标签归档 阿拉上海后花园


Andy Lau’s new film has been completed, which is as absolute as "The Journey Home"!

1905 movie network feature In the movie, the evacuation team took 326,713 steps to complete the difficult journey home; outside the big screen, some netizens sighed after watching the movie in the theater: just a front-row movie ticket will take you to experience the war of "Numia" immersively.

From the riddled city streets, the dilapidated refugee camp tents, to the endless desert, the jagged valley border station… How does the fictional North African war-torn country under the director’s lens realize the true landing on Chinese territory through setting the scene?

Not only "Return of Thousand Miles", but also the films that have just been completed, can they also successfully complete the "airborne" in an exotic country?


From an entire embassy to a single foreign currency

20,000 square meter studio landscaping is difficult

A large part of the distant "North African countries" in "A Thousand Miles of Return" were born in the Oriental Movie Metropolis of Qingdao.The crowded market that Zong Dawei and Cheng Lang walked through, the checkpoint where they encountered the explosion, and of course the most important building in the movie, the Chinese Embassy, were all built in temporary locations in the park.

Making sure to film a realistic story about overseas evacuations in China became the most difficult challenge to overcome. The art team spent months collecting thousands of footage to build a prototype skeleton for this fictional Arab country.

No matter whether it is the capital Leptis or the small town of Sebrata, which has the most intense battlefield, unlike ordinary films, which only have relatively clear requirements for the setting of the exterior facade, "Return of Thousand Miles" not only needs to realize the series of multiple key scenes, but also sets clear standards for every detail of the interior and exterior.

The staff of the film and television service department of Oriental Movie Metropolis who participated in the setting of "The Way Home" introduced that the entire African town was built on the tarmac of the airport runway left by other films.

The entire building has more than 70 buildings and covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters. In order to pursue realism and restoration, the setting of the scene has put forward extremely high requirements on the shape of the entire environment. Thousands of real-life photos of Arab countries are one of the key reference materials. From the inside of the scene to the facade of the building, to every prop, from details to texture and texture, it needs to be completely consistent with the style of overseas countries.

The first impression of the overall vision is important, but there are countless details that are easily overlooked to support the "exotic feeling" of "Wanli Homecoming". During the four-month construction period, there is only one month left for the art props to perfect the details.

"Walking into the interior of Zhijing and carefully looking at every flyer on the wall, including graffiti and spray painting, they are not printed out and pasted directly, but the staff really painted it one by one according to the pictures and design drafts [provided by the art team]." Not only that, the crew also purchased various local living items from various overseas channels, even all the plastic bags, waste paper and fine food packaging scattered on the ground. The props that Zong Dawei and Cheng Lang often need to take out in the movie are also the top priority in the restoration process, and they must "make people see the sense of use at a glance" to pass the test.

Beyond that, vegetation is the key to making the city truly "alive."

It was not difficult for the crew to find coconut trees and palm trees, but it was the biggest test to keep the plants growing in tropical and subtropical broad-leaved forests evergreen in the temperate deciduous forest climate during the months of filming. But when more than 70 big trees really stood up on both sides of the street, "The Way Home" finally came one step closer to the real Arab country.


North Africa, Europe, South East Asia…

The film industry grasps the sense of exotic atmosphere

It’s not just "The Way Home".byAndy LauThe starring role of "Moscow Action" has just been completed, and this movie has also completed an important railway scene shooting in the movie capital through setting the scene.

Before that, the leading comedy "Super Family" also moved the European-style mansion snow scene into the studio with the help of the setting work.

Nowadays, the setting industry’s ability to "combine the virtual and the real" is more mature. The interior details of the scene, special furnishings, and architectural "destructive" scenes that cannot be really shot on the outside are partially realized in the studio. At other times, the setting can also cooperate with the different customs of the shooting location, and realize the instant "airdrop" of different foreign lands such as North Africa, Europe, and South East Asia.

Rao Xiaozhi found Shizui Mountain in Yinchuan, Ningxia for the second half of the evacuation scene in "The Journey Home". The Gobi, the wind food sleeping in the desert, and the refugee camps and border checkpoints built in the Grand Canyon at the end of the film all restore the perils and dangers of the evacuation battlefield 1:1.

