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Big S shot "Jianyu Jianghu" and was buried alive, and Xiao S’s husband loved to go to nightclubs

"Sword Rain" Media Meeting

Big S and Pei Ci Wu

Big S explodes small S husband loves to go to nightclubs

  Movie Network News(Photo/Shanghai Film Festival News Team) "Xiao S’s husband really likes to go to nightclubs, and it is not illegal to go there." On June 12, at the media conference of the movie "Sword Rain", Big S denied the rumor that his brother-in-law Xu Yajun frequented nightclubs and caused the couple to disagree, saying that it was normal for his brother-in-law to go to nightclubs to entertain friends. Big S, who is filming a fight for the first time, revealed that he was buried alive during filming.

Big S explodes small S husband loves to go to nightclubs, denying that his sister’s husband and wife are not compatible

  Recently, Xiao S was first exposed to domestic violence, and then her husband Xu Yajun’s nightclub "cheating photos" were exposed, and the news that the two had long been separated came out. Even though Xiao S kept posting intimate photos with her husband on Weibo, it still couldn’t stop the rumors that the relationship between the two had already broken. As the sister of Xiao S, Big S was asked about this at the press conference of "Sword Rain", and had to play round for his brother-in-law, "He (Xu Yajun) does love to go to nightclubs, and this is not illegal. He has a lot of friends. In fact, it is normal to go to nightclubs to entertain single friends."

  Big S also denied the rumors that the relationship between his sister and her husband had broken down, "The two of them are not separated, and Little S is already planning to have a third child. I guess only when this child is born can we prove that their relationship is really good." Little S, who had two daughters in a row, longed to have a boy, but Big S said that in fact, his sister had no pressure to have a child, and indirectly denied the news that Little S was "forced" by his in-law’s family to have a boy.

The big S shot "Sword Rain" was buried alive, and the filming scene injured all martial arts

  In "Sword Rain", Big S and Wang Xueqi staged an "unruly love", but she herself said that the scene between herself and Wang Xueqi was not a true relationship, and only revealed that this time it was a relatively "promiscuous" role, and the most memorable scene for Big S was a scene of being buried alive. "I didn’t know how scary it was at first, and I took the initiative to ask to go into battle in person. My hands and feet were tied and I couldn’t move at all, and my head and body were all buried in the soil, which was really dangerous." Big S told the filming process with lingering fears.

  She admitted that the character she played was very murderous, and there were often "accidents" during filming. "I want to play with swords in the play, and that sword is really heavy. Basically, all the martial arts are injured by me, and everyone will run back as soon as I pick up the sword."

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Lovely China: Showing Do not forget your initiative mind’s Faith Power.

  "Lovely China" seminar site. Information picture

  editorial comment/note

  Recently, the TV series "Lovely China", which reflects the revolutionary deeds of the martyr Fang Zhimin, was broadcast in a prime-time program of CCTV, which triggered a warm response from all walks of life. On July 30th, a seminar on the TV series "Lovely China" sponsored by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Municipal Bureau of Literature and Art and the TV drama department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television was held in Beijing. The experts, scholars and ordinary audience at the meeting agreed that "The Lovely China is a work with heart, hard work and emotion, and a play with rich historical value and distinctive theme of the times". The play is highly compatible with the ongoing education of "Do not forget your initiative mind, Remember Mission" by the whole party, and is highly praised for its profound thoughts, exquisite art and excellent production.

  This newspaper abstracts the speeches of experts and scholars, creative teams, media representatives and audience attending the seminar for readers.

  Belief supports spiritual height

  Li Zhun (Honorary Chairman of Chinese Literary Critics Association)

  Fang Zhimin is a pure the Communist Party of China (CPC) man, and his devotion to lofty beliefs left us an example and peak that we should always look up to. Lovely China is a new discovery of the spiritual quality of Fang Zhimin and Fang Zhimin, which has made a new breakthrough in the pursuit of new spiritual height, cultural connotation and artistic value. The play puts Fang Zhimin’s life in the context of the Chinese nation’s exploration of the revolutionary road, highlights his main activities, and proves the importance of the great choice of "encircling the city from the countryside". In addition, the play strongly presents the concept of organization and overall situation, and has strong historical penetration and practical enlightenment. Fang Zhimin is a truly pure communist party native. He has always been dedicated to the organization and the Central Committee, and strictly enforced organizational discipline. In the process of portraying Fang Zhimin’s characters, the play emphasizes the power of revolutionary belief, and especially devotes itself to showing his unique personality charm and spiritual appeal because of his firm and lofty belief.

  "Lovely China" was breathtaking and played the role of Bacon’s soul-building. Fang Zhimin’s belief runs through the whole play from beginning to end, which is very real. In the face of any difficult crisis, Fang Zhimin always has a strategically advantageous position and calmly smiles at everything with great confidence in the road ahead, which is an inspiration, an infection and a guide for the audience. Fang Zhimin’s belief strength and personality charm strongly support the spiritual height of this film, and also support the spiritual height of film and television creation.

  "Do not forget your initiative mind, remember the mission." Fang Zhimin is a mirror, and The Lovely China is also a mirror. Everyone in communist party should take it as a mirror and draw strength from it.

