标签归档 上海贵族宝贝龙凤楼


Beijing Automobile (01958.HK) released half-year results announcement, Beijing brand entered the "oil and electricity double engine" era

  On August 26, 2024, Beijing Automobile (01958.HK) released the first half of 2024 results announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. During the reporting period ending June 30, 2024, Beijing Automobile achieved wholesale 450,000 vehicles and retail 476,000 vehicles, revenue 94.32 billion yuan (the same below), gross profit 18.686 billion yuan, net profit 6.866 billion yuan, operating cash flow is good, stable 11.534 billion yuan. During the period, the company simultaneously promoted the multi-technology route Product Research & Development, and R & D investment increased to 1.802 billion yuan.

  The announcement shows that in the first half of 2024, while the development quality of the three joint ventures of Beijing Benz, Beijing Hyundai, and Fujian Benz has been steadily improved, Beijing Automotive’s independent business, Beijing Brand, has adhered to lean operations, increased the sales volume and proportion of high-value products by adjusting the product structure, achieved improvement in operating quality, ushered in the "oil and electricity dual engine" drive, and continued to build a "new quality" system to consolidate the "chassis" of high-quality development.


Led by high-value products, the market volume ushered in the "dual-engine" drive

  Focusing on scientific and technological innovation to cultivate and develop new quality productivity as the core element and promoting high-quality development is an important strategic layout of the current country. As far as the automobile industry is concerned, focusing on independent brands and strengthening independent brands has become an important part of the innovation-driven development of state-owned car enterprises and improving their operational independence and management quality.

  In the first half of the year, Beijing Automotive’s independent business, the Beijing brand, launched multiple arrows, promoted technological advancements and product advancements, led by high-value products, focused on the electrification and intelligent path of off-road products, and successively released the off-road electrification platform technology magic nuclear drive super drive solution, deep hybrid light wild electric four-wheel drive SUV BJ30, the new BJ40 magic nuclear drive version, BJ60 thunder magic nuclear drive version, and BJ40 glory version, the new BJ40 ring tower champion version, the new BJ40 blade hero version climber (gasoline version), the new BJ40 blade hero version transporter (diesel version), comprehensively promoted the electrification, intelligence, economy and off-road performance of the off-road SUV category, and won the industry reputation. At the same time, it also gained market recognition.

  In overseas markets, in the first half of 2024, Beijing Automobile will focus on accelerating globalization and continue to explore incremental markets. Export sales will steadily increase, and the growth rate will outperform the market. Star models such as Beijing brand BJ40 and BAIC Rubik’s Cube have been listed in Indonesia and Malaysia. The first BAIC flagship store officially opened in Egypt, and three models of Beijing U5 PLUS, BAIC Rubik’s Cube and the new X7 have been listed locally.


Build "new quality" system capabilities and consolidate high-quality development "chassis"

  The key to cultivating and developing new quality productivity is to build "new quality" system capabilities and consolidate the "chassis" of high-quality development. In the first half of 2024, BAIC will make every effort to promote R & D and channel advancement while promoting technological advancement and product advancement.

  In terms of research and development, BAIC focuses on the research and development of core technologies for intelligent driving and electrified off-road SUVs, and further increases its R & D expenditure. At present, the research and development of BAIC’s new new energy platform is advancing as planned, and multiple new models based on the new platform are being developed and advanced. Strategically hosting BAIC Blue Valley, further enhancing the resource synergy effect, strengthening the full value chain system of electrified product research, production, sales and service, improving the comprehensive utilization efficiency of resources, and expanding the layout of the new energy industry.

  At the same time, BAIC further improves the service system, continues to expand sales channels, improve the city penetration rate, keep an eye on user requests, promote the construction of service ecology, promote the upgrade of brand visual identity system, focus on user clubs, official APP and word-of-mouth communication, and deepen the system of user operation.

  Looking forward to the business situation in the second half of 2024, BAIC said that the Beijing brand will focus on new products and off-road vehicle competitiveness improvement, firmly move towards high-quality transformation, keep up with market changes, and strive to improve system capabilities and market share. With sales as the driving force, maintain the rhythm of new product launch, target key tracks such as off-road, SUV, and mid-to-high-end hybrid products, as well as overseas opportunity markets, adjust the product structure, continue to expand the sales structure of high-value and high-flow products, and form a joint force in each market segment. Continuous technological innovation, with product strategic transformation as the main driving force, to promote the progress of major technologies and Product Research & Development to be reached on schedule. Promote system change, combine long-term and short-term measures, and help enterprises rise and develop.