These seemingly disorderly settings integrated in the natural environment were actually more difficult than the standardized set. The producer of "Return from Miles" once revealed a detail: the filming of the camp scene required 2,000 tents. Compared with buying them, how to make them withstand the weather was the most challenging problem for the props group.

Nowadays, the industrialization of Chinese films in terms of setting has been very mature.

The staff of the film and television service department of the Oriental Movie Metropolis said that although it is the director’s choice to shoot overseas or domestically, in his opinion, considering the investment, time cost, personnel safety, communication, supporting facilities and other issues of outbound shooting, domestic setting is a better choice. With the development of the industry for many years, whether it is construction, art or some higher technical operations, with the later stage of the film, it is completely possible to achieve 1:1 restoration of any required scene in the shooting.

In this regard, in addition to Yinchuan, Ningxia, which is listed above, "Moscow Action" was transferred to Harbin after filming in the Qingdao shed; "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" chose to restore the scene of our country’s peacekeeping troops carrying out armed evacuation missions in Africa near Yintan, Beihai, Guangxi; and "Anti-Drug 3: Big Heaven and Big Earth" directly "moved" Thailand’s Golden Triangle villages over 50,000 square meters to Lau Fau Shan in Hong Kong. In addition, border cities such as Xishuangbanna, Yunnan have also become important filming cities for Chinese films to create a "sense of atmosphere" in South East Asia.

When talking about the experience of setting the scene, Wang Hongwei once lamented that China is one of the few countries that has the financial strength and production ability to shoot movies in a way that completely builds real scenes. In this sense, the market feedback on the visual effects of "The Way Home", as well as many films shot and presented in similar ways in the future, will become a new witness to the road of Chinese film industrialization.


During the year, the new policy of new energy vehicle consumption was promoted: buying a car and charging subsidies.

  Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client November 7 (Seimi Zhang) New energy vehicles have the advantages of cleanliness and environmental protection. The reporters of Sino-Singapore Jingwei combed and found that during the year, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hainan and other places issued subsidies for new energy vehicles.

  Data map. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  In 2025, the sales of new energy vehicles will account for about 20%.

  The General Office of the State Council recently issued the New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). According to the Plan, by 2025, the sales volume of new energy vehicles will reach about 20% of the total sales volume of new vehicles. By 2035, pure electric vehicles will become the mainstream of new sales vehicles, vehicles in public areas will be fully electrified, fuel cell vehicles will be commercialized, and highly self-driving vehicles will be applied on a large scale, effectively promoting energy conservation, water reduction and drainage and improving social operation efficiency.

  On November 3, at the policy briefing in the State Council, Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that on the demand side, it is necessary to strengthen policy guidance, introduce some preferential policies to encourage the use of new energy vehicles, optimize classified traffic management measures, encourage business model innovation such as changing electricity, and at the same time, accelerate the electrification of vehicles in public areas and increase the promotion of new energy vehicles to the countryside.

  Ying Xiwen, head of the macro and regional research team of the People’s Bank of China think tank, pointed out in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei that the development of new energy vehicles will help improve China’s energy utilization structure and improve energy utilization efficiency; New energy vehicles are the key areas of future competition in the automobile industry in various countries, and it is very important for China’s related industries to occupy the high-end position in the industrial chain; The development of new energy vehicles can promote the accelerated integration of related technologies in the fields of energy, transportation, information and communication, and conform to the development trend and trend of electrification, networking and intelligence of the industry as a whole; The consumption of new energy vehicles helps to upgrade consumption and expand domestic demand.

  Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu Think Tank, said that vigorously promoting new energy vehicles can transform China’s advantages in electric energy into the field of travel, which is of great significance for reducing its dependence on the oil market and enhancing its national strategy.

  Buying new energy vehicles and charging are subsidized.

  During the year, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hainan and other places issued new energy vehicle consumption subsidy policies.

  From April 23, 2020 to December 31, 2020 in Shanghai, consumers who have held the quota of non-operating buses in the downtown area of Shanghai can purchase pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles (including extended-range vehicles), but not used cars, and complete the vehicle registration procedures in this city. If the vehicles are used for non-operation, they can apply for charging subsidy funds. Consumers who meet the application conditions will be given a charging subsidy of 5,000 yuan per person.

