标签归档 2021魔都新茶论坛


Taxi New Deal: Operating royalties are cancelled, and molecular money is expected to be reduced

  China News Service, Beijing, July 29 (Zhang Ni) Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry", and the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments jointly promulgated the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services".

  The release of two long-awaited blockbuster documents not only clarified the legal status of online car-hailing, but also ushered in an important turning point in the development of the traditional taxi industry. In the future, new taxi operating rights will no longer be paid, and the controversial high "portion money" is also expected to be reduced.

  All new taxi operation rights are used free of charge

  – Forcing the "portion money" down?


  All new rental car operating rights shall be subject to term restrictions, and indefinite restrictions shall no longer be implemented. The specific period shall be determined by the city people’s government according to the actual local situation. All new rental car operating rights shall be used free of charge, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing rental car operating rights need to be changed within the term, they shall be changed in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and shall not be speculated or transferred without authorization. For existing rental car operating rights that do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for a fee, the city people’s government shall comprehensively consider all factors, scientifically formulate a transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, and gradually cancel the paid use fee.


  As part of the "molecular money", the paid royalties for operating rights are directly related to the cost of taxi enterprises and the income of taxi drivers, so the reform of operating rights is also regarded as the "bull’s nose" of the reform of traditional cruise vehicles.

  Wang Hao, deputy director of the Highway Traffic Development Research Center of the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, analyzed the China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter that in the past, the paid royalties charged by the government to companies or individuals for operating rights used to be an important source of funds for urban transportation construction. But now the operating rights are not just a service license, but have become an investment and speculation indicator of "rare goods to live in", increasing the operating costs of taxi companies or individuals, forcing enterprises to enter a vicious circle of "multi-pull fast running" while resisting quantity adjustment. Expert analysis said that the cancellation of the operating rights fee also makes "molecular money" have room for downward adjustment.

  Contract fee standard can be negotiated

  – Will "portion money" go down?


  Encourage, support and guide taxi companies, industry associations to negotiate on an equal footing with taxi drivers and trade unions, and rationally determine and dynamically adjust taxi contract fee standards or quota tasks according to factors such as operating costs and freight rate changes. Existing contract fee standards or quota tasks that are too high should be reduced. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and build a harmonious labor relationship. Taxi companies are strictly prohibited from charging drivers high collateral, and existing collateral that is too high should be reduced.


  The so-called taxi "part money" generally includes vehicle depreciation, insurance, maintenance fees, driver’s basic salary, social insurance, business management costs, taxes, profits, and the sharing of operating rights and royalties. High "part money" has also been controversial.

  Wang Hao believes that with the entry of online car-hailing into the rental industry, taxi drivers have more employment options. Market regulation has increased the bargaining chips between drivers and enterprises over "part money", and the participation of trade unions and industry associations has made the negotiation more organized. In the future, the government will regulate that companies cannot charge drivers high risk deposits, etc., because high deposits limit drivers’ employment options.

  Dynamic adjustment of taxi capacity scale

  – Quantity control is no longer "monolithic"?


  It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of large, medium and small cities, the diverse travel needs of the public and the development orientation of taxis, comprehensively consider factors such as population size, economic development level, urban traffic congestion, and taxi mileage utilization rate, and rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and the share ratio in the urban comprehensive transportation system. Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually realize market regulation. New and updated taxis, priority is given to the use of new energy vehicles.


  In many parts of China, the number of taxis has not been adjusted for more than ten or even twenty years. For example, since 1994, the total number of taxis in Beijing has been controlled at the standard of more than 60,000. Does the dynamic adjustment mechanism mean that the total number of taxis will be liberalized?

  Wang Hao analyzed that the biggest problem with the control of the number of taxis in the past was that there was no dynamic adjustment mechanism. The number of taxis in some areas remained unchanged for many years, and the original market formed a solidification of interests. But in the future, with the automatic adjustment of the market, this situation is expected to be broken, and some industry participants will also anticipate the market to avoid blind entry and disorderly competition. But he stressed that due to the characteristics of the taxi operation model, dynamic adjustment does not mean liberalizing the control of the number of taxis, especially in big cities like Beijing.

  Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for freight rates

  – Will taxis bid farewell to the "low price era"?


  Taking into account factors such as taxi operating costs, income levels of residents and drivers, traffic conditions, service quality, etc., scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight rates. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight rates, improve pricing rules, and improve the linkage between freight rates and fuel prices. Give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in adjusting the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.


  Wang Hao pointed out that taxis in China are generally operated at low prices and are even used as public transportation to and from get off work, making the supply far less than the demand. Dynamic adjustment means that the future taxi fare will be able to return to a reasonable level. But he also stressed that such adjustment needs to be dynamically evaluated, because excessive freight rates will lead to a significant reduction in market demand and affect the "rice bowl" of taxi drivers.

  The integrated development of cruise cars and online car-hailing

  – Either one or the other?


  Encourage cruise car operators and online taxi booking operators (hereinafter referred to as online ride-hailing platform companies) to implement corporatized management in accordance with the modern enterprise system through mergers, reorganizations, and absorption of shares, so as to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models.


  The legalization of online taxi-hailing means that traditional taxis will face the fate of being eliminated? In this regard, Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming commented that it is still uncertain who will replace the online taxi-hailing car and the cruise car. The two have their own strengths, and more of the two formats promote each other. It is up to the market and passengers to make the final choice.

  In Wang Hao’s opinion, the market demand for traditional cruise cars is still there, and the taxi mode of raising hands and beckoning cars makes the cruise cars operate more efficiently in the core areas of the city. In addition, passengers who have privacy requirements for the ride route or elderly passengers still have demand for traditional cruise cars, and cruise cars can also get orders through online platforms in their spare time. The integrated development of the two will provide people with a variety of choices.


Big Mouth View | Geely "Galaxy": Let everyone "look up", or end up in "disappointment"?

To say that the domestic car circle has been a big "fire" in recent days, "Geely Galaxy" should be well deserved.

The story seems to have happened suddenly – according to an industry insider close to Geely’s factory, it didn’t take long from the finalization of the "Galaxy" project to the official launch.

If you carefully follow the clues, from the time the factory first announced the news of "launching a mid-to-high-end new energy series" during the Spring Festival to the official arrival of "Galaxy" on February 23, Geely only took a total of one month – not to be said to be "efficient".

