training technical and tactical abilities.

About 20-30 years behind Europe.

Some of our coaches with C-level coaches or D-level coaches’ certificates can’t do a good job of passing the low flat ball with their arches. They can only teach their children to run and shoot, and Spanish children of the same age can already open the space to send a straight ball.

Our youth football coaches are not only of low quality, but also lack of talents.

Like Spain, with a total population of less than 47 million, there are as many as 15,000 coaches with UEFA A-level certificates, 84,300 in Japan, a leading Asian country, and 600 in Iceland, a country with a population of only 360,000, 400 of whom have UEFA B-level certificates.

In China, a country with a population of 1.4 billion, in 2018, there were only over 40,000 coaches registered with the Football Association, only half of that in Japan. There were 11,855 C-level coaches, 2,298 B-level coaches, 985 A-level coaches and 158 professional coaches who could teach children a little.

The number of A-level coaches in our population of 1.4 billion is only 6.6% of Spain’s population of 47 million. There is only one A-level coach for every 1.54 million people in Spain, and one A-level coach for every 3,133 people in Spain.

There are only six A-level coaches in a big city with a population of 10 million, while there is one A-level coach in a community in Spain.

How can you beat Spain?

If you want to beat them, the Spanish coaches should not be collectively angry.

Moreover, the salary of most grass-roots football coaches in China is 5000-8000 yuan per month, which makes people have no motivation to stay for a long time in first-and second-tier cities.

What makes China football change fundamentally is not how hot the league is held, but the emergence of a large number of excellent coaches covering the grass roots, so that these coaches can earn income to support their families and have room for promotion. Then, under the guidance of these coaches, talented children can become world superstars.

Only with Bole can a swift horse be selected and trained. Without Bole, China football would be completely blind.

Then why is China so good at table tennis, badminton, diving and weightlifting, but China football can’t copy their methods?

Because football is the most competitive sport in the world.On the whole earth, the competition of table tennis, badminton, diving and weightlifting is far less than that of football. The competition of football starts with dolls and is basically stereotyped by teenagers. It is necessary not only to be talented and let people pick it out, but also to practice with a large number of people.

Pay attention to this word, it must be "a large wave of people often play", not a small number of people who train hard like table tennis and badminton.

This involves the second problem of diligence in "high talent+diligence". This diligence is not an individual’s diligence, but a group’s diligence based on a large number of grass-roots clubs.

A large number of excellent grass-roots coaches ensure the selection and training of highly gifted children, and a large number of grass-roots clubs ensure the growth of children.

Let’s take Ronaldo as an example.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s father is equipment manager of Andorinha, an amateur football club (that is, a handyman), so Cristiano Ronaldo trained in this club at the age of 7. Because of his good foundation, he was signed by the best local national club at the age of 10. When he signed it, he only spent 22 footballs and two sets of jerseys. After three years of careful training, Cristiano Ronaldo won half of the team’s goals here and was later attracted by Sporting Lisbon. At the age of 13, Cristiano Ronaldo moved to Sporting Lisbon for 1,500 pounds and played at the age of 18.

Messi’s experience is similar. At the age of 5, he started playing football in amateur grass-roots clubs. His father was the coach and taught him personally. From then on, he was promoted to the old boys Club in Newell. At the age of 11, he needed treatment because of dwarfism. Newell dared not spend the money. At the age of 13, Messi was taken to the youth training camp in La Masia, Barcelona, Spain by coach KUKA, and he also got treatment opportunities. Since then, he has become famous in Barcelona.

In fact, Japan is learning from the model of "a large number of excellent coaches+grassroots amateur clubs" in Europe and South America, which makes Japanese football play stronger and stronger in Asia.

Reporter Miao Yuan once interviewed Japanese youth training coach Chiba Taishin, who used to be a professional player and worked as a youth training coach for 20 years after retiring. According to his reaction, many football teachers in Japan are volunteers, playing with their children when they were young. In junior high school, children can train three times a week and play once. In middle school, Japanese football will form a three-legged team, a social team and a professional echelon, with a large number of campus and social players. The level of the top 32 social teams in China is close to professional.

