标签归档 苏州水磨会所


Shared power bank: Market competition is not a zero-sum game – Interview with Liu Tongxin, inventor of shared charging technology

  Recently, a "love sharing station" has been unveiled in major subway stations in Qingdao one after another. It not only provides passengers with a number of convenient services such as shared power banks, shared umbrellas, paper towel sales, and subway morning newspapers, but also provides emergency medical supplies such as medical kits and defibrillators. Once the machine was launched, it was well received by many passengers and praised it one after another.

  The inventor of this project is Liu Tongxin, who is known as the innovation expert. Before that, he had invented and incubated more than a dozen innovative products such as hotel gathering multimedia systems, flexible screen laptops, and mural TVs. In recent years, what has made him famous is undoubtedly his original shared power bank technology solution and business model. "In 2014, I laid out more than 20 shared power bank patents. This is the earliest batch of patents in the field of shared power banks, and three of them are core patents." Liu Tongxin said that due to his original innovation and patent layout in the field of shared power banks, he is known as the "father of shared power banks".

  Creativity comes from a trip to the United States

  Liu Tongxin’s idea for the shared power bank project originated from a visit to the United States. In June 2014, Liu Tongxin followed a delegation to the United States to investigate innovation and entrepreneurship projects. One night, while he was out, his mobile phone and power bank were dead, which inspired him to invent a shared charging model.

  "I thought at that time, if there is a box, I can put the power bank that is dead and replace it with a power bank with electricity, which can solve the charging needs of many users." Liu Tongxin believes that mobile phone users have a rigid demand for battery power in public places, and with the increasing number of smartphone users, the number of users sharing power banks will show a rapid growth trend.

  With the idea of "shared charging", Liu Tongxin began to implement it. On the plane back to China, he designed a complete set of technical solutions for shared power banks. After returning to China, he immediately organized the technicians in the laboratory to set up a research and development team to start developing this technical solution.

  At the same time as the technology development, he carried out patent layout. "For this project, we have submitted more than 20 patent applications and have been authorized successively. Among them, three patents are the core technologies in the field of shared charging, and their names are’An identifiable mobile phone rechargeable battery and its identification method ‘ (patent number: ZL201410666867.0),’ A mobile phone battery charging replacement system and charging method ‘ (patent number: ZL201410667099.0),’ A mobile phone battery charging case ‘ (patent number: ZL201410667122.6). This is the first batch of shared power bank patents, which is a real process from 0 to 1, and most of them are invention patents." Liu Tongxin said.

  Product landing encounters confusion

  In November 2014, Liu Tongxin began planning how to turn the drawings into real objects. Since there were no companies in Qingdao that produced power banks, he decided to send the R & D team to Shenzhen to seek partners for power banks.

  In Shenzhen, the R & D team has reached a cooperation intention with a number of power bank manufacturers. When the two sides communicated the technical details, the engineers of the R & D team informed the other party of the technical solution, and later, they also showed them the patent application documents.

  Liu Tongxin said: "At the end of 2015, I found shared power bank cabinets produced and launched by a Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd. in several shopping malls in Shenzhen one after another. This was exactly the same as the technical solution of the shared power bank I designed. This surprised me very much. I realized that the technical solution may have been leaked. After I conducted a patent search, I found that this company submitted a large number of utility model patent applications after I submitted the patent application, and this company was raising money everywhere. It kept claiming to investors that they invented the shared power bank. This made me very angry. At that time, I especially wanted to take up legal weapons to protect my legal rights and interests. Later, this company launched several lawsuits against other shared power bank companies."

  Look for partners cautiously

  With the advent of the sharing economy boom, the business model of shared charging has gradually been recognized by the market, and the number of entrants has increased rapidly. As the inventor of shared power banks and the holder of core patents, Liu Tongxin is also known to more and more people. Many companies have come to seek cooperation, hoping that he can transfer the patent of shared charging to them. He told reporters: "The technical solutions used in the entire power bank industry are inseparable from my three core patents."

  In this regard, Liu Tongxin had his own considerations. He hoped that his partners would be companies with big ideas, and he did not want patents to become a tool for corporate competition. After repeated consideration, he finally chose to cooperate with Shenzhen Street Electric Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Street Electric).

  Liu Tongxin believes that the market size and scale of Street Power and its strong financial strength can better translate his patented technology into products. "I hope to promote the development of this industry together with leading enterprises," Liu Tongxin said.

  Businesses should promote innovation together

  Standing in the trend of the sharing economy, shared power bank enterprises have been able to develop rapidly, but at the same time, the market competition in this field has become increasingly fierce, and patent disputes have also arisen. It is understood that, taking Street Electric as an example, there have been dozens of cases of patent infringement sued by Shenzhen Caller Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Caller).

