标签归档 新上海龙凤


Only 2 yuan! Natural mineral water takes turns to "force the palace" Nongfu Spring Wahaha

Image source: Ipoh "Benyou"

The price of new mineral water products continues to drop, and the bottled water market may usher in a new pattern.

Ipoh has recently made new moves in the field of mineral water. Ipoh official Weibo shows that Ipoh recently launched a brand-new mineral water brand "Benyou", which includes two specifications of 350 ml and 555 ml. At present, it has been officially listed and priced in the most mainstream 2 yuan range of bottled water.

According to reports, the positioning of "Benyou" is a simple and fashionable drinking natural mineral water that satisfies consumers’ daily thirst quenching and has a sense of closeness. On the consumer side, not all consumers can know the difference between mineral water and pure water. However, Ipoh dropped the price of mineral water to 2 yuan market after Master Kong, which means that the price boundary between mineral water, natural water and purified water is blurring.
Image source: Ipoh Guanwei

As early as 2018, the retail price of Master Kong’s packaged drinking water terminal increased from 1 yuan to 2 yuan. At this point, the water age of bottled water in 1 yuan has completely ended, and the mainstream price of domestic bottled water has entered the 2 yuan range, but within this range, mineral water products are rare. For natural aquatic products, enterprises are required to lay out water sources in advance, and natural mineral water is required to obtain mineral water mining licenses at the same time, and mineral water categories have higher requirements for water sources and mineral water mining licenses.

However, in March this year, in March this year, Master Kong introduced a new bottled water product called "Drinking Mineral Springs", which was priced at a bottle of 2 yuan. It can be seen that the mineral water brand "Benyou" recently launched by Ipoh is also breaking through the 2 yuan water track. This means that mineral water products, which were originally priced higher than pure water, are exploring the market price boundary.

Ipoh and Master Kong have successively launched 2 yuan mineral water. In the price belt market in 2 yuan, the competition for drinking water will be more intense.

With the debut of pure water, Ipoh’s bottled water business has always been mainly based on pure water. Since last year, Ipoh has launched the high-end mineral water "Ipoh Dew" for the first time at a price of one bottle in 15 yuan, which can be said to be a luxury in drinking water. The mineral water brand "Benyou" launched this time is priced in 2 yuan and has the characteristics of "being close to the people".

Specifically, this time, "Benyou" launched different specifications of PET plastic bottles, including 555 ml and 350 ml, which were priced in 2 yuan and 1.5 yuan respectively. Among them, the 350 ml mini bottle is mainly portable when going out to meet the female group with a small amount of disposable drinking.

In the direction of supply chain, Ipoh has also increased its efforts. It is understood that in February this year, the commissioning ceremony of China Resources Ipoh East China Production Base was held in Yixing, Jiangsu Province. After all the production, it will become the first all-product factory of China Resources Ipoh, covering 8 mainstream drinks such as packaged water, near-water drinks, sports drinks, milk tea, coffee, fruit juice, tea drinks and lactic acid bacteria drinks, with an annual production capacity of nearly 200 million cases.

From pure water to mineral water, Ipoh launched "Benyou" in 2 yuan, which continued to open the price war in the mineral water market.

In fact, mineral water prices in 2 yuan are rare.

First of all, the 2 yuan price band is the main product price range of Ipoh Pure Water. However, in bottled water, the price range of brand products represented by ice dew, Wahaha and Master Kong pure water is usually within 1.5 yuan, and natural water is in 1.5 yuan, while the price of natural mineral water is usually higher than that of 2 yuan.

At present, among the domestic mineral water brands, Jinmailang’s Jinmao, Yuanqi Forest’s Mined, Changbaixue, Tongyi Aikua and Baisui Mountain are all above 3 yuan and 3 yuan, while 2 yuan’s mineral water brands are few.

At the same time, the market size of mineral water market is larger than that of pure water. Packaging drinking water is divided into natural water, natural mineral water, drinking pure water and other drinking water according to the different water sources. Because there is no restriction on the source of drinking pure water, according to Jost Sullivan’s report, drinking pure water is the largest market at present, which is 119.1 billion yuan in 2019, accounting for 60.4%.