  Shenzhen proposed that from June 7, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Individual consumers who newly purchase new energy cars will be given financial subsidies for comprehensive use, including 20,000 yuan for newly purchased pure electric advanced or economical passenger cars and 10,000 yuan for newly purchased plug-in hybrid advanced passenger cars. The newly purchased new energy car must be a new car purchased by an automobile sales enterprise registered in Shenzhen, and the sales unit in the motor vehicle sales invoice must be a registered enterprise in Shenzhen.

  From March to the end of December, 2020 in Guangzhou, consumers will enjoy a comprehensive subsidy of 10,000 yuan per vehicle when purchasing safe and compliant new energy vehicles.

  Hainan proposed that consumers who buy new energy vehicles from May 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 will not be limited by the total number of 15,000 vehicles, and they will all be rewarded with 10,000 yuan/vehicle. At the same time, the provincial business department will support the activity of "new energy vehicles going to the countryside" and promote the popularization and application of new energy vehicles in rural areas.

  Kunming pointed out that from February 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, the city’s public charging infrastructure charging service fee does not exceed 0.72 yuan per kWh, and new energy vehicles are parked in temporary parking lots (spots) managed by the Municipal State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd., and temporary parking fees are exempted within 2 hours of the first parking on the same day.

  According to the analysis of Xi Wen, in the initial stage of new energy vehicles, due to the immature industrial development, especially the problems of battery energy efficiency and lack of charging infrastructure, the space for relying on the market’s own strength to develop is limited. In this regard, China has launched a series of subsidy policies to encourage the development of new energy vehicles.

  List the renewal targets of new energy vehicles for public transportation.

  While vigorously subsidizing the consumption of new energy vehicles, various localities have listed the renewal schedules. Sichuan pointed out that in 2021, all new and updated buses in Chengdu will be new energy vehicles in principle. In 2022, all new and updated buses in cities and counties (cities, districts) where qualified municipal (state) governments are located will be new energy vehicles.

  Chongqing said that in 2020, car companies in the city will be encouraged to promote the application of 36,400 new energy vehicles.

  Zhengzhou has made it clear that from October 1, 2020, all new energy sanitation vehicles will be used within 1 km of key areas, and the task of replacing new energy vehicles by taxis in the city in 2020 will be broken down month by month, and 3,000 vehicles will be completed by the end of the year. The rest of the vehicles will be updated, and all of them will be updated by the end of 2022.

  Ying Xiwen believes that switching taxis and buses to new energy vehicles will help expand the market space. However, it should be noted that due to the long mileage of operating vehicles and higher requirements for endurance, there may be some unsuitable situations in the actual promotion process, so we should listen to market opinions more and not adopt a "one size fits all" implementation method. At the same time, the corresponding charging infrastructure should also keep up in time. We should do a good job in the post-evaluation of the social utility of financial subsidies and make better use of financial expenditures more scientifically and efficiently.

  In Jiang Han’s view, the key to the new energy conversion of taxis and buses in various places is to be gradual, to respect the laws of the market, and not to engage in "flooding".

  Charging pile data map. Zhongxin Jingwei Fu Yumei photo

  Expert: increase the construction of infrastructure such as charging.

  How to better promote the development of new energy vehicles? Experts have said that all localities need to vigorously improve the construction of supporting facilities for new energy vehicles, increase research and development, and promote the integrated development of new energy vehicles.

  Zhejiang stipulates that the new round of award funds in Zhejiang will be distributed according to the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, industrial development, charging infrastructure construction and operation and maintenance, and the cultivation of new formats, with weights of 20%, 30%, 40% and 10% respectively. The implementation period of this round of reward and compensation policy is from 2021 to 2022.

  Xi ‘an proposes that by the end of 2022, the city will basically build a charging infrastructure system with moderate advance, suitable vehicles and piles, intelligence and high efficiency, so as to meet the charging service demand of new energy electric vehicles. The city plans to build and put into operation 200 centralized charging stations; There are 10,000 charging piles, including 3,900 in 2020, 3,290 in 2021 and 2,810 in 2022.

  Nanchang clearly supports the development of new energy automobile enterprises, supports the research and development of new energy automobile products, encourages the use of new energy vehicles, accelerates infrastructure construction and gives cash rewards.

