标签归档 2022上海后花园论坛


Geely Automobile Group CEO Gan Jiayue: Geely Automobile is fully transforming into the intelligent era

  Geely Automobile Group recently released the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy and the "Nine Dragon Bay Action" to fully promote the "Smart Geely 2025". Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said that a number of new measures will promote electrification and intelligence through technological progress, create a smart travel experience that exceeds expectations for users, and create sustainable win-win value for partners.

  From "Blue Geely" to "Smart Geely"

  Full stack self-research to build core competitiveness

  Geely’s new strategy places the development of smart cars in a prominent position, and regards cars as an important carrier of the Internet of Everything to meet users’ future intelligent and networked demands and create the ultimate driving experience.

  Gan Jiayue announced at the new strategy conference that Geely will rely on the advantages of globalization system and resource coordination to build a "one network three systems" to promote the efficient implementation of the "Intelligent Geely 2025" strategy, and achieve the strategic mission and goal of "creating an intelligent travel experience that exceeds users’ expectations, building a technology-led global automobile enterprise, and becoming the most competitive and respected Chinese automobile brand".

  According to the introduction, "One Network" is the "Intelligent Geely Technology Ecological Network". It is a "new infrastructure" based on intelligent architecture, building an end-to-end self-research system and ecological alliance around chips, software operating systems, data and satellite networks, driving users’ experience in intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit. As the only auto company in the world with satellite communication and positioning, high-precision mapping and navigation, and full-stack self-research from automotive chips to hardware and software, Geely will build the core competitiveness of future smart cars based on intelligent architecture, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

  "To form the Internet of Everything, the car is a very important mobile end point and carrier. We have long thought that the future car must be intelligent, so our future action strategy and intelligence must always be considered. Smart cars are the hard core to meet the ultimate travel experience of users."

  Referring to the two blue Geely action plans released by Geely at the beginning of this year and the release of this strategy, both point to intelligence, Gan Jiayue said: "The first blue action plan is to focus on intelligent energy-saving and new energy vehicles, and the second is to focus on intelligent high-end pure electric vehicles. Therefore, the nine major actions announced today focus on the development of intelligence as the primary goal."

  In order to ensure the full implementation of the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy, "Nine Dragon Bay Action", one of the actions proposed to realize the full-stack self-research of autonomous driving and accelerate the vision of "zero accidents and zero casualties" in intelligent travel. Relying on the smart Geely technology ecosystem, Geely wants to realize the full-stack self-research in core technology fields such as intelligent energy, autonomous driving, intelligent networking, and intelligent cockpit, and to create "the best, safest, and most responsible" autonomous car, so as to achieve "delivery is safe". By 2025, achieve the commercialization of L4-level autonomous driving, and fully master L5-level autonomous driving.

  From "Domain Control" to "Super Brain"

  Open and Win-Win Iterative Modular Architecture

  In the trend of software accounting for an increasing proportion of automotive applications, Geely, which has significant advantages in vehicle manufacturing technology, will also form partnerships with an open mind to create a win-win space in the industry while efficiently providing users with excellent and iterative services.

  "Geely will continue to open up in the future. From years of experience, I think the whole industry wastes a lot of resources. In the past, every new car had to be developed for five to seven years, and an architecture had to be developed. If the standards are the best, just like Apple’s ecology, the underlying architecture is done well, and everyone can develop on this underlying architecture, and then differentiate the upper-layer applications," said Mr. Gan. "It is based on this logic that Geely has spent a lot of money to build a modular architecture and open it up to the outside world. Unlike previous architectures, this modular architecture can be further iterated."

  It is reported that intelligent architecture, as a new infrastructure project of science and technology, is the foundation of the science and technology ecological network. Geely’s BMA, CMA, SPA and SEA have four world-class intelligent architectures, which are not only fully compatible with diversified energy sources, but also have leading modular advantages. In the face of global differentiated standards and user requests, it can improve R & D efficiency by 30%. At the same time, Geely empowers world-class intelligent architectures with GEEA 2.0 electronic and electrical architecture, so that Geely’s current intelligent architecture not only has the advantages of comprehensive compatibility with diversified energy sources, leading modular advantages, and high R & D efficiency, but also has smart "brains" and high-speed and developed "neural networks". Geely’s new smart cars built with intelligent architecture will be equipped with GEEA 2.0 electronic and electrical architecture. In the future, Geely’s intelligent architecture will also evolve to the GEEA 3.0 central computing platform architecture, leading the evolution of smart cars from "domain control" to "central super brain".