According to Jost Sullivan’s data, from 2014 to 2019, the compound annual growth rates of natural water and natural mineral water were 24.8% and 18.4% respectively, and the CAGR of retail sales was 29.1% and 19.0% respectively. It is estimated that the compound annual growth rates of natural water and natural mineral water will be 15.4% and 14.2% respectively from 2019 to 2024.

The sales growth rate of natural water and mineral water is expected to be faster than that of pure water. According to the Annual Report on Mineral Water Consumption Trends in 2022, the sales growth rates of mineral water, drinking natural water and purified water were 43%, 35% and 31% respectively, and the growth rate of purified water was the lowest.

Judging from the domestic bottled water market share, the head brand has a high market share and market concentration. The market share is the highest, followed by China Resources Ipoh. The bottled water market share of the top six enterprises has exceeded 80% of all domestic markets.

Since the beginning of this year, in the bottled water market, most brands have not made large-scale new moves for mineral water tracks, but the new products and brand upgrades for this are very lively.

Zong Qinghou once said that the beverage industry is out of date and will always be a sunrise industry. Bottled water companies also want to use mineral water to make a "turnaround" of water.

From the price point of view, the average price of natural mineral water is above 4.5 yuan /500ml because it is rich in natural substances, while the average price of drinking pure water is around 1.5 yuan /500ml, and the prices of mineral water products promoted by major brands this year are mostly above 3 yuan.

It was Master Kong who started the price war and launched "Drinking Mineral Springs" in March 2023. The Tmall platform shows that Master Kong’s "drinking mineral spring" that has been sold at present includes four kinds of packages, the specification is 550ml, and the price is 23.9 yuan /12 bottles, about 2 yuan/bottle;

In April, Yuehuo, a high-end drinking water brand owned by COFCO, announced the launch of "Yuehuo Changbai Mountain" natural mineral water, which is another mineral water that takes water from local water sources after "Yuehuo Emei Mountain" natural mineral water, and will focus on home life scenes. The packaging is 500ml specifications, and the terminal will implement the price of 3-4 yuan in different regions;

In mid-May, Evian also launched a brand-new aerated natural mineral water with 330ml and 750ml specifications. At present, the reference price is 300 yuan /12 bottles *750ml, which is about 25 yuan/bottle;

In early June, Yuanqi Forest also launched a new evaluation activity. However, unlike the mineral water with the price of 3 yuan, this evaluation object is the newly-launched pure water of Yuanqi Forest, with the specification of 520ml. At present, the test link has been launched in Yuanqi Forest Member Center, and 0 yuan has experienced 9.9 yuan /3 bottles.

In mid-June, Wahaha launched a brand-new upgraded drinking natural mineral water, highlighting the water source of Wulongquan in Changbai Mountain, and the price is 3 yuan/bottle. Zong Qinghou, the founder of Wahaha, mentioned at the 2023 national distributor conference that the status of water market should be "restored" in 2023, especially focusing on 3 yuan water market. Last year, Wahaha began to develop natural mineral water.

In July, the Arctic Ocean also launched a new product "natural mineral water with gas" with a specification of 330mL, which is aimed at middle and high-end consumers. JD.COM shows that the price of 330ml*12 FCL is 139 yuan, about 11.5 yuan/bottle. According to reports, the gas-bearing natural mineral water in the Arctic Ocean is obtained from natural water sources, which is rich in natural gas of carbon dioxide and various minerals such as metasilicic acid and strontium, which are beneficial to human health.

In fact, when Evergrande Ice Spring first came out, it once priced mineral water at five yuan. In the following years, its price dropped to 2 yuan /500ml. A year and a half ago, Jiaduobao’s high-end mineral water "Kunlun Mountain" took the initiative to lower its profile. The retail price of Jiaduobao Kunlun Mountain mineral water products has dropped from the previous range of 5~6 yuan to 4 yuan, and Evian has also lowered its products to the price belt of 5 yuan.