  Ying xiwen suggested that with the technical maturity and marketization of new energy vehicles, the subsidy policy should be gradually introduced; Increase policy support for infrastructure such as charging and power exchange; Increase research and development support for core key technologies of new energy vehicles; Promote the integration of new energy vehicles with related technologies such as energy, industrial Internet, information technology and intelligent manufacturing.

  Su Jian, director of Peking University National Economic Research Center, told Zhongxin Jingwei reporter that he hoped the government would create a good business environment for the development of new energy vehicles. In addition, we should also encourage the development of new energy vehicles from the consumer side and prevent individual enterprises from defrauding and defrauding loans.


Auto Show | Mercedes-Benz unveiled 27 models.

"In the first quarter of this year, Mercedes-Benz developed healthily and steadily with high quality in China, and the sales of high-end luxury brands and new energy vehicles both achieved double-digit growth." Jan Madeja, President and CEO of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales & Service Co., Ltd., said that the appearance of a number of heavy-duty pure electric vehicles of Mercedes-Maibakh, Mercedes -AMG and G-class off-road vehicles will interpret a new definition of sustainable luxury travel and create diversified luxury experiences for different customer groups.


The exposure segment of Fantastic Animals 3 Newt equips Dumbledore’s army.

1905 movie network news J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter series, created a brand-new adventure chapter in the magical world, which is being shown in the whole country! In the "Ready to Go" segment exposed in the film, Newt replaces Dumbledore to distribute special "equipment", wands, ties and books to the members of the adventure team, which will help the members complete the next task.

Newt is equipped to envy the audience, and the adventure team is ready to go.

In the exposed "Ready to Go" segment, the first generation of Dumbledore’s army was formally assembled on the moving train. Newt distributed special "equipment" to members instead of Dumbledore. As the only muggle in the team, Jacob likes to carry a wand, which surprised him even more. He took the wand incredibly, and Newt emphasized that "it will be used in the next place".

On the other hand, the tie that Dumbledore gave to theseus was held tightly by Sniff. After some pulling, Sniff was thrown into Jacob’s hand at a distance and put into the pan. When the tie was picked up by Newt, it was discovered that the original problem of sniffing for money was committed again. Jin Shanshan’s tie sequins made sniffing want to stop. Larry, a professor of magic, got a book from Dumbledore. Larry explained, "Books can take you around the world and back to your original place, just open them."

Facts have proved that this book has played an important role in Lali’s future actions. All three members have harvested their own special equipment. After everything is ready, the adventure team begins to perform their respective tasks, and the legendary World War I in the history of magic is about to officially start!

The magical world returns to the screen and re-fans. The audience calls it really fragrant and wants two brushes.

After a lapse of four years, the wizarding world has returned to the big screen, which makes countless fans and audiences jump for joy and excitement. "As a fan of Harry Potter series, Fantastic Animals series also loves to the bone, and it is worthy of being my favorite magic IP, and the wizarding world will always make people yearn for it." "Whether fans of the wizarding world are excited or not, the visual effect is as good as ever." "It is my best this year.

The exposed footage contains a lot of magical elements, which makes the audience envy it, and the familiar magic scenes, shocking magic visual effects, cute magical animals and other surprise highlights in the film also make the audience scream, "Always shed tears for the magical world, which is an excellent spiritual food", "The core story of the whole film is not complicated but the rhythm is excellent, the plot is reversed and the plot is cool, and several magical scenes are very shocking. The appearance of magical animals is also very interesting and the picture is maintained.

The audience also affirmed the leading actors’ acting skills, thinking that they are the characters who came out of the magical world. "The complex feelings between Dumbledore and Grindelwald have been vividly reflected in this film", "The debut of theseus and Newt’s Scorpion bijuu dance is really a highlight moment" and "Each pair of CP has met everyone’s expectations, intertwined with sweetness and cruelty, and contributed to many famous scenes"! Some viewers enthusiastically recommended: "Be sure to watch it on the big screen, and you will know how shocking the huge waves that little wand can set off!"

"Fantastic Animals: The Mystery of Dumbledore" is directed by, starring, and so on, and the film is in full swing!


This conference concerning the future of the earth will be held in China "Spring City" this year.

