Meituan takes a number of measures in response to the "2023 China Farmers’ Harvest Festival" to help agricultural products "leave the village and enter the city"


Meituan takes a number of measures in response to the "2023 China Farmers’ Harvest Festival" to help agricultural products "leave the village and enter the city"

  On the occasion of the sixth Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival, rich and diverse celebrations around the theme of "Celebrating Harvest, Promoting Harmony and Beauty" have also continued across the country. Since September 18, millions of merchants on the Meituan linkage platform have built online consumption promotion special pages through Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market, Meituan Flash Sale and other retail businesses, and invested tens of millions of subsidies to make high-quality and characteristic agricultural products from all over the country popular across the country through online platforms.

  From now on, search for "Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival" on the Meituan App to go directly to the main venue of the event, of which Meituan prefers to start the "Mid-Autumn Festival Super Sale Eating · Yuexiang Moon" online promotion activity from September 18th to September 23rd, explosive products over 29 minus 4 yuan, and focus on the exposure of advantageous resources, providing online sales channels for a variety of seasonal agricultural products such as sunshine rose grapes and soft seed pomegranates, and combining consumers’ demand for seasonal agricultural products during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, launching moon cake gift boxes, wine gift boxes and other related product promotions; from September 18th to September 24th, Meituan market opened the "Mid-Autumn Festival Gift" harvest festival special promotion activities, not only "local top goods" represented by Pinggu Peach It also covers hundreds of agricultural products such as new rice and seasonal fruits.

▲ From now on, search for "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival" on the Meituan App to go directly to the main venue of the event.

  The 2023 Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival Golden Autumn Consumption Season was launched in Beijing on September 8. Meituan brought its Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market, Fast Donkey Purchase and other businesses to participate in offline exhibitions, showcasing high-quality agricultural products from all over the world achieved through the Meituan platform, and Meituan’s specific measures in helping rural employment and training e-commerce leaders.

  "Under the guidance of government departments at all levels, Meituan has taken concrete actions to participate in the process of helping the country’s rural revitalization, helping high-quality agricultural products to rise, and helping farmers increase employment and income." Meituan’s relevant person in charge said that in the future, it will continue to use technology to help agricultural products rise, drive farmers to increase income and become rich, and contribute to precise production and marketing docking, e-commerce talent training and other aspects. 

  "Local top goods" help agricultural products "go out of the village and into the city" to expand new consumption scenarios

  During the Farmers’ Harvest Festival, in the live stream of Meituan market, consumers can place orders while watching, and staff can pick and pack fresh fruits from the field to the table, which can be delivered in as little as 30 minutes.

  It is reported that Meituan market launched the "local top goods" plan in 2022. At present, there are more than 300 kinds of "local top goods" such as Beijing Panggezhuang watermelon, Shanghai Nanhui peach, Guangzhou Zengcheng lychee, etc., which are supported by traffic support, bulk procurement, and direct source mining. These regional agricultural products not only achieve mature picking, but also complete the full link of production and sales within one day, so that users and farmers can benefit at the same time. The new instant retail system built by live streaming, 30-minute distribution, and full cold chain capabilities is opening up a convenient channel for more local characteristic agricultural products to "leave the village and enter the city", opening up a new path for the innovative development of local specialties.

  The story of farmers getting rich is also hidden behind the batches of regional characteristic agricultural products that go to all parts of the country. "I belong to the’second generation of melon farmers’. In addition to inheriting the melon planting technology of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I want to find a good market and let the melon farmers get rich." Chen Binwen, head of Shanghai Li’s Vegetable and Fruit Professional Cooperative, calculated such an account. After the Meituan market’s "local top goods" source direct mining base was launched, local farmers took over 20 acres of land from the cooperative. Each year, only from January to August, during the watermelon planting and listing season, you can get about 400,000 yuan.

  "At present, there are more than 450 direct procurement suppliers in Meituan market alone, nearly 400 direct connection bases, and more than 100 digital ecological origins." The relevant person in charge of Meituan market said that in the future, by increasing the direct procurement of high-quality agricultural products from the source, it will help improve the quality of agricultural products and standardize production. At the same time, it will use its own system of agricultural product supply chain efficiency to improve, speed up distribution, shorten the chain of agricultural products from origin to table, and allow more "local top goods" to connect to the big market, so that citizens’ vegetable baskets are richer and farmers’ money bags are more weighty.

  "Tomorrow’s Supermarket" will speed up again to promote the organic connection between "small farmers" and "big markets"

  On August 25, Yingjie Village, Xiaochangshan Island Town, Changhai County, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, was listed on the list of "China’s Beautiful Leisure Village in 2023". Yingjie Village Kelilai Store owner is the manager of Meituan Preferred Store. His "new rural convenience store" has a wide range of fresh groceries. Yunnan flowers, Shaanxi Dali winter jujube, etc. can be transported to the island through Meituan Preferred. Villagers and tourists can "place an order on demand and pick it up by themselves before noon the next day".

  It is understood that in the first half of this year, Meituan preferred to increase procurement efforts nationwide to improve the efficiency of the online circulation chain of agricultural products. In terms of improving consumer experience, through localized collection and distribution, shortening logistics links, etc., to meet the needs of urban and rural consumers for "convenience". By the middle of the year, Meituan preferred more than 900 kinds of fresh daily miscellaneous goods, an increase of more than 40% year-on-year. At the same time, Meituan preferred "Mingda Supermarket" to speed up again, reaching noon in the afternoon. More agricultural products can go out of the origin and quickly reach the tables of consumers in 2,000 cities and counties.

  In addition, during the Farmers’ Harvest Festival, Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market and other retail businesses were launched in many places across the country to assist farmers in training, production and marketing docking and other activities. With the support of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Management Cadre College of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the China Agricultural Products Market Association jointly organized the training of suppliers of high-quality agricultural products from the origin. Many farmers’ cooperatives, rural collective economic organizations, trade and circulation enterprises, agricultural enterprises, e-commerce enterprises and the main body of the construction project of refrigeration and preservation facilities in the origin of agricultural products in Shandong Province will participate in the training, taking the training as a breakthrough point to promote the organic connection between "small farmers" and "big markets".


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