It can be seen that in recent years, the underwater exploration price of natural mineral springs has become the general trend, but whether the price reduction to the level of 2 yuan can be sustained or not is worth further observation.

In addition, it is understood that in 2021, Ipoh signed contracts with four major drinking water production bases, namely Changbai Mountain in the northeast, Wuxi in east China, Wuyishan and Heyuan in south China. Jin Mailang’s "drinking mineral spring" has two water sources: Qinglongquan in Changbai Mountain and Bishanquan in Huangshan Mountain.

Comparatively speaking, there are about 12 water sources mainly engaged in natural water and mineral water, and Baisui Mountain, which also focuses on mineral water, has 7 water sources.

For enterprises that want to play low-priced mineral water, such as Ipoh, whether they can get more water sources will also be the key to their future development.

Will the mineral water market start a comprehensive price reduction war in the future? On the one hand, lowering prices means that enterprises have to deal with the risk of product profits being compressed. On the other hand, whether consumers can form a more stable consumption mentality is also the key to whether the mineral water market can break through. This bottled water war has just begun.

(This article is the first titanium media APP, written by Liu Dafang, edited by Fang Yu)


Source, quality control, and cold chain transportation, more and more imported fruits have achieved "localization" and domestic fruits have been upgraded: from high-end to "people-friendly"

  Reading tips

  In recent years, with the continuous expansion of domestic planting scale, domestic fruits have been upgraded and their quality is getting better and better. With the upgrading of consumption, the pattern of production and sales is also quietly changing. Consumers bought domestic imported fruits with good quality and low price, and also intuitively experienced the improvement of the quality of domestic fruits.

  In supermarkets and farmers’ markets in major cities in China, products originally belonging to imported fruit areas, such as Sunshine Rose Green Extract, Soft Seed Pomegranate, Autumn Pear and Wild Persimmon, have now appeared in domestic fruit areas.

  "It used to cost more than 100 yuan to buy a string of sunshine roses. Now, in the chain fruit shop at my door, the B-grade sunshine roses are only 29.9 yuan per kilogram." Ma Chunying, a resident of Ganhe Home in Urumqi, Xinjiang, said.

  In recent years, with the continuous expansion of domestic planting scale, more and more imported fruits have been "localized". According to the data of Tianyancha, there are currently over 6 million fruit-related enterprises in China. With the consumption upgrading, the production and sales pattern of domestic fruits is also quietly changing.

  The source of fruit tends to be domestic.

  In the modern agricultural science and technology industrial park in Shaya County, Xinjiang, the huge cherries ushered in the first batch of ripe fruits this year in May. With a bite, the flesh was full, the stone was small, and the juice was moderately sweet and sour, which was booked by many tourists. Looking at the clusters of red and full fruits hanging on the trees, some tourists can’t help feeling: "We have also realized the freedom of fresh cherries."

  Looking back on the fruit market in the past 10 years, at the beginning, people’s demand for high-quality fruits such as cherries was mainly met by imports. "Chilean cherries, Japanese sunshine roses, Thai golden pillow durian, etc., in the early days when imported fruits entered the market, we rarely purchased them, fearing that they could not be sold." Looking at the dazzling array of fruits in front of me, Xu Weiwei, the wholesale market owner of the New Beiyuan Spring Agricultural Products Center in Urumqi, said. In 2019, following his father’s footsteps, he placed his No.2 fruit shop in the "New North Garden Spring" market, and the Xu family witnessed the changes in fruit consumption for two generations.

  From high-quality fruits in season to out-of-season fruits, more and more imported fruits have flooded into China market, filling the gap of high-end products in China fruit market. While imported fruits occupy the market in China, they also quietly affect the fruit industry in China.

  In order to ensure the freshness of fruits, imported fruits are often picked under immature conditions. After a long transportation, the taste and quality are greatly reduced. How to overcome this shortcoming? China counterparts turned the origin of fruit to China.

  "In the past, citrus in Australia occupied the market. After 2010, the market purchased more citrus from Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi and other places in China, which was delicious and cheap." Xu Weiwei said.