  Data show that in the first half of 2024, Beijing brand sales continued to achieve rapid growth, with end point sales increasing by 15% year-on-year, of which off-road vehicle sales increased by 24.1% year-on-year. In July, led by the hot sales of BJ30, Beijing brand sales continued to increase by 38.7% year-on-year. At present, the BJ60 Thunder Magic nuclear power drive version has been listed on August 20, and the new BJ40 magic nuclear power drive version will also be listed within the year, which will further promote the volume of Beijing’s automobile market and increase the proportion of brand high-value products. Beijing automobiles driven by "oil and electricity dual engines" will usher in stronger momentum in the second half of the year.


Peng Yuyan wears stockings under his "Tai Chi 2" boots, playing the villain and seeking to be ugly

Peng Yuyan is not afraid to play the villain

Peng YuyanReturn to Chenjiagou for revenge

Peng YuyanAct Fang Zijing

Peng Yuyandisguise

    Peng Yuyan stars in the Huayi 3D action blockbuster, which will hit cinemas across the country on October 25. In the film, Peng Yuyan plays Fang Zijing, a returnee villain from the Qing Dynasty. In addition to continuing his previous Western look, he also appears in a clean dress, for which he shaved his head for the first time. Peng Yuyan, who has never played a villain, said that "it was a pleasure to act", and he also asked the director to be ugly. "You can make it uglier and dirtier, as long as it fits the role." But the cold wind during shooting made him sigh that it was "too cold". In "Tai Chi 2", Peng Yuyan showed the image of a scarred face, which is more villain-like than in the previous episode. However, director Feng Delun took a fancy to Peng Yuyan’s handsomeness. The Western styling in the film was personally created by senior costume designer Ye Jintian, and the exquisite European clothing made Peng Yuyan love it, adding more confidence to the role of Fang Zijing.

"I like the bald look!"

    In "Tai Chi", Peng Yuyan played the role of a villain for the first time and shaved his head, wearing a long braided hairstyle. Director Feng Delun revealed that he had been worried about his handsome appearance because he had the burden of idols and was unwilling to shave his head. But this was not a problem for Peng Yuyan at all. When he heard the director’s condition, he immediately nodded and agreed, "I really want to shave my head, I have never shaved my head, that is the role, not me anymore." He also revealed that at that time, he even took the initiative to ask to be ugly, "I said that the uglier and dirtier it is, I don’t care, as long as it fits the role, I should do it." In the second episode, Peng Yuyan was shown as a "scarred face" as he wished, and even had a down-and-out look with a head bandage, which made his interpretation of the villain gradually better.

    Seeing the shape after that, Peng Yuyan also joked, "My bald head is pretty good-looking, I like it very much." However, the bald head shape also caused him some trouble, because it was winter when shooting "Tai Chi", the barren mountains and cold weather, and the wind often blew in the mountains, which made the bald Peng Yuyan sigh, "It’s really too cold!"

British gentleman wearing stockings in boots

    In the film, Fang Zijing, played by Peng Yuyan, is a returning student from Cambridge, England. He is deeply influenced by Western culture and appears in a unique Western style, which makes him stand out among the people of the Qing Dynasty. In the first half of "Tai Chi 2", he still continues the previous style, and he revealed that some of his styles are actually antiques. "Teacher Ye Jintian is looking for ancient clothes according to that era, and some are even antiques, which is very particular." Peng Yuyan also said that the details, materials and patterns of the clothes are so exquisite that even his English teacher agreed with them, saying that "it is a pattern that only existed in Britain in that era."

    Peng Yuyan is keen on fitness, and has a wonderful display in it. He was praised by fans for "stripping has meat, and dressing looks thin." Although there is no meat in "Tai Chi", the version of the costume is super-first-class tailoring level. Peng Yuyan said: "After wearing it, the body shape is very special. There are many restrictions on clothing, the neck is quite straight, and the vest makes me stand up, and the body shape comes out." In addition, the delicacy of clothing is not only on the surface, Peng Yuyan also exposed a little secret that is not known: "Everyone must not have thought that I would have to wear stockings under my boots!"