  A new breakthrough in the theme of revolutionary history

  Chengxiang Zhong (librarian in central research institute of culture and history, chairman of Chinese Literary Critics Association)

  Whether a work can meet the requirements of the development of literature and art in the new era depends on whether it has a spiritual height, whether it embodies the most advanced ideas of mankind, and whether it has explored the profundity and richness of the human world. Considering from these aspects, The Lovely China can be said to be a new achievement and breakthrough in the creation of major revolutionary historical themes in the history of China’s TV drama development, and it can be called a fine work of art for the current education on the theme of "Do not forget your initiative mind, keep in mind the mission".

  Lovely China artistically reproduces Fang Zhimin’s core spiritual world. Fang Zhimin devoted himself to the revolution with the initial intention of national rejuvenation, which is in line with the initial intention of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the other hand, Fang Zhimin has no personal interests except his dedication to the motherland and the people. This work embodies this advanced idea, which makes the audience’s spirit baptized and soul shocked. What’s more, this drama typically adheres to the creative concept of creating fine works, and it is first-class in today’s TV drama creation, whether it is the creation of its historical atmosphere, the characterization of characters or the presentation of details.

  On the occasion of welcoming the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, this work is a sincere gift. I call on the TV industry to produce more such fine works, and TV stations should broadcast more such works to help literary and artistic creation create a new situation in the new era.

  An ode to patriotism

  Zhao Tong (Director, Theoretical Research Division, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Television Art Center)

  The TV series "Lovely China" takes us, following Fang Zhimin’s footsteps, looking back at the stormy years, appreciating the original heart of China’s pure child, inheriting the power of ideals and beliefs, and drawing a blueprint for national rejuvenation.

  This drama is a work of heart, hard work and emotion. It is a drama with rich historical value and distinctive theme of the times, which clearly and thoroughly presents the experience of the Chinese nation and the historical responsibility shouldered by the Communist Party of China (CPC) people. The innovation of the play shows the value of the creator’s intention. In the past, the works describing the agrarian revolutionary war focused on the layout of the battle, the shaping of the style of the generals and the rendering of the war scenes. While writing this aspect thoroughly, this drama also describes the economic construction of the base area at a considerable length, and the full exploration of the red economy has become the uniqueness of this drama. In the play, the value of historical stories lies not only in remembrance and encouragement, but also in warning and warning. By contrast, the creator tried hard to link history with reality, highlighting the power of ideals and beliefs. Fame and wealth and ideal belief are sharp opposites in the play, which brings deep thinking to the audience.

  The play is an ode to patriotism. It eulogized Fang Zhimin, the son of the Chinese nation and a loyal soldier of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In the struggle of "two hundred years", Fang Zhimin wrote "Lovely China" and the TV series "Lovely China" which described Fang Zhimin’s deeds, both of which are deeply engraved on the initial heart of history and are powerful responses to the call of duty.

  Artistic innovation sublimates classics.

  Wang Shoude (former director of the General Political and Art Bureau)

  The TV series "Lovely China" tells us, through a character like Fang Zhimin, where New China came from, how New China came from, where China is going today and how to get there.

  The combination of the vertical linear narrative and the horizontal local development of the play is natural and smooth, which shows that great efforts have been made from the screenwriter to the director. In addition, the main story of the protagonist and the profile description are also in place. The whole revolutionary history of Fang Zhimin is fully displayed, which gives the audience a deep understanding of the characters. At the same time, the drama does not confine its vision to Fang Zhimin alone, but enlarges this perspective and affirms Fang Zhimin’s contribution through others’ narration, which makes the story more real and helps the audience understand Fang Zhimin’s role in the China Revolution. The reason why the play can achieve the broadcast effect of "moistening things quietly" is that it has not followed the map in the existing materials, but has realized the combination of historical reproduction and classic sublimation. By watching The Lovely China, the audience not only learned about the revolutionary history at that time, but also learned about Fang Zhimin’s actions, and felt his emotions and spirit. Fang Zhimin’s firm quality is expressed in a soft way, which is touching. The whole drama has brought incisive aesthetic enjoyment and profound ideological implication. The theme of revolutionary history is not a simple educational material, but a work of art itself, which can strengthen the audience’s ideological and artistic beliefs. Lovely China combines its education and artistry very skillfully, and many revolutionary thoughts and spirits of Fang Zhimin are expressed in the play, which is thought-provoking.

  For an unforgettable memory.

  Wu Ziniu (director of the TV series "Lovely China")

  Today, we filmed the TV series "Lovely China" to relive the bravery and heroism of Fang Zhimin martyrs who died fighting for lofty beliefs. The whole shooting process is a process of learning from and paying tribute to heroes, which is solemn and moving. As a director or an ordinary audience, I deeply feel that it is with Qian Qian’s revolutionary martyrs like Fang Zhimin that China is today.

  "The enemy can only cut off our heads, but they can’t shake our faith." Fang Zhimin, a believer’s swan song 84 years ago, penetrated the historical time and space, and is still inspiring. On August 6th, 1935, when Fang Zhimin’s tall body fell heavily in Xiashawo, his great spirit stood permanently on the land of China. His writings in prison, including "Lovely China", "Poor" and other immortal masterpieces, show the height of a believer’s spiritual world and set an example for today’s young people in China.

  "If we lose the memory of history, our hearts will be lost in the dark." "Forgetting the past means betrayal!" These famous aphorisms should be engraved in the hearts of all China people. We should always remember and cherish the memory of great men, and learn from them personally, so as to contribute to the construction of a lovely China.