Of course, this will inevitably give many people in the industry a sense of "rushing on the horse".

At the same time, Geely’s chosen promotional "strategy" also seems to support the above situation from the side – in the face of the two major factory slogans "Galaxy: the starry sky everyone looks up to" and "Galaxy L7: the ideal car from the Galaxy", not only BYD looks up to the brand and the ideal (L7) will be speechless, but passers-by will also be "shocked".

After all, Geely is the "top" car company among Chinese car brands in terms of sales in 2022. Basic "integrity" should always be required, right?… If it is said that such a "hot spot" move with almost no "offline" is the brand’s "long-planned and well-considered" behavior – whether you believe it or not, I "dare not believe it" anyway.

Just yesterday (February 27), Changan Automobile commissioned Chongqing Baijun Law Firm to issue a "Lawyer’s Letter" to Geely Automobile, bluntly stating that the prototype "Galaxy Light" released by Geely Galaxy "has a lot of similarities with Changan Automobile’s concept car and mass-produced model, and is suspected of infringing on Changan Automobile’s intellectual property rights."

Faced with the trouble of "appearance plagiarism" after "publicity rubbing hot spots", Geely Automobile also responded quickly – today (February 28), the brand issued a "statement" to completely deny accusations such as "suspected plagiarism and intellectual property infringement".

Regarding whether it is "hastily launched" and "suspected of plagiarism", I will click the following table here. Back to the product level, Geely defined "Galaxy" as a "mid-to-high-end new energy series" (not a new sub-brand), and released a grand plan of "7 blockbuster new energy products will be launched in the next two years!"

At the same time, the first model of the series – Galaxy L7 also debuted and opened reservations. From the product positioning and estimated price (about 200,000 yuan), the opponent of this compact electric hybrid SUV is undoubtedly BYD’s "explosive", the new generation of domestic SUV segment "magic car" – Song PLUS DM-i.

So, why is Geely Automobile so eager to launch "Galaxy" when it already has new energy sub-brands such as Krypton and Geometry?… With the brand’s existing "family background", can it support the ambitious ambition of this new energy product series?… As the first model to make a grand debut, does the Galaxy L7 have the ability to truly challenge the Song PLUS DM-i?…

In the eyes of many people in the industry, all of this seems to be full of too many doubts –

True Galaxy needs to look up, but "Geely Galaxy" doesn’t

– Vehicle Power | Liu Jie

If the pattern is as vast as the galaxy in the universe, it is not impossible for everyone to look up. However, Geely’s operation is indeed a bit "petty".

Back in the day, insiders were still debating why Geely was always half a beat or even a beat slower when it launched "plug-in" products. Now, the answer is revealed – make way for "Galaxy".

Looking at the entire press conference that day, it was like a "work report", and there was very little interpretation of the core technology of the product. Perhaps, Geely also knew that the more detailed it was, the more people would "associate" with the Thor Hi · P system, but "Galaxy" was a new product series – if "old" technology was still used, it would seem a little "sincere"?…

In fact, Geely could be a little more generous – for example, Thor Hi · P was the power technology that was laid out in advance for the "Galaxy" series of products. After being tested by Emgrand, Xingyue L and other models, this system has abundant performance and strong stability… Of course, if you add some horsepower and torque parameters, it may be more convincing.

As for the "Geely Galaxy" propaganda poster with "look up" and "ideal", this is undoubtedly an even more wrong move.

Take the "BBA" who have been "in love and killing each other" for many years as an example. Although they are rivals, they almost always "touch" in terms of advertising content and marketing methods; even if they are sometimes more "explicit", they will still be very restrained from mentioning the other party’s brand name.

In contrast to Geely, would consumers really think that "BYD and Ideal are not as good as Geely" because of slogans like "Your ideal is to look up at the Milky Way"?…

Can it be done just by being "anxious"?

– Vehicle Power | Lei Tiejun

From the "rapid launch" of the "mid-to-high-end new energy series" project, to the propaganda that seriously "touches porcelain" and loses the "big factory system", it may all reflect Geely’s current mentality in facing the domestic new energy products, especially the hybrid model market segment.

One word: urgent!

In the face of BYD’s unparalleled success and far ahead, and in the face of many "new forces" and traditional car company opponents competing and refusing to give in to each other, Geely, which seems to have long been "laid out" by Geometry, Extreme Krypton, and even Maple Leaf and Ruilan brands, has not yet really made a "name" in terms of the sales scale of new energy products.

On the other hand, it is also the "top" car company among Chinese car brands that will rank among the top three in sales in 2022. Seeing that it has been unable to speed up on the aforementioned new "track" of "winning the future", how can it not be in a hurry?…

However, no matter how anxious it is, it should not mess up the "rules and regulations". If you want to "speed up", you must also have enough technical accumulation, or even "unique skills". In the face of "N weapons" such as "DM-i Super Hybrid" and "Blade Battery" that BYD is famous for, Geely might as well ask himself: Is it enough to rely on the "Thor Hybrid" that has not yet gained enough recognition and reputation?…

What’s more, in the face of the new competition landscape of the era of new energy products, the tactics of "having more children and fighting" like Geely’s "wide net" may be outdated.

Take a look at the global electric vehicle "leader" Tesla, its main sales products can’t be only Model 3 and Y cars (in essence, they can also be considered the same thing); take a look at the 2022 Q4 gross profit margin as high as 20%, much higher than the "overlord" BYD (gross profit margin of about 5%) Li Auto, L7/8/9 "matryoshka" play is simple and direct enough?…

Therefore, instead of "having more children and making a lot of noise" like Geely, it is better to really calm down and study Tesla and Li Auto’s "having fewer children and making a fortune in silence".

Only know how to play "word games", from the level of propaganda to "touch porcelain" Li Auto, Geely is probably "picking up (Diu) (le) (lian) Ma (mian), lost watermelon".


Workplace+youth! On the Typological Exploration of Modern Spy War Drama from Qiu Chan

       Original title: "workplace metamorphosis" in modern spy war dramas

The foggy Qiu Chan, as a well-made spy war drama this year, has been greatly anticipated by the audience due to the pre-publicity’s rendering of suspense and the addition of many old drama bones. In fact, the beginning of the plot is desperate. The intense and exciting rhythm of the previous episodes really fits the artistic expression level of the spy war drama. However, with the end of the whole drama, most of the audience’s complaints about the straightforward and simple plot, the rigid emotional line of the heroine, and the unfocused modeling of the male protagonist constantly surfaced. The typological exploration of domestic spy war dramas still faces bottlenecks.

