标签归档 2021上海水磨实体店


China Consumers Association: There are many outstanding problems in online takeaway food delivery services and food delivery quality

CCTV News:The results of today’s online takeaway ordering service experiential survey report by the China Consumers Association show that compared with the online ordering experience, the problems in offline delivery service and delivery quality experience are relatively prominent. The main problems are:

There are foreign objects in the meals of individual orders that do not meet the hygiene and safety requirements.On September 9, the Beijing experience staff encountered serious food hygiene and safety problems such as meat maggots while experiencing "Meituan takeaway"; on September 20, the Hangzhou experience staff found foreign objects such as hair while experiencing the "Ele.me" platform.

The access review of individual platforms is lax, and unqualified merchants register online on the platform and operate without licenses offline.On September 22, Baoji experience staff experienced the online registration information of the "Ele.me" platform as "Potato Chip Roujiamo Shop". The offline is actually a street mobile food stall and does not have the corresponding business qualifications.

The outer packaging of some meals is damaged, the food leaks, and the smell is mixed, etc., and the appearance experience of the meals is relatively poor.On August 20, Luoyang experiencers encountered serious spills on store takeaway food when experiencing "Meituan takeaway", which affected actual consumption; on September 8, Ningbo experiencers encountered that the store takeaway packaging was not sealed when experiencing "word-of-mouth takeaway", resulting in serious food spills; on September 12, Baoji experiencers experienced irregular takeaway packaging and serious food spills when experiencing the "Ele.me" platform.

Some platform merchants were unable to deliver meals in a timely manner, and 17.5% of the experience staff reported that the online takeaway ordering platform did not deliver meals according to the time displayed by the system.On September 13, when the Beijing experience staff experienced "Baidu takeaway", they encountered an online order showing that it had been delivered, but the actual offline takeaway was not delivered; on September 15, the Xi’an experience staff experienced "Baidu takeaway", and the platform showed that the estimated delivery time of the meal was 13:09, and the actual delivery time was 13:23, with a cumulative timeout of 14 minutes.

In addition, there are also some food delivery personnel arranged by the merchants themselves, with weak service awareness and poor service initiative. There are also some platforms that do not have an order cancellation option, with 53.4% of the experience staff reporting that they cannot cancel the order. More than 70% of the experience staff reported that the platform merchants do not take the initiative to provide regular invoices.

In response to the situation that online takeaway ordering services involve many links, the China Consumers Association recommends that relevant government departments should establish a supervision and law enforcement coordination mechanism, strengthen the supervision and management of platforms and merchants in terms of qualification review, service provision, and consumer personal information protection. To prevent unqualified, low-reputation, and poor-service merchants from entering the platform, increase penalties for platform and merchant violations, and urge industry enterprises to be honest and trustworthy and operate in accordance with the law, so that consumers can enjoy safe, assured, and comfortable platform ordering services. The China Consumers Association hopes that platform merchants will improve the standards and quality of meal packaging and distribution facilities, optimize platform operations, strengthen the training and management of distribution personnel, and provide standardized and humanized services to consumers. It is necessary to strengthen the qualification review and training education of employees, enhance the standardization and initiative of services, and meet consumers’ dining needs with standardized services, so that consumers can enjoy safe and hygienic ordering services.

At the same time, the China Consumers Association reminds consumers: to enhance their self-protection awareness, check the relevant qualifications of the platform, pay attention to the credit of the platform and merchants, choose a regular catering unit to order food, and try to conduct multi-party understanding or on-the-spot inspection of the catering unit; to take the initiative to obtain ordering invoices or valid bills, find food leakage, food expiration and deterioration, serious overtime delivery, poor service attitude and other issues, to retain relevant evidence and protect their rights and interests in accordance with the law.