  Xinhua News Agency, Kunming, July 4th Title: Going to the "Covenant of Spring City" — — COP15 will paint a new picture of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature"

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Changshan, Ji Zhepeng, Pang Mingguang and Zhao Peiran

  The 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) will be held in Kunming, Yunnan Province in October, and global representatives will participate in a grand event to draw a new picture of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature on the earth.

  The venue layout is clear and definite, and professional technical support is in place … … At present, the preparations for the conference are being fully promoted, and the concept of green, intelligent, economical and safe hosting will also make "Spring City Huadu" show its unique charm.

  "Animal and plant kingdom" welcomes the grand meeting

  Recently, a group of wild Asian elephants, journey to the south, which originally lived in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, entered Kunming, causing widespread concern. Elephants have wandered all the way, and the China government and people have taken good care of them. The elephant protection action has been recognized by the world. The story of Yunnan’s rescue of the endangered Asian elephant also warms the world and arouses people’s concern about the protection of biodiversity. "All the way to the North" has also become a footnote to the answer why COP15, a world-renowned event, was chosen to be held in Yunnan.

  Elephant group (drone photo) taken in Shijie Township, Yimen County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province on June 14th. Xinhua news agency

  According to experts, Yunnan is one of the regions with the richest biodiversity in the northern hemisphere. There are 19,333 species of higher plants, accounting for about 50.3% of the country; There are 2273 species of vertebrates, accounting for 49.5% of the country; 151 species of national key protected wild plants, accounting for 41.0% of the country; There are 242 species of wildlife under special state protection, accounting for 57.1% of the whole country & hellip; … Known as "animal kingdom", "plant kingdom", "world garden" and "species gene bank", Yunnan is rich in biodiversity.

  Waterbirds swim through the Metasequoia glyptostroboides wetland in Dianwei Village, Dianyuan Street, Panlong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Qin Qingshe

  "Yunnan is an important treasure house of biodiversity in China and an ecological security barrier in the southwest, and its status is very important." Yue Xiuhu, director of the Office of the Leading Group for Preparatory Work of COP15 in Yunnan Province and director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said that Yunnan’s land area accounts for 4.1% of the country, but it includes all ecosystem types on the earth except oceans and deserts.

  "Where there is forest, there is water; where there is water, there is field; where there is field, there is food; where there is food, there is people." Living in the south of colorful clouds, the Dai people have sung this proverb from generation to generation, and also conveyed to people the simplest concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. "Not only the Dai people, but also many ethnic groups in Yunnan have excellent traditional cultures closely related to biodiversity protection." Yue Xiuhu said.

  Overlooking Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center from the air (drone photos, data photos). Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  We have implemented more than 120 projects to save and protect the minimal population, established 166 nature reserves, promulgated the local regulations on biodiversity protection, the Regulations on Biodiversity Protection in Yunnan Province, and issued the provincial biological species list, the red list of biological species, and the white paper on biodiversity … … Zhao Yongping, deputy director of Yunnan Forestry and Grassland Bureau, said that Yunnan strictly protects the most authentic, rare and typical natural ecosystems and rare and endangered wild animals and plants.

  In 2016, the 13th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP13) held in Mexico announced that China was awarded the right to host COP15. At the end of 2018, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized an investigation and research on four candidate cities such as Kunming. In February, 2019, at the meeting of the National Committee for Biodiversity Protection in China, considering the biodiversity, climate and ambient air quality of four candidate cities, it was determined that the venue of the conference was Kunming.

  Elizabeth Murema, Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, said that the reason for holding the meeting in Kunming was to let friends around the world witness the happiness brought by biodiversity to the people of Yunnan, witness the achievements of ecological civilization construction in China, and provide new ideas for global biodiversity protection.

  Build a community of life on earth.

  China was one of the first countries to sign and ratify the Convention on Biological Diversity. As the host country of COP15, China will make joint efforts with the international community to contribute China’s wisdom and China’s strength to the global biodiversity protection.

  The theme of this conference is "Ecological Civilization: Building a Community of Life on Earth". The conference will formulate the "Global Biodiversity Framework after 2020", which is the new 10-year global biodiversity protection action plan after the "Aichi Target".

  The loss of biodiversity is a common challenge facing the whole world. "Reducing the direct damage and impact on nature and making every resident of the global village realize his due actions and efforts in biodiversity protection requires the joint action of every country, every nation and every resident." Duan Changqun, a professor at the School of Ecology and Environment of Yunnan University, said that building a community of life on earth is the initial intention, the starting point and the goal of efforts to protect biodiversity.

  Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao photo

  China attaches great importance to biodiversity protection, systematically deploys it as an important part of ecological civilization construction, and adopts a series of effective measures to promote positive progress in biodiversity protection. The establishment of policies, laws and regulations has been accelerated, the intensity of ecological protection and restoration has been continuously increased, the investigation, monitoring and evaluation of biodiversity have been promoted in an orderly manner, and the social participation and public awareness of biodiversity protection have been continuously improved.

  Yue Xiuhu said that it has become the consensus of the whole society to protect biodiversity. Yunnan has improved the protection system, consolidated the foundation of protecting the rule of law, and jointly built and shared green homes. Biodiversity protection is at the forefront of the country.

  "Yunnan has built the largest wild germplasm resource bank in Asia — — China Southwest Wildlife Germplasm Resource Bank has preserved more than 10,000 kinds of wild plant seeds. " Sun Hang, director of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the conference will show the world the outstanding achievements in biodiversity conservation in China, and at the same time learn from international advanced experience and strengthen and deepen international cooperation.

  Elizabeth Murema said after her preparatory work in Kunming at the beginning of last year that China can provide many experiences for the world in biodiversity protection and ecological civilization construction. "Building an ecological civilization is not only a beautiful vision advocated by China, but also the common aspiration of the whole world and all mankind."

  Yue Xiuhu said that the theme of the conference is of global significance, and it has reached the commanding heights in guiding the future development and the relationship between man and nature, and has become the consensus of all contracting parties, marking the entry of human society into a new era of ecological civilization.

  "Green, wisdom, economy and safety"

  The preparatory work for the COP15 conference is a huge systematic project. Since it was decided as the venue of COP15, Yunnan has always done a good job in the preparatory work despite the uncertainty brought by the epidemic.

  Elizabeth Murema said that Yunnan has done a lot of fruitful work in preparing for COP15. The layout of the venues is clear and clear, and the facilities and equipment are impressive. Sufficient experience, professional technical support and smooth communication and coordination have always run through the whole preparatory work.

  This is Kunming Dianchi Lake (photo of drone) taken on October 21, 2019. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  The Baofeng Peninsula Wetland in Kunming is one of the outdoor exhibitions of biodiversity in COP15. Lu Chunxia, executive vice president of Southwest Branch of SINOMACH International Engineering Design and Research Institute, who is in charge of the project construction, introduced that the construction of wetland in Baofeng Peninsula includes the construction of local plant communities in Yunnan, the rehabilitation of indigenous endemic fish, the attraction of local poultry, etc., and the "aquatic-wet-terrestrial" composite ecological belt is formed through ecological restoration, achieving the overall goal of restoring and protecting the biodiversity of Dianchi Lake and building a biological species bank.

  Recently, the reporter saw in the bird-watching gallery of Baofeng Peninsula Wetland that egrets flew to the wetland pond for food from time to time, and birds, wetlands and distant lakes formed a beautiful and quiet natural picture. Niu Yonggang, head of the Hubin Wetland Management Center of the Water Affairs Bureau of Guandu District, Kunming, said that the wetland has planted local fruit and wood varieties such as big fruit dates and wild persimmons, and also put in indigenous fish species such as golden thread.

  A scene of Dianchi wetland (photo of drone) taken on July 1. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  "Planting fruit trees and putting in small fish and shrimp can attract birds to come to feed." Niu Yonggang said that after the completion of the project, it will create a magnificent scene of Dianchi Lake, which is described in the Changlian of Kunming Daguanlou, with "fragrant rice all around, clear sand all over the sky, hibiscus in September and willow in March".

  "Green, wisdom, economy and safety are our purposes in preparing for the conference." Cui Zhitao, executive deputy director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Preparatory Work of COP15 in Yunnan Province, said that the green hosting meeting will be a highlight in particular, and a carbon-neutral plan for the conference has been studied and formulated.

  Black-necked cranes play in the Dahaizi Wetland in Dashanbao, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province (photo taken on February 24). Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao photo

  "The conference will not provide disposable articles such as paper cups. Each participant will have a glass with his name written on it, and the conference materials will be as paperless as possible, and delegates should also travel green." Cui Zhitao said that after the conference, international third-party organizations will be invited to evaluate the carbon emissions of the conference and strive to achieve carbon neutrality.