  Since March 2017, Caller has initiated more than 30 patent infringement lawsuits against Jiedian in Shenzhen, Beijing, Guangzhou and other places, with a total amount of tens of millions of yuan. In addition, Caller also filed an injunction application with the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court, asking the court to order Jiedian and others to stop the alleged infringement first.

  In response to the lawsuit of the caller, Street Electric filed a request for patent invalidation on 7 patents of the caller, and the original Patent Reexamination Board made a review decision after the trial, of which 5 patents were claims of infringement that were declared invalid, 1 patent was claims of infringement that were declared partially invalid, and the other 1 patent was found not to be creative by the court in the administrative litigation of invalidation, and the original Patent Reexamination Board was ordered to make a new review decision.

  In addition, Jiedian believes that Caller has filed 30 patent infringement lawsuits with the Beijing Intellectual Property Court and the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court) on the basis of the same 6 patents. These 30 cases have the same parties; and the rights basis on which these 30 lawsuits are based are all the same 6 patents. In particular, the alleged infringing products involved in the 24 cases filed in the Shenzhen Intermediate Court are all the same type of cabinet products of Jiedian, which belong to the same litigation object. Jiedian believes that this is a typical duplicate lawsuit. Caller believes that it is not a duplicate lawsuit. At the same time, Jiedian believes that Caller is also suspected of spreading misinformation and misleading information, which is an act of unfair competition.

  After the trial, the Shenzhen Intermediate Court ruled that Street Electricity’s lawsuit was established, requiring the caller to immediately stop the unfair competition, publicly apologize to Street Electricity on its official website, WeChat official account and more than ten media for the unfair competition, eliminate the negative impact, and compensate Street Electricity for economic losses and reasonable expenses of 5 million yuan. At present, the case is in the process of 2nd-round Moderation.

  Regarding these patent disputes, Liu Tongxin believes: "The purpose of enterprises to carry out patent layout should be to build their own protective’armor ‘, rather than maliciously attack others."

  "The market competition in the shared power bank industry should not be a zero-sum game, and the relationship between enterprises should be mutual promotion and common progress." Liu Tongxin said that at present, there is still a lot of room for innovation in the shared power bank industry in our country, and the shared power bank enterprises should focus on technological innovation, provide users with better services and create higher value. Only in this way can the entire industry develop better. (Intellectual Property News, Andy)


Automotive intelligent ceiling AITO asks the world M5 to build the "whole family bucket" ecology

On March 5th, the Q-World M5 was officially delivered. As the pioneering work of AITO, it took only three months from release to delivery. Such a fast style does have the taste of Huawei. And Huawei’s sense of participation is stronger in the car system. With the aura of a strong technology and a national brand, Huawei’s first product to open up Hongmeng ecology in the field of travel has entered the lives of consumers.

Only need a Huawei account, whether it is mobile phones, watches, home furnishings, wearables, all smart end points can be interconnected, and now the smart end point joining this camp has another big object – cars.

The reason why the M5 has attracted much attention since its launch is not just Yu Chengdong’s big mouth, but also people’s imagination of immersive intelligence in the automotive space. So what does Huawei Hongmeng cockpit system, which has received the most attention, look like when it is finally delivered to users? Is it worth buying a car because of an "account"?

Compared with a variety of car displays such as triple screens and lift screens, a 15.6-inch intelligent central control screen of the QJI M5 carries everything about the car. First of all, the HarmonyOS smart cockpit has the familiar interface and interaction pattern of Huawei end users. Through a large area of visual interaction area to customize the UI design, similar to tablet computers, most of the settings and information are directly accessible in one step, and the zero-level operation settings are relatively clear.

The personalized shortcut bar Smart Dock service card that resides at the bottom of the desktop can be adjusted according to personal preferences, and will also be actively recommended according to comprehensive analysis of road conditions, owner status, and vehicle conditions. Similar to mobile phones, HarmonyOS smart cockpit has built a rich window display form such as full screen, split screen, and floating window to meet the interaction needs in different scenarios.

In terms of voice interaction, AITO Qinjie M5 brings the voice assistant "Xiaoyi". The voice car control adopts Huawei’s self-developed end-cloud integration architecture for the first time, and at the same time takes advantage of the low latency on the end side and the large model and large entity on the cloud side to provide users with a more natural, smooth, fast and accurate voice interaction experience.

After waking up Xiaoyi, up to 60 seconds of continuous conversation, no need to repeatedly wake up every time a command is issued, the error rate is less than or equal to 1%, and it is not afraid of interruptions and invalid instructions. It can also achieve two tasks in one sentence; it supports full-interface voice control, which can be said visually, and it can also be said that there is no network. Complex instructions can only be completed by saying simple Arabic numerals, saving time and effort, and helping users focus more on driving; it has four-tone intelligent recognition, accurately recognizing instructions from the main driver, co-pilot, and rear row. In the future, Xiaoyi will also support Cantonese and Sichuan dialect recognition, as well as male, female, and children’s voices for users to choose freely.