  The great man’s spirit shines forever.

  Wen Yanxia (one of the writers of the TV series "Lovely China")

  The TV series "Lovely China" ended successfully, and achieved a double harvest of ratings and word of mouth. As a member of the screenwriter team, my heart is full of gratitude and glory. Well-made film and television plays must be the perfect presentation of team wisdom, and the birth of the TV series "Lovely China" fully proves this point.

  "Lovely China" held many screenplay demonstration meetings, invited experts to take the pulse of the screenplay, and firmly grasped the front end of the screenplay creation. During the filming and production, the top directors, excellent actors and powerful post-production company were invited, thus ensuring the excellent quality of the play. During the creation, the screenwriter team designed various schemes based on in-depth interviews and extensive reading, and combed the life stories of Fang Zhimin martyrs. Finally, it decided to start from Fang Zhimin’s revolutionary stories in the four periods of national revolution, Soviet construction, anti-Japanese war in the north, and prison struggle, and on the basis of respecting major historical facts, use fictional little people to thread the needle and turn the originally loose historical events into "pushers" for plot development. In addition, through the plot line of revolutionary friendship between Mao Zedong and Fang Zhimin, we fully show the spiritual connection of interdependence and mutual growth between the revolutionary base areas in northeast Jiangxi and the Central Soviet Area, so that Fang Zhimin’s spiritual quality and the spirits of communist party people such as Jinggangshan spirit, Soviet area spirit and Long March spirit can shine each other and shine forever.

  Let the heroic spirit observe the present.

  Jungle (the actor of Fang Zhimin in the TV series "Lovely China")

  I am honored to participate in the TV series "Lovely China" and play the important role of Fang Zhimin. For an actor, it may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a revolutionary hero who is admired by countless people. I am really lucky.

  I was deeply impressed by two scenes that reflected Fang Zhimin’s inner world. One scene is a scene in which Fang Zhimin is arrested in the mountains. At that time, it was winter in Hengdian. I was lying barefoot on the ground, soaked to the skin, and the cold invaded my bones, and my willpower reached its limit. There is also a scene of the public trial meeting of Yuzhang Park. Fang Zhimin got off the prison car and walked to the public platform. I put my feet, which weighed ten pounds, in chains on my feet, and I was already sweating with pain after a few steps. Unlike me, Fang Zhimin only wore the shackles for a few hours. He did wear them for several months, and he had a serious lung disease. These two scenes made me realize how strong Fang Zhimin’s will is, and let me see what is the real communist party people and what is the power of faith.

  The appearance of "Lovely China" coincided with the time when we should learn about Fang Zhimin, that era and how many martyrs like Fang Zhimin shed their blood for the future of our motherland. Only in this way can we observe the present, inherit Fang Zhimin’s spirit of "patriotism, dedication, poverty and creativity" and live a meaningful life.

  Knock on the echo in the heart

  Yuan Xinwen (Director of Literature and Art Department of People’s Daily)

  The TV series "Lovely China" does not simply repeat the characterization techniques and historical biographical narrative methods of major revolutionary historical themes in the past, but uses new ideas, new contents and new forms to impress the audience and make people feel shocked from the depths of their hearts in spirit. Specifically, I think it has three characteristics: one is to reflect the glory of faith, the other is to explore the spiritual world, and the third is to show the charm of personality.

  The play closely revolves around the course of Fang Zhimin’s 16-year revolutionary career, pushing his firm ideals and beliefs, his belief in communism and his understanding of the cause of communism to a new height. Through the in-depth exploration of Fang Zhimin’s spiritual world, the play has found new discoveries and new presentations. Fang Zhimin is not only a pure communist party person, but also a person whose personality charm can impress, conquer and influence people. By highlighting the image of Fang Zhimin, I think we have grasped the "key" and the core of character construction. Directors and actors used a lot of details to describe the process of Fang Zhimin’s growth from an ordinary farmer to an important leader of our party’s revolution. His development and progress were described in detail, which is also an important foundation and premise for the characters to stand up.

  Lovely China is not only a vivid teaching material, but also a valuable artistic masterpiece. We have the responsibility and obligation to publicize such works well, so that more people can be infected by fine works of art, so that more young people can fall in love with our heroes, truly worship heroes and establish correct values and outlook on life by watching this play.

  Made a vivid interpretation of the "four self-confidences"

  Deng Kai (Executive Director of Literature and Art Department of Guangming Daily)

  The drama "Lovely China" makes the audience touch and feel a real, warm, comprehensive and clear Fang Zhimin, and from Fang Zhimin, we can see the perfect personality of communist party people beyond the traditional intellectuals in China. The traditional intellectuals in China, "if you are rich, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be immune to it", while Fang Zhimin, as a prisoner, is in a dangerous situation and still has a heart for the sky; Still not frustrated, work for the party in a special way in a special environment. With his qualifications, knowledge and ability, he could be an exquisite egoist, but he didn’t, but chose a narrow path that surprised ordinary people. Bernard Shaw said: "A rational person should change himself to adapt to the environment. Only those who are irrational will want to change the environment to adapt themselves. But history is created by the latter. " Fang Zhimin is such a person — — A man of firm faith, a sentient and righteous man with tears in his eyes.