The "Death Game" in the Fierce Workplace Competition

Compared with the successful representative works of spy war dramas in previous years, such as plot against, lurk and pretender, Qiu Chan’s handling of "the struggle between the enemy and ourselves" does have obvious narrative confusion. On the whole, the plot still follows the strong plot narrative of the spy war story, full of danger and suspense, and weaves various tests for the protagonist. Compared with the portrayal of domestic heroes and the description of human nature, the workplace confrontation between Ye Chong and Miyamoto in the play is relatively more exciting.

In the fierce competition in the workplace, two young and energetic colleagues have different positions and beliefs. They use the superficial personal grievances and even the competition for the same position in the office as a seesaw, but in fact they have just completed the hiding of the hidden personnel. In the pursuit, catching the mole and suspecting his colleagues almost never stopped, from the office of the Military and Political Department to the scene of the arrest and interrogation, and even setting up sentry surveillance near the colleague’s residence. From the point of view of the workplace, the two are really devoted to their work. Dai Sato Zang, the Major General of the Military and Political Affairs Department of Xiangdao, is more like a leader who is embarrassed everywhere. The most repeated lines seem to be exhorting two subordinates to "I hope you will stop here". As a superior, while mediating the contradictions between subordinates, I hope they will be used for their own purposes; On the one hand, I hope that they will form a compelling relationship with each other and even deal with powerful subordinates. Here, the humanized contest between the enemy and ourselves, which is common in spy war dramas, has been clearly transformed into a workplace contest.

Generally speaking, in this seemingly infighting in the workplace, in fact, the righteous man will be portrayed as a superhero with superior wisdom and vigorous skills. In the play, Ye Chong did keep his disguise in every crisis, but it was always slower than Miyamoto’s, which led to the continuous failure of the joint, and comrades were constantly exposed and arrested, constantly sacrificed and transferred, and then entered the next cycle. In the play, the role of Xiaozhuang almost swept all the affairs of Ye Chong, and the point of fierce confrontation between the male and the female was also diluted. If it is intended for the suspense mechanism of plot narration, it can only be regarded as a strong spiritual stimulus of "death game", which is useless for shaping the protagonist.

In addition, in the spy war drama, it is also a common skill to sublimate the sense of tragedy in the form of the hero’s sacrifice in the face of potential crisis and the viciousness of hostile forces. Before the arrival of this established sad moment, the complicated story is not the standard to judge whether a play is good or not, otherwise it will fall into the formal game of suspense reasoning and hinder the expression of the theme.

Youth idols and the infinite land of "pan-spy war"

The high confidentiality of hidden front work makes underground workers more like a contradiction. Qiu Chan is the male actor Ye Chong — — Code-named "Qiu Chan", an underground worker, chose a youth idol. Allen’s face is chiseled, with all kinds of uniform suits, suits and white shirts, and he can play the piano. As a hidden and forbearing person, The Infiltrator invariably highlights the modern aesthetics of the characters, which seems to usurp the host’s role. Stereotyped facial stereotypes can’t match the development of characters’ personalities.

From Sparrow, which started with the appearance of "youth" spy war in 2016, to Qiu Chan, which is cold and lonely today and needs to be reborn, it is of certain significance for the younger generation to pay attention to and inspire their growth, and its influence and communication effect are also obvious to all. In the consumption context of youth idols, there are often designs that pretend to be lovers or couples, and Qiu Chan has not jumped out of this pattern, setting up scenes where female characters are jealous or have misunderstandings. In the past spy war dramas, this usually existed as an auxiliary line of family ethics narration. However, if emotional entanglements can’t really play a role in narration, they are just coquetry of female characters, which will lead the plot to a boundless land of "pan-spy war".

The revolutionary cause of spy war is not a child’s play. Female roles can be weak, but they must be honed and grown. The female images in Qiu Chan also lack the smart and capable side of women in traditional spy war dramas. In addition to Junko Qingquan’s excellent business ability, Jin Xiang was portrayed as a "gangster female leader", while He Ying, the female host, focused too much on the emotional relationship with the male host. The embarrassment of identity and emotional displacement make the audience only rely on the existing experience, and they are constantly frustrated in the heavy decryption of the plot. This gamification experience, which is not equal to the real feeling, further dispels the seriousness of spy war.

In addition, it is a skill for spy war dramas to create a sense of urgency in time and space to construct unique urban images and complete dramatic conflicts in a certain time and space structure. For example, the New World, with the main battlefield in Beiping, the Peace Hotel, with the closed space in Manchuria in the northeast, and the Kite, with a spy war narrative around the mountain city of Chongqing, etc. Qiu Chan also takes wartime Hong Kong as the main activity scope of the characters, and inserts some actions of Myanmar and Shanghai. From the blockade of virtual space to the breakthrough of external information transmission and exchange, the regulation of time and space provides an enchantment for this clever narrative. But it is a pity that the drama’s creation of Hong Kong’s urban features in a specific period is mediocre in regional characteristics and has not left a clear and profound impression on people.

Since 1958, when the film showed the outstanding underground workers of the Party dedicated themselves to the revolution, the image of hidden front workers in these years has been stereotyped as "dancers at the tip of a knife", and everything except faith and mission has been left behind by individuals. The TV series "Eighteen Years of Enemy Camp", which premiered in 1981, was recognized by the academic circles as a new beginning of domestic spy war drama because it showed the image of a Communist party member who went deep into the tiger’s den regardless of personal safety. It can be seen that the enduring foundation of domestic spy war dramas still lies in the performance of revolutionaries on the hidden front and their indomitable underground work. Qiu Chan’s expression of workplace squeeze in the hidden front, the borrowing of youth idol elements and the expression of special regions in special times are also an exploration of new types of elements in domestic spy war dramas to some extent. Although it is not satisfactory in handling, it is still instructive.(Author: Peng Liuying, Associate Research Fellow, Film Art Center of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Editor in Charge of Film Art)


How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery

   Nowadays, lithium batteries and nickel-metal hydride batteries are commonly used in mobile phone batteries. With the increase of service time, the life of batteries will gradually shorten. So how to check the remaining life of batteries, How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery? ? Here is an introduction for everyone.