Three consecutive theaters

    Peng Yuyan’s "Tai Chi 2 Heroes Rise" will be released on IMAX on October 25, and another Hong Kong police and bandit action movie starring him will also be released in national theaters on November 8. With the previous "Tai Chi 1", Peng Yuyan will hand over three transcripts within a month, presenting different aspects of his role as an actor to the audience.


Deng Chao comforted Baober to quit "Running Man": I believe we will meet again

Deng Chao Weibo

Bao Bell Weibo

??1905 movie network news Recently, Bao Bell admitted to quitting. He posted on Weibo saying "Goodbye, Running Man!", indicating that he withdrew due to scheduling issues. The new member of the Running Man Group to replace Bao Bell is Lu Han.

??In the Weibo video, Bao Bell had tears in his eyes and choked up several times, explaining that he could not participate in the third season of Running Man due to schedule reasons. He also thanked the program staff and Deng Chao, Li Chen, Chen He, Wang Zulan, Angelababy, and Zheng Kai one by one in the video.

    "Hello everyone, I’m Bao Bell, the bag of the schoolbag, the precious Bei, from Harbin, can you recognize me? I may not participate in the next season of Running Man because of the schedule. I would like to thank Zhejiang Satellite TV and the staff of" Running Brothers "for taking care of me and choosing me who is not so good. The second thank you is to the audience who like me. You have given me a lot of encouragement and support, which has given me the confidence to record these 12 episodes of Running Man and let me play like a child. Finally, thank you" Six ", we are family."

    "Thank you Chao, when I feel the hardest, you help me tell me how to be a good person. Thank you baby, when someone attacks me, you are the first to stand up for me. Thank you Li Chen, you let me know what strength is and what perseverance is. Thank you Chen He, every time I have something to do, you are the first to come out and stand by my side. Thank you Zu Lan, your heart is like an angel. You will make everyone happy. Thank you Zheng Kai, although we are all from" To Youth ", I am a little jealous every time I see you, because you are so excellent, so handsome, so happy, so good." In the end, Baobert choked up: "So people who hate me won’t see me on Running Man, and people who like me will see me in more film and television works."

??In this regard, Deng Chao, a member of "Running Man", took the lead in posting a message on Weibo to comfort "Xiao Bao, don’t cry, I will feel distressed to see you cry", and also said that we will meet again in the future. Deng Chao is rarely serious, and his words are sincere and affectionate. Users have praised: "You two are real brothers" and "It seems that you have said the most emotional words".

Deng Chao Weibo Original:

??Xiao Bao, don’t cry, I will feel distressed to see you cry. At this time, you remind me of the time when you painted the wall, you and I fought side by side for dozens of days and still parted ways. Life may be like this. Since fate soon arranged for us to meet in Running Man, we have reason to believe that we will meet again soon. When you are outside logging, there must be times when you are tired, don’t forget to go back to logging.


Meituan takes a number of measures in response to the "2023 China Farmers’ Harvest Festival" to help agricultural products "leave the village and enter the city"

  On the occasion of the sixth Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival, rich and diverse celebrations around the theme of "Celebrating Harvest, Promoting Harmony and Beauty" have also continued across the country. Since September 18, millions of merchants on the Meituan linkage platform have built online consumption promotion special pages through Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market, Meituan Flash Sale and other retail businesses, and invested tens of millions of subsidies to make high-quality and characteristic agricultural products from all over the country popular across the country through online platforms.

  From now on, search for "Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival" on the Meituan App to go directly to the main venue of the event, of which Meituan prefers to start the "Mid-Autumn Festival Super Sale Eating · Yuexiang Moon" online promotion activity from September 18th to September 23rd, explosive products over 29 minus 4 yuan, and focus on the exposure of advantageous resources, providing online sales channels for a variety of seasonal agricultural products such as sunshine rose grapes and soft seed pomegranates, and combining consumers’ demand for seasonal agricultural products during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, launching moon cake gift boxes, wine gift boxes and other related product promotions; from September 18th to September 24th, Meituan market opened the "Mid-Autumn Festival Gift" harvest festival special promotion activities, not only "local top goods" represented by Pinggu Peach It also covers hundreds of agricultural products such as new rice and seasonal fruits.

▲ From now on, search for "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival" on the Meituan App to go directly to the main venue of the event.