  The beauty of this drama lies in the organic combination of grand narrative and individual description. Road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence and cultural self-confidence, how to understand these theoretical issues? This play gives a vivid interpretation through Fang Zhimin’s choice of revolutionary road and the reappearance of his fate.

  The value of this drama lies in its strong response to the phenomena of "historical nihilism", discrediting heroes and deconstructing sublimity with sincere expression based on real history, achieving "profound thinking, exquisite art and excellent production" and opening up a new realm of film and television creation with revolutionary historical themes.

  There is always a force that keeps us going.

  Xu Yi (2018 graduate student of Zhejiang University)

  In the TV series "Lovely China", we can see the struggle track of a generation of communist party people from Fang Zhimin’s magnificent life, their unyielding national integrity and firm revolutionary ideals, and the youth they have forged with their lives, their bloody initial heart and friendship.

  For the young people at that time, it was their initial intention and mission to seek the road of national rejuvenation, national independence and people’s happiness when the country was struggling.

  I often think about this question: From "two and a half rifles" to revolutionary armed forces of ten thousand people, what did Fang Zhimin rely on? After watching the whole TV series, I found the answer I wanted: relying on his lofty revolutionary belief and personality charm, relying on his strong sense of responsibility and patriotic feelings, and relying on the firm support of the broad masses of workers and peasants. The so-called faith is the determination to restore China’s awakening in the midst of gunfire and study for the rise of China. It is also the sincerity when writing "No one has died in life since ancient times, leaving a heart to shine." As young people in the new era, while revisiting history, we should bear in mind the entrustment and expectation of revolutionary martyrs to our generation.

  There is always a kind of power, which gradually deepens in the historical rings and inspires us to keep moving forward. In times of peace, as a new force to realize the Chinese dream, we should closely link our personal ideal pursuit with the country’s future and destiny, actively shoulder the historical mission of promoting the development of the motherland, national rejuvenation and social progress, and release the youthful dream and realize the Chinese dream in the practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  Inherit the legacy of Fang Zhimin martyrs.

  Zheng Pulong (First Secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Team in Mashan Village, Caoxi Town, yiyang county, Jiangxi Province)

  The TV series "Lovely China" triggered a watching craze in yiyang county, Fang Zhimin’s hometown. The local cadres and masses are familiar with Fang Zhimin’s revolutionary deeds, and when these deeds are put on the screen, they feel very cordial and excited. For me, as the story unfolds, my vivid memories and deep nostalgia for this revolutionary elder in my hometown are also involuntarily rippling in my mind — — Fang Zhimin devoted himself to the revolution and devoted his whole life to the cause of people’s liberation in China. His love for the motherland and affection for the people, his noble character and revolutionary demeanor once again deeply touched me. In the war years, revolutionary martyrs wrote loyalty with sacrifice and demonstrated their responsibility with dedication. Now, in a peaceful era, although there is no test of life and death, I still have to always remember my mission, be down-to-earth and strive for progress.

  As the first secretary of poverty alleviation in Fang Zhimin’s hometown, I want to follow the example of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the legacy of Fang Zhimin martyrs, remember the people’s yearning for a better life, and dedicate my fiery youth to the Party’s poverty alleviation cause. I want to keep in mind the warmth and coldness of the people in difficulty, help them solve problems sincerely, lead the people in my hometown to get rid of poverty and become rich wholeheartedly, and contribute to winning the battle against poverty. Those who walk a hundred miles are half-ninety, and the poverty alleviation work has entered the sprint stage of gnawing hard bones, attacking hard and pulling out villages, facing very arduous and arduous tasks. I will certainly spur myself with Fang Zhimin’s courageous spirit, and actively participate in the "last mile" of poverty alleviation with a never-ending mental state and indomitable fighting posture, so as to achieve the goal of getting rid of poverty and running towards a well-off society in the whole village as scheduled.


The international community continues to oppose Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea (international perspective)

  Recently, people from all walks of life in Japan have continued to hold rallies in Tokyo and other places, resolutely opposing the plan of the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (hereinafter referred to as "TEPCO") to discharge Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea during the spring and summer of this year. International public opinion has also urged the Japanese government to face up to the legitimate concerns of all parties, earnestly fulfill its international obligations and accept strict international supervision. Before full consultation and agreement are reached with stakeholders such as neighboring countries and relevant international institutions, Japan shall not start the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea without authorization.

  "The plan to expel the sea has caused concern from all parties at home and abroad in Japan and should be handled with caution."

  On March 21st, nearly 5,000 people from all over Japan held a rally in Tokyo to protest against the plan of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea and oppose the Japanese government’s nuclear energy policy. Kazuhiro Sato from Fukushima Prefecture is "Don’t pollute the ocean again! One of the representatives of the citizens’ meeting. He said that the public opinion survey in Fukushima Prefecture showed that about 70% of the respondents opposed the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea. The nuclear polluted water in the storage tank contains a variety of radioactive substances, and once it starts to be discharged, it will continue to be discharged for at least 30 years.

  March 11th is the 12th anniversary of the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Many Japanese people held a protest rally in front of the headquarters of TEPCO and the official residence of the Japanese Prime Minister. Slogans such as "Don’t let nuclear pollution pollute the sea", "The sea is not a trash can" and "Protect the sea, protect children and protect the future" express people’s strong demands against nuclear pollution water discharging into the sea.