  It is worth mentioning that Geely Automobile Group recently released the global power technology brand – Raytheon Power and the world-class modular intelligent hybrid platform – Raytheon Zhiqing Hi · X, which can provide leading efficient and intelligent power solutions. According to Geely, as a world-class modular intelligent hybrid platform, Raytheon Zhiqing Hi · X has a global high-end power platform, an expansive hardware space design, an expansive electrified drive platform, and an evolutionary power platform. Five platform advantages such as power, economy, and intelligent leadership are presented on all major platforms. At the same time, it also has six ceiling technologies in the hybrid industry, which is superior to Japanese hybrid in core technology.

  Relying on open technical cooperation, another action released by Geely is clear: launch more than 25 new intelligent new energy products within 5 years, leading the era of intelligent mobile end point. According to reports, Geely brand will launch more than 10 new products one after another, the main car series is fully intelligent and new energy, and launch long-range series-parallel, extended-range, direct-drive, and electric-driven Raytheon Super Hybrid. PHEV pure electric battery life can exceed 200 kilometers. Geometry brand will launch more than 5 star products newly built by pure electric architecture (including vast architecture) from 2022, covering the mainstream pure electric market. Lynk & Co brand will launch more than 5 new intelligent technology products one after another to continuously improve the market layout. In 2023, the first electric SUV product will be launched in Europe first, realizing the globalization and high-end of smart new energy products. The new technology new energy for electric travel brand will launch five smart pure electric products based on the exclusive architecture platform, providing users with efficient and intelligent travel services, and becoming a new force in the electric travel technology ecosystem.

  In addition, Geely is committed to building an "end-to-end" vehicle software user experience, building a full-stack self-research system covering electronic and electrical architecture, vehicle basic software, intelligent cockpit software and autonomous driving software, and establishing a smart car software and hardware system. At the same time, Geely applies the SOA software service structure, opens more than 1,000 API interfaces, provides software tools and platforms to global developers, and creates active scenario services with more than 1,000 digital partners around the world. By 2025, Geely will achieve at least 1 to 2 OTA upgrades for the whole vehicle every quarter, so that smart cars can evolve from "manufacturer definition" to "user software co-creation", and fully enter the era of software-defined vehicles.

  From "migrant worker" to "partner"

  "Talent Forest" Supports Performance Imagination

  Behind the technological innovation, Geely has a solid talent pool strategy and provides endless imagination for future performance.

  Gan Jiayue makes it clear that Geely’s core competitiveness is talent. "The biggest asset of an enterprise is not how much cash it has, nor how much fixed assets it has. Those data are on-balance sheet assets, which will be reflected in financial statements. The biggest asset of an enterprise is off-balance sheet assets, and the most important off-balance sheet assets are talents, and off-balance sheet assets determine on-balance sheet assets. Because everything is created by talent, the core competitiveness is talent. This is a soil that mobilizes all the initiative of Geely Auto people, and this energy will be amazing." At the same time, Gan Jiayue also believes that everyone has the potential to become a talent, and how to unleash the potential of people is Geely’s core competitiveness.

  According to the action goal released by Geely, 350 million shares will be allocated, and the first batch of shares has inspired 10,000 employees. According to reports, this is the "largest" employee Equity Incentive Plan in China’s automotive history, and it is also an important signal for Geely to embrace change and transform into a technology-based enterprise, so that more core employees can become "partners" from "migrant workers". Geely also has a unique "talent forest" system. So far, Geely has established 9 vocational and higher education institutions, cultivating more than 150,000 talents. The perfect talent training system and development channel have enabled the emergence of endogenous talents in the enterprise.

  In addition, Geely also said that it will continue to maintain the first investment in R & D of Chinese auto brands. Within 5 years, it will invest 150 billion yuan in R & D. Relying on Geely’s global "5 R & D + 5 modeling centers" to build a leading international R & D system and fully transform into the intelligent era. By 2025, Geely strives to achieve the highest proportion of software talents and the highest efficiency in software development in the automotive industry. Geely will also deepen research in the field of basic science, build 10 world-class key laboratories, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and continue to maintain Geely’s core technology leadership.