  Not only citrus, but more than 80% of pitaya came from Vietnam when it first entered the China market. After the successful cultivation and promotion of pitaya in China, it replaced 60% of Vietnam’s imports.

  Nowadays, pitaya has not only taken root in the south of China, but also been introduced to the western part of the motherland. "Most of the pitaya on the market are shipped from the south, and now we can also eat the local red pitaya." Jin Hongjun, a dragon fruit grower in the 11th regiment of the 1st Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, said.

  Grow high-quality fruits

  Imported fruits take root in China and bring economic benefits to local growers. However, the good times did not last long, and the traditional concept of "selling by heaps" made farmers only pay attention to output, but ignored quality. Therefore, when it comes to high-quality fruits, consumers still prefer "import".

  "There are more than ten yuan of cherries and imported cherries (that is, cherries) from outside vendors. No matter the size or color, you can see the difference at a glance, let alone the taste." Xu Weiwei said.

  Consumers’ demand for quality makes farmers pay more attention to the grading pricing of fruits. However, the transformation of planting concept, input cost and technology can not be separated from the support of science and technology.

  The first time I tasted the "dinosaur egg" was in Cao Xiaofei’s forest fruit nursery. At that time, he was conducting investigation and research with the forest fruit seedling experts hired. Cao Xiaofei is the head of Xinjiang Aksu Desert True Fruit Industry Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in the seedling cultivation of Xinjiang characteristic forest fruit seedlings.

  According to him, "dinosaur egg" is an imported American fruit plum, which is very crisp in taste and can be stored for a long time. "In recent years, ‘ Dinosaur egg ’ Our seedlings sell well. "

  In 2010, Xinjiang Academy of Forestry introduced a number of apricot and plum varieties for trial planting in Aksu, among which the successfully planted varieties were "dinosaur egg", thick flavor, delicious emperor and delicious queen.

  In 2018, in Suzhong Farm, Qiemo County, Xinjiang, Liu Huashan, the person in charge, moved the experimental field to the field. In his view, the southern part of Xinjiang has a large temperature difference, long sunshine time and little rain, and planting American apricot and plum trees has unique advantages. In order to grow high-quality apricots and plums, he started with agricultural materials and seedlings according to the market acquisition standards, realized unified standard procurement, improved the local saline-alkali soil and tested it regularly, and formulated a set of standardized operation procedures.

  "Our positioning is high-end fruit. The initial investment in standardized orchards is relatively high. If the fruits planted do not meet the market standards, there will be little benefit in bearing more fruits." Liu Huashan said.

  In Shaanxi, Fujian, Shandong, Yunnan and other places where "imported fruits" were planted earlier than Xinjiang, the efforts of new farmers are not only manifested in planting techniques and refined orchard management, but also like product managers to inspect the market, analyze advantages and disadvantages, and analyze competitors, so as to adjust planting varieties. Yan Hu, president of Yunnan Binchuan Farmers’ Pomegranate Research Association, expects that the new pomegranate varieties "Angel Red" and "Huaguang" with China’s own intellectual property rights will replace the soft-seeded pomegranate market in Tunisia in the future.

  Cold chain technology allows fruits to shuttle north and south.

  In August this year, a train loaded with 32 cold chain containers and 640 tons of Xinjiang Jiashi Ximei departed from Kashgar Station, arrived at Shaanxi Weicheng Station in three days, and was sold all over the country after transit.

  The person in charge of China Railway Urumqi Bureau Group Co., Ltd. told the Workers Daily that the transportation of Ximei is a technologically advanced railway cold chain logistics vehicle. The box is powered on 24 hours a day, and the whole operation process is monitored remotely. The data indicators in the box are updated every 5 minutes. The mobile intelligent cold storage can guarantee the freshness of Ximei to the maximum extent.

  As a typical "imported fruit", prunes introduced from France have taken root in the northwest of China. Jiashi County, Xinjiang, occupies 40% of the country’s prune planting area and 60% of the country’s output, and has become the largest production, processing and export base of high-quality prunes in China.