How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery?

  Many friends think that the more times a mobile phone is charged, the worse the battery will be, which makes sense. However, the most accurate definition of battery life is that the number of charging cycles determines battery life.

  I’m sure many friends don’t know how to calculate the number of cycles. In fact, a cycle is a cumulative complete charge+a cumulative complete discharge. For example, if your mobile phone has a battery of 5000mAH, then every cumulative charge to 5000mAH is a complete charge process. If each charge is 500mAH, then it takes 10 times to complete this charge procedure, and the same is true for discharge. The actual situation is that you can only consider a cycle after multiple charge and discharge operations.

  The average cell phone battery cycle is about 500 times, which is actually quite durable, but many friends are worried that after 500 times, my cell phone will be scrapped, and I don’t want to change it! In fact, the number of times the mobile phone runs out of cycles means that your battery is only 80% of its previous capacity, and the subsequent charging process will consume the battery capacity faster, but the battery is still operating normally. When the battery life is drastically reduced or turned off for no reason, you need to consider replacing the battery or the mobile phone.

  That’s what I introduced How to calculate the life of mobile phone battery, I hope it helps you.


A shares weakened in the afternoon and closed down slightly. The Internet, media and entertainment sectors were relatively active.

  The three major stock indexes of A-shares fluctuated slightly in the morning, and the decline was slightly enlarged in the afternoon. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index reported 3,043 points, down 0.40%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index reported 9,604 points, down 0.27%, and the Growth Enterprise Market Index reported 1,895 points, down 0.579%. The turnover of the two cities broke through another trillion yuan.

  In terms of sectors: Internet, media and entertainment, software services, automobiles, Sora concepts are relatively better, while non-ferrous metals, electricity, components, petroleum and other sectors closed up;

  On the decline list, insurance, real estate, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, brokerage and building materials were among the top losers.

  Capital flow: As of the closing of A-shares, statistics show that northbound capital has bought a total of 1.567 billion yuan, of which Shanghai Stock Connect bought 649 million yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 918 million yuan. The turnover of northbound funds was 135.776 billion yuan, accounting for 12.87% of the total turnover of A shares, and the trading activity decreased by 13.03%, of which Shanghai Stock Connect bought 31.544 billion yuan and sold 30.895 billion yuan, while Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 37.128 billion yuan and sold 36.210 billion yuan. Northbound funds kept net purchases for four consecutive days, with net purchases of 6.001 billion yuan, 10.260 billion yuan, 4.244 billion yuan and 1.567 billion yuan respectively, with a total net purchase of 22.072 billion yuan.

  Regarding the trend of A-shares, Guosheng Securities believes that as the "combination boxing" of stabilizing the capital market continues to land, economic data will be released in March or will exceed expectations, which will significantly boost risk appetite and investor confidence and drive the market risk appetite to rebound. The rebound is not over yet. If there is a shock adjustment in the short term or a benign adjustment on the way up. In the medium term, with the intensive introduction of steady growth policies, the process of economic recovery is expected to accelerate, and incremental funds may return to the rebound stage, and the amount of attention can be simultaneously enlarged. At the same time, after the registration system is fully implemented, its survival of the fittest mechanism will help the market style tend to be "blue-chip", and the intermediate market of the Shanghai Composite Index will not be absent but will only deepen. At present, it is suggested to maintain a balanced allocation with value slightly greater than growth.

  Huajin Securities pointed out that blue-chip stocks are dominant and balanced. (1) Style: In the second quarter, it shifted from micro-stocks to super-large stocks and small and medium-sized stocks; The simultaneous strengthening of dividends and technology may continue in the short term, and the short-term growth and value are balanced; In the medium term, it may be biased towards technology and growth. (2) Based on the macro-environment orientation, profit and prosperity expectation orientation, PB-ROE orientation and PEG orientation, it is suggested to pay attention in the second quarter: First, TMT, Electric Power, Machinery, Automobile, etc. with upward profit and prosperity and high valuation cost performance; Second, buildings, banks, transportation and consumption that benefit from policy and economic restoration.


Buy grain (short story)

