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Xiangcheng Wanda Plaza officially opened

The opening ceremony of Xiangcheng Wanda Plaza was held
The opening ceremony of Xiangcheng Wanda Plaza was held

  At 9 am on September 29, the much-watched Xiangcheng Wanda officially opened for business, with more than 100 brands settled in, meeting the diverse consumer needs of the public such as social interaction, culture, tourism, food, entertainment, and shopping.

  Xiangcheng Wanda Plaza is located in the south of Ruijing Road and north of Xiyuan Lake Ecological Park. It is positioned as the center of urban exquisite life. The total construction area of the project is more than 80,000 square meters, with nearly 60,000 square meters of commercial space, including a 4-story shopping mall and 7 two to three-story block businesses, with 800 parking spaces. Among them, the shopping center has a rich brand format such as boutique supermarkets, children’s early education parks, food social, and boutique clothing, and the block business focuses on creating urban benchmark social space. (Reporter, Huang Zijun, text/photo)

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Andy Lau’s new film has been completed, which is as absolute as "The Journey Home"!

1905 movie network feature In the movie, the evacuation team took 326,713 steps to complete the difficult journey home; outside the big screen, some netizens sighed after watching the movie in the theater: just a front-row movie ticket will take you to experience the war of "Numia" immersively.

From the riddled city streets, the dilapidated refugee camp tents, to the endless desert, the jagged valley border station… How does the fictional North African war-torn country under the director’s lens realize the true landing on Chinese territory through setting the scene?

Not only "Return of Thousand Miles", but also the films that have just been completed, can they also successfully complete the "airborne" in an exotic country?


From an entire embassy to a single foreign currency

20,000 square meter studio landscaping is difficult

A large part of the distant "North African countries" in "A Thousand Miles of Return" were born in the Oriental Movie Metropolis of Qingdao.The crowded market that Zong Dawei and Cheng Lang walked through, the checkpoint where they encountered the explosion, and of course the most important building in the movie, the Chinese Embassy, were all built in temporary locations in the park.

Making sure to film a realistic story about overseas evacuations in China became the most difficult challenge to overcome. The art team spent months collecting thousands of footage to build a prototype skeleton for this fictional Arab country.

No matter whether it is the capital Leptis or the small town of Sebrata, which has the most intense battlefield, unlike ordinary films, which only have relatively clear requirements for the setting of the exterior facade, "Return of Thousand Miles" not only needs to realize the series of multiple key scenes, but also sets clear standards for every detail of the interior and exterior.

The staff of the film and television service department of Oriental Movie Metropolis who participated in the setting of "The Way Home" introduced that the entire African town was built on the tarmac of the airport runway left by other films.

The entire building has more than 70 buildings and covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters. In order to pursue realism and restoration, the setting of the scene has put forward extremely high requirements on the shape of the entire environment. Thousands of real-life photos of Arab countries are one of the key reference materials. From the inside of the scene to the facade of the building, to every prop, from details to texture and texture, it needs to be completely consistent with the style of overseas countries.

The first impression of the overall vision is important, but there are countless details that are easily overlooked to support the "exotic feeling" of "Wanli Homecoming". During the four-month construction period, there is only one month left for the art props to perfect the details.

"Walking into the interior of Zhijing and carefully looking at every flyer on the wall, including graffiti and spray painting, they are not printed out and pasted directly, but the staff really painted it one by one according to the pictures and design drafts [provided by the art team]." Not only that, the crew also purchased various local living items from various overseas channels, even all the plastic bags, waste paper and fine food packaging scattered on the ground. The props that Zong Dawei and Cheng Lang often need to take out in the movie are also the top priority in the restoration process, and they must "make people see the sense of use at a glance" to pass the test.

Beyond that, vegetation is the key to making the city truly "alive."

It was not difficult for the crew to find coconut trees and palm trees, but it was the biggest test to keep the plants growing in tropical and subtropical broad-leaved forests evergreen in the temperate deciduous forest climate during the months of filming. But when more than 70 big trees really stood up on both sides of the street, "The Way Home" finally came one step closer to the real Arab country.


North Africa, Europe, South East Asia…

The film industry grasps the sense of exotic atmosphere

It’s not just "The Way Home".byAndy LauThe starring role of "Moscow Action" has just been completed, and this movie has also completed an important railway scene shooting in the movie capital through setting the scene.

Before that, the leading comedy "Super Family" also moved the European-style mansion snow scene into the studio with the help of the setting work.