In addition, Xiaoyi can also intelligently and dynamically recommend services and applications according to users’ usage habits and scenarios. During driving, Xiaoyi can automatically identify users in scenarios such as commuting, leisure and tired driving by analyzing information such as time, date, location, driving time, driving distance, and DMS camera monitoring, and provide corresponding suggestions.

AITO M5 pioneered car-feeling payment, integrating facial recognition service FRS (Face Recognition Service) and Huawei in-app payment IAP (In-App Purchases Kit), and car-related payment services can be completed in the car. In the future, users can also use the outside camera to scan the QR code of the parking lot, and cooperate with the face payment function in the cockpit to achieve fast payment and improve the payment experience.

It is reported that each car can be bound to 5 Huawei accounts, enough for the whole family to use. After getting on the car with facial recognition, all settings in the car will remember personal preferences and automatically restore and complete the adjustment.

Through the same Huawei account, the car-machine-home has achieved true interconnection. Through continuous video, it supports the switching between CMS camera and driving camera, and the content can be shared to Huawei mobile phones with one click. Users can also preset the "warm home" and "peace of mind away from home" scenarios through the control center on the AITO M5 car, easily control smart home devices, and go home without mistake.

Cross-border car manufacturing by technology companies has become a trend, and news of car companies making mobile phones has also been constantly exposed. When software defines the car, the interaction between technology and the car is more and more, "the deep integration of the two industries of automobile and IT will be an inevitable direction and a major opportunity." Zhao Fuquan, director of the Automotive Industry and Technology Strategy Research Institute (TASRI), once said.

At the delivery site of the M5, Wang Yanmin, president of Huawei’s end point BG Smart Selection Business Department, and Xu Lin, the rotating president of Sailis Automobile, appeared on the same stage and started delivery, which is an innovation in the integration model of automobiles and technology.

AITO has created a precedent for the deep integration of new energy automobile enterprises and ICT technology enterprises. At the same time, this integration has also brought new value to AITO automobiles in all aspects of production, sales and research. Especially on the sales side, a new chapter in automobile marketing is opened with the new retail 3.0 model of automobiles. 1.0 is the traditional 4S store, 2.0 is the city exhibition hall, and 3.0 is the intelligent end point scene.

So far, AITO’s end point channel has included more than 500 experience centers and 150 user center sales and service outlets. This year, a total of 1,000 experience centers and about 300 user centers will be settled. A strong channel network layout will provide strong protection for users in pre-sales, after-sales and other links.

In Huawei’s offline experience store, people who come for Huawei are basically attracted by this new car, and most of them will study the car when they enter the car, which adds another group of technology fans to the car.

The integration of ecology is like a thread pulling from one end point to another, so there is a two-way journey between cars and mobile phones. At present, the application of mobile phones is more extensive, and the huge data will support the development and manufacturing of the car end. Car companies also want to hold this part of the data in their hands. When Geely announced the production of mobile phones, Li Shufu said, "Mobile phones are the application carrier of electronic product market verification and software innovation, which not only allows users to share the innovation results as soon as possible, but also transfers some of the safe and reliable results to the application in the car, so as to realize the close interaction between the car machine and the mobile phone software technology."

NIO’s remarks were more conservative. In his latest interview with Li Bin, Che Yun said, "NIO is still in the research stage to enter the mobile phone field. It depends more on the feedback of users. Can we build a mobile phone that is better connected to NIO? What does the mobile phone mean for the interests and experience of NIO users? We are still thinking about it."

Huawei has cut into the car from its own strengths and created a smarter car in a shorter time. But AITO asked the world that the M5 is a "car" after all, and its attributes are travel. In the "three most concerned aspects of buying a car" questionnaire recently surveyed by Car Cloud, the most votes are still appearance, performance, etc. In contrast, intelligence and service are not so concerned.

In any case, the emergence of AITO Q 5 is the first step towards the integration of technology and automobiles, providing a model for the industry to improve the public awareness of smart cars and create new sales models, thus enabling the transformation of the smart car industry.

The prelude has been kicked off. This year, there is also a car equipped with Hongmeng intelligent cockpit system to meet consumers, that is, the Avita 11 jointly invested by Changan, Huawei, and Ningde Times. It is expected to be mass-produced and delivered in the third quarter. The market reflection after delivery is the most realistic evaluation.


The new BYD Han DM-I/Han DM-p was launched on April 10th.

  [car home Information] Recently, we learned from relevant channels that the new BYD Han DM-i/DM-p will be listed on April 10th, and the previously announced pre-sale price range was 216,800-322,800 yuan, including 216,800-292,800 yuan for Han DM-i and 322,800 yuan for Han DM-p. The new model will be upgraded in appearance, interior and configuration.