Text/Sun Changguo
When the neighbor’s chicken crowed for the first time, Geng Changfu got up. In fact, I didn’t sleep much all night. For three days, except for a full belly of boiled water, I didn’t touch my teeth. How can I sleep steadily?
The production team’s warehouse has long been out of food. The eldest brother and the second brother run out to dig wild vegetables every day, and sometimes they can’t dig less than half a basket on the 30-40-mile mountain road. After all, every household’s food is not plentiful. The child’s mother hasn’t had milk since she gave birth to three boys. The child cries with hunger every day. Poor big Ni ‘er is only seven years old, but every day she holds three children in her arms and asks others to find milk to eat. Er Nizi is only five years old, and she sits motionless in the corner like a sick little Yaner every day. That’s hungry …
With the faint light coming through the window, he glanced at the five children lying on the heatable adobe sleeping platform, and his empty heart suddenly became tighter.
At noon yesterday, he heard from the people who came back from Miao Mountain that there was a need for a large number of grass stalks on the construction site where the reservoir was built in Changzhuang, and he was wondering about a handful of grass left at home, which might be sold. Thinking of this, he put on a broken cotton-padded jacket and got up. He went to the kang and said something to the child’s mother, and then he went on his way with a straw.
It’s still a little cold in early spring, and I haven’t eaten for a few days. The 40-50-mile walk from home to Miaoshan feels particularly long. The sun climbed up the mountain and only walked more than ten miles, but the sweat on my face rolled like beans and fell down one by one. The wild vegetables on the roadside, including the tender leaves that are a little green, have long been picked up. At least I saw an elm tree, and Changfu broke off a branch and put it in my mouth to chew, so I felt a little full in my heart.
After barely walking more than ten miles, Changfu only felt that his footsteps were getting more and more stumbling and his head was getting heavier and heavier. He kept telling himself that he couldn’t fall down, and there were still several mouths at home waiting for him to get food back, but a fishy smell came to his throat, and then he didn’t know anything.
When he woke up again, he first saw the face of a People’s Liberation Army, and then fixed his eyes, only to find himself lying in the arms of another People’s Liberation Army. The People’s Liberation Army he saw was looking at him with a kettle.
"Hometown, what’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?" The PLA man with a kettle asked.
"I’m fine, maybe I just walked too much and was tired." Changfu replied.
Oh, take a sip of water and have a rest.
Looking at the kettle handed over by the People’s Liberation Army, Changfu said with a wry smile: "Thank you, Comrade. To tell you the truth, I haven’t eaten for two or three days, and my stomach is full of water. I really don’t want to drink it."
"I haven’t eaten for two or three days, so what are you?" ……
"There is really nothing to eat at home. I heard that there is a need for straw to build a water reservoir in Changzhuang. I want to try it in the past and stutter at home."
The air seemed to condense in an instant, and Changfu clearly saw the tears rolling out of the determined eyes of the two PLA men. They went to the side and muttered for a while. They came to Changfu and said, "Hometown, it’s still a long way to Changzhuang. Besides, people may not be able to collect your straw after going there. Just because the army needs straw, we will collect it and give you 20 Jin of sticks. What do you think?"
Twenty pounds, this load of straw is put aside at ordinary times, but even five pounds of sticks can’t be exchanged. All of a sudden, I gave twenty pounds, and Changfu didn’t believe his ears. At that time, he stammered. Two PLA men threw straw into the Bucket of the truck, and handed half a bag of sticks to Changfu’s hand, accompanied by two raw sweet potatoes: "Hometown, now the country is in trouble, we have to grit our teeth and get through it. These two sweet potatoes were given to you by us, so you should eat a cushion first." They drove away before Changfu could export the words of gratitude.
When it was dark, Changfu saw the crooked-necked tree at the head of the village and two monkey children waiting under it.
"Dad is back …" Seeing him from afar, the second child trotted over and spread out his dirty little hand: "Today, my eldest brother and I went to the Arnebia euchroma to dig vegetables and found a handful of soft dates for dad to eat." Zicaowa, it’s almost the border of the neighboring county. Looking at the soft dates in the children’s hands, Changfu couldn’t help but have a sour nose: "Good boy, go back and call your mother, say that Dad has bought food and come out to push it …"
When the water was boiling and the noodle was ready to be cooked, Changfu handed the child his mother two sweet potatoes, and one of them took a bite. Looking at the tooth marks on the sweet potatoes, the child’s mother didn’t say a word, and the tears in her eyes were scattered in the boiling water with the noodle, which made a beautiful splash.
About the author: Sun Changguo, pen name Damu, a native of Laiwu District, Jinan City, now lives in Boshan District, Zibo City. Vice chairman of Boshan Writers Association, director of Zibo Writers Association, member of Jinan Writers Association and member of Shandong Writing Society.
Yi Dian Hao da mu
News clue reporting channel: download the "Qilu Yidian" APP in the application market, or search for the WeChat applet "Qilu Yidian", and 800 reporters in the province will wait for you to report online!

The exposure segment of Fantastic Animals 3 Newt equips Dumbledore’s army.

1905 movie network news J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter series, created a brand-new adventure chapter in the magical world, which is being shown in the whole country! In the "Ready to Go" segment exposed in the film, Newt replaces Dumbledore to distribute special "equipment", wands, ties and books to the members of the adventure team, which will help the members complete the next task.

Newt is equipped to envy the audience, and the adventure team is ready to go.

In the exposed "Ready to Go" segment, the first generation of Dumbledore’s army was formally assembled on the moving train. Newt distributed special "equipment" to members instead of Dumbledore. As the only muggle in the team, Jacob likes to carry a wand, which surprised him even more. He took the wand incredibly, and Newt emphasized that "it will be used in the next place".

On the other hand, the tie that Dumbledore gave to theseus was held tightly by Sniff. After some pulling, Sniff was thrown into Jacob’s hand at a distance and put into the pan. When the tie was picked up by Newt, it was discovered that the original problem of sniffing for money was committed again. Jin Shanshan’s tie sequins made sniffing want to stop. Larry, a professor of magic, got a book from Dumbledore. Larry explained, "Books can take you around the world and back to your original place, just open them."

Facts have proved that this book has played an important role in Lali’s future actions. All three members have harvested their own special equipment. After everything is ready, the adventure team begins to perform their respective tasks, and the legendary World War I in the history of magic is about to officially start!

The magical world returns to the screen and re-fans. The audience calls it really fragrant and wants two brushes.

After a lapse of four years, the wizarding world has returned to the big screen, which makes countless fans and audiences jump for joy and excitement. "As a fan of Harry Potter series, Fantastic Animals series also loves to the bone, and it is worthy of being my favorite magic IP, and the wizarding world will always make people yearn for it." "Whether fans of the wizarding world are excited or not, the visual effect is as good as ever." "It is my best this year.

The exposed footage contains a lot of magical elements, which makes the audience envy it, and the familiar magic scenes, shocking magic visual effects, cute magical animals and other surprise highlights in the film also make the audience scream, "Always shed tears for the magical world, which is an excellent spiritual food", "The core story of the whole film is not complicated but the rhythm is excellent, the plot is reversed and the plot is cool, and several magical scenes are very shocking. The appearance of magical animals is also very interesting and the picture is maintained.

The audience also affirmed the leading actors’ acting skills, thinking that they are the characters who came out of the magical world. "The complex feelings between Dumbledore and Grindelwald have been vividly reflected in this film", "The debut of theseus and Newt’s Scorpion bijuu dance is really a highlight moment" and "Each pair of CP has met everyone’s expectations, intertwined with sweetness and cruelty, and contributed to many famous scenes"! Some viewers enthusiastically recommended: "Be sure to watch it on the big screen, and you will know how shocking the huge waves that little wand can set off!"

"Fantastic Animals: The Mystery of Dumbledore" is directed by, starring, and so on, and the film is in full swing!


Spring outing is just the time, and this kind of people need to be vigilant!

In the spring of March, spring blossoms, and it is the right time to enjoy the spring. However, in this good time to enjoy the scenery, people with allergies have such a trouble: they often have itchy eyes, tears, sneezing, stuffy nose and runny nose. In fact, this is mostly hay fever.