  According to reports, the venue area of the conference has achieved full coverage of 5G signals, and the conference has been served by intelligent means such as big data and informationization. Yue Xiuhu said that careful arrangements have also been made to prevent and control the epidemic to ensure safety.

  Elephant group (photo of drone) taken in Shijie Township, Yimen County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province on June 13th. Xinhua news agency

  This is the Hani Terrace in the south of Ailao Mountain in Yunnan Province, which was taken on the morning of January 6th. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Guansen photo

  Citizens watch red-billed gulls at Caohai Dam in Kunming (photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao photo

  This is the Yunnan Golden Monkey in Shangri-La Yunnan Golden Monkey National Park (file photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Changshan photo


[A New Five-year Chronology with Concentric Petals] The beautiful scenery of "Lotus Pond and Weihai" in Baiyangdian reappears, and xiong’an new area’s "Millennium Forest and Wanqingbo" is worth lookin

  CCTV News: (Reporter Liu Wei)Baiyangdian Lake in midsummer, with lotus flowers, red reeds and green seas, rippling blue waves and cruise ships. Stroll on the wooden plank road of Xin ‘an North Dike in Baiyangdian to see the reappearance of the beautiful scenery of the "Lotus Pond and Weed Sea", and board the viewing platform to see the lush &hellip of the "Millennium Xiulin" Daqing River in Lin Yuyu; …

Photography: Liu Wei

  On August 3rd, the online theme activity of "Concentric and Collaborative Five-Year Spectrum" entered xiong’an new area, Hebei Province, and today it is destined to be a "high-value" encounter.

  Blue and green interweave, which is the background color of xiong’an new area.

  "The Millennium Xiulin is greener, the exhibition industry is transformed to control pollution, the aquaculture water is cleaned up, and the blue sky is controlled by the environment". Every step of xiong’an new area adheres to ecological priority and green development.

Photography: Liu Wei

  Mr. Sun from Hangzhou told the CCTV reporter that this was his first visit to Baiyangdian and he was shocked by the "beauty of the atmosphere" here. "The beauty of Hangzhou is ‘ Xiaojiabiyu ’ , the beauty here ‘ Endless ’ 。” He also deliberately went boating in Baiyangdian to enjoy this "lotus pond and reed sea".

  According to Cheng Gang, deputy director of the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of xiong’an new area, this year xiong’an new area will continue to fully implement ten major projects, including urban pollution control, rural pollution integration control, aquatic livestock breeding pollution control, tourism and catering pollution control, agricultural non-point source pollution control, industrial pollution comprehensive control, lake ecological control and restoration, comprehensive regulation of rivers entering the lake, treatment of polluted pits and ponds and black and odorous water bodies, and ecological protection and utilization, so as to fight a tough battle for Baiyangdian ecological environment control.

  Millennium Forest City is the future of xiong’an new area.

Photography: Liu Wei

  It is understood that since the construction of the Millennium Xiulin Project was started in November 2017, xiong’an new area has completed afforestation in the first area of Daqinghe forest (the original plot No.9), 100,000 mu of forest for both seedling and landscape, afforestation in autumn of 2018 and afforestation in spring of 2019, with more than 170,000 mu of newly planted trees, nearly 200 species selected and more than 12 million seedlings planted.

  Different from the traditional urban afforestation, the "Millennium Xiulin" in the new area is mainly a near-natural forest, and it is also a "smart" forest. Each tree has its own QR code. Through the development of Xiong ‘an Senlin big data system APP and construction management platform, the whole life cycle management of seedlings is carried out, thus creating a digital forest. Each tree corresponds to the change of digital city, turning thousands of trees into the beginning of Xiong’ an’s thousand-year memory.

Photography: Liu Wei

  Surrounded by forests in the north and wetlands in the south, the city is in the forest, people are in the scenery, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and people are in harmony with nature. It is worth looking forward to.


More than 15 automobile brands started the year-end price war, with a maximum drop of 30,000 yuan.

Interface journalist | Yang Shihan

Interface News Editor | Chen Xiaotong

In the last month of 2023, the automobile industry set off a new round of price war.