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

  In terms of appearance, the new Han DM-i has been upgraded in a small range on the basis of the current model. The new car continues to use the front face of the "Dragon Face" family, and the size of the front grille is further increased to look fuller. The air intakes on both sides have also become more rounded, and the sharp shape is more in line with visual aesthetics.

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

  At the rear of the vehicle, the penetrating headlights of the new Han DM-i are more advanced. After removing the chrome decoration, the overall sense of the headlights is stronger. The design of the Chinese knot in the headlights once again shows China elements, and the air diffuser shape of the rear lip echoes the front face, which increases the vehicle’s sportiness.

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

  In terms of interior, the new Han DM-i basically continues the interior design of the current model, but the overall color matching looks more elegant, especially the brand-new operation interface, and the color matching is obviously higher, which is reflected in the full LCD instrument panel and the central control panel. DiLink 4.0(5G) intelligent networking system is equipped with a new combination instrument, which can display not only 3D ADAS information but also navigation information on the instrument, in addition to the configuration of NFC car keys and smart housekeeper for cloud services.

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

  In terms of power, the new car comes standard with a blade battery and a plug-in hybrid system based on a 1.5T engine. Under the energy-saving Han DM-i NEDC working condition, the pure battery life is 242km, the fuel consumption per 100km is as low as 4.2L, and the comprehensive battery life can reach 1,300km. Han DM-p, which is the main performance, only needs 3.7 seconds to accelerate at zero speed, 202km of pure battery life under NEDC working condition, and 5.2L of fuel consumption per 100 kilometers. (Text/car home Qin Chao) 


How to choose a notebook computer [the most comprehensive guide]

  In the information age, people are increasingly inseparable from computers, which are needed for work, life, entertainment and so on. Desktop computers are bulky and not easy to carry, and they may also be needed for business trips and travel, so it is very important to buy a notebook computer. Walking around the computer city, you can see nearly a thousand computers, each of which claims to have various advantages, which makes consumers very headache and doesn’t know which laptop to choose. Xiaobian made a notebook computer purchase guide, you can learn about it.

  The most comprehensive laptop shopping strategy to share.

  1. Multipurpose: If you buy a laptop to watch videos, play games, handle work, etc., and you don’t concentrate on it, it’s best to touch everything, then a low-end 15-inch computer or a 13-inch door-level model is the best choice, and the price is between 2,500 and 5,000 yuan.

  2. Business: If you are a business person, you can buy a notebook computer to process documents and various forms, then you can buy a business computer. They are durable, feel good, light and easy to carry, and have a high screen pixel. The price is 4,000-7,000 yuan.

  3. Games: If you are a young man and buy a laptop mainly to play high-end games, then the performance of the computer is required to be very good, regardless of the processor, graphics card and screen resolution. The price of this kind of products is relatively high, generally starting from 7000 yuan.

  4. Media workers: People engaged in media work need creativity, and they often have to open various softwares to edit videos and photos. Therefore, computer processors are required to be relatively powerful, and independent graphics cards can support the operation of various large-scale image processing software. The price of such computers starts from 4,000 yuan.

  5. Brand is very important. At present, many brands produce notebook computers, so choosing a well-known brand will definitely be better than an unknown brand, because the after-sales service of well-known brands is relatively perfect, and problems with notebook computers can be properly handled. For example, Sony, Acer, Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung, Lenovo, Asus and other brands are relatively well-known brands in notebook computers at present.

  6. Type. At present, there are many kinds of notebook computers on the market, including tablet/notebook in one, which can meet people’s daily needs. There are also multi-mode laptops, which can also bring different experiences to people.

  After reading the notebook computer selection guide, do you know something about purchasing a notebook computer? In fact, it is not difficult to choose the right notebook for yourself. The key is to start from your own standpoint and take personal needs and economic strength as the main factors in purchasing. When buying a laptop, you should never follow the shopping guide and blindly sell it, so you can’t buy your own laptop.


Weekly Events of Sports Industry (5.6-5.10) | Kryptonian Weekly

  Sports Week: On May 7, Beijing time, the German Football Professional League held a meeting to confirm that the Bundesliga will restart on May 18 this season.

  One week e-sports memorabilia

  A week’s e-sports industry memorabilia (5.6-5.10)| ECO e-sports school

  A week of ice and snow memorabilia

  Ice and Snow Think Tank | A Week of Ice and Snow Cold Knowledge (5.6-5.10)

  Weekly sports marketing memorabilia

  Sports DreamWorks | Weekly Sports Marketing Information (5.6-5.10)

  Hot spot focusing

  The 2019/20 Bundesliga officially restarted on May 16th.

  On May 8th, the Bundesliga officially confirmed that the remaining schedule of this season will be officially restarted on May 16th. After the restart, the Bundesliga and Bundesliga will continue from the 26th round, and other rounds will continue in the originally set order. The final round is scheduled for June 27th and 28th respectively.