  Members of the Activity Committee of the Workers’ Welfare Club in Japan Valley said that radioactive elements in nuclear polluted water will return to human body through food chains such as seaweed and fish, which will harm people’s health again. It is unconvincing, hypocritical and irresponsible for TEPCO to discharge nuclear polluted water on the grounds that it has no storage place, which violates the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Substances.

  Liu Tianzhen, the head of the Japanese citizen group Dandelion House, said that it is a safe and feasible scheme to use more than 10 large-scale water storage tanks with a capacity of 100,000 tons to preserve nuclear polluted water on land for a long time, but the government and TEPCO ignored it, which is regrettable. Keiko Muse, who made a special trip from Kawasaki City to Tokyo to attend the rally, told this reporter: "Without the consent of other Asian neighbors, the Japanese side will discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea without authorization, which is absolutely not allowed."

  On March 10th, Japanese people held a rally in front of the gate of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to protest against the plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. Former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan and the leader of the Social Democratic Party, Mizuho Fukushima, attended the speech. Mizuho Fukushima said that today, 12 years later, the impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident is still continuing, and the relevant emergency declaration has not been lifted. Therefore, nuclear polluted water must never be discharged into the sea, and radioactive materials must be preserved in a centralized manner. Naoto Kan participated in the handling of the Fukushima nuclear accident as the Japanese Prime Minister 12 years ago. After his speech, he told reporters: "The plan to expel the sea has caused concern among all parties at home and abroad in Japan and should be handled with caution."

  Japanese domestic media commented that the Japanese government chose a "shortcut" with the supremacy of economic interests in the case of imperfect scientific professional discussion and insufficient communication with the public. Non-governmental organizations such as the National Federation of Fishery Associations of Japan strongly criticized the Japanese government for breaking its promises and ignoring the interests of fishermen’s groups. Instead of actively seeking people’s understanding, it hastily restarted nuclear power and accelerated the construction of sea discharge. Simple and rude practices further aggravated people’s fears and panic.

  "This is a complete deception, and this practice of fooling the people continues."

  According to domestic polls in Japan, 43% of the people oppose the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea, and more than 90% believe that discharging water into the sea will have a negative impact.

  At the international seminar held by the environmental protection organization "Friends of the Earth in Japan" a few days ago, Wu Teng Leizi, a resident of Fukushima Prefecture and the head of the liaison meeting of Fukushima nuclear accident victims, said in his speech that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and TEPCO have been organizing people to visit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and sending people to various schools to hold lectures in order to publicize the safety of the so-called nuclear polluted water. TEPCO even took an instrument that can only measure gamma rays to measure the nuclear polluted water that only emits beta rays after treatment, so that people could see that the pointer was motionless and cheat visitors of their trust in the safety of nuclear polluted water. "This is a complete deception, and this practice of fooling the people continues."

  Wu Teng said that once it started to discharge into the ocean, it would continue to do so for decades to come. Where the nuclear pollution water flows, there are people who live on the sea and creatures who make the sea their home. The discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is an infringement on life.

  Kenichi Oshima, a professor at the Department of Policy at Ryoku University in Japan, believes that the Japanese government only announces the progress made in the aftermath of nuclear power plants, but rarely mentions various problems and difficulties. In fact, radioactive substances are different from ordinary dangerous chemicals, and it is difficult to remove them by chemical treatment. At the same time, little is known about the long-term effects of radioactive substances on marine ecosystems. Therefore, it is most important that radioactive substances should be treated in a controlled state and should not be released into the environment.

  The opacity of information has also caused concern among Japanese fishery groups. Representatives of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Life Cooperative Association and Miyagi Fishery Association submitted a joint signature of about 42,000 people to TEPCO and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, opposing the nuclear pollution water discharge scheme. Imano Zhiguang, president of the Xiangma Shuangye Fishery Association, which belongs to fishermen in Songchuanpu Fishing Port, expressed firm opposition to the practice of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea. He said: "The most important agreement between the government and TEPCO is not to discharge or dispose of nuclear polluted water before we understand it. So far, a lot of information has been concealed by TEPCO. "

  "The Pacific Ocean is related to the livelihood of many people, and the ecological environment is very important to many countries."

  There are more than 1.3 million tons of nuclear polluted water to be discharged from Fukushima, containing more than 60 kinds of radionuclides. Once it is discharged into the ocean, it will spread to the global waters in the next few decades, which will have an incalculable impact on the global marine environment and human health.

  Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea has aroused widespread concern and opposition from neighboring countries and stakeholders. At the informal meeting of special leaders of the Pacific Island Forum held recently, the issue of Japan’s nuclear polluted water discharging into the sea became a key topic. Leaders reiterated that Japan should guide the political decision of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea in a scientific way. Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea is not a simple domestic matter, but will affect important world events including the South Pacific island countries. In view of the unsatisfactory independence and verifiability of data provided by relevant parties in Japan, the Pacific Island Forum has repeatedly called on Japan to postpone the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  Fiji’s Acting Prime Minister Kamikaga said recently that Fiji was on high alert because of the plan to discharge nuclear polluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. Kamikaga said: "The Pacific Ocean is related to the livelihood of many people, and the ecological environment is very important to many countries. If you pass through ‘ Multi-nuclide removal equipment ’ The treated nuclear polluted water is so safe, why doesn’t Japan reuse it or use it in its own manufacturing and agriculture? "

  Carly Birch, a sociologist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, believes that it is the basic right of people in the Pacific region to enjoy a clean, healthy and sustainable development environment. The Japanese government’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea is a direct disregard for the sovereignty and self-determination of Pacific countries.