  As early as 2020, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched the construction project of cold storage and preservation facilities for agricultural products producing areas, speeding up the completion of the shortcomings of the "last mile" cold chain logistics facilities in producing areas, and minimizing the post-harvest losses of fruits.

  Nowadays, domestic "imported fruit" has formed a new circulation path while moving towards people’s dining tables, subverting the traditional fruit industry.

  From the source, quality control to cold chain transportation, qualified fruits enter the retail channel according to different grades. For consumers, they can not only buy domestic imported fruits with good quality and low price, but also greatly reduce the probability of buying "rotten fruits" and "inferior products", and intuitively experience the improvement of domestic fruit quality.


Coconut Video | In the fierce battle of volleyball match in Dongge Town, Wenchang, who won the championship tonight?

Original title: Coconut Video | In the fierce battle of volleyball match in Dongge Town, Wenchang, who will win the championship tonight?

Click to view more videos.

On the morning of February 19th, the 2024 Spring Festival "Anti-drug Cup" nine-a-side men’s volleyball match in Dongge Town, Wenchang City was launched.

Xie Zhong, the "King of Hainan Stories", appeared in the stadium to explain the event and brought a brand-new experience to the audience with the familiar local accent.

The reporter learned that the competition was jointly organized by the village neighborhood committees of Dongge Town and the relevant departments and units of the town. There were 17 teams including Dongge Juxizai Rice Team, Liangfeng Shrimp Team, Baofang Village Wenchang Chicken Team, Qunjian Sandworm Team, Fengshan Village Passion Fruit Team, Xiafu Black Goat Team and Tianlun Tilapia Team. These team names are very distinctive, highlighting the famous "specialties" in Dongge Town, Wenchang City.

At present, the 9-a-side volleyball competition has been held many times, and the champion and runner-up will be decided tonight. Subsequently, an award ceremony was held, in which the first prize was 5880 yuan, the second prize was 4880 yuan, the third prize was 4880 yuan, and the third prize was 3880 yuan.

New Hainan Client, reporter of Nanhai Net Text/Shooting: Wu Yuewen Editing: Chen Yuanneng (Wu Yuewen Chen Yuanneng)


Selected as a non-legacy, 44 China "tea culture" impressed the world.

  [Global Times reporter Chen Qianzhong Yuhua] Editor’s Note: On the evening of November 29th, Beijing time, at the 17th regular session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, China’s declared "China’s traditional tea-making skills and related customs" passed the evaluation and was included in the UNESCO representative list of human intangible cultural heritage. Human beings need harmonious coexistence and elegant and poetic habitation. China tea culture pays attention to "tea and the world", and its concept of "quietness and elegance" meets the needs of today’s world.

  Non-legacy projects mainly come from four major tea areas.

  "Traditional tea-making skills and related customs in China" refers to the knowledge, skills and practices related to tea garden management, tea picking, hand-made tea and tea drinking and sharing. Wang Fuzhou, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Art and director of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, told the Global Times reporter that the project included 44 small projects from 15 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) across the country. This declaration covers traditional tea-making techniques such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, black tea, yellow tea, reprocessed tea, etc., and also includes related customs such as jingshan tea banquet and tea-driving field, which can be called the "largest volume" in all previous human heritage declaration projects in China. According to the local conditions, tea makers have developed more than 2,000 kinds of tea products with different colors, smells, tastes and shapes, using tools such as frying pan, bamboo plaque and baking cage, and using core techniques such as deactivating enzymes, suffocating yellow, piling, withering, fermenting and scenting.

  The tea maker is withering the Fuding white tea.

  Wang Fuzhou said that traditional tea-making techniques are closely related to geographical location and natural environment, mainly concentrated in the four major tea-making areas of Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Southwest and South China, south of the Huaihe River in Qinling Mountains of China and east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, including Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui, Hubei, Henan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces (cities, autonomous regions); Related customs are widely spread all over the country and shared by many ethnic groups.