  Chen Yuyuan and Yao Ming were interviewed by CCTV.

  Recently, CCTV news channel program "News 1+1" has connected the President of the Football Association Chen Xiaoyuan and the President of the Basketball Association Yao Ming by video to interpret the football and basketball related issues in China under the epidemic. Fans can learn about the recent information about football and basketball through TV, especially about the preparation of national teams and the restart of professional leagues, and they have received accurate responses.

  China Football Association issued a pay cut proposal.

  On May 8th, the China Football Association published on its official website "Proposal on Reasonable Salary Adjustment between Men’s Football Professional Clubs and Their Players and Coaches to Overcome the Difficulties", indicating that after communicating with FIFA and conducting many investigations and discussions, it issued a "Proposal on Salary Reduction" to clubs, players and coaches at all levels to overcome the difficulties.

  National Development and Reform Commission: The second batch of central budgetary investment in public sports popularization project in 2020 was issued.

  On May 9th, recently, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" public sports popularization project with an investment of 750 million yuan in the second batch of central budget in 2020.

  Jordan Sports plans to acquire Umbro’s China business for $62.5 million.

  On May 1st, it was reported that Iconix Brand Group Inc, an American brand management company, reached an agreement with Hong Kong Qiaodan Investment Co., Ltd. to sell all its shares in China, Umbro China umbro’s brand intellectual property rights in Greater China (including Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan Province and Macau).

  According to the announcement, the transaction is expected to bring 62.5 million US dollars in cash income (about 443 million at today’s exchange rate) to Iaconis, and the transaction is expected to be completed on September 15, 2020.

  Use dynamic core graphics for the first time! Beijing Winter Olympics Core Graphics and Color System Released

  On May 8th, the "Design Scheme of Color System and Core Graphics for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games" was released. The color system includes three parts: main color, intermediate color and auxiliary color. The core graphic is the first dynamic core graphic in Olympic history.

  The construction of the second batch of football fields in China promotes the determination of cities

  On May 6th, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the General Administration of Sport and the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Football Reform and Development in the State Council, recently identified Harbin, Xiapu County, Pingxiang City, Yichun City, Rizhao City, Nanyang City, Jingzhou City, Xiangyang City, Loudi City, Yueyang City, Hezhou City, Guigang City, Chengdu City, Zigong City, Weiyuan County, Yuxi City, Honghe Prefecture and Pu ‘er City in Neijiang City.

  Chengdu Releases New E-sports Policy: Building "E-sports Culture Capital"

  On May 9 th, recently, the General Office of Chengdu Municipal People’s Government officially issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Development of E-sports+"Industry. It is intended to build Chengdu into a creative place for e-sports content producers, a place for e-sports professional clubs and athletes to fight, a place for e-sports culture lovers to communicate, and a "e-sports culture capital" that meets the needs of people’s better life.

  Star company

  IAAF requests IOC to pay Olympic dividends in advance.

  On May 7th, it was reported that recently, the IAAF took the lead in asking the International Olympic Committee to pay part of the Olympic Games income in advance on the grounds that it was "under great economic pressure".

  F1 reduces fleet budget cap to $145 million per year.

  On May 6th, it was reported that Ross Brown, general manager of F1, Chase Carey, CEO, and FIA held an online meeting to discuss the budget cap amount previously set by F1. After the meeting, Brown said in an interview with Sky Sports that F1 had lowered its budget cap from $175 million a year to $145 million.

  ATP and WTA will set up over $6 million rescue fund.

  According to the Associated Press, ATP and WTA will announce this week the establishment of a relief fund project of over US$ 6 million to ease the financial pressure of about 800 low-ranked tennis players during the suspension of the tournament.

  Guangzhou Evergrande Football Stadium Project was spent in China Construction Fourth Division.

  On May 7th, according to the official disclosure of China Construction Fourth Bureau, Guangzhou Evergrande Football Stadium, which has the largest scale, the highest grade, the most complete supporting facilities, the highest technology content and the largest number of seats in the world, was awarded to China Construction Fourth Bureau, with a contract value of about 4.3 billion yuan, which is the whole EPC construction mode.

  Yin Tiegang, a senior sports marketer, joined CAA China.

  On May 6th, CAA China announced the appointment of Tiger Yin, a senior sports marketer, as the general manager of sports marketing and resource planning, reporting to Gao Xiang, president of the Ministry of Sports. Yin Tiegang will be responsible for CAA China sports sponsorship sales, brand strategic planning, media copyright distribution and integrated marketing of sports resources, and accelerate CAA China’s further cultivation in the sports field.

  Investment financing

  "One trillion Wade" received hundreds of millions of yuan in loans.

  Recently, according to GymSquare, one trillion Wade, a domestic chain fitness club, has been supported by loans totaling RMB 100 million from several banks, with loan terms ranging from 1 to 3 years.

  Haosha International has been cancelled by the Stock Exchange.