  South Korean citizens’ groups recently held large-scale gatherings in Seoul, Busan and other places, expressing strong opposition to Japan’s nuclear pollution water discharge plan. Xu Junlie, honorary professor of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Seoul National University, believes that the Japanese government must disclose the radioactive detection data of all nuclides. Xu Junlie said: "The Pacific Ocean is the common property of the whole world. Japan ignores the better plan and insists on discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, which is tantamount to a terrorist attack on the ocean, and the Pacific Ocean will no longer be peaceful. If nuclear polluted water flows into the Pacific Ocean, various radioactive substances will cause a fatal blow to the marine ecosystem. "

  Robert Richmond, a professor at the Varro Marine Laboratory at the University of Hawaii in the United States, said: "Our task is to protect the ocean and people who depend on it. It is a bad idea to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. Japan should consider other options."

  (Tokyo, Seoul, Washington, March 23rd)


These latest technological achievements make it no longer difficult to store fresh fruits and vegetables.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  The project team carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technical achievements developed effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment.

  With the increasing variety of food ingredients and the changes of climate and environment, traditional preservation methods can no longer meet the deeper preservation needs.

  On May 8th, the reporter of Science and Technology Daily learned from Jiangnan University that the research team of Yao Weirong, a professor at the School of Food Science, tackled the problem of perishable storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, and successively developed cleaning and disinfection technologies (ultrasonic technology, natural plant-derived cleaning disinfectant), new cold sterilization technologies (low-temperature plasma technology, irradiation technology), as well as preservative and active packaging film, which have been fully applied in domestic fruit and vegetable bases and storage and transportation industries.

  According to Chen Wei, academician of China Academy of Engineering and president of Jiangnan University, people’s food needs are increasingly diversified. Applying modern technology to solve the storage problem of fresh fruits and vegetables will play an important role in ensuring market supply and promoting rural revitalization.

  Yao Weirong introduced that leafy vegetables are easy to rot, mainly due to high water content, vigorous physiological activities after picking, high pollution of original microorganisms and high requirements for storage conditions. Therefore, relevant preservation measures must be taken in order to adjust the storage conditions such as temperature, air humidity and gas atmosphere.

  In order to prevent fresh vegetables from rotting, most of them are stored in cold storage. In recent years, although there are more and more quick-frozen vegetables, this method usually requires blanching pretreatment first, which is easy to cause the loss of minerals and vitamins.

  Chen Wei introduced that the food consumption structure of urban and rural residents in China was dominated by coarse grain consumption at first, and now it is rapidly transforming into a diet structure in which vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, eggs and other livestock products, aquatic products and processed foods coexist. This change makes people eat more safely, healthily and with balanced nutrition.

  At present, the most effective ways to store vegetables in the world are mainly modified atmosphere preservation and irradiation preservation, which can inhibit the growth of microorganisms or vegetable tissues by improving the composition of environmental gases and using irradiation respectively, and have the effect of killing insects and sterilizing.

  "Our team has carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technological achievements have effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment." Yao Weirong said.

  The reporter learned that in January this year, the "magnetic field preservation technology" jointly developed by Jiangnan University and TCL passed the project technical appraisal meeting organized and hosted by China National Light Industry Federation. This indicates that China has broken the foreign monopoly of molecular preservation technology, and has stepped into technology leadership from technology catch-up.

  According to relevant experts, the molecular preservation technology is to use magnetic field induction to realize unlimited micro-vector preservation, so that the ingredients can achieve the 6-day preservation effect of moistening, nourishing, beautifying, cleaning, living and fresh. This is because water molecules, organic compounds and biological macromolecules all belong to diamagnetic materials, so they will induce external magnetic fields.

  At present, this latest technological achievement of integration of production and education, which has multiple functions of water locking, antioxidation and bacteriostasis, has been applied in China.

  In Yao Weirong’s view, these technologies can basically solve the problem of fresh fruit storage. However, technology alone can’t do without paying attention to application and storage methods.

  At present, it is still difficult for some agricultural production bases and storage and transportation enterprises to package and store all kinds of vegetables in a targeted way. In order to reduce costs, transportation and storage often enter the transportation and storage process by extensive and simple dressing, and there is no independent packaging at all, resulting in vegetables not being well protected.

  Especially for all kinds of vegetables transported in large quantities, vegetables will squeeze each other, causing artificial mechanical damage, which accelerates the decay and deterioration of fruits and vegetables and causes serious waste.

  Chen Wei believes that there are still some problems to be solved in promoting the high-quality and differentiated development of agricultural products and food industries in China. Among them, how to ensure the effective market supply of various foods such as meat, vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, etc., it is urgent to make efforts from the technical end and the supply end to open up the "last mile" from farmland to the dining table, so that the latest scientific and technological achievements can be widely used to further meet the needs of consumers for food diversification, refinement, nutrition and ecology.


Magnolia Hotel invites you to start a wonderful journey to meet the sea.