  A document submitted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to UNESCO states that tea is ubiquitous in the daily life of China people. People drink tea in homes, workplaces, teahouses, restaurants and temples by soaking and boiling. Tea is an important part of social activities and ceremonies such as weddings, apprentices and sacrifices.

  As a member of this application project, Wang Fuzhou said that the selection of "China traditional tea-making skills and related customs" as this application project is due to the fact that tea has traditional skills, its geographical distribution is wide, its heritage types are rich, and it has the historical significance of East-West exchanges such as the ancient Silk Road and the ancient tea-horse road.

  Yu Jinlong, a cultural scholar, told the Global Times reporter that the western lifestyle that consumes a lot and pays attention to material things is no longer suitable for human development. Humans need a richer spiritual life. The excellent Chinese traditional culture just meets human needs, and tea culture is an outstanding representative.

  China tea is connected to the whole world.

  Zou Jiaju, president of Yunnan Tea Industry Association, told Global Times that China was the first country in the world to grow and make tea. Tea has been associated with China people for thousands of years, which has been verified in many historical materials, including Shennong Herbal Classic, China’s first drug monograph, Tea Classic written by Lu Yu in Tang Dynasty, and Su Shi, a great poet in Song Dynasty’s discussion on drinking tea in his poems. Tea has a long history in China, which is not only deeply integrated into people’s daily life, but also becomes an important carrier for inheriting Chinese culture.

  Jiang Song, a cultural scholar, told reporters that the earliest tea was basically drunk by some nobles and elites. Subsequently, the development and popularization of tea drinking culture was related to religion. It can be found from some literature records that Taoism and Buddhism were very popular in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Taoists and monks all followed a way of clearing up after noon and drinking tea to refresh their minds. In the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism spread widely, and ordinary people began to drink tea, forming a mass tea drinking culture, which reached its peak in the Song Dynasty. From Zhang Zeduan’s "The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival", we can see many teahouses. In the Northern Song Dynasty, drinking tea in teahouses has become an important social way. In the Song Dynasty, there was an elegant way of fighting tea, in which the tea-fighters took their own good tea, cooked it in turn, and evaluated each other to compete. Tea fighting includes tea fighting products, tea fighting orders and tea games. One of the links of tea fighting is to crush the tea cake, then fry it, and then use boiling water to break the tea with special tools. The longer the foam lasts, the better the tea is.

  Zheng Changling, deputy director and secretary-general of China Folk Culture Innovation and Development Center, told the Global Times reporter that people in China discovered tea very early and widely produced and served their lives, leaving behind the ancient tea-horse road, which is talked about by people today.

  As a famous commercial road, such as Silk Road, Maritime Silk Road and Wanli Tea Ceremony, the ancient tea-horse road is a link between different regions, different nationalities and different cultures, a historical witness to the prosperity of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization.

  The Yunnan-Tibet line and Sichuan-Tibet line of the original Tea-Horse Road crossed the Hengduan Mountain and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for the first time in the form of an expedition road, extended to the western regions, and joined the Silk Road. The phenomenon of multicultural interaction and exchange formed on the Tea-Horse Road, which became one of the powerful arteries connecting ancient and modern China with the outside world. More than 20 ethnic groups, including Han, Tibetan, Dai, Yi and Naxi, inhabit the area radiated by the Tea-Horse Ancient Road, which is a collection of Central Plains culture, Tibetan traditional culture, Baye culture, fire culture, Dongba culture and other cultural forms, and Tibetan Buddhism and Zen have also left different degrees of influence.

  Yu Jinlong, a cultural scholar, told the Global Times reporter that as the origin of tea trees and the birthplace of tea culture, China’s tea, tea trees and tea culture spread all over the world with the development of cultural exchanges and commercial trade. It was introduced to Japan, Korea, South Asia, Southeast Asia and other regions in the Tang Dynasty, and spread to European countries, the American continent, the Middle East, Russia and other regions in the 16th century. Under the direct influence of China’s tea culture, Britain, Japan, South Korea, Russia and Morocco have also formed their own tea culture. Among them, Japanese tea ceremony and Korean tea ceremony are most influenced by Chinese tea culture.