Since beginning of spring this year, due to the relatively warm climate, the spring pollen season in Chengdu, Sichuan and other places is one month earlier and lasts longer than that in the northern region. A beautiful spring will be a disaster for pollen allergy patients.

According to the monitoring of the Allergy Response Center of West China Hospital, the amount of airborne pollen in recent years is 19 times that of 30 years ago, and some of them are 80 times that of 30 years ago, so the number of people with pollen allergy is increasing.

Every spring from February to May, especially in March, the pollen quantity reaches its peak.

What is hay fever?

Pollinosis is caused by patients’ allergy to plant pollen, which mainly involves eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. In spring, poplar, willow, sycamore and other trees are the main pollen, and a few patients may be caused by fungi, dust mites or other inhalants or foods with obvious seasonality. The types of allergens are complex, and many people are allergic to them repeatedly, which may be because they are repeatedly exposed to allergens without knowing it.

The clinical manifestations of pollinosis include symptoms and signs of different parts such as eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. Pollen allergic rhinitis can be characterized by itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose and poor breathing. Pollen allergic asthma is characterized by paroxysmal cough, dyspnea, white foam-like mucus, sudden asthma attack and gradual aggravation, which is no different from normal people after remission; Pollen allergic conjunctivitis can be characterized by itchy eyes and swollen eyelids, often accompanied by watery or purulent mucus secretions; Allergic dermatitis can be manifested as systemic or local erythema, papules, small scales, itching or burning sensation.

Cold knowledge

What makes most people allergic is not flowers, but trees!

Which of the following four ABCD plants do you think is the most likely to cause pollen allergy?

Do you think that the above two kinds of flowers with high face value and bright colors are the "killers" who cause everyone to cough and snot Qi Fei? Wrong, in fact, it is more likely to cause allergies. It is the pollen of the following two seemingly ordinary and harmless trees (C: cypress) and weeds (D: humulus)! Tree pollen is the main cause of allergy in spring, while weed pollen is the main cause of allergy in autumn.

In nature, plants are divided into wind-borne flowers and insect-borne flowers according to the different modes of pollen transmission.

anemophilous flower

"Wind-borne flowers" are flowers that use wind as a pollination medium. These flowers are generally small in size, not bright in color, and even many of them are in a degraded state, with no fragrance and nectaries, so that you can’t see or smell like flowers.

However, wind-blown flowers produce a lot of pollen, with smooth surface and light dry texture. When the wind blows, they can fly to very high and far places, such as the height of 2 or 30 floors.

Representatives of this kind of flowers are: poplar, elm, cypress, birch, ginkgo, phoenix tree and so on.

entomophilous flower

"Insect-pollinated flowers" are flowers that are pollinated by insects such as butterflies and bees. Most of these flowers are bright and beautiful, with fragrance or other smells. The pollen grains are usually relatively large and the yield is relatively small. In addition, they are often stuck together, which is not easy to be blown away by the wind, and it is even more impossible to blow high!

Therefore, in comparison, trees and weeds that are odorless, colorless, tasteless and even do not look like flowering plants are the main culprits of human allergies because of their large pollen yield+easy to be blown high and far by the wind.

Understanding of hay fever in traditional Chinese medicine

There is no name of hay fever in TCM, which can be classified into sneezing, coughing, wheezing, wet sore, addiction rash and other categories according to different clinical symptoms of hay fever.

aetiological agent

Hay fever is essentially an immediate allergic reaction. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hay fever is due to deficiency of the essence and excess of the essence, and the qi of the lung, spleen and kidney is insufficient, and the exterior of the body is unstable. Once exogenous pathogenic factors such as wind-cold or wind-heat are induced, the lung loses its function, the spleen loses its transport and the kidney loses its function, then the stagnation of qi and water stops phlegm, and pathological products accumulate, either in the eyes, nose, skin or respiratory system.

Pollen, as an allergen, can be regarded as the inducement of diseases after human body feels exogenous diseases, so pollinosis can be classified into the category of exogenous diseases and treated according to syndrome differentiation.

Chinese traditional treatment

The treatment principle of hay fever is to treat the symptoms when it is urgent and the root cause when it is slow. In the acute attack period, expelling wind and evil spirits are the main factors, supplemented by strengthening the body resistance; In the remission stage, strengthening the body resistance and consolidating the exterior are the main methods, supplemented by exorcism. The specific treatment prescription varies according to the disease.

When allergic reaction occurs, in addition to oral decoction, some traditional Chinese medicine methods can be used for treatment, such as acupoint injection, acupoint catgut embedding, acupuncture, ear acupuncture, umbilical therapy, bloodletting at the tip of the ear and so on.

For patients with acute allergy and excessive toxic heat, bloodletting therapy at the tip of the ear is suitable to dispel heat and detoxify. The specific method is that after routine disinfection at the ear tip (both sides), puncture the ear tip with a triangular needle and squeeze out 2-3 drops of blood.

Umbilical therapy refers to making medicine into ointment, pill, and powder, then applying it, taking it, smoking it, moxibustion it, steaming it, ironing it on the navel (called Shenque point in Chinese medicine), then fixing it with gauze or adhesive tape, and uncovering it after 2 hours.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that umbilical medication can act on the whole body through the connection of the five zang-fu organs, the twelve meridians and the eight strange meridians, so it has a wide range of effects. Fumigation and washing method is to fumigate and wash with decoction of Folium Artemisiae Argyi, Kochia scoparia and Senecio scandens, or fumigate nose, mouth and eyes with medicinal vapor, which has good effect.

Daily precautions

I would like to remind you that people with allergies are easily troubled by pollen when they go hiking. We should take corresponding measures in time to prevent allergies from happening, and we can start from the following aspects.


Avoid contact with pollen

In the pollen spreading season, you should wear a mask, a windproof eye mask and a nasal filter if necessary, and use a pollen blocking agent.

Reduce outdoor activities, especially going out at noon and afternoon. It is best to go out for a walk after the rain, when the air is fresh and the pollen is the least affected.

In windy weather, it is best to close the doors and windows to prevent pollen from entering the room when opening the window. An air purifier or fresh air equipment with pollen filtering function can be installed indoors.

Change and clean clothes worn in outdoor activities in time, and dry clothes in a clothes dryer instead of drying clothes outdoors.