The Spring Festival holiday has started. Are you already on your way out? If you think Erbin is too cold, then go to Hainan and meet the sunny beach.

Looking at the sea in winter, many people prefer Sanya. Sanya is located at the southernmost tip of Hainan Island, facing the South Pacific Ocean, with beautiful coastline and many famous tourist attractions. In fact, the sunny beaches in Hainan Province are not only Sanya, but Qionghai, located in the east of Hainan Island, also has charming bays.

Yudai beach, located in Boao, Qionghai, is a naturally formed beach peninsula with a long and narrow terrain. The smoke waves in the South China Sea are endless on the outside, and the lakes and mountains in Wanquan River and Shamei Inland Sea on the inside reflect each other inside and outside, forming a strange landscape. In addition to yudai beach, in Qionghai, you can also climb Baishiling to overlook the scenery of Qionghai, and see the red stone beach &hellip, which brings together the wonders of nature; … In Jiaji Old Street, the well-preserved stone roads and old houses on both sides, as well as the Nanyang arcade-style buildings adjacent to Xinmin Commercial Street, have a unique view.

Wanquan River, which originated in Wuzhishan, is the third largest river in Hainan. The typical tropical rain forest landscape and fantastic landforms along the banks of the river are breathtaking and are known as the "Amazon River" of China. Wanquan River, like a colorful ribbon, floated down from wu-chih mountains, rolled eastward to Boao Town, qionghai city, and plunged into the embrace of the sea. The beautiful scenery full of tropical customs on both sides of the strait is even more fascinating.

Moreover, the permanent meeting place of Boao Forum for Asia, namely Boao Forum for Asia International Conference Center, is located on the beautiful Dongyu Island. The magnificent modern architecture, the charming scenery of rivers and seas, and the ancient and moving beautiful legends in the scenic spot demonstrate the harmony between man and nature.

Traveling in Qionghai and staying at Magnolia Hotel (Aihua Road, Wanquanhe, Qionghai) is the first choice for many tourists. Magnolia Hotel (Aihua Road, Wanquanhe, Qionghai) takes the service concept of "Better for you with your heart" and the brand core of "Smart space, optimal comfort, health and fashion, sincerity and ingenuity" to convey a light and fashionable quality of life and make guests feel better staying experience.

Located at No.176, Aihua East Road, Jiaji Town, qionghai city, Magnolia Hotel (Aihua Road Store, Wanquanhe, Qionghai) is also surrounded by a bustling scene: a fair food street close to local characteristics, a snack culture street, a south gate market, a pedestrian street, a red women soldiers statue, etc., with everything to eat, drink and have fun. Moreover, the hotel’s transportation is very convenient, only 2 kilometers away from Qionghai Railway Station, 8 kilometers away from Red women soldiers Memorial Park, 13 kilometers away from Qionghai Baishiling Scenic Area and 15 kilometers away from Boao Forum for Asia, which can be described as extending in all directions.

To see the sea in winter, you must choose Hainan. And coming to Qionghai to start a wonderful trip to meet the sea is a Chinese New Year gift for myself.

Disclaimer: The market is risky, so you should be careful when choosing! This article is for reference only, not as a basis for trading.

Article complaint hotline: 182 3641 3660 complaint email: 7983347 16@qq.com.


How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  A few days ago, the Federal Reserve made its 10th decision to raise interest rates in the past 14 months, which once again triggered market shocks. Continued interest rate hikes have not only brought the United States closer and closer to the economic recession, but also caused the whole world to take the blame for the United States.

  Europe, which is the most tightly bound by American strategy, took the lead in responding, followed by the United States to raise interest rates passively for the seventh time since July last year.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Yahoo News reported that the European Central Bank held a monetary policy meeting on May 4 and decided to raise the three key interest rates in the euro zone by 25 basis points. The main refinancing rate, marginal lending rate and deposit mechanism rate were raised to 3.75%, 4.00% and 3.25% respectively from the 10th of this month.

  However, the analysis believes that the monetary tightening policy has led to the continued weakness of the euro zone economy, and the European Central Bank will still be in a dilemma between curbing inflation and seeking economic growth.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ US Consumer News and Business Channel website reports: According to Eurostat data, in the first quarter of this year, the GDP of the euro zone only increased by 0.1%, which was less than expected, and the German economy stagnated.

  This dilemma is certainly not limited to Europe.

  Due to the hegemony of the US dollar, the Fed’s aggressive interest rate hike this round made the yield of US bonds rise and the US dollar strengthened rapidly. Its spillover effect induced large-scale capital to flow to the United States, which made the stock markets, foreign exchange markets and bond markets of many countries suffer violent impacts, forcing these countries to follow the interest rate hike in order to maintain macroeconomic stability, thus increasing their own economic recession risks.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Most central banks in the world are raising interest rates at a synchronous rate that has not been seen in the past 50 years (screenshot of the US "Investment Encyclopedia" website report)

  "Fed’s interest rate hike will aggravate the global debt crisis"

  According to the analysis of experts from the World Bank, in the past year or so, the rise of interest rates in the United States was mainly driven by the "reaction shock" triggered by investors’ expectation of the Fed’s shift to a tougher monetary policy stance.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Screenshot of World Bank official blog report

  The rise in US interest rates driven by "reaction shock" is particularly harmful to the financial markets of emerging markets and developing economies. Facts have proved that the sharp rise in interest rates in the United States and the corresponding rise in the foreign exchange value of the US dollar have had a significant spillover effect on the borrowing costs of emerging markets and developing economies. The debt levels of many emerging markets and developing economies have generally soared, and the debts of many governments have reached record highs. Some countries have fallen into financial difficulties and even defaulted on their debts.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ The report "Debt Relief for Green and Inclusive Recovery (DRGR)" jointly released by the Center for Global Development Policy Research of Boston University, the Center for Sustainable Finance of the School of Asian and African Studies of London University and the Heinrich Burr Foundation in April shows that during 2008-2021, the sovereign debt of emerging markets and developing economies increased by 178%, from $1.4 trillion to $3.9 trillion.