Nowadays, the setting industry’s ability to "combine the virtual and the real" is more mature. The interior details of the scene, special furnishings, and architectural "destructive" scenes that cannot be really shot on the outside are partially realized in the studio. At other times, the setting can also cooperate with the different customs of the shooting location, and realize the instant "airdrop" of different foreign lands such as North Africa, Europe, and South East Asia.

Rao Xiaozhi found Shizui Mountain in Yinchuan, Ningxia for the second half of the evacuation scene in "The Journey Home". The Gobi, the wind food sleeping in the desert, and the refugee camps and border checkpoints built in the Grand Canyon at the end of the film all restore the perils and dangers of the evacuation battlefield 1:1.

These seemingly disorderly settings integrated in the natural environment were actually more difficult than the standardized set. The producer of "Return from Miles" once revealed a detail: the filming of the camp scene required 2,000 tents. Compared with buying them, how to make them withstand the weather was the most challenging problem for the props group.

Nowadays, the industrialization of Chinese films in terms of setting has been very mature.

The staff of the film and television service department of the Oriental Movie Metropolis said that although it is the director’s choice to shoot overseas or domestically, in his opinion, considering the investment, time cost, personnel safety, communication, supporting facilities and other issues of outbound shooting, domestic setting is a better choice. With the development of the industry for many years, whether it is construction, art or some higher technical operations, with the later stage of the film, it is completely possible to achieve 1:1 restoration of any required scene in the shooting.

In this regard, in addition to Yinchuan, Ningxia, which is listed above, "Moscow Action" was transferred to Harbin after filming in the Qingdao shed; "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" chose to restore the scene of our country’s peacekeeping troops carrying out armed evacuation missions in Africa near Yintan, Beihai, Guangxi; and "Anti-Drug 3: Big Heaven and Big Earth" directly "moved" Thailand’s Golden Triangle villages over 50,000 square meters to Lau Fau Shan in Hong Kong. In addition, border cities such as Xishuangbanna, Yunnan have also become important filming cities for Chinese films to create a "sense of atmosphere" in South East Asia.

When talking about the experience of setting the scene, Wang Hongwei once lamented that China is one of the few countries that has the financial strength and production ability to shoot movies in a way that completely builds real scenes. In this sense, the market feedback on the visual effects of "The Way Home", as well as many films shot and presented in similar ways in the future, will become a new witness to the road of Chinese film industrialization.


Ethics of science and technology is a navigator for science to benefit mankind

  The ninth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform reviewed and approved many important documents, among which the "Plan for the Establishment of the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee" was passed at the top. This shows that the central government regards the construction of science and technology ethics as an indispensable and important part of promoting the national science and technology innovation system. The purpose of establishing the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee is to improve institutional norms, improve governance mechanisms, strengthen ethical supervision, refine relevant laws and regulations and ethical review rules, and standardize various scientific research activities.

  Ethics of science and technology is the product of reason

  Ethics of science and technology is a code of thought and behavior for the relationship between man and society, man and nature, and man and man in scientific and technological innovation and scientific research activities. It not only involves ethics in scientific research, nor is it only for scientific researchers to abide by scientific and technological ethics, but also includes ethics in the application of scientific and technological achievements. For example, consent terms for mobile app downloads and informed consent for hospital treatment. If the evolution of human civilization is regarded as a never-ending journey, the driving force for human beings to move towards a higher civilization is technology and innovation. However, motivation alone is not enough. It must also be able to identify the direction. Ethics of science and technology is a navigator that guides science and technology to benefit mankind.

  The ethics of science and technology is the product of reason. The most fundamental reason is to require that scientific and technological innovation and achievements can only benefit or maximize the benefit of people, organisms and the environment, and not harm people, damage organisms and the environment. Even if it will inevitably damage people and things to varying degrees – such as the side effects of drugs, such side effects must be reduced to a minimum or even zero. In terms of specific ethical rules, we should also choose the greater of the two benefits and the lesser of the two evils.

  Science and technology ethics originated in human life, and today there are more and more updated content. Therefore, it is urgent to establish a national science and technology ethics committee to meet the many challenges brought about by today’s scientific and technological innovation. More and more detailed science and technology ethics are needed to regulate scientific research behavior and the use of scientific research results.

  Science and technology ethics need to be predictive and exploratory

  However, proposing and following the ethics of science and technology is not only beneficial to everyone, but also beneficial to the ecology and the environment. Otherwise, it will lead to disaster and failure for everyone, and may even destroy human society. Hawking talked many times during his lifetime that artificial intelligence may destroy human beings. Although human beings are rational and thus gave birth to the ethics of science and technology, human beings also have some irrational thoughts and actions, which has led to some irrational behaviors that violate the ethics of science and technology in history, and even animal and anti-human behaviors. Today, such dangers have not been eliminated.