Principles of daily diet

Strengthen nutrition, eat more light and vitamin-rich foods, and try to eat less high-protein, high-calorie and spicy foods. Preventive medication

Before the pollen stage comes 1~2 weeks, preventive medication can be taken under the guidance of a doctor, which can prevent the onset of hay fever or relieve discomfort. After the symptoms of pollen allergy such as itchy skin, cough and dyspnea appear, you should go to the hospital for treatment in time.

(Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Comprehensive China Traditional Chinese Medicine, west china hospital)


Good! Meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally

  China Securities Network News (Reporter Yu Xiangming) According to china construction news WeChat WeChat official account News, on the morning of January 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism. Party Secretary and Minister Ni Hong attended the meeting and stressed that the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference should be thoroughly implemented, the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing should be accelerated to take effect, the development and construction of real estate projects should be supported, the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership systems should be met equally, and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market should be promoted.

  The meeting pointed out that the establishment of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote a virtuous circle of finance and real estate. The people’s governments of cities at or above the prefecture level should effectively play a leading and coordinating role, quickly establish and operate this important mechanism, timely judge the local real estate market situation and real estate financing needs, strengthen overall planning, refine policies and measures, build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises, promote the accurate docking of real estate enterprises and financial institutions, and coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing.

  The meeting emphasized that the orderly development and construction of the project is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the real estate market and is related to the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should focus on projects, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. Credit funds should be ensured to be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented.

  The meeting demanded that we should adapt to the new situation that the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes, speed up the construction of a new model of real estate development, combine the long and short, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, make good use of the policy toolbox, and fully give urban real estate regulation and control autonomy. Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions. It is necessary to work out the housing development plan, improve the housing supply system of "guarantee+market", establish a new linkage mechanism of people, housing, land and money, improve the basic system of housing life cycle, implement the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for emergency use and the transformation of villages in cities, and build a green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe house. It is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market, rectify the chaos in real estate development, trading, intermediary and property, expose typical cases of violations of laws and regulations, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

  The Central Economic Work Conference proposed to actively and steadily resolve real estate risks, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Accelerate the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for both ordinary and emergency use, and the transformation of villages in cities. Improve the relevant basic systems and accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development.

  The reporter noted that policy measures such as "meeting the reasonable financing needs of housing enterprises with different ownership equally" are being implemented. According to the latest data of the People’s Bank of China, by the end of 2023, five major banks, namely, industry, agriculture, China, construction and communications, had invested more than 30 billion yuan in development loans to non-state-owned housing enterprises.

  "Recently, loans from financial institutions to private housing enterprises are increasing, and financing to support private housing enterprises is accelerating. It is expected that the financing support policies for private housing enterprises will be further strengthened in the later period, and the financing of private housing enterprises in development loans, operating loans and bond underwriting will continue to increase. " Liu Shui, director of enterprise research at the China Central Finger Research Institute, told reporters.


Selected as a non-legacy, 44 China "tea culture" impressed the world.

  [Global Times reporter Chen Qianzhong Yuhua] Editor’s Note: On the evening of November 29th, Beijing time, at the 17th regular session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, China’s declared "China’s traditional tea-making skills and related customs" passed the evaluation and was included in the UNESCO representative list of human intangible cultural heritage. Human beings need harmonious coexistence and elegant and poetic habitation. China tea culture pays attention to "tea and the world", and its concept of "quietness and elegance" meets the needs of today’s world.

  Non-legacy projects mainly come from four major tea areas.

  "Traditional tea-making skills and related customs in China" refers to the knowledge, skills and practices related to tea garden management, tea picking, hand-made tea and tea drinking and sharing. Wang Fuzhou, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Art and director of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, told the Global Times reporter that the project included 44 small projects from 15 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) across the country. This declaration covers traditional tea-making techniques such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, black tea, yellow tea, reprocessed tea, etc., and also includes related customs such as jingshan tea banquet and tea-driving field, which can be called the "largest volume" in all previous human heritage declaration projects in China. According to the local conditions, tea makers have developed more than 2,000 kinds of tea products with different colors, smells, tastes and shapes, using tools such as frying pan, bamboo plaque and baking cage, and using core techniques such as deactivating enzymes, suffocating yellow, piling, withering, fermenting and scenting.

  The tea maker is withering the Fuding white tea.

  Wang Fuzhou said that traditional tea-making techniques are closely related to geographical location and natural environment, mainly concentrated in the four major tea-making areas of Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Southwest and South China, south of the Huaihe River in Qinling Mountains of China and east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, including Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui, Hubei, Henan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces (cities, autonomous regions); Related customs are widely spread all over the country and shared by many ethnic groups.

  A document submitted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to UNESCO states that tea is ubiquitous in the daily life of China people. People drink tea in homes, workplaces, teahouses, restaurants and temples by soaking and boiling. Tea is an important part of social activities and ceremonies such as weddings, apprentices and sacrifices.

  As a member of this application project, Wang Fuzhou said that the selection of "China traditional tea-making skills and related customs" as this application project is due to the fact that tea has traditional skills, its geographical distribution is wide, its heritage types are rich, and it has the historical significance of East-West exchanges such as the ancient Silk Road and the ancient tea-horse road.

  Yu Jinlong, a cultural scholar, told the Global Times reporter that the western lifestyle that consumes a lot and pays attention to material things is no longer suitable for human development. Humans need a richer spiritual life. The excellent Chinese traditional culture just meets human needs, and tea culture is an outstanding representative.

  China tea is connected to the whole world.

  Zou Jiaju, president of Yunnan Tea Industry Association, told Global Times that China was the first country in the world to grow and make tea. Tea has been associated with China people for thousands of years, which has been verified in many historical materials, including Shennong Herbal Classic, China’s first drug monograph, Tea Classic written by Lu Yu in Tang Dynasty, and Su Shi, a great poet in Song Dynasty’s discussion on drinking tea in his poems. Tea has a long history in China, which is not only deeply integrated into people’s daily life, but also becomes an important carrier for inheriting Chinese culture.