  The US Consumer News and Business Channel also warned that the Fed’s interest rate hike will aggravate the global debt crisis. Debt payments in developing countries increased by 120% from 2010 to 2021, reaching the highest level since 2001. The average proportion of government revenue used to pay foreign debts increased from 6.8% in 2010 to 14.3% in 2021.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Screenshot of US Consumer News and Business Channel website report

  Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, warned that the Fed’s interest rate hike may "throw cold water" on the already weak recovery of some countries. The rising interest rate in the United States and the appreciation of the dollar may make it more expensive for countries to repay their debts denominated in dollars.

  By the end of 2022, the total debt of developing countries rose to a record $98 trillion.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ World Bank reports in official website: Rising interest rates and slowing global growth are likely to plunge a large number of countries into debt crisis. Debt servicing has brought the greatest pressure to poor countries since 2000.

  "Casino capitalism" is accelerating the flight of many countries from the US dollar.

  The history of dollar hegemony is the history of the United States arbitrarily harvesting world wealth.

  The Australian "East Asia Forum" website once published an article pointing out that in the 1970s and early 1980s, the Federal Reserve led by Paul Volcker reduced the inflation rate in the United States by raising interest rates aggressively, but pushed up the global interest rate, causing many emerging economies to default on their debts. The debt crisis after the Volcker shock made developing countries feel sad. The Fed’s interest rate hike has had a devastating impact on Latin America. The gross domestic product (GDP) in this area plummeted, and the unemployment rate and poverty rate rose sharply. There are similar experiences in debt-ridden countries in Africa. The Fed has not paid enough attention to how its wayward policy choices will affect the rest of the world.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Australia’s "East Asia Forum" website report screenshot

  This is true. How can the Fed, which holds the hegemony of the US dollar, care about other places? !

  Eduardo Porter, an information columnist of Bloomberg, recently questioned: "Can the Fed led by Powell afford to ignore geopolitics?"

  The article points out that today, the Fed once again faces the high inflation in the Volcker era. As it is raising interest rates at the fastest rate in more than 40 years, "the original memory of people’s disillusionment with economic prosperity is resurfacing throughout Latin America and the wider developing countries."

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Screenshot of Eduardo Porter’s commentary reprinted on the Washington Post website.

  In connection with the direct and indirect damage caused by the United States’ indiscriminate unilateral sanctions against other countries by using the hegemony of the US dollar for many years, the international community generally believes that the economic and financial policies of the United States have become the biggest challenge to global financial stability, economic recovery and common development.

  Faced with the harm of dollar hegemony to the world economy, more and more economies have begun to take practical actions to safeguard their rights and interests. Many countries, including some American allies, have actively explored the path of "dollarization" by reducing US debt, promoting bilateral monetary agreements and diversifying foreign exchange reserve assets. In addition, central banks are still buying gold at the fastest rate since 1967.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Reuters reports: In 2022, central banks bought a record 1,136 tons of gold, and in 2023, the trend of global central banks’ gold purchase continued.

  With the acceleration of the global "dollarization" process, the control of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency on the international economic system is weakening. The data shows that in the past 20 years, the share of the US dollar in the international reserves of global central banks has dropped by 12 percentage points, from 71% to 58.36% in 2022, which is the lowest level since the data was recorded in 1995.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Screenshot of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) website report

  Peter Earle, an economist at the American Economic Research Institute, recently pointed out in his article "De-dollarization has begun" that the US dollar has gradually changed from an ordinary carrier of payment, settlement and investment to a financial tool used by the US government to implement unilateral sanctions. Especially after the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis last year, the US wantonly weaponized the US dollar, which accelerated the flight of many countries. "In the long run, ‘ De-dollarization ’ Will continue, and the dollar will lose power overseas sooner or later. "

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Screenshot of the article on the website of the American Economic Research Institute

  Pepe Escobar, a Brazilian geopolitical analyst and senior journalist, called American monetary policy "casino capitalism" in an interview with the media. He pointed out that after weighing the pros and cons, more and more countries found that the US dollar was not safe. The aggressive U.S. sanctions policy and reckless government spending have significantly reduced the international appeal of the dollar. The upcoming BRICS summit in South Africa may be the key to progress in dollarization. The dollar-centered world order is doomed to end.

How did the United States hurt the world by raising interest rates ten times?

  △ Sputnik news agency & radio report screenshot

  Source: Global Information Broadcasting "Global Deep Observation"

  Planning Wang Jian

  Reporter Shan Lijuan

  Editor Yang Nan

  Qian Shen Zou Haoyu

  Producer: Jiang Aimin