In the 12-15-year-old echelon of professional teams, only 1% of the outstanding talents are selected from these teams. Because there are a large number of grassroots units, excellent seedlings come up.

Chiba Taishen also said a very important point: children should master basic football skills at the age of 10-12, and improve their understanding of football after the age of 12, and combine skills with football understanding.

I doubt very much how our scarce football coaches, and most ordinary coaches, can make our children in China master basic football skills at the age of 10-12.

With grass-roots clubs and enough students, we have to let them fight at this time.

An interesting point is that the vast majority of football powers in the world are actually not vast countries, and the football level of countries with large areas is actually not outstanding, like that of China, the United States and India.

Why is it easy for a small country to practice strong football? It is because regional confrontation can often be organized without making the young players so tired.

Even in countries like England and Italy, which we don’t think are so big, teenagers and Italian C try their best to compete in different districts. When amateur clubs compete, the driving distance is guaranteed to be within one or two hours, so as to try to go and return on the same day without wasting everyone’s time and energy on the bus.

An hour or two’s drive is too extravagant for China. In the past, it would have been enough for Shaoyang to drive to Loudi to compete. Even if there is a high-speed train now, we have to change trains when we get off high-speed railway station. Our Shaoyang team wants to pick Changsha, and it will take four or five hours to change trains, so the little players will be exhausted.

Therefore, it is best to divide a province into several small areas, so that young people in small areas can confront each other more, and let them experience the beatings in the world and the pressure and happiness of growing up from an early age.

Then some people may object to this view and say Brazil? People are as big as Brazil, and a state is quite a country in Europe. How can people do so well?

Brother, Brazilians are actually suffering. It took them nearly 50 years to complete the national league, and it was only in the 21st century that they made their living mainly in coastal states, relying on state leagues. Small-scale regional confrontation is the basis for their talents to flourish.

We look at how the world’s football powers have risen, and soon know where the main vein of football development lies.

After the World War II in Germany, Herbega, the coach director of the Football Association, planned to "train 100 excellent coaches first, teach 100 people for every one, and train 10,000 coaches."

Ten years later, the Federal Republic of Germany won the World Cup in Switzerland in 1954.

Up to now, Germany has turned the German Football Association into the largest single sports association in the world, with 24,481 clubs, 145,000 teams and 7.17 million registered players.

But among the 7.17 million registered players, only 1,500 people finally make a living in this line. These 1,500 people are really one in a million.

So how can China beat the Germans?

If you want to beat them, German coaches should not be collectively angry.

By the way, the salary of German youth coaches is five to ten times that of ordinary people. Think about the salary of China youth coaches of 5,000 to 8,000 yuan, which is really invisible. That’s why youth coaches try to ask for bribes from players.

Let’s take a country with small boobs as an example to see how Icelandic football has become strong. The case of this country is more representative.

Iceland has a population of 330,000, so it’s normal that people can’t beat others. All of them have to go to work, and the weather is cold. There are few football fields in China, so it’s difficult to get a team out. Everyone understands, but the Icelandic Football Association has made great efforts to strengthen itself. In 2000, it began to build nine large indoor football stadiums all over the country, and every school and village also built football fields. By 2015, a total of 179 standard football fields and 128 football fields were built.

Moreover, since 2000, Iceland has trained 600 professional football coaches like crazy, 400 of whom have the UEFA B-level coaching certificate, which is equivalent to one professional coach for every 100 young men of the right age. In addition, due to the small space, they can often be pulled together to engage in confrontation, and the level has risen steadily.

By the European Cup in 2016, the Icelandic team began to make achievements, with two draws and one win in the group stage, killing England in the quarter-finals and successfully reaching the quarter-finals.

Think about what it would be like if China could reach the quarterfinals of the European Cup.

But it took Icelandic people only 16 years.

So you see, as long as we start from the roots in a down-to-earth manner, we can start football.