  During World War II, the Nazi German and Japanese troops experimented with living people (captives), which not only violated the ethics of science and technology, but also committed crimes against humanity and humanity. Although some scientific data and principles have been obtained from human live experiments, scientific research based on harming people and destroying life is absolutely unacceptable to human society. Therefore, the Nuremberg Trials after World War II produced the Nuremberg Code (1946). In 1975, the 29th World Medical Congress revised the Helsinki Declaration to improve and supplement the Nuremberg Code. In 1982, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Council of Medical Scientific Organizations (CIOMS) jointly issued the International Guidelines for Human Biomedical Research, which explained the Helsinki Declaration in detail. Then in 1993, WHO and CIOMS jointly published the International Guidelines on Ethics and Human Research and the International Guidelines on Ethics in Human Research. In 2002, WHO and CIOMS revised and developed the International Code of Ethics for Biomedical Research Involving People, which proposed 21 guidelines to be followed.

  This is one of the most detailed and important scientific and technological ethics in human society so far, embodying the principles of informed consent, life value, and benefit and no harm in bioethics. When scientific and technological innovation has become the most important activity of human beings today, and human beings need scientific and technological innovation to quickly and effectively promote the development of human civilization to a higher stage, there are a lot of new categories, new contents, and new progress in scientific and technological ethics. Human genome and gene editing, artificial life and synthetic life, artificial intelligence, 5G technology, robots, brain-computer interfaces, facial recognition, nanotechnology, assisted reproductive technology, precision medicine, etc., are all new areas of scientific and technological innovation and scientific research and development today, and they are also related to the well-being of all people. However, on the other hand, it may also harm people, and even lead humans to disaster and destruction. In this way, the navigation and normative role of scientific and technological ethics is extremely important and significant.

  Therefore, science and technology ethics need to be prescient and exploratory. When a research or an industry develops to a certain scale and extent, it must be regulated by appropriate science and technology ethics.

  In line with the establishment of a national science and technology ethics committee in our country, the ethics professional committee of the Chinese artificial intelligence society is also planning to establish and formulate various ethical norms for artificial intelligence in different industries, such as intelligent driving norms, data ethics norms, smart medical ethics norms, intelligent manufacturing norms, and robot norms for helping the elderly.

  At the same time, due to the irrationality and profit-seeking nature of human beings, people may not only violate existing ethical principles when conducting scientific and technological innovation activities and scientific research, but also because when new ethical principles have not yet been established, there is a borderline between the old and the new, with and without regulations, resulting in scientific research that violates human ethics or is highly controversial, as well as the improper use of scientific research results.

  It is urgent to establish a new ethics of science and technology

  Although human beings believe that all scientific research and innovation are for the benefit of society, scientific exploration is largely in a state of unknown or even ignorance, and people do not know what consequences and latent risks such exploration and results will have when applied to human society and the natural world.

  Due to limited knowledge and lack of understanding in scientific research, it is possible to break through the original ethical norms and form new ethical gaps, which requires national authorities to identify and judge the potential risks and consequences of scientific and technological exploration and application. It is also very important and urgent to establish new scientific and technological ethics involving specific disciplines and categories.

  This is currently the case in a highly risky study involving cutting-edge research. For example, some researchers believe that the CCR5 gene is an accomplice in causing people to be infected with HIV, so they have knocked out the gene in newborns in an experiment to prevent AIDS forever.

  The original intention of this scientific research may be positive. However, due to the lax ethical review, there is a huge risk in this research, which may not only violate the four existing principles of bioethics – favor, respect, fairness and mutual assistance, but also has a greater practical risk. Knocking out the CCR5 gene can prevent AIDS, but its immune function, anti-cancer function and other beneficial functions will also disappear completely. This is actually due to the lack of understanding of the comprehensive uses of the CCR5 gene. This also shows how important and urgent it is to establish a national science and technology ethics committee and formulate ethical norms for various disciplines and multidisciplinary research and application of results. (Zhang Tiankan)


How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery

   Nowadays, lithium batteries and nickel-metal hydride batteries are commonly used in mobile phone batteries. With the increase of service time, the life of batteries will gradually shorten. So how to check the remaining life of batteries, How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery? ? Here is an introduction for everyone.

How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery?

  Many friends think that the more times a mobile phone is charged, the worse the battery will be, which makes sense. However, the most accurate definition of battery life is that the number of charging cycles determines battery life.