  To achieve value creation through technology leadership, Geely’s performance target is to achieve EBIT (pre-interest and tax profit) of more than 8% in 2025. Geely will increase the scale effect through "comprehensive architecture car building", reduce the cost of model research and development and supply chain, and increase the R & D efficiency by 30%. At the same time, it will achieve full-link digital intelligent manufacturing, global technology output, maximize cost reduction and efficiency, and strive to achieve the goal of tripling the sales volume, ranking first in China in market share, and increasing the average revenue of bicycles by 30% by 2025.


The white paper "Green Development in China in the New Era" was released today to explain the core concept of green development in China.

Today (19th), the State Council held a press conference to introduce the white paper "Green Development in China in the New Era".

According to reports, the white paper "Green Development in China in the New Era" systematically summarizes the measures and achievements of China’s green development in the past ten years, and expounds the core ideas and practical experience of China’s green development. It is rich in content and focused. The main contents of the white paper include:

First, the core concept of green development in China in the new era.

First, adhere to the people-centered development thinking. Regard a good ecological environment as the most inclusive welfare of people’s livelihood, vigorously promote green production and lifestyle, continuously improve the quality of ecological environment, and let people have more sense of gain, happiness and security.

The second is to focus on the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Firmly establish the concept of Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon development, and achieve simultaneous improvement of economic, ecological and social benefits.

The third is to adhere to the system concept and make overall plans. Pay attention to deal with a series of relations such as development and protection, overall and local, current and long-term, coordinate industrial structure adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, respond to climate change, and jointly promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, greening and growth.

The fourth is to seek common global sustainable development. Adhering to the concept of community of human destiny, we will always be an important participant, contributor and leader in global ecological civilization construction, and contribute China wisdom and China’s strength to global sustainable development.

Second, the practice and effect of green development in China in the new era.

First, the quality of the ecological environment continued to improve steadily. In the past ten years, China has completed 960 million mu of afforestation, 278 million mu of sand prevention and control, 600 million mu of grass improvement, and more than 12 million mu of wetlands have been added and repaired. The area of forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers and lakes has been continuously increased, and the trend of land desertification has been effectively reversed. The environmental quality has improved significantly. In 2021, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in cities at or above the prefecture level in China dropped from 46 μ g/m3 in 2015 to 30 μ g/m3, with the proportion of days with excellent air quality reaching 87.5% and the proportion of sections with excellent surface water quality reaching 84.9%.

Second, the gold content and green content of economic development have increased significantly. Strategic emerging industries have become an important engine of economic development. In 2021, high-tech manufacturing accounted for 15.1% of the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size, an increase of 5.7 percentage points over 2012. The green industry is booming, and the production scale of clean energy equipment ranks first in the world. In 2021, the output value of energy-saving and environmental protection industries will exceed 8 trillion yuan.

The third is to widely promote green production methods. The greening level of industry, agriculture and service industry has been improved in an all-round way, the energy structure has been continuously optimized, transportation has become greener and low-carbon, and resource utilization efficiency has been greatly improved. Since 2012, the proportion of clean energy consumption in China has increased from 14.5% to 25.5% in 2021, and the proportion of coal consumption has decreased from 68.5% to 56.0%, which has supported an average annual economic growth of 6.6% with an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 3%, and the energy consumption per unit GDP has decreased by 26.4%, making it one of the countries with the fastest energy consumption intensity reduction in the world.

Fourth, actively advocate a green lifestyle. Promote the whole people to raise their awareness of conservation, environmental protection and ecology, consciously practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle, and form a good social atmosphere for promoting green development.

Fifth, the system and mechanism have been further improved. By strengthening the rule of law, strengthening supervision and management, and improving the market-oriented mechanism, we will provide a solid guarantee for green development.

Most of the data in the white paper reflects the situation until the end of 2021, and the relevant data has made new progress in 2022.

Third, China will join hands with the world to build a beautiful earth home.

The earth is the only home for all mankind to live on, and building beautiful homeland is the common dream of mankind. China participated in the agenda of global climate negotiations with a positive and constructive attitude, and made a historic contribution to the conclusion and implementation of the Paris Agreement. Actively carry out South-South cooperation on climate change, promote the joint construction of the Green Belt and Road, and carry out extensive and pragmatic green international cooperation to jointly promote global sustainable development.

The relevant person in charge said that China will unswervingly follow the road of green development, build a harmonious and symbiotic modernization between man and nature, and unite and cooperate with all countries in the world to jointly build a cleaner and more beautiful world.