  Recently, it was reported that the listing status of Haosha International (02200) has been cancelled by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Since the beginning of 2019, Haosha International has been transferred and closed one after another, expanding from Fujian swimsuit manufacturing to Haosha brand of fitness-related business, and the listing process has gradually ended.

  Peloton Q3 sales surged by 66%

  On May 6th, Peloton released its financial report for the third quarter as of March 31st, and its total revenue increased by 66% from $316.7 million a year ago to $524.6 million.

  The Clippers bought the Grand west forum Arena for $400 million.

  On May 7th, it was reported that Ballmer, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, had bought the Grand west forum Arena. He bought it from Madison Square Garden Entertainment Company for $400 million, clearing all obstacles for the Clippers to build a new home near Inglewood.

  Peng Fitness completes a new round of financing.

  Recently, it was reported that Yi Jian Technology’s Internet fitness brand Peng Fitness completed a new round of strategic financing, with Zhongcheng Capital as the investor, and the specific financing amount has not been disclosed.

  Cooperative sponsorship

  Huayou Group became a catering and accommodation service provider for the Winter Olympics.

  On May 9th, it was reported that China Huayou Group Co., Ltd. was recently awarded by Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Organizing Committee as the catering service provider and accommodation operation service provider of Beijing Winter Olympic Village and Paralympic Village for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games. This is the first important international competition of "Bright Sword" since the reorganization and integration of Huayou Group.

  BOCOG collects official biodegradable tableware suppliers for the Winter Olympics.

  On May 6, 2010, BOCOG issued an announcement to solicit official biodegradable tableware suppliers. The target of this solicitation belongs to the fourth-level official suppliers, and the consortium application is not accepted. Interested enterprises should submit a letter of intent on May 19, 2020.

  The appearance design scheme of uniform equipment collected by Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee

  On May 8, 2022, the solicitation of visual appearance design for uniforms of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games was officially launched. The collection time is from May 8, 2020 to June 10, 2020. The top ten finalists will receive bonuses ranging from 10,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan.

  Obtained the exclusive rights to broadcast a number of events, Huya reached a strategic cooperation with UCC, the organization of e-sports events.

  Recently, U Can Company(UCC), a Russian e-sports competition organization, announced that it has reached a strategic cooperation with Huya. From March 2020, Huya Live will obtain the exclusive rights to broadcast 8 sub-stations CS:GO and 4 sub-stations DOTA2 held by UCC.

  Taste King became the official partner of 2020WUCG.

  On May 18th, the most influential college e-sports competition in China, the World University E-sports League (WUCG)2020 Spring Competition will start soon. As the official partner of WUCG2020, Taste King, a well-known brand that leads the technological innovation and healthy upgrade of China Qingguo Areca, will join hands with WUCG to present wonderful events for college e-sports enthusiasts.

  Star broker

  Jeremy Lin became the spokesperson of Coach men’s product line.

  On May 8th, the international fashion brand Coach Coach announced that Jeremy Lin was the spokesperson of the brand men’s product line.

  Haoran Liu became the first spokesperson of the green orange brand.

  On May 6th, Didi Chuxing’s Green Orange brand officially announced that Haoran Liu had become the first brand spokesperson, and at the same time released two new functions related to Haoran Liu. After joining the Green Orange, Haoran Liu initiated the call-up order of Dibiker, a green orange rider, calling on the chasing teenagers to start a fresh and sunny city exploration journey. In the future, he will also participate in the research and development of Green Orange in many aspects, such as riding experience and product design.

  Self-raised funds for the league, Tianhai players are willing to give up all their remuneration.

  On May 9th, after the news came out on the 8th that "the negotiation between Tianhai and Vantone broke down, and the team will go into bankruptcy liquidation", Tianhai coaching staff and players today offered to the Football Association and Sports Bureau "willing to give up part or even all of their remuneration and take over the club to complete this year’s league. 」

  Inside and outside the stadium

  NFL cancels London and Mexico this season.

  On May 6th, the NFL officially announced that the five regular games scheduled to be held in London and Mexico City this season will be held in the United States.

  NBA: The rematch decision will be made in June.

  On May 9 th, according to The Athletic reporter Shams Charania, in today’s conference call, NBA President Adam Xiao Hua told the players the following contents: Even if the season resumes, no fans are expected to enter the stadium, which means that the NBA will lose 40% of the league income from the fans on the spot; It may not be decided until June.

  The French government granted France a loan of 224.5 million euros.

  On May 7th, after the announcement of the cancellation of the season, a few days ago, the French official confirmed that it would receive a loan of 224.5 million euros from the French government to make up for the loss of TV broadcast income caused by the cancellation of the season for major football clubs.

  The Winter Olympics men’s ice hockey qualifying tournament will be postponed until August 2021.