  The 2023 Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival Golden Autumn Consumption Season was launched in Beijing on September 8. Meituan brought its Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market, Fast Donkey Purchase and other businesses to participate in offline exhibitions, showcasing high-quality agricultural products from all over the world achieved through the Meituan platform, and Meituan’s specific measures in helping rural employment and training e-commerce leaders.

  "Under the guidance of government departments at all levels, Meituan has taken concrete actions to participate in the process of helping the country’s rural revitalization, helping high-quality agricultural products to rise, and helping farmers increase employment and income." Meituan’s relevant person in charge said that in the future, it will continue to use technology to help agricultural products rise, drive farmers to increase income and become rich, and contribute to precise production and marketing docking, e-commerce talent training and other aspects. 

  "Local top goods" help agricultural products "go out of the village and into the city" to expand new consumption scenarios

  During the Farmers’ Harvest Festival, in the live stream of Meituan market, consumers can place orders while watching, and staff can pick and pack fresh fruits from the field to the table, which can be delivered in as little as 30 minutes.

  It is reported that Meituan market launched the "local top goods" plan in 2022. At present, there are more than 300 kinds of "local top goods" such as Beijing Panggezhuang watermelon, Shanghai Nanhui peach, Guangzhou Zengcheng lychee, etc., which are supported by traffic support, bulk procurement, and direct source mining. These regional agricultural products not only achieve mature picking, but also complete the full link of production and sales within one day, so that users and farmers can benefit at the same time. The new instant retail system built by live streaming, 30-minute distribution, and full cold chain capabilities is opening up a convenient channel for more local characteristic agricultural products to "leave the village and enter the city", opening up a new path for the innovative development of local specialties.

  The story of farmers getting rich is also hidden behind the batches of regional characteristic agricultural products that go to all parts of the country. "I belong to the’second generation of melon farmers’. In addition to inheriting the melon planting technology of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I want to find a good market and let the melon farmers get rich." Chen Binwen, head of Shanghai Li’s Vegetable and Fruit Professional Cooperative, calculated such an account. After the Meituan market’s "local top goods" source direct mining base was launched, local farmers took over 20 acres of land from the cooperative. Each year, only from January to August, during the watermelon planting and listing season, you can get about 400,000 yuan.

  "At present, there are more than 450 direct procurement suppliers in Meituan market alone, nearly 400 direct connection bases, and more than 100 digital ecological origins." The relevant person in charge of Meituan market said that in the future, by increasing the direct procurement of high-quality agricultural products from the source, it will help improve the quality of agricultural products and standardize production. At the same time, it will use its own system of agricultural product supply chain efficiency to improve, speed up distribution, shorten the chain of agricultural products from origin to table, and allow more "local top goods" to connect to the big market, so that citizens’ vegetable baskets are richer and farmers’ money bags are more weighty.

  "Tomorrow’s Supermarket" will speed up again to promote the organic connection between "small farmers" and "big markets"

  On August 25, Yingjie Village, Xiaochangshan Island Town, Changhai County, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, was listed on the list of "China’s Beautiful Leisure Village in 2023". Yingjie Village Kelilai Store owner is the manager of Meituan Preferred Store. His "new rural convenience store" has a wide range of fresh groceries. Yunnan flowers, Shaanxi Dali winter jujube, etc. can be transported to the island through Meituan Preferred. Villagers and tourists can "place an order on demand and pick it up by themselves before noon the next day".

  It is understood that in the first half of this year, Meituan preferred to increase procurement efforts nationwide to improve the efficiency of the online circulation chain of agricultural products. In terms of improving consumer experience, through localized collection and distribution, shortening logistics links, etc., to meet the needs of urban and rural consumers for "convenience". By the middle of the year, Meituan preferred more than 900 kinds of fresh daily miscellaneous goods, an increase of more than 40% year-on-year. At the same time, Meituan preferred "Mingda Supermarket" to speed up again, reaching noon in the afternoon. More agricultural products can go out of the origin and quickly reach the tables of consumers in 2,000 cities and counties.