China film was financed to buy RMB 14 million, and accumulated RMB 48 million in the past three days.

On December 18th, according to the data of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, China films received financing purchase of RMB 14 million, ranking 373rd in the two cities. On that day, the financing repayment amount was RMB 12 million, and the net purchase was RMB 2,178,200.

In the last three trading days, from 14th to 18th, China films received financing to buy RMB 19 million, RMB 16 million and RMB 14 million respectively.

In terms of securities lending, 44,300 shares were sold and 0.67 million shares were bought.


# (Sports) Football

On the same day, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

On October 31st, Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competed with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, the starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, the players of Beijing Normal University celebrated the championship. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)


The eight games with the highest scores this year are the first two faults. Which ones have you played?

This year is a very happy year for all players. Quite a few excellent games have been launched one after another this year, and their favorite games will be released almost every month. Even the founder of TGA lamented some time ago that this year is the biggest game year in the past 20 years. There are more than 20 games with 90 points or above, and each game can compete for the best level of the year 2 or 3 years ago. However, it is hard to get a nomination this year. The following eight games are the most popular and rated games this year, and the top two are ahead of all opponents. Let’s take a look at what you have played this year.

1. Mind killer 2

Average score of MC: 87.

Alan wake was a classic horror survival game in those days. The story tells that a writer named Allen Wake and his wife came to a town called Liangpu for a holiday, during which they encountered various paranormal, such as the disappearance of his wife, and embarked on a strange adventure to save his wife Allen. The name of the game was also named after the male host, and the excellent brain-burning plot and pictures and novel gameplay were well received at that time.

The production team of the game also produced some impressive works in the following years, such as Quantum Breaking, Control, etc. This year’s "killer 2 of Mind" is even more full of players’ expectations. Facts have proved that the sequel to this classic game 13 years ago did not disappoint the players. The game continues the first generation’s high-level narrative and environmental shaping, and the screen is completely the next generation’s level. After many years, players once again experienced the original satisfaction.

2. spider-man 2, Marvel Comics

Average score of MC: 90.

Insomnia group is a model worker in Sony’s first studio. From the first generation of Marvel Comics Spider-Man in 2018 to later Miles and this year’s Marvel Comics spider-man 2, three works with online quality have been produced in just five years. This efficient mode also makes Spider-Man fans enjoy it.

Compared with the first generation, the main story is excellent, and the branch lines and exploration parts are lacking. This time, Marvel Comics spider-man 2 can be said to have made a great improvement in the weaknesses of previous works. First of all, compared with the first generation’s high repetition and slightly perfunctory side tasks, the second generation’s side tasks are a lot of heart. Many tasks have independent plots and animation performances, which is equivalent to watching a short story after completion. Compared with the first generation, the exploration part has also increased a lot of content, and the patterns of spider silk swinging have also enriched a lot.

As for the main plot, not to mention, the performances of various big scenes bombard the players’ eyes from time to time in the game. Whether it is the plot party or the picture party, there are only two words: enjoyable.

3.street fighter 6

Average score of MC: 92.

Fighting games, as a game type with high difficulty in getting started and high learning cost, have always been relatively small, and many players have been dissuaded by its high threshold. Even the best-selling real-life quick-play series in fighting games, most players go for its plot and animation. As for the number of real people playing against it, it can be said that it is terrible compared with other types of games.

This time, "Street Fighter 6" has attracted many new players to a certain extent. First of all, it has joined the exploration gameplay for the first time. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is an RPG model with nurturing elements. Players can explore all parts of the world to complete tasks and get experience rewards and various equipment to enhance the strength of characters. For light players who are not good at fighting, the exploration mode can also let them better understand the world view and plot of Street Fighter. For the old players of fighting games, they can still enjoy the better pictures and animations of the new generation of street fighters.

4. Super Mario Brothers Surprise

Average score of MC: 92.

Although the Super Mario Odyssey of that year made many players who had never been exposed to Mario series know this 40-year-old IP, to say that the foundation of Nintendo is 2D Mario. Just over ten years after the previous generation of 2D Mario was working, at the end of the NS game console’s career, Super Mario Brothers Surprise came.