  On May 6th, the IIHF (International Ice Hockey Federation) announced that due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the IIHF Council had agreed to postpone the men’s ice hockey qualifying tournament of the Winter Olympics to August 26th-29th, 2021, which was originally scheduled to be held from August 27th to 30th, 2020.

  The 2020 World Volleyball League was cancelled.

  On May 8th, the International Volleyball Federation FIVB announced in the Chinese official Weibo that it would cancel the 2020 World Volleyball League.

  FIFA revised the number of substitutions in a single game during the epidemic to five.

  On May 9th, FIFA announced yesterday that in order to help teams cope with the intensive schedule that may occur during the COVID-19 epidemic, it will temporarily implement the new rule that each team is allowed to change up to five substitute players in each game, while under normal circumstances, only three players are allowed in each game.

  World Basketball Coaches Association will launch a series of online courses.

  Recently, it was reported that the World Basketball Coaches Association (WABC) will provide a series of basketball teaching videos in the next period of time, providing fans with an opportunity to learn from the world’s top coaches, including basketball teaching principles, concepts and basic knowledge.

  Administrative policy

  Jiangsu Province will issue 50 million yuan sports vouchers.

  On May 6th, according to the official announcement of Jiangsu Provincial Sports Bureau, in 2020, the province will issue a total of 50 million yuan of sports coupons. At present, the distribution plan of the coupons has been determined. It is divided into six categories and distributed in the form of "National Fitness Card" and "Public Points".

  Hebei continues to carry out the pilot reform of investment approval for the Winter Olympics construction project in Zhangjiakou Division.

  On May 6th, the State Council issued an official reply about Hebei Province continuing to carry out the pilot reform of investment approval for the Winter Olympics construction project in Zhangjiakou Division. According to the document, the scope and main measures of the pilot are implemented in accordance with the "Pilot Program for Investment Approval Reform of Winter Olympics Construction Projects in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province" approved by the State Council. The pilot period is 2 years, counting from the date of the State Council’s approval.

  The water and electricity subsidy scheme of Beijing skating ski resort was announced: the total subsidy was 18.27 million yuan.

  On May 9th, the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau released the water and electricity subsidy scheme for the skating ski resorts in Beijing affected by the epidemic. According to the public announcement, on the basis of the preliminary examination and confirmation of the relevant district sports bureaus, 30 skating venues and 21 ski resorts that meet the subsidy conditions were confirmed by the Municipal Sports Bureau. The subsidy standards are: the skating rink subsidizes 120 yuan per square meter and the ski resort subsidizes 5 yuan per square meter. The total subsidy funds are about 18.27 million yuan.

  Yunnan issued implementation opinions to promote the high-quality development of sports industry

  Recently, the General Office of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting National Fitness and Sports Consumption to Promote the High-quality Development of Sports Industry" to stimulate the enthusiasm of national fitness and sports consumption, promote the high-quality development of sports industry in the province, and boost the construction of a strong sports province and a healthy Yunnan.

  The third batch of cultivation list of sports and leisure towns in Zhejiang Province was announced

  Recently, Zhejiang Sports Bureau officially announced the third batch of provincial sports and leisure towns cultivation list, and seven towns were listed as the third batch of sports and leisure towns cultivation units in Zhejiang Province.

  Hebei accelerates the development of ice and snow industry into a key breakthrough area.

  Recently, Hebei Province issued "Opinions on Accelerating Key Breakthroughs in the Construction of" Two Districts "in the Capital of Hebei Province", in which the goals and directions for the development of the ice and snow industry were put forward in the "key breakthrough areas" to accelerate the development of the ice and snow industry.

This article first appeared on WeChat WeChat official account: Sports Industry Ecosphere. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent Hexun.com’s position. Investors should operate accordingly, at their own risk.

(Editor: Ji Liya HN003)

On New Year’s Day and Spring Festival, you can come to Wild Duck Lake not only to watch birds, but also to play these old and new games.

During the New Year’s Day holiday, Beijing Yeyahu National Wetland Park made use of the vast ice surface of the park to launch an ice paradise. Visitors can play in the ice and snow, or have tea in the greenhouse to enjoy the romantic time in winter.The ice park will last until the Spring Festival holiday.

There are bumper cars and bicycles on the ice in Yeyahu Ice Park.108 meters long ice slide, quite popular with tourists.

When you are tired of playing, you can also walk into the transparent tent and enjoy the scenery while drinking tea. On New Year’s Day holiday, Wild Duck Lake has newly launched a tea tasting around the stove. Visitors can enjoy tea, dried fruits and talk at home in a heated tent, enjoy the sunset in the winter landscape and enjoy a warm and exquisite slow life.

During the New Year’s Day, Wild Duck Lake also carried out normalized bird watching activities.Visitors can observe the elves foraging and inhabiting in the reeds under the guidance of professional teachers.