  In addition, during the Farmers’ Harvest Festival, Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market and other retail businesses were launched in many places across the country to assist farmers in training, production and marketing docking and other activities. With the support of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Management Cadre College of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the China Agricultural Products Market Association jointly organized the training of suppliers of high-quality agricultural products from the origin. Many farmers’ cooperatives, rural collective economic organizations, trade and circulation enterprises, agricultural enterprises, e-commerce enterprises and the main body of the construction project of refrigeration and preservation facilities in the origin of agricultural products in Shandong Province will participate in the training, taking the training as a breakthrough point to promote the organic connection between "small farmers" and "big markets".


Fans pick on the thorns for the drama version of "Hua Qiangu": "Abstinence from immortality" becomes a warm man

The immortal drama "Hua Qiangu" that thousands of original fans have been waiting for has finally gone LIVE the night before! This eighteen-episode "fancy sadomasochistic" story of "Pretty Apprentice of the Arrogant Master" has been very popular on the Internet, and the first night of the drama "Go LIVE" has brushed out an amazing discussion peak of 1.40 billion people on Weibo. Huo Jianhua’s "abstinence" Xianbaizi painting, Zhao Liying’s "act cute" girl Hua Qiangu, Marco’s "narcissistic" devil killing Qianmo, and the producer’s self-proclaimed cute pet "Sugar Treasure" made with "definitely not fifty-cent special effects"… have all become hot topics.

  That night, Rao Jun, the screenwriter of "Hua Qiangu", also watched the audience’s comments with the media reporters. Rao Jun jokingly said, "What would you do if I said that I killed my sister (the Great Demon King killed Qianmo) and fell in love with (abstinence from immortality) Baizi painting?" God! The original fans, if the story really turned out like this, would you want to immediately pick up the guy and talk to the screenwriter about life?

  A popular science

  What is the story of "Hua Qiangu"?

  "Hua Qiangu" is considered to be a sadistic and upgraded version of Yang Guo and the little dragon girl’s "forbidden teacher-student love": the goddess of god-level Mary Sue (little apprentice) and the immortal master of the abstinence system disobeyed heaven and started a "master-apprentice love", which caused a series of disasters in the world… The whole story goes through the little apprentice’s secret love and the immortal master’s abstinence; the little apprentice does not give up, and the immortal master resolutely abstinents from sex; the little apprentice gets into a big disaster, and the immortal master gives up the immortal bone to be punished for the little apprentice; the little apprentice goes out to save the master with blood, and the immortal master refuses to welcome it; the little apprentice finally gives up, and the immortal master regrets it; after the little apprentice becomes a demon god, he asks the immortal master to sleep with him so as not to wash the world with blood. The immortal master agrees in order to save the world… In Finale.

  Just such a sadomasochistic story of "Immortal Master abused me thousands of times, and I treated Immortal Master like my first love" caused a frenzy of popularity after being serialized on the Internet. After the physical book was published in 2009, it was even printed in three editions in mainland China. It also launched a traditional Chinese version of Taiwan, as well as a Vietnamese version and a Thai version. Therefore, since the TV series "Hua Qiangu" announced the start of filming last year, its popularity on social networking sites has remained high, and it finally ushered in a climax when it went LIVE the night before yesterday.

  B Focus

  How suitable is Huo Jianhua for portraying white paintings?

  For fans of the original novel, the first priority when watching the adaptation is to check whether the male and female protagonists have destroyed the original novel. As it turns out, fans of the original novel are quite satisfied with the performance of Huo Jianhua and Zhao Liying, especially Huo Jianhua’s portrayal of Bai Zi Hua. During the premiere, social media was flooded with similar comments: "Shangxian’s perfect sideways face is really… let me watch it quietly for a while." "His Majesty is really handsome!" "The female disciple next to you, don’t be so obvious, okay, that should be my play…"

  Abstinence handsome guy

  The perfect side face cut by knives and axes, the clear eyes like grapes, and the long eyelashes that are gentle enough to make people tremble… These are all the capital of Huo Jianhua to harvest the girl’s heart. In fact, Bai Zi Hua is not the first time Huo Jianhua has played a male god of abstinence. In "Legend of Immortals and Swords and Heroes 3", he plays Xu Changqing, the eldest disciple of Shushan Mountain, who is a cold male god who does not eat human fireworks, but he will occasionally be cute. And Bai Zi Hua is high without any impurities! Cold! A handsome face is full of words "This world has a relationship with me", and his every move seems to be free of dust.