  I’m sure many friends don’t know how to calculate the number of cycles. In fact, a cycle is a cumulative complete charge+a cumulative complete discharge. For example, if your mobile phone has a battery of 5000mAH, then every cumulative charge to 5000mAH is a complete charge process. If each charge is 500mAH, then it takes 10 times to complete this charge procedure, and the same is true for discharge. The actual situation is that you can only consider a cycle after multiple charge and discharge operations.

  The average cell phone battery cycle is about 500 times, which is actually quite durable, but many friends are worried that after 500 times, my cell phone will be scrapped, and I don’t want to change it! In fact, the number of times the mobile phone runs out of cycles means that your battery is only 80% of its previous capacity, and the subsequent charging process will consume the battery capacity faster, but the battery is still operating normally. When the battery life is drastically reduced or turned off for no reason, you need to consider replacing the battery or the mobile phone.

  That’s what I introduced How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery, I hope it helps you.


Some things you must know about shooting.

Hello, everyone, today we share some things you must know about shooting, I hope you like it!

front cover

There are no rules for shooting. The purpose of shooting is not to be beautiful, but to score. If you hear shooting, you think that shooting is limited to your feet. That’s because we have a preconceived concept of shooting. In the past, some strikers that everyone liked, Mueller, Inzaghi and Raul, didn’t shoot well, but they just scored.

Figure 1- Prejudice

This doesn’t mean that we don’t have to pursue technical perfection, we must do it well, because if we really want to shoot, we must score, exert ourselves, turn the corner and shoot the ball where we want to shoot.

Figure 2- Shooting Score

However, we have said the perfect technique countless times. Put our supporting feet next to the ball, head down, tighten the core, pay attention to follow the ball, lock our ankles, and then kick the ball and land, like this.

Figure 3- Perfect Technology

But if we look up like this, or lean back, we will send the ball directly to the moon, which is definitely not what we want.

Figure 4- Don’t lean back

So what’s so special about these strikers mentioned above? They know where the ball is going, which is another form and part of shooting, because in essence, it is why we shoot, and we shoot to score.

Figure 5- What’s so special?

Think about it, if we know where the ball is going, we can shoot it in. Sun Tzu, a great thinker and author of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, said, "If you defeat the enemy without fighting, the good will be good."

Figure 6- Know where the ball is going

This means that we must find a way to achieve our goal instead of struggling like ants on hot bricks.

So whether you like him or not, Ronaldo can always score goals. He doesn’t care about those comments. If we want to win and score goals, look at what these players are doing.

Figure 7- Always scoring goals

Harland has many chances to shoot. He knows how to score goals. What else can we do?

Next, the most important thing is that we should take risks. In some leagues, the goal rate of shooting rebound is as high as 20-25%.

Figure 8- Dare to take risks

This means that if we shoot, although it doesn’t look the best, as long as the ball can pass the first defender, who knows what will happen?

Figure 9- Passing the defender

Rebound ball is difficult for the goalkeeper to predict and react in time. Maybe the ball will bounce in from the knee, back and face. Anyway, we will never know until we try.

Figure 10- Dare to shoot.

Remember, as a striker, we should dare to take risks, and as a defender, we should also dare to take risks, but we should take risks wisely, especially when we are in and around the restricted area, and don’t hesitate to shoot decisively.

Figure 11- Decisive shooting

That’s all for today. Please continue to pay attention to the road of football for more exciting football teaching!


Funny story

Ok, let me tell you a funny story!

The story happened in a hotel. At that time, a passenger was preparing to sleep when he suddenly heard the noise upstairs. He complained, "The passengers upstairs are too noisy. How can I sleep tonight?"

So the hotel attendant went to the passengers upstairs and told them to keep their voices down. However, it didn’t take long for the passengers upstairs to start noisy again. The passenger was very angry, so he called the waiter and said, "Can you manage the passengers upstairs? I have to sleep tonight! "

The waiter replied, "I’m sorry, sir. I’ve already told the passengers upstairs, but they continue to make noisy noises." I’ll talk to them again. "

After a few minutes, the waiter came back and told the passenger, "Sir, the passengers upstairs said they didn’t mean to, because their room was too hot, so they turned on the air conditioner very loudly." They have turned off the air conditioner now. "

The passenger was satisfied and said, "OK, can I go to bed now?"

The waiter replied, "Sir, you can go to bed. But if you hear any noise upstairs, please don’t call us. We have tried our best. "

This story is so funny! After listening to it, my stomach hurts with laughter! Let’s listen to it!