Yeyahu Park is also linked with the surrounding scenic resources.A package discount for amusement projects has been launched. Visitors can book a performance of playing iron flowers around the scenic spot, and go to Kangxi City that never sleeps after enjoying the beautiful sunset in Yeya Lake every Saturday night.Appreciate the dazzling golden snake dance and the fire tree silver flower.

Photo courtesy of Badaling Wenlv Group

Source: Beijing Daily Client Reporter: liyao

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UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute deepen exchanges and seek common cooperation and win-win future.

  Ruixue paved the carpet to welcome the distinguished guests and talked about the wisdom of the new future. On December 18th, Mr. Ding Yougang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, visited UFIDA Industrial Park, visited UFIDA Digital Intelligence Enterprise Experience Hall with great interest, and got an in-depth understanding of UFIDA’s innovative achievements and advanced technologies in the field of digital intelligence. We also conducted full and friendly communication on executive training and experiential teaching, and jointly discussed how to integrate the cutting-edge concept of digital intelligence into academic research and practical application of teaching.

  Wan Qiong, Deputy Director of the First Division of Educational Administration of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, Zhou Fang, Deputy Director of Finance and State-owned Assets Management Department of Jinan University, Du Yu, Senior Vice President, Huang Zhenfa, General Manager of Intelligent Accounting Division of UFIDA’s Large Enterprise Customer Group, Jia Daming, Vice President of Xindao Technology, Assistant President Qian Zhaoqiang, and Chen Tonglei, Deputy General Manager of UFIDA’s Government Education Promotion Division, participated in the exchange.

  Du Yu, Senior Vice President of UFIDA Network, warmly welcomed Dean Ding and his party to discuss cooperation opportunities in the era of digital intelligence. He said that in the new historical period, UFIDA is looking forward to deepening cooperation with Xiamen National Accounting Institute, making full use of professional resources, deeply promoting the industry changes brought by new digital and intelligent technologies, and providing more professional and cutting-edge training and support for financial personnel to help them better serve their enterprises and promote the process of digital transformation in the new era.

  Ding Yougang, vice president of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, pointed out that with a pragmatic attitude, UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute quickly landed the first training course for high-end managers of industrial and financial integration after the strategic signing. This training course has obtained highly satisfactory evaluation from the participants, laid a solid foundation for the follow-up cooperation between the two sides, and is regarded as a very successful start. It is hoped that both sides will continue to deepen their research and devote themselves to developing higher-end, comprehensive and in-depth training courses, so as to cultivate talents with more practical ability for financial management and inject more innovation into enterprise development.

  He emphasized that UFIDA and Xiamen Congress have joined hands to form a strong cooperation model of "famous enterprises+prestigious schools". In the era of digital intelligence, we will carry out in-depth research in areas of common interest and devote ourselves to doing something forward-looking, insightful and leading. Ding Yougang said that the goal of cooperation between the two parties is to create an ecological circle, which aims to benefit high-end financial talents, enterprises and society, and jointly promote the development of the accounting industry, which has far-reaching significance.

  Since the initial establishment of cooperative relationship in 2017, UFIDA and Xiamen National Accounting Institute have been adhering to the common concept of cultivating high-level financial talents and working together. In the fields of professional courses, professional exchanges and joint major activities, the two sides have continuously expanded cooperation, integrated the essence of production and research, and reflected practical knowledge from professional theory. The deep cooperation between the two sides not only resonated in concept, but also achieved remarkable results in practical actions. Up to now, the two sides have achieved some phased positive results in many aspects. Among them, on October 30th, 2023, UFIDA signed a new round of strategic cooperation agreement with Xiamen National Accounting Institute, aiming at jointly promoting education, research, practice and personnel training in the field of corporate accounting management in China. The signing of this strategic cooperation has laid a more solid foundation for the future in-depth cooperation between the two sides. On December 1, 2023, the two sides successfully held the first training course for high-end managers focusing on the integration of industry and finance. The training was held in the picturesque campus of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, attracting more than 100 managers from large enterprises. The training content includes not only cutting-edge theoretical study, but also leading practical study tour experience, providing students with a high-end academic feast. In the future, the two sides will continue to work closely together to launch more high-quality courses, jointly create a new chapter in the training of high-level financial talents, and contribute more to the development of accounting management in China enterprises.

  The two sides ended the exchange in a warm and friendly atmosphere and once again expressed their confidence in future cooperation: continue to give full play to their respective resource advantages, strengthen the training of high-end talents through multi-dimensional thematic training, create a joint venture between industry and learning, provide more experiential learning scenarios and training opportunities for accounting talents, and jointly promote the continuous advancement of financial management. This is not only an exchange between enterprises and academic circles, but also an active and effective exploration for both sides to actively respond to the development needs of the times and strive to build a blueprint for the future of financial intelligence. We look forward to achieving more remarkable results in future cooperation and jointly leading the new wave of digital intelligence finance.