  In real life, Huo Jianhua is also single-minded about his work, so he can even give up his relationship. In 2003, Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen fell in love because of their collaboration on "100%", but Huo Jianhua later confessed in an interview that Chen Qiaoen wanted a lot, but he only wanted a career. The two have different perceptions. After the filming, the relationship will come to an end… Is this exactly the same as the feelings of Bai Zihua and Xia Zixun in the play?! In an interview with a reporter from Yangcheng Evening News, Huo Jianhua also said that he enjoyed the happiness brought by the rise of his career more than his feelings. Not long ago, there were a few photos of Huo Jianhua on the set circulating on the Internet – in order to stay awake, he actually stabbed his body with an awl, a real awl!

  sadomasochistic professional household

  Do you still remember Xu Changqing, who was reincarnated three times in "Immortal 3" and still decided to forget Zixuan Fairy in the rivers and lakes? Do you still remember Liu Liancheng, who sacrificed his life for Ma Fuya in "Concubine of Fallen Times"? That’s right, Huo Jianhua is a "sadomasochistic professional". This time, he used Baizi paintings to abuse everyone again. In the play, the misunderstanding between him and his little apprentice Hua Qiangu can be called a thousand twists and turns, until the gods, demons and ghosts can’t stand it anymore, and he still refuses to say "In fact, I have you in my heart".

  Huo Jianhua’s own love history is also very bumpy. According to netizens, Huo Jianhua dated his first girlfriend, Yoyo, when he was 20 years old. At that time, he thought that he would naturally enter the marriage hall. As a result, Yoyo cheated on someone else at the most unsatisfactory time in his life. When he got to his second girlfriend, he actually went out with Huo Jianhua without telling his boyfriend. It was not until his real boyfriend came to the door that Huo Jianhua knew that he was "mistress". According to rumors circulating outside the world, Huo Jianhua’s girlfriend also has Tang Yan, Ye Xuan, and Lin Xinru, but his attitude has always been non-responsive. Including when Li Chen "tore" his ex-girlfriend Zhang Xinyu not long ago, the incident revealed that Huo Jianhua was the object of Zhang Xinyu’s cheating, and he just said: "Don’t talk so much, just focus on filming."

  Cold noodle big warm man

  In the face of the cute and infatuated little apprentice Hua Qiangu, Bai Zihua seemed cold and indifferent, but his heart had already been deeply rooted in love. For Hua Qiangu, he was even willing to abandon his immortal bones and suffer from illness every day. "As long as you are always by my side, it is not a curse if you don’t hurt or die, but a divine grace." How many little girls’ tears were deceived by this disgusting sentence!

  In fact, the cold-faced and warm man is also Huo Jianhua’s true colors. Take his attitude towards fans, can you imagine it? He will say to fans very seriously: "We are not relatives, even if you don’t like me, it doesn’t matter." For fans who call themselves "brain-dead fans", Brother Hua is also very puzzled: "Why can’t you be a good fan if you want to be a’brain-dead fan ‘?" And the most famous thing is that in an interview show, when the host asked: "What would you think if Hua fans gave you luxury cars like other fans give idols?" Huo Jianhua actually replied: "Kill her!" He also added seriously: "How do you explain to your parents? What is this? Volcano’s filial son? So my fans can’t give me things, not within my scope! "Fans also reported that Huo Jianhua’s fans would never accept money, do not hold support clubs, or sell peripheral products, even if Huo Jianhua paid for the meeting himself. Therefore, on the surface, he was very strict with fans, but in fact he was very caring.

  C picky

  How can Shangxian be so handsome to complain?

  Due to the high degree of fit between Huo Jianhua and Baizi’s paintings, fans of the original novel couldn’t bear to criticize the "five-cent special effects" of "Hua Qiangu" and the large-scale adaptation of the original novel. What "Jade Lake First See" became "Hero Saves Beauty", what "Godzilla Vs Dragon", can’t match the handsome face painted by "Immortal" Baizi.

  Picky 1

  "First See in Yaochi" Become a Hero to Save Beauty

  In the original book, the first encounter between Bai Zi Hua and Hua Qiangu is full of Mary Su-style fantasies. The fourth time in the book, the first time Yaochi sees him, he is a high-ranking immortal, and she secretly turns into a bug and lies on the tree, but is blown by the wind and falls into his wine glass…

  In the TV series, the male and female protagonists met at 3:50 in the first episode, and it was an old-fashioned "hero saves beauty" scene. After 5 minutes and 50 seconds, she knew she had fallen in love with him. In addition, Hua Qiangu, who was 12 years old in the original book, was also changed to 16 years old. Fans of the original book generally expressed a little regret but understanding for these two changes. If it is completely according to the book, Shangxian will not come out until the fourth episode, how can fans wait?