Personally, as a platform jumping game, I always stay away from 2D Mario. However, this time, the cancellation of time limit and the reduction of difficulty attracted me to into the pit. My personal feeling after the overall play is quite interesting. Every level seems to tell me how big Nintendo’s brain hole is. The unique surprise flower design is also my biggest motivation, because I just want to see what the next surprise flower can do for me.

Another highlight of the game is asynchronous online. Players can see other players who are playing at the same time while playing the level through online mode. They will not interfere with your actions, but after you die in the process of breaking through the barrier, you can turn into a soul state to find them to resurrect, and you can also look at the action routes of other players when looking for some hidden props. This kind of linkage that keeps a sense of distance can be said to be the most perfect online mode in my mind.

5. Resident Evil 4 remastered version

Average score of MC: 93.

The name of Resident Evil 4 must have been heard by even non-biochemical players. Whether it was the honor won in that year or the number of various versions reset over the years, it became a legend. Players can’t count the strange platforms on which they can play this game, but no matter what kind of reset, it can only be regarded as a small optimization, which can’t achieve the qualitative change effect.

This year’s Resident Evil 4 Remastered Edition is a real re-production of this classic game with modern technology. Excellent pictures, smooth optimization, more silky character movements and plot animation all make players unable to find fault. The plot comparison of the game was originally modified, and new play elements similar to the shooting range design in the remastered version were added. The Ada DLC that was subsequently launched further completed the plot of this work. It can be said that these two Biochemical 4 films of different times are legends of their own times.

6. Prime replica of Mitterrand

Average score of MC: 94.

Many players may be unfamiliar with the game Mitterrand, but I believe many players know it by another Chinese name, which is the Galaxy Warrior in the Galaxy Demon City type.

Galaxy Warrior has always been famous for its superb level design. This replica version not only retains the original excellent level design, but also enhances the image quality, and greatly improves the original clumsy operation feel, making it reach the operational level of truly modern FPS games. It also allows many players who are in contact with this game for the first time to better adapt to the gameplay, so as to experience this classic game that is still amazing even after 20 years.

7. The Gate of Bode 3

Average score of MC: 96.

Although this year’s masterpieces are piled up and all kinds of excellent games are crowded together, only two of them really stand out from this pile of masterpieces, and Bode Gate 3 is one of them. The average score of MC of 96 points also makes him stand in the highest position this year.

Speaking of the Bode Gate series, the last Bode Gate 2 was played by me when I was at school 20 years ago, so the decline of CRPG for many years led to the lack of a sequel to Bode Gate. Even when Larian, who had already produced Original Sin 2, took over the sequel of Bode Gate, many players said they were not optimistic.

However, this year’s full version of Bode Gate 3 gives everyone the best explanation. Excellent pictures and animation performances, massive content, interlocking plots and strategic battles together constitute this perfect fantasy world. It can easily devour hundreds of hours of game time of players unconsciously, and when I found this, I started a new day’s game while complaining that one day was wasted on the game. It can be said that the birth of Bode Gate 3 also shows that it is not that the current players don’t like CRPG, but that the previous ones were not fun enough.

8. Tears of the Kingdom of the legend of zelda

Average score of MC: 96.

Apart from Bode Gate 3, another outstanding game this year is Tears of the Kingdom of the legend of zelda. As a sequel to the Wilderness Breath that swept all the awards that year, many players once thought that the Tears of the Kingdom might not make much breakthrough before the release. After all, the previous work was too excellent. The Tears of the Kingdom tells the players with actual quality that the Zelda series has not stood still, but has gone further.

Compared with the breath of the wilderness, Tears of the Kingdom has added a new construction method, which is not only independent of the construction mode outside the game, but can really interact with all the elements in the whole world. In addition, Wang tears abandoned the four abilities of the previous game and adopted four brand-new abilities, which made the gameplay fundamentally different from the previous game. It can be said that there is no height between the tears of the kingdom and the breath of the wilderness. They are two parallel ways of playing in the same world, but they are both excellent enough.

In fact, this year’s excellent games are far more than the above eight models, and there are many excellent games such as the legacy of Hogwarts, the remake of dead space, Traveler 2, Pinocchio’s lies and so on. In previous years, they all had the qualification to participate in the competition for the best of the year. However, in this year’s situation, they may not even be nominated. This unprecedented game event is also a happy worry for players this year. Even if you try your best to play in your spare time, you will find that most games are too late to play. So, players, how many games have you played this year? Who is your best of the year?