According to the incomplete statistics of interface news, more than 15 automobile brands have recently introduced various preferential policies in an attempt to make an impulse at the end of the year. Among them, many new power brands have dropped by 10,000 to 30,000 yuan, and even include a number of new models that have been on the market for only one month. Traditional automobile companies also offer deposit deduction, purchase tax subsidy and replacement subsidy to attract consumers.

In the era of fuel vehicles, the price of new cars will usually be adjusted six months to one year after their release, but this law has been broken at the moment when new energy sources are on the rise. On the evening of November 30th, the first model of Extreme Vietnam, Extreme Vietnam 01, dropped by 30,000 yuan, only one month before the launch of this model.

Compared with most competing products, the initial price of Extreme Yue 01 is higher. After the price reduction, the entry price of Extreme Yue 01 was in the same range as that of main competitors such as Zhiji LS6 and Tucki G6, and the market segment competition became fierce at the end of the year.

Soon after the listing, the price adjustment was quickly carried out by Deep Blue Automobile, a new energy brand of Changan. The pure electric version of Deep Blue S7 520Pro, which was listed in early November, has now dropped by 10,000 yuan. At the same time, other models of Changan Automobile, such as CS75 PLUS and Auchan Z6 Zhidian iDD, also dropped by 15,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Changan automobile, which has followed the trend of price reduction, has ushered in a rapid growth in new energy business this year. The data shows that Changan Automobile’s sales of its own brand new energy in the first 11 months have exceeded 400,000 units, an increase of 80% year-on-year. In the same period, Changan accelerated the introduction of three major brands, namely Deep Blue and Aouita, to Southeast Asia to expand the market. Recently, the news of clearly investing in Huawei’s new smart car company also attracted much attention from the outside world.

Compared with the rapid price changes that may lead to the dissatisfaction of old car owners, some brands choose to lower the price at the time of listing. The functional configuration of the new Nezha S-long battery life pure electric version, which was launched on December 2nd, is the same as before, but the guide price is reduced by 30,000 yuan, which is the first time that Nezha Automobile has lowered the entry price of 715km battery life models to the range of 200,000 yuan.

Other brands that did not give a direct price drop showed a number of preferential policies for equity reduction. LI announced that it will launch an annual rate of 2.5% in December (the approximate annualized interest rate is 4.58% to 4.76%), and the down payment for ideal L7 and ideal L8 will be around 50,000.

A number of sales staff of Beijing Ideal Store told the interface news that at present, the relevant models can receive a subsidy of up to 36,000 yuan, and consumers will also receive an oil card worth 2,000 yuan. During the "Double Twelve" period, LI will also give designated gifts.

Although LI has achieved the annual sales target of 300,000 vehicles ahead of schedule, it also wants to hit the monthly target of 50,000 vehicles in the last month of this year. At present, the ideal monthly sales volume is 41,000 vehicles in November.

Since mid-October, the price adjustment has been started until the end of the year, with a maximum discount of 37,000 yuan for the extremely Krypton 001 model. However, before, some consumers found it impossible to superimpose all the rights and interests such as cash relief and free home filling, and questioned that its preferential strength was not completely consistent with publicity.

Roewe, Changan Qiyuan, BYD and Haval Automobile have given different degrees of deduction policies, among which Roewe D7 has launched a discount of 2,000 yuan to deduct 15,000 yuan, making it the most powerful one. BYD, which tried to challenge the annual sales record of 3 million vehicles, continued the previous preferential margin, and many popular models under Wangchao.com and Haiyang.com participated in the event.

It is worth noting that according to the current policy, new energy vehicles will be exempted from purchase tax this year and the tax exemption will not be limited. From January 1 next year to December 31, 2025, new energy vehicles with a purchase price of more than 339,000 yuan will be subject to partial purchase tax.

Some joint venture car companies have introduced corresponding preferential policies. FAW-Volkswagen can enjoy 50% purchase tax subsidies and commercial auto insurance exemption for some models, and FAW-Toyota also provides purchase tax subsidies. In addition, the purchase of some models of Shenlong automobile can get replacement subsidies, and some popular models of SAIC Volkswagen are equipped with 0 interest rate policy for 2 to 5 years.

(Note: The statistical information in this article is as of the time of publication)