  Jiang Song, a cultural scholar, told reporters that the earliest tea was basically drunk by some nobles and elites. Subsequently, the development and popularization of tea drinking culture was related to religion. It can be found from some literature records that Taoism and Buddhism were very popular in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Taoists and monks all followed a way of clearing up after noon and drinking tea to refresh their minds. In the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism spread widely, and ordinary people began to drink tea, forming a mass tea drinking culture, which reached its peak in the Song Dynasty. From Zhang Zeduan’s "The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival", we can see many teahouses. In the Northern Song Dynasty, drinking tea in teahouses has become an important social way. In the Song Dynasty, there was an elegant way of fighting tea, in which the tea-fighters took their own good tea, cooked it in turn, and evaluated each other to compete. Tea fighting includes tea fighting products, tea fighting orders and tea games. One of the links of tea fighting is to crush the tea cake, then fry it, and then use boiling water to break the tea with special tools. The longer the foam lasts, the better the tea is.

  Zheng Changling, deputy director and secretary-general of China Folk Culture Innovation and Development Center, told the Global Times reporter that people in China discovered tea very early and widely produced and served their lives, leaving behind the ancient tea-horse road, which is talked about by people today.

  As a famous commercial road, such as Silk Road, Maritime Silk Road and Wanli Tea Ceremony, the ancient tea-horse road is a link between different regions, different nationalities and different cultures, a historical witness to the prosperity of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization.

  The Yunnan-Tibet line and Sichuan-Tibet line of the original Tea-Horse Road crossed the Hengduan Mountain and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for the first time in the form of an expedition road, extended to the western regions, and joined the Silk Road. The phenomenon of multicultural interaction and exchange formed on the Tea-Horse Road, which became one of the powerful arteries connecting ancient and modern China with the outside world. More than 20 ethnic groups, including Han, Tibetan, Dai, Yi and Naxi, inhabit the area radiated by the Tea-Horse Ancient Road, which is a collection of Central Plains culture, Tibetan traditional culture, Baye culture, fire culture, Dongba culture and other cultural forms, and Tibetan Buddhism and Zen have also left different degrees of influence.

  Yu Jinlong, a cultural scholar, told the Global Times reporter that as the origin of tea trees and the birthplace of tea culture, China’s tea, tea trees and tea culture spread all over the world with the development of cultural exchanges and commercial trade. It was introduced to Japan, Korea, South Asia, Southeast Asia and other regions in the Tang Dynasty, and spread to European countries, the American continent, the Middle East, Russia and other regions in the 16th century. Under the direct influence of China’s tea culture, Britain, Japan, South Korea, Russia and Morocco have also formed their own tea culture. Among them, Japanese tea ceremony and Korean tea ceremony are most influenced by Chinese tea culture.

  Jiang Song said that in the Tang Dynasty, when Jian Zhen traveled eastward, Buddhism brought tea to Japan, which changed the Japanese way of life. Among the western countries, tea has had the most influence on Britain since the 17th century, which in turn has affected the whole of Europe. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the whole national economy of Britain was affected by the tea trade. According to statistics, 10% of British national income was used to buy tea, which became an important luxury. Some elites thought that the British people were too extravagant in tea consumption, so they suggested that they reduce drinking tea. However, drinking tea has become a way of life, not only because the British diet with more meat needs tea to improve digestion, but also because drinking afternoon tea has become a social way, and then a large number of teahouses have appeared. At that time, a housewife was not a qualified housewife if she could not cook tea for her guests.

  By the 19th century, Britain’s national economy was closely related to two kinds of plants, one was to spend silver to buy China tea, the other was to control the huge trade deficit, and began to grow poppies in India to make opium, and later even launched two opium wars.

  In order to narrow the huge trade deficit, Britain decided to steal tea seeds. In the late Qing Dynasty, Robert Fujun, a British plant hunter, smuggled China tea trees to India. At present, tea is grown in at least 50 countries around the world, and more than 120 countries import tea from China. The number of people who like tea in the world has exceeded 5 billion. It can be said that tea and tea culture originated in China have spread all over the world.

  The closed-door policy was adopted in the late Qing Dynasty, and China’s tea-making techniques and other related tea cultures began to lag behind Japan in commercial marketing and communication. However, the tea-growing techniques and tea-making techniques inherited by China people for thousands of years are profound and profound, and they are still second to none today.

  Non-genetic inheritor: Successful application for World Heritage is only the starting point.

  Fan Shenghua, a provincial representative inheritor of the picking and production skills of the national intangible cultural heritage project "West Lake Longjing Tea", participated in this application. He told the Global Times reporter that the success of the application means heavier responsibility and better inheritance. After 48 years of frying tea, in order to pass on the "frying tea skills left by ancestors from generation to generation", Fan Shenghua began to go to surrounding schools and vocational skills training units to train the production skills of West Lake Longjing tea in 2015. "It takes patience to stir-fry tea, which is what I often emphasize with young people." Yang Feng, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Zhenghe white tea making skills, once participated in the production of Bai Mudan, the national gift of the G20 Hangzhou Summit in 2016. He told the Global Times reporter that the success of this application is enough to prove the value of China tea and tea making skills, which is an important example of Chinese culture’s self-confidence.

  Successful application for the World Heritage is conducive to promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the global tea industry, deepening the integration and mutual learning of tea culture, and letting more people know and love tea, enjoy the fragrance of tea and share a better life. At the same time, tea culture will have a far-reaching impact on moral cultivation and personality shaping. Promoting the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations through the Silk Road will play an important role in the sustainable development of human society.

  At present, Yang Feng’s tea factory cooperates with international organizations to provide a study tour mode of "labor for accommodation". Over the past few years, hundreds of volunteers from more than 10 countries have been attracted to live in tea factories and experience life with the workers. These volunteers have also brought their understanding and good memories of Zhenghe white tea to all corners of the country.

  Yang Feng told the Global Times reporter, "The application for the World Heritage is only the starting point. We should focus on the quality of tea and cherish the value of the brand. With the country ‘ The belt and road initiative ’ The implementation of the initiative responds to the call for China culture to go abroad. I hope that international friends who love tea can walk into Chashan to learn about China’s tea culture and bring our tea, century-old tea taste and our customs to all parts of the world. " Zheng Changling told the Global Times reporter that through this application, we can not only see the profound tea culture in China, but also need to see the ideas, wisdom, experience, emotion and spirit of understanding nature and pursuing harmony with the natural society, promote the inheritance and spread of cultural heritage, promote the public’s Chinese cultural consciousness, and further establish cultural self-confidence with more concrete substantive connotations.