Therefore, everyone should understand a truth. In the most competitive sports subdivision industry in the world, football must start with dolls, and there must be a large number of amateur bottom clubs+youth leagues+fierce confrontation in small areas+a large number of excellent grassroots coaches, and then an excellent adult top league and an excellent national team can be established.

The result of the national team is the final result, and the national team is not the cause of the matter.

Then why is the foundation so poor? The Super League has been quite lively in the past few years, and even won the AFC Champions League?

This question is relatively simple.

The Super League looked prosperous in the past few years because of its interests.

Many companies go to the Super League, and their purpose is not football at all, because all football clubs in China are losing money. The poor income of Chinese football clubs is simply not enough to plug their teeth, but how can they do business at a loss?

This is the same as opening a five-star hotel. I usually love to explore the business model and find that most five-star hotels in China are unprofitable. Hotels that invest 10 billion yuan can earn up to 100 million yuan a year, and the input-output ratio is too low, and most of them are still losing money. Five-star hotels in Shaoyang are extremely well built and the cost is so high, and there are few guests at all. I don’t know how they maintain it. It is a bad business here.

It was not until later that I learned that a five-star hotel is actually a part of the infrastructure. If you build a five-star hotel, the local government will try to make it up for you in the land or other places, so that you can earn money from other places.

Chinese football clubs also mean the same thing. Bosses vote for football mainly to earn money from local governments, finance and other places, but they are not interested in football.

So you asked him to spend ten years building a youth training system. How could he have this idea? I don’t even know where it is five years later. I’m crazy. Why did I invest so much money to build a youth training system?

If the boss insists that I build an echelon, then I’ll just build an inspection to cope with it. Anyway, we can’t do a ten-year talent training plan that consumes money and energy.

Therefore, in the first year when Lippi coached the national football team, he reflected that China professional clubs didn’t even have a complete echelon construction. How many years have it been?

A senior person in the sports field told me that when Jiangsu Suning scored well, Jiangsu Sports School directly gave the echelon to Suning, and then Suning directly dissolved it.

You can pay attention to one thing. Chinese football clubs especially like to smash foreign aid with deep pockets, but they don’t train local young players. First, because it is easy to make achievements, they can quickly smash an AFC Champions League with money and get recognition from the top. Second, buying directly in the peripheral market, large transactions can generate huge amounts of money flow, and everyone in this link, from the general manager, translators, brokers and coaches, is eager to get kickbacks.

Since in China, the club can’t build a youth training echelon for his special motivation, why can’t we learn from South America, Europe and Japan, and build a large number of amateur clubs at the bottom? Let China players raise their level to 75-80 points when they are young, and then keep a high level in the league. How many stars with 85-90 points are there?

This problem is much more complicated, and it involves more economic chains.

If we compare Japan and Germany, we lack a large number of well-trained excellent coaches, and we can’t keep these people struggling in their posts for decades, and a football market has not formed.

If we compare South American countries, we lack a large number of volunteers. Many parents in South America are free volunteers in amateur clubs. They have fun by themselves, and they also take their children to play together. They can often play all night on the court.

These two points are difficult to achieve in China.

Training a large number of excellent football coaches requires a long-term 10-year plan, which requires administrative power. After the training, these people have to be prevented from changing careers easily, and there is a shortage of volunteers. In fact, parents in China are very busy, and they are not on the same level as Europeans, Japanese and South Americans.

China is now the fastest-growing economy in the world. Everyone needs to keep up with the big forces economically and make a determined effort to earn money. Because if the class leap cannot be achieved now, it will be several times more difficult for the later generations to achieve it. Everyone is working hard to earn money. Where can they spare time to volunteer at the football field?

Therefore, we can make a comparison. Either developed countries have perfect wages and benefits, or South American countries, whose economies are flat and often harvested by the United States, have perfect amateur clubs at the bottom, and such clubs are not for profit. China is now in a special historical stage. Many people have just become urban citizens from rural areas, and a large number of high-quality young people are still seizing emerging jobs such as the Internet and finance. They are all buying the first car and the first suite in their lives and have no time to participate in football grassroots projects in person.