  Picky 2

  "Abstinence from immortality" becomes a cold-faced warm man

  "Keep the Immortal for a Long Time" Baizi’s painting, in the original work, is the master who does not eat human fireworks at all, "Immortal is beautiful, cold and dusty, long hair is like a waterfall, eyes fall on stars, and his style is peerless. In this world, I am afraid that there is no painting that can hold his immortal posture, his appearance, his style, and his temperament…"

  In the TV series, Huo Jianhua fully interpreted the otherworldly, but at the same time it was a little more tender. For example, as soon as he appeared, he rode Sun Wukong’s somersault cloud to come to the hero to save the beauty, and also helped the female master of "Bad God" to repair the house, which is really down-to-earth! And seeing the part of Bai Zi painting accompanying Hua Qiangu to eat buns on her birthday, the original party simply burst into tears: The little dragon girl of the new "Divine Condor" eats buns every day, and now Hua Qiangu also eats buns. Is Xiaolongbao a stem that Mango Station can’t skip?

  Picky 3

  "The First Beauty of the Six Realms" becomes Venus

  Although the male and female protagonists escaped the complaints of the original fans, the corner of the Lord of the Demon World "Killing Qianmo" caused a lot of controversy. In the original book, this is a stunner who is indistinguishable from male and female. Because he is too narcissistic and handsome, he is also regarded as "sister" by Hua Qiangu.

  "Kill Qianmo" in the play is played by the new generation actor Marco, who was born in 1990. The young man has worked hard to grasp the imposing and enchanting manner of the Great Demon King, but because the side is too much like the "Poisonous Tongue Teacher" Jinxing, he let the audience play every minute. Some netizens shouted: "What about the first beauty in the Six Realms? Jinxing, go away and kill my sister!"

  Picky 4

  "Sugar Treasure" shape changed to "Kill Matt"

  At the screening of "Hua Qiangu" before, the filmmaker once patted his chest and said: "We are definitely not a special effect!" But it turned out that the scenes of "Godzilla vs. Dragon" in the domestic Xianxia novel were also drunk. And the long-term footage of Shangxian stepping on the somersault clouds into the sky and the earth, if paired with the music of "Journey to the West", there is no sense of incompatibility. And the caterpillar "Sugar Treasure", which captured the hearts of thousands of girls in the original book, turned out to be a "Killing Matt" look, wearing smoky makeup, and having short legs!

  However, "Hua Qiangu" is still worthy of praise in terms of set and picture. The play uses aerial photography mode, with the karst landforms in Guangxi as the background, to restore the fairyland in the original novel. In the first episode, the scene of Hua Qiangu leaning under the peach blossom tree on the edge of the cliff is very magnificent, and the scenes such as Changliu Mountain and the Immortal Pavilion also left a deep impression on the audience. Producer Tang Lijun said: "Unlike many domestic costume TV series," Hua Qiangu "uses the modern ink painting style for the first time in its entirety. It is elegant and refined, elegant and secluded, and with the poignant and beautiful story core of the play – this is a love story with a real Chinese soul." (Reporter, Zhang Yue)


Where Will online celebrity Catering Go? From superficial efforts to core values

  Recently, the first "Funeral Tea" tea shop in China opened in Shanghai. Like "online celebrity Restaurant" such as "Happy Tea" and "Master Bao", the customers of "Funeral Tea" kept coming in an endless stream, which even led to the phenomenon that scalpers bought "online celebrity Food" at a higher price. At the same time, many well-known "online celebrity restaurants" have closed down one after another, and even some veteran stores have become "chicken feathers in one place". "online celebrity catering" is a world of ice and fire. What is the reason behind this?

  Queue for 7 hours just for a cup of tea

  "Food is the most important thing for the people". In the Internet age, when Internet celebrities are highly sought after, "online celebrity Catering" has also set off an iterative and updated "queuing economy". It is reported that the queuing time for buying "Hi Tea", "Master Bao" and "Cheese of Light", which are known as the "Three Giants of People’s Square" in Shanghai, can reach 7 hours, which leads to scalpers’ purchasing and queuing for payment, which makes the premium of "Hi Tea" for a cup of 20 to 30 yuan as high as 100 yuan, and merchants even introduce the regulation of real-name purchase of ID cards, causing widespread controversy.