  Jiang Song said that in the Tang Dynasty, when Jian Zhen traveled eastward, Buddhism brought tea to Japan, which changed the Japanese way of life. Among the western countries, tea has had the most influence on Britain since the 17th century, which in turn has affected the whole of Europe. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the whole national economy of Britain was affected by the tea trade. According to statistics, 10% of British national income was used to buy tea, which became an important luxury. Some elites thought that the British people were too extravagant in tea consumption, so they suggested that they reduce drinking tea. However, drinking tea has become a way of life, not only because the British diet with more meat needs tea to improve digestion, but also because drinking afternoon tea has become a social way, and then a large number of teahouses have appeared. At that time, a housewife was not a qualified housewife if she could not cook tea for her guests.

  By the 19th century, Britain’s national economy was closely related to two kinds of plants, one was to spend silver to buy China tea, the other was to control the huge trade deficit, and began to grow poppies in India to make opium, and later even launched two opium wars.

  In order to narrow the huge trade deficit, Britain decided to steal tea seeds. In the late Qing Dynasty, Robert Fujun, a British plant hunter, smuggled China tea trees to India. At present, tea is grown in at least 50 countries around the world, and more than 120 countries import tea from China. The number of people who like tea in the world has exceeded 5 billion. It can be said that tea and tea culture originated in China have spread all over the world.

  The closed-door policy was adopted in the late Qing Dynasty, and China’s tea-making techniques and other related tea cultures began to lag behind Japan in commercial marketing and communication. However, the tea-growing techniques and tea-making techniques inherited by China people for thousands of years are profound and profound, and they are still second to none today.

  Non-genetic inheritor: Successful application for World Heritage is only the starting point.

  Fan Shenghua, a provincial representative inheritor of the picking and production skills of the national intangible cultural heritage project "West Lake Longjing Tea", participated in this application. He told the Global Times reporter that the success of the application means heavier responsibility and better inheritance. After 48 years of frying tea, in order to pass on the "frying tea skills left by ancestors from generation to generation", Fan Shenghua began to go to surrounding schools and vocational skills training units to train the production skills of West Lake Longjing tea in 2015. "It takes patience to stir-fry tea, which is what I often emphasize with young people." Yang Feng, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Zhenghe white tea making skills, once participated in the production of Bai Mudan, the national gift of the G20 Hangzhou Summit in 2016. He told the Global Times reporter that the success of this application is enough to prove the value of China tea and tea making skills, which is an important example of Chinese culture’s self-confidence.

  Successful application for the World Heritage is conducive to promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the global tea industry, deepening the integration and mutual learning of tea culture, and letting more people know and love tea, enjoy the fragrance of tea and share a better life. At the same time, tea culture will have a far-reaching impact on moral cultivation and personality shaping. Promoting the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations through the Silk Road will play an important role in the sustainable development of human society.

  At present, Yang Feng’s tea factory cooperates with international organizations to provide a study tour mode of "labor for accommodation". Over the past few years, hundreds of volunteers from more than 10 countries have been attracted to live in tea factories and experience life with the workers. These volunteers have also brought their understanding and good memories of Zhenghe white tea to all corners of the country.

  Yang Feng told the Global Times reporter, "The application for the World Heritage is only the starting point. We should focus on the quality of tea and cherish the value of the brand. With the country ‘ The belt and road initiative ’ The implementation of the initiative responds to the call for China culture to go abroad. I hope that international friends who love tea can walk into Chashan to learn about China’s tea culture and bring our tea, century-old tea taste and our customs to all parts of the world. " Zheng Changling told the Global Times reporter that through this application, we can not only see the profound tea culture in China, but also need to see the ideas, wisdom, experience, emotion and spirit of understanding nature and pursuing harmony with the natural society, promote the inheritance and spread of cultural heritage, promote the public’s Chinese cultural consciousness, and further establish cultural self-confidence with more concrete substantive connotations.