Everyone has the opportunity to change their destiny, and it is not football’s turn to grab time for the time being.

I think that if China’s economy stagnates one day or becomes a developed country, football will be much better than it is now.

You may be tempted to ask, then why did China’s football and basketball, which were good in the past, fall into this state now?

Because it used to be a national system, this system has been scolded for decades in my impression, and it has produced many drawbacks, saying that it is a waste of people and money, which is the wrong way of socialism in the past, but in fact, the national system also has its excellent side. In the past, good players were actually selected from sports schools at different levels and then practiced hard behind closed doors. In 2002, that wave of players was actually the last performance of players trained by the national system.

After that wave, the level of players became worse and worse, because the old system was overturned, but the new system was not established, and the bottom-up basic population such as South America and Europe was not established, so they played worse and worse in the past 20 years.

It is not anyone’s fault that a new system has not been established, but it is decided by the stage of China’s times.

We have seen that some small countries, such as Qatar and Viet Nam, can often abuse the men’s soccer team in China. In fact, they have just set up a team with a little meager funds, and the government has stepped forward to set up a youth training center, which has achieved results in a long time.

The children in China, without government organization, received expensive and wrong guidance in their teens, but after the technology was formed, they couldn’t play with the small professional guidance.

It’s a bit like people are using the national system that we don’t use to attack the unhealthy market system that we haven’t formed.

Of course, because this country also lacks the bottom operating system in South America, it can only bully China at most, and it is very difficult to go any further.

"Usually our poor youth football population is just making up the numbers." A big shot in the circle sighed and said this to me.

In fact, in all areas of deep competition, the sports circles in China have encountered the same problems as football.

For example, in basketball and volleyball in China, the results are getting worse and worse. Only the middle of the women’s volleyball team was saved by Lang Ping. That’s because the competition of women’s volleyball in the world was not so fierce. Lang Ping saved a group of teenage girls in time and caught up with them through a lot of hard training.

If nothing unexpected happens, the three major events in China, regardless of men’s and women’s events, are all due to the fact that the new system was not established when the old system was transferred to the new system, which is an inevitable historical trend.

The former China Women’s Football Team, the 2002 China Men’s Football Team, and the former Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and Li Na were actually trained from the old system. They were the beneficiaries of the old system. Now the new system has not been built, and China’s special historical stage has made the three goals worse and worse.

Those leagues that look like red fire can’t hide the failure of our construction at the bottom of this fierce global competition.

Finally, give some advice to China football:

1. Learn from Germany and Iceland, establish a football coach training system, and strive to have thousands of professional coaches in each key city.

2. Through market-oriented operation, these coaches are guaranteed to survive and stay, and there is still room for salary increase. (This is the hardest)

3. Without thinking about doing a good job in football all over the country, we should set aside one or two key provinces, decentralize coaches in these provinces, divide these provinces into different small regions, and launch fierce youth leagues in each small region. If possible, it is best to set up three teams, such as youth training centers, youth training points of football associations and cooperative schools of clubs, like Germany, to select outstanding talents from them.

4. Choose a leader with a long term for about ten years, and be patient to do it.

If it really doesn’t work, it’s ok to engage in the previous youth training system.

Of course, in fact, football is a sport and entertainment, and it is not so important in essence. As I said before, "earning money to support the family is actually much more technical and more practical than sports competitions." Now our country focuses on aerospace, the belt and road initiative and the prosperity of the whole people. Compared with football, football is really insignificant. No matter how well you play it, there is no chance to raise your head and speak in the face of the powerful economic and technological gap.

If football scores can be exchanged for the improvement of the living standards of the whole people, I believe that people in Brazil’s slums must raise their hands in favor.

We have a wider sea of stars and dust, and we can take it slowly in the back.

According to the present situation, football in China may still linger for a while, but it doesn’t matter. The best chance to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best chance is now.