  Not only Shanghai, but also Hongkong’s "Jenny cookies" are sold daily in limited quantities, and Beijing’s "Taoyuan Village" is called "Hermes" in the field of soybean milk fritters, and the explosive market of "online celebrity Catering" can be seen.

  Take "Xicha" as an example. In May 2012, the first store opened in Jiuzhong Street, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. At present, there are about 50 branches in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Foshan. Only stores in Guangzhou and Shenzhen have an average monthly turnover of more than 1 million yuan, among which the most popular coastal city store in Shenzhen has an area of about 90 square meters and a monthly turnover of more than 1.5 million yuan.

  With the subtle influence of Internet development on the market, the catering industry in online celebrity has also experienced different stages of change. During the period of 1.0, the cognition of the traditional catering industry was subverted from the consumer level. People found that apart from "eating", there were different experiences such as personalized service and style environment.

  In the period of 2.0, which focused on the combination of marketing and products, topical packaging gave food unprecedented communication power and greatly shortened the brand’s cognitive cycle; In the period of 3.0, personalized labels such as "fashion brand", "luxury" and "ingenuity" attached importance to the overall creation of "online celebrity catering", but it was followed by increasingly severe customer loyalty.

  The consumption power of "light food" has increased by 14% annually.

  In 2016, the national catering revenue was 3,577.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%, while the GDP increased by 6.7%.

  According to international data experience, the overall growth rate of the catering industry can maintain steady and rapid development when the per capita disposable income of the country is between 5,000 and 10,000 US dollars. According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in China in 2016 was 33,616 yuan, which is in good agreement with this data interval.

  Under the background of the booming industry, "online celebrity Restaurant" is unique in its store location, style design and service details. A simple cup of milk tea can be selected with different flavors. When it is sold, the temperature and method suitable for drinking will be indicated on the teacup, and even the image of the store attendant is required as "online celebrity".

  At the same time, "online celebrity Catering" has grasped the consumption characteristics of young people’s purchasing power in pursuit of fashion hotspots, covering people between the ages of 14 and 35. The consumption power of this kind of "light food" main consumer group is increasing at an average annual rate of 14%. The younger generation subconsciously hopes to seek a sense of collective identity and reach a certain consensus by queuing or eating the same bowl of noodles.

  In addition, emotional rendering, star effect and other highlights prompted consumers to spontaneously share recommendations on social networks. According to the analysis of people in the catering industry, compared with traditional restaurants, their marketing methods are more changeable, not only through word-of-mouth communication by diners, but also through cross-border cooperation with many brands to jointly create topics, which is worth thinking about by catering people.

  From superficial efforts to core values

  However, "parallel" restaurants, which once set a record of 52 stores in eight months, have been closed in Beijing, Fuzhou, Ningbo and other places. The pancake fruit shop "Huang Taiji", with the highest valuation of 1.2 billion yuan, has also admitted that it has closed half of its doors, and the performance of the creative dish "Carved sirloin" has dropped by nearly 80% compared with the peak period.

  The "online celebrity Restaurant" has gone wave after wave in a short-lived vortex. According to the data, in 2016, the monthly closing rate of the catering industry in China was as high as 10%, and the annual compound closing rate exceeded 100%.

  Low consumer loyalty is one of the potential risks of "online celebrity catering". Under the fast pace of life, consumer groups with distinctive personalities have the characteristics of pursuing fresh enthusiasm and easy to lose. The disconnection between marketing and products makes merchants ignore the essence of catering industry. "Fun" is only the added value of food and cannot be the core of restaurants.

  Some enterprises win the attention through gimmick marketing and charge the joining fee, which is prone to problems. The unified distribution of ingredients, the unified management of chefs, and the inspection and supervision of storefronts are all very important, and the difficulty lies in management. Some enterprises join quickly, but the depth and intensity of management and control of franchise stores are not enough.

  Experts said that "online celebrity Catering" will inevitably get lost in the noisy market in the later period, and only rely on the big waves of the market to urge some catering enterprises to awaken themselves and turn from superficial